
By Slave Bear

Published on Apr 21, 2022


This is a Gay, Authoritarian story, you can use my email address and I accept the terms. I encourage everyone that reads and enjoys this story to consider supporting to support the archivist and keep the archive online. You can learn more here:

As a note to the reader, while characters in this story are over eighteen and consenting adults, the narrative contains descriptions of bondage, oral and anal sex, extreme body modification, bestiality, and various forms of domination and submission. If any of these acts offend you or are illegal to read where you reside, please move on. This is a work of fiction. Any resemblance to actual persons, living or dead, events or locales is entirely coincidental.

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Transformed - Chapter 19: An Extra Hand

Thirty days had passed since Chad started working on the farm. While he still lived down the road, he began to spend more and more time on the property and closely worked with Richard to learn the business's day-to-day operations, finances, and management. Though Chad had never really been interested in such things before, he found he had a natural talent as a manager, and Richard had been very pleased with how he had handled himself. He also grew and became more sure of himself and dominant around Lucas and the other farm members, but still fair and kind to him.

The four bulls were in peak production. They were milked four times a day, and the resulting product was now being turned into shakes, energy bars, brownies, cookies, and even dried as a powder as a supplement. Sales had increased, and Lucas found himself having to get up at 5 am and work will 10 pm with only a few breaks to keep up with the workload, even with help from Ralph. Thus, it was no surprise to Chad to find Lucas absorbed in his work canning one morning when he stopped by with a visitor.

"Slave?" Chad asked.

Lucas stopped what he was doing, looked up, and saw that Chad was not alone. Standing in front of him was a young man who had to be no older than eighteen or nineteen. He was shorter than Lucas and had a medium complexion with a thick, dark beard and brown eyes. His frame was average, though Lucas could tell he had some strength in his arms and legs.

"Who is this, Sir?" Lucas asked.

"Slave, this is Brian," Chad replied. "We have been corresponding for a few weeks now. Like you, he has always seen himself as a subordinate and wants to serve men. I told him we were looking for another slave, and he stopped by to interview with Richard and see the property, the bulls, and who works here."

"I see," Lucas said as he stepped around the counter.

Brian gasped when he saw Lucas's hairless naked body, large balls, and nullified groin.

"I told you about his donation," Chad said as he rubbed the boy's shoulder to calm him.

"Oh, I know, Sir," Brian replied. "But it is still shocking. That is quite a commitment, Slave."

"Thanks," Lucas replied as he groped his balls. "I don't regret it, though I will say being horny all the time and having no way to take care of it took some getting used to."

Chad laughed, and Brian chuckled nervously.

"Well, I told you we were not looking to modify you like Slave here," Chad said. "He was originally one of my uncle's toys, and they have to look a specific way for him. But, if you decide to move here, you understand that there will be changes made to you. Permanent chastity will be a requirement, and you will not be allowed to wear clothes."

"Yes, Sir," Brian replied.

"Slave, do you mind if he observes you for a while?" Chad asked. "Uncle Rich is breeding Pig right now and told me to give him an hour to drain his balls before bringing Brian to meet him."

"Not a problem, boss!" Lucas replied with a smile.

Chad winked at him and gestured for Brian to enter. He then left the production room, closing the door behind him.

"Come over here and sit, Brian," Lucas said as he pointed to a steel stool. "You should be able to see everything I am doing from there."

"Thanks," Brian replied.

"So, what do you think so far?" Lucas asked as he went back to cleaning and preparing jars.

"Well, I met the bulls when I first got here," Brian said. "I was shocked at the size of their balls and cocks. I had to pinch myself to make sure I was not dreaming. And their body hair! I mean, they look like beasts! It is crazy!"

Lucas laughed.

"It is amazing how big their udders got. You should see how much cum they produce, too. It will blow your mind completely."

"And it is collected and sold?" Brian asked.

"Well, after it is prepared," Lucas replied. "The bulls' drugs enhance their cum production, quality, and volume, while also altering its chemical makeup. When added to other patented chemicals and additives, it helps to retard aging and increases energy and vitality. Their cum is added to a variety of products we make here. Most people don't even know what is inside the thing they are consuming. They only know it works, and our clients swear by our products. We have seen tremendous growth in our sales, thus the need for a new slave around here."

