Trans Twins

By Bruce Turner

Published on Apr 11, 2022


Trans Twins

Chapter Five

"What are you doing here. Reynod, this was supposed to be a time for Pierre and I to get away from the clinic and everyone there."

"What a way to greet your twin. I was hoping to at least get a hug before you showed how angry you were to see me." While he spoke Reynod launched himself at Tristan and hugged him with all his strength. Tristan hugged back and did not let him go until Reynod pushed his way out of his arms. He switched over to hugging Pierre before talking again.

Pierre's Mother came out of the house to see what was causing the commotion in her front yard, we hadn't told her that I am one of a set of triplets so seeing Reynod she went slack jawed and silent. Pierre took over to explain that she wasn't seeing things that Reynod was an identical twin. He pointed to the sphere about two hundred yards down the road to show her how Reynod had gotten there. Although he is my twin I wasn't that happy to see him, after all I had just been in a three-way with Pierre and his Brother and hoped to do it again before we headed back to the clinic. If he was there to rush our return I was going to be really angry.

Pierre asked him the same question I had.

"Is there a place where we can sit and have a quiet talk? You may not want everyone to hear what I have to tell you."

Pierre had one of the children playing nearby go into the house and bring us a pitcher of the local beverage. We held off discussing whatever Reynod wanted to say until after the boy had come back with the pitcher and three glasses. I couldn't imagine what he might have to say that would need privacy. Was there a war breaking out among the planets? Was one of us being expelled from the transitioning program? Before he started to tell us what he had to say he looked around the yard to be sure there weren't people nearby, the children had run down the street to look at the sphere.

"Earth is experiencing an epidemic of teenage mutants. They are popping up everywhere that has been populated for more than the last three hundred years. What is really strange is that the teenagers haven't shown any signs of the mutations until the last year with most of them not being aware they had any powers until the last two months.

"The Admiral was tasked with rounding up as many of the mutants as we can find. While we are the front line in the search each continent has pledged to assist if there is resistance. She was unable to tell us what the mutations might allow the teens to do. She thought there was everything from super intelligence to power over water.

"Had the pair of you heard about any of this?"

"Some, Brother. We didn't know the mutations had reached an epidemic stage but we have heard of some of the teens having some extra-ordinary powers.

"How do you expect to take them in with just the sphere? You would only have room for ten guests on board. Why aren't you using the yachts?"

"Blindi and Sally are in the yacht you turned over to the Intergalipol on Mars. We thought you would have the other yacht here."

"Mr. and Mrs. Downing took the yacht with them when they dropped us off here. They said they would be using it to scout the Sahara if they had the time. We haven't heard from them since we set foot on the beach.

"Pierre, did Mr. Downing remember to give you the communicator he promised?" The ones we usually used would only reach a few miles not the hundred plus they had gone.

"The Admiral has been attempting to raise anyone on the yacht. Weren't there some of the aliens that work in the clinic on board?"

"There were about eight of them, I think most of them were going into the desert with the Downings. A couple of the crew wanted to stay in Marakesh to shop in the Bazaar for family on their home planets. Mr. Downing worried they might cause a riot so the city government was to provide an armed guard.

"We should be able to reach that official if finding anyone from the crew is a priority."

"Pierre and Reynod, here is the first of the people you are to be hunting. Would you like to explain to Aoul what you want him to do?"

For the next half hour Aoul and Reynod argued about leaving home and joining his Brother at the clinic. Reynod did not know what the plan was for the teenagers once they were gathered together which bothered Pierre and I and their Mother when she was brought into the conversation. As soon as Pierre had brought her out of the house Aoul demonstrated his Fire-starter power by igniting a metal pole on the opposite side of the road.

I was surprised that Aoul was arguing against going with us, from as much as he had said he missed Pierre I would have thought he would be in the sphere as soon as an opening appeared. Their Uncle showed up while the arguing was still happening, he listened for a few minutes to get caught up on what was being said and why they were arguing. He pulled his nephew to the side and telling him that it might be the only way he would find the answers to the questions he had about his powers convinced his nephew to leave home.

Pierre's Mother insisted that they have a close family dinner having Pierre invite her sister and other brother to join us. Reynod balked but there was no way to move Pierre or his Brother once their Mother made her decision. We hadn't taken that much clothing with us so packing up only took what time I needed to clear up our toiletries. Reynod had come into the house with me so we had a little time to catch up on what I had done since landing in Morocco. After I mentioned the three-way with Pierre and Aoul he asked so many questions about Pierre's brother I thought he was writing his biography most of the questions I couldn't answer but my twins would get the answers to them when he sat Aoul down to do the required registration.

