
By Slave Bear

Published on Dec 19, 2021


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As a note to the reader, while characters in this story are over eighteen and consenting adults, the narrative contains descriptions of bondage, oral and anal sex, extreme body modification, bestiality, and various forms of domination and submission. If any of these acts offend you or are illegal to read where you reside, please move on. This is a work of fiction. Any resemblance to actual persons, living or dead, events or locales is entirely coincidental.

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Transformed - Chapter 2: Milking Time

Lucas stood once again in the basement. Incense wafted from the bowl between two candles and he saw the familiar jars and metal branding iron sitting beside them. The green-tinted jar was no longer empty and was filled with a fluid in which something floated in the darkness. He was naked and his pierced balls hung below his swollen but smooth crotch. Pup had been right. The doctor had done a good job. Only a small scar would remain when he was fully healed. His catheter had been removed several days ago and he had experienced the feeling of pissing while sitting down, which had been an odd sensation.

His body was completely free of hair, including his head. Lucas saw himself in the mirror for the first time the day before and he barely recognized the face that stared back. His nipples and septum had been pierced, though the rings were much smaller than the ones that Bull wore. His chest had been tattooed with his new name, Slave, which was emblazoned with large black, bold letters. As he looked up, he saw his new master Richard standing behind the altar. The large, hairy man had a sly grin and was pulling on his stogie. He blew smoke above his head and with his deep voice, he spoke.

"Come forward, Slave, and kneel."

Lucas walked towards the center of the room. As he got to his knees, Richard picked up the tall green jar and walked around to him. As he neared, Lucas could see his severed cock suspended inside. The organ was truly enormous. The doctor had perfectly preserved it and the prick looked exactly as it had appeared the last time Lucas saw it attached to his body, although it was now pale in color. The shaft was still thick and erect and the head was swollen to twice its normal size. He could hardly believe it had ever been his.

"You have made a great donation to the altar, Slave," Richard said as he held the jar up to look at the floating member. "It is a curiosity that will now have a place of honor in the household. It was never a real man's dick, after all. This thing will be much more useful as an object to gawk at than just remaining locked uselessly between your legs. Don't you agree?"

"Yes, Sir," Lucas replied as he watched the jar turn slowly.

Richard smiled and then put the jar back on the altar. He then faced Lucas.

"You still have several weeks of healing before your ass can be used to pleasure me, but your mouth will do for now."

Richard reached down and pulled on the codpiece that covered his groin. As the snaps gave way, the leather piece was removed and his massive balls and cock fell forward. Lucas marveled at Richard's testicles. Each was the size of a large egg and his thick shaft sat nestled between them on a bed of salt and pepper hair. The shaft shifted as blood poured into it and it engorged.

"Suck me, Slave," Richard said. "Worship your master's cock."

Lucas reached forward and grasped the hardening tool in front of him. He let his left hand run under Richard's heavy balls and felt the warmth of them. His right hand stroked the shaft as it lengthened and a bead of precum formed at the tip. As he brought his mouth over, he licked and tasted it. It was sweet and salty and he relished the taste as the cock entered his mouth and went over his tongue. As his mouth went down, he gently rubbed the underside of Richard's sack and let the heavy orbs within fall to either side. His nose reached the man's crotch and he was met with the smell of the man's musk. It was intoxicating and he felt his balls lift and stir. If he still had a cock, he was sure it would be swelling.

The girth of Richard's cock became apparent immediately. As the shaft swelled, it filled Lucas's mouth and he had to back off it to avoid choking. He took a deep breath and pulled it inside again and felt as the head reached back and went into his neck. It only lasted a moment before he gagged and it fell out, but he immediately pushed back down again, feeling it stretch his throat.

"Good, Slave," Richard replied as he smoked his cigar and reached down and held Lucas's head on him.

The gag reflex was coming back, but Lucas tried his best to resist it. Richard had a firm hold and pushed him down further. He felt a tinge of panic as his windpipe was cut off from the invading meat in his mouth. Before he had to pull away, Richard released his grip and Lucas came up for air. As the head pulled from his mouth, Richard leaned down and blew a cloud of smoke over him. The intoxicating vapors were pulled into his lung and he coughed as he felt the taste of the nicotine. The large beast of a man chuckled as he stood straight again.

