
By Slave Bear

Published on Jun 16, 2022


This is a Gay, Authoritarian story, you can use my email address and I accept the terms. I encourage everyone that reads and enjoys this story to consider supporting to support the archivist and keep the archive online. You can learn more here:

As a note to the reader, while characters in this story are over eighteen and consenting adults, the narrative contains descriptions of bondage, oral and anal sex, extreme body modification, bestiality, and various forms of domination and submission. If any of these acts offend you or are illegal to read where you reside, please move on. This is a work of fiction. Any resemblance to actual persons, living or dead, events or locales is entirely coincidental.

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Transformed - Chapter 24: Teal and White

Chris got off the bus and stretched. It had been a long ride from Dallas, but his journey was almost over. He was nervous but excited. The boy had first reached out to the man he met online a month ago. Recently unemployed and lacking any other options, he was facing living on the streets before the dominant offered to take him in, feed, and care for him. He promised the boy multiple orgasms a day and a life of leisure. That intrigued the boy. His sex drive was already through the roof, and when he wasn't banging any cute guy he could find, he was jacking off three times a day. All he had to do was sell off everything he owned and agree to live on the man's farm. The first part was easy. He didn't have much to begin with, but he had never lived in the country, and it would be an adventure.

Chris was twenty years old and a husky furball with big, hairy feet and hands. At just under five foot five inches in height, he had often been called an Ewok in school. His light brown body hair was so dense that even his shirt and pants stuck out from his body. He had let his thick beard grow out over the past year, but he trimmed it back to be presentable for the man taking him in.

"Howdy!" said another boy as he got off the bus and sat down next to Chris on a bench. "You from around here?"

"No, I'm moving to live at a local farm. My name is Chris."

"I'm Tad," the boy replied.

Tad had deep blue eyes and short, sandy-colored hair. He was in his twenties and of average height. He obviously worked out, and his chest was broad and thick. A thin coating of body hair covered his muscled arms, and he had a deep, graveled voice. What got Chris's attention, though, was the size of his package. He looked like he was about to bust out of his jeans. Tad caught him looking, and he smiled as he groped himself.

"I see you noticed little Tad."

Chris blushed.

"I'm a top, but I love to suck cock, and that seems hardly little from what is poking out!"

"Eight uncut inches and guaranteed to thrill a guy or a lady," Tad said. "I never really cared which. Though the man I am going to see promised me so many orgasms, my big balls will be dry."

"Richard?" Chris asked.

"Yeah!" Tad replied with a laugh. "You going there, too?"

Chris laughed.

"Yes. I'm from Dallas."

"Wichita, Kansas, here," Tad replied. "Grew up on a farm, so this is all home to me."

"I'm a city boy myself," Chris replied.

"And you look like a pretty hairy one!" Tad added.

Chris laughed.

"It is great insulation in the winter, but hell in the Texas heat. Still, the guys always loved me. A cuddly pocket cub with a big dick goes a long way. Well, I'm not as big as you, but being short, my seven inches looks like a third leg."

Tad grinned.

"Proportions matter."

"Why did you come out here?" Chris asked.

"Not much else to do back home," Tad replied. "And I kinda got into trouble with the law."

"Can I ask?" Chris responded.

"I got caught breaking and entering with a friend, and then I got drunk and let some cows loose on the neighbor's farm," Tad said. "One thing led to another, and I had to leave town. My judgment skills are not the best."

"I can relate," Chris replied.

"What brings you here?" Tad asked.

"I was out of money and options," Chris said. "I got evicted from the apartment I was in after being laid off from work. I'm not the brightest bulb, either. But I wanted to avoid living in a cardboard box. I'm nervous, but the guy seemed nice."

"Free room and board and a promise of constant sex?" Tad replied. "I didn't need much convincing."

"Yeah, but he was pretty dodgy on other aspects of the arrangement," Chris said.

"True, but you are here," Tad replied.

"Yeah," Chris responded.

The two talked for about fifteen minutes before a truck drove up and a window rolled down. A large, older man who looked ex-military with his crew cut and stern appearance leaned over.

"Chris and Tad?" the man asked.

"That is us!" the boys replied.

"Grab your things and jump in, then. My name is George. Richard asked me to pick you up."