Reynod was not charmed by our hostess and her sons, he turned the conversation around to the teenagers with the mutating powers hoping that either Aoul or his family could help us track down anyone else in the vicinity that was displaying any unusual activity. I think he put it that way in case it wasn't necessarily a power but an increase in their normal strengths, such as the girl that had graduated from college at ten. I was off in dreamland while they sat calmly discussing what powers they might find, I found some of what the said truly frightening.

The world had been divided up so that the people searching for the mutants wouldn't be wasting time crossing paths. Pierre and I had been assigned the areas around the Mediterranean Sea since we were on the western end of the sea it seemed sensible, Mr. and Mrs. Downing were assigned the whole of Africa that we didn't search along the Northern edge. My twin was heading north to search in Europe, Nils would be joining him in a few days. We were given a map on our pads that showed where the most mutations had been recorded, it was meant to be a guide to start collecting mutants that might cause uprisings of the normal population. That gave us a little latitude since a boosted intelligence did hot necessarily cause problems.

Reynod choose to sleep in the sphere instead of using the sofa in the living room of the house where we were talking. I went to bed ahead of the rest of the family thinking they might want the time together since the visit was being cut short. I was tossing around on the bed half asleep when I felt a body crawl in next to me. Hoping it was Pierre I pulled it to me only to realize it was not him but Aoul. I had not thought about the possibility that the boy would come to me to be fucked again, I honestly hadn't thought about him having sex since we left the Uncle's house.

It didn't take him long after he was in the bed to reach back and coat my cock with a heavy layer of grease, I didn't know what he was using but it felt extremely slick. That I was about to fuck my lover's Brother didn't feel awkward since Pierre had given me permission and had been with me the first time his Brother took my cock. Aoul may have thought he would need to use my cock the way he had when he sat on me but as I slid into him I rolled on top of him and let him know I was taking control. Seconds later my whole cock plus two extra transitioned inches was in his asshole, he was still tight and groaned as I drove my cock deep inside of him. I hoped that everyone else was asleep and not listening because his groans quickly turned to moans of pleasure and soon I had to cover his mouth, he was getting that loud. Having had no foreplay or love making I was able to fuck Aoul for at least ten minutes, remembering what Pierre had told me about his Brother I pulled out and flipping him onto his back moved up on the bed so that I could shoot my load in his mouth. He wanted more than just my cum and bent his head forward enough to get the head of my cock in between his lips and slowly slide my cock into his throat.

I hadn't expected Aoul to take my shit smelling cock in his mouth and throat. I had even less expected him to try giving me a blow job after I had just cum in his mouth. Whatever I expected didn't seem to matter, what mattered to Aoul was that he had a cock to suck and cum waiting in my balls. I would have thought it would take forever to cum again but he was almost an expert at sucking cock so I was shooting a second load into his mouth in a few minutes. I pulled away and lay down, Aoul wiped his stomach with a rag he had brought with him and sweetly lay his head on my stomach to lick the seeping drops of cum from the head of my cock until I fell asleep.

Pierre woke us the next morning. As soon as he saw that Aoul was naked with me he swatted him on the butt and told him to get packed. With his Brother gone Pierre reminded me that we might not get any time alone for the next few days. I almost cried thinking about not getting back in bed with my lover until we returned to the clinic. He kissed me on both eyes and pushed me onto my stomach. Pierre was either learning to enjoy it or knew how much I loved having his tongue in my asshole, whichever it is he spread my buns and kissed his way down to my anal ring before stretching out his tongue to lick at me. I was going to have to remember to treat his ass to the same treatment, I always seemed to forget and go straight to fucking.

I think I had begged Pierre to fuck me for more than five minutes when he inserted two fingers and promised to fuck me after I go out to piss. He was right in knowing that I needed to piss, doesn't everyone when they first wake up? When I got back to the bed Pierre was gently stroking his cock with lube and holding the tube in his other hand out to me. I wasn't sure I would need the lube after what he had been doing to my asshole but I took the tube and squirted a bit into my asshole. He told me to lay down next to him, we kissed for a few minutes before he moved on top of me and spread my legs with his knees.

