Trans Twins

By Bruce Turner

Published on Mar 19, 2023


Trans Twins

Chapter Twenty-Seven

"We have another full day before we're married, are you still willing to marry me?"

"Apollo has been telling me what happens during the first two week after the ceremony, I had been thinking of a more traditional honeymoon. Were you aware of the abuse your Quean will need to endure during the second week of our marriage?" Tristan had been thinking about what Apollo had told him was to happen in the second week of his honeymoon, how could the gods really think that he would be willing to have sex with extinct animals? What would it be like to have a T-Rex mount him? A mastodon? A hippopotamus? Or any animal? Had they read his mind when he was in training?

"Forget about what he was telling you, I am more interested in what you can do today." Terry had been waiting for Tristan on the bed. As soon as he had returned to the Equality Terry had rushed to the upper room they had been sharing, he had anxiously stripped out of the traditional robes of a King plopping onto his back on the bed. He had hoped that Tristan would return soon after him so he lay on the bed playing with his cock, after an hour he began to finger his own asshole hoping Tristan would want to fuck when he returned; if he didn't Terry decided he would have his personal guard service him for the last time before the wedding and honeymoon.

Terry had a hand on Tristan's cock. His Quean asked how large he would like him to shift his cock to being, was he in the mood for a Ganeshus type cock or something more like one of his fairy subjects. Tristan wasn't certain how quickly he would get hard. The tour of Chronos' Museum of War had upset him. Neither Terry nor Apollo was aware that Tristan had vomited twice since he and Apollo had left the disturbing display of Titan testicles, he was glad he had never fought the god..

The god hadn't seemed to think much about the fact that his Grandfather had castrated hundreds of Giants and Titans. There had been three main rooms to the museum. In the first there were three extremely tall statues that Apollo explained were Titans. When he first saw the men he thought there must have been an artist that spent years carving the hard stone into the shape of the men. At the feet of each statue sat a stone jar with a clear covering, in the jars were goose sized balls that Apollo said were testicles that Chronos had removed from the Titans before killing them.

The second room was much larger. At first Tristan saw the weapons hanging on the wall opposite the statues of another ten men. Four of the statues were larger than those in the first room, nearly forty feet tall. To their side were six statues somewhat smaller but fully developed perhaps twenty-five feet tall weighing close to eight hundred pounds. He hadn't wanted to look but at the feet of each statue was another jar both holding two testicles that were larger than those in the first room.

Were they really statues? Or were they the actual titans turned to stone once Chronos removed their testicles? Tristan hadn't noticed that the titans were all missing their testicles until they were moving toward the last room.

"What is wrong Tristan? You were able to look at the Phrotines' balls and eat them."

"They were really testicles that I ate?"

"Yes. Didn't you want to eat the balls your last opponent showed you? He was a Phrotine with incredibly large testicles." Tristan had told the King how he had needed to resist the desire to eat the Phrotine's testicles before he had pierced them with the Death Rod. As they looked at the preserved testicles of the gigantic beings Apollo was running Tristan's balls through his fingers. Tristan was unsure what Apollo meant by licking his lips while he had his balls in his hand. He hoped the god was not thinking that he would like to try eating human testicles to compare against Phrotine testicles.

"Phrotine balls are considered one of the most luscious delicacies in this corner of the galaxy. There are many like you that hate the thought of eating the testicles of a sentient being but once the scent of the testicles enters their noses, they change their minds and greedily eat the tasty treats. Once they have consumed their first Phrotine testicles there are not many beings that are able to resist them a second time."

"Doesn't that leave the planet with a huge number of impotent males?"

"The Phrotines are the only males in the galaxy that are capable of regrowing any part of their body that is removed. So those that have had their testicles removed will not be unable to father children within a year they regrow their testicles and are able to return to their natural state of fatherhood . If the harvester is crude and removes the penis also, it takes them longer but they do eventually grow both cock and balls again." Tristan had heard of beings in the galaxy that were able to grow arms or legs but this was the first time that he heard of a being that was able to regrow his penis or testicles he assumed they must be the same species but didn't ask.

"How often are Phrotine testicles or penises served?"

"Not very often. First, they are very expensive. Second, they are only sold during the earliest part of the year and they do not preserve well. Third, having the scent of them filling one's home is an invitation to an orgy which most of our females are not pleased with, they don't seem to like watching their husbands mate with a friend's husband.

"What would they think about their King being mated by the Quean?"

