
By moc.liamrehtael@kcirtapyeh

Published on Dec 22, 2011


Transformation Copyright 2011 by All Rights Reserved

WARNING! If you've gotten to this point you've already figured out that these are sexual stories, and that in this part of Nifty are stories about sex between men. You've already been warned that you should be 18 years of age or older, and should be living in a place where reading or possessing such material is not illegal. You may or may not be smart enough to realize the importance of safe sex but it is of the utmost importance.

This story, in nine acts, is not fictional though I have taken some liberties with names and a bit of liberty with the erotic material, though not substantially changing what indeed did occur. Lets say its about 60% is actually true and the rest is to various, lesser degrees. This material is copyrighted and should not be re-posted or published in any manner without permission from the author. Feel free to tell others about it if you enjoy it, and any comments, good or bad, are welcome:

PART 4: The orgy climax, nighttime service, soggy diapers, donuts, Key guy, and Red returns.

I suspect that this was a first for most of the guys in the line-up. Master handled the problem by reminding everyone to ride easy and let it build up slowly. "If you find yourself getting close then slow down or think of something else, like your mother or something." Master kept coaching the line for a bit with soothing words and everyone stayed in line and in sync. And this went on far longer than I thought possible.

Except for Steve... or maybe it was me. Since I didn't have anyone behind me my gratification came only from sucking Steve's cock, and I'm an aggressive sucker once I get into it, unless the "dick" I'm sucking tells me to slow down or gives me direction. But Steve was all new to it, so he just passively took it. I was going to town, and I guess Steve still wasn't too aware of what was going on around him and wasn't paying attention to Master, so he just responded to my tongue and the dick the guy behind him had up his ass.

Then someone came in behind me from the direction of the door. He reached for a condom and tore it open, and, slipped it on. Suddenly my wad of diapers was yanked down to my bent knees and whoever it was behind me plunged into my ass. It caught me so totally off guard that I bit down on Steve's cock, fast and hard. Steve yells out, startled, and I back off of his cock just as he starts to shoot.

Personally, I'm surprised he didn't shoot sooner; he'd had an awful lot of stimulation already for one night and he had to be primed and ready. With no warning he let out a huge cry of ecstasy and shot his load. I held up my hands to catch his cum; I don't know why, but something had to be done. "Oh no", I moaned, knowing that Master would be pissed off that Steve didn't stay with the group. The guy behind me, though, didn't pause or flinch, he just kept pumping away in my ass.

"Dam it, slave! It wasn't time yet!" Master yells.

And then the guy behind Steve shot into the condom in Steve's ass and his moans and bucking sent Laughing guy, who was behind him, into his special cumming place, and he shot as well. At that point everyone must have refocused themselves from the interruption and realized it was time, because there were a lot of groans and, I don't know what to call it, orgasmic moans and screams and panting, as each of the others let loose, not necessarily in sequence, nor at the same volume. Even Master got into his own orgasm, fortunately for me. He'd really be angry, otherwise.

And the Johnny-come-lately behind me finally shot is load and it was pretty incredible. Everyone kind of sagged, pulling out, some collapsed on the bed. Steve just collapsed onto the floor and lay there panting. Blondie started pulling on his pants over his sticky dick and, true to his redneck attitude, said nothing and slipped out, clearly not wanting to acknowledge that he had a good time. Probably heading back to his closet. His condom was even still hanging out of Jakes ass. Jake sprawled across the bed, he'd been waiting all afternoon to get his rocks off.

Security guard got dressed as well, and looked at Master and me, put his finger up to his lips and quietly said "Unless he noticed me, don't let Steve know I was here. He'd feel awkward", and he, too, slipped out quietly.

Red started passing out hand towels and told Master, "Man, that was something. Wait'll I tell them at the Front Desk!" Red was pretty fine. Yeah, a bit skinny, but he had this wonderful, lyrical, Oklahoma accent. Red left and Master closed the drapes and turned on the lights for a bit.

I'm still kneeling there, my hands cupped and full of Steve's cum, though its starting to go liquid and drippy; I have to try to get to a towel. "Okay, slave, eat it up. You caused it, so you have to clean it up."