Pierre had gotten used to slowly entering me when he wanted but that morning as soon as I felt the foreskin touch my asshole he drove his whole cock into me with more force than he had ever used. I was almost driven through the wall at the head of the bed. He saw what he had done and slowed down to fuck me more gently while pinching my nipples and licking at my lips. I would have been happy to have him stay in my ass for an hour but he rushed to cum and quickly pulled out to tell me it was time to eat and leave. He pushed me to the bathroom where Aoul was still cleaning up, I quickly shaved and brushed my teeth. I was sitting down to release his cum when Aoul stopped me, he asked if I was full of his Brother's cum, when I told him yes he dropped behind me and drove his tongue in me to get what I would give him of Pierre's tasty cum.

We were taking too long, Pierre came up to the bathroom to tell us to rush. When he saw his Brother on the floor with his tongue in my ass he laughed at us both. Aoul seemed abashed at his Brother seeing him licking my ass but didn't stop until I put a hand on his head and pushed him away. I followed Pierre out of the bathroom and grabbed the bag I had already packed and went downstairs for breakfast. Suddenly I was glad we were leaving, I had trouble looking Pierre's Mother in the eye when she asked me a question, having fucked her youngest son twice was more than I should have done and letting him eat my ass was too much.

"Aoul, we're going to pick you up when we're ready to leave the area. I don't want to have to worry about you trying to steal my lover while he and I are looking for other mutants." The way he said that I could tell he was not pleased with his Brother. I had to hope he wasn't going to be angry with me, too.

"Pierre, I'm ready to go now. I don't want to steal your lover."

They continued their argument for a few minutes until my Brother showed up to let us know that he would drop us off at the first stop on our itinerary where we would have another sphere waiting for us. He agreed to take Aoul with him after I let him know the boy would probably be happy to trade blow jobs, I didn't tell him that Pierre was upset with Aoul.

On the way to Libya Pierre suggested that I shift into a semblance of him. Although the world had gotten less racist the people of the Mid-east were still fighting to accept white people coming into their countries. That didn't bother me, I had learned how to look like an Arab so effectively that Pierre couldn't tell it was me. When we stepped out of the sphere Aoul insisted on hugging his Brother and giving him a kiss on both cheeks, I had stepped far enough away that he wasn't able to touch me. We didn't have to go far from the landing location for spheres to find a transport that took us to where the boy we were to find lived.

Mehmet was not home, he was the sole supporter of the family so he was out trying to make what he could in the local market. I wasn't sure what to think about the mutation we were about to see, Mehmet could turn any object to rock. He had caused a few local problems as a juvenile delinquent then gotten his way out of them by blocking the police vehicles with rocks he made in the path he took to get away. He didn't sound like a boy we would want to have in the sphere, if we made him angry he might make the sphere unable to fly. We didn't have any other reports of mutants that we were supposed to find so Pierre and I decided to spend time in the market looking for Mehmet and listening for any rumors of other mutants.

It was good that we had the time alone to talk with each other. I explained to Pierre that his Brother had not been trying to steal me when he walked in on him licking out my ass but was digging for Pierre's cum. But then I did let him know that his Brother had wanted fucked when he crawled in bed with me the previous night. I wished I had the will-power to resist the teenager's ass but I told Pierre that I had given in and fucked him. The admission helped Pierre settle down, we hadn't heard anything about any mutants by the time Pierre wanted to eat. He found us some street food he thought looked good and we sat watching the horde walking by.

We hadn't walked thirty feet from where we had been seated when we almost tripped over a booth that had been turned to stone. If that was what Mehmet could do I understood why we were supposed to get him out of the city and back to the clinic. Fortunately who ever had been by the booth, owner or customer was not still there, so we didn't know if they had been turned, also.

A few minutes later we saw a girl that had to be around the same age as Aoul that disappeared as we watched her push her way through the crowd. We immediately went of searching for her, Pierre didn't want to ask too many questions afraid to raise fear in who he asked that we were stalking or about to kidnap her. We caught sight of her a few times but as if she knew we were trying to catch up with her she would disappear.

"Pierre, is she just really good at slipping into the crowd or has she actually turned invisible? That seems like something that would have been reported and caused people to be afraid of her."

"If she is aware that someone has tried to report her she might be smart enough to go invisible and stop the report from leaving the area."

"Then how are we going to catch up with her?"

"We need to hope we find Mehmet so we get someone that knows the market and the people working here, maybe with his help we can find her. He might even know who she is."

