Trans Twins

By Bruce Turner

Published on Dec 8, 2022


Trans Twins

Chapter Twenty-Three

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His shock at having Mother May walking into the room where he had been laid up for two weeks was nearly enough to knock him off the bed. Fortunately Aioles was holding onto his butt with his cock as deeply in his throat as he could reach or Tristan would have fallen. The colt sucked even harder at hearing Tristan yelling, he would have pulled away but the man was shooting his load of cum into the colt's throat.

In all the years he had been having sex while he was living at home he had never had either of his Mothers walk in on him. Not at all shocked at seeing her son with his cock in another's mouth Mother May said a quick hello and turning around left the room. A few minutes later Aioles licked up all of the cum he had spilled at being surprised, helped Tristan cover himself with a blanket and left the room to tell the woman that her son was ready to see her.

"Your King sent me tickets to the portal." After finding out that Tristan was stuck in bed because of the Cesarean May talked with her son as if she had not seen anything out of the ordinary. They talked for an hour until Golard and two of the dressers barged into the room to prepare him for the show. His slave helped Aioles move Tristan to the wheelchair and the dressers clothe him for the first time since the Death Pit and trials.

May had hoped that both of her sons would be present when she arrived but she was happy enough seeing Tristan. Much of what she learned during that first hour was not what she would have expected from her son, she had been told that the twins were having sex with beings from the outer planets by Reynod. That Tristan had his personal slave was against everything he had been taught as a boy, disgusting her.

The 'wheelchair' was much like the platforms he and the King had rode around the interior of the coronation hall. Tristan was glad it wasn't like what he expected, not having to have anyone push him around was good. They arrived at the Royal alcove before the King or any of the expected guests. Golard found a couple other guards to help him make space for the Quean and a chair for the human's Mother. They were still catching up on what had occurred that gave him the Royal ranking when the King arrived. Introductions were made, the Royal alcove was served finger foods and beverages.

"Mother May, you look sad. Is there something wrong?"

"We can talk about that after the show is over ." She was doing her best to talk with the King's guests and family. That her son had seen she had a problem was not unexpected, the boy had always been sensitive to her moods.


" Welcome to the first night of entertainment in honor of our new Quean. As most of you know Tristan will be our first Quean in more than two centuries. In his honor our King has decreed that there will be two weeks of entertainment for both royalty and common folks. Even slaves have been invited.

"Each of the shows that premiere here shall then move to another planet in the empire until each show has been seen by the citizens of all eight planets. Each night will have a different theme presented by the greatest entertainers chosen from the entire galaxy. Tonight the entertainment will be by the Kyper Circus, the theme shall be KAMA!

Neither Tristan nor his Mother knew what Kama meant although they thought the word was familiar. Tristan was yet to be an expert in the language of the Tezans so he asked Golard to translate it for him. The slave had no better idea than his master, the King heard Tristan asking, he turned to his Quean and let him know that it referred to all types and manners of sexual relationships.

Although his lesbian Mothers had been sexually open with their sons this was not the type of show that he would have ever taken them to see. He considered asking Mother May if she would care to leave, before he could ask her the lights went down and the stage that had been built over the Death Pit was occupied with alien beings that he did not recognize.

Within the first minute most of the actors knelt allowing the audience to see a being that resembled a Ganeshus, his erect elephantine cock rose over the rest of the actors as he rotated. Tristan wished he was close enough to the actors to touch the being, it would be a wondrous beast to transition into when showing his abilities to new members of the Intergalipol.

"Would any man really want that?" She didn't say whether she meant to have that cock as his own or to serve.

"There are times that that huge a cock would be advantageous." He thought back to the fight he had with the Phrotine, that opponent would have bowed the way the actors were if he had known it was possible for there to be cocks that large. He didn't tell his Mother that the Ganeshus had cocks that were close to that huge or that therewere planets where huge cocks were worshiped.

In what Tristan took to be a mime of how the planet would treat Reynod or him as they toured the unfamiliar planets each of the unfamiliar looking actors rose when the alien stopped in front of them. The actor would rise on their knees and kiss the tip of the cock then bend back to the floor and kiss the being's feet. He wondered if the King had the act add the last part especially for him or if it was something that was done by the natives of their planet. A moment before the being in the center of the actors reached the last couple still bent to the floor he began to violently stroke his massive cock.

