Trans Twins

By Bruce Turner

Published on Apr 1, 2022


Trans Twins

Chapter Three

Please remember that Nifty. Org thrives and survives on your donations. Personally I am happy the site is here for my odd stories. Thank you.

As well as I could transition into another human body I had more trouble than my class mates transitioning into any of the extra-planetary species. We had a single day trying to shift into other Earth beings which I was able to do with no problems. Pierre found it easy to shift into large animals, elephants, whales, horses, etc. while I did better with animals that were less than a thousand pounds. We had a few hours in the water shifting into whales, porpoises and other water animals; that was enjoyable as well as educational.

The class had shrunk to six the first day we moved to shifting to extra-planetary species, Nils and Sally had mistaken the interior structure of cattle and had not remembered to go from three stomachs to one when shifting back to their normal state. The extra organs had forced their own organs out of place, mostly ripping their lungs out of place and causing the diaphragm to rupture. They were both transferred to the International Hospital in Houston for surgery. If their diaphragm had not been damaged they would have been able to shift until they were back together.

We need our diaphragm and spleen to be 100% to shift.

Reynod joined Pierre and I while his partner was hospitalized. It felt like we were back in High School, we kidded each other and Pierre about our failures. Part of the exercises was that each of the partners were to run their hands on the transitioned being to determine if it was correct or what to do when they shifted. That bothered me, I didn't like having my Brother touching Pierre in places that were private or having Pierre not knowing who was Reynod or me and freely touching our bodies like he would in bed. I was not used to being jealous, Reynod thought that was funny since he knew Pierre had definitely become my lover.

It was fortunate that we only were touching each other, I don't know what I would have done had my Brother seduced Pierre. Or Pierre had assumed him me and wanted to experience sex with the alien species. My worst attempt at shifting to another species had been one of the first and least useful, instead of being the two blues of the Flovian male I shifted to a neon green and the deeper pine green for my hair. We didn't think we would ever need to shift into a Flovian, the planet was accustomed to human beings since their planet had taken many refugees in the twenty-fifth century when we had a planet wide drought that caused a lack of food. It took me a dozen attempts to get the coloration correct, my twin and Pierre laughed at me the entire time I was trying, saying I must be color blind.

That night Pierre asked me if I was able to suck cock like the pilot trainer. Until that night I thought he was satisfied with fucking. Reynod knew that I wasn't thrilled with sucking cock although he didn't know that I had willingly sucked my lover's cock many times by then. He offered to show Pierre what he could do as a Flovian, happily Pierre refused him and again asked me to try. I had managed to get my coloring right by then and shifted with his arm over my shoulder, once fully shifted he pressed me to the floor. It took me a few minutes to remember what was different about the way the Flovian had sucked my cock than the way any human had.

I opened my mouth the way a human can't but the Flovian did easily. Pierre put his erection on my tongue and I quickly sucked the fully length into my mouth. It took a couple attempts but soon I was sucking his cock back and forth into my throat without letting his shaft go beyond my lips. Hoping I was doing as well as the Flovian I opened my mouth again and pushed my lips over his balls, soon I knew he was enjoying himself, he shouted at me to go for it. I know I wasn't as good as our trainer but I was able to exert more pressure on his cock with my cheek muscles and lips than I had ever done when sucking his wonderful seven inches. I desperately tried to force enough of his cock out of my mouth with the powerful extendable lips so that I was able to have him shoot his tasty cum on my tongue not straight down my throat, I didn't want to waste it.

Clearly he had enjoyed the blow job, he fell back onto the bed, raised his legs and spread his butt before begging me to fuck him. Just seeing his asshole had given me an erection that sucking his cock had not. I had fucked the brown hole many times by then but selfishly I had never licked at it or poked my tongue into him. Not thinking about my twin sitting on the other bed watching I dove head first into Pierre's ass and gave him the best tonguing that I could have ever, the length of a Flovian tongue had made it easy to push it into his hole and run it in and out while he squirmed and squealed unlike he did other than for my fingers.

The longer I had the other species tongue in his ass the louder he begged me to fuck him. It was hard for me to concentrate enough to enlarge my cock to its normal size, I couldn't believe a small blue cock would be enough to satisfy my lover so as my cock began to enlarge I chose to let it grow an extra few inches and thicker. The blue being's tongue had opened his asshole as much as my cock normally would have so I only needed lotion on my cock to press into him. If he had opened his eyes he would have seen a blue cock sliding in and out of him but he was enjoying himself so much that was not a priority, he wanted me to give him a load of cum.