Lucas moved and pulled one of Richard's large testicles into his mouth next. As he let his tongue roll it around, he felt a sensation in his groin. It wasn't painful, but a tightness that he had not experienced before. The scent of the man was stronger here and he let the pheromones permeate his nasal passages as he sucked on the nut. The sensation hit him again and then he felt a wetness building on the back of his balls. He reached down with his free hand and felt behind them and realized that he was leaking precum. The tightness he was feeling was due to his arousal. With no erectile tissue anymore, he was experiencing the sensations of the fluids being forced through his reroute to dribble down his scrotum and onto the floor. He moaned and let his hand return to Richard's shaft as he pointed it towards his mouth and brought it back inside.

Lucas swirled his tongue around Richard's dick as he moved up and down on it. A guttural moan could be heard above him as he applied some suction and Richard moved his hand to the back of Lucas's head to hold it as he began to shift his hips. As the dick moved deeper into his throat, Lucas relaxed and concentrated on timing his breathing. Richard sped his thrusts up over the next few minutes and spit began to dribble out of the boy's mouth. He felt the tightness return and more fluids dribble down the back of his balls as his body released more hormones. His testicles began to ache knowing they would get no release.

"Here it comes, Slave!" Richard growled as he pushed ever deeper and his cock unloaded a volley of his precious seed.

Lucas gagged as it filled his throat and with nowhere else to go, it flew through and exited his nose. He coughed as another pulse of Richard's cum filled his mouth and as he tried to swallow it, a third and then fourth load came. Lucas was amazed at Richard's volume. The semen dribbled out of his nose and from the sides of his mouth as he tried to keep up. He felt the rhythmic pulsing of the shaft as it sat on his tongue and relished the taste of the man as the salty fluids drained down his throat.

When Richard's orgasm had subsided, he withdrew his cock from Lucas's mouth. The boy's face was glazed with cum and Lucas brought his hand up to bring the remnants back into his mouth to lick away.

"Well done, Slave," Richard replied as he put his cock back behind the codpiece and took another drag from his cigar. "Very well done."

Lucas smiled as he sat back. He looked down and saw a puddle of precum had collected on the floor from under him. The back of his balls was wet and the testicles inside were sore. He felt the urge to grab his cock and jerk it, but there was nothing but smooth, scarred skin where his hand went. Richard looked down and smiled when he saw the boy and the glistening of the fluids below him.

"Pup!" Richard shouted. "Get over here and clean up this mess!"

Pup crawled over and put the muzzle of his mask onto the floor. He let his tongue extend out and licked Lucas's precum away. He then moved around and shoved his snout behind Lucas's balls. The cockless boy moaned and leaned forward as Pup licked Lucas's reroute and cleaned the back of his scrotum. The sensation was pleasant. When Pup was done, the dog moved back and crawled to his spot next to the other objects. Richard then looked at Lucas.

"Slave, your duties here will mostly be sexual. You still need more time to heal, however, so, in the meantime, you will assist Gimp with the household duties. You will be in charge of feeding and taking Pup and Brutus out for their walks. You will assist with Bull's milkings, too."

"I understand, Master," Lucas replied.

"I am going upstairs to watch TV and relax," Richard said. "Pup, I think Brutus will need you this evening before bed. Please go take care of him. Gimp, have Slave shadow you as you milk Bull this evening. Then after you put Bull away, show Slave where he will be sleeping."

"Yes, Master!" Gimp replied.

Richard removed his headpiece, scratched his head, and then turned to walk upstairs as Pup crawled behind him. When they were gone, Gimp turned and walked to the side of the room and flipped a switch. The overhead lights came on and Lucas saw the basement area for the first time in its full extent. There were all sorts of implements and toys hanging from one wall that was near the fuck bench and Saint Andrew's cross. Two cages sat on the floor against another wall. A door was on the opposite side from the furnace and a set of shelves next to it had a variety of closed drawers and boxes.

As Gimp moved to blow out the candles and collect the jars on the altar, Bull let out a sound.


It was a guttural response that appeared to have an urgency to it. When it repeated the sound, Gimp shook his head.

"I know, Bull. I know."

Gimp walked to the wall near the staircase and put the jars on a shelf before coming over to rub Bull's back and cup the enormous balls that hung low under it. As he did, Bull shook its head from side to side.