"Pierre, have you seen all the stray animals around the market?"

"That's the way it is, no body can care for them full-time so they get people to feed them once in a while and stay around the market where they can find scraps to eat."

"I was thinking that you might shift into one of them and intercept the girl."

"Why me? I can't shift into a dog unless I shift back to normal first."

A minute later he shifted int the healthiest looking stray dog and took off along the edge of the stalls to catch up with the girl. This was turning interesting. How would he be able to get her to stop even if he found her? As I was musing I heard one of the shopkeepers call out the name Mehmet. I had been warned by Pierre that it was a common name but I was still curious to know if this was gong to be the boy we were hunting, I cross through the crowd to the other side of the street and caught a glimpse of a boy heading into a leather shop. I wasn't sure it was the Mehmet we were supposed to be hunting so I wanted a closer look and followed him.

A few feet inside the shop an older man, I have trouble guessing the age of people around here because the heat and wind age them faster than where I lived, pointing at a boy and doing what I thought was chewing him out. The man was speaking too fast for the translator to be effective but I did get the idea that Mehmet hadn't given the man some money he owed him for a delivery. Right then the boy looked up at me and smiled, it was the boy whose image I had on my pad. I hoped the man didn't make him angry, I didn't want to know if he could turn humans to stone.

I pushed my way around the shop through shelves over stuffed with leather goods taking my time to check out a couple of things that I would have been able to use if I was not supplied with all of them at the clinic. I wanted to hear if the amount of money Mehmet was supposed to give the old man was less than I had in my pocket but I couldn't catch the amount if the old man had ever said it. Finally I stepped out of the shop, the smell of leather was overwhelming. It felt good to get a breath of air that wasn't so heavy with the smell.

As I was standing outside of the shop the boy looked at me a couple times. I didn't want him to think I was pursuing him in a lewd way so I moved away far enough that I was blocked from sight but would be able to see if he came out. The voices inside the shop were getting louder the longer I stood there. Suddenly I heard and understood an imprecation that I figured might be the end of the argument. I moved towards the opening to the shop and the boy rushed out. I tried to step in front of him but had to grab him by the arm instead.

"Mehmet, I need to talk with you."

"Not now. Can't you see I'm trying to get away from that nasty old man."

"Now would be good, but if you want to walk with me down the street until we find my friend before we talk that's okay. You would probably understand him better anyway."

"Look. I don't have any money if that's what you're after.

"Mehmet, we don't want your money. Give us time to explain why we want to talk with you before you decide you need to get away from us."

He was slowly calming down from the argument. He said he would follow me, I wasn't sure about that so I tried to stay at his side although with the huge number of people between us and Pierre I was having trouble. It only took a few minutes before I saw the girl, Pierre must still be in the shape of the dog holding her stationary, as we approached her I saw my assumption was right. Hell, now I was going to have two mutants on my hands without Pierre to help with explaining what was happening. I greeted the girl who was shocked when I spoke to the dog as if he was a man, Mehmet was getting used to me being strange, he didn't react.

I tried to explain that I wouldn't hurt either of them so if they could wait a minute until my friend showed up to help explain what we wanted I would be very appreciative. When Pierre and I had seen the girl earlier I had not gotten a good enough look at her face to see how attractive she was, that was something that Mehmet didn't take any time to notice. When he smiled he was attractive, too, but not quite in her league. They talked a couple of minutes without a problem and Pierre showed back up. He proceeded in telling them what we were supposed to be doing. It took them a few minutes to believe him. He had Mehmet take us to a spot where I could shift bodies without being seen by anyone else, after that they were interested in what we were telling them.

The girl had no family so she was willing to take a chance on what we were telling her. Mehmet was a little more difficult to convince, he told us a sad story about how and why he was the only one supporting his family but when he finally thought about the police searching for him for the petty crimes he used to get food and money he agreed to go if he could tell them farewell. He hadn't been quite truthful with his family, while telling them he was leaving he told a girl I assumed was a sister where she could find what he had stashed away in case he was hurt or ill.

On our walk to the Sphere-port Mehmet gave us an example of his mutation after getting Pierre to agree he would shift back into the dog where he could see it. He tried to convince me to show him an example of shifting into an alien species, I finally agreed as long as he would wait until we were aboard the sphere headed towards our next reported mutant sighting. It felt strange but almost natural to have Pierre walking at our side as a dog, I couldn't stop petting him and ruffling the hair on his head. If I did either too often he would turn his head and growl at me but I knew he wouldn't bite so I would grab my crotch and wave it at him as much as I could through the shorts I was wearing.

