
By Slave Bear

Published on Jun 14, 2022


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As a note to the reader, while characters in this story are over eighteen and consenting adults, the narrative contains descriptions of bondage, oral and anal sex, extreme body modification, bestiality, and various forms of domination and submission. If any of these acts offend you or are illegal to read where you reside, please move on. This is a work of fiction. Any resemblance to actual persons, living or dead, events or locales is entirely coincidental.

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Transformed - Chapter 23: Gunny

George got out of his truck and pulled on his boots before putting on his hat and surveying the farm. He had recently retired from the Army, where he had been a drill sergeant and trained many soldiers over the years, including Richard. They had first met in boot camp, and George knew he liked the man from the first moment he saw him. Richard made the perfect soldier. He was tough, followed orders, and didn't care what the mission was or who he had to kill as long as it involved getting dirty and firing some guns. They had become friends during Richard's first tour overseas, and when Richard set up his business, George was one of his first customers.

As the large, muscled man walked towards the house, the door opened, and Gimp appeared and smiled.

"Welcome back, Sir!" Gimp replied.

"Thank you, boy," George replied as he removed his hat and walked inside. "I'm looking forward to seeing how this place runs and getting the lay of the land."

"Master is waiting for you in his office," Gimp said.

"I know the way," George said as he turned and headed down the hall.

When the man reached the threshold, he saw Pig at Richard's feet. Richard was in his jeans and a t-shirt, but the boy had removed the man's boots and socks and was massaging his soles as Richard leaned back and moaned in pleasure.

"Now that looks like a good perk!" George replied.

"Gunny!" Richard said as he opened his eyes and pulled his feet from Pig. "So glad you made it!"

Richard stood and walked over to hug the man and then pointed to an empty chair. As George sat down, Richard retook his seat in front of Pig.

"Yeah, Pig is my personal pleasure tool," Richard said. "I hope you don't mind, but I don't share him."

"Not a problem!" George said with a laugh. "Besides, it sounds like there are plenty of other boys around if I have needs."

"Indeed," Richard replied with a grin.

"So, what is the plan today?" George asked.

"Well, I want to introduce you to all the various slaves and beasts here on the farm and let you familiarize yourself with what goes on," Richard said. "I have no doubt you will figure out how to make things run smoother and more efficient."

"How is the addition coming along?" George asked.

"We should have the barn finished in another month," Richard said.

"And you have new bulls coming?" George asked.

"Yes," Richard said. "I have two new boys that I have been talking to that will be coming to the farm next week. They should make good additions to the heard, so you will be in charge of their transformations."

"I am anxious to see how that process works," George replied. "It is simply amazing that your bulls were once human boys. And what about that nephew of yours?"

"He is currently working with the slaves in the barn," Richard said. "I would like you to treat him like any new grunt. He needs whipped into shape and given a purpose. He's been taking supplements that have made him horny and has not been diligent about his exercising and health. For the time being, he is being kept in chastity and on drugs that prevent him from experiencing the pleasure of an orgasm. I would like to see his body and mind built up to reflect my gene pool. But I'll leave his fate in your hands. Find a place for him."

"Very well," George said. "I've already thought about it since you told me about him."

"Oh?" Richard asked.

"Your eunuch keeps the house running smoothly," George said. "I see no reason why Chad can't be tasked to similarly handle all the menial tasks that need to be done around here, under my direct supervision, of course."

"Work will be good for him," Richard said. "The more, the better. Just keep an eye on him."

"Oh, you know I will," George replied.

"Actually, you can help me with him today," Richard continued.

"How so?" George replied.

"I've had the boy's sperm analyzed," Richard said. "Surprisingly, I've been told it has high mobility and potency and will make good seed for artificial insemination. He needs to be driven down the road to my friend Charles's house for a collection. He will need to go there twice a week for the next six months."

"Planning on some kids?" George said with a smile.

"Hopefully, ones that are smarter than he is," Richard said with a grin. "Charles can make the collection without removing the boy's chastity device, so just take him there at about 2 pm today."

"Not a problem," George said. "Do you have someone willing to be a surrogate?"

"George said that is all taken care of," Richard replied. "I am leaving the whole process in his hands."

"Sounds like a plan," George replied.

"Can I offer you a drink or anything?" Richard asked.

"No," George replied. "I'd like to start making my rounds."

"Very well, Gunny," Richard said. "You can head over to the barn."

"Excellent," George said as he stood.

