
By Slave Bear

Published on Feb 20, 2022


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As a note to the reader, while characters in this story are over eighteen and consenting adults, the narrative contains descriptions of bondage, oral and anal sex, extreme body modification, bestiality, and various forms of domination and submission. If any of these acts offend you or are illegal to read where you reside, please move on. This is a work of fiction. Any resemblance to actual persons, living or dead, events or locales is entirely coincidental.

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Transformed - Chapter 13: Steer

The light flickered to life above Evan. It blinked its eyelids, and a figure appeared before it through a haze. It was a large, burly man with what appeared to be horns coming out of its head. Evan closed its eyes and tried to move. It felt the restraints on its arms, legs, and chest. It opened its eyes again and could smell the scent of disinfectant. It heard the voice of another man. As it turned its head, it saw the second figure, dressed in white with a surgical mask over its face. The clang of something falling into a metal container startled it, and it tried to speak, but no sound came from its throat. It closed its eyes again.

Evan felt pressure in its groin. But it was more than pressure. It felt like something was being pulled or tugged. There wasn't any pain, though. The area was numb. When it felt the tug again, this time more forcefully, it opened its eyes and tried to focus. The room seemed to spin as it tried to lift its head. It saw the horned figure to its right and the man in white hovering over him. When the man pulled his hand back, it saw blood covering its gloves. It blinked twice, and when its vision came into focus, it watched as the man moved back and pulled at it again. A sizeable egg-shaped piece of tissue appeared slimy and coated with blood in the man's hand. It was attached to a cord. It lifted its head more and saw that the cords came out of its scrotum that had been shaved and sliced vertically.

"A huge specimen," the man replied as he pulled it out and sat it beside a second testicle on a tray between Evan's legs. "It is a shame you are removing them. They look like big producers and full of sperm."

"They are," came the voice of Richard, the man with the horned hat. "He was due to be milked, but the beast is useless to me now. He will never cum again."

Evan looked at its owner, Richard, and scowled. Richard caught him looking and he moved forward.

"I warned you there would be consequences for defying me again, you piece of shit. I paid good money to enhance your udder. Now, look at your useless balls one last time before I take them from you."

Evan looked back in horror as it saw its flayed sack and displayed testicles pulled below it.

"Do you want to make the cut?" the masked man asked.

"Yes," Richard said as he took the scissors and placed them below clamps that tied off the cords. "Watch, slave, as your manhood is removed."

Evan heard the first snip and saw its left testicle fall away. Richard then cut the second cord and the right testicle followed. The masked man moved the tray to the side and then proceeded to stitch its cords and push them back inside.

"Hand me the implant," the man said as Richard passed him another tray that contained a giant steel orb.

Evan watched as the man cleaned the device. It looked slightly smaller than a tennis ball. He lined it up and pushed it inside its empty sack, and he pulled on the skin to wrap around it. Evan felt the pressure as its scrotum was stretched, and the device was pushed into the former home of its testicles. The man then used a needle and thread to stitch the wound, and Richard moved near Evan's head.

"Your balls are gone now. You are no longer a bull. Your new name is Steer. That thing that we just put inside you contains a proximity device. If you leave a designated area, it will arm itself and send a lethal dose of chemicals into your body. Nod if you understand me."

Evan was frightened and nodded immediately.

"I have no use for you anymore, but a customer needs a slave on its farm. You will be shipped to him to perform manual labor the rest of your life. Understood, Steer?"

Evan nodded its head as a tear fell down its face.

When the doctor finished sewing its sack shut, it turned and cleaned the shaft of its cock near its groin and grabbed a scalpel. Evan looked in horror at Richard, afraid its manhood would be removed entirely.

"Hold still, Steer," Richard said as he grabbed the beast. "The doctor is not removing your former udder. Your new owner has requested it be left on you but be made useless. It will be a symbol of your disobedience. "

"We will be a series of small cuts," the masked man said. "Your dorsal nerves will be severed, and you will longer have the ability to obtain an erection. Sensation will also be reduced so you can no longer achieve pleasure from touching it."

Evan watched as the doctor quickly cut into the skin above its cock and sliced the nerves on either side. After cleaning up the blood and disinfecting the area again, he put in a few more stitches to complete the operation. Richard stared at Evan for several minutes before he spoke.

"You were offered a life of leisure and multiple orgasms a day. Now you will experience one of hard labor and celibacy. We have a final operation to perform, but you will need to be put out for that. We will be rerouting your urethra through a new opening to be created behind your balls. This is the same procedure I had performed on my slave. From now on, when you look at the useless piece of meat between your legs, I want you to consider the error of your ways."

Evan watched as the masked man started an IV in its arm and then picked up a syringe.

"You will be taken to your new master's home when you are healed," Richard said as the masked man injected the drugs into his system. "When you are conscious again, you will begin your servitude to him. We will never see each other again."

Evan turned to Richard and wanted to curse him. It tried to spit into the face of the horned man figure, but as the room spun and things faded to black, it only grunted.

Steer woke and found it was sitting in a dark room. It tried to stand, but it was bound in restraints. Its groin was sore, and it reached down and felt the device that had been implanted where its balls used to hang. Its limp cock lay on top of it. It then noticed the floor was damp. It reached down and felt some type of liquid. As it brought its fingers to its nose, it smelt its piss. Its last memories came back to it, and it reached behind its balls and felt the opening that had been created for it to urinate. It was true. It was no longer a man or a bull. It was a eunuch slave. Its balls were gone. Its cock was permanently limp and useless. It cried for several minutes before the lights came on in the room.

Steer saw the heavy steel manacles that had been installed around its legs, wrists, and neck for the first time. Chains extended from these bands to an eyehook in the center of the room embedded in the concrete floor. It looked down and saw that its chest had been shaved and its tattoo had been modified. The word bull had been blacked out. It looked at its scrotum and the stitches were gone, but the red scar where its balls had been removed was still fresh. It wondered how long it had been unconscious. It had to have been a long time to have healed this well.

A metal door clanged and Steer heard a bolt slide away. When the door opened, a large, older man appeared. Looking up at the figure, it could see that the man had massive, muscled arms and thick, hairy legs. He had a bald head and a long, white beard that extended down his chest. He was wearing a gray tank top that chest hair poked over, a pair of old, worn jeans, and work boots caked in mud.

"So, you are awake?" the man asked.

Steer nodded its head and the man pulled a key from his pocket. He squatted on the floor and unlocked the padlock that attached the chains to its bands. As the man's arms lifted, Steer could detect his scent from his pits immediately. It was apparent the man had not showered in a while. As the chains fell away, the man motioned for Steer to stand. As it pulled itself up, it braced itself on the wall.

"Damn, looks like you pissed all over yourself," the man said. "You will be cleaning this room up before you go to sleep."

The man stepped into the hall and motioned to Steer with his finger. It moved to follow and walk behind him into what looked to be a barn. It covered its eyes as it adjusted to the light and then looked around. The floor was concrete but covered in dirt and hay. As they neared a large wooden door, the man opened it and the morning light flooded the space. It was on a farm and it looked to be similar to Richard's. There was an old farmhouse ahead and as they made their way around it, they entered through a side door. Inside, Steer found himself in a large kitchen and the man walked over and sat at a table and removed his boots and socks.

"This will be your home from now on, Steer," the man said. "You will be bound in your cell every night and let out in the morning. You will prepare my meals and clean the house. You will perform all the labor on the farm and complete any task I assign to you. You will work from sunrise to sundown and I want no complaints or hesitation, or you will be punished. Do you understand me?"

Steer nodded and the man stretched and extended his legs. It looked down and saw the man's feet were dirty and a tuft of white hair sat on top of them.

"Get on your hands and knees, Steer," the man said. "Clean my feet with your mouth."

Steer looked at the man with a disgusted expression and the man scowled. He pulled on a chain around his neck and a small box with a button appeared from under his shirt.

"This pendant communicates wirelessly to that device implanted in your scrotum," the man said. "All I have to do is push it and the device will activate. You will experience searing pain as the chemicals inside it flood your body before you pass out for the very last time. The device also has a proximity sensor in it. If you try to leave the farm, it will activate. I own you and you will obey me without question. Now get on the fucking floor and clean my feet!"

Steer shook as it prostrated on the floor. The man's feet smelled, and as it stuck its tongue out to rub along the top, it felt humiliated. The man reached down and pushed Steer's face down.

"Clean them!" the man shouted.

Steer licked and tasted the grit of dirt and sweat that covered them. As it moved between the man's toes, it could smell his strong scent and it nearly gagged. It took time to adjust to the duty and when it had finished with the tops, the man tilted his feet to let Steer clean the soles. When it was finished, the man pulled his feet back, and Steer sat upon its knees.

"Get used to that duty, Steer," the man said. "You will be doing that a lot. Now, stand and prepare my breakfast. Your master is hungry."

Steer stood and turned to see a package tied with some string on the counter. Next to it sat some eggs and a stick of butter on a dish. The weight of the bands around its legs and neck caused it to stumble as it turned the corner to the counter and the man watched as it stared at the ingredients. Steer was curious about the package and pulled on the string to open it, revealing two large, severed testicles... Steer's testicles!

"Remove your testicles from their skins and then fry them for about ten minutes in some butter, turning them once till they have a nice brown coating," the man said with a smile. "And I like my eggs scrambled."

Steer turned to look at the man in horror and the man frowned. He held the device around his neck p and put his thumb over the button.

"Don't make me repeat myself, Steer. And pour me a large glass of orange juice from the fridge to serve with it."