The boys had no luggage. They had just the clothes on their back and the check made out to Richard that was the sum total of their possessions they had sold off. Chris got in first to sit in the middle, and Tad sat next to him. The ride to the farm took about twenty minutes. The cityscape changed to rolling hills, forests, and dairy farms. Tad felt at home, and Chris was just happy about the change in scenery. It was nearing sundown when they finally arrived at Richard's farm, and they were both tired and hungry as the truck pulled to a stop. George let them out and then led them around to the back of the house, where the basement door was open. The boys were both apprehensive when they were shown the stairs into the dungeon, but George promised to leave the door open if they wanted to go at any time.

"I hope the master's sex pad does not scare you off," George said. "We did promise a lot of orgasms happen around here."

Tad laughed.

"It is a little creepy, but I'm ok."

"Yeah," Chris replied. "But can we eat?"

"Absolutely," George replied. "I need you to sign some contracts first, but I have some bagged dinners right here for you on this table. Inside you will find a sandwich, salad, fruit, and a special nutritional shake. Be sure to finish it all. Richard will be coming to meet you later this evening."

"Oh, I will definitely be eating it all," Chris said as he opened the bag and inspected the contents. "Thanks!"

"Can we have time to read over the contracts before signing?" Tad asked.

"I will be honest," George replied. "It is a lot of legalese. Basically, it states you agree to work on the farm here, and Richard agrees to take care of you, feed you, and make sure no lasting harm comes to you. You need to be covered as much as he is in this arrangement."

"I'm ok with that," Chris replied. "I'm too famished to read anything anyway."

George watched as Chris and then Tad signed their contracts. He then collected them and smiled as he prepared to leave.

"I'll close the door, but it will be unlatched. I'll check on you again shortly."

"Thanks!" Chris replied as he sat down to eat.

George ascended the stairs and then joined Richard in the office on the main floor as they watched the two boys on a closed-circuit camera system.

"How long will it take for the drug in that drink to knock them out?" George asked.

"Less than a half-hour," Richard replied. "And they will stay out till it is time for the ceremony. I'll have Gimp go down and undress them and bind them to the two chairs we will use. Charles will be here later to perform their throat procedures to remove their ability to talk."

"Is there a reason you require that?" George asked.

"It is just easier that way," Richard replied as he sat back and smoked a cigar.

He was naked, and his hard cock was being sucked on by Pig.

"It takes a while for the drugs to lower their IQ, and I could care less what they have to say," Richard said. "All I need is their sperm. It helps them bond with the other cattle when they have to learn new ways to communicate."

Pig grunted as he tasted a spurt of precum, and Richard growled as he felt the boy hit a good spot. A knock on the door distracted the man, and he looked up to see Sub in the doorway.

"Ahh, there you are," Richard replied. "Gunny needs his balls drained."

"Yes, Sir!" Sub replied as he kneeled on the floor facing George.

George smiled as he unbuttoned his jeans and pushed them to the floor. His low-hanging balls spilled out, and his semi-hard, thick cock pointed skyward.

"Turn around, boy," George said. "Get on all fours. I'm using your other hole."

Sub smiled as he turned around and shook his ass at the man. His full, caged balls swung below him. They had started to enlarge since he arrived at the farm as his cock had shrunk, thanks to the drug cocktail he was given, but he was still getting used to not experiencing the pleasure of an orgasm.

George kicked off his boots and pulled his pants off as he crouched behind the boy. His cock began to drip as he used his thumb to rub the boy's hole.

"Damn, he is still tight," George replied.

"Yeah," Richard said as he grabbed some lube on his desk. "Use this. It will help."

Richard tossed the bottle to George, who squeezed out some of the slick fluid and pushed it into Sub. The boy groaned as the man's thumb slid inside him.

"That's a boy," George said. "Open up for Gunny."

Sub put his face on the floor and arched his ass up, showing his readiness to be fucked. George grinned as he used more lube on his shaft, which had plumped up and thickened. He placed the head of his cock on the boy's pucker and then leaned forward to put his hands on the boy's shoulders as he pushed inside.

George was girthier than Richard, and Sub moaned loudly as the man shoved inside him.


"That's a boy," George said as he moved his hips forward and balanced on his big feet.

The man pulled on the boy's shoulders to push him back on his cock.