"More than likely they would urge their husbands to revolt." Terry remembered how his Brothers and half Brothers would give him a hard time about being fucked. He thought they all sucked cocks but none of them were willing to be fucked, growing up that was fine with him. Since he was the only one willing to be fucked in the palace he could always find at least one boy or guard that was willing to fill his ass.

Tristan hadn't shifted his cock back to its natural length or thickness, he was standing beside the bed with his (Apollo sized) erection pointing at the King. If his personal guard wasn't standing by the door talking with Golard Terry would have begged the Quean to lift his legs and fuck him. Although they had talked about sex daily he had never told Tristan that he enjoyed being fucked with the ten inch cock more than he enjoyed the eight inches that the man had first given him to suck. Any more than the ten inches and Terry found he needed to have Tristan shift his body to accept and enjoy.

"Terry, flip over onto your knees." The huge cocks and balls that Tristan had seen in the museum had him off the idea of sucking a cock. The king didn't care what position he was in to be fucked as long as Tristan was the one fucking him. He had many men fuck him from the day he first learned that he liked having a cock in his ass, thinking back he thought it had been the first time he had been celebrating his transition into a fairy when he sat on a cock. That had been one of his Father's aides that was with the male members of the family to teach him what he needed to do to transition into a fairy, a trusted member of his Father's retinue that taught him more about accepting his cock over time, he had never known if his Father knew what the man was doing to him.

The fairy had lead him around the upper level of the coronation hall which was where every member of the royal family learned how to transition and fly. Terry hadn't been able to fly very far that first time so the man had carried him to the seat and held him as he was lowered onto his cock. He could still remember that the cock was no thicker than his finger, it had slid into him so easily that the man was shocked that he was suddenly in the royal bastard,. There had been talk around the palace that the King believed Terry should be a homosexual when he grew up, it was often the case that the second and third bastard sons were homosexual never even trying sex with a female. The royal family was just as pleased not to have any grandchildren by the bastards, that way the royal line of who was to govern was not confused. Some of the King's other sons would also be homosexual or at least bisexual, it was not unusual or looked down upon on Tepocah.

What was odd was that Terry enjoyed being fucked, most of the King's other sons would try sucking cock or fucking a boy but refuse to allow anyone to fuck them. From that first day Terry thought his brothers and step-brothers were fools.

"Stop teasing me. Push your cock in!" Terry knew that if Tristan didn't soon start fucking he would beg the man to plunge his cock all the way into his asshole. He hadn't had an opportunity to get fucked the entire time he was touring the Empire with Tristan's twin.

Tristan had greased his cock and slid the head into the King seconds before he felt a wet finger slide into his asshole. He had no idea who would have had the nerve to join the King and he without being asked. Whoever it was added a second finger before letting Tristan know his name.

"That's the way Quean. Enjoy my fingers while you fuck the King. Apollo has asked for you to join him on Oso Tre for dinner. We can finish this first. Unless you want my cock while you are fucking."

"Please Hermes, fuck me hard."

Apollo had told Tristan that he had taught the messenger god how to fuck an ass. He had been proud that the boy would deliver a hard fuck once he had delivered the message he had been sent to give a man or woman. Tristan hadn't expected the young god to have a cock that would make him gasp as it entered him but the head of Hermes cock was as large as any that he had taken from a human. It hadn't been often that he had been sandwiched between two men but now liking a cock in his ass more than he had ever he was almost ecstatic as he thrust his body back and forth between the pair.

Would this still be possible after he and Terry married?

"My Quean, go enjoy yourself with the gods while I visit with our guests on the Equality, this will be the only time that you will be allowed to spend any time without another human on Oso Tre. For thousands of years the gods have not taken any humans to their home unless he or she has been nominated to their own godhead or saintliness. There are many beings from the BCE era that are known to all the galaxy since then, take the opportunity to meet them if Apollo allows. He has not been known to socialize with beings from the later years often so having him invite you to his home for dinner is an honor that none I know of have received."

"Hermes, can you assist me in properly dressing for this dinner?" Tristan was more nervous going to this dinner than he had been to tour the planet with the god. Who would be there, would he make a fool of himself, what would anyone want to know about him as gods they couldn't learn on their own, was the stamina that Apollo had gifted him with going to embarrass him meeting new gods? The god that had been sent to retrieve him was enough to keep him perpetually erect, would what he was to wear that would cover his cock and balls?