"And feel free to have Sub take care of you later if you need some release," Richard said. "He's my newest slave and will treat you well."

"I will!" George replied as he stood and left.

The sun was just coming up over the horizon as George stepped out onto the porch and put a wad of tobacco in his lip. As the hit of nicotine hit his system, he took in a deep breath and adjusted the bulge in his jeans before walking over to the barn. As he opened the door, he saw the beasts in their stalls with the milking apparatus attached to their giant udders, sucking away. Blue was to his immediate left, and Sub was grooming the pack's alpha. Farther back, Red was being brushed by Ralph, and across from him, Slave was tending to Green. In the farthest stall, next to Green, was Bull, and Chad was just sitting down behind him.

"Well, it seems like things are going well in here!" George replied as he spat on the floor.

Everyone turned and stood as the large man smiled back.

"Don't get up," George said as he gestured with his hands. "I am your new manager. I don't start officially till Monday. Today, I am just here to observe."

"Good to have you on board!" Ralph said as he walked over and shook the man's hands. "The boys here were looking forward to meeting you today."

"Excellent!" George replied. "How is the production coming along today?"

"The bulls are having a good morning!" Ralph replied. "One more load from each of them, and we will be done with this milking session."

George smiled and walked over to Blue. He bent over to watch as the device pulled and sucked on the massive cock that hung from the beast. Sub looked up at the man and smiled.

"I see you are Sub from your tattoo," George replied.

"Yes, Sir," Sub said.

"And which beast is this?" George asked.

"This is Blue, Sir," Sub replied. "It is the leader of the group. The ginger-colored one to my right is Red. Green is over there behind Slave, and Chad is tending to the oldest one, Bull."

George grinned as he looked down at the boy and saw his chastity cage and leaky nub. A stream of precum hung from the tip and extended to the floor. Below, his stretched balls were hanging under a heavy steel band tightly bound around his scrotum.

"Looks like you are making a mess on the floor there, boy!"

Sub looked down and then back up at George and smiled.

"Yes, Sir. That is normal for me. I am given injections to prevent me from experiencing the pleasure of an orgasm. That plus being caged all the time keeps me dripping."

"As a good boy should be," George said as he walked over to Lucas.

"Yes, Sir," Sub replied as he turned to continue to groom Blue.

"And you are Slave, yes?" George asked as he stood next to the boy.

"Yes, Sir!" Lucas replied as he looked up.

"Stand for a moment and let me look at you," George said.

Lucas put his brush down and stood at attention as the man inspected his body.

"There is not a hair on you!" George remarked.

"No, Sir," Lucas replied. "Master had me denuded before he emasculated me. I was his original pet before Pig came to the farm."

"I see," George replied as he reached down and felt Lucas's large balls. "But, I see you still have your family jewels."

"Yes, Sir," Lucas replied. "Master enhanced them. They are about three times the size they were when I came here. It keeps me horny like Sub, but I leak out of the reroute in the back of my balls."

"All these leaky boys!" George replied as he smiled. "You can sit and go back to work."

Lucas nodded as George continued to the back of the barn. Chad was working quietly to get knots out of the hair on Bull's legs.

"You must be Chad," George said.

Chad looked up and took a breath.

"Yes," Chad replied.

"Yes, Sir, boy!" George shouted. "Stand at attention!"

Chad immediately got to his feet, and George got very close to his face.

"Back straight, feet together, and hands behind your back!" George bellowed. "Now, soldier!"

Chad snapped into position and stared forward.

"You will hate me for the next few months, boy!" George barked. "I am going to be your worst nightmare. I am here to break you and to start that process, you are going to be up at 4:30 am every morning running laps around the property before your duties start. After the morning milking is over, I want you out in the yard, ready to exercise and run drills with me. Then, in the afternoon, we will work out in the gym until your muscles are on fire and you start to scream for your momma. I will beat that body of yours into shape until you are built like a brick chicken house."

"Yes, Sir," Chad replied.

"I can't hear you!" George shouted.

"Yes, Sir!" Chad shouted.

"Better," George replied as he stepped back. "Your Uncle tells me you need an attitude adjustment, so we will work on that, too. Do you understand me, boy?"

"Yes, Sir!" Chad shouted.

George spat on the floor and smiled.

"I'm told that dick of yours is locked up like Sub's, and you are being given the same drugs to prevent the pleasure of orgasm."

"Yes, Sir!" Chad replied. "I am, Sir."

"So, you are no longer a man, correct?" George asked.

"No, Sir! Chad replied. "I am not, Sir!"