What? "Shit," though I said it quietly. I bent down and started lapping it up from my hands. Laughing guy added insult to injury by grabbing my cupped hands and pushing them up against my face as he headed for the door.

"Yeah, you're a really fucked up bitch. I'm gonna have to use you some more some other time." He left, laughing. Yeah, he was a laugh minute. Good riddance.

At this point I have it all over my face and not really enough left in my hand to slurp up.

"Rub it into your face and scalp, slave. Maybe it'll grown your hair back faster." Master wasn't going to let me forget that I'd fucked-up the dong'a line. I still looked around for a towel but, "That's an order, slave", so I started smearing it all over my head and face and then rub the rest on my thighs to get my hands back. I can't say this was a pleasant experience, nor was afterwards once it dried.

"Now hitch your diaper back up and get some sleep. I'll want you later," Master said. "Oh, and prop your head up on your arm when you lay down so you don't get any of that wet, sticky cum on the carpet. You wanted it out of Steve's cock so badly I want to be sure you enjoy every last bit of it, all night long.

They say a good slave is suppose to adore everything about their master, but clearly the person who said that wasn't a slave.

As I started to lay down, my head on my arms, Master noticed my diaper was a little sloshy again. He tells Jake to change it and Jake gives it a shot, putting three layers of diapers on me. The lights are turned back off, Master lays on the bed along with Jake and some other guy, and Steve is quietly snoozing on the floor at the foot of the bed. I lean over and swing the door closed. I don't want another strange dick shoved into my mouth while I'm sleeping.

Or maybe I do. It's not even 3 AM! Technically it was still my first day as a full-time slave. But I closed the door anyway; that's what you do when you go to bed, even at a gay whorehouse, isn't it?

The space between the bed and the table and chairs was limited, even more so because the rim seat was still set up over where I pushed it from the foot of the bed, and it kept poking me in the back. But I managed to fall asleep fairly quickly.

At some point later I woke up needing to piss, and found it kind of convenient to just let it lose. I had been laying on my side, but as I started to piss I felt a trickle across my thigh so I quickly rolled over onto my back. This caused my legs to get tangled up in the chains and the jingling sound must have woken Master.

"Up slave, I need to piss." I kneeled up and took Master's cock into my mouth. As he pissed I started to tear up; I was so lucky. Or maybe I was just overwhelmed. Master patted my head when he finished and I started lay back down.

"Now me, slave." This time Jake wanted to use me, and he had a fairly full bladder. Jake finished, and then had me suck him for a bit before pushing my head away and going back to bed. I laid back down and dozed off. Then I felt someone snuggling up next to me. I opened my eyes and Steve had crawled over to me and was beside me, though he had turned around so his dick was at my face. I opened up and started sucking on him, and he reached over and hugged my legs. He shifted again, though, and suddenly he was using my diaper as a bit of a pillow! Now I was really kind of crowded for space, but I still managed to fall asleep.

I woke up to find Steve gone, and Master was fully dressed and filling the coffee pot. Jake and the other guy, I don't know that I ever got his name, were 69ing on the bed. Oh, god, I thought, sex again. And I had to piss again, so I did, carefully, 'cause the diaper was getting a bit slushy again. Master came over and unzipped, so I knew to open up my mouth for his piss, and when he finished he reached down and felt my soggy diaper.

"Stay on your knees, slave or you'll get the carpet wet. And no more pissing until Steve gets back and can change your diapers. And now that I think about it, no more pissing without permission. You've had your free toilet time." So I just kind of knelt there, quietly, watching the others. Between the soggy diaper and the chain that limited my movements I wasn't much use to anyone else so I just knelt. Jake and the other guy, "Nameless", no, I'm nameless at the moment, lets call him "Easy". I guess everyone else had to have a name since I couldn't. Jake and Easy finished up their mutual blowjob and went into the shower together. I looked at the clock: 10:24 AM.

Master grabbed some clean sheets from the pile where Red had dumped them and threw them on the bed. Change the sheets, slave." I got busy, though it wasn't easy to do dragging the chain around the bed. I had to stretch the chain across the bed to get to the top corner on the other side. And then I had to go back around to keep the sheets from getting tangled in the chain. Back and forth, back and forth, finally finishing with the bedspread back in place with everything nice and smooth. Looking at the bed you couldn't tell it had experienced an orgy last night.

