
By Slave Bear

Published on Feb 15, 2022


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As a note to the reader, while characters in this story are over eighteen and consenting adults, the narrative contains descriptions of bondage, oral and anal sex, extreme body modification, bestiality, and various forms of domination and submission. If any of these acts offend you or are illegal to read where you reside, please move on. This is a work of fiction. Any resemblance to actual persons, living or dead, events or locales is entirely coincidental.

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Transformed - Chapter 11: Integration

The doors to the van opened and Evan saw the morning mist near the trees in the distance. Chad motioned for it to get out and the young bull stepped out onto the grass and stretched. It was still feeling the effects of the light sedative it had been administered. When Gimp had come in to wake it in the morning, it took a swing at him and bloodied his nose as soon as its restraints were removed. The drug had calmed it enough to be dragged to the van.

Chad put a hand on the beast's shoulder and directed it towards the barn where Richard was waiting. The older man's scowl was evident and his large frame loomed at the entrance to the wooden building.

"So, this is the troublemaker, eh?" Richard said.

"Yes, Sir," Chad replied. "Had to give it a light sedative even to get it in the van. Poor Gimp's face was still bloody when I left."

"You will pay for that infraction, White," Richard said to Evan. "Bring him in here to this stall on the right. There are straps we can use to bind him."

Chad pushed Evan forward and as the beast stumbled, Richard grabbed its other arm and pulled it into position over the leather-padded bench. Two broad leather bands were brought over the beast's back and its arms and legs were locked into place by smaller ones. Richard slid its udder into the tube below it to be milked later. As Evan felt the men secure it, its mind began to clear. The bench was comfortable, but the restraints were tight. It could not move other than twisting its head from side to side. When it felt its udder placed into the tube, the stimulation caused its shaft to swell and it groaned.

"Looks like its dick is getting hard," Chad said as he pointed between the beast's legs.

"We will see how long that lasts," Richard said as he moved to the side of the barn and grabbed a whip from the wall.

"Are you going to beat it?" Chad asked.

"Within an inch of its life," Richard replied with a mean tone. "It is going to learn to behave, or I will have other uses for it."

Chad was nervous as he watched his uncle approach the bound beast. Richard could sense his nephew's fear and turned to him.

"Get on home, boy. You need to be getting ready to leave for college. I appreciate your help."

"Yes, Sir," Chad replied.

As Chad walked down the path to his truck, he could hear the crack of the whip as it fell on Evan's back. The groan that followed was muffled but still audible.

Evan felt the searing pain through its body. It wanted to scream and yell, but there was no way to vocalize. The forcing of air in its lungs through its sore throat caused a low sound, though more like a grunt mixed with a loud sigh. When the whip hit it again, its body seized and a tear fell from its eye. The impact had it on its left ass cheek and it squeezed and clenched the muscles in its butt as more lashes came.

Richard took no mercy. He brought the whip down on the beast over and over again. Red welts started to form on its back and ass and soon pinpricks of blood formed. These radiated out as the beating continued until it flowed from cracks in the skin. He could see the beast trying to break its bonds, but there was no escape. When the fiftieth lash had been given, Richard stopped and saw the bloodied and bruised body below him. He moved over the beast and spoke directly to it.

"That punishment is nothing like what you will endure if you do not accept your new role and act accordingly, White."

Richard reached down and squeezed the young bull's balls and the beast gritted its teeth. Tears were streaming down its eyes and spit had covered the beard growing on its face.

"I brought you in here to use this thing to produce cum for my business, but I can just as easily cut your entire udder off and turn you into another toy to play with like Slave. One way or the other, you will submit to me. Is that understood?"

Evan spat out a grunt and turned to look at the man. Richard's face was on fire and Evan was scared. Richard grabbed its neck and shouted.

"Nod if you understand me, bitch!"

Evan nodded back and Richard released his grip. As he moved back, he flipped a switch and Evan felt the tube grip its soft cock and it groaned. Pain rocked its body and it was surprising to feel its shaft swell with the stimulation.