"Slave, open the door there and let's get Bull hooked up," Gimp said to Lucas. "Its udder needs draining."

Lucas turned to open the door and as he entered, the lights came on automatically. In front of him was a stall that had what looked like a fuck bench in it. Gimp walked by Lucas leading Bull by a collar around its neck. When the large beast reached the bench, it climbed onto it, resting its chest on the center bar, and letting its thick legs and arms rest on two lower bars below. Its wide ass hung out the back and Lucas saw the brand on its right ass cheek. It was about the size of the palm of his hand and was burned into the upper layers of the skin. It consisted of a circle with a large letter R in the center. Gimp reached under and massaged Bull's low-hanging scrotum and turned to Lucas.

"Slave, come over here."

As Lucas neared, Gimp grabbed his hand and brought it over to Bull's thick shaft.

"You start to stroke it to get its udder hard while I get the equipment ready," Gimp said.

"Understood," Lucas replied.

Lucas moved his hand up and down Bull's shaft and it began to swell. Bull moaned and let out another guttural sound at the same time. Lucas was amazed at how large the udder was getting. It was much thicker and longer than anything he had ever seen before. As he was massaging Bull, Gimp pulled a cart over that had a sealed metal container on it. Coming out of this was a clear tube that connected to a larger, silver tube that looked to Lucas exactly like what you would put on the teat of a cow. Gimp rubbed some lubricating fluids on the inside of the silver tube and then handed it to Lucas.

"Insert its udder into this and hold it on it as I turn the machine on."

Lucas brought the tube around and slid it over Bull's udder. When it reached the base, Lucas saw Gimp throw a switch and the device began to move and make a suction sound.

"Moo!" Bull said loudly in response.

"That's a cow," Gimp replied as he patted Bull's ass. "Slave, hold the tube steady while I attach this harness to it."

Lucas watched as Gimp put a leather device around Bull's waist. It attached to each side of the device sucking on Bull's udder and when the straps were pulled tight, Lucas was able to let go. As Lucas backed away, he saw the device move back and forth as it pulled. The beast's heavily calloused feet, its hooves, curled as it continued to groan and make sounds.

"Now, sit here and watch it," Gimp replied. "When its udder begins to drain, the device will pull the fluids away and store them in the container below. It must have five milkings before it is let off. It might groan and squirm later in the process, but just make sure that harness stays tight and the device continues to do its job."

"I understand," Lucas replied. "Does Bull ever speak?"

"No," Gimp replied. "Bull's vocal cords were paralyzed and it is now a mute. Its intelligence is that of a child, too. All it can do is make sounds like that guttural 'mooing' you heard. It has other vocalizations, but you will learn what they mean over time. Just be sure its udder is completely drained. It is a pain in the ass to deal with otherwise."

"I understand," Lucas replied.

Gimp turned to grab a large brush while Lucas watched the milking machine do its work. He had never seen such a device operate on a real cow before but had heard of how it worked. As the device sucked, he became mesmerized by the sound it was making. It shifted back and forth on Bull's udder, gripping, and pulling on it. Bull moaned throughout the process and Lucas found a stool to bring over and sit beside it to monitor it. Gimp grabbed another stool and brought it over and began to run the brush over Bull's body hair, starting with its upper legs and moving down.

"I've never seen hair that long on a human before!" Lucas said.

Gimp smiled.

"Another side effect of the meds it is on. It is quite soft and can easily matt up. I brush its entire body every milking to ensure it is straight and tangle-free. Master likes the look of it."

Lucas ran his hand over his own body and felt his smooth skin.

"It makes a huge contrast to me."

"Me too!" Gimp said with a smile as he brushed. "I went through the same hair removal procedure as you did."

"It feels weird," Lucas said. "I feel cooler."

Gimp laughed.

"If you feel cool, I suspect Bull must be perpetually warm with this mane. What do you think, big fella?"

"Moo!" Bull said as it shook its ass.

Gimp chuckled as he worked the brush over Bull's ass and then its sides. When he was done, he put the brush down and looked at Lucas.

"Slave, I will finish cleaning the dungeon area. Let me know if there are any issues."

"Ok," Lucas replied.

Lucas picked up the brush and ran it over Bull gently, caressing its skin and body with his other hand as he went. Bull's hair was indeed soft and luxurious and the beast seemed to enjoy the attention Lucas was giving it. The boy combed and groomed it for five minutes before Bull's legs shifted and its groans intensified.