We took the sphere from Tripoli to Bengazhi, a trip of about an hour and went directly to the part of town where we would supposedly find the next mutant. The two mutants with us were ready to eat again so we sat at a roadside restaurant to have a native meal. Pierre wanted to rush through our search in the city so we could stay at a hotel in Egypt that had a reservation waiting for us. I wasn't aware he had a liking for Egypt but over the meal he explained that his family had once explored the city to see if they would like to settle there but because of some trouble his Uncle was in left abruptly (he assumed his Uncle had molested a young boy).

The man we were searching for supposedly had been practicing Parkour when his mutation was first shown. He was following a particularly difficult course set up for a world wide competition to be held later when he skipped through a set of obstacles by flipping over them and jumping the next two. He had been so fluid that a bystander tried to get a video of him as he finished the course climbing a building and crossing over a roof on hands and feet, he was unable to get a good shot because of the speed and different moves he was making.

Alep was supposedly working in the area where we had decided to eat. Pierre caught sight of him delivering food from a restaurant across the street. He had easily made his way through the heavy traffic bouncing over the cars and tagging onto the heavier trucks. Pierre had acknowledged how using the form of a dog had made his job easier tracking Cali and set off after Alep down the busy sidewalk. I hoped he was able to catch up to Alep without getting into an accident with one of the cars trying to force its way through the crowded street.

Our waiter was asking if any of us wanted desert when I saw Pierre tugging the man by his hand down the sidewalk towards us. I chuckled that he had proved once again the superiority of transitioning over the mutations we had found. Pierre was not able to talk very well when in that form but he was able to tell the man to join us and call me Tristan. I asked our waiter to find us an extra chair, he did not like the idea but while Pierre ran off to find a place where he could transition in private he pulled a chair from another table so allow Alep to sit.

We had all barely introduce ourselves when Pierre came back. Giving him the standard speech the clinic had sent for us to memorize only took three minutes. Alep took a good look at Cali and Mehmet then asked if they were going with us as the speech had suggested. When they told him that they were and that part of the reason was the feeling of being so different in their own lives. He agreed that since his power had shown itself he had trouble walking down the street without strangers asking him to jump, bounce or do some other Parkour move. Although it had only been a few weeks he was already tired of being treated like a freak, he greed to go with us after he told the place where he worked that he was leaving. I wasn't too pleased to know that he would be leaving behind a wife and child without letting them know that he wouldn't be returning.

We were registered at the hotel before the sun set. Our registration had been for a suite where watching the sun set was a true gift. We hadn't expected to find Omar so easily, he had taken the transport to whatever station Egypt was currently using and back to help us find our suite by the time we had checked in. I nodded to Pierre to let him show us to our suite. Once inside the very old fashioned but pristine suite we addressed the reason why we were staying at the hotel. Omar thought we were giving him a load of BS and reminded us that he needed to return to work.

As he turned to go I asked Mehmet to turn the door to stone. Omar was shocked at how different the door was from when he entered in front of us. When he turned back to speak again I had shifted into the most beautiful woman I could imagine. The man almost fell over himself in awe. He agreed to speak with us when his shift was over if we would let him out of the suite. A problem I hadn't foreseen, Mehmet didn't know how to reverse what he had done to the door. The problem was quickly solved by Alep taking his keys, going out to the balcony and returning through a door that connected the suite next to us: I wondered if anyone had seen him doing whatever jumps it had taken to get from one balcony to the next more than thirty feet away.

It seemed like it only took Alep a minute to return. He said the manager had graciously agreed to moving us into the suite next door and apologized for the trouble with the door. Mehmet and Cali were giggling as we changed suites. Pierre and I were beginning to understand even more what troubles the mutants' abilities could cause. He and I were sitting on the balcony, trying to leave the mutants time to get to know each other better than they had on the quick trip and dinner. Like the shape shifters they would soon only be around others of their own kind and knowing somebody they could talk with would be comforting.

Pierre and I were discussing the next six mutants we were to find when Omar returned. So far Pierre and I had thought of his power as a good trick but weren't convinced that Intergalipol would find a use for it that would be unique. While we sat talking to him about whether he would like go with us I found that he was the most pleasant of the mutants so far and sat talking to us easily until he told us that he would take the night to think it over. Almost instantly he was out the door without the trio sitting in the center of the main room seeing him pass by.