Lucas had been working in the back room preparing some Lightning Boost when he heard the beating commence on Evan. He knew it would happen after word reached that Gimp had been injured. Richard had gone into a fury and Lucas had tried to calm him down. His Master had wanted to castrate the young bull as soon as it arrived at the farm, but Lucas had convinced him to give it one last chance. Lucas completed his task and walked out to see Richard putting the whip away after turning on the milking machine when the beating was over.

"Do you need any assistance, Master?" Lucas asked.

Richard turned to his toy and wiped the sweat from his brow.

"Monitor this piece of shit. When it has had three milkings, take it out and put it in the cage in the dungeon."

"Three, Sir?" Lucas asked. "What if it does not have any more production after the first one?"

"Keep it on there till it has had three," Richard said. "I don't care how painful it is for it."

"Yes, Sir!" Lucas replied.

Richard walked out of the barn and Lucas approached Evan to check on it. Blood covered its back and deep bruises formed over its frame as the tube pulled and sucked on its udder. Lucas grabbed a pail, filled it with water, and used a sponge to soak up the cool liquid and apply it to the beast's lower back. Evan flinched and grunted.

"I am sure this hurts," Lucas said. "You fucked up bad. I hope you have learned that."

Evan was still crying. The pain was awful, but the coolness of the water and the gentleness of Lucas's touch let him know the boy was not here to hurt it further. Lucas washed the blood away from the beast he could and then applied some ointment to the young bull's skin cuts.

"This will hurt for a while," Lucas replied. "Master beat you bad."

As the boy pushed the cool gel into a cut on Evan's ass, the beast felt a warmth building in its groin. The pain was causing it to orgasm and it could not fight it. As the feeling crested, its sore balls lifted and exploded as thick, white fluids filled the tube and were pulled away to a waiting receptacle. Evan's head pounded and it nearly blacked out. Lucas gently patted the beast's haunches.

"That's a boy. You did well for your first milking!"

Evan groaned again as the tube pulled on its shaft relentlessly. Every drop of cum was removed and it still pulled. Its shaft was sensitive and now pain radiated from its crotch to match its sensations through the rest of its body. It tried to scream and thrash, but only its head moved.

"Calm down, White," Lucas said. "Master has instructed me to make sure you have three orgasms before you can leave. No matter how painful they might be."

Evan cried again. It wanted to escape this torture. It curled its feet and squeezed its hands into a ball as it closed its eyes and tried to catch its breath.

Lucas finished tending to Evan's wounds and then bandaged some of the larger ones. When he had finished, Evan was experiencing its second orgasm, but this one was nearly dry. Only a tiny amount of cum came out and the beast was obviously not enjoying the device. Lucas felt terrible for it but knew it had to endure one more pull on its udder. While the beast awaited that fate, the boy returned to the backroom to grab Evan's morning injection of drugs, which he administered to the beast's ass.

It took another twenty minutes before Evan had a third orgasm. Nothing came out, but the beast was trying to produce. When the shaft began to soften again, Lucas switched off the machine and Evan sighed in relief.

"Come on, fella," Lucas said as he released the restraints. "I will help you to your feet."

Evan did not resist and accepted the boy's help getting out of the stall. It stood, wobbly on its legs and held onto the divider between two stalls to steady itself. It looked at Lucas and wiped its red eyes.

"Please help me escape," Evan mouthed.

"White, there is no escape," Lucas said as he picked up a collar and attached it to the beast's neck. "This will administer shocks to you if you try to leave the property. The closer you get to the perimeter, the stronger the effect. It will eventually knock you out if you get too close."

Evan felt the black box on the collar and a tear fell from its eyes. Lucas put his hand on the beast's shoulder.

"Please accept your new role. I am excited to have you and the other cattle here to be a companion to Bull. If you just relax and give it time, I know you will love it. You get milked three times a day and the drugs will cause you to have mind-blowing orgasms each time the milker drains you. The alternative is to look like me."