"Amazing," Brian replied.

"The bulls are adorable," Lucas continued. "I love them very much, and they are very affectionate back. One of the side effects of the drug they are on is that it reduces their IQ. They are little more than toddlers in terms of mental capacity, and they rely on us to be taken care of."

"Did you know any of them before they were transformed?" Brian asked.

"Oh yes," Lucas responded. "The one named Bull gave itself over to Richard after I was collared. The other three, Red, Blue, and Green, came to the farm last year. Some of them were runaways, and others were drifters. But they all were nice guys and have made even better cattle. I have to admit I am a little jealous of them on occasion. Being milked multiple times to orgasm a day must be pure bliss. But that may also be my horny hormones talking."

Brian chuckled.

"Well, I won't be losing my cock like you, but as you heard, I have been told that I will be going into permanent chastity."

"We have a pup around the property that is like that," Lucas replied. "He doesn't seem to mind, though."

"Yeah, I met him too," Brian said with a smile. "That is an interesting cage he wears. That sheathe over it makes him look like a real dog."

"Yeah," Lucas replied. "But, he is Brutus's mate, so his primary purpose is to be mounted."

"That must be something to see," Brian said. "Never seen a human mounted by a dog, and Brutus is huge!"

"Oh, that is for sure," Lucas said. "And he has a gigantic knot too."

"Knot?" Brian asked.

Lucas smiled.

"Dogs have a bulbous gland at the base of their cock that swells when they are mating. Once inserted into the hole they are fucking, it increases in size till it locks into place. Then they can pump their cum into the animal they are fucking over time, and it all stays there. When they are done, it reduces in size, and then they can pull out."

"That must be something to see!" Brian replied.

"You'll have to watch Pup get bred sometime," Lucas said. "It is interesting."

Brian watched Lucas finish preparing the jars and filling them with the prepared shake from the morning run. When the boy was done, he sealed them all, put them in storage, and then started on a batch of energy bars to be wrapped and packaged.

"Would you like to try some of this?" Lucas asked as he broke off a piece.

"Sure," Brian replied as he took the soft granola and ate it.

The taste was sweet and delicious.

"Wow, this is good," Brian replied.

Lucas smiled.

"Told you that you wouldn't know what was in it unless you asked."

"Sir Chad said that you are expanding the business, too," Brian added.

"Yeah," Lucas replied. "Ralph is preparing to build on to the barn here in the back. This production room will double in size, and we are also putting in more storage capacity for coolers. If you decide to join us, you will be busy."

"And I would work with you?" Brian asked.

"That is what I have been told," Lucas said. "You and I would be working side by side from morning to night."

"I could handle that," Brian said. "I am not afraid of hard work, and you seem nice. Plus, I would love to be able to pleasure Chad whenever he wants. He is a hot guy."

Lucas laughed.

"He is that. I am still considered Master Richard's property, but I hope to service Sir Chad more myself in the future. I have done it a few times in the past."

"Lucky!" Brian replied with a grin.

When the last batch of energy bars had been packaged, Brian helped Lucas put them on some shelves next to the refrigerator. He then assisted in cleaning up the countertops and floors before Chad returned and opened the door.

"How are things in here?" Chad asked.

"Going well, Sir," Lucas replied. "Brian here has been a welcome help."

"Good to hear," Chad replied. "Well, boy, Master Richard is ready to interview you. Are you ready?"

"Yes, Sir," Brian replied.

"Good," Chad said. "Follow me into the barn. You will need to strip naked before I bring you before him."

"I understand, Sir," Brian replied as he walked forward.

"Good luck!" Lucas called out.

"Thanks, Slave," Brian said with a smile as he turned and left.

It was a cold day, and Brian shivered as he quickly followed Chad over to the main house. He had stripped his clothes off, folded them neatly on a hay bale in the barn, and felt exposed. Ralph had waved to them as they walked, and Brian instinctively covered his cock and balls as they passed. When they entered the back door, the room's warmth was welcome, and Chad took off his coat and placed it on a peg on the wall before leading the boy around to a side room.