With my cock still buried in Pierre's ass I asked if he wanted me to return to normal or one of the other versions of me that he had loved having fuck him. I was really hoping that he wanted me to take my teenage body, it had stamina that I wasn't feeling it as a Flovian. Reynod had never seen me fucking Pierre as a teenager and gasped as he saw a me that he hadn't seen in six or seven years. It is one of the great aspects of shifting that I hope I will always possess, as of now I took the physical power or weakness of the new body; he must have needed fucked badly that night as he asked for the boy I had hoped to become. As a teenager I couldn't remember ever losing an erection when I was fucking whether I had cum four times or six or more. It was stamina that my twin didn't have and envied me, he sat there watching through at least four times fucking my lover before laying down and rolling over to jack off.

"Do you have enough cum in your ass?" I wasn't sure he could tell how much of my cum was in him although I knew he was starting to leak cum down my balls..

"Tristan, we haven't talked about the other night when I squirted piss in your ass. Would you like to give me a shot?" Pierre more than asked, he was nearly begging.

"Get real. If I piss in your ass its going to be more than a shot. I have thought about it since that night and thought we should talk about it but I did decide that if you were going to have me piss in you it was going to be a full load." I looked down on his face, I was on my knees with my erect cock still deep inside of him. Every so often I would make my cock throb to remind him that I was glad to be in him.

"You need to give me a few minutes to think about that. The closest I have come to doing anything with anyone else's piss if the other day when I held your cock while you pissed. I thought about aiming your piss on my legs but I waited too long and you were finished before I could. Is playing with piss something you have done in the past?" He didn't sound like he was too excited about having me fill his ass with piss but at least he hadn't refused me outright.

"I have never given anyone my piss. The other night when you lost a squirt in my ass was the first time I have ever had another man give me theirs."

"Pierre, that's not true. When we were five or six he used to piss on me every time we went to a public restroom. He only stopped once we were in school and I didn't want to go to class all wet."

"Shit. Reynod, I didn't remember that. Did I ever make you drink it?" I had bossed him around when we first started to school so it wouldn't have been that out of character if I had, as I thought about what he had said I remembered that we weren't always alone when I pissed on his school uniform and shoes.

"Once." That was all he would say about it, I wanted to know what I had done and how I had made him drink piss. Why didn't I keep on doing it? I didn't let it occupy my thoughts for long, I needed to release my piss and although Pierre hadn't agreed on allowing me to fill his ass I let a quick squirt go. When I saw the smile on his face widen I let more flow into him and couldn't stop if he had wanted me to. I wanted him to hold it in but let him up to rush to the bathroom to void it from his ass, back on the bed he wanted to know how much more sex Reynod and I had with each other.

"Why are you so interested in what we did to each other?"

"Incest is exciting. Especially when I know the brothers involved."

"You told me that you made your younger brother lick your cum from your stomach long before you left home. I find that exciting, too."

"Wait a minute, Pierre. You had sex with your younger brother?"

"Not really, I made him lick up my cum once and after that he would come to my room if he thought I was jacking off. He would wait until I shot on my stomach and make me let him lick it up, we never actually did anything sexual like sucking cock or fucking."

"Why not. If you knew he liked the taste of cum you should have had him suck your cock." My twin was almost letting out the fact that he had sucked me from almost as soon as he learned he enjoyed sucking. We were probably only twelve or thirteen when he started. I was sixteen before I tried fucking him, either I was no good at fucking or he didn't like being split open at that age.

Pierre was exhausted from being fucked as often as the teenage me had used his ass. He pulled me up to his body and while Reynod and I talked about piss fell asleep with his cock resting on my asshole but not hard enough to fuck me. My twin congratulated me on finding a man that was willing to take my piss the way I had given it to him, he wanted to know if Pierre had been willing to drink piss or let me shower him before that night.