With perfect timing the being began shooting cum on each of the actor's head after which they stood and backed away from him. As he coated the last actor in his easily seen cum the audience applauded loudly enough to hurt ears. The last actor stood as the lights dimmed to a complete black out. Bright blue spot lights hit the platform to outline eight of the actors in one on one wrestling matches. Once the lights were fully bright four of the actors succumbed to the other four, kneeling on their knees with their white-washed butts facing their former opponent.

In unison the four actors still standing reached the top of their heads, gathered some of the cum still dripping from their hair and gleefully wiped their hands on their cocks and their partner's asshole. Tristan didn't believe the King had arranged to have a show with the actors actually fucking other males where both men and women would be able to watch. He was glad that both Aioles and Golard had sucked his cock before his Mother had returned to his room, otherwise he was sure by then his cock would have been visible through the robe he was wearing.

Whether the Kyper Circus was aware that Tristan's Mother was a Lesbian or had been told they needed to add a female act to the show or this was the natural progression Tristan was glad that as four alien walked carrying the four others on their cocks through the main floor of celebrants six females mounted the stage. While the males had been violent or definitely showed a power dynamic the females were softer and approached each other with the apparent interest in making love not fucking. There was as much interest in the females as there had been in the males fucking, around the entire hall there were men and women standing to see what the females were doing to each other.

For the next half hour there were various alien species featured on stage as they displayed miscegenation, bestiality and every other variation of sexuality or romance that would be possible. From some of the acts Tristan became aware that many of the actors must have been slaves. He had already learned that many species would not willingly allow anyone see a male being subservient to another male even if after a violent battle.

The final act was ten Phrotine males tied back to back in a circle being tortured by an actor in a replica of the robe Tristan had worn the day of his trials. By the time the male mimicking Tristan had gone around the entire circle there was blood dripping from each chest onto an erect cock.

"Do those aliens always have testicles that hang so low? Or have they been tortured for so long that they hang like that?" May had been shocked to see the beautiful men with balls hanging almost to their knees, painted a bright red in contrast to the shaft painted white and cock head painted neon blue. Memories of his blood lust swept over Tristan as the torturer pulled a pair of balls one at a time to display to the audience.

"That's longer than normal although the Phrotines do normally hang at least six or so inches down their legs." He thought his lesbian Mother's interest in the Phrotine's balls bewildering. Sure they attracted him and other men that wanted their cum but his Mother? Right then he smelled the scent he had thought had been dispersed when he pierced the male's balls when they had fought. Were their balls bursting open?

"How do they stand having their testicles heated that way?" Tristan had been concentrating on the scent in the air not watching what was happening to the Phrotines, hearing the question he looked down to see that the torturer had a hose that was shooting flames aimed at a set of balls. Was that why he was smelling that wonderful odor? He hadn't noticed that instead of only one torturer on stage there was now one for each of the Phrotines.

"What are they carrying?"

"Those are Orsi kabob sticks."

"Ladies and Gentlemen, we hope you have enjoyed watching our take on the sexual life of the Perseus arm of the galaxy. If you do not wish to experience what shall come next the only choice you have is to leave. After the Quean's Death Battles many of you were exposed to Phrotine's most highly reguarded planetary guard, Lord Shiva XL. We will give you a short time to depart before the Nephilim release the anphrodisiac scent of Phrotine blood and cum.

"Son, I don't think I care to celebrate an Aphrodisia. It has not been long enough since I lost Judith." She had meant to properly sit her sons down to tell them about Judith being injured and dying within a very short time. She hadn't even been able to let Reynod know what was happening although they had spoken while Judith was in the hospital in Houston.

"Why didn't you tell me she was in the hospital?"

"Admiral Broughton explained to us that the pair of you were separated at the time we entered the hospital. One of the Mandela boys crashed their used Tri-zone into our backyard while we were having an afternoon party. Judith and I were sent to the major Trauma Unit in Houston, we had both suffered severe broken bones. Fortunately my back was not broken like hers nor were any of my organs severely damaged.

"Judith never left the operating room. I was told two days later that she had died while I was under the anesthetics that the doctors had used while mending my legs and feet. I thought I should contact you and Reynod but they were keeping me in a coma to lower the stress on my body while I healed and was back under minutes later.

"The next time I woke Olive was there. She said she had taken care of everything that needed my attention. The second afternoon she was there and I was awake I received two tickets to the portal and the invitation to your wedding. Olive is a tornado once she has a goal in mind, she contacted her boss and had us packed and at the station before nightfall.

