Trans X Files

By sasha steele

Published on Mar 15, 2014


Trans X Files (case one - Succubus)

By Sasha Steele

Day 2

New York 11:00 hours

Mulder and Scully turned up no physical evidence at either scene. They canvased the local bars and found where each victim had been picked up by the tall blond. Her description was collaborated by patrons and staff alike. But the description of the red demon varied wildly between eye witnesses. It was a man, a tall female, half man-half woman, a winged gargoyle, the devil.

"Which description's right?" Scully asked.

"All of them," Mulder said. "We'll compile them and come up with one that encompasses the lot."

Scully suggested they take the compilation to a colleague of hers, a professor of demonology at the university there in New York. The professor took the drawing and compared it to known demons in one of the antiquated books that filled his office.

"The Mangoras Zido," he said finding a close match, "part male, part female. Mangoras preys on males, as females are invisible to it. The demon discharges a dark ether into the rectum that infects the man's soul rendering the soul vulnerable to it. The rendered soul is then taken in the semen through the victim's ejaculation. This causes death of course. Mangoras feeds five times in five nights. These feedings are repeated once every seven years."

"Can the demon be stopped?" Mulder asked.

Mangoras is invulnerable in its demonic state, less so in its transsexual female form. It is most vulnerable in transition between forms, as that is when its energy field is at the lowest."

"Why are women invisible to it?" Scully asked.

"Estrogen is Mangoras's kryptonite. Not only can the demon not detect it, but it's deadly poison to it."

"Thank you Professor," Mulder said.

He took a call on his cell phone while Scully went to the university's medical department for something.

"We have another body," he told Scully when she got back.

Midtown Manhattan 15:00 hours

The victim, Dan Macey, lay on the bed in a state of undress with an erection. The bed had not been slept in. Macey had been dead approximately thirteen hours. The cause of his death was not readily apparent. There was no evidence of a struggle, no evidence of anything that may have occurred. It was as if Macey had just laid back on the bed with a boner and fell asleep.

"She was tall. Like a model," the landlord told them, "a real looker. Weird hair though."

"See her leave?" Mulder asked.


"See or hear anything unusual after they went in?"


They turned up one other person in the building who saw something as she was coming home just past midnight. She was reluctant to say what, but eventually told them.

"It was a demon alright. Red with long twisted horns and huge black wings. You know that thing passed right by me and I don't think it even saw that I was there."

Mulder checked in with the Bureau. Similar cases had been reported seven years ago, and again seven years before that. They went back to the hotel to freshen up, then went out to a pub for a late supper. Scully had changed into a plain brown dress with a loose skirt that fell two inches above the knee. She wore beige nylons, brown leather pumps and a light weight corduroy jacket.

They ate, sat for a few drinks while they went over details of the case. Scully had just excused herself to the powder room when Mulder spotted a tall, good looking blond woman with a weird hairdo who had just walked in. When Scully came back to their table Mulder was gone.

"Your friend asked me to give you this," the waitress said handing Scully a note.

The note read: *Going to check out a suspect * * meet you back at the hotel * * Mulder *

Scully finished her drink. Didn't want to spend the whole night sitting in her room so ordered another. She left. Ran into one traffic delay after another on her way across town. Sat in her hotel room waiting to hear from Mulder. It had been over an hour. She dozed. Muffled sounds from Mulder's room next door woke her.

They had connecting rooms. Scully opened the door through to Mulder's room and was stunned by what she saw. Mulder was lying naked on the bed in a hypnotic stupor. He was on his back, legs spread and he had an erection. Standing before him at the end of the bed was a tall blond woman, also naked. Not a women, but a woman/man, as she had an enormous cock standing out in front of her. Scully knew it was the demon in its humanoid form.

She had to think quick. Ran back into her room, around the corner and slammed the bathroom door shut. The demon chased after her. Smashed open the door to the bathroom. But Scully wasn't in there. She'd ducked behind the open door to Mulder's room. Soon as the demon passed by Scully grabbed her purse, slipped back through the doorway and locked the door behind her.

That would buy her precious little time as the demon was already at the door. The door swelled inward with a loud creak as the demon exerted its influence against it. Scully had to act fast. She took hold of Mulder's erect cock and began masturbating him.

Mulder was aware of all that was going on though in his state he had no power to influence it. Scully had taken a glass and held it to catch Mulder's ejaculated semen. Suddenly one of the door hinges gave way.

"Come on, come on," Scully said as she frantically worked Mulder's cock.

Finally Mulder came in the glass. Scully took the tube she had gotten from the university's medical department and dumped its contents into the glass on top of Mulder's cum. She turned with the glass just as the demon smashed through the door. The demon desperately snatched the glass from Scully and gulped down its contents.

Scully watched in horror as the tall blond transformed into her demonic form. The demon turned and spoke in the most horrific voice Scully had ever heard as it stepped toward her. Scully backed into the wall.

"You will pay for your interference," the demon growled at Scully.

Just then Mulder felt himself begin to slip away. Then he was gone altogether.

The demon reached out to grab hold of Scully. Suddenly it stopped and looked at the taloned hand held out in front of it. There was some sort of change occurring.

"What have you done?" The demon wailed at Scully.

Its head and entire red body seemed to turn from solid to liquid then to a gas that was sucked inward into a vortex created at its middle. The monstrous apparition cried out in anger as it disappeared into the void.

'Mulder', Scully thought, and rushed over to check his vital signs.

Mulder jumped back into consciousness. "The demon!" He exclaimed. "What happened?"

Mulder was weakened by the ordeal and nearly dozed off as Scully went over what had gone on after he went under.

"You masturbated me," Mulder said yawning.

"I had to get the demon to take the poison instead of your soul."

"So you poisoned it with estrogen and that caused it to implode. That was brilliant Scully."

Mulder yawned again, and so Scully decided he had better get some rest. She put him to bed. As Mulder drifted off to sleep he vaguely remembered when the tall blond changed into her demonic form and then spoke to Scully. But, if it can't see women, he yawned, how did it know she was there? Mulder yawned again and drifted off to sleep.

Scully went back to her own room and took off her dress. She was wearing a shiny nude-tone pantie and bra set with beige nylon stayups. She went into the bathroom, relieved herself, washed her hands and brushed her teeth. Back in the bedroom Scully kicked off her heels and sat down on the bed to remove her stockings. Then she stood again to take off her bra and panties and put on a light blue colored nightie. She turned off the lights and climbed under the covers.

She was tired. Her first days on the job had turned out to be quite an adventure. Scully went over the events, dwelling on when she had masturbated Mulder. She thought of the feel of his hard cock in her hand as she jerked him off, visualized it. Remembered the moment of his ejaculation, the smell of his cum.

Scully's hand found the hardon that had formed in her nightie panties. She ran her hand along its long thick shaft. Oh, that felt so good. She withdrew her hard cock through one leg hole of her nightie bottoms and stroked it. Then rolled over onto her belly. Scully had brought a wad of tissues into bed with her. She cupped the head of her cock into the wad in her hand and thought again of masturbating Mulder's hard cock.

Scully spread her legs. Undulated her hips, as if fucking her hand with the wad of tissue in it. Her balls slid along the cool sheets. She was going to cum. She thought of the tall blond transsexual fucking Mulder's ass with her enormous cock. Thought of herself jerking him off, and thought again of the moment when Mulder had cum. And then, with a low moan, Scully came into the tissue in her hand.

End of Case 1

(Let me know if you would like to review any more cases from the Trans X Files.)


Next: Chapter 3

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