When we checked out of the hotel the following morning Omar was working at the front door helping guests get through the complicated system of doors that kept non-guests out. Seeing him at work we assumed that he had chosen to remain there and not go with us. He called a transport for us and wished us well on our search. We were entering the sphere when Omar walked up alongside the transport and asked if we needed help with our luggage. The rest of the day went smoothly with us convincing two more mutants to join us.

We were landing outside of Ankara when Reynod sent us a message that he would be joining us that evening, he asked that we made sure to have room for another six people at the hotel. I was glad to hear that he had been that successful. Pierre was glad to know that he would get to see his Brother again before we went to the clinic. The mutant that we were track down in Ankara was a foreigner that was able to shoot electricity out of his fingers, we were not certain that we would be able to handle a man that could do that if he didn't want to come with. Even with the guard that the government had promised Intergalipol I was far from comfortable meeting him.

The reports about the foreigner said that the man was a tall blond-haired man that stood out every where he appeared in the city, we had taken the sphere to Istanbul the first thing in the morning. The report did not have a location for him so we were going to have to locate some of the people that had sent in complaints to Interpol. I volunteered to meet with the local Interpol agent to learn what I could while Pierre took the mutants we had already gathered to some of the most popular tourist locations to see what they could find. I was to meet them at the Hagia Sophia a mosque famous since the six century was the one place in Istanbul that I had always wanted to tour, I hoped we had time enough to do more than look at the exterior.

Locating Joseph Lionel in a crowded tourist attraction was dangerous. If he decided to use his mutant power around the thousands of people that went to the Mosque daily there could easily be innocent victims of his power. Other than the mutant with us that could turn objects into stone we didn't have any way to protect ourselves. I heard Pierre giving the guard instructions not to kill the man, if they needed to shoot they were attempt wounding and downing him until they could tranquilize him. I hoped they didn't need to fight, he would not be easy to manage if he was taken by force.

When I arrived at the Hagia Sophia Joseph Lionel was kneeling in prayer inside the mosque, my brother intercepted me before I attempted to speak with him. The man had been waiting outside the mosque when they arrived, he had heard about the forces gathering the mutants and was willing to come with us. He had introduced himself to the other mutants telling them he would be going with them because he had seen the troubles using his power could cause.

On our way to the spheres Reynod asked that Aoul be allowed to travel with his Brother,, the boy had been of no help to Reynod. I didn't look forward to having him in the sphere but Pierre was glad to have him along so I didn't argue with him. We were off for Crete by the time everyone was ready to sit down to eat again. The clinic was going to have to ramp up the kitchen staff to feed the mutants since they all seemed to need to eat more than meals we were used to having three meals and two heavy snacks everyday.

We didn't have any trouble finding Catherine even though she was like Cali. The island was not used to having spheres landing on the shore so word had spread to almost everyone by the time we were inland. Not surprisingly the islanders held her in high regard almost worshiping her as a goddess. She wasn't sure she wanted to leave the island because of that but knew that there would come a day when her worshipers might turn against her, Her fellow mutants convinced her to come along even though there were people close by begging her to stay.

The trip across the ocean was better than I had a right to think it would be. Cali had stayed on the sphere while we searched for Catherine. I was pleased that she had taken the initiative to hang a curtain around the cot that Pierre and I had used. At first I thought she had hung it for her own privacy but she told me that seeing Pierre and I in each other's arms was making some of the mutants uncomfortable although they were not going to say anything. We had our own room in the hotels so how she knew that we would be sleeping together on the trip across the ocean was a good question but I was pleased that although the curtain wouldn't block the sounds of us making love at least we would be able to sleep together without our uniforms.

Back at the clinic we were greeted by the Admiral. She apologized but told all the shape shifters that there would be an extra two week added to our training. The planets in the Intergalipol had decided that we should be made aware of the planets that while in the Milky Way were not part of the peace keeping force. I think Pierre and I were the only members of our class that were not upset at hearing about the additional two weeks. When she addressed the newcomers and the original class we heard that the mutants would be training high above us. I didn't think I would miss any of our mutants but the first day I understood that I had been thinking about Aoul as more than just one of the mutants that we had gathered for training.

Lyla had not returned to the clinic with Mr. Downing. Although she was mostly an art instructor she had stayed in an underdeveloped area that was still fairly populated with the animals one thought of when Africa was mentioned to practice her craft. Her husband had agreed to leave her there for a month. When we went to my room we found instructions to return to the art class that evening, the man that had substituted for her would be glad to have us in person instead of the holographic images that we had left for the class to use for further paintings.