"Is it time to cum, Bull?" Lucas asked.

Bull mooed and shook its head in response as its large udder lifted as fluids exploded into the tube. The slurping sound of the machine intensified as it pulled the load from Bull's shaft. The beast's ass cheeks clenched, the area between its ass and sack pulsed, and its hooves curled as a flood of endorphins flooded its body. Pleasurable sounds emanated from it and Lucas felt jealous of the beast. His own balls ached and he would have given anything to still have a cock to be milked in the same way. He reached over and rubbed Bull's ass and felt the brand it had received.

"You are such a good cow. Well done, boy!"

Bull moaned in response as its body went limp. Lucas watched as Bull's cum was drawn up through the clear tube and ran down into the device below. The size of the load was impressive. It took several minutes to be sucked completely away. When it was gone, the device continued to pull on Bull's udder and Lucas had to adjust the straps to keep the device on as the shaft deflated. Within a minute or two, however, the blood returned to the tissues and it stiffened back to its full length as the device went to work to pull another load from it.

Lucas sat and watched Bull for forty-five minutes. In that time, the beast had orgasmed four times and each load had been as large as the first. The cum was pulled away and into the receptacle and the device continued its relentless sucking. Bull's udder became more sensitive and it was reacting more strongly to the device. It had been almost ten minutes since the last load was extracted and he could tell that the beast was getting tired. The moans from Bull sounded painful as its shaft engorged again. Lucas continued to gently rub Bull's ass and consoled it.

"You can do it, Bull! I am so jealous of you. I don't have a cock anymore and my balls are so heavy right now that I could probably cum six times in a row!"

Bull's toes curled and it let out a guttural sound.


Lucas chuckled.

"That's right! You have it a lot better than me! Come on boy. Cum for both of us. I know you have more in you."

Lucas reached under Bull and gently felt the beast's hairy sack. The large testicles inside were massive and more than filled Lucas's hand. They appeared to be the size of tennis balls and Lucas gently massaged each of them.

"Come on Bull. Produce for me."

Bull groaned and Lucas felt the orbs move in his hands. As they pulled upward, Bull's udder exploded inside the tube for the fifth time and covered the walls of the device with thick, white fluids. Lucas smiled and moved his hand up to rub Bull's ass again.

"Good cow! I'm so proud of you! Such a good boy! Look at all that production! Master will be pleased!"

Bull moaned in response and shook its head as the large load was pulled and sucked away. When the device made its suction sound again, Lucas reached down and turned the switch off. As it powered down, Bull relaxed in its stall.

"Is it done?" Gimp asked as he came into the room.

"Yes," Lucas replied. "Five large loads."

Gimp smiled and came over to remove the harness from Bull's waist. Lucas helped remove the tube from Bull's udder and watched as the remnants of its last cum load slid down its shaft.

"Am I allowed to clean Bull off?" Lucas asked.

"If you want," Gimp replied as he detached the milking portion of the machine. "Just be careful. It will be ultra-sensitive. I normally just wipe it down with a wet washcloth and it always jerks around."

Lucas grinned and moved under Bull and brought the udder into his mouth. It was still swollen from the long time it had spent on the device and as he sucked on it, he tasted the beast's seed. Bull groaned loudly with pleasure as Lucas did his work. The beast's hooves curled and it shook its head and when Lucas pulled off, the boy patted Bull's ass one last time.

"Good cow."

Gimp chuckled.

"Well, I know it hasn't been cleaned like that before! Slave, help me get Bull up. It is usually sore from sitting on the bench for so long."

Lucas smiled and then turned to grab one side of Bull as Gimp held the other and the beast backed off and stood up. Bull grinned down at Lucas and rubbed the side of its head on Lucas's shoulder before hugging him.

"I think it really likes you," Gimp replied.

"That's a good cow," Lucas replied as he rubbed Bull's belly.

"Grab the brush and finish grooming its chest and groin area. But do it gently. It will be sensitive."

Lucas smiled and Bull looked kindly at him as he ran the brush over the thick dark hair that covered the large beast's body. He took his time and rubbed it gently as he moved down to the thick bush surrounding the enormous udder that swung below. As he did so, Gimp cleaned the room up and then moved to open the lid of the device and examine what was inside.