"Where is this sister of mine?"

"She hadn't been invited to join us at the show, thank you Therod, so she decided to take a walk around the palace to walk off her space lag."

"Tell her to drink the ionized water and do some exercise, she will be fine."

Tristan explained to his Mother that once the Phrotines' balls were pierced by the Nephilim with their kabob sticks that the attendees at the show would lose all inhibitions joining in an all out orgy that would not respect gender, species or planetary origin. He was glad to hear that his sister would not be one of the attendees, it wasn't that he felt protective but he didn't know her well enough to know what she would do.

"My master, why did you not stay to see how your slavish worshipers honored you with their bodies. My Quean, I do not believe there is one piece of clothing covering your subjects, the scent of ten Phrotine testicle sacs open to the world has been unresistable for an audience that was already primed by watching the variety of sex available to them in the hall. Golard has been on his hands and knees sniffing the floor like a Canod searching for you." It was the first time Aioles was exposed to the scent of a Phrotine sac, he was affected more than most of the other subjects even though he was not yet able to shoot a load of his cum .

"You could have told him that I left with my Mother so that she was not exposed to the insanity of an orgy."

"But my Quean, you and I both know how much he loves getting his mouth on your feet and how he sniffs them until you give him the okay to lick you." The colt slipped.

"Almost as much as you like licking my balls or ass." Aioles bowed his head as if he was ashamed to have that known to the two human females in the room. It may have looked as if he was ashamed but he was staring at Tristan wishing that he had not pulled a blanket over his robe if Mother Mayhad seen his face she woud have known that he was hungry for her son's cock.

"Aioles, would you look for my sister. She was supposedly walking around the palace to stretch her legs. Mother May would you like to go with the Centaur to find Olive?" Immediately after the pair left he had one of the guards in the room search for Golard, the show had him ready to get another blow job, he would have preferred that Aioles had been able to stay while his Mother looked for Olive but Golard's hot mouth would be exciting enough to get him off again.

"If we are going to have all of you in the room at once I am going to need to ask the King to find us a larger room." Everyone that had been out searching for the missing entered the room at once.

"Don't let us stop you, Golard. You may lick my son's feet while we're talking to him." May was not one to be easily offended by her son's activities even if she had not often been exposed to either of the boys with another. Olive was different, she enjoyed watching boys having sex, she had been used to going to sex shows on Earth with her boss as his beard.

"Olive explain why you are here. It has been years since we have seen each other. The last I heard you were working for a representative at the United Nations are you still his assistant?"

""I am, although he is no longer just a representative. Last month he was elected Chief of the Assembly, he has promoted me to take his old ,job to the continental assembly." Right then the Sphinx kit escaped their crib and ran at Olive as if they were going to attack her, it was the first time she had seen her Brother's kit. She had been warned that he had been pregnant but not that the children would be Sphinx and Griffin. Without any warning the pair of Sphinx leaped into her lap and lapped at her face.

"They have allowed you to have pets while recuperating?

"The kit are not my pets but the reason why I need to recuperate. They are the children of the Great Sphinx, I am in here recuperating because the doctor needed to slice me open to allow them and their brother out of my stomach.

"If you have been at the United Nations recently you should have heard that there are negotiations between Tepocah, the Sphinx, Intergalipol and Earth to permit them to go to Earth to live." It had only been moments but the pair of Sphinx had manage to get Olive to love them. If there was anything she could do to help the pair get to Earth she was already determined to do it.

"What are their names?"

"I was asked not to name them until they meet their Fathers, Horus and Tatunhep. I suppose that means they will be given some royal name. Until then I have been calling them

Set and Izzy. Aioles where is Dean?"

The colt was not the only one that looked for the Griffin. Everyone in the room was looking in any place the kit could have hidden. It only took a few minutes before Dean poked his head out from under the platform that had taken his Father to and from the Royal Alcove. When he was sure that no one was looking his way he jumped/flew onto the bed where Tristan was laying.

"Olive, this is the triplet. There will be no negotiation over where he lives." Just that day he had gotten attached to the kit and planned on raising him on his own. Dean must have understood what his Mother/father had been saying, he curled up in Tristan's armpit and licked his side.

"Dean, you could go say hello to your Aunt Olive." Unlike the Sphinx Dean had been born able to speak his Father's language.

