Trans Twins

By Bruce Turner

Published on Apr 28, 2022


Trans Twins

Chapter Seven

The instructor wasn't pleased that there was a non-student, non-model in the room when he arrived. He was questioning Tristan and Pierre about the boy when he saw the sculpture in front of him turn to white marble and red granite. The instructor stood there in awe at the transformation happening in front of his eyes. After looking at the sculpture for a couple minutes he walked over to touch it. The way he touched the piece amused Tristan who finally spoke to him.

"Will you be able to teach the boy how to polish the stone?"

"If he decides that he wants this to be smoother I should be able to teach him how to get the stone gleaming. Can Mehmet do this with a rough piece of clay? The students could use time working with marble instead of only working with clay. I could bring in a man that works only in stone to teach them how to transform a block of stone into their vision."

"Mehmet will be downstairs in the Mutant class for training the next couple months. If you ask, he may be willing to transform some clay into marble for your students. If it was me I would ask for a small sum in payment, perhaps a small statue using him as a model?

"Would you be willing to model for the class at times, Mehmet?" He didn't have as beautiful a body as Pierre and Tristan but it was well developed and showed his muscles almost to the point of being overly built it was apparent to Tristan that when the boy grew up he would be a muscular giant.

"I would if they will agree to having me wear a cloth around my crotch. I am not as much of an exhibitionist as either of you. The only ones that get to see my dick and ass are those I have sex with." Tristan wasn't aware that Mehmet allowed his partners to see his asshole, was it possible that he was willing to have sex with other men? He blanked out on the idea of women wanting to see his ass, the thought of the young hole had him erect.

"Do you want to pose with a bath house skirt?" The boy working on the Griffin had spoken up first.

"I've never worn one, as long as it covers my dick and balls it should be okay." Mehmet sounded too shy to be having the boys peeking under his skirt to model his balls but Tristan knew that the longer he posed the more likely he was to allow the students to see more of his body. He wondered how far the students would push Mehmet, would they want to have sex with him? What kind of sex would they want? Looking at the boy still working on his statue of Pierre in clay Tristan knew that boy would want to suck the boy's balls since he had asked to suck his.

"Calvin, do you have the cloth you are talking about? You should let the young man try the skirt on to see if he is comfortable." Once Calvin gave the instructor the cloth Pierre took Mehmet into the room that had been provided them the first few times they posed for the class. Tristan wished that it had been him going with Mehmet but he was already in position for the boy working on the final stage of his sculpture of the Griffin across the room.

For a sixteen year old Mehmet was extremely well built. When he agreed to strip in front of Pierre the man swore that he was going to seduce the boy while Tristan was off planet. The strip of cloth that was to form the skirt was too short to cover the tip of Mehmet's cock while thinking how to drape the cloth he played with the head of the boy's cock, Mehmet was getting harder every time Pierre pulled at him. After rearranging the cloth so it hanged at an angle Pierre let the boy look in the mirror, they were both impressed with how he looked. Mehmet almost forgot that he had wanted to go to the class to see Pierre and Tristan preparing for sex so when Pierre ran his hand under the cloth and squeezed his butt he didn't know what to think but hoped it wouldn't be the only time Pierre was going to do it before he had to show off the cloth, if he did it again Calvin knew his cock would be sticking straight out in the cloth.

Mehmet had been so engrossed in being sure that the head of his cock was covered that he didn't notice that Pierre had used most of the cloth to do that leaving one of his cheeks almost completely uncovered. The students and the instructor all gaped at the sight, within a few minutes they all agreed that he should be memorialized in stone even if it was only in a small sculpture.

Mehmet was talked into going to the class with Pierre for the first week after Tristan was gone. The " Foreplay" statue could have been left as Mehmet had transformed it but the instructor was pleased to do as Tristan had asked and showed it's maker how to give it a finished look by polishing the stone. As they worked the statue went from a lifeless copy of the two men to one throbbing with veins and a glint in their eyes. When they left that evening Tristan could see someone being willing to buy the sculpture although not for too much money, he couldn't believe anyone would want to exhibit it in a public place, if the viewer knew Tristan it was obvious that the statue was he not his twin, the sculptor had taken time and care to show the long braid he wore.