As they entered, Brian saw charts and paperwork pinned to the walls. There were two chairs to the left, and behind a large desk with a computer and more paperwork sat a naked, middle-aged man. His muscled body was coated in a sheen of sweat, and his semi-hard cock was being cleaned by a naked young man on all fours. The chubby boy's ass was covered in cum, and a pig tail tattoo was on his lower back. As Pig finished pulling the remains of the fresh load from Richard's shaft, the man spoke.

"Come in, Chad. Is this the potential new slave?"

"Yes, Sir," Chad said as he walked by Brian and sat down in one of the chairs. "He has been introduced to Slave and has met Pup and Ralph."

"Very good," Richard said as Pig moved back and sat quietly.

The older man reached down, rubbed his crotch, and looked over the boy. Brian had a light coating of dark body hair from head to toe and some extra fat around his mid-section. His balls were large and heavy, and his cock had started to grow the moment he saw the naked man. At first, he tried to hide his erection, but when Richard pursed his lips, Brian put his hands behind his back, stood at attention, and let nature take its course. As the blood flowed into his shaft, it lengthened, swelled, and pointed in front of him. It was an impressive piece of meat, but Richard shook his head in disapproval.

"Well, that thing in front of him needs to be taken care of," Richard said as he turned and picked up a pen. "Can't have a slave looking more hung than you, nephew. There is a natural order to things, you know."

Chad coughed and spoke up.

"Understood, Sir. I have informed the boy that permanent chastity will be a requirement. It will be kept in the smallest cage possible."

"Good," Richard said as he wrote some notes down and then took a glass of water. "Best shrink it down to just the head if possible."

Richard looked at Brian, and the boy swallowed his spit. He was nervous as he stood in front of the two men naked, and his attempts at holding still were not working. A dribble of precum formed at the tip of his large, rock-hard member, and it glistened in the room's light.

"I am a demanding man," Richard said, oblivious to the boy's erection. "I expect total obedience of every beast and slave that I own. Punishments are severe for infractions, but you will be treated well if you behave. As my nephew should have told you, we are looking for an additional slave for the farm. You will not be paid. Your entire life will be spent in labor and service to myself and young Chad here. While you will be used occasionally for our pleasure, your primary focus will be the production of our product here. We are expanding to two new cities in the near future, and we need a hard-working boy to help us meet our goals. You will be well-fed and given room and board, but you will never leave here unless it is for business or the pleasure of either me or Chad. Is that understood?"

"Yes, Sir," Brian stammered.

"Tell me, boy," Richard said. "What makes you think you will be a good slave for us?"

Brian took a breath.

"I was born a sub, Sir. I have always known I am inferior to alpha males. I live to serve and pleasure them. Master Chad has been very clear and forthright about what goes on here. I am a hard worker and would be honored to put my sweat and tears into your business. I am ready and willing to focus all my efforts towards the service and pleasure of true men."

"Good answer," Richard said as he looked at Chad. "I delegated the search for a new boy to you, nephew. If you feel he is a good candidate, you have my blessing. You will run the initiation ceremony and prepare him. Later, we can discuss how his body is altered to best suit the farm. Determine when he will start and then get the ball rolling."

"Yes, Sir," Chad said as he stood.

"One more thing," Richard said as he leaned back and scratched his chest.

"Yes, Sir?" Chad asked.

"You have impressed me," Richard said. "When your dad said you would be a good fit as a manager, I had my doubts, but you have done an excellent job around here. You are no longer a timid boy and have stepped up to show me you can be a true dominant. As a reward, you may now consider Slave yours to do with as you please. His work comes first, but you may now use him as your toy. You and I will share the new boy."

"Thank you, Uncle Rich," Chad said with a smile as he extended his hand. "I appreciate it."

Richard reached out, shook his nephew's hand, and then pointed to the door.

"You can leave now."

"Yes, Sir," Chad said as he walked out, leading Brian in front of him.

The boy's girthy cock bounced from side to side, and precum flew in ropes into the air as he turned. Brian was embarrassed by the display. He collected what he could and swallowed it as they left the house. He tried to distract himself and managed to get his dick to deflate halfway by the time they returned to the barn. Brian finally spoke as he picked up his underwear and slid it over his genitals.

"I apologize for the erection, Sir."