"Apollo prefers that his guests do not stink of the dry cleaning chamber, you should use a liquid shower if the yacht is equipped with one." Hermes had taken a sniff at the man's hair when he stepped out of the cleaning chamber. Although he had dealt with humans for millennia he still didn't know how to address them without insult. While Tristan was in the liquid shower Hermes looked through his few clothing and jewelry, fortunately for him he walked into the room where Hermes was before the god picked any of the jewelry to steal for himself.

Walking up behind Hermes had been enough to get him erect after cooling off in the shower. If they weren't headed to the planet on Apollo's request to join him for dinner he would have taken all the time necessary to fully please the god's asshole. The young being had one of the most perfect butts he had ever seen, even knowing that there was not enough time to allow either of them to be fully satisfied he stepped close enough to put his hands on the swollen mounds and pull them apart enough for his fingers to run over the hot, smooth rim of the asshole.

"Tristan , if you wish to do more than touch me, you may push me down on the bed, slide your cock into me and fuck me." The offer was what Tristan had hoped for since the god had appeared on the Equality, he surprised himself by exercising restraint and not diving into Hermes. He pushed the finger that had rubbed the rim of the hole into Hermes wanting to know what a god would feel like. Sure he had fucked Apollo but the god was half human wasn't he?

"I thought the gods were said to be monogamous."

"If we were there wouldn't be much fucking happening on Oso Tre, we could fuck the Phrotine servants but after a few hundred times that would get boring." Hermes was enjoying the finger in his ass , he was working his muscles on the thin finger trying to pull it further into him than Tristan had pushed. After only a few minutes Tristan added a second and then a third finger, if that was what the god wanted, GO FOR IT! He hadn't been thinking, it didn't take long before Hermes was bouncing against the lower part of his stomach, almost as if he was riding his cock, after only a few minutes the fetus that had only started to grow that morning was kicking against the place the bodies connected, seemingly angry.

"Tristan, I heard that you have promised the King that once you wed that you will not allow anyone else to fuck you. Is that right?" Hermes had not stopped enjoying the fingers in him, he had taken one of Tristan's hands and put it on his cock under the skirt he was wearing. "I have never been wed, the idea of being monogamous was repulsive." Not that there hadn't been men and women he would have liked to try making the short relationship he had, among them with Aphrodite, into a lifelong commitment even though she hadn't liked that he was having sex with a couple of the male gods and humans when he took Zeus' messages to Earth. Being the only god on Oso Tre permitted to travel to Earth he was the only parent of Hermaphroditus that saw their son in his endless wanders around the planet.

"Do you think Apollo is waiting for us? If you don't think he's at his home I'd love to take this ass and show you the extra strength and stamina I have been given since leaving Earth."

As strongly as Hermes wanted the man to show him what it was like to be fucked by a human with the cock of a god he told Tristan that they needed to be going although he did promise to be open and receptive if Apollo was not home when they arrived. After allowing Dean to lick the pre-cum from both of their cocks the pair whisked away to the waiting planet. Some of the invited gods were socializing in the garden outside of the replica of Apollo's Temple on Delphi, on the first visit to Oso Tre Tristan had learned that the temple was not a place of worship but the god's house, he had only had a quick look inside the empty temple now there were fifteen or twenty of the cutest Phrotines he had seen waiting to be called upon. Hermes loving to gossip told him that the boys were there because of a competition between Zeus and Apollo about having the best looking court ever since Zeus had brought Ganymede to be his cup-bearer. Curious Tristan had asked what that meant, only to learn it was an euphemism for butt boy.

There was quite a bit of laughter among the gods. Hermes had lead Tristan through the exit of the temple to a small room at the end of the center chamber where he knew there was a comfortable sofa they could use. They had spoken about sex on the quick trip from the Equality to Oso Tre with Tristan divulging to Hermes that as much as he liked to fuck and be fucked his favorite activity was to have his ass licked. Hermes didn't believe him when he told him how often he was able to find men that were willing to lick his asshole inside and out. Tristan didn't want to tell Hermes that the King was one of those men but he slipped and let it out that the king was one of the best he had ever found.