Pierre and Tristan spent a loving night after they left the class room, it was the last Pierre would be with Tristan as a human, they took advantage of it. The next day they went to their separate training rooms, the first time they had not spent the day together since the first time they had sex. They were kept too busy to be sad about their separation. It was the longest that any of the recruits had occupied another body, Tristan learned fast that the Major had been right in saying that he would need to develop his muscles. Carrying an extra two hundred pounds around with every step was tiring, he was glad to know that the pull of gravity on Grinix would be half of what he was experiencing on Earth.

Alep and Aoul were draped the same way Pierre had fixed Mehmet's skirt. He and Reynod were not as attracted to them as they had been the previous afternoon. Immediately after lunch they went to the yacht to begin the training necessary to help the Flovian take the ship from outside the solar bubble to Grinix, a trip of less than two days. The interior of the yacht had been remodeled to have fewer large open spaces to having rooms that all of the recruits could use privately. Without Pierre to warm his bed Tristan was happy that he would have privacy even if his company would have been his Brother, he didn't know how well he would sleep in the Griffin body but he would practice so that he did not give himself away to anyone on Grinix.

Tristan was already asleep when Pierre returned from the art room. Pierre didn't know how he could hold the massive Griffin so he lay down beside him with a hand in his thick mane. Tristan didn't stir when Pierre lay down but in the night he dreamed about the need for a Griffin to be aggressive and rolled over, unfortunately clawing Pierre's back and knocking him off the bed. Awake Pierre wanted to smack Tristan but the Griffin hadn't wakened when he had pawed Pierre so held a towel to his chest and legs as he went to the infirmary ten stories up in the elevator.

Not finding Pierre in his bed Tristan worried about him and spent the time before breakfast looking around the clinic for him. When he was told that Pierre was in the infirmary he didn't know what had happened. His lover was in a coma unable to tell him what had happened although Tristan could see the gauze covering his back. He skipped breakfast waiting for a nurse or doctor to let him know what was happening with Pierre.

The man had an allergy to the Griffin's claws, they had been warned in the first training session that one in one hundred would find being clawed by a Griffin deadly. The doctor told him that the Major had fortunately brought an anti-venom with him from Grinix that should prevent Pierre from dying from the clawing. Tristan went through the day barely conscious of what he was being told or asked, he had picked up on the work his position would require on the yacht quickly so the day of repetition was done by rote. He ran to the infirmary as soon as he was finished training, he needed to know how Pierre was faring under the staff's care.

Pierre was alert enough to recognize Tristan but that was about as well as he was doing. He couldn't hold a conversation, soon after Tristan arrived he fell back to sleep. Tristan didn't want to leave his side, he lay his head on the mattress with his nose against Pierre's side. Tristan needed to control the Griffin so he didn't try gnawing on his lover, soon he fell asleep, too. The nurse that was supposed to attend to Pierre over night saw the Griffin with it's head on the bed and wouldn't go back into the room. When the doctor showed up in the morning he needed to take emergency measures since what the nurse was supposed to do would have kept Pierre improving, without them he had fallen back into the coma.

Once he was sure Pierre was being properly cared for Tristan went off to the yacht to practice what his position on the yacht would require of him on the flight to Grinix. It was simple for the instructor to tell which of the twins he was speaking with, Tristan's long platinum hair had transformed into a lightly colored mane that was fuller and longer than his twin's. The next few nights gave Tristan the feel of what being off planet was going to be like since Pierre was kept in the infirmary where he was very slow to recover.

The third day of being in the Griffin body full-time Tristan began to feel what a Griffin would feel. Every time he was close to one of the human females or the kit that the Major had brought to help with the training his cock slid from its sheath. Not having Pierre for sex was driving both consciousnesses crazy with desire. After lunch and before they were to go to the Yacht Major Mangrel ordered them to the class room for a special class. He was going to teach 'Sex on Grinix an Introduction'. From what had happened between he and Pierre when he was showing off his transition Tristan didn't expect to learn much.

