Trans Twins

By Bruce Turner

Published on May 4, 2022


Trans Twins

Chapter Nine

The transfer to the Equality only took a few minutes. Nobody had much to take with them, the to be slaves only had their personal hygiene items which would make them more attractive to prospective buyers. The Gray had helped Reynod prepare the four boys to be at their best. Seeing them walk from the sphere through the docking tube to the Yacht clad in only the cock socks the Gray had made to fit them tightly made me wonder if the buyers would not be attracted to that not their asses, All four had tightly muscled butts so there was no doubt anyone interested in fucking humans would be willing to pay top price.

The Flovian joined the transport pilot in pulling the yacht away from the sphere and into what felt like a nearly instantaneous flight through the galaxy past thousands of stars to Grinix. Wherever the yacht had been built the scientists had overcome the feeling of being in motion so although we were in the yacht for a day proceeding at a speed much faster than light speed we didn't sense any movement. Tristan and Reynod were still in the grip of the Griffin consciousness needing sex every few hours, Reynod was sorry his slaves to be were caged in a chastity device leaving him few cocks on the yacht to suck and only one ass he wanted to fuck.

Tristan was more fulfilled by the crew, the slaves to be and the Flovian who had gotten to the point that he enjoyed having Tristan mount him at least once a day. He wasn't happy that neither Dindi nor Andy was able to fuck him but he did allow the Canod to mate him once on the trip. He and Reynod spent most of the trip studying the information the Major had given them about the mission Grinix wanted them to carry out. The closer they approached to Grinix the more Tristan worried about his Brother going into the slave market without anybody to help him defend himself against older and stronger Griffin that prowled the market looking for victims they could convert to slaves they were able to sell along with the people they already had for sale.

The Gray told him not to worry too much, the free Griffins that prowled the market were more likely looking for non-Griffins to sell. The process for selling one of their own was complicated and took time that most of them wouldn't want to invest. Still he worried that his Brother's desire to suck cock would leave him vulnerable to those Griffin and he wouldn't be able to defend himself. He knew if he was the one in the market he could defend himself even though his desire to be fucked would leave him just as vulnerable as his Brother.

The yacht was given permission to land in an open field close to the slave market where there were already at least a hundred varied ships. Although their four slaves to be were volunteers they had manacled them together for show. Tristan had expected all of the buyers at the market to be Griffins but there were other species there hunting for their next sex slaves. He hadn't been aware of how many planets allowed their citizens to own slaves, the agreement they had signed joining the Intergalipol was eliminating slavery over the next ten years. Often the slaves wouldn't live that long so the other species had no problem still buying humans and Enlils to serve both in their houses and in the fields.

Tristan walked into the slave market with his Brother staying in the background as Reynod registered the two boys and two women. They were put through a complete, invasive physical to guarantee there were no new diseases being transported to Grinix. Given an all clear Reynod was given four gleaming collars that the slaves to be were required to wear at all times. Once Reynod had collared his slaves they were given a quick shock to let them know that if they stepped out of line they could be crippled by the authorities that ran the slave market or their present owner. Reynod felt odd being called the owner of the four but didn't show it to the Griffin running the registration and collaring stations.

They were given directions to a glassed in pen that would have held a few more slaves while giving them all room to exercise. Reynod began to play his part as an owner and overseer, not being quite cruel but definitely letting his slaves know their place in the market. The auction was to be two days away so there would be plenty of time for the potential buyers to get a look and feel of the prospective slaves. Tristan had not known what to expect when he walked into the slave market, all he could project was primitive cages and dirt floors. The Griffins had upgraded that type of market to a well air conditioned temple with the newest and cleanest facilities imaginable.

Beginning the following morning the slaves would be displayed in a offshoot of the main pen where anyone would be able to reach in and feel any part of the slave's body they wished. There were already sellers that were anxious to get ahead of the rest that had a slave in the offshoot. Tristan wasn't too surprised to see that most of the prospective buyers had the slaves kneel and present their assholes to be viewed and probed. The Griffins couldn't stick a paw in the human sized orifices so they often had a human or an Enlil at their side helping them judge the quality of the slave, a few times Tristan saw a Griffin judging a possible purchase by running his cock into the slave but not really fuck him only once had he seen a Griffin present his cock to a slave to be sucked.