Master's coffee finished dripping just as the door opened and Steve walked back in carrying a jug of coffee, a bag, and a box of Daylight Donuts. "Take off you clothes, Steve, and then change the slave's diapers." That made me blush, red-faced, and more, I'm sure, since I was naked.

Steve hesitated, and looked down at the floor. "I have to be leaving soon, Sir."

"Yeah, I know. But not right this minute and you aren't allowed to wear clothes in this room. You can dress before you leave."

"Yes, Sir." Steve stripped down, and then went over to the clothes rack and got the package of diapers. That one package seemed to have a never ending supply. I just stood waiting back on my side of the bed, by the chairs.

Steven came over to me dragging the sheets I had just taken off the bed. He dropped them on the floor so I'd have something to lay one without getting the carpet wet. As he started ripping the tabs of the diaper apart, layer by layer, I started blushing again. He held up the wad of diapers and asked Master where he should put them.

"Set them just outside the door. You can throw them in the trash barrel when you leave." Steve opened the door and leaned out and to the side to drop the diapers. "Leave the door open," Master said. Steve came back in and walked around the bed to the bathroom and got a wet wash clothe. He came back around to me and started washing my ass and around my cock. It was nice and warm, and he gently wiped, and then playfully patted my ass. I blushed again, but I smiled at him. We seemed to have a kinship, and, besides, dry diapers were infinitely more preferable to the wet, pissy ones.

He put four more diapers on me as Jake and Easy dressed. He then served everyone coffee and donuts. I started to get up and get a donut for myself but Master said, "No, slave. You'll get yours when we feed you. Besides, you probably have to piss again so kneel down and go ahead."

I knelt, again, and indeed I had to piss, so I let loose. So much for my dry diapers. Everyone munched on donuts. Jake bit into one and said, "Oh, I don't like jelly donuts. I thought it had cream. He brought it over to me, stopping on the way to grab a donut more to his liking, and then munched on it while he insisted on holding the jelly donut for me eat from his hand, bite by bite. He was really enjoying dominating me. When the jelly donut was gone he had me lick his fingers. "What do you say, slave?"

"Thank you, Sir." All in all I got that jelly donut, a taste of a chocolate donut (no, not the Security guard, the kind with the chocolate icing on it), the last bite of a glazed donut, the end of Jake's cream donut (no cream, just the end), and a powered sugar donut that Master fed me, making sure to smear some of the powdered sugar on my face by wiping his hands on my cheeks. Between the dried cum from last night and the powdered sugar I'm sure I looked silly. But it was a good feeling, anyway. Clearly I do pretty well with humiliation.

Easy announced he had to go, "But I'll stop by tonight in case there is another party going on." Steve told Master he needed to leave and Master told him to get dressed. Jake seemed to be in no hurry and just sat on the bed.

When Steve was dressed he walked over to Master and knelt down and kissed his boots. "Thank you, Sir, more than you'll ever know." He the turned and kissed Jake's shoes, next, and also thanked him. He then turned and headed out the door. I guess I got my thanks last night when he let me suck his dick.

"Think he'll be back," Jake asked?

"He'll be back", Master said.

Jake stood up and said, "I've got to go home and change for work. Thanks, it was great." He turned to head out the door, patted me on the head as he passed me and said, "I guess I'm hoping the key guy doesn't show up. That way I'll know where to find you." He winked, and left.

Key guy did show up, just about noontime. Master had been reading in the room and I just knelt, looking out the window, working through the last 24 hours or so. I was thirsty, so I asked Master if I could have a drink of water, "Please, Sir." He said yes, put down his book and got up. At the sink he ran the water a bit and then filled a paper cup with water and brought it over to the table and set it down. He sat back down and then unzipped and pulled out his dick. I was a bit annoyed by this teasing.

"Which do you want first", he asked, indicating the glass or his cock? I was to get both, I guess, but that was fine by me. I thought about it and decided that after the sugary donuts the water might be the better first choice. I was always willing to drink Master's piss but I never considered that it would be all I drank. The cup of fresh water went all too quickly, but Master got up and filled it again. I finished that off and then, though no longer really thirsty, I eagerly bent over to suck his dick. I wanted to reaffirm that I was still happy with my choices. His piss started flowing.