"If I find someone that will lick your asshole well enough are you going to be willing to let me fuck you instead of fucking me?" Seemingly waiting for Apollo the other trickster gods that Apollo had introduced him to that morning greeted Hermes as one of them. The god had arranged to have one of the Phrotines that Apollo used sexually follow them to the back of the Temple, if Tristan had backed out of having sex he would have had the boy strip and show him his recently mutilated crotch. Generally Apollo had the boys castrated when they first arrived at his home from theirs, this boy had been allowed to keep his balls and cock as a special gift for a future celebration. Upon hearing that the King and Quean had begun to orbit Oso Tre Apollo had sent for Asclepious to remove the boy's balls. His Doctor son was occupied with arranging the welcome for the royal couple so he replied that Apollo should send for his Grandfather who had castrated more men than any other, Chronos was not as careful as his grandson thus the mutilated crotch.

If it hadn't been for Chronos' healing touch the castration would have left the boy unable to function for a week, Chronos was able to speed up the heeling so that he was on his feet that evening and had no pain left the following morning when he woke. Neither Hermes nor Tristan could tell that the boy had lost his testicles without an anesthetic less than twenty four hours earlier, he didn't show it in the way he walked or complain about the loss. Tristan had thought the boy was one of the cutest of the cutest, he wondered if when he received the tribute from Aphrotites if the boy would be this cute, his mind wandered thinking about he and the King sitting down to a dinner of the tribute's balls, he wanted to look under the boy's skirt to see if it was possible dinner would be part of him.

Leaning over the end of the sofa with his knees on the main cushion his ass was at the exact height that he thought the boy would need. Tristan's mind was on the training the Phrotine boy would have been given before leaving home. His asshole ached with desire for the boy's tongue so much that he was more than willing to have him take Hermes' place behind him. Thinking only about having a tongue sliding into his asshole Tristan was not paying attention to what Hermes was doing until he felt his wrists been tugged down over the end of the sofa. Looking up all he could see was a Phrotine cock in his face.

Franc slid his cock between Tristan's lips holding it in his mouth long enough for Tristan to suck the pre-cum off the head and up the shaft. He patted the restrained man on his head

before pulling his cock out and raising his low hanging balls high enough for him to lick. A few minutes later Franc walked away not even saying goodbye.

Franc seemed to be holding the door open for an unusually long time. Tristan looked over his shoulder to see five gods entering the room, gods that he had met that morning, gods that were like him in that they were shape shifters.

"Thank you, Hermes.

"It's the butt from 'Foreplay'." Maui got behind Tristan slowly easing one finger into the human's asshole then adding a second before starting to rotate them and stretching them as far as possible, although he was unable to change into a different being he was capable of enlarging his body. He had practiced stretching his fingers to please the shore boys that were always willing to open their holes for a god. Tristan was loving the fingers in him, moaning in sheer pleasure; Maui wished he had learned to stretch his dick but that was not one of his tricks.

"Who shall be next?" Tristan figured that Hermes was asking the other gods, still he answered. Although he wold be able to change the shape of his asshole to receive any sized cock he thought he would be pleased to take a dog size knot knowing that there was a stallion's cock and a bull's cock to come before the day was over.

"Anubis, will you shift into a complete dog?"

"Tristan, either that or a dead body." Was he being given a choice? He didn't think he wanted to have sex with a dead body.

"Your dog self, Anubis." Tristan didn't know how large the canine knot might grow but he was willing to try accepting it if the dog headed god was able to get it in him.

"Suck him hard, I'm next." Pan sounded as if he was prepared to fight the Canod over Tristan's ass. He looked back in time to see the forest god turning into a mighty, gray goat with curled horns and rough hair. The goat knew what to do, Pan had often turned into the goat while at his Earthly orgies. He was on top of Tristan, his hooves hitting his shoulders hard enough to make the man relax his ass before feeling the first five inches of his cock enter the tight asshole, he was a big buck with a cock to match. Tristan wished he had used a lubricant but Pan thought he was leaking enough pre-cum to fuck the man without and drove all 12 inches of his thick cock in without any hesitation.

Tristan had never seen a goat's cock but he had heard during one of the training sessions at the clinic one of the student's screaming when he was mounted by another student that had tried transitioning into a goat. Pierre had told him that the goat had a bigger cock than him, one that he had guessed was at least 12 inches long and as thick as the handle on a bat. He had convinced himself that should he ever have to take a goat cock he would shift the shape of his asshole larger than normal. He must have forgotten about what his lover had told him since he didn't prepare himself for Pan. He went to scream only to find his mouth being stuffed with what he thought was the longest cock he had ever seen. Standing over him was the purest white bull, he wished his hands were free so that he could reach the huge hanging balls with his hands. If asked he would have said that he would have pulled them to his mouth.