That's when Tristan realized that the Major had given them some information about the slave market that was either out of date or not pertinent to this particular sale. There were very few females up for sale, did that mean that females weren't wanted or would they go for a higher price since there was a scarcity. Tristan had been walking around the market talking to sellers for at least an hour when it dawned on him that he had seen a unbelievable number of slaves that had been castrated, some just a partial job removing their testicles but a huge number that had been completely castrated leaving them with nothing between their legs other than a piss hole. He wondered if any of the boys with Reynod would be castrated after being soldm he hoped that Andy and Dindi would not lose the enormous cocks that had filled him on the trip.

Finally reaching the far end of the temple he took a look at the building, for as advanced as the Griffin were in space travel he was shocked that the building reminded him of pictures he had seen of Egyptian buildings. Not only were there fabulous statues of the same gods but some of the walls he passed were covered in what looked like hieroglyphics to him, if they were he wondered if archaeologists studying Egypt would be able to learn more about the tomb writings they were still, after hundreds of yearsm having difficulty deciphering. None of the statues were of Griffins like he would have seen in Egypt although there were some of the Sphinx.

Seeing the statues of the Sphinx he was confused as to why he hadn't seen any of the species wandering through the slave market like the Griffin and other alien species. He had gathered that most of the species other than Griffin were sellers not buyers but there was a few that he was certain were there to buy, not humans but Griffin or Enlil. He had been past the pens on one side of the temple and was going to walk down the other side when he saw a Ganeshus headed his way. The Griffin need for sex seized him upon seeing the being's elephantine cock slapping at his leg. Other than a few slaves with eyes bulging the Ganeshus was being ignored.

Tristan wanted to take the Ganeshus back to the yacht and allow him to ravage his asshole until neither of them could stand any longer. He knew that even approaching the Ganeshus was unlike how a Griffin would act still the need was greater than his ability to remain culturally correct. He had tried his translator when talking with Dindi and Andy, it was not that great at allowing him to have a conversation. Unsure of what to do Tristan decided on being as forward as he could think he would get away with in a temple of the Griffin.

He walked straight towards the Ganeshus. Rather than attempt speaking with him he waited until he was close enough to lower his head and rub his feathers along the close to two foot long cock. It was the longest cock on any Ganeshus he'd seen, he was aware that should he be able to seduce the Ganeshus he would need to enlarge his ass to not be torn to bits. The Ganeshus was pleased at the greeting, he had been searching for a slave that would be enamored of his cock and ignore the obscene nature of his body. He couldn't believe a Griffin was trying to get him hard, it wasn't taking Tristan long with the silky feathers teasing the shaft for the Ganeshus' cock to rise from his leg and push his skirt out until he was wholly exposed to everyone in the market.

They attempted talking for a few minutes with Tristan trying to make it well known that he wanted the Ganeshus to fuck him but only if he would be allowed to fuck him, too. Jon was not sure he was willing to allow Tristan to mount him and fuck him with his barbed cock. He was hesitant in agreeing to what Tristan proposed knowing that should the Griffin scratch him inside he might be changed from the tri-gendered being to a mother carrying the Griffin's kit. As much as Tristan wanted to have the Ganeshus fuck him he was unwilling to take him to the yacht unless he agreed they would have a reciprocal encounter once they were in private.

Tristan knew he had made it past the Ganeshus' initial resistance when Jon turned and walked alongside him down the long aisle way to the opposite end of the temple. They hadn't gone far when they were circled by what Tristan knew had to be a group of Griffin thugs. The Ganeshus trembled as the young Griffin walked around them poking and pecking. Tristan hoped that what Chiron XX had told him about the power he would get from holding his cum inside was true. He stood his ground until he had enough of their bullying, then he struck out with one paw that knocked the nearest of the thugs through a wall of spectators. The other four thugs attacked him when they saw him bash their friend, Tristan quickly demolished the thugs leaving five bloody bodies laying on the ground.

He asked the Ganeshus if he was ready to continue on their way to the yacht.