As I sucked he stroked the back of my head, playing a bit with the square sumo-wrestler hair patch he'd left. Its curious, though, I was really enjoying the animal-like petting I'd been getting. It was all part of the general contentment that I'd been feeling.

A knock on the door signaled the return of Key guy. "Hi, does that offer still hold? I got here as quick as I could." Larger than life, keys in hand, dick tenting his slacks (the larger than life part!), Key guy was ready for some slave mouth.

"Yes, we've been waiting for you", Master said. "Do you have the keys?" He held his hands out.

"They're right here", and he fished them out of his pocket and handed them to Master.

Master took them and "He's all yours. Don't break him", and Master went back to his reading. Key guy sat on the bed and I crawled over to him. He was in his forties, tall, trim, mustached, and probably hairy. Actually a good looking guy; I wasn't complaining.

Key guy had a puzzled look on his face. "What's with the diaper" he asked? I started to answer, but Master jumped in before I could say anything; I was still learning that general conversation wasn't directed at me.

"Its part of his training. It helps put him in his place. Besides, he had to piss and you had the keys." I hadn't really considered the "putting me in my place" part. I was just going to say that he had the keys and I needed to piss.

I guess that was why I had to learn not to speak until spoken directly to, slaves don't know what to say. As for the diaper, well, I had gotten used to them and was no longer bothered too much about having to wear them. I was hoping it wouldn't be a permanent part of my wardrobe, though it was looking more and more like they would be. Clearly Master thought he knew what was best for me. I mean, I thought I'd finally get unchained from the bed but apparently Master had other ideas.

I was learning that Master ALWAYS had other ideas.

"Oh. Does that mean I can't use him down there?" Key guy really had his priorities straight, though I wasn't sure if Master would let him fuck me. All everyone else ever got were blow jobs, or in Steve's case, a rim job. except for that fuck I got at the end of the daisy chain last night. Hell, Master had only fucked me twice in the several visits I'd had with him.

"We'll see" was all Master committed to. He went back to his reading and Key guy started to unzip.

"Well, at least I get a shot at your mouth." He pulled it out and I went to town like the eager cocksucker I was.

"Wait a minute", Master interrupted. "First you need to contribute to his diaper." Take your cock and stick it into the front of his diaper and piss in it."

Key guy stopped, got a funny look on his face, and then shrugged and said, "What the hell. You're the boss of him." He took his cock from my mouth, stood up, and pulled me up by my chain collar, and stuck his very hard dick into my crotch. A few moments later a trickle started and I too, as has become the norm, felt the need to piss.

"Some for the front", Key guy said, and after a bit of pissing he stopped and turned me around. "And some for the back..." And yes, that sentence was left unfinished. After a bit he stopped again and asked Master if he could put the rest down my throat. Master said yes, and so I found myself turned around again and pushed down to my knees, again. I gulped it down again, still needing to piss for myself but knowing I had to ask permission. When he was done I turned to ask Master if I could piss, but as I did he got up and came over and pissed into my crotch again, feeding me the last several swallows as well. And then I didn't have to ask, he knew. "I guess you need to piss now, too, don't you boy?"

"Yes, Sir. Thank you, Sir."

"Oh, I didn't say you could, I just ask if you needed to." He didn't wait for another reply from me, he just said, "lets see how well you do on..." and he looked to Key guy for a name.

"Jim", he said.

"Let's just see how well you do on Jim's dick. If he is satisfied with your work after five minutes he can give you permission if he wants."

I swear I had no idea it would be like this when I signed that contract. I sighed and said, "Yes, Sir, Thank you, Sir", and I turned back, ready to go to work on Key guy, or rather, Jim's, dick. Master went back to his reading and Jim sat down on and leaned back on the bed, though he did undo his slacks so I could get to his cock more effectively. He glanced at his watch and then lay back completely while I worked.

Now I had a bit of a dilemma. I could either work to get him off fast so that he wouldn't want to fuck my ass afterwards, or I could work him more slowly, risk being allowed to piss, but maybe, in the end (no pun intended) be rid of the wet diaper completely when he fucked me.