"In fact, you are basically shit, right?" George asked.

"Yes, Sir," Chad replied.

"Well, then your name is Shit now," George replied.

"Yes, Sir!" Chad shouted back.

"Shit, get back to work," George said. "Report to the yard beside the barn when you are done in here to start your drills."

"Yes, Sir!" Chad said as he turned and sat back behind Bull.

George spun around and saw Lucas and Sub dart their head back and look at their beasts. Ralph was smiling and looking at him, though.

"Were you in the Army, son?" George asked.

"No," Ralph replied. "But my grandfather fought in Korea. You remind me of him."

George smiled.

"I am strict but fair, boys. You do as I say, and you will be rewarded. Fall short, and you will be punished. Two new boys are coming to the farm to be transformed into new bulls. I want these extra stalls cleaned, prepped, and ready for them by Monday. Is that understood?"

"Yes, Sir," Lucas, Sub, and Chad replied.

"I can't hear you!" George shouted.

"Yes, Sir!" the boys barked back.

"Ralph, I will rely on you to make sure that the process of indoctrination of the new bulls goes smoothly. Assign two beasts per boy. I will have some forms that I want you to fill out at every milking. We will be tracking volume, quality, and overall beast health more closely. I want that all entered into a spreadsheet for my review every week."

"You got it, boss," Ralph replied.

"Call me Gunny," George replied. "That's how my friends and former soldiers refer to me."

"Sure, Gunny!" Ralph replied with a smile.

"With more beasts, more production, an expanded facility, and more customers, there will be much more work to do. You boys will be very busy. I will be monitoring your work and the standard of our product here very closely to ensure it does not drop. If you have any issues or problems, take them to Ralph, and he will report them to me. Is that understood?"

"Yes, Sir!" the boys barked back.

"Mooo!" Red started to groan as its udder exploded.

"That is fucking amazing!" George replied as he walked over to watch. "Fuck, that is a ton of cum!"

Ralph laughed.

"Red here always produces a lot for us."

George watched as the bulls had their last orgasms and were pulled out of their stalls. As they wandered off, the man took Chad out to the yard to start to whip him into shape. He treated the boy just like he would any new private and had the boy doing pushups, jumping jacks, laps, and other calisthenics until Chad was panting and nearly collapsed.

Chad's chastity cage was rubbing against his legs the entire time, and he started to feel the irritation near the end, but he kept his mouth shut for fear of what the man might say or do to him. After two hours of barking orders at the boy, George gave him a break and sent him into the barn to sweep up and clean the floors till they were spotless.

Richard had come out to watch the show for the last fifteen minutes, and he walked out to George when he saw Chad run into the barn.

"I see you started early on the boy."

George smiled.

"Shit will take some work, but he already has the start of a good body. With a little effort, he might be someone I might even send into battle."

Richard laughed.

"We will see about that, Gunny. Come inside. I have some things I want to go over with you."

"Sure thing," George replied.

In the afternoon, Chad was helping the workers as they poured the foundations on another part of the addition to the barn. Many of them still teased the young man, but he had learned to keep his mouth shut and head down. He had just finished digging a trench when George called to him.

"Shit! Come over here and stand at attention!"

Chad wiped his forehead and ran over as the man next to him laughed at his new name. He assumed a military stance when he got to George and stared forward.

"We will be taking a little trip, Shit," George said. "Go wash your hands and report to my truck in five minutes."

"Yes, Sir!" Chad replied.

George dismissed him and then walked over to his vehicle. When the young man arrived, he opened the door and had him get in. The drive over to Charles's farm did not take long. Within ten minutes, they were pulling up the long dirt path, and they could see Steer hauling hay over to a field. As they parked, Charles was waiting for them on the front porch, and he got up and walked over to greet them.

"Howdy, Gunny!" Charles said. "Richard told me you would be bringing Chad over."

"Hey Charles," George said as he shook the man's hand. "His name is Shit now. Where does he need to go?"

Charles laughed.

"Follow me. I have a lab in the back."

The two men walked around to the back of the house, and Chad followed them. There, a structure had been built out of steel siding, and it had thick white doors with a padlock on them. Charles used a key to unlock and open them, and when they stepped in, they saw a well-furnished laboratory with tables and equipment everywhere.

"This is quite a place!" George replied.

"Thanks!" Charles said as he put his hands on his hips. "This is where I do all my experimental work these days."

A bang came from a door in the back, and George turned to look at it. The metal door had a small square near the top with a latch. When another bang occurred, George could see the door vibrate, and this smaller door shake.