Lucas grabbed the beast's hand and put it on the smooth place where his cock used to hang.

"Richard will not hesitate to remove your udder and balls too if you continue to rebel. He has done far worse to those that disobey. Believe me when I tell you this. You have no other choice but to submit."

Evan felt its sore back. It was in no mood to argue and it nodded at the boy. Lucas smiled and rubbed its arm.

"Come with me. You need some rest."

Evan followed Lucas as he walked out of the barn and around to the back of the house. They descended into the dungeon that it had come to just days before and it saw a large metal cage in the corner. Lucas opened the door and beckoned it to get in.

"You will have to stay locked up for now," Lucas said. "Once you have shown that you can be trusted, you will be allowed to roam the farm."

Evan sighed and got into the cage. He could not stand but had to stoop and sit on the ground. It was able to stretch its legs out and it leaned against the bars and felt as they dug into the welts on its back. Lucas closed and locked the door and smiled.

"I'll be back in a few hours with your lunch and then you will have another milking and exercise time."

Lucas turned and left, switching off the light behind him. Some beams of illumination came from the wooden doors that he closed behind him and as Evan adjusted to the dark of the room, it could start to see what was around it. There were fuck benches and crosses and chains hanging from the ceiling. On the far wall, it saw the jars that had been on the altar when it was branded like a cow and inside one floated the large cock that had once been attached to Lucas. Evan felt its sore balls and fondled its shaft before closing its eyes to get some rest.

Lucas walked around to enter the back of the addition to the house that contained the large room that the cattle lived in. When he opened the door, he saw that Bull was sitting on its bed near the floor and the three new additions were gathered around grooming it.

"I see you all are doing some bonding," Lucas replied with a smile.

Noah looked up and grinned back as it ran its hand over Bull's upper back.

"His hair is so soft!" the beast mouthed.

"I know!" Lucas replied as he closed the door and came near them. "Bull's hair is very soft and it is a big cuddler too. Aren't ya big fella?"

As Lucas scratched Bull's beard under its chin, the beast leaned on his hand and let out a soft groan.

"You are such a sweet cow," Lucas replied. "You three would never have recognized it when it first arrived. It was a lot skinnier and headstrong."

Ben looked at Lucas next.

"How long till we look like him?" it mouthed.

"You each are getting double doses of the special serum Master has formulated," Lucas replied. "That will last for a few weeks. You will find your balls will feel heavier and it will start to increase your volume when you are milked. We will then bring you down to a normal dose and within three months or so, you will start to see dramatic changes. It took Bull here about nine months to get to where it is now."

Noah got Lucas's attention and pointed at Bull's huge balls and then at its own.

"How long till your balls get that big?" Lucas asked.

Noah nodded and the boy smiled back.

"You will start to see them growing in a few months. By six months, they will be about 75% that size and then the growth will slow until you reach that size. I will warn you that we have tweaked your formulations a bit, so you may find your testicles grow even a bit bigger than Bull's."

Oliver's eyes widened and it grabbed its crotch. Lucas laughed.

"I promise it does not hurt," Lucas replied. "Bull here has never complained though it did have to get used to shuffling with all that weight between its legs. Didn't you, boy?"

Bull smiled and licked Lucas's hand and the boy brought it up to scratch behind the beast's ear. Ben tapped Lucas's leg and looked at him.

"Will we all be dumb like Bull?" the beast mouthed.

Lucas ran his hands through Ben's hair. He could see the concern in the beast's eyes and he tried to reassure it.

"Bull is not dumb. The drugs retarded its intelligence, but it is still quite smart. To answer your question, though, you will find the drug will reduce your IQ. It will degrade quickly at first. Within a few months, all three of you will have the same level of intelligence as a young child and that will eventually revert to toddler-level like Bull here. But I am here to take care of you and see to your needs. Bull is your brother and I can already tell it loves you all. Take solace in the fact you have a home now."