"No matter, boy," Chad replied. "A good fitting cage will keep that from happening. I will have a strong metal one custom made for you and sent to your home."

"Thank you, Sir," Brian replied as he continued to dress. "What are my next steps?"

"Rich and I will need to discuss when and how you will be collared," Chad said. "I will contact you in a week to tell you the date. In the meantime, are you sure this is what you want to do? This is still my uncle's farm, and there is no turning back when you sign a contract with him."

"Yes, Sir," Brian said as he slipped his shirt over his head. "I want to join the farm."

"Very well," Chad said. "Get your affairs in order. Sell everything you have and cancel all your accounts. Once you move here, your connection to the outside world will be over."

"I understand, Sir," Brian replied.

"One more thing," Chad said. "Your days of masturbation and self-pleasure are now over as of this moment. No more touching or jacking off your cock. When the chastity cage arrives, put it on, seal the key in an envelope and send it back to me. I want you to put yourself in the right mindset from this moment on."

"I will do as you ask," Brian replied.

Chad let the boy go, and when Brian had driven away, the young man walked back into the barn as the bulls were lumbering in for their next milking. Ralph and Lucas had appeared and were prepping the stalls for the beasts as Chad walked by to supervise.

"How did the interview go?" Lucas asked as he helped Green mount the milking bench. "Will Brian be joining us here?"

"I believe so," Chad replied. "I have been impressed with how he has interacted with me over the past few weeks, and Uncle Rich gave his seal of approval."

"Nice!" Lucas replied.

"One other thing," Chad said. "Rich has formally given you to me as of today. You are now my property to do with as I please."

"I am honored, Sir!" Lucas said with a smile.

"I know Slave will be excited to see to your needs," Ralph said with a wink.

Lucas blushed, and Chad laughed.

"I know he will! Ok, well, carry on. I have work to take care of. Slave, when the milking session is over, come to the house. I need my balls drained, and your ass needs to be filled and officially bred and marked as mine."

"Yes, Sir!"

Chad winked at Lucas and then turned and left.

"Congratulations, Slave," Ralph said with a smile.

"Thanks, Ralph," Lucas replied.

A month later, Brian caught a ride to Richard's house in the city and met up with Connor, who was waiting for him. The chastity cage he had been wearing for the past three weeks had left him incredibly horny. He was no stranger to being locked in the device. His previous partner and dom had kept him in one pretty regularly. Still, the blue balls feeling in his large testicles was severe, and he groaned as he rubbed his crotch and waited for Connor to finish some paperwork. The boy was wearing a pair of jeans over his cage, a flannel shirt, and his shoes and socks. They were the last pieces of property that he owned. A cashier's check made out to Richard was in his pocket, representing his entire net worth.

"Are you nervous?" Connor asked the boy as he looked up and saw him fidgeting.

"A little, Sir," Brian replied.

"Well, it won't be long now," Connor said. "Ralph just texted me a few minutes ago to tell me he was nearly here."

"Ok," Brian replied with a half-smile.

"Hey, dad," came a female voice behind the boy. "I finished balancing the books.

Brian turned to see a girl walk in with long red hair. She was not bad-looking and had piercing blue eyes and pale skin. When the girl saw Brian, she paused and looked him over from head to toe.

"You must be the new slave."

"Yes, mam," Brian replied nervously.

"Chad told me about you," the girl replied. "My name is June."

"Nice to meet you, mam," Brian replied.

June walked around Brian and sized him up. When he felt her hands on his ass, he jumped, and when she grabbed his crotch, he gasped.

"Hold still," June said firmly. "I'm just checking to make sure you are properly caged."

June smiled as she groped the nervous Brian and licked her lips.

"You have some nice balls there!"

"Leave him alone, honey," Connor said from a table.

"Dad, if I am going to work on the farm this spring, I need to get to know everyone that works on it," June replied.

"You work there too, mam?" Brian asked sheepishly.

"Starting next week," June replied as she pulled her hand away. "I am dating Chad. And stand at attention when you talk to me."

"Yes, mam," Brian replied as he straightened up.

"Drop your pants," June said.

"What?" Brian immediately responded.

June slapped his face, and Brian stepped back and stammered before he regained his composure.

"Are you hard of hearing, slave?"