I was glad that we had fallen asleep early the previous night, in the class room we all shifted into Neanines. If I hadn't had a full nights sleep I doubt if I could have found them interesting enough to allow Pierre to fuck me while in that version of himself, brutish looking men had never been interesting. The Neanines resembled the images I had seen of a different branch of the human family tree. I had heard that we all had some DNA from that ancestor in our makeup so we found it easy to shift into them. One fuck was all it took for me to understand why many generation back our grandmothers had been willing to mate with the other species. Yes they had a larger dick than we do but they also had more power in their legs making the fuck the hardest I had ever been given.

When we were sent to lunch we were told that when we returned that we would all be assigned a different species and then paired up with a new partner to experience what cross-species sex would be like. All the way through lunch I hoped I was not assigned a partner that had shifted into a Ganeshus, it might be interesting since they were born with the characteristics of three sexes but they were also elephantine and would easily destroy a human asshole.

Once back in the classroom we were given a lecture on the culture of the six species we would be transitioning into. It was good that we didn't have to listen to an elongated lecture, the woman speaking held the time spent on each species down to less than ten minutes. It was barely enough to let us know how the different sexes viewed each other and what they considered sex, we could have used more knowledge on the species that had three genders.

Pierre was assigned Aphrotitus as the planet he was to be from. It was fitting, he already was beautiful and shifting into what the other planets in the Perseus Arm would consider beautiful was not a hard shift nor was the fact that he was in a body considered bi-gendered and sexual. Reynod was assigned the planet Anki, I wondered if whoever had assigned him that planet had thought they were actually assigning me to be the garden green youth.

When the woman finally got to me she chuckled before speaking, I was assigned Cano Zeert. I didn't like the idea that I would be on four feet for the rest of the day but was glad to learn what it would be like to have a knot that didn't pull out of my partner easily.

The other classmates were to be Pakabans, Huitzi and Tesa. The Tesas were know to be the only species that were able to dominate the Ganeshus males and females. The Huitzil although naturally antagonistic to the Canods held an unnatural attraction to having sex with them, I was not happy to know there was a Huitzil in the room. Although they were sleek and sexy, being half human and half cat they were a bright red that turned almost purple when they were being fucked in their feminine hole which I truly hoped I wouldn't have to do. I wasn't in the mood to step that far out of my comfort zone, although I did tell myself that I would allow another species fuck me. Pierre and I had agreed that what we did in the classroom was because an instructor gave the order not because of anything our lover had or hadn't done or we wanted to experience.

I was paired with a Pakaban once the lecture was over. I had seen the real thing out on the first mission so I was not as frightened of the one that approached me as any one else might have been. "This is good, I've wanted to know what it would be like to fuck one of you filthy dogs."

Both the Canods and the Pakabans were known to use fighting as foreplay. I had no idea of the difference in strength between the two species so I answered in a typical Canod fashion, "You are going to have to wait for another day. Today I am going to stick my knot down your throat and flood you with my seed."

Since I was on four feet the Pakaban stood high over me. He was taller than a normal human male and with his stretched out head would have stood taller than almost any man I had ever met. Trying to remember what the speaker had said about the two species didn't help me much other than reminding me that the Canods would try fucking anything they could get a grasp on. I hadn't heard the roar of a Pakaban since the one in space had already been subdued. When I grabbed him by the closest leg he roared near enough to my ear to almost deafen me, I scrambled away shaking my head. He wasn't going to give me a chance to gather my senses, he rushed my way.

He threw me to the side and limped away I wasn't about to let this eight foot fright fuck me, I jumped at him and bit into his leg as close to his balls as I was able to jump, he pulled away to assess his damage. I hated the taste that I had in my mouth, when I tried spitting out what was there I understood that I had taken a chunk out of the muscle. I didn't let him finish what he was trying to do, I ran at him from the rear and drove his large body to the ground holding him where I could force my surprisingly erect cock into his asshole. Foreplay had been violent and driving my cock into the Pakaban was a continuation of that power play. He was still trying to get off the ground when my knot began hitting his skin, the more I hit his asshole the wider his hole flared. It had only been a few minutes that I was on top of him but when my knot rammed through his anal ring, he stopped struggling and gave out a groan that said he was finally getting what he had wanted the whole time.

I couldn't believe how much cum it felt like I was spurting into his ass, it seemed like it was almost as much as the load of piss I had spent in Pierre. As the cumming slowed I did what the Canod body was telling me and tried to turn so that I was no longer on the Pakaban's back. It wasn't a good idea, it left me hanging by the Canod cock with my rear paws at least a foot from the ground. Was I going to hang there for the hour that it would take for the knot to shrink?