Ben looked down and looked sad. Lucas crouched to look at it and the other young bulls.

"Don't let things get you down, Green. You are being fed three times a day. You are going to be groomed and pampered. You will be having multiple orgasms a day and helping make our master, Richard, a ton of money. You have a purpose now. Embrace it. But, I do have some advice for you three."

The young bulls looked at Lucas.

"You need to learn to communicate in other ways than mouthing words. Cows do not talk. Your vocal cords are useless. You will never speak again. Bull, here, learned to communicate with me through noises and gestures. Watch and learn from it so you can do the same. It will help you fit in quicker."

The three nodded at him and Lucas rubbed each of their heads. Bull felt left out, though, and leaned down and under Lucas's hand and the boy laughed. The three young bulls reached up and rubbed the beast's ears and chest and a pleasant sound came from its throat.

"That's the sound it makes when it is really happy," Lucas said. "Now, I need to be a little serious here, so pay attention all four of you."

The beasts turned to Lucas as he stood up and looked down at them.

"Your brother, White, struck and injured Gimp this morning. As punishment, it was given fifty lashes by our Master. It is bruised and bloodied, but those injuries will heal. It is still rebellious and may still try to escape. It has been warned that it may be repurposed or discarded if it does not behave. I know none of us want to see that happen, so please try to reach out to it and help it to understand it is part of a family now."

The young bulls nodded and Bull let out a grunt before Lucas continued.

"It will be kept in a cage in the dungeon for now. It will be let out for milking and for exercise time. Get my attention if you think I need to intervene and assist it. Is that understood?"

The beasts nodded in agreement and Lucas smiled.

"Ok, well, you all get outside and enjoy yourselves. It is a nice day. The south field has really soft grass you can lay in. Bull knows where it is at."

Bull grunted loudly and stood up and the young beasts followed it out the door.

Richard drove into town to pick up Gimp and bring him to the farm just before lunch. When he arrived, Lucas came to the front to greet him. Gimp's nose was swollen, but he seemed none the worse for wear.

"Man, White really got you, didn't it?" Lucas said as he held the door open.

"Yeah, the little bastard moved quicker than I could dodge," Gimp replied.

"It has been punished for its indiscretion," Richard replied as he closed the door behind him. "I want to be informed immediately if it causes further problems. I will not tolerate any more defiance."

"Yes, Sir!" Lucas and Gimp replied as Richard went into the kitchen.

The two followed him and watched as their master grabbed a soda from the fridge.

"I am going to go up the road to see my brother," Richard said. "Gimp, prepare the mid-day meal for everyone and I will return for dinner."

"Yes, Master," Gimp said. "Will you be bringing Pup back with you?"

"Yes," Richard replied. "I wanted to wait till everyone was settled before I brought him and Brutus to the house. It is time for the cattle to get used to them."

"Understood, Sir," Gimp replied as Richard left the room.

"How are the new bulls settling in?" Gimp said as he moved around to clean the countertops and prep for lunch.

"Blue, Red, and Green are doing ok," Lucas replied. "Green seems a bit concerned about losing its intelligence, but Bull has bonded with them already. They all went out to enjoy the weather a short time ago."

"And White?" Gimp asked.

"It is in the cage in the basement," Lucas replied. "Master gave it fifty lashes and it is in a lot of pain still. I am hoping we broke its will."

"Doubtful," Gimp said as he pulled out some mixing bowls. "I remember I had a tough transition when I came here. Not as difficult as it, but I don't think one beating will stop it from trying to escape. Master was still fuming about it on the ride over here. It is in serious danger. I hope you are communicating that to it."

"Oh, I am," Lucas replied.

"Good," Gimp said. "Well, you go out and work on Lighting Boost production and I will call you in for lunch when it is ready."

"Ok," Lucas replied. "And I am happy to have you back here. I missed you."

Gimp smiled.

"I missed you too, Slave."

Next: Chapter 12

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