"No, mam," Brian replied as he felt the sting of the impact on his cheek.

"Then drop your pants and stand at attention in front of me!" June said firmly.

Brian fumbled with the belt on his jeans and let them fall to the ground. The head of his cock was encased in a metal cage that was only about an inch long. It made him have the appearance of having no shaft at all. Below the cage, his heavy, full balls hung low, surrounded by the base ring that sat flush with his smooth groin. Chad had asked him to shave his crotch, but he was not required to have any treatments to remove his body hair. However, his head had been given a military crew cut, and his beard was trimmed short.

June smiled when she saw his caged genitals. She cupped the boy's balls, felt their weight, and squeezed them. Brian's testicles radiated pain up to his brain, and he groaned in response.

"Now, those are some impressive balls for a slave," June said as she rolled the testicles around with her fingers. "What did that thing look like before it was caged? Where you hung?"

"I guess, mam," Brian replied.

June frowned.

"Well, was it longer than six inches or just a short, fat gherkin?"

"Seven and a half inches long and six inches around the last time I measured, mam."

"Hard to believe that is all stuffed in that small cage then!" June replied. "And how long have you been in that device and chaste?"

"Four weeks chaste and three weeks caged, mam," Brian replied with a grunt.

June smiled and released the orbs and then patted them. A bead of precum formed at the tip of Brian's cock and slowly started to drip down. The girl caught the liquid, ran it over her lips, and let out a low moan.

"Ok, that is enough," Connor said as he stood up. "June, leave the boy alone."

"Yes, dad," June replied as she rolled her eyes and sighed.

"You can pull your pants up, boy," Connor said as the girl sat down at the table across from the man.

Brian bent down to pull his jeans up, and as he was buckling his belt, Ralph walked in the front door and into the room.

"Is he ready?" Ralph asked.

"I am, Sir," Brian replied.

"Good, come on then," Ralph said. "I am running late, and we are behind schedule."

Ralph turned, and Brian started to follow him. Before they left the room, June spoke up.

"I'll see you later."

Brian turned and smiled and then walked out of the house.

The incense filled the dark room, and Brian stared at the altar and the large, older, hairy, horned figure behind it. The boy had been stripped naked, and his clothes had been tossed into a furnace to burn by Richard. As the flames glowed red and crackled, a second figure was illuminated next to the man. Chad stood in a black jock and harness. The younger man had laid out a contract for the boy and offered a pen to sign it. As he complied, Brian looked over at the cocks of Lucas and Henry that floated in separate jars next to another one that contained Gimp's balls. He swallowed some spit and took a deep breath as he stepped back, and Gimp grabbed his arm and led him over to the fuck bench near the altar where he was strapped down.

"Boy," Chad said after Brian was restrained. "Master Richard and I have spoken at length about your contract. Each member of this farm has been modified and has given something of unique value to them to the altar of service. For Gimp, it was his balls. For Slave and Pig, it was their cocks. Pup gave up the ability to have erections, and the bulls were branded, reduced in intelligence, and transformed into cattle."

"Your sacrifice will be equally as special. As a slave, you will be expected to put all of your energy into service to this farm and to my uncle and me. You have no need for a cock as you will no longer be a real breeding man. Your genitals will remain locked in that chastity cage for the rest of your life, and the key to your freedom will be sealed in a jar and placed next to the other donations. Your cage will be reduced over time until only your head barely shows. However, you will be put on a special drug to enhance your already large balls and increase your libido. You will need that extra energy to burn and to serve. The fact it will leave you horny and constantly leaking out of your small nub will only highlight the sacrifice you have made. Finally, your ass will be branded and your body tattooed to show our ownership of your body, and you will have a large metal ring fastened around your testicles to stretch and highlight them."

Brian held his breath as his body shook. He was grateful he would not be losing his cock, but the thought of never touching it again made him nervous.

"Do you understand everything that has been said here?" Richard said with a booming voice.

"I do, Sirs," Brian replied.

"Then prepare him!" Richard replied.

Gimp grabbed a syringe and plunged it into Brian's arm. As the sedative took hold, the boy's eyes became watery and glass-like. Brian watched as Richard moved around to the altar and picked up the branding iron. He opened the furnace and plunged it inside. He turned the iron poker in the coals until it was heated up, then pulled it out and handed it to Chad when it was red hot. The younger man then moved behind Brian.