"What is in there?" George asked.

"Ahh," Charles said. "One of my subjects. The rest are in cages in my barn."

"Subjects?" George asked.

Charles laughed.

"Follow me."

Charles led George over to the door and unlatched the smaller square door to allow a view inside. George peaked in and saw a giant naked man chained to the floor. The prisoner had a bandage around his neck. He slammed his hand against the door and grunted when he saw George's face.

"Tex is harmless," Charles said. "I paralyzed his vocal cords this morning, and he is just waking up. I have four others in the barn outside. I will be transforming them into horses. They will be beasts of burden like my Steer."

"Oh, that thing we saw driving up," George replied. "I thought that was a bull like at Richard's."

Charles laughed.

"It used to be, but it had behavioral issues. So, we castrated him, and I experimented on him further to turn him into what he is now. This man earned a life sentence for several armed robberies and attempted murder. He and his fellow inmates are my new projects. Before long, they will be dumb but strong stallions ready to serve their masters."

Charles shut the small door and then turned. Chad was standing quietly in the center of the room, and Charles could see the young man was nervous.

"Come with me, Shit," Charles said as he walked over to the side of the room. "You've had this procedure before, so you know what is coming."

Chad groaned and followed the man over to a silver table where the prod and other equipment Charles used on him earlier in the week sat.

"Drop your pants and bend over the table," Charles said. "This won't take long."

Chad unbuckled his jeans and lowered them to the floor along with his boxers. When George saw the small cage on the boy and the large, full nuts swinging under it, he smiled. Chad braced himself on the table with both hands and stuck his ass out. While he did so, Charles unscrewed the top on a sealed plastic jar and handed it to George.

"Gunny, hold that next to his cage. When I stick this prod up his ass and turn it on, he will ejaculate several times into it. Try to catch it all."

"You got it," George said as he moved to hold the cup between the boy's legs.

Charles washed and put his gloves on before lubing the boy up like last time. When the prod went in Chad's ass, the boy's legs shook, and George slapped the boy's back.

"Hold still!"

"Yes, Sir!" Chad replied.

It only took a minute for Charles to shock Chad into having three pleasureless orgasms. The cum shot forcedly out of the cage, but George was able to capture it all, and he screwed the lid back on before handing it back to Charles.

"That was fun!"

Charles laughed.

"Well, it would be if you could feel it. Right, Shit?"

"Yes," Chad groaned.

"Excuse me?" George shouted.

"Yes, Sir!" Chad barked back.

"You can dress now, Shit" Charles said as he took the jar from George and labeled it. "We will collect every Tuesday and Friday for the next six months, at least."

"You need that much?" George asked.

"Well, we want enough to fertilize till we get what we want," Charles replied. "Richard authorized me to sell the rest to recoup some of the cost. Even though he isn't the brightest, his other attributes make him a prime candidate for fertility banks. If he is popular, Richard has agreed to have him donate for as long as I would like. It will be a nice extra income for me at about $850 a month for donations."

"Sounds good," George replied. "You don't mind being prodded that much, do you, Shit?"

"No, Sir!" Chad replied.

"I'll make sure he is here on time for his appointments," George said.

"Excellent!" Charles replied.

When Chad had dressed again, George directed him back to the truck, and then they drove home. As the truck bounced on the county road, the man looked over at the boy.

"Shit, your uncle told me that you were once showing great promise. He even told me you ran one of his initiation ceremonies and bred the slaves. What happened?"

"The same thing that always happens, Sir," Chad said. "The same reason I flunked out of college. I have good intentions, but I cannot follow through. My dick or something else gets in the way, and I fuck things up."

"I've had plenty of privates in my barracks that were screw-ups," George said. "When I was done with them, they were fighting and killing machines. I'll soon have you back in your uncle's good graces, though you likely will never have the position you used to have, I am afraid."

"I appreciate it, Sir," Chad said as he looked out the window. "I need the discipline."

"How do your caged balls feel?" George asked.

"Better, Sir," Chad replied. "Although it is maddening not to experience the orgasm, I can feel the lightness of my testicles, and I know I have been drained. The blue balls feeling is gone. I just hate this fucking cage. I want to feel my cock again."

"I'll make a deal with you," George said. "Do exactly what I say when I say it and follow all my rules and commands, and when your month of punishment is up, I will make sure your cage is removed."

"Thanks, Sir," Chad replied.

Next: Chapter 24

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