Trans X Files

By sasha steele

Published on Mar 23, 2014


Trans X Files Case 2 (Alien Abduction)

by Sasha Steele

Washington 11:00 hours

The agent in charge handed Mulder a new case file. 'TOP SECRET' was stamped in red across the file's jacket. The FBI logo appeared on the top left corner and the title typed in center was 'ALIEN ABDUCTION'. Mulder thumbed through the file then passed it over to Scully.

Several abductions had been reported in the Midwest. The case scenario was the same in all of them: All were male victims who turned back up a couple days later with foggy memories of a bright white examination room and two tall men dressed in black who were interested only in the victim's genitals.

There was a grainy photograph of two men fitting the description taken on a cell phone by one of the victim's wife. It had been cleared by forensics as authentic. The men in the photograph appeared to be over six foot six tall. They wore long black trench coats, wide brimmed black hats and round dark sunglasses. Their hands and faces weren't right. The color of their skin was a pale grey, almost white. It made them appear to be wearing latex masks and gloves.

Lastington 16:00 hours

Mulder and Scully arrived in the small town of Lastingtonaround four in the afternoon. They checked into a quaint old hotel on Main Street, then crossed the street to the Diner for something to eat. Finished eating they sat over coffee while discussing the case.

Scully wore a brown skirt suite with a white silk blouse. The top buttons of the blouse were undone and its short collar was to the outside of her jacket. She had on beige nylon stockings and brown suede pumps with five inch heels that brought Scully's height up to a respectable five foot seven. Mulder watched as Scully read over the details. Her shoulder length auburn color hair was parted high to the right side. An errant strand fell as she read and Scullyabsentmindedly pushed it back into place.

"Well. What do you think?" Mulder asked.

"There's none of the usual stuff. You know. Weird goings on. Lights in the sky. That sort of thing."

"What about the photograph?"

"Its a hoax. They're obviously wearing masks."

"Maybe. But this sort of abduction has occurred before. Several years back. It was dismissed as a hoax. But the description of the perpetrators in those cases were the same as now."

"You don't think its a hoax?"

"We're going to find out. The woman who took that picture is our best lead. Let's start with her."

They drove a short distance out of town to a house where the victim and his wife were staying temporarily as neither wanted to return to their home just yet. The Stevens had been married one

year. No children. John, the victim, could remember some details, but seemed reluctant. Mulder suspected he was embarrassed with Scully there, so talked to him outside while Scully stayed inside to talk with John's wife Diane.

"They both spoke with some kind of foreign accent," John started, "and talked like they had a mouth full of marbles. And you know they were talking gibberish, all mixed up like they was crazy." And they called themselves by crazy names too. Mr. Say and Mr. Sigh, I think it was."

He leaned in close and lowered his voice. "I was hypnotized. Must have been. They got me to strip naked. Then strapped me to this white table. They did things to my, well you know, like they wanted to know how it worked or something."

Mulder and Scully got back into the car. Mulder wanted to check out the house from where John had been abducted.

"What did his wife tell you?" Mulder asked.

"Diane said she didn't believe him until she saw those two characters dressed in black. That's why she snapped their picture, and sure enough John said it was them. That's when she got scared. Oh, and she thinks its not related, but John's old pickup truck has been stolen."

"Did you get the location where she took the picture?"

"An empty house up for sale. Edge of town. We passed it on the way out."

"Good work. We'll go to the Stevens farm house first. Then check the for sale house out on our way back."

The Stevens farm house was an ordinary Midwest two story. Everything seemed normal except the kitchen off the large front living room. Mulder felt that the geometry was slightly askew. Scully couldn't see it but had the feeling something wasn't quite right.

They stopped at the real estate office before going to the house with the for sale sign out front. Mulder wanted to know if there had been any recent interest in it. The real estate agent told them that a man from out of town had come in a week ago to ask the price. Said he would stop by to look at it on his way home but she hadn't heard back from him yet.

They got a key and headed out. Inside the house they found nothing of interest. Mulder was locking up when Scully hollered to get his attention. He turned and saw two tall men dressed all in black standing by John Stevens stolen pickup truck. Mulder drew his gun. Scullyfollowed suite.

"Agent Mulder FBI," Mulder said. "Identify yourselves."

"Agent Mulder FBI," one of the men in black repeated. He was looking at Scully when he spoke. "This one is who?"

"Agent Scully," she said.