"You know how to enlarge your asshole, as soon as you have had enough of the knot do it and let the Canod drop out." The instructor's voice broke through the fog in my brain but I wasn't ready for the Pakaban to let me go free. As soon as I felt the hole expanding I grew the knot to an almost impossibly large size so I was impossible for him to release without me pulling out. The Canod wanted to make him pay for the rude comments he'd made before they began their mating. Once my mind took control of what was happening I concentrated on shrinking the knot and pulled out of the Pakaban. Something in me commanded me to lick his hole but I refused and walked away to a safe place where I could lay down and lick my cock, knot and balls.

"Mr. Anil, come over here. Meet the Enlil that is your second mate of the day." I didn't get a chance to do more than glance at the Enlil and marvel at the mottled green body before he had me turned around with his cock pressing into my asshole. "That's the way, Tristan, take your twin's cock in your shitty asshole."

I would not have expected my twin, the cocksucker, to be so aggressive at getting his leafy green cock buried in my ass. It was no more than six inches long but thicker than anything that had been in my ass up to that time. Reynod rode me for what felt like two hours, he must have given up a load to his first partner so he was not ready to shoot again. However long it was he drove another load out of my balls before finally giving in to the desire of his body to shoot. I knew if I would ever have the chance to have one of the perpetually young Enlil fuck me I wouldn't refuse. Reynod kissed me on the top of my head when he stood to pull out. I wasn't surprised to see the leafs were not as green as the first time I had seen them, they had cleaned the inside of my hole completely.

We were all given a half hour to drink water and rest.

"Tristan Anil, please come to the center of the room." Not only was the instructor standing there but also Mr. Downing and his assistant were holding up what looked like a portable shower enclosure that was fully open. "Mr. Anil, you have been practicing changing your appearance to look much younger than your true age. You told Mr. Downing that you are not only able to change into the teenage and younger self but given the time you are able to shift back until you appear to be the infant you that would still be in diapers. Is that correct?"

"Yes, Ma'am."

"Please go over to Mr. Downing. He has some special instructions for you." While Mr. Downing took me into the enclosure and had his assistant wrap it around us the woman spoke to the rest of the class explaining how changing our age might be advantageous in certain situations. I didn't want to be in front of the class as a diapered infant but I would do whatever the instructors commanded. Once I was being held by the assistant like a child Mr. Downing had a second command, it was difficult. When an infant I had found it difficult to change even from male to female that was what I first tried to see Mother May's reaction. After twenty years of shifting to female I had no troubles any longer so when Mr. Downing had me shift into a female I was able o do it without leaving the assistant's arms. Once I let them know I had shifted Mr. Downing ordered me to shift into a Canod.

I had never seen a Canod pup so I did the best I could to merge the appearance of a Canod and a Shepard pup. Twice before they opened the enclosure they made comments on what I needed to change to make the pup look 100% like a Canod not an Earth dog. We stepped out of the enclosure to the sound of laughter, the class was amazed that it was me scampering around the room on four paws looking like a small animal. Everyone picked me up to examine the body, I was ashamed as more than just one of the class flipped me on my back to checkout my gender and what I had between my legs. When it was finally Pierre's turn to pick me up I snuggled into his armpit and licked at the wet skin. I didn't believe the huge number of nerve endings the Canod possess would make the taste of Pierre's sweat so strong and enticing that still in his arms I attempted to get my head in his other armpit to get at the fresh sweat.

It felt wonderful to be held by my lover. He didn't need to turn me on my back, he was holding me with a hand where a male Canod would normally have had his testicles. I had the sudden fear that Pierre might want to force me to have sex like that but fortunately Mr. Downing had him set me on the floor and herded me into the enclosure where he watch me shift from the Canod to human and then age my body until I was about fourteen. I didn't understand why but he had me walk around the other class mates and had them examine my body again. I was uncomfortable being examined by the females since they were more aggressive at checking out my cock and balls than the other men that seemed to naturally know how to touch my balls.

"Mr. Anil, please remain in your current body to do the next change."