"Where do these two stay? I have set a meeting with Princess Timpo, I would never have expected to meet anyone like her in your palace."

"Is this supposed to be a romantic dinner?" Tristan had been shocked at the sparkle in his sister's eyes when she mentioned Timpo.

"I certainly hope so."

"You know that Princess Timpo is King Therold's cousin, right?"

"Perhaps we will actually be a family, brother." She had always felt deprived living without her Brothers.

That was an idea that Tristan had never entertained. When they were young his Mothers had told he and Reynod that their sister had a destiny that was much different than theirs so she would be raised separately. Tristan wondered if perhaps his Mothers had it wrong, could it be that their sister would be part of their future?

Other than the few friends their Mothers would occasionally have to the house Tristan had never spent time with any lesbians. In fact he had spent very little time with any females, never having dated while in high school or college. He had only an occasional underclassman he needed to do more than proposition.

Aioles and his Mother wanted to talk about the show the King had presented, Tristan wanted Aioles to reenact some of the acts. His desire for more than just a blow job was starting to become overwhelming he was finding it difficult to wait for Chiron XX to give him the okay to do more than lay in the bed on his back. Chiron XX knew that the human wanted to get his legs in the air so that either the colt or the slave could get their tongues in him.

"Mom, I think it's time for me to get some sleep." He hoped she didn't catch on that he was in the mood for more than sleep. He didn't want to think she would be in her room thinking about either Aioles or Golard acting out what she had seen being done by the Kyper Circus or spending the time crying at her loss.

Why would she be thinking that? After all she was a lesbian. Wouldn't she be more likely to be thinking about what her daughter and the King's cousin were doing? Just the thought of the two women in bed upset his stomach.

"My Quean, did you see anything being performed on stage tonight that you have not done? Or that you are dying to do again?"

Tristan was shocked at how easily that Terry was able to have him leaking pre-cum. Once he told the King that his asshole was desperate either for a tongue or to be fucked he had Chiron on the communicator and was given the okay to play with Tristan's asshole as long as he didn't make him exercise his abdominal muscles too much. While he was talking to the king he let him know that the other two doctors had recommended a procedure that should solve the problem with his pancreas without having to cut him open again. He hoped it would solve the reasons he needed to be bedridden.

The King hadn't let him know that he was as desperate as Tristan to be fucked by a Ganeshus or one of the official Fairies that were at his beck and call all day every day. He hated that Tristan's twin was touring the Empire giving the select both his mouth and his ass, now that he was King he was expected not to spread his legs for anyone other than the Quean. He would have preferred that Tristan transition to any of the beings with a huge cock even if only an Earthly animal.

"My King,"

"Please call me by my name while we are alone, I hear that title every time I turn around. I am already tired of it." He had sent everyone out of the room except for the kit, he had been thinking of his partner since the Kyper Circus first began their performance. Whether Chiron had given permission for Tristan to have his ass played with or not the King had waited as long as he could and planned on flipping him on his stomach and tongue fucking the man until they both released all the cum in their balls.

He never told the Quean but since the first day the kit had licked up the cum off the the bed and his stomach that it was part of their limited sexual intercourse that he had come to love. He would miss Set and Issy but doubted that Dean would, the Griffin was even more eager to lick up their cum than the Sphinx or the colt.

"Thank you, for bringing my family here. I'm not sure you knew what would happen but I think my sister is falling for your Cousin Princess Timpo."

"That would be wonderful, if they get together I won't need to search for a husband that strengthens the Empire. Do you think your sister would be willing to live in the palace where we were when I was told that I would be named King?"

"She may be my sister but I don't know her well enough to say. She has just been appointed to a prestigious position in the Earth Government. It's possible she would be able to bring Earth into the Empire if she and Timpo do follow us into the family.. Do you think that was why Horus and Tatunhep wanted to send the kit to Earth. They looked like they loved her the moment they saw her."

"Enough of that. Give me your asshole."

Terry had generally only used his lower tongue when pleasing Tristan's asshole, that night he started with his upper tongue running it around the outer rim of the asshole until Tristan was begging for him to insert the other tongue. Dean had heard what was happening and jumped onto the bed, it didn't take him any time to start licking the heads of both their cocks. Tristan had been sucked and licked by Aioles and Golard since he had been bedridden but having the soft tongue of the kit was nearly enough to have him shooting his cum on the kit's face the first time he felt it.