So I had choices to make, or so I thought. I started sucking, not really deciding on what I was going to go for, when Master spoke up from his book.

"Don't make him cum, slave. He still wants to get at your ass later."

See how wonderful a master is to have? He always knows what best for you and when to make the tough decisions.

I focused on keeping Jim happy. He checked his watch a couple of times, and I know it was beyond five minutes when he finally spoke, and I was starting to get jumpy. "Okay, slave. You've earned the privilege of pissing in your diaper. Go ahead, but don't stop sucking."

Relief washed through me as the piss started flowing out. Of course, it also meant that the diaper was getting sloshy, again. They just don't make them like they used to! I pissed, and kept sucking.

"Goddamn, don't you guys ever stop?" I didn't have to glance towards the door to know Red was back.

Master tossed back as he put down his book, "No, not when there's sex to be had!"

"Well, let me know if I can help!"

"Yeah, I think you can. Master got up and came and bent over me. He grabbed my wad of diapers and started tearing them off, one by one. When both sides of all of the layers were free Master rolled them up and handed them to Red. "Throw them out in the barrel and then come back." Master pulled me up from my sucking position and turned me around. He reached and tossed a condom and lube to Jim and said, "Okay, you wanted his ass. Go ahead. We'll keep this end busy."

Jim started lubing my ass up for his fuck. As he was putting on the condom Red returned. Master grabbed Red's waist and undid his tight jeans and dropped them down to his ankles. Pushing him towards me he said, "Slave, suck his dick."

I didn't have to be told twice. Red's dick was a treat, Mmm, strawberry! As Jim started fucking my ass I swallowed down Red's dick, but out of the corner of my eye I saw Master unzipping his jeans and reaching for a condom. I guess Red was going to get it in the other end. He didn't protest. Master must have had primed himself for Red's ass last night when Security came back was put into the fuck chain line-up behind Red, and now Master was finally getting his chance.

After a few minutes Master asked Jim how he was doing.

"I'm good, getting close. Jim was starting to breathe a little heavy.

"Red, how you doing," Master asked?

"Great, Sir. tell me when."

Master continued fucking for a bit and then said, "Okay boys. Let loose when you're ready."

And they were. Red actually started moaning first, and as I felt the first drops come out on my tongue Jim started yelling, "Fuck, yeah. Fuck yeah. YEAH!" The typical words of a guy who only understands sex as a means of getting his rocks off. And Master started moaning and shooting into the condom in Red's ass.

The action started slowing down and everyone but me kind of slumped onto the bed. I stayed down on the floor at their feet where I was supposed to be. I hadn't been allowed to cum, but at least I was finally free of that diaper!

Jim sighed, "Aw, man. I'm gonna have to get me one of these!", meaning a slave.

"For a price you can buy mine?" This was from Master and it very much caught me by surprise.

Its every slave's fantasy, I think, the thought of their master just up and selling them off to someone. Even better would be an auction where the slave went to, not the best master, but to the highest bidder. My explorations told me, though, that this was fantasy far more than fact. Its a matter of supply and demand. There are far to many bottoms out there who have the fantasy, but wading through the masses to find the odd slave that actually would follow through makes the reality nearly impossible.

Of course, I suspect its every master's fantasy, as well, to have the possibility (and the money... and the quality of selection) to be able to just up and buy a slave that they have their eye on. But the way reality works its kind of like the used car market: There is always the possibility of buying a lemon.

And though I'd had the fantasy being sold, as well, and my contract even stipulated that Master had the right to do so, I'd never really thought that it would occur. I mean, its rare enough to find a slave that actually follows through on their promise of commitment and devotion. Finally finding that, what master would put themselves through the aggravation of having to replace it after selling the halfway decent slave. Why pay the money to buy a slave when there are seemingly so many possible freebies out there? And who would risk the money on someone else's cast-off?

So it was a moot point, or so I thought. And I was certainly not expecting to be passed along to someone else a mere 24 hours after actually becoming a slave. Fortunately it really was a moot point. Jim was not serious in his exclamation, and neither, I think, was Master.

But I couldn't help but wonder what my price would be!

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