It was much easier to shift from the teenage body, both my diaphragm and spleen were more developed. Although as a teenager I was probably not more than 140 lbs. Shifting into a Ganeshus had me more like 250 lbs. Nothing of what we had learned about the Ganeshus had prepared me for not only having a cock and balls, a vagina and a vaguely undefined horal. Instantly I wished we had seen erotic images of the Ganeshus using the horal so I had some idea what to expect although I also hoped that because it was still ill defined that possibly I wasn't fully developed and wouldn't need to use the tingling spot. Most of the extra weight was muscle although the head had ears that drooped to the shoulders and a seven inch long nose that was flexible and I suppose if trained able to pick up items.

As we stood around attempting to learn about our latest body and getting used to the different sense of balance six adults of the species we were shifted into at the time walked into the room and came to stand by us. They made some comments about our transitioning after running what the species used as hands over us from head to feet. As I looked around the room I was glad that I was in the body of a Ganeshus, if I had been left in the body of a Canod I would have been examined much differently. Still the adult I was paired with must have weighed at least 400 lbs. and been a foot taller than me.

"Gentlemen, are you satisfied that your partner is sufficiently transitioned to be your submissive partner?"

One by one the true aliens spoke to the instructor occasionally giving a criticism of my classmates until the adult Canod got to speak, he asked my classmate to shift from male to female claiming he only fucked males of other species never of his own. When my mate spoke I was afraid to hear what he would want, first he requested that I enlarge the cock and testicles. Once he was satisfied with it he had me bend over where everyone could see the asshole and after running all the fingers on one hand into me claimed I should tighten the asshole up. Then he addressed the horal that wasn't completely formed, he asked the age I was supposed to be. When he heard the age I had transitioned from he explained to the instructor that their children would not be fully prepared for sex until they were a few years older than what I had been.

I followed his instruction until the horal opened and began kissing my own body. I was glad I was no longer ticklish at the age I transitioned. I didn't understand what the horal would be doing when the alien took me but I forced myself to be ready for nearly anything. I didn't have a good enough imagination to guess what would be happening. When he said that we would need to wrestle to determine who would be fucking whom I was startled, I had thought it was only the one alien species that used fighting as foreplay. Being out weighed as badly as I was there was little hope that I would not be fucked by the monster of a man.

The demonstration began with my Brother who doesn't like being fucked no matter the body he is occupying but the true Canod easily mounted him and took his ass. I suppose we could have been left standing there for an hour but it wasn't long after the Canod's knot was rammed into him that the instructor had the alien drag him out of the circle and the next pair step in. Most of the sex was somewhat like human intercourse so there wasn't a lot to learn except from the Neanines and Phrotines.

When I was told to enter the circle I was hard from the exhibition. My adult took the tip of his cock in his mouth after instructing me to do the same. As soon as I did the horal poked out of it's opening and reached for the other horal the same way I reached for the adult. Instead of acting like he was wrestling with the other horal he rammed his face against the other one and with hard suction kissed him. My three foot long cock was throbbing in my mouth making me worry that I was going to shoot a Ganeshus load in my mouth. The adult was able to move me around within the circle as easily as the adult Enlil had moved Pierre but I was able to stay on my feet.

We must have looked much like two Sumo wrestlers attempting to push the other out of the circle, we pushed and attempted lifting for a few minutes until I skipped to the side and the Ganeshus fell on his face. With my opponent on his face I flipped up his leather skirt exposing his asshole. Both horal went for the ass and seemed happy to be working their mouths around the gaping hole. They must have been eating his ass for at least ten minutes before my horal jumped back to my body and pushed the three foot long cock out of my mouth and weighing it down pressed it against the blossoming asshole. As I entered the man the horal licked and kissed my cock trying to keep it wet and not get pushed into the asshole themselves.

Only for a second did I thank the gods that I had not been put on my face. What would it feel like to have three feet of cock being rammed into your ass? I was almost the entire way into the man when both horal slipped down to my balls and gave me the best wash I ever had. It didn't take long with the horal mouthing my balls before I began to shoot into the 400 lb Ganeshus' ass. Once I began shooting the horal sped up what they had been doing and squeezed a ball each until it hurt. When I tried to get them to leave go my cock quickly shrank, nearly knocking them to the floor.