"By accepting the brand of your masters, you become our property and give up your former life," Chad said as he plunged the iron forward. "Your name is now `Sub'."

The round symbol sizzled as it cooked the flesh of Sub's exposed ass, and the boy jerked in the restraints and screamed in pain. When Chad removed the iron, Sub was left with black-seared flesh in the shape of a circle with an R in the middle, just like the bulls' brands.

As Sub hung his head and winced, Gimp injected the boy's unbranded ass cheek with a double dose of the testicle growing serum. Chad then grabbed a large, gold metal ring from the altar. He pulled the two halves of the ring apart with great difficulty, and as the magnetic attraction gave way, he brought his hands under Sub and gripped the boy's hanging testicles. Carefully, he lined up the two pieces of metal to ensure they did not catch any skin as they slammed together again, tightly. When the heavy metal ring was in place, Chad stood.

"Well done," Chad said. "Sub, you are now officially part of the farm, and Richard and I accept you into our service."

"Thank you for the honor, Sir," Sub groaned as a tear fell from his eye.

Richard moved around the boy and removed the codpiece from his jock that contained his massive cock. His large, rough hands gripped the boy's waist, and Sub felt lubed fingers push into his hole, and he groaned. The fuck that followed was rough and brutal. Sub was pounded mercilessly for ten minutes. Lucas watched from the shadows next to the bulls and could hear the creak of the bench as it moved back and forth. Sub grunted softly but took the pounding in stride. His head bounced from the force of the large man's cock, splitting his ass in two and pushing deep inside him. He felt Richard's large, heavy testicles as they swung forward and hit his caged and ringed ones, and his nub dripped precum continuously, which flew in all directions under him.

When Richard orgasmed, he growled loudly, and the sound echoed in the room. He delivered his seed deep in the boy, and when he pulled out, Chad pushed right in after to breed the boy a second time. Lucas was mesmerized watching the young man fuck. He was not as forceful as his uncle but seeing the beads of sweat on Chad's chest as they glistened in the candlelight and hearing him grunt as he rutted made Lucas leak behind his reroute.

It took another five minutes before Chad added his seed to the boy's ass, and when he pulled out, it dripped down Sub's caged balls. The boy had been close to orgasm when Chad went over the edge. He only needed to be fucked a little more to gain release. When the young man pulled out, Sub almost called out for him not to stop, but he bit his lip and dealt with the frustration.

Richard took the headgear off his head and sucked on the cigar in his mouth. He then turned to Chad and nodded.

"Well done. Have him cleaned up and ready to work tomorrow."

"Yes, Sir," Chad replied as the older man turned and left the basement.

Gimp moved to the side of the room and turned on the lights, and Lucas walked over and used his hand to wipe the sweat from Sub's forehead.

"Are you ok?" Lucas asked.

"Yeah," Sub replied.

"Slave," Chad said as he put his softening cock away in his jock. "Do as Master Richard has commanded. I will put Sub in your hands this evening. Show him where he will be sleeping and make sure he is up and bright and early. He will be tattooed with his name across his chest first thing."

"Yes, Sir," Lucas replied.

Chad turned and helped the bulls up and led them out of the room while Pup and Gimp started to clean up. Lucas removed the restraints from Sub and helped the boy to his feet. The sedative he had been given made him light-headed, but he still felt the pain from the brand and in his ass from the fucking.

"That was rough," Sub groaned.

"At least you didn't have to watch Master prepare your dick or balls to be removed," Lucas said.

"True," Sub replied as he reached down and rubbed his caged cock and balls. "But I am so fucking horny."

"Here," Lucas said as he put Sub's arm around his neck. "Lean on me. I'll help you to our room. You will be sleeping in the bed next to me. We can talk tonight if you want as a way to distract you from the blue balls. You and I will be working closely together from now on. We are brothers, and I will do what I can to help you through this."

"Thanks, Lucas," Sub said with a smile. "I appreciate it."

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Planning another pause for a month or two.... but there is more to come. I always accept comments and suggestions, so be sure to contact me if you are enjoying the story.

Next: Chapter 20

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