"Damn, you remind me of Sargent Kelly," George growled.

Richard laughed as he face-fucked Pig.

"Lord, I forgot about that hot piece of ass. He sure made the deployment easier to handle."

"He kept my balls emptied!" George moaned as he held himself deep in the boy.

When the man started to buck his hips, Sub could feel George's testicles as they swung forward and hit his caged ones. The boy's body rocked back and forth, and he closed his eyes and gritted his teeth to work through the pain as his ass was split in two.

George fucked hard and fast in his crouched position. He was balanced perfectly as his hips flew back and forth, and he held on firmly to the boy below him. As his dick slid in and out, the impact of his groin against Sub's ass echoed in the room. Richard was enjoying the view. It had been years since he saw his friend fuck, and it was always a turn-on. Pig could taste the flow of precum as it shot out of his master's cock, and he gulped it down as fast as possible. Richard did not last long, though. Only five minutes after George started to pound Sub, Richard blew his load down Pig's throat. He gripped the boy's face and pulled him so far forward that the boy's neck expanded as his cock went deep.

"Fuck yeah!" George growled as he began to swing hard and fuck Sub so forcefully that the boy was having difficulty staying still.

Sub's ass was on fire, and he began to yelp with each forward penetration. George did not seem to care, however. Sweat built on his chest as it heaved back and forth, and his big feet kept adjusting to keep his balance. As his balls continued to swing and impact the boy, a warmth started to build. When his orgasm crested, he lifted his head to the ceiling and screamed, and Sub cried out simultaneously. Thick ropes of cum filled the boy's ass as Sub's balls drained through the cage and onto the floor.

"Damn, you fucked the sperm right out of that boy!" Richard exclaimed. "Sub, you better thank Gunny!"

"Thank you, Sir!" Sub groaned. "Thank you for letting me pleasure you!"

"Fuck!" George groaned as his head flew down and landed on his chest.

He breathed heavily as he put his weight on the boy's back. Sub tried to maintain his stance, but the force was impressive. When George finally pulled out and fell back into his chair, Sub collapsed onto the floor and right into the puddle of his cum.

"Be sure to clean up that fucking mess you made on the floor before you go, boy," Richard said. "I don't want slave spunk messing up my hardwoods."

"Yes, Sir," Sub groaned as he tried to catch his breath.

Richard tossed George a towel, and the man caught it and rubbed his chest down before wiping his face.

"Fuck I needed that."

"I figured," Richard replied as Pig finished cleaning his cock and stepped back into the corner.

Sub pulled himself to his hands and knees again. He rolled his eyes and then grunted as he felt the pain in his ass as cum leaked out of it. He reached back and rubbed his hole before moving around and putting his face on the floor to lick his cum up. When the floor was clean, he stood and turned to face the exhausted men.

"May I be of any other service, Sirs?"

"No," Richard said. "Go prepare for the ceremony."

"Yes, Sir!" Sub replied as he turned and left.

Night had fallen, and the candles were lit on the altar. The jars containing the cocks of Lucas and Pig and the balls of Gimp had been shown to the two new bull candidates, who were bound and naked in their wooden chairs. They had groaned into their gags when they saw them and knew they were in deep when their clothes were burned in front of them by Richard, who was wearing his horned headgear. Next to him, George had assisted with the ceremony. Both men were impressively built and smoked on fat cigars in the dim room.

Richard had explained that their former lives were over, and they were now going to be well cared for bulls. He detailed the transformation process they would be going through. How they would lose their ability to speak, how they would be made into hairy, muscled, sperm-producing machines, and how they would be milked several times a day to produce the special ingredient in Lighting Boost.

Chris was visibly shaking, but it was evident that Tad was turned on, as his massive cock was hard as a rock. Richard smiled as he reviewed his recruits. He handed the branding iron to George, who heated it in the furnace behind them. While he did so, Gimp administered sedatives to the boys. When the iron was red hot, Chris's bindings were removed. Chad, who was naked and displaying his chastity device, stood and walked over with Gimp. They then carried the boy to the fuck bench and held him down as George seared the circle R into the boy's furry ass. Chris screamed into his gag and nearly passed out as he was brought back to his chair and bound again. Tad was next. The boy put up no fight and only moaned when he was branded.

"Welcome to my farm," Richard said as he picked up two tags and a device.