I thought we were finished. Gomer had other ideas. I had leaned back and was surprised when he jumped from the floor and landed behind me. Instantly he pushed me onto my face and the horal were at my asshole. While they licked and ran their arms in and out of me the adult stepped to the side and began to slap my butt with one and then the other hand. I wasn't prepared to be spanked, I couldn't remember a time when either of my Mothers had ever raised a hand to either Reynod or I. The man obviously was experienced at slapping the butt he was going to fuck, the horal did not fall out of my asshole as my whole body quickly changed from a light pink to a deep shade of purple, the same color he had been when I finished fucking him.

I expected the man to use the cock like I had, not to push it into me with one gigantic push that made my body scream in pain and the tip of my cock rise up to my mouth again. I guess their bodies have evolved to accept that much cock because there wasn't that much pain inside as the man pounded me to the floor and forced a second load of cum out of me, into my mouth. As soon as I felt my balls tightening to unload I felt his cum splashing inside my ass. He didn't let his cock shrink before pulling it all the way out, immediately the horal were back to licking my asshole trying to capture as much of his cum as they could. I was exhausted and could have laid there the rest of the afternoon but he soon pulled me to my feet and lifted my horal to its hole then squeezed my balls to give his horal a final taste of me. Before he pulled his horal away from my cock he explained that my horal would be getting a bath in his cum now that it was back in it's home.

I had to ask if that was all the horal ever did. He almost blushed as he explained that the horal would try to get it's home/male to masturbate on his stomach to give them a meal. And, if the men fucking were constant companions the horal could be seen fucking each other on the dominate partner's stomach and occasionally both crawling into the submissive partner to share the dominate partner's cum from his ass. Other than that they slept most of the time. My horal let me know that he usually slept in the warmth of the bladder.

Ready to head to our room and sleep we were intercepted by Lyla reminding us that we had two classes we had agreed to pose for that evening. She asked me to shift back to a human, perhaps the teenager that had been presented to the class before mating with the Ganeshus. Pierre laughed at us, he told her he agreed since he loved the teenage ass even more than my twenty-one year old ass that he had been fucking regularly.

It wasn't that important since the student painters were concentrating on our backs and butts.

"I wish we had time for you to fuck me before we need to pose again." I didn't believe how much Pierre had gone from being an anal virgin to wanted my cock in him. We actually would have had enough time for me to give him a good fuck but for the first time in my life my balls were aching from over use, maybe from transitioning so often and being forced to swell or was it that the horal had squeezed me too hard?

The first two times we had posed Lyla would have us change positions every fifteen minutes or so, that way our muscles didn't lock up and hurt or quiver. She had asked us the last evening we posed before our trip to Marakesh if either of us would mind turning slightly so the two boys in the class that were studying sculpture could get a look at a bit more than our backs. The darker of the two boys had been a little more forward than the other although he was also younger. The first night we posed he had taken his time examining our bodies, running a hand over almost every part of us. The second night he had settled on only touching me but he was just as thorough when we first stood in front of the class, surprisingly he would stop what he was doing and come up o check out a body part again.

This was the third time Pierre and I were standing on low pedestal with our backs to the class. Lyla gave the class an idea that if they had a partial sketch of Pierre they should move to his side of the room and get on with paint. If they were sketching me they might want to wait until Saleem was satisfied with my pose before finding the spot in the room where they would put their canvas. I found it interesting that the boys in the class all stayed on my side and the girls rushed to get their canvases as close to Pierre as they could. Lyla told the two boys that had canvases that they should attempt to continue with my back even if they were distracted by seeing me being so much younger. While Lyla got the class settled and finished with their examination of Pierre Saleem put one hand on my chest and wrapped the other arm around me to get a measurement. Standing that way he had his head facing away from everyone and surreptitiously licked at my right nipple.

A moment later the other boy, he looked like he could have come from the Hawaiian islands, stepped up to my side and using his left hand gauged the depth of the crack in my ass. I was not prepared for him to run his fingers down my ass slit, he nearly knocked me off the pedestal but gently stopped me by grabbing my balls. He didn't leave go of my balls until I was standing straight and he had finished running his fingers along the anal ring.

The second boy asked first Lyla then me if it would be permitted for him to move around to where he would be able to look at the front of my body. Pierre and I had only agreed to have our backs used for the class so Lyla whispered that she would increase the fee she was paying me by 50% if I allowed the boys a full view of my body. She should have taken a glance at me before asking, the way the two boys had been touching me had my cock erect; there was no way I would refuse what they had asked.

While waiting for an answer Saleem came back to where I was standing and gently stroked my cock. Pauley hadn't let go of my balls, he rolled them around in the sac with a huge smile on his face the entire time. I was enjoying the moment more than I had either of the first two evenings, if we had been anywhere else I might have pushed Saleem's face down onto my cock but I didn't think Lyla would appreciate it.

Before I answered the request I asked them if they were satisfied with the size of my cock and balls. I hadn't thought when I shifted into my teenage body to swell them to my normal size so the boys were playing with a smaller set of genitals than I would normally have shown to anyone. With Saleem's hand still on my cock I shifted it to my normal size and told him if he wanted I could shift even larger if he wanted. I let him know that earlier that day my cock had been extended to the three feet of a Ganeshus' cock and grapefruit sized balls. Pauley dropped his hands with a shocked look on his face, he shook his head rapidly from side to side letting me know that would be too large for him, Saleem held even tighter than he had been and asked if I was able to predetermine the size my cock could grown to be.

The three of us chatted about the size they would like my cock to be. The boys that were painting chuckled as they overheard the conversation. Lyla finally let them know they had access to both my front and back. I shifted my cock and balls to slightly larger than normal, the size that Pierre preferred having fuck him. For the next three and a half hours I posed so that the boys studying sculpture were able to go back and forth from their clay, a wash basin and my crotch.

"Were you happy to have the girls examining your body?" Pierre had told me that many girls had felt him up while he was growing up. If what the young students did was anything like that I doubted but he was hard when he finally stepped off the pedestal to see what Saleem and Pauley had been molding. I was happy that they were working in clay not one of the stones that sculptors use for a more permanent sculpture.

"Tristan, do you mind if I use this to create a caste to make a lifelike dildo?" Pierre told him he could do that but that he would need to draw up a contract with the amount he would pay me and a guarantee that I would be given a set number of the dildos. What was he thinking? Did he want to use my dildo on himself or want to see me fuck myself? I couldn't image having a box of my cocks sitting around to give to anyone that enjoyed me fucking them, or would it be as good as native Americans being given beads when the English settled North America? I didn't think there were any of the other species that was going to be that thrilled with my cock.

"Since we are discussing what is going to be done with our sculpture I suppose I should let you know what I was hoping to do. My Father runs a factory that creates Cyper-sexual-partners for both males and females. I don't know why but he has thousands more orders for females to satisfy his male customers. The male sexbots can fuck you as long as you want, the problem is that I have never been attracted to any of them, the design was meant for his female customers.

This was going too far, I couldn't imagine having my body and cock shipped around the world to satisfy any man that needed to be fucked. I had seen the sexbots on some of the FBI raids I had been on in houses of prostitution, I had never thought of one of them as a copy of me. Back then I wasn't interested in getting fucked, what would it be like to have a copy of me fucking me? It might be a nice distraction if Pierre and I were on separate missions off planet. Perhaps we should get the boy to sculpt Pierre so I had him at my side even when he wasn't.

He had found me a towel to wrap around my body on our way back to the room. Why he felt the need to cover me when I had just spent four hours with all those students peering at me and hours among the other men and women learning to shift into other species was incomprehensible. We took our time going back to the room, neither of us was in the mood to be with my twin who we had last seen headed to the room as a Canod.

"Pierre, were you alright with all that happened today?"

"For the most part. I didn't like watching that Ganeshus ramming his three feet of cock in your ass. I worried that once you were human again that you might want to have much more cock than I am able to give you." He was holding my hand as we talked. When he expressed that worry he squeezed my hand harder than ever.

"Don't worry. I don't think I would be able to take that much cock as a human, truthfully I haven't had any real desire to have any more cock fucking me than what you have.

"You certainly seemed to enjoy yourself when you were fucked by the Enlil. Is he why you were still so very much in the mood to get fucked when we left class?" I had felt some jealousy seeing Pierre enjoying himself so much with another man's cock in his ass but I wasn't feeling that way any longer; having two boys nearly worshiping me had changed the way I was feeling.

"If you ever get a chance to have sex with an Enlil I suggest you get on your back and let him take you again and again. The one fucking me must have shot at least five loads of cum in twenty minutes. His ass was almost as good as yours, I honestly would never turn him down if you weren't with me." I was sorry to hear that, I was hoping that the love between Pierre and I was deepening enough that the lust for anyone else would be drowned.

When we finally reached our room there was a lot of noise inside. That was unusual, Reynod had only had a visitor one time since he moved in with us. Perhaps having a Canod mount him had excited interest in getting fucked in my Brother. It had been a long time since he had given up his ass to me, I wondered if he was ready to have Pierre and I fuck him. I spent a few minutes getting Pierre hard before opening the door. In the center of the room my twin was on his hands and knees on the floor with a cock in both ends. His cock was almost dragging on the floor as the Neanine and Canod pounded at their end of my twin, any hope I had of fucking Reynod was delayed if not fully put off since I knew the Canod would be tied with him for at least another hour.

"Do you think he is showing us that he has changed from being simply a cocksucker? He is having his ass used for at least the third time today." Pierre had completely undressed and pulled my towel off. I had no idea what he was thinking but if he thought I was going to fuck him he was wrong, my balls were still aching. Having the boy sculptors squeezing them off and on over the past four hours had not given me a chance to recover.

"Get down there beside your Brother." It wasn't as much an order as a suggestion. Pierre had found a pillow for my head in case he drove me onto the floor. Before doing what he wanted I stopped on my knees and kissed his cock and balls, then I licked his cock from the tip back down to his balls until he groaned in pleasure and pulled my head away.

I was glad the boys that had been examining my body hadn't tried examining my asshole other than to feel the exterior. Pierre picked up the tub of lube that was under Reynod and greased his cock and my asshole before putting his hands on my butt and spreading my cheeks. He was not in the mood to make love to me, he wanted to fuck and do it as hard as the Canod was fucking my twin. I wished I was facing Reynod's butt so I could reach over and feel the furry nuts bouncing against him.

I was on my knees with my head to the floor for a few minutes when I was grabbed by the hair and had the Neanine shove his thick dick in my mouth and down my throat. Reynod looked at me sucking the cock that had been his until then with a look I hadn't seen since the first time a boy had moved from his mouth to my ass when we were in our first year of college. I hoped we wouldn't be as petty and angry with each other that night, especially since he could tell the Neanine was forcing his cock in and out of me not me eagerly sucking him.

As soon as Pierre saw the Neanine's cock disappearing into my mouth he made his cock extend to the same length and girth inside of me. For a few minutes I wished he had shifted his cock to the one in my Brother, then I knew I wouldn't want him tied to me for the next hour. Not that I would ever have asked him to pull his cock out of me, I simply was ready to crawl into bed and snuggle into his armpit and have him hold me tight.

Reynod was ready to have the Neanine's cock back in his mouth, he began touching the brute's nuts tugging at them to get him to go back. "Tristan, let me have that cock. If you need to suck a cock get your head under me and suck mine. The Canod almost has me ready to shoot so I will give you the first load I am going to shoot today." I was willing to leave go of the Neanite's cock but he wasn't ready to stop fucking my throat. After having his balls tugged on for a few more minutes he gave in and drove his cock through my twin's lips down to his balls and held them there.

Pierre had been listening to Reynod and I, it was going to be the first time that he had the chance to watch us having any kind of sex other than Reynod licking my cock. He moved us around to where he could push my head under Reynod and guide the cock that as identical to my own to my lips before ramming his into me so hard that I had no where to go except up the shaft. We were all connected like that for a few minutes until Reynod shot into my mouth, he must have squeezed the Canod's knot he whined and them tried turning with his knot in my brother's rectum. Seeing what was happening the Neanine began the final push to shoot his load down Reynod's throat and Pierre pulled me out from under my Twin and pounded as hard as he could until I felt his cum first splash on my asshole and then inside.

I started to crawl onto my bed but was held back by the Neanine. The communicator came alive, the Flovian wanted to know if we were ready to leave. He said he had enough rest and would pilot us to Africa while we slept or fucked. Pierre answered him, I was gasping from the way the Neanine was eating the cum from my ass. I could have stayed bent over the bed like that for the rest of the night but Pierre had found the two bags we had packed and a uniform for me to wear.

We told the Canod and the Neanine goodbye then patted my Brother on the head. I let him know he was a good boy and departed. I was ready to sleep so I let Pierre take care of any final arrangements while I unfolded the bed and spent a few minutes pulling the coverings out of storage. I don't remember Pierre coming to bed although I was happy to wake up in his arms.

Next: Chapter 4

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