"For a while when the mutants were being assigned rooms I thought that my Brother was going to be assigned to this room. At least he is only one floor away, I'll get to see him when either of us gets homesick." I was happy that Aoul wasn't assigned to our room, I had enough of being with teenagers, since we picked up the first mutant the sphere had been their playgound. We had been careful not to gt involved sexually with any of them although Pierre and I both would have gladly have Aoul get in bed with us once Reynod had us take him from his sphere.

"Or in the need of a little incest?"

"Tristan, your mouth and ass are all I need. Having your Brother join us for a little variety once in a while is enough incest for me."

"What does that mean? You want both of our cocks in your ass at once?"

"No, but one in each end sounds like fun!"

Whether it was what the art instructor wanted or not we stayed erect the entire four hours, certainly helped by the boys trying to sculpt an image of us kissing. The sculptors let us know that the new instructor was more helpful to them than the students still attempting to paint us. The second class had lost all of the painters but we had gained another student that was attempting to recreate our bodies in clay. His image was behind the first two although he had been working alongside them off the hologram since he joined the class, it was odd that he had a government background. His Grandfather had been part of the first joint planetary conference.

The student that had been trying and failing to recreate my ball sac talked with me while once more taking them in his hand between efforts to model them properly. The instructor came over to us to see why he was having such problems, he told the boy that everyone had a unique sac and that he should be concentrating on how I hung not how I felt in his hand. The new student joined them in the examination of my sac, it felt odd for them to be examining with their hands and that not leading to some sort of sex.

The instructor had asked us if we could get closer together for the boys in the second class. I thought about bending down to suck on Pierre's cock but before I was able to move he stepped closer and wet his fingers then stuck one in me. The boy that had been struggling with my ball sac shouted that we should stay in that pose until the first break. He didn't know how much I was happy to hear that Pierre would be allowed to stay like that, it was fortunate Lyla was not there or I would never have allowed Pierre to stick his finger in me. All three of them spent time up close examining what it looked like with my butt spread just enough for Pierre to finger me. I couldn't tell them but I enjoyed having them running their fingers around the rim of my asshole to see if they could learn how to put it in clay. I think Pierre had to stop one of them from pushing a finger in alongside his.

"Fuck. I wish you could bend me over the instructors desk and fuck me."

"I would but I want to be in you for longer than they have the room. Let's hurry up getting back to our room." Pierre grabbed all of our clothes from the floor and headed out of the room without giving me a chance to get dressed. Other students were getting used to seeing us in the hall coming from our posing but didn't know why I was often naked and Pierre at least half way. That evening we were both naked and running to our room with our hard cocks leading the way.

I wanted him to fuck me when we got there. As soon as he finished I was going to flip him over so I could kiss and fuck him. Over the course of the six weeks we had known each other I had really started to love being fucked almost as much as I loved fucking. The difference was that I could only enjoy being fucked once while I could fuck Pierre two or three times before I lost my erection. While we had been at his Uncle's house I had taken his toes in my mouth for the first time, he was driven crazy when I sucked his toes and licked the sole of his foot. It was all I had to do to get him to beg me to fuck him again and again which I loved having him do.

That first night back I must have fucked his ass for an hour before he was ready for me to slow down. I was going numb so I willingly slowed down and held my cock deep inside him shooting the last of my cum. I finished and was starting to pull out when he grabbed me by the butt and let me know that he wasn't ready for me to withdraw (I had only pissed in his ass the one time), I had his feet over my head when he asked if I could piss in him.

I didn't now what to think about him but I needed the relief after an hour of fucking and filled him as well as I could, rubbing his stomach to allow more of my piss to flow into his guts. I would have liked to stay like that for a while but he let me know he needed to put his legs down. As soon as his feet hit the bed he was up and running to the bathroom. I didn't know why but I followed him and watched him enjoying the super hot piss flowing from his asshole.

"Tristan, some day we are going to have to reverse this." For Pierre I would be willing, I had never been the receptacle for anyone else's piss but I love him and will do almost anything for him. This is the first time that I have this feeling, I hope what he had asked for indicated he was feeling the same although he had told me he had thought at times that he had been in love with one or more of the girls his Mother tried to have him marry.

Next: Chapter 6

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