"Agent Scully." He again repeated. "This one, thinks Mr. Say, is odd."

Mulder thought, not only did the man sound foreign and speak as though his mouth was full of marbles like John had said, but he also couldn't correctly put a sentence together. Then the man reached into the pocket of his long black trench coat and pulled out something hidden in his closed fist. Mulder reacted.

"Open your hand," Mulder ordered.

And the man in black complied.

Mr. Say opened his hand and there floating just above his palm was a small luminous ball. So bright was the little ball of light that Mulder and Scully were temporarily blinded. When Mulder's vision returned he was standing there alone. His weapon was still raised and his shoulders ached as he had been standing like that for several minutes. Mulder checked the house. There was no sign of Scully. He had to think.

When Mr. Say had showed Mulder and Scully the light they were temporally stupefied. He walked up to Scully, took her gun, dropped it on the ground and brought her arms down to her sides. Mr. Say placed a hand inside Scully's suite jacket on her silk blouse and felt the low profile of her brassiere's pectoral pad against her flat chest. He shook his head knowingly, then lifted her skirt and felt the bulge of Scully's flaccid cock in her panties.

"Yes," Mr Say said. "Most special our agent Scully is. I will need more closer to examine."

Mr. Say took Scully by the hand.

"Come you will now," he said.

Scully did as she was told. The three of them got in the stolen pickup and drove off.

Mulder remembered the oddness in the Stevens kitchen. He picked up Scully's gun and drove out. The old red pickup was parked at the side of the farm house. Mulder drew his gun and went inside. Scully's clothes were laying on the living room floor.

When they had arrived at the farm house the other man in black - Mr. Sigh - had taken a small luminous ball from his pocket and held it toward the kitchen. The door slowly opened, not into the kitchen but into a bright white room that looked like a futuristic clinical laboratory. Mr. Say had ordered Scully to take off all her clothes. She did, was led inside the white room and the door slowly closed behind her. They had Scully lay down on an examination table. Laying on her back with her parted legs slightly bent and her bent arms resting up by her head they bound Scullyhand and foot to the

examination table.

Mulder moved to the kitchen door and listened inside. Heard nothing. He stepped in front of it and kicked the door open. Entered. The kitchen was as he had found it before. Scully wasn't in there so he came back out to check the rest of the house.

A large ball of white light floated several feet above Scully, just past her head. Attached to it by almost invisible luminous threads were two smaller balls of light about the size of a plum. Mr. Say manipulated the luminous balls so that one floated a few inches above Scully's forehead and the other a few inches above her genitals.

Tiny pins of lightning emanated from the light above Scully's genitals and danced across her penis and scrotum. Scully's flaccid penis reacted immediately. It began to elongate stretching sideways across Scully's bald pubis mound. Another lightning charge caused it to further harden standing it up as it thickened and grew into a full eight inch erection.

The luminous ball above Scully's forehead emitted its tiny lightning bolts effecting that area of her

brain responsible for sexual arousal. It made her think of Mulder. Mr. Say had brought her back to full awareness in order to observe Scully's reactions to his experiments. He stimulated both her brain and sex organ simultaneously. Scully tilted her head back and moaned out loud as her cock grew rock hard and appeared to momentarily vibrate as it stood to attention above her belly.

Mr. Say upped the intensity of the emanations. Never before had Scully's cock been this hard. It was

almost frightening. Scully arched her back, slightly raising her hips from the examination table. She tilted her head back, closed her eyes and opened her mouth shouting a long ecstatic sigh.


Her breath rate escalated. Her pulse raced.

"You fucking bastard," Scully moaned.

Again Mr. Say increased the intensity. Scully's head rocked back. Her back arched. And she screamed out loud as her cock exploded in a massive orgasm. Cum shot up in an arc and splattered on her chest and neck. Scully pumped out more cum than she had ever pumped out before. Spurt after spurt gushed from Scully's cock until finally she was empty and laid there murmuring Mulder's name.

"Very special our Agent Scully be," said Mr. Say. "Examine we must with agent Mulder."

Mulder came back down stairs to find Mr. Sigh waiting for him in the living room. He raised his weapon but Mr. Sigh moved with blinding speed to grab Mulder's arm and threw him half way across the room. Mulder crashed into the fire place knocking over a small stack of cut wood and the fire utensil stand.

"Mr. Sigh ten times the strength agent Mulder has," Mr Sigh said as he came for Mulder.

Mulder had dropped his gun, but his hand was on the fire poker. He seized hold of it, turned quickly and embedded it in Mr. Sigh's belly. Mr. Sigh stumbled back in shock. The poker flew back out and a beam of intense light issued from the hole it had made. Mulder found his gun and put a bullet where Mr. Sigh's heart should be, creating another beam of light. Mr. Sigh spun sideways as he collapsed to the floor.

Mr. Sigh raised his hand with a ball of light held in it toward the kitchen door. The door began to open slowly. Mulder emptied his clip into Mr. Sigh who now had light pouring out of him in all directions. He heard Scully scream. Mulder reloaded and and went through the doorway after her.

After she had cum Mr. Say repositioned Scully on her belly. Her legs were splayed, her arms bent so that her upper body rested on her elbows. Scully's hands and feet were bound to the examination table in that position. Her head was lowered. Her hair hung down in her face. She was scared.

Fingers of light emanating from the large ball above held Scully's ass cheeks drawn wide apart. A large dildo-like probe made of light was poised to enter her open rectum. The pain was excruciating. When Scully cried out Mr. Say manipulated the light to render her unconscious.

Mulder Entered the white room with his gun at the ready. He saw Scullyface down on the examination table with Mr. Say hovering over her. Mulder emptied a full clip into him. Mr. Say spun around, crashed into the console of crystal controls and fell to the floor. Beams of light shone from every hole in him.

Mulder went to Scully. Her naked body was faced away from him. Mulder saw the rather large bald scrotum between her spread thighs. Her bonds seemed to be made of light. A thread of fine light connected them to the large ball of light above. Mulder reloaded and put a bullet into it. The ball of light shattered into a thousand shards of crystal. The probe and Scully's bonds disappeared. Mulder tried to wake her. She was unresponsive.

Just then Mr. Sigh stumbled into the white room and crashed to the floor. He lifted his hand with a ball of light in it toward the door. The door slowly started to close. Mulder turned Scully toward him, scooped her up in his arms and ran with her through the doorway into the living room just as the door closed behind them. Mulder turned and kicked the door open again. It was just the kitchen. The white room along with Mr. Say and Mr. Sigh were gone.

Mulder laid Scully on the couch. Tried to wake her but she was still unresponsive. He went into the kitchen and brought back a wet cloth to wipe the sticky cum from her neck and chest. Scully's naked body was hairless. Her soft white skin blemish free. She wasn't skinny by any means. Not exactly fat either. Just solid with enough fat to make her smooth and shapely.

He gathered up Scully's clothing. Sat her up. She was like a rag doll but Mulder managed to get her arms though her bra straps and position the pectoral pads against her flat chest. Skully's chest was smooth and fleshy as she was a little bit fat there. Her nipples were perfectly shaped and not overly large. The white brassier had pretty floral sculpting on its pads. Mulder positioned himself at her side to hook the back clasp of Scully's brassier.

He wrestled Scully into her panties. Turning her hips one way then the other to bring them over her round bum. Mulder stuffed Scully's balls into the confines of her panties and adjusted her cock pointing downward over them. Even in its flaccid state Mulder could see that Scully's cock was fairly large, especially for someone of such short stature as her. He drew Scully's white panties up over her fleshy hips and onto her soft belly. She moaned starting to come out her stupor.

Mulder drew Scully's nylon stockings up her shapely legs and adjusted their embroidered elasticized tops high up on her thighs. Scully's legs were a wee bit longish compared to her short stature but appeared a little stubby as they were a bit thick, especially at the upper thigh. He slipped her brown suede pumps on her feet, then sat her back up again. Got her blouse on her and did up the buttons, leaving the top three undone as Scully had worn the blouse. It was easier to get Scully into her skirt than into her panties. Mulder did up the back of the skirt. Left the short shirt tail of her blouse not tucked and folded her suite jacket onto the arm of the couch just as Scully came around.

"Mulder!" She gasped. "The men in black they...they."

"They're gone Scully. You're okay."

"You dressed me?"

"I didn't want to leave you out here naked."

"You saw then. Saw"

"It's alright Scully."


Mulder cut her off.

"We're partners Scully. Partners take care of each other."

Scully slowly got to her feet. Still a bit dazed she stumbled forward into Mulder. Mulder caught her in his arms and on impulse he kissed her.

End of case two

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