"That's right, when a god wants to force his cock in your throat you need to open it. I am going to push my cock as far as your stomach and bounce my balls on your chin. Don't even think there is a way for you to stop me." Tristan knew once the bull roared that he must be Zeus.

"That's right. I am going to fill your stomach with god semen. You may be carrying my grandson but that doesn't matter even Apollo enjoyed having a shower while he was in his Mother. You are going to get it from both ends before the night is over." Tristan had heard stories about Zeus being a rapist and other stories about how much cum there was in a bull's testicles especially as large as the ones he could see hanging in front of him.

The goat was fucking him like a rabbit. Tristan had trouble paying attention to Zeus' braggadocio, both cocks were stretching him open more than he was ready for. He didn't know if it was Pegasus or the Centaur that expressed his impatience to get in his ass. He promised himself that as soon as the goat flooded his ass he would shift his asshole longer and wider to accept the horse cocks he saw bouncing under the pair.

The man was choking and gagging on the bull cock in his throat and hurting from the goat cock in his ass. He had gotten onto the sofa with the hope of having his ass licked, now he felt like the gods had tricked him into the room with the intent to fill him with god cum until he stood before Zeus the following day. That was if he survived the night being throat fucked by the god of the gods.

"That's it, swallow that cum." Zeus was ecstatic at the way the man had worked his cock, he didn't let Tristan or the others know that as soon as the equines were finished filling his ass that the god of all gods intended to use their cum to lubricate his cock as he fucked the human ass. He was pleased that the man resembled his own son from head to toe. Never had he had the opportunity to fuck Apollo so treating Tristan to his cock in his mouth and in his ass was what he had hoped for a thousand years.

"Go for his ass old man!" Pegasus was standing behind the human prepared to mount him. Having his old friend the god urging him on was reminding him of the first giant they had shared after the war with the Titans.

Tristan was glad that the winged horse was giving him a minute to recover from the goat, time that he took to check how large the equine cock was and to transition his asshole wider and deeper. When Pegasus' flanged cock hit his asshole Tristan let out a yell that startled everyone in the room. The horse drove his cock half way into Tristan with the first lunge, the rest of the way with a second plunge. Due to the accident that had him recovering on Chiron's farm it had been a long time since he had shot a load of his plentiful cum, he didn't take more than three more plunges into the man before shooting nearly a pint of cum deep inside him. Tristan could feel his abdomen swelling with the two loads of animal/god cum; how was he going to handle the Centaur's load as full as he was? He wished that he had been able to turn on his back to accept the fourteen inches that Pegasus had in him. He had seen that the Centaur had a longer cock than Pegasus, fortunately he didn't think it was any thicker.

Neither of the horses fucked long, they were much like normal stallions shooting their cum within a few minutes.

"Let me get up to empty my ass." Tristan could feel cum running down his legs and wanted to get comfortable. He hoped that the gods were finished using him. Would their cum change him like Apollo's had? He was already pregnant, what could they do to him?

"Hermes, get down here and suck his cock." The moment he felt the god's mouth touch the head of his cock he felt the Bull mount him with the huge cock sliding through three loads of slick cum. The stamina that Apollo had granted him was wearing out, he tried to use his ass to please the god but he knew he wasn't doing as much as he should.

"Just hold your butt still, Tristan. I want to make this last for you so once you are married to the Tezan King you have a fuck to remember." Didn't he understand that having a god after a god in his ass was already a fuck to remember? Between Hermes' mouth and the huge bull cock in his ass Tristan couldn't hold back any longer and finally emptied his balls, he wondered if his cock would stay hard and he would be able to give Hermes another load of his cum.

Apollo walked into the room in time to watch his Father fucking the man that he had taken a deep liking to. He had hoped that he would have the chance to fuck Tristan again and ask him to forget the wedding. He was ready to run off with the man anywhere he asked. The smile on Tristan's face made Apollo understand that he would have a difficult time choosing the son over the Father. Still once the others left them alone he was going to propose they leave Oso Tre to find a new home, Tristan had told him his goal in life was to be one of the first humans to leave that arm of the galaxy. Men had been wanting to leave the galaxy for thousands of years, he would be able to give this one the chance. None of the gods had left the Perseus Arm of the galaxy, he would be happy to explore the Scutum-Centarus Arm with the Mother of his child.