The Major explained that Griffins were extremely sexual beings. Once they passed the age of fifteen they needed to have sex at least three times a day. Like every other being in the galaxy they were not limited in the type of sex they enjoyed. Most adult Griffins would only admit to having sex where they were the dominate partner but that was very much not true although they were always very aggressive when looking for sex.

He moved on to showing the four humans the difference in a Griffin cock from a human cock explaining how dangerous it could be for a Griffin to pull his cock out of his partner before he allowed his cock to fade to it's natural state thus hiding the barb back in his foreskin. It was the first time the Major had exposed his cock to the four of them. Tristan and Reynod had felt the sharp barbs but the two mutants felt the Major's cock to learn what he was talking about. Like Earth felines the barbs were used to make the subordinate partner ovulate.

That is when the class became interesting to them all. There were only natural males on Grinix, unlike the females that were produced by shape shifting another being. Before anyone could ask the Major explained that the Griffin sperm was potent enough that if the barbs scratched the subordinate properly either male or female could become pregnant and carrying up to two kittens. He wasn't 100% certain but had been taught that any other species would carry a new Griffin, that was the reason that there as a trade in buying slaves on Grinix. If one Griffin impregnated another there would be a Sphinx born a species that had been declining in population as being subordinate to another Griffin became more and more taboo.

Minny, the female Griffin that was his assistant was called to stand in front of the four students with her rear facing them. Like the other Griffins she had no tail, looking at her rear end there was no way to determine she was a female. The Major explained how to tell if a Griffin was male or female, it had nothing to do with cock and balls or a vagina, both males and females had a set of cock and balls. Aoul was the first human called up to the front of the class. The Major showed him how to force two fingers into the other Griffin and told him where to feel for a second opening. The opening was not far inside the female so almost any Griffin's cock could be inserted if he wished, explaining then that Griffin cocks varied in length like all other species.

The scientists on Grinix had determined that nature had evolved them that way for a natural way of population control. Once the first three students had felt inside the female she was undulating her rear in her need to be mounted. The Major explained the female might like to be mounted more than fifty times in a Grinix day which is shorter than an Earth day. She would approach the largest males she saw hoping to produce Sphinx of strength. The Major finished the class trying to explain to Tristan and Reynod how to be certain they were in the proper channel to not produce kit and how to accept a cock and maneuver it away from the channel that might cause them to be impregnated. It turned out that was especially important since no pregnant Griffin were permitted to travel off planet. The twins both wondered what it would be like to carry a Griffin kit joping they wouldn't have to find out while off planet.

Tristan and his twin weren't especially pleased when the Major explained that he expected them to mount the two mutants. It was the first time either of them had sex with a female, Tristan was only able to maintain an erection by thinking of the male mutant that had been transformed into a female, he had wanted to fuck both Alep and Aoul. Before they were sent off to the yacht to practice their more technical duties Major Mangel and the Sphinx took the twins to separate rooms where they were taught by doing what they had been taught in class. The Major cooperated with Tristan in having his cock guided away from the channel that would have had him impregnated. The Sphinx was not as cooperative with Reynod, the twin had to completely reject the large stone like cock twice before he was able to use the right muscles to guide it into his ass not the female channel.

"Tristan, you have always been less excited with fucking than me, what was it like for you to have Major Mangrel mount you? I am going to have to try never to have another Sphinx fuck me. There was nothing pleasant about having him mounting me."

"That's a shame. The Major wasn't as good at fucking as Pierre but his cock was longer, I'm glad he allowed it to shrink before he pulled out. I didn't want to feel what the barb is like. Did the Sphinx have a barb on the end of his cock?" It took Tristan a few minutes to remember when Reynod had allowed Tristan fuck him. His twin was much less interested in being fucked or fucking but at least he no longer refused it completely.

"Check my asshole, I'm probably bleeding from the way he pulled it out. Do you think I'm really ovulating?"

"I think we have to believe what they taught us. I don't know if the barb scratching our assholes does the same as scratching the female channel but I don't think I want to know if it causes me to make eggs for the Griffin's sperm to fertilize. Can you imagine what it would be like to have two fetuses growing in your gut?"

"No way. I'm going to be unnatural for Grinix and try sucking cock and not getting mounted or mounting another male. What about the mutants? Do you think they will get pregnant?"

"Reading between the lines, I think that is why humans and Enlil are being bought in the slave market. I hope our doctors are smart enough to protect them. I don't want to leave either of them on Grinix, they are good guys."

Reynod was happy that he and Tristan were able to discuss sex with the Griffin and Sphinx so freely, it had been some time since they were able to be that free. Tristan had been more reluctant to talk about sex with Pierre than with anyone else he had ever been with although he was the first man that Tristan had willingly shared in a three-way since High School. Reynod was afraid he was losing Tristan to love, his twin had never been one to refuse him sex but for the last couple weeks he had only fucked with Pierre. Now that he had been mounted by the Griffin perhaps his twin would once again be more promiscuous, hopefully at least he would be permitted to suck Tristan's cock on the trip to Grinix and back.

Reynod was asking what Tristan thought they would find when they arrived on Grinix when they entered the yacht. The Flovian met them and rushed them off to their stations for a trial flight around the Earth, in and out of the atmosphere. The path the Flovian had mapped out for them required maneuvering through a satelite zone, a tricky hour of maneuvering that required all the new crew members to use everything they had been taught to prevent crashing into communication satellites. Back on Earth they were met by Admiral Broughton and Major Mangrel.

No one had told the crew that they were ferrying the pair on a sightseeing tour of Earth.

"We are proud to have been on the inaugural flight of Intergalipol Neutron Ship 1112. We have two of your class to thank for this impressive ship. Yesterday we received notice that it has been approved that the yacht be based here at the clinic. Along with that notice we were given the right to impound ships that are involved in interplanetary crimes that we have been asked to investigate or where we are enforcing the laws.

"One of you was involved in getting the yacht assigned to the clinic, would you come forward, Tristan?" He had thought he was simply on another training exercise, why would Admiral Broughton call him out from the crew?

"Tristan, we have a protocol in the Intergalipol that assigns a name to each ship along with the official number that has been assigned by the Interstellar Space Force. As the man that brought this yacht to our base and has fought to have it assigned here I have the pleasure of allowing you to name the ship. It shall be known as the INS- . Do you know what you would like to name the yacht or do you need time to give us the name?"

"Admiral Broughton, fellow crew members, Mr. Downing, Major Mangrel, I am not one that really likes to stand up in front of people to speak. Growing up I often wondered what banner I would like to go forth as a soldier to fight under. It is rather ironic that you are asking me to name the ship I will be going into space to fight crime in. I have thought ever since I started at the FBI academy that I would be a champion for Equality, that is what I would like to see the ship named.

"If the council does not accept that name I have a few others that are more in line with what my Continent has been naming earlier space ships. We have used famous people's names, there are a few that I think deserve the honor. Please consider any of them should you not agree that Equality is the one you'll pick. I think any of these would be acceptable, Da Vinci, Daedulus, Socrates or Whitman; Socrates is my second choice but any of these would do well."

"Why do you say Equality is ironic?"

"Our first mission aboard this ship is carrying two people that we will be offering for sale as slaves. We are headed to Grinix which has slavery built into their system of life so thoroughly that it can not be eliminated without ruining all systems that keep the planet alive."

"We are not a democratic organization but does your crew agree with the name you are putting forth?" Tristan hadn't expected the Admiral to question the crew but hoped that they would go with his suggestion since they had all grown up on Earth under the rules of Equality voted for by all the continents nearly a hundred years before they were born. He was pleased to see the entire crew agree with him when she asked.

"You may take INS 2111 on its first mission under the name Equality. I will propose the name at the next council meeting with the acknowledgment that the first crew accepts the name without any dissent. You are now free for the remainder of the evening."

The twins were happy to have time for themselves. Tristan let Reynod know that he didn't need to go to the art class. They headed back to their room talking about the thrill of the flight and what it would be like to be in it when the Flovian let it fly at the nearly instantaneous speed they knew it was capable of going between planets.

Reynod brought up the subject of Grinix again. He thought his twin knew more about what they would encounter when they landed than he did. Tristan told him some of what the Major had told him about the mission mostly how Reynod and the mutants would be spending the first couple days in the slave market trying to gather information. He didn't tell his twin that once he was in the slave market he might need to fight not to become one of the slaves being sold, he thought Major Mangrel had warned him enough on that subject.

"Tristan, do you think you will be able to live in this transformation for all the time we will be on Grinix? Their way of mounting each other may drive me to distraction. Will I be allowed to fuck the mutants while we're in the slave market?"

"I would think so. You are supposed to be the trader selling them, I think you will be expected to control and use them in anyway you think appropriate. Did you really enjoy having sex with the female?" Tristan had never heard his twin ever suggest that he wanted sex with any of the girls they were in school with. Since they were fourteen he had been sucking cock almost daily if not more often. Tristan didn't think his twin even fucked a single guy in all that time.

Reynod didn't answer his twin. The idea of having sex with women wasn't as disgusting to him as it had been for years but he still would prefer having a cock in his mouth to fucking. When it happened that he would have to fuck a female he knew he would be able to make himself shoot a load by thinking of some of the best cocks he had taken into his throat.

"Reynod, did the Sphinx tell you anything about getting pregnant by him?"

"No, why?"

"I'm confused about the cross breeding necessary to create them. Griffins are their Fathers but who are their Mothers?"

"I think you have that backwards. Aren't Griffins their Mothers with a different species their Fathers?" Reynod was as confused about the matter as Tristan.

"Which ever, I don't plan on allowing either of them to impregnate me."

"Me either. We would be stuck on Grinix until the next mission passes by. The Major said that no pregnant Griffins are allowed off planet."

"You know that may be never. Unless we are successful the Sphinx may never allow us back to the planet." Tristan couldn't imagine being stuck in the body of a Griffin for the rest of his life, he was sure he wouldn't mind the sex on Grinix once he was used to it but getting pregnant had never been his goal in life.

"Tristan, you know that I have fallen in love with you, right? If this is going to be the last night we spend together before you leave on the mission to Grinix would you please transition back to your natural state? I don't want you scratching me inside." Pierre had been discharged from the infirmary although he wasn't well enough to attend any of the classes that required him to shape-shift. Tristan disobeyed the Major that had wanted them to stay in their Griffin bodies all day and night, he wanted to give Pierre all the loving he could, not just hard Grinix sex.

As soon as Tristan had shifted back into his human body Pierre drove his tongue into his asshole. Tristan didn't know how he would survive six weeks without Pierre, the Major had told them that although the Griffins were aggressive they were not too varied in their sex acts. He had never heard of a Griffin that treated an asshole to a licking before sex or after like a Canod. There were a few Griffin that enjoyed oral sex, giving and receiving, although they were scattered around the planet and often the object of derision. He had mentioned that to his twin so that Reynod would be prepared to fight when the time came.

Tristan held off from begging Pierre to fuck him as long as he could, as much as Pierre had learned to enjoy licking his asshole he had enjoyed having him do it. They fucked as often as they could that night barely sleeping.

"Good. You already got the message that we are to go to the classroom as humans dressed in as little as we feel comfortable in." Reynod had spent the night in his own room not wanting to interrupt the lovers on their final night before being separated for seven weeks. He had walked into Tristan's room speaking on the communicator with their Mothers planning on having Tristan join in the conversation before they headed to breakfast.

"No, I hadn't received the message. But it is one less shift I'll have to make."

"Tristan and Reynod, the maid service left us three of those cloths that Mehmet was draped in last night. We should head to breakfast wearing nothing but one each." Pierre had been enjoying Tristan's body so much that he wasn't willing to have him covered before it was necessary. Tristan quickly agreed to the idea, having been in the Griffin body for a week already he was retaining the species' desire to have sex as often as possible. The man hoped he would have a chance to get with whatever new species was being introduced to them in class.

It took the pair a few minutes to convince Reynod to join them in wearing only a thin cloth around his waist. They were able to tie it low enough that it covered their cock and balls without needing to be arranged at an angle like Mehmet. Heading up to the dining hall they talked about what species of alien they expected to learn about that morning. The twins were separated from Pierre and taken to the room where only the ones that would be heading to Grinix were allowed. Alep and Aoul joined them before the food was served, Major Mangrel instructed them to shift back to their male bodies and drape their bodies the way the twins were.

Tristan hadn't thought of himself as predatory or a pedophile but watching the boys undress and wait to be shifted back to their natural state he had to admit to himself that he was sincerely interested in seeing what he would be able to do with their young bodies. He had seen Aoul naked when he fucked him in Morocco but it was the first time he saw Alep without his clothing. Alep was nowhere near as muscular as Mehmet but he had a nicely defined chest and a butt that was Tristan's idea of what the gods made for other men to fuck, he was almost unable to resist the boy. He remembered that Alep had been trying to seduce Cali when they first met, he hoped the boy was now willing to have sex with another man having been in a woman's body for three days and fucked more than once.

The Major and his assistant were basically ignoring the others in the room while they talked about sex. Tristan caught some of their conversation, like he and Pierre the Major and his assistant had worn themselves out over night but both agreed that they would gladly mount the last boy to cover his butt with the thin cloth. Tristan wondered if that meant that the Major would be in the bidding for Alep at the slave market or would he try to mount the boy on the way back to Grinix.

He had half an answer to the question before they went to class. The Major told them that he and the assistant would be taking the Grinix ship back home. Not having to stop at Mars or transfer ships they expected to be there at least a full two days before the Intergalipol crew. Tristan was told where he could meet the Major once he was on Grinix, Reynod was told he would be met by an undercover officer that would lead him to the slave market. Everyone was excited to be going off planet, they were told the Flovian pilot would give them a departure time later that morning.

"The wrap isn't doing you much good, Brother."

"If you were in to fucking like , you would have stayed erect looking at Alep, too."

"If you want to fuck him that bad why don't you go talk to him. Talking with me isn't going to get you anywhere, especially not in his ass."

"I'll wait until we are on our way to Mars. That way he won't have a chance to escape."

"Well, do you want a blow job before we go down to class?" Reynod had reached over and taken his twin's cock in his hand, squeezing hard.

"No. Let's see what species is being introduced in class, I might want to fuck it."

"Or it might want to fuck you!"i

" Pierre left me open enough for just about anyone to fuck me. I am going to miss having him fucking me." Tristan knew his Brother would like to know more but he decided to wait until they were out of the solar bubble to tel him.

"The Major said that you won't have any trouble finding another Griffin to fuck you on Grinix, supposedly that light, long mane will attract the most aggressive of the species." Tristan's cock throbbed as they walked into the classroom talking about getting fucked. He would have a week to decide if he would allow another Griffin to fuck him, he might have to refrain to do his job properly. At least he could get the Major to mount him if nobody else.

"Boys, we will be leaving as soon as you are finished with lunch. Not having to break for food we should save time on the first leg of our flight." The Flovian had gotten more forward with Tristan, usually he had asked before touching the human but with Tristan's cock pushing out the cloth he took hold of it and told Tristan that he would like to suck it on the first leg of their flight. He had stayed away from Tristan's room since Pierre had told him that he should leave his lover alone, Tristan saw that without Pierre to interfere he was going to have to give in again.

"You don't look pleased to hear that. Is he not any good at sucking dick?"

"That's not it. I was hoping to have time to seduce and fuck Alep tonight or tomorrow."

"Why don't I have the same problems as you?"

"I don't know, we look the same although you attack cocks while I go for asses."

"I won't be surprised to see you go after this cock." Reynod pointed to the Centaur walking into the room with his whole cock extending from the sheath. From a distance the twins thought it had to be at least eighteen inches long and as think as their wrists. Tristan quickly went to thinking how to expand his asshole to accept that monster.

"Good day, many of you will know my name from a famous ancestor that was credited with teaching Hercules and then the Greeks about medicine. I'll talk about Hercules a little later but first I have been asked to speak about how the laws on OrsI differ from the laws that Intergalipol have been established to enforce and those of the new Earth governments. I am Chiron XX a direct descendant of the Chiron that was on Earth close to three thousand years ago."

The Centaur explained how the laws on OrsI were established on the lines of the Draconian laws. How while the Centaurs were considered a wild species when they were attempting to colonize Earth they had been far more civilized and advanced than any of the civilizations they encountered. He tried to tell them the differences in their old laws with the laws that had been agreed upon by the Interplanetary body that established the Intergalipol.

When he spoke to them about the civilization on OrsI Tristan didn't think they were that much further advanced than the ancient Greeks. In fact in many ways, especially in treating their females, they seemed to be so far behind any civilization Tristan had ever studied that he was amazed they had survived on their own planet. Chiron XX told them how for the last two thousand years they had not been in contact with any of the other planets basically because other civilizations considered them inferior and would try to use them as dumb draft animals.

Neither of the twins had been especially interested as he talked about much of the culture on OrsI until he began to speak about sex. They had both been entranced by the long, thick cock bouncing below his body so once he began telling them about the sex customs on OrsI they perked up and listened more intently. When they had been on Earth they had attempted to interbreed with a few of the species they met. Most of the other Earth species had not been interested enough to bear any hybrid children. The conditions on Earth had been perfect for them, there had been space to roam, many streams and ponds for bathing and drinking, no predators that chose them as a prime source for food and they had been able to communicate with the species that was spreading across the land.

After being driven from areas of population the Centaurs had a leader rise that was ferocious in demanding rights for the Centaurs. No area on Earth would accept the interbreeding the Centaurs were demanding so the leader, Chiron XX thought it had been Nessus, declared war on the Greek countryside. The Centaurs were driving through the land when they joined forces with a related tribe of Centaurs that lived on Crete, an even more ferocious species with horns. The tribe on Crete was destroyed and the Greeks enlisted Hercules to lead them against the Centaurs in their hills and mountains.

Hercules first met Chiron, a gentle old soul that wanted cooperation between Centaurs and humans, he agreed to be a teacher for Hercules and to share medicine with the Greeks. For two years Hercules lived among the Centaurs that gathered around Chiron. Although the Centaurs were not know to be sexual beings more than on occasion Hercules had fallen for his old teacher and determined to find a way for them to express that love. Until then the Centaurs had mounted the few humans that were willing the way a dog mounts another, that was not agreeable to Hercules since he refused to be treated like an animal.

One day before the Centaurs were to meet the tribe supporting Nessus Hercules went to Chiron and let him know that he wanted his old teacher to mount him but only if it could be done in a more human manner than what he had heard of the Centaurs mounting humans. They discussed the idea for a week driving Chiron crazy with lust and Hercules mad with desire. One day practicing with the bow that Chiron had taught Hercules to fashion the human slipped on a patch of mud finding himself under the great Centaur. Looking up Hercules thought he would need to determine if he was in a position where the Centaur would be able to do as they had been discussing.

It may have been coincidental but while Hercules was under Chiron the old Centaur became erect. Seeing that Hercules seized the moment and raised his butt in the air with his legs wrapped around Chiron's middle. Chiron knew that he was too large to fit in the human without giving him too much pain to bare, he called for Iolaus, the man's nephew, to bring them a grease. The meeting of cock and ass needed help which Iolaus was more than willing to give his Uncle, soon with Hercules on his shoulders and pierced by Chiron's long cock they managed to consummate the love between them.

"Rather than attempting to mount humans on the back the Centaurs took a lesson from Hercules learning the best way to spear the humans they wished to mount. Before he returned to OrsI Chiron gave Hercules a potion that would kill Nessus. Once the fierce leader of the marauding Centaurs was dead the rest of the Centaurs also returned to OrsI leaving Earth to the humans and the few alien species that were bringing their knowledge here."

The history of the Centaur wars with humans changed the way Tristan thought about Earth. He already knew that the Griffin and Sphinx had taught two different civilizations farming and massive building to honor the planets. What he still didn't understand was why the planets had sent their missionaries to Earth. He was trying to formulate a question that would have the descendant of Chiron educate them on the hows and whys when he heard the Centaur calling his name.

"Tristan, your superiors have told me that you have mastered the ability to transition into any of the species you meet. Do you feel that you are a master at shifting?"

"A master? I won't claim to be that good but I have managed to learn the lessons that we have been taught here and added them to what I knew before I arrived. The other species that have seen my transitions have been complimentary in saying that I would be able to pass on their home planets as a natural citizen. Honestly it has taken me some time to figure out all the changes necessary but I haven't lost a hand or leg in training."

"I was told part of the training was for the students to learn how to switch one portion of their body at a time. Are you able to do that?"

"Yes, sir." Why he was willing to call the Centaur 'sir', he wasn't certain but he felt he needed to give him some form of honor while he stood beside him. He wanted to get on his knees and feel the Centaurs cock and balls just like his twin had said he thought Tristan would.

"If you need to touch me before you try what I'm going to ask of you put your hands on my rump then drop to your knees and feel my cock." Tristan found it hard to believe that the large being in front of him was giving him permission to feel the different parts he knew he would need to touch if he was going to shift into a Centaur. The Centaur stood quietly while Tristan ran one hand over his rump and then with both hands took hold of the long, thick cock.

"Do you think you would be able to have my whole cock in your ass?" The Centaur flicked his cock at Tristan and swatted his butt with the free hand on his side.

"I doubt you could fuck me without damaging my ass."

"That is probably true. So what I think you should do is attempt to shift your ass. You will need to straighten it out and widen the opening. Can you do that? Don't widen it too much, I want to feel that you are still tight." Tristan moved behind the Centaur to get a better feel of his rump and try to get a feeling for how deep his asshole went. He had never seen a horse fuck so he didn't know if he would have to take all of the long cock but from what the Centaur had said he thought he should be ready just in case he wanted to drive his cock all the way down to his balls in his ass.

"That should be enough. Do what is required for you to shift." He had surprisingly taken hold of the cloth wound around Tristan so he was left standing naked. The idea that the massive Centaur was going to fuck him was frightening but he concentrated on doing what he could to enlarge his asshole and lengthen the rectum and end of his large intestine. He must have looked like he was finished, Chiron XX handed him a bottle of lubricant that he had never seen but knew without being told what he was to do with.

"Get under me and roll up on your shoulders." Although it was an order the Centaur hadn't sounded like he was trying to make Tristan do something he didn't want. "You need to get back further, I'm longer than a human but not that long."

Tristan had his feet against the Centaur's stomach and his knees to his chest when Chiron XX let him know that he was where he needed to be. He spoke to the class explaining that his cock would be able to go into the man and point down to the ground without any problem, it didn't point forward when fucking. While he was talking to the class he was rubbing the flare at the tip of his cock against Tristan's asshole. The young man was finally getting the feeling that he wanted the Centaur to drive his cock into him but he was also beginning to feel numb where the flare had been rubbing a warm, slick liquid on him.

"Tristan, do you have a lover?"

"Yes. Pierre is my lover." Chiron XX called Pierre up to stand beside them. He did the same trick as he had done to Tristan and he stood there naked wondering what was happening.

"Do you know if he has ever taken a cock as thick or long as mine?"

"I don't believe so."

"Take my cock in one hand and press it to his asshole. With the other hand you can stroke your own cock." Pierre had gotten over his reluctance of touching other species' cocks so pressing the Centaur's cock to his lover's asshole wasn't that difficult. Besides not being difficult it also gave him a thrill to think he was helping to stuff Tristan with that much cock. His cock was erect as soon as he pressed the first inch of the flare into Tristan. Chiron XX took over and drove the huge cock straight down until all the class could see were his balls slapping on Tristan's back and Pierre on his knees stroking his cock over Tristan's face.

Tristan couldn't believe he had the whole Centaur cock in his ass and loving it. He was shouting out his pleasure, so everyone knew that he loved what was happening. With his mouth open to shout Pierre unloaded a large load of cum on his tongue. They had never done that in front of others except Reynod but Tristan didn't care he was happy to have his lover's load in his mouth.

Beautifully fucked and full of cum Tristan was ready to head to the sphere for the first leg of his trip to Grinix. Pierre leaned down to whisper in his ear, it was a request that pleased Tristan. Pierre had never asked Tristan to fill his mouth with piss, it had always been something that Tristan initiated although Pierre loved drinking him.

"Tristan, you should hold my cum in your ass as long as humanly possible. The longer it remains in you the more you will feel the transfer of power, strength to your body and wisdom to your brain. It is possible that you will become the newest Hercules."

Next: Chapter 8

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