Steer stared at its large balls on the counter. They were still a pink color and looked fresh as though they had just been removed and cleaned. It shook as it grabbed some butter, put it in a pan on the stove, and turned it on. While the butter melted, it used a knife to slice down the side of each orb and peeled away the thin coating that covered them. It fought back the urge to be sick as it gently placed each of them on the skillet. They sizzled immediately and the smell of cooked flesh wafted by its nose. It watched as the meat cooked. They turned white and then browned. It turned them once and when a char had formed on both sides, it placed them to the side on a plate and then grabbed two eggs. Breaking them open in the same pan, it moved the fluids around till they firmed and were scrambled. It scraped them off next to the two large orbs and brought the plate to the man, returning to the kitchen to pour a large glass of orange juice. When it had placed it next to the dish, it stood quietly.

"Kneel," the man said. "You will always kneel in my presence when you are not being of use."

Steer obeyed as the man grabbed a fork and pierced one of its fried testicles. He used a knife to slice it into several pieces and then brought a section to his mouth. Steer watched as it entered the man's mouth and was chewed.

"Damn, that is good," the man said as he ate and looked at Steer. "Richard told me your testicles were very plump from the chemicals he had you on. They sure are juicy. You must have had a lot of stored sperm in there. I was told you were due to be milked to orgasm when they were cut off. That had to be frustrating watching as they were removed, knowing you would never gain relief or cum again."

Steer was in shock and did not know what to say.

"Here, take a bite," the man said as he stabbed a piece and placed it near the slave's mouth.

Steer stared at it and the man frowned.

"Open your fucking mouth!" the man screamed.

Steer complied and the man placed the piece of the testicle in its mouth.

"Now chew and swallow your fucking balls!"

Steer felt a tear fall from its eye as it complied. The meat was tough and weird, but the butter coating tasted good. As it swallowed, the man continued to eat. When his master finished the first testicle and washed it down with some orange juice, he turned to Steer again.

"When I am done, you will clean the kitchen up. Then you will go into the back. There is a harness attached to a plow. You will put the harness on and drag the plow back and forth across the roped-off area to prepare my garden. I will show you what to plant, and after you are done with that, you will be sent to the barn to feed the horses and pigs. I want you to pay attention to everything I show you. You will follow my every command without hesitation. Your life will be hard, but I will feed you and treat you fairly as long as you obey. Is that understood, Steer?"

Steer nodded and the man smiled.

"I need to brand your ass today as well. You are no longer a member of Richard's herd. Once you are done plowing, I will see to it."

Steer stared at the floor as the man continued.

"Richard tells me you were a straight man before you became his property and are an anal virgin. Is that correct?"

Steer looked up and nodded and the man smiled.

"Good. I will take that virginity from you tonight. You will offer your newly branded ass to me willingly, so be prepared to wash and clean yourself for that. I will probably be fucking you several times before I lock you up for the evening."

Steer remained still as the man finished eating its second testicle and the scrambled eggs. When his master was done, he rubbed his belly and smiled.

"Well, you provided me with a very nutritious meal. At least your balls had one last use."

His master leaned down, grabbed both of his sweat-soaked socks from his boots, and wadded them into a ball.

"Stand and open your mouth."

Steer complied and nearly gagged when he tasted the man's sweat and smelled his intense foot scent.

"You will learn to crave my stench and be grateful when I give you the chance to enjoy it," the man said. "Now turn around and bend over."

As Steer complied, the man unwrapped a pouch on the table and pulled out a syringe which he plunged into a vial to pull out a small amount of thick liquid.

"Without balls, you will need regular injections of testosterone," the man said. "I need you in top shape to perform work around here."

The man plunged the needle into Steer's ass, and the slave grunted into the fabric in its mouth as the fluids were pushed inside. The man ordered Steer to turn and kneel again when he was done.

"As you were probably told, your dick is useless now. It will have little feeling and cannot get erect. You can't even piss out of it anymore. You have a hole behind your balls that will allow you to squat and relieve yourself. You will always go to the bathroom outside. There is a faucet in the back of the house if you need to clean yourself. Be sure to pick up your piles and dump them somewhere where I won't step in them."

Steer nodded and the man stood up.

"There is some Lightning Boost in the fridge. Drink a can of it after cleaning and then get to plowing. After you are branded, you will be allowed two breaks to piss and grab some water before nightfall and your ass fucking. So, you have a long day ahead. I will check on you in an hour."

The man rose and walked out of the room and Steer looked down. It held its limp, numb cock in its hand and felt its large sack. It could taste the man as the socks in its mouth mixed with its spit and slid down its throat. It now longed to be one of Richard's bulls again. The memory of its last milking session came to its mind, and as it daydreamed, it felt precum dribble out of the hole behind its ass. It reached back and wiped the clear fluids away, and then stood. As it grabbed the plates to clean them, it resigned itself to its new life as a slave.

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It may take a while but I promise there is more to come. I always accept comments and suggestions, so be sure to contact me if you are enjoying the story.

Next: Chapter 14

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