He crossed over and stood in front of Chris first.

"Your new names will correspond to the color of your ear tags," Richard said as he grabbed the boy's ear cartilage and secured the plastic square with the bar code on it in place with a metal piercing.

"You will be known as White," Richard said to Chris. "Hopefully, you will last longer than the last bull tagged with that color."

Richard then moved to Tad and clamped the second tag onto the boy's ear.

"And you will now be known as Teal," Richard said as he stepped back. "I am the owner and master of this farm. George, here is your manager. He will take care of you and be responsible for you. After your operation, you will be sent to live with the rest of your bull brothers. Get to know them. Blue is the alpha of the pack. Be sure you treat him with respect. It will take some time for you to learn how to communicate with us. Slave, Sub, and Shit will be here to assist you. Please avoid trying to mouth words or talk. Humans talk. You are now bulls."

The boys groaned and their heads tilted back and forth as the drugs made them woozy.

"It is now time to put you out for your procedures," Richard continued. "Your first milking will be in the morning."

Richard motioned to Gimp, who administered a drug to knock them out and then gave them a double dose of the udder-growing serum. Chad then assisted as they were removed from their chairs and laid on the floor until Charles arrived to paralyze their vocal cords.

"We can handle things from here," George said to the room. "Ralph, please escort the bulls and boys to the barn for the evening milking. Pup, Pig, and Gimp, you are excused to return to the house.

"Yes, Sir," the group replied as they rose to leave.

"And Pup," Richard added. "Brutus is in a mood. Please offer your tail to be knotted before you both get in your cages."

"Yes, Sir!" Pup replied.

"Well, what did you think?" Richard said to George as he turned on the lights and smoked.

"It was pretty amazing," George said as he picked up the jar containing Pig's cock. "And you removed this thing from that toy of yours? I mean, it was more impressive than mine!"

Richard laughed.

"He's just a hole now. And he is a damn good one at that."

George smiled as he put the jar down and puffed on his cigar.

"Sub has a nice ass too. I enjoyed breeding him. Been a while since I had a good tail."

"Well, now you can have it as much as you want!"

George winked at the man as they smoked.

"He won't be tight for long, then."

Chris felt a warm mass next to him. He opened his eyes and noticed it was pitch black. His throat was sore, and he reached up and touched the bandages around his neck. As his eyes adjusted, he saw that moonlight was cascading in from a window on the far side of the room. Around him, there appeared to be massive beasts lying on mounds of hay. One of them was right beside him, and he could feel the coarse hair that covered its body. He looked down and saw he was naked, and he sat up to try to clear his mind. It was then that the memories of the past few hours came back to him.

A hand touched his back, and Chris spun around and saw that Tad had been lying behind him. The boy was also naked and had his neck bandaged. Tad smiled and sat up. Chris watched as the boy's face contorted as he tried to speak and felt pain.

"I can't talk either," Chris mouthed to Tad.

Tad reached back and felt the brand on his ass and groaned.

"So, it was real," Tad mouthed.

Chris nodded.

The red-haired beast next to Chris grunted loudly and turned onto its back. As it did, the boys saw the massive udder between its legs. Tad's eyes widened, and he gasped, and Chris covered his mouth.

"Fuck!" Tad mouthed.

Chris looked at Tad.

"Is that what we will look like?" he mouthed.

"Fuck!" Tad mouthed again.

They looked around and saw that the room contained four beasts. Chris and Tad had been placed near the wall in one of the only available spaces left in the room. Each of the beasts were lying on a mound of hay, and they had blankets that partially covered their bodies. Some of them were snoring, but the others were silently snoozing. There was a distinctive odor in the room as well. It smelled of man musk. Not overpowering, but like what you would experience in a locker room.

"I'm scared," Chris mouthed.

"I am, too," Tad replied.

The boys watched the beasts for several minutes before Tad reached out and invited Chris to lay next to him. As Chris took the little spoon position, Tad put his arms around the boy, and they tried to get some rest. They awoke again when the beasts began to stir. The sun was not yet up, but the morning light was in the sky.

The red-haired beast struggled to get to its feet. Its udder looked heavy, and it had to waddle to walk around. They watched as the other beasts got up and moved to leave out of the open door opposite them. Tad kept his arms around Chris as he decided what to do next. It was then that a figure appeared in the doorway.

The young man looked to be about their age. He had light-colored scruff on his face and wore some overalls and a shirt.

"Time to wake up, White and Teal," Chad called out. "Stand up and come out here."

Tad and Chris looked at each other and then stood. They both put their hands over their crotches as they neared the door, and Chad smiled.

"No need to hide yourselves," Chad replied. "You were selected because you were hung and virile men. Don't be ashamed of that. Follow me."

Chad turned, and Chris walked out first, followed by Tad. The morning air was cool, and they quickly caught up with the young man as he headed for a large barn. Upon entering, the boys saw the beasts climbing into stalls with their asses hanging out the back. Their enormous shafts were being placed into tubes between their legs by two naked boys.

"Teal and White, the boy with the chastity cage on is Sub, and the one with just balls is Slave. My name is Chad. We will be your handlers as you get adjusted to life here."

"And I am Ralph!" A thin man said as he appeared from the back of the barn. "Teal, your stall is down here."

Chris and Tad looked confused, and Chad reached out to Tad and touched his shoulder.

"Don't forget. Your name is Teal now. Go over to Ralph. He will help you."

Tad looked at Chris and reached out to hold his hand.

"Don't worry," Chad replied. "White will be in good hands with me. I promise no harm will come to either of you. In fact, you are in for some real pleasure this morning."

Tad squeezed Chris's hand and then let go and walked down to the other side of the barn. While he did so, Chad pointed to the first stall to the right. There was a padded bench inside it, much like a fuck bench. Behind it, there was a tube, similar to the ones that the beast's shafts had been inserted into, but it was smaller and more human-sized. Chad patted the leather cover and smiled.

"I need you to mount this bench and slide forward. I will help put your udder in place."

Chris looked confused, and Chad laughed.

"That is what we call your cock. Get on the bench. We had to adjust it for your smaller frame and shorter stature, but I think it will be fine."

Chris turned and climbed onto the wooden structure. Surprisingly, it felt comfortable as he rested his hairy chest on the middle support and put his arms and legs on the lower ones. He felt Chad's hands on his ass and then on his cock as he slid forward. It had been two days since he last came, and it involuntarily started to fill with blood as it was manipulated.

"Good," Chad replied as he slid it into the tube. "It looks like you are already getting hard."

Chad reached up and pulled a strap over the boy's back and secured it tightly around him so that he could not get up.

"Now, don't panic," Chad said as he latched the strap. "This is so that you don't move. Your cock needs to stay in that tube, and you are in a perfect position right now. I know you cannot talk, but I want you to give me a thumbs-up if you are comfortable."

Chris took a breath, held up his thumb, and then lowered his head.

"Good," Chad replied.

In the back of the barn, Ralph was helping Tad into place. The bench had to be adjusted some for his body, and the tube had to be repositioned once Ralph saw the size of the boy's cock as it became erect.

"I think we underestimated how hung this bull is!" Ralph replied as he patted Tad's branded ass.

The sound of the machines whirring filled the rooms as the beasts began their milking session. Tad's head shot up, and he tried to look around, and he felt Ralph pat his back and comfort him.

"Calm down, Teal. You hear the machines we use on our bulls, like yourself. Your udder has been placed into a receptacle. When I turn this switch, you will feel your shaft gripped and massaged. The goal is to get you to a point where you have an intense orgasm and shoot lots of cum."

Tad could barely believe his ears as Ralph described the procedure. When the switch was thrown, and he felt the machine grip him, he moaned. It was like a silk hand was stroking him. His shaft filled in the tube, and he closed his eyes and enjoyed the sensation.

Chris was in bliss, as well, as the machine worked on him. His feet began to curl and shake as he felt the rhythmic pulses in his groin.

"Look at those hooves!" Chad replied. "I told you it would feel great!"

Chris smiled as he took in a deep breath and focused on the moment and tried to forget what else had happened to him. It was then that he felt a brush run down his legs.

"Damn!" Chad exclaimed. "Normally, we have to wait to do this till you have transformed a bit more, but you already have quite the coating of fur. You will be a true beast when all is said and done!"

Behind Tad, the boy heard a metal stool move around and then he felt the hands of Ralph on his feet. Something cool was being applied. It felt slick, like some sort of cream and the bull attempted to raise his head and turn around, but the strap around his waist was too tight.

"Now, don't move, Teal!" Ralph shouted. "I need to make sure your hooves are coated with this stuff. It will cause your skin to thicken, so you can develop calluses to prevent injury as you are roaming around the farm. After all, you won't be wearing clothing for the rest of your life!"

Tad groaned as he laid back down and accepted what was happening to him. His cock was being treated to one of the most pleasant feelings he had ever experienced. The machine had increased its suction, and as his shaft had engorged, a slurping sound could be heard between his legs. He squeezed his ass to force his groin forward as it ramped up, and Ralph laughed.

"Now you are feeling it!"

Chad was brushing Chris's back now. The boy could hardly believe he was being groomed like an animal. But he could not deny that the milking machine was pure bliss. He relaxed and spread his legs more as his shaft pushed deeper and the suction increased. His hands gripped the leather of the bench, and his breathing increased. He knew it would not be long. His balls had started to feel heavy, and he closed his eyes when they lifted. As his cock exploded into the tube, a rush of endorphins flooded his brain, and he tried to scream. However, no sound emanated from his mouth.

"There you go, White!" Chad exclaimed. "That is a hell of a load for a first-timer! Look at this, Sub!"

"Impressive!" Sub replied from behind.

Tad grunted only a few minutes later. His body shook as his orgasm came next. The machine struggled against his long meat as it pulled the thick, white fluids away and down to the waiting receptacle below.

"Good boy, Teal!" Ralph replied as he squeezed the bull's hooves. "Well done!"

Chris's body heaved as the last of his cum shot out. He felt the head rush next and expected the machine to be turned off. But it kept sucking. He had always been sensitive after orgasming, and as the tube continued to pull at his shaft, he began to struggle and pull against his restraints.

"Now, hold still, White!" Chad replied as he stood up and leaned over the bull. "You have to stay there!"

Chris was having none of it. His cock was overstimulated, and he needed a rest. Chad struggled to keep the bull still.

"Sub, help!"

Sub came over quickly and grabbed onto one side of Chris while Chad held the other. Try as the bull might, there was no going anywhere. He started to cry as the machine relentlessly continued to suck. Eventually, however, the sensations faded, and he submitted. As his body went limp, the boys stepped back.

"I know how sensitive you can be after cumming," Chad replied. "But you have to let the machine do its work. You will be on there till you are shooting blanks."

Tad was not as sensitive, and he was enjoying the additional attention the machine was giving him. He groaned as his shaft engorged a second time.

"I don't think we will have trouble with this one," Ralph said. "He is a natural breeder."

Chris and Tad shot their second loads within about fifteen minutes, but it took another twenty to get the third. For both of them, the volume was very light at the end, and the machines were turned off after the fluids were removed. Ralph then helped Tad to his hooves as Chad did the same for Chris. Their groins were then wiped down with a damp cloth, and they were sent to the entrance to the barn. George was waiting there. He had shown up to see how the new bulls were settling in, and he smiled as they approached.

"Well, did you enjoy your milking?" George asked.

The two bulls nodded and smiled.

"Eventually, you will be milked four times a day," George replied. "However, it will take several months for the drugs to enhance your balls to the point you can handle that. In the meantime, we will limit you to morning and evening sessions. White, your handler for the next month or so will be Shit, and Ralph will be yours, Teal. Eventually, you will be cared for by Sub and Slave. Do you understand?"

The boys nodded again, and George pointed to the house.

"We will go back inside, and I will show you where you will be served breakfast. After that, you will be given your tattoos. White, I am afraid we will have to shave that wonderful fur off your chest to make that happen, but it will grow back."

"What tattoo?" Tad mouthed.

"No words," George replied. "Remember, cattle don't speak. But, in answer to your question, you will be tattooed with the word Bull across your chest. It helps to signify your role on the farm."

Chris put his hands over his chest and looked down, and George smiled.

"Come on, bulls. Let's eat. We need to replace all that protein you just shot out!"

As the two left with the big man, Chad turned to Sub.

"I think they will fit in fine."

"Yeah," Sub replied. "And I have to admit that White is a total cutie."

"Agreed," Chad said with a wink.

Next: Chapter 25

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