Tristan was feeling inhuman with the extra strength given him by Chiron XX and the sexual stamina imbued him by Apollo. If these attributes lasted he felt like he should rule not just the Empire but the Milky Way as Quean. He squeezed and pulled at the two feet of cock in his ass wanting to give the god as much joy as he was getting, he wanted Zeus to know that there were better mates than Ganymede. Could he take the youngster's place at the main god's feet? The gods were urging him on. Would they all use him again? Would he need to beg them to fuck him or allow him to fuck them?

Hermes pulled away, Tristan wasn't expecting another mouth but as soon as the tongue licked the head of his cock he knew that Alex was going to suck his cock or prepare him to fuck the Enlil. That Tristan was willing to allow the Enlil to suck his cock without pause gave Apollo the impetus to stick his cock in his Father's cum and drive his cock as deep as he could, this time he intended to make all of the man's body respond to him as he pinched and squeezed at him.

"Apollo, I can shift your cock to make it as large as your Father the bull." The son begged Tristan to do it, he had wanted to be that large all of his life. He could shift into being a wolf but not a bull, the thought of having a cock that long was a dream that he had ever since the first time he had seen his Father with Ios. As his cock enlarged within the man he marveled at the feeling deep inside the human, the first time he bumped into the man's heart he felt the need to cum.

Tristan loved the way Apollo squeezed his nipples then wrapped his head around so he could lick his armpits. He filled Alex's mouth with cum when he felt the tip of the huge cock bumping his heart; he told the Enlil to grip his cock softly, he was going to flood him with piss. The man being fucked didn't know but as the Enlil swallowed his piss he masturbated spewing his cum on Apollo's feet and legs. Reynod joined them on the sofa eagerly licking the cum from the god's feet which drove him to cum in the full asshole.

It had been all day since he had been able to fill the Enlil's mouth with piss, that had been one of his greatest joys right behind having Terry's second tongue sliding in his ass. Soon Apollo knew what was happening and joined the man in emptying his waste although he was giving it to Tristan in his ass for the first time.

Reynod felt the piss dripping heavily from the asshole over his head. He moved his mouth from Apollo's feet to swallow the piss draining from his twin. He hadn't known what to expect although he knew his Brother had been fucked more than once. He wasn't getting just god piss, he had god cum landing in his mouth. He backed off a little,

Alex pushed his head between the twins to get the god piss. The Enlil that would normally have taken time to start shining was a bright green when Reynod pushed him aside to get more of the fantastic brew that was pouring from his twin. He felt a change coming over his body although he didn't know what it was. Alex allowed Reynod to push his head down onto his cock that was swelling to twice the size it had ever grown. He followed his natural instincts and grabbed the two feet of cock beneath the god and rammed it into his throat.

The Centaur unlocked his wrists. Tristan was glad that he was able to take the initiative and force the Centaur's cock into his ass again. The stamina he had been blessed with both had his cock remain erect and and his ass lusting after the large horse cock.

"Tristan are you ready for a wolf knot in your ass?" Apollo had gone back to his normal state and was preparing to shift into his wolf form to give the man what he thought the man needed. Other than the Centaur, the twin and the Enlil guard they were alone in the back room of his home, Apollo decided it was time for him to dominate the man until he succumbed to his request to leave the galaxy. He hoped that the double-fist sized knot he made as a wolf would convince Tristan to leave the King and go with him.

Apollo had already talked to the Portal guardian about transferring the two of them to his home planet. He didn't know if once he left the Perseus arm of the galaxy if he would still have all of his godly powers, for once all that mattered was that he had a person that he felt he would be faithful to for as long as they lived.

That should be an eternity now that his Father had fucked the man twice. Apollo had the others leave them alone, it was time that he had the conversation he wanted with Tristan. As they departed he told the Enlil to pack all of Tristan's belongings, that they would return to the Equality to retrieve them after the dinner.

Apollo had Tristan sit on the sofa to talk with him. He didn't know what the man's reaction was going to be but he hoped that they could leave Oso Tre the next day. Tristan had learned to like Apollo but he was not in love with the god, Apollo hoped the conversation would convince the man that he liked him more than he liked the King. They learned more about each other than they had since meeting, all of the extra strength and stamina that Tristan had been given pleased him enough that he wanted to spend time with the god. His desire to marry the King had faded completely as he allowed each of the gods fuck him. Apollo made him promises that he knew the King could never fill even though they would rule the Empire.