"Damn! Bull had a really good production today! We have been worried as it has trailed off some in the past year and we have had to steadily increase its medications. You must be a good influence!"

Lucas smiled and watched as Gimp poured the white fluids into a flask, scanned them with a bar code reader, and then capped them off. He was amazed at how much had come out of the massive balls.

"Where does that go?" Lucas asked.

"Master's protein shakes," Gimp replied. "We call it 'Lightning Boost'. The cum is combined with several ingredients and a patented mix of chemicals. It is then canned and sold locally to several clients that value its ability to provide energy and vitality. Bull is milked three times a day so there is a lot of production. Master has made a lot of money from the secret ingredient."

"I see," Lucas replied as Gimp turned and grabbed a syringe from a small fridge on the floor.

Lucas watched as the man brought it over to Bull.

"Time for your injection, Bull," Gimp replied as he plunged the needle into the beast's ass.

"Is that what makes Bull cum so much?" Lucas asked.

"Yes," Gimp replied as he turned to discard the needle and grab another one. "And you get the same injection, but just at a fraction of the dose. Spread your legs and bend over for me."

Lucas leaned against the wall as Gimp injected him with the concoction. He winced and then rubbed his ass after as Gimp bent down and inspected Lucas's groin.

"Are you in any pain?" Gimp asked as he gently prodded the area.

"No," Lucas replied. "I mean it is sore when you push on it."

Gimp moved back and stood.

"Well, just let me know if you need something," Gimp said. "The doctor left some stuff for you if you needed it."

"Moo!" Bull sounded.

"Ok, I know, big fella. It is time to rest. Let's get Bull to bed, Slave, and then I will show you where you will be sleeping," Gimp replied.

Lucas watched as Bull followed Gimp back out into the basement. They turned and went upstairs and then went up a second flight that opened onto a long hallway. Gimp opened the first door to the right and turned on the lights. Inside, the room had hay on the floor and a stall had been set up in the corner with large blankets and more hay inside. Bull walked over and turned around twice before collapsing on a large pile. Gimp smiled.

"Good night, Bull."

As they exited the room, Gimp turned off the lights.

"We will have to be up at 5 am to milk him again," Gimp said as he led Lucas down the hall. "Pay attention so you know how to do everything next time."

"I understand," Lucas replied.

When Gimp got to the end of the hall, he opened another door to the right and turned the lights on. There were two beds inside with a small nightstand in-between.

"Your bed is the one on the left," Gimp said as he moved over and sat on the bed on the right.

Gimp reached up and removed the strap that went under his chin and pulled the leather hood off. When he placed it on the bed, Lucas got his first look at the man. He looked to be in his mid-30s and had a bald head and a smooth face. He removed his harness and chaps next and then rubbed his neck. Lucas saw his limp cock below him.

"What is it like to not have your balls anymore?" Lucas asked as he moved to sit on his bed.

Gimp smiled and felt his pierced member.

"I no longer have a sex drive and I noticed I have a lack of energy, so I take supplements to help with that. That is a lot different than when I first came here. I had long, wavy hair, dense fur, and jacked off three times a day when I wasn't fucking anything that moved."

"Why did you agree to it?" Lucas asked.

"It was that or jail again," Gimp replied. "I impregnated a local judge's daughter and stole some things from her house. The judge is a friend of Master's and with my previous convictions, I was given a choice. I could serve Master or I could go to jail for the rest of my life. It was a hard choice, but I don't regret it. I am more centered now since I became a eunuch and have a purpose in life."

"I see," Lucas replied.

Gimp stretched and yawned.

"Slave, I'm exhausted so I am going to go ahead and get some shut-eye. Are you going to be ok, or do you need a sedative?"

"I'll be ok," Lucas replied.

"Turn the lights out, then, and get some sleep," Gimp said. "You have a long day tomorrow."

Lucas stood and flipped the switch and then moved back over to the bed in the dark. As his eyes adjusted, he noticed some moonlight coming in from the window. He reached down and felt the smoothness of his crotch and then groped his sore balls. It might have been his imagination, but they felt larger. He swung his legs into the bed and pulled the cover over himself and sat there for a while in silence. As Gimp snored softly, he closed his eyes and pondered about the future.

Next: Chapter 3

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