Trans Twins

By Bruce Turner

Published on May 2, 2022


Trans Twins

Chapter Eight

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"Reynod, wait for me in the hall. I need to fill Pierre's desire before we leave. I wouldn't want him chasing after other men to get a drink of piss." Reynod knew that his twin had occasionally indulged in water sports but was surprised to hear him say that his lover wanted to have a final drink before they were parted for six or seven weeks. He didn't know how or when his Brother had started pissing in and on other men but it was not a practice that he either wanted to watch or join in.

"Pierre, did you hear what Chiron told me about holding his cum inside me? Had you ever heard anything about the magical properties of Centaur cum?" Tristan was feeling so full he knew he would have to void his bowels unless he found a butt plug before he shifted to the shape of a Griffin. Even so he was going to wait until after he unloaded his full bladder in Pierre's mouth, he didn't know what Griffin piss was like and didn't want to leave Pierre with a bad taste in his mouth.

"There were old myths told about the Centaurs that were kept in the palaces of the Pharaohs. I didn't know that they passed their magic through their sperm but it was told that they turned the Pharaohs into giants or the warriors that successfully lead the Egyptian armies in war. None of the myths I ever heard said anything about the Centaurs having to fuck the Pharaohs to pass on their strength."

"I had heard Greek myths that had animals and humans fucking. I guess it wasn't that taboo in Greece but I have never heard any stories about that in the Egyptian stories. Yes the Pharaohs and their wives were said to bed the animal headed gods but I can't think of one where they were supposed to have a child."

"I think a few of the minor gods, generally household gods were the children of some of the queens of Egypt that had been seduced by this god or that. I think most of the stories were of Anubis.

"Enough of that. Did you enjoy having the Centaur fuck you?"

"Reynod, I was scared when I felt the flare at the end of the Centaur's cock. When he first started to rub it on the crack of my ass I was thinking I should chicken out and roll away from him. He was still talking to the group when I noticed that where he had been rubbing was going numb. I wasn't aware that Chiron started to push his cock into me until he was at least a couple inches deep. I had thought I had shifted my ass wide enough to accept the huge cock but it was beginning to stretch me further open the deeper he pushed, it didn't hurt at all in fact I was already liking his cock in me.

"Taking what must be twice as much cock as I had ever had in me before was amazing, I didn't know whether to yell out in triumph or pleasure. It was good that he had numbed my asshole for entrance but the feeling went away the first time he pulled up to withdraw a few inches. After that I could feel every quarter inch of cock as he rode it in and out. As you saw it wasn't a long fuck or an especially good one but the length and thickness of his cock made up for the lack of talent on his part. I'm not sure he could have done much other than push it in and pull it out anyway as long as it is.

"When he started to gush cum in my ass I didn't believe I was going to be able to hold even half of what he was spurting into me. It was so much cum that I thought I would be spurting it out around his cock and down my back. I think that is where the flare at the end of his cock shows its advantage, none of what shot in me shot back out although there must have been a lot of pressure, I sure felt that way inside. I don't know how much cum he shot into me but it was more than I ever felt before that.

"Now all I want is a good sized butt plug so I don't leak Centaur cum all over the sphere." He hadn't packed one for the trip never thinking that he would want to hold cum in or his ass open. Reynod hadn't packed one either but he knew that the Flovian pilot had, so he went to borrow it from the man. Reynod had to promise trading blow jobs with the Flovian once they were out of Earth's gravitational field, that was not a big sacrifice on his part for his Brother, he had been wanting to try a blue cock since the first time he had seen the Flovian open his rompe

Tristan wasn't feeling smarter or stronger but he thought he would do as the Centaur had told him. Neither of the twins were needed at their stations on the departure from Earth or until the Flovian let them know that he was ready to leave the pilot's seat. Tristan gladly took the pilot's seat while his twin joined the Flovian in his quarters. Reynod was beginning to feel the need for sex that the Major had told them he would be living with as long as he was in the body of a Griffin, he was glad that the Flovian had agreed to trade blow jobs not just act like trade. For an hour the pair sucked each other's cock. Reynod couldn't believe that he had been able to get hard four times in a row and give the Flovian a load of his sperm every time the man sucked him.

After about six hours Tristan asked Reynod to take over. It wasn't that he was tired, he needed to have sex. Tristan had been thinking about Alep and Aoul waiting in the common area of the sphere. He hoped that they would both be willing to have a Griffin mount them, he walked to the common area with his cock hanging out of his sheath. He wasn't positive but he thought it had stretched out further than the last time he had seen it, he liked the fact he was in the Griffin's body since it allowed him to reach under his belly and lick at his cock like all the dogs he had ever seen. Still he wanted the mutants. Aoul saw his cock hanging and stood up to address Tristan, he had gotten his Brother to agree to having him seduce his lover again. Tristan had been the first person to fuck him, during training he had been fucked by a couple of the different species.

A few minutes after leaving the pilot's seat Tristan had Aoul on his knees beside his bed using two fingers to lubricate his asshole. When he had first started to talk with Aoul he worried that the boy that had been transitioned into a beautiful woman would be hoping to be fucked in his cunt but the boy knew what Tristan liked and offered his asshole. Tristan was trying to be as careful as he could while in the heat of the moment, he didn't want to learn that Pierre's Brother was allergic to his claws the way his lover was. He was so desperate to fuck the boy that he didn't last long although he fucked hard enough to make the boy cum both vaginally and through his cock.

Tristan hadn't seen the boy naked since the transition so he was shocked that instead of being a pure woman he was dual gendered. For a few minutes while his cock slowly withdrew from the boy they talked about his transition learning that the Major had thought he should bring a higher price as both a boy and girl. Shortly after he managed to pull the barbed cock out of Aoul without scraping his interior Alep changed places with Aoul. Before taking the Griffin cock in his mouth Alep told Tristan what the doctors had inserted in his feminine channel to keep him from getting pregnant, Alep was the first of the men he had discussed that possibility with that didn't seem to be afraid of becoming pregnant with two Griffin kit. Actually he gave Tristan the impression that he would have liked to carry children in his smooth gut.

Tristan had talked him into getting fucked in the ass. Alep had a virgin ass, how he had made it through the training without being fucked Tristan didn't know but busting his ass for the first time was great. It was less than five minutes after he withdrew that Alep had Tristan's cock in his mouth getting him erect again, he wanted the Griffin's cock in his cunt and Tristan had agreed to try.

Even after cumming three times within an hour Tristan was feeling the Griffin's desire for more sex. If that was what he was going to be like on Grinix he worried that he wouldn't be able to do the job he was being sent there to do. He thought he was learning the last lesson the Major had been trying to teach him, how to withdraw his cock without causing the subordinate to ovulate. Tristan and Reynod had sat through many lectures at school and home about being responsible for any children they caused to be brought into the world, so he was doing his best to follow the Major's lesson.

When Tristan saw his Brother coming to the common area after sex with the Flovian he grabbed hold of Reynod's mane with his beak and pulled his twin into the sleeping area. In moments he was humping his Brother's mouth, Reynod couldn't have been happier he thought his Brother's cum was the best tasting cum on Earth and was determined to learn if it was the best in the galaxy. Tristan had asked how he knew that, Reynod said he wasn't sure but he was tasting everyone else's cum that would let him suck their cock, by the time they had entered the clinic he had sucked thousands of cock and gotten everyone of them to shoot in his mouth, if they had shot down his throat he had stayed with them until he was able to lick the last drops off the end of their cocks.

Before Tristan could pull his cock out of his Brother's throat the boy grabbed hold of it so that he didn't have the barbs tearing his skin. "Tristan, you still have the best tasting cum I have ever had in my mouth. I was worried that as a Griffin your diet would ruin that wonderful flavor and I wouldn't get that treat until we returned to Earth."

Tristan had the soundest sleep he had without Pierre at his side. He woke with the Griffin drive for sex having his cock out of the sheath. He hadn't expected to have his twin in his sleeping cubicle but stepping down off his cot the only thing he could think was how good it would feel to get in Reynod's ass. Reynod was sleeping on his side with his asshole clearly exposed, Tristan wasn't able to mount him the way he wanted but by stepping over him and forcing his cock into Reynod's ass was still able to fuck his twin. Reynod didn't wake in time to direct the cock in him to one channel or the other so Tristan accidentally shot his sperm down his twin's feminine channel.

When Reynod attempted to get to his paws he pushed Tristan back a little and the barbs on the end of his cock scratched at the interior of the channel. Neither Tristan nor Reynod were aware that it was enough to make the subordinate twin ovulate. That function of the Griffin body was not felt by any of the species though they would feel the impregnation a mere two weeks later.

For the remainder of the trip to Mars, a full day, both of the twins abused the mutants and the Flovian. The three knew that the Griffins were expressing the great need they lived with and didn't complain when either of the twins took them aside and fucked them. Although he was enjoying all the fucking he was able to do Tristan hoped that the Griffin body would soon settle down a little and only force him to want sex three or less times a day.

Tristan had become used to the butt plug during the first few hours after his Brother had shown him how to get it inserted and holding in place. He had not been uncomfortable with the Centaur sperm in his ass but twenty-five hours after being mounted by Chiron XX he had Aoul assist him in removing the plug. When he sat to void his bowels he saw that there was no cum in the toilet, his body must have absorbed all that the Centaur had filled him with. The only increase in strength he had felt was in his rear legs, they had plowed him into his partners harder than he intended.

They hadn't gotten to their midday meal when Tristan understood that he would need to learn how to control his new strength. He wanted to see if his front legs had increased in strength, too, but the low gravity in the sphere didn't give him the chance. Most of the day the sphere had been on automatic pilot so other than enjoying their torturous sex drive the twins did not have much to do. It was late in the Earth day, their bodies had not recovered to the change in daylight, when they approached Mars.

"Flovian Sphere 2025 you are cleared for landing, use approach number eighty six. Please respond." Tristan was sitting in the co-pilots seat which they had not used since their departure from Earth. The voice sounded familiar, he wanted to check it out but remained professional and answered appropriately. "I will meet you at landing pad #6 to collect your documentation."

Hearing the voice again Tristan was certain it was a friend of Reynod and his they had attended High School with. The man was one of the few people in his school that had known about his ability to transition from male to female. It was good to know that they would see a familiar face during their short time on Mars. He hadn't been aware that Calvin had joined the International Corp. that specialized in Neutron fueling of alien spacecraft.

As they hovered at the entrance to the landing pads Tristan let his twin know that Calvin would be greeting them once they landed. Reynod was happy to hear that, too. He hadn't know that Tristan had fucked the boy until a year after they left school when they were discussing the number of boys in their class they had sex with. Reynod had counted off at least three dozen boys he had given blow jobs on a regular basis, none quite as often as Calvin who had met him almost every day under the soccer bleachers. Tristan and Calvin had been secretly meeting in a classroom that wasn't used after lunch-time. Calvin was less worried about being seen having his cock sucked by Reynod than he had been about being seen having Tristan fuck him, once in a while he would take a friend with him to meet Reynod. He never took anyone with him to meet Tristan.

The mutants were in a rush to get out of the sphere, it was the first time they had been in such a cramped space and they wanted to stretch their legs. Tristan suggested that the Flovian go after them to be sure the arrangements had been made for their fueling. Honestly he wanted Calvin to see he and Reynod in their transitioned formed when there was nobody around to see how he reacted. They were only going to be on Mars for a few hours so he hoped Calvin would be willing to join them in the sphere. He didn't know what the man thought about interspecies sex but living on Mars and fueling alien ships Tristan had the feel that Calvin had been at a minimum exposed to it.

"Are you sure he'll remember us?"

"Reynod, as often as he had my cock in his ass and his in your mouth I don't think he could forget us if he wanted. I just hope he is willing to get fucked today, I'm ready for a change."

"It would be nice to get his cock in my mouth again. He almost tasted as good as you but not quite as spicy." Reynod was salivating at the thought of getting at Calvin's cock, it hadn't been as long as his twin's but six inches of thick boy cock had thrilled him every time he saw Calving drop his pants. They heard the Flovian tell Calvin that there were two more crew members on the sphere that he should go in to meet, he had agreed to do that when Tristan told him about knowing the man from high school.

They were waiting in the common area for Calvin to find them and ask for their documentation as citizens of Earth. Paws are not good for handling paper work so the clinic had supplied them with a special pad that allowed them to show identification they needed to. They were glad that Calvin was not afraid upon seeing two large Griffin waiting for him, one sitting by the circular table where the pad waited and the other with his wings spread.

Calvin was as professional as Tristan had attempted when answering the landing call. He saw the name Reynod and made a comment about having known a boy with that name, when the page was flipped and he saw the name Tristan he looked up to stare at him standing at the end of the common room.

"Calvin, don't you recognize us?" Tristan knew there was no way for him to see through the transition to recognize the boys that had been his friends.

"I thought I recognized the voice when you answered before landing. Why are you in the shape of a Griffin?"

"Reynod spoke first saying it was their job." Once he had that out of his mouth he stepped up to Calvin and using his beak pulled the zipper down the front of his uniform. Calvin had begun to shake from nervousness as the Griffin put his beak to his clothing, he saw how easily the sharp point could tear through his skin. Although he was nervous his cock had responded to the thought of his old friend giving him a blow job once more, although there were mostly gay men In the fueling station he had not been active since arriving a month earlier.

Tristan didn't care if they were seen, he took hold of the uniform by the collar and pulled it down the back of the man. Five years had changed his appearance, once his butt was high and tight but now it was wider and fleshier. They had a jar of lubricant on the table beside the pad that Tristan told Calvin to generously apply to his asshole.

Reynod was the first to get what he was hoping for, with the uniform around Calvin's knees he pressed his beak upwards and took all of the man's cock in. There was one thing about being a Griffin that he didn't like, the tongue didn't stick out far enough to lap at a man's balls. Tristan didn't mind that, he had never been that crazy about licking an ass although he loved getting his probed with a tongue.

He told Calvin to bend over and grab hold of the table. He knew he was too powerful for Calvin to grab his ankles the way he had enjoyed as a teenager. Calvin guided Tristan's erect cock to his asshole unaware that once he finished fucking him that if he wasn't careful that the Griffin could rip his inside out with the curved barbs hidden beneath the smooth foreskin. The man screamed as Tristan drove the cock from tip to balls into him with his powerful rear legs nearly knocking his Brother's head through the edge of the table.

Calvin had always enjoyed having Tristan plow his ass as hard as he could, the strength enhanced by Centaur cum had Tristan driving his cock into him four times as hard as he had when they last fucked. Calvin hadn't expected to have the cock driven in and out of him so hard, he tried his best to hold onto the table and keep his butt in line with the Griffin as Tristan enjoyed the new strength he had. They were driving Calvin's cock into Reynod so hard that the twin was about to lose his load without touching his cock. Tristan rammed his cock into Calvin with all of his new power as he was about to shoot his load causing both Calvin and Reynod to shoot theirs.

Before he pulled his cock out of Calvin he warned the man to allow his cock to fade away without pulling at it. Tristan had most of his barbs shrinking back into the head of his cock when Calvin fell forward onto the table and he unintentionally scraped him with the few barbs still uncovered. Once again Calvin screamed. With his cock flopping against the man's butt Tristan considered whether he should tell him what had happened and what might be the result. He avoided that conversation but let the man know he would like to fuck again before the sphere departed.

Calvin wasn't sure he could handle a second fuck but he told Tristan that since it had been so long since he had been fucked he would try to be available once the sphere was refueled. The twins left the sphere to join the mutants where they were looking through a huge view port that allowed them to see miles of Martian landscape. Aoul cuddled up against Tristan to let him know that he would be available to him once they were on the second leg of the trip, he and Pierre had agreed that he was allowed to have Tristan fuck him when ever he wanted as long as there was no mention of emotions. Aoul didn't say it to Tristan but he was trying to get accustomed to Griffin cocks in case he was sold to a Griffin that wanted a human fuck toy.

The view port was the only view of Mars the four travelers had. They did see a few aliens walking through the facility although no other Griffins. Tristan tried talking to an Enlil but was unsuccessful in his attempt to seduce the beautiful green man. Tristan and Reynod headed back to the sphere ahead of the mutants, they were hoping that Calvin would be waiting for them by the sphere. The Griffin drive for sex was ravaging Tristan's body, his cock was hard his balls were boiling and his ass twitched at the thought of finding someone that was willing to fuck him, he didn't think it would be Calvin since the boy had never been willing to fuck him when they were in school.

"Was sucking Calvin's cock all that you remembered?"

"Yes, he tasted just as good as I remembered. It was different with you driving him into me but that was all. I wish this Griffin tongue was long enough to lick his balls, they were always sweaty but so nice to lick.

"Was fucking him the way you remembered?"

"Not really, I thought he was tighter than he was today. It felt good but not like I remembered him being. Still I'd like to fuck him again."

"What are you going to do if he isn't at the sphere? You are hanging out and dripping just at the thought of getting in his ass again."

"Aren't we picking up a passenger? I thought the Major mentioned someone that will be giving you an education on the slave market."

"He did, but he didn't say if he would be a human or a Griffin."

"Which ever he is I hope he enjoys being fucked, this body is demanding that I fuck every few hours. A blow job really doesn't quell the need for as long as a good fuck.

"I don't know how I'm going to survive a month without anyone other than the Major to fuck me. You need to think about it, maybe you could start satisfying me that way now that we are away from home."

"Maybe." Reynod hadn't told his twin but he had started to enjoy fucking since he was in the Griffin body. He had fucked the two mutants, they needed to be prepared for the slave market and only having Tristan fuck them might have them falling in love rather than accepting the lust a Griffin lived with.

"You'll have six days to try. Remember what the Major said about some of the traders in the slave market being willing to turn you into a slave they can sell. You have been working on your muscles to help if you get in a fight, right?"

"I've been practice fighting but the Major's assistant says I fight like a girl. You may have to defend me."

"I don't know how much I'll be around. I'll have my own job to be doing."

They were standing outside the sphere when the Flovian showed up. He let them know that the ship was ready to go and they could leave as soon as everyone was on board. He had met the new passenger, the man would be there within a short while. He had gone in to the sphere to check the sensitive fuel gauges when the mutants arrived. Tristan was looking sad, it was getting to be obvious to him that Calvin wouldn't be there soon enough for them to fuck.

Tristan was with the Flovian when they heard a strange voice talking with the mutants, Reynod let them know that everyone was on board and ready to leave. It was only a few minutes later that they were given permission to leave the docking port. Tristan stayed with the Pilot learning more about taking the sphere off a planet''s surface. They were at full speed headed to the solar bubble before the Flovian turned the sphere over to Tristan, he told him he would be taking a nap once he felt the sphere engage the automatic pilot. Automatic was set but wouldn't engage until the sphere was no longer registering the pull of gravity.

Aoul took Tristan a meal when the rest of them decided it was time to eat. He sat in the Flovian's seat and talked with Tristan for a few minutes. He was beginning to get nervous about being put up for sale in the Grinix's slave market. What if a Griffin took a liking to him and purchased him before he had the time to learn any thing that would help on the mission? A few minutes later Tristan asked him about the new passenger.

"He is exactly what our ancestors thought about aliens, did you ever see their movies with either the Greens or Greys? Well the passenger is one of the Greys, he seems to know a lot about the slave market. He admits that some of the abductees from Earth were sold there a couple hundred years ago. We also had a new crew member join us, he is supposed to be the cook for the rest of the trip to Grinix going with us on the Yacht."

"I suppose this will be interesting. I missed the classes when the Greys presented on their culture and lives. Is he as sexless as all the movies showed them being?"

"That you'll have to decide for yourself. He did say they enjoyed probing humans with their fingers. Do you think you'll want to fuck him?"

"I've never thought about it. But I might." He didn't even think to ask about who had come aboard as the cook expecting it to be less interesting since Aoul hadn't made any comment about what he/she was.

Tristan was in a rush to leave the pilot's position but he had agreed to stay there until they had left Mars' gravity field. Headed into deeper space than humans would have been able to without aid of the Flovians made him feel the insignificance of humans in the overall life of the galaxy. Classes at the clinic had made him more aware of the multitude of life not only in the Perseus arm of the Milky Way but in the other arms as well although he didn't expect to be meeting any of them until he had a mission closer to home than this one.

He knew once he was on the yacht he would be close to being on duty so he took the opportunity to be a sight seeing traveler for an hour. The sphere traveled too fast to get a good look at any thing they passed although the aluminum screen allowed him to see out into space further than he had ever thought about. He hadn't understood the explanation they had been given for taking the sphere out of the solar bubble before boarding the yacht but accepted that the navigators and scientists knew what they were doing.

There was more noise coming from the common room than any time on the trip to Mars so he finally decided he should join the others. Walking into the common room only took a few seconds and pushing a screen open. Standing in opposite corners of the room were his Brother and an extra-large black Canod. At the table all the seats were taken. He was quickly introduced to everyone by Aoul who was acting like the host at a small party. The Canod didn't seem to be sure he was willing to be in the room with the two Griffin, Tristan did what he could to make him comfortable unlike his twin.

Tristan was pleased to see that there wasn't just the Canod and the Enlil that was working as the cook but two Ganeshus that had made themselves at home by stripping down to a pair of compression shorts and shirt. He wondered what the little being that lived in their guts felt about being squeezed inside the shirt. Not having his own third sex he wasn't sure they would be willing to join with him in having sex but he thought he might like to fuck them both, they were better looking than the one that had been at the clinic doing the training.

The Ganeshus were going to Grinix to put themselves up for sale, their families on Ganesh had both gone bankrupt and needed the help that having their teenage children bought in a slave market would provide. They were on the Yacht before Tristan got a good understanding of what it meant for the Ganeshus to put themselves up for sale. His Griffin consciousness let him know that what the Centaur had done to him would allow him to take the elephantine cocks if he chose to.

The sadness he had been feeling about not getting to mount Calvin a second time before they left Mars was soon gone. Everyone in the common room other than the Enlil was soon talking about sex with different species. He wouldn't have thought he was going to actually convince himself to allow the Canod mount him, as the group had been talking the idea of having the canine like knot in him became more and more interesting. One by one the passengers and crew headed off to sleep, it had been mid-morning when they left Mars meaning that neither Tristan nor Reynod had any sleep in more than eighteen hours. Tristan thought he was going to bed alone only to find the Gameshus sitting on his bed waiting for him.

His sleepiness left at the sight of the two huge hard cocks that Dindi and Andy were stroking. They were exactly what he was feeling the need to have in his ass. He tried explaining to the boys that the Griffin in the slave market would be more interested in their asses and pretty mouths. Dindi let him know that his Brother had told them that he was just as interested in getting fucked as he was fucking. They stood up as one, Dindi walking behind him and Andy turning his ass towards Tristan's cock.

"Wouldn't you like to have both of us at once?" Your Brother told us that you would be just as interested in being fucked as you would in fucking us. Andy spread the grease that was still on his hand from the tip of Tristan's cock down his shaft. At the same time Dindi spread more of the grease on the asshole in front of his cock. Tristan couldn't answer them, he wanted both of them and what they were offering him. He pushed back towards Dindi but the brothers moved him towards the bed, Andy jumped onto it and landed on his knees with his ass cheeks spread far enough that Tristan could see the bright red hole waiting for his cock. He allowed Dindi to push him behind his brother and gave him a hard shove so that Tristan's cock sank the head through Andy's anal ring. Tristan pressed his cock hard through the opening, sinking all the way to his balls. Dindi pulled him back by his balls and pressed his elephantine cock into him, pushing Tristan back into Andy. In less than two minutes they were all in sync with the two cocks giving the two assholes the pleasure they had gotten on the bed to get.

Having both brothers at once drove Tristan to an early release. His ass was gripping Dindi's cock harder than the boy had ever felt. It wasn't long before all three of them were shooting their powerful loads. Andy went to pull out from under Tristan until the Griffin explained that he needed to wait for his cock to shrink or the barbs would scratch his interior. He didn't explain that getting scratched by the barbs would change him or that his sperm was powerful enough to impregnate a boy. Tristan lay on top of the Ganeshus and fell asleep with his cock still in him.

It was hours later that he woke dreaming that his ass was being licked. He tried to go back to sleep soon he realized that it wasn't a dream but the Canod licking the Ganeshus boy's cum out of him. It was against what the Griffin consciousness was telling him but he pushed his butt back and after a few minutes told the Canod that he was ready for him to fuck the hole. The Canod growled as he mounted the Griffin poking his pointed cock at the butt until he finally was able to slide his engorged cock into Tristan. The Canod's cock was only half as big as Dindi's but the Canod hammered his cock in Tristan's ass with more strength and speed than Tristan had felt since the last time he had a Canod fuck him. It was a mere three or four minutes before the Canod's knot was being jammed into Tristan's asshole.

The pain was enough to make Tristan screech although he tried to control it. A dozen times hitting the knot against the asshole finally opened the Griffin enough to pop inside, both of them growled loud enough that they were heard in the Pilot's seat. The Griffin consciousness hated that a Canod had dominated it even though Tristan loved the feeling he got when the Canod twisted around to be ass to ass with him. As he relaxed with the Canod on his back Tristan fell back to sleep with the being still shooting cum in his ass, he wondered which channel the Canod had filled, would he end up carrying a half Canod, half Griffin?

The remainder of the trip from Mars to the Yacht waiting beyond the solar bubble Tristan and Reynod were dominated by the Griffin's need for sex. The last day before transferring ships Tristan felt the overwhelming need for sex lower enough that he thought twice or three times a day would be enough once he arrived on Grinix. He was feeling more like a true Griffin, not wanting to have anyone dominate his asshole although he had been enjoying the Canod and Dindi licking him every few hours. He thought he understood why the Major had suggested they take the slow trip to Grinix rather than leave on the Yacht and arrive one day later.

Andy and Dindi had formed a close relationship with Alep and Aoul, they agreed to be part of Reynod's stable once they arrived at the slave market. On the Yacht Reynod took all the clothing from the four that were to be sold as slaves, the Gray along with them had spent most of his time between Mars and the yacht creating wraps for the boys and the young women. Tristan hadn't expected them to be covered at all but the cock socks hid the chastity devices that he had actually enjoyed putting on the four cocks. The Gray explained that once they were in the market they were available to anyone that had paid the entrance fee and put up a sum that was determined to be the least any of the current crop of slaves would bring once the auction started.

Next: Chapter 9

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