"Can you convince your twin to take your place tomorrow? He has already taken the tour of the Empire you were to take with King Therold, all of the planets know him and have accepted him as the Quean of sex that you supposedly will be after your wedding. Reynod does not have the stamina that the gods have given you."

"I think my Brother wants to return to Earth with our Mother. I am not sure he can fill the position I have earned, he is much less a fighter than me. Besides that he is not as willing to be fucked as me, the Centaurs and your Father will be able to tell the difference."

"I can give him that need before the wedding. Doesn't he enjoy having the king lick his ass?"

"He has never told me that he does, do you know if the King took advantage of his ass while they were on tour?"

"I was able to read the King's thoughts. He is not able to tell the difference between your two assholes. He thinks Reynod enjoys his tongue as much as you do.

"Your Mother likes being treated royally, likes the jewels you wear, is happy that your sister has started to create a life with the princess. Having Reynod take your place should not be that big of a problem."

"Can we have Dean, Alex and Aioles travel with us?"

"I had hoped that we would be alone but I will ask the guardian of the Portal if they can be transported with us.

"But why?"

"Alex was sent by the Golden Sphinx to be the guardian of the young griffin. Also he is willing to drink my piss anytime I tell him. Last night Chiron gave Aioles to me to do with as I please, I would be insulting him if I didn't take the colt with me."

"Are you sure it isn't so you can have a horse cock anytime you want?"

"Apollo, unless we lose all of our powers I can shift your cock or you into a Unicorn anytime I feel the need for that cock in my ass. Plus, I took his virginity last night, I would feel bad if I left the boy alone now that I have done that. He has been learning to suck my cock and drink piss over the last few weeks.

"Can you really want to leave him here?"

"I have never had sex with a Unicorn, Pegasus or a Centaur. An hour ago when I pissed in your ass was the first time that I have ever indulged in what you call water-sports. It was more exciting than I expected. Do you think that Golard and Aioles will be willing to drink my piss, too?"

"They both have some slavery in their makeup, if I tell them to do it, they will. Plus my god I am willing to try drinking your piss, also." Tristan had tasted piss but wasn't that crazy about having anyone piss in his mouth, he didn't tell Apollo but he did enjoy having piss pouring over his head and he had enjoyed having the god fill his ass with piss, something that he had only happen that once.

"Is your Father going to be willing to see you leave this arm of the Milky Way?"

"As old as I am and as ancient as he is, I can't see that there will be a problem with that. He never expresses any emotion when I leave for a year or when I return from an extended leave. Mother May?"

"She has already accepted that I will be staying in the Empire when she returns to Earth to live out the rest of her life."

"Does she know that once you wed Apollo I will give you an immortal status?" Zeus walked in on the pair.

"How could she, Zeus? I didn't know you would do that."

"Apollo deserves a man to stand by his side for the rest of eternity. I will have Cupid's curse removed and have you given eternal desire for my son along with eternal life and love."

"You know we wish to leave Oso Tre and explore the Milky Way?"

"Apollo, Tristan is young and enjoys the new experience of strangers fucking him. If he didn't want to leave here and head to places unknown I would not allow you to marry him.

It was the first time Tristan heard either of the gods mention Apollo and he being married, he sat in stunned silence. He was coming to his senses when he heard Zeus suggest that his son take him to his garden of dreams and prayers. Tristan didn't want to go sight seeing, he had been lusting after the wolf that Apollo had offered, he slid from his seat to a position where he was leaning over the sofa with his ass exposed for Apollo. Having been fucked by a Canod less than an hour earlier he had no doubt he would be able to accept the wolf knot when Apollo began to drive it in his asshole.

Having his Father depart and quickly shifting into his dire wolf form Apollo found the animal instinct over come his own. He first sniffed the pulsating hole then gently ran his tongue around the rim, unlike normal the bone was all the way out of his sheath and beginning to swell. Apollo knew that it would not be long before his knot began to swell, he swiftly mounted the human driving the cock all the way to his sheath hoping that the knot would swell once he was in the man not outside. He knew that it would be difficult if not impossible to drive the knot through the tight asshole, still the wolf wanted to fuck not sit in the asshole swelling. He was able to drive the beginnings of the knot through the asshole and withdraw to plunge in again but the knot had swollen in the air and hitting flesh was unable to force its way through.

For the next half hour the wolf battered Tristan's asshole with his knot spewing cum in him the entire time.

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