Jon said he frightened him and was no longer willing to allow him to fuck him. Tristan watched the Ganeshus walk away the huge cock no longer hard. The Griffin need for sex had not receded although he had been fighting, Tristan decided he needed to find someone that would give him the release he needed. He looked back wondering if one of the thugs he had beaten would be an acceptable receptacle for his cock that was still bouncing under his body. He turned towards the five bodies that all of the buyers were avoiding. Knowing that on Earth what he was about to do would be considered rape he walked towards the thugs slowly wondering which of them he should pick.

Once he reached the spot where he had been fighting one of the boys was attempting to get to his paws. He was the least hurt of the five and the least bloody, Tristan headed towards him. The boy stood shakily as he was approached by the powerful Griffin, he looked as if he thought Tristan was coming back to finish the fight. Tristan roared at him, a sound that he hadn't know he could make. He herded the boy away from the crowd walking in the aisle until they were behind a pen holding a dozen Enlil. Tristan could care less that he was being watched as he mounted the boy and rammed his cock into the unwilling Griffin. The thug fell into a submissive position once Tristan's paws hit his back and drove all of his weight down.

The boy had never been fucked so he didn't know how to make the cock stay out of his feminine channel. Tristan hadn't fucked enough Griffin ass to know how to avoid the channel on his own, it didn't take him long before he as shooting his powerful sperm in the boy. If he would make the boy pregnant didn't matter, all the Griffin consciousness wanted was a release and to move on to the next chance to fuck. The Enlill that had been watching the pair applauded and cheered as he pulled his erection from the young Griffin his barbs still visible to all. The boy had howled at the pain of being fucked now that the barbs were scratching his insides he was crying out that he was in excruciating pain. Tristan hoped the boy wasn't impregnated when he saw blood pouring from his asshole, if he had so what? Grinix was in the need of more young.

Tristan wasn't aware that the thought of impregnating a boy would lower the Griffin's need for sex but walking away he felt the desire die. As he walked around he noticed that more and more slaves were being caged, most against their will although there were a few like Dindi and Andy that looked as if they were there willingly.

Knowing his mission required it of him he started paying more attention to the sellers, he couldn't tell if there was a trend in the species penning the slaves although there did seem to be a few more Neanines than any other species. He had learned about the Neanines but had not seen one in the clinic, they looked like they were more powerful than any of the other species in the temple. The time had come for him to head to the Major's headquarters, outside of the temple there were chariots that would hold two Griffin waiting to be hired. The chariots were being pulled by four Pakabans, Xibab had an agreement with Grinix that allowed Pakabans to live and work on the planet as long as there were only males in the section of the city where they lived. The ride heading to the Major's headquarters was smooth, the chariots rode on air not wheels.

He attempted to talk with the Pakabans but didn't learn anything of value other than there had been more Neanines driving slaves to the market than usual. It was expected to be one of the busiest weekends of the slave market that year. He wondered if he would need to transition into a Neanine to learn more about the illegal import of transitioned slaves.

The law enforcement Pyramid was the largest building that Tristan had seen since arriving on Grinix, he wasn't certain but he thought it was close to as large as Pyramid of the Sun outside of Mexico City. He didn't have knowledge of the Giza Pyramids so he couldn't measure this one against them. Entering the Pyramid through a tunnel underground seemed strange, once inside there were tunnels going up and down as well as at extreme angles leading to spaces high in the building. Security directed him to the Major's headquarters that was up one of the ramps, down a level hall and up another ramp. The walls were all painted in bright colored figures that could have been telling a story but Tristan was unable to decipher what it was.

The Major was sitting on a pedestal at Tristan's eye level. There were other Griffin rushing in and out of the room he was occupying although Tristan couldn't tell why they were in a rush or what they were doing. At first the Major seemed to be ignoring him so he took the time to look around at all the golden furniture and statues filling the room. Perhaps ten minutes after he arrived the Major beckoned him forward and ordered security to bar a gate at the entrance to the room.

Major Mangrel seemed to be professional and glad to be seeing him. They spoke a few minutes about what Tristan had seen in the slave market. When he admitted to having been in a fight with five young Griffin the Major was astonished that he wasn't showing any signs of having been hurt. He let the Major know that he had beaten the five badly leaving them in the middle of the crowd bleeding from what looked like every part of their bodies. Major Mangrel asked him if he had fucked at least one of the boys before leaving them on the floor, it seemed that any time one Griffin was able to defeat a group attacking him it was expected for him to exert his dominance by taking possession of at least one of their asses.

Tristan was glad to know that he had been culturally appropriate in fucking the boy still not aware whether he left the boy ovulating or pregnant.

They discussed what else he had seen and heard while in the slave market. The Major had been told that it would be one of the largest in recent history so when Tristan told him about what he had seen he wasn't surprised that they would need to expand outside of the temple, putting pens along the outside of the building. After they finished talking about what Tristan had seen and done he bowed to the Major and asked if he would be willing to fuck him since the Ganeshus had backed out.

The Major let him know that he would gladly do it but that they would have to meet outside of headquarters or security would have him thrown out of the building. They arranged to have Tristan meet the Major again in a few hours at the entrance to the tunnel beneath the Pyramid and go with him to his house. Tristan hadn't been told where he would be expected to spend the nights while on Grinix so he was glad to hear that at least the first night he would have a place to sleep.

For the next few hours Tristan wandered around the area close to the law enforcement pyramid trying to get his bearings. After having seen so many different species in the slave market it felt odd to only be seeing Griffin. For some reason he hadn't expected to see so many of the creatures, some with the head of an eagle others with a lion's head and other's with a head he couldn't identify. Still he hadn't seen any Sphinx wandering around, he was going to have to ask Major Mangrel if there was some reason the two species didn't interact.

He was amazed at the buildings lining the roads that were full of the chariots being pulled by the Pakabans. It was close to the end of the work day so at least half of the chariots were occupied with Griffin heading home too tired to fly. He saw what he thought were Greek inspired buildings that had the first aliens that he had seen outside of the slave market. He was careful to remember where those building were, he thought he would need to mix with the aliens to get the information he wanted to give the Major. He recognized most of the aliens although there were a few groups of them that he didn't. Even being super powered he was not sure he wanted to encounter a group of the Neanines once they had been imbibing in Grinix beverages.

Tristan wasn't one to drink much alcohol before he entered the clinic, six weeks later the only time he had anything to drink was when he was at Pierre's family house. He knew that bars were a good place to gather information as long as you were capable of remaining sober and social. He was going to have the Major teach him which alcoholic beverages he could drink without worrying about having too much too fast.

The species he hadn't seen since he arrived were the Centaurs. He hadn't heard that they were opposed to slavery, that was another of those things that he would need to learn before he started trying to gather information. Another thing he wondered about was why he didn't find any of the Griffin attractive, not that they were repulsive just that he didn't think they were especially sexy. Certainly not as sexy as Dindi, he was glad he had given the boy all that he wanted that morning before they landed on Grinix since he hadn't seen a restroom where he could piss.

Tristan had asked his twin to hold Dindi back until the last of his slaves to sell, he hoped that his Brother would have enough credit to allow him to purchase the boy although once back on Earth he would have to emancipate the slave unless Dindi voluntarily remained with him. Intergalipol had given them instructions to take back possession of Alep and Aoul before terminating the mission, Tristan was sure that Pierre would not be pleased to have his brother sold to a being on another planet. He would have to make sure Aoul wasn't purchased by one of the Pakaban, they were thought to send tender boys home for their religious ceremonies that were rumored to include eating either humans or Enlils. He didn't know if that was true but didn't want Aoul to find out for him.

Heading back to meet with the Major Tristan saw Griffins mistreating a human for the first time, he thought he should interfere but knew it would lead to his disguise being blown. He watched as three Griffin knocked the man around, clawed at his front and back before using him as both a urinal and commode. When the man was finally able to stand Tristan saw that one of the Griffin had emasculated him, he was bleeding profusely from where he had once had a cock that was now hanging from the beak of one of the Griffin that had attacked him. Maybe that would be another thing the Major could help him understand.

Knowing how easy it should be for the Griffin to fly he didn't understand why there were none of them in the air around the business district. He wanted to see if the extra power the Centaur had blessed him with made it easier to fly but didn't want to disturb the area above the crowds headed home. He was back at the pyramid before the Major appeared in the tunnel so he stood watching the street taking in all the strange beings, a few species he had never seen or heard of before.

"Major, you must have had a busy day. I thought you had said to meet you here an hour ago." Tristan had found a pedestal to sit on while waiting, if he had been on Earth anyone seeing him would have thought he was a statue from the long ago past. Not having eaten since he left the yacht his stomach was revolting at the forced starvation. He wasn't sure how the Griffin ate when on Grinix, the Major had the cooks feeding them nearly raw meat on Earth without vegetables but with a few fruits at least once a day. Would he be expected to hunt down his supper? If he was where would he have to go to do that? He hadn't seen any animals in the city. Would he be able to kill an animal for his dinner? He had never killed anything and didn't know if he could.

"It was, every year when the slave market is in session law enforcement has more to do keeping the peace than at any other time. We need to have our presence known on the streets and in the slave market. You were a victim of what can happen when there are not enough of our officers in the heavy crime areas. Just like on any of the other planets our young find trouble when they are not kept busy, the schools have not been cooperative with law enforcement. I have been trying for years to have them keep the students in class during the week of the slave market but many parents want their children at home to help out with visitors and in the slave market so I have been unsuccessful.

"The young have begun joining in gangs that prey upon anyone they feel does not belong on Grinix." The Major sounded like he was disgusted by the gangs.

"I saw a man I think was from Earth being victimized on the street not far from here in front of the crowds going home from work. No one stopped to help the man. Is that common?"

"Any human foolish enough to walk the street by himself is sure to be attacked by the gangs at least once on every trip. They are often treated as less than rodents, raped, pissed on and often fed shit from the entire gang. Depending on what else is happening the gang will beat on them until every bit of dung they were given has been eaten or the human passes out.

"I've always wanted to know, do humans eat shit on Earth?"

"A very few do. It is considered an illness. Many more drink piss although I have never heard of any humans that are willing to drink the piss of an other species. They may but it isn't something that is talked about other than in private.

"What do you eat here?"

"I'll show you later. We have a couple of my most trusted assistants coming to the house, the cook will have dinner ready in a half hour so we need to get moving. Do you mind flying?"

"No. I haven't seen any Griffin in the air in the city."

"We need to pass the border of the city and forest before it is legal to fly during the day. I have a private exit from the pyramid that doesn't put me in the no-fly zone, are your ready to go inside?" The Major had turned and started back down the tunnel without waiting for Tristan to answer. The fake Griffin was happy to be given a chance to fly, he hadn't learned what the Centaur enhanced muscles would allow him to do in the air. He hoped that the extra power would not take too much time to get adjusted to when he flapped the wings for the first time on Grinix.

Major Mangrel was explaining the lack of oxygen at the height he would want to fly at so that they would need to stay low enough that they would almost be skimming the forest canopy. He didn't know what the Centaur had done to Tristan so he promised not to fly too fast for him to keep up, which caused Tristan to chuckle.

The Major's exit from the Pyramid was nearly as high up as his office, Tristan assumed that was so he could make a quick exit when needed. The length of the runway was about half of what he had Tristan use when he showed Tristan how to fly at the clinic. If he hadn't had the extra power granted him by Chiron he might have dropped the height of the pyramid before his wings lifted him in the thin air. Although the Major had promised to fly slow enough for the beginner his speed was easily twice what they had flown on Earth.

After they hovered for a minute and landed outside of the Major's extensive home the Major gave him a tour of the four buildings that made up the compound, one of which he was told would be his for the entire time he was on Grinix. Compared to anything on Earth the compound and its houses were to the extreme of minimalism. Tristan was happy to see that the furnishings were not what he expected to see in the early Egyptian style house, it was mostly tables at a height good enough to reach without serving utensils and pillows that were large enough not only to sit on but to lay on also. It took the Major a few minutes to explain and demonstrate how Tristan could adjust the bed to a softness or hardness he would prefer for sleeping.

The Major's guest began to arrived as soon as he had finished the tour he was giving Tristan. Tristan thought he had seen one of the Griffin at the registration for the slave market but he wasn't certain, he was still having trouble distinguishing one Griffin from another unless they had a particularly distinguished marking such as his nearly blond mane and bright orange feathers. The four guests all had the facial features of an Eagle making Tristan wonder if the Major and his friend were part of the planet's elite. He was having to concentrate hard so the Griffin desire for sex did not have the opportunity to make itself known until they had finished eating the large hare that had been served individually, on Earth Tristan had never been reduced to eating rabbit but in the Grinix form it did not seem like it was such a degrading meal.

Once the meal was finished and the Griffins were indulging in a strong after dinner drink the entire company went out to the courtyard. They were soon joined by the Phrotine that had served their meals and the Enlil that was the Major's full-time cook. As soon as the two non-Griffin appeared in the courtyard the guests began what turned in a full scale orgy, the Major and Tristan did not join in but the sight of the four Griffin ravaging the beautiful Phrotine and the handsome Enlil quickly had them erect and discussing the sex they hoped to soon be having. The Major let Tristan know that he had been anxiously waiting for him and was going to be able to fuck him more than once or twice. Pleased to hear that the Major wanted his ass Tristan also wanted to convince the Major to allow him the opportunity to mount him once the guests were gone and the staff retreated to finish cleaning the dining room and kitchen.

Major Mangrel wasn't willing to allow the false Griffin fuck him, when Tristan showed him the power he had developed since they had last fucked. Tristan was not going to over power the Major until after he had been fucked at least once. It wasn't that he wanted the Major to impregnate him it was just that the human need he had to be fucked hadn't been satisfied since the last time he had been with

Dindi on the yacht. One by one the Griffin tired and thanking the Major for dinner and the entertainment rose from the courtyard and flew to their next destination which for most would be their homes. Seeing the only assistant that he had recognized from the Major's headquarters disappear Tristan strode to the center of the courtyard where he dropped to the position the Major preferred, head to the ground and ass in the air.

Major Mangrel rushed the staff out of the courtyard and confidently walked up behind Tristan. He knew that the new Griffin would need lubricated. He held a tube of lube in his beak and squeezed it out on the upturned asshole. The cold grease shocked Tristan and he squealed at the sensation, he only stopped squealing when the Major pressed two paws on his back before growling at Tristan to stay submissive. He wasn't pressing his paws on Tristan for more than thirty seconds when Tristan felt the tip of his cock being pressed hard against his asshole.

Although the Major was pushing his cock hard against his asshole Tristan was eager to have him slide into him and pushing back managed to get a good five inches of Griffin cock in his ass. For the next fifteen minutes the two Griffin did their best to get their movements into sync so that their balls would smack against each other. Soon after that the Major couldn't hold back any longer and filled the enflamed ass with the cum he had built up over the week not submitting to his Griffin desires and needs. Tristan felt the thick, hot, Griffin cum filling his ass and stopped squeezing the Major's cock with his ass muscles.

As the Major had taught him, Tristan lay quietly allowing the cock in his ass to shrink so that the barbs did not scratch him as it slid out. He had loved having the Major fucking him but he had been fortunate not to cum, as soon as the Major stood to get off his back Tristan stood and with one swipe of a paw knocked the Major to the ground close to where he had been. The extra power that Chiron XX had given Tristan made it impossible for the Major to escape from him, it didn't take Tristan more than a few minutes to press the Major into the same position that he had been in. He didn't think the Major would be as cooperative as he had been so not holding back he rammed his entire cock into the older Griffin. The Major struggled while Tristan fucked him, he complained the whole time trying to convince Tristan to get out of him until he knew that if Tristan were to attempt pulling out he would scratch his insides and possibly impregnate him. At that point the Major held still and accepted that he was going to be filled with cum for the first time in his long life, Tristan was enjoying himself fucking the virgin ass so much that he did all he could to extend the fuck as long as possible.

For the next hour Tristan and the Major gave each other a sample of what they could expect while working the mission. Tristan hated the idea that the Major would be the only one that he could safely allow to fuck him, he went to sleep wondering how he could take Dindi out of the pen and have the boy fuck him in private. The slave market was more open sexually than any other event on Grinix, the Major had told him that it might be possible to see other Griffin being mounted by a slave they intended to buy but not to expect it.

Next: Chapter 10

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