Watching the kit lick up their spilled sperm he knew he would need to spend some time considering whether that was a type of incest that he was willing to in indulge in or something he would need to avoid as the kit grew. The King was making his ass feel the familiar need to be licked repeatedly, would the kit fill in for Golard, Aioles or the King when they were not available?

The shows over the next two week varied from gladiator matches to comedy shows featuring Earth born comedians. Mother May was certain to ask the type of entertainment before agreeing to attend with her son even though the shows were in her son's honor. Olive began attending the shows as Princess Timpo's escort the third day they knew each other. A day later they were spending as much time with each other as the princess' schedule would allow.

"Mother and Olive,have either of you ever heard of Ojo Tre?" Both women admitted to never hearing of the place. Tristan hadn't expected they would have heard of the planet since neither of them had ever been especially religious. For a very short time Olive had attended one of Temples dedicated to Pat but Tristan hadn't heard that since she was across the country from him at the time. Their Mothers had believed there weren't any gods so why go sing and pray to them?

"Sir, I've heard of it."

"What is it, Aioles?"

"My Father calls it the old god's home. He says the gods that are responsible for each planet retire after approximately two thousand years. He only explained that to me as far back as Zeus, Christ, Dax and Pat. He never told me who was there for ancient Egypt or India although he did say there was a group of gods in the North that were extremely violent, the family was headed by Odin. It was only as Earth became more sophisticated that many of the old gods retired usually having served their time on the other planets first..

"He doesn't now much about Ojo Tre other than the gods are supposedly the only beings living there. The planet is not visible on any of our telescopes. None of the astronomers have been able to determine where it is located although Dax did give a hint that it is located outside the Andromeda system. Beings on all the known planets have been searching for Ojo Tre since they crawled out of the slime and saw the stars."

"With all that is not known about Ojo Tre, how are the King and I supposed to find our way there for the ceremony we have been promised?" Tristan had become anxious to wed King Therold, being no longer pregnant he thought his mind was working much better and being married to a King would not be bad.

"When are we to go to Ojo Tre?"

"Tristan, as soon as Chiron approves of you doing more than walking we will go. He said it should only be a few days. Are you desperate to be married?"

"Desperate? No.

"I wasn't willing to marry you when you had me kidnapped and brought here. Although I haven't gotten to know everything about you or living as your Quean I have changed my mind. I am willing to be yours, living here, being the Quean and renouncing the Intergalipol as my future.",

They spent the next hour or more talking about their future. Tristan had never thought that he wouldbe in a positionto have any and everything he wanted He didn't say anything toTerry about that, the longer he was around Terry the less he missed Pierre or felt he still loved him.

"So you really don't mind sending the Sphinx kit to Earth?"

"If they will be living with Olive I am satisfied with them heading off to Earth. Are you going to be pleased to act as Dean's Father?"

"Do you think she is going to attempt living with my cousin?"

"They have been hinting that they are thinking about the idea. Olive says that she has never been in love, if what she is feeling for Timpo is how one feels when in love she hopes they find a time in the future to get married, too.

"Why didn't you answer me about Dean?"

"Parenting here is much different than on Earth. Once our children are weaned, they move to the communal school. After that we only see them when we want them to be 'home' for a special occasion. Enjoy your time with Dean now, he will only be with us for about six months."

"How will we have time to make the arrangements necessary for the wedding? What will you wear? Who do we invite? Where is the reception?"

"Mrs.Anil, there are no arrangements to make other than transport to Ojo Tre. We will take our two witnesses, one each, everything else will be done by the gods."

"But, what will you wear?"

"We will wear the traditional kilts and jewelry. Tristan you will wear the kilt I saw you in the first time I saw you dressed. The dressers will help you with your jewelry,do not allow them to say you are wearing too much. My Father said it is impossible to wear too much jewelry to Ojo Tre. The gods love to see their most magnificent creations adorning their chosen beings."

"Do I get to attend as your witness son?"

""No, Mom. I've already contacted Reynod he should be there at the most important date in my life as he has been for every other one." He knew she would be upset but there was no way he would start this new life without his twin by his side."

"If my son is so rude as not to take his Mother to his wedding, will you have me as your witness, Therold?"

"No, I am required to take a member of my family. Olive is the closest member of the Royal Family that is still alive, so she will need to stand in as my witness." Not only did she fulfill the requirement Olive was also the closest person to him now that his Mother had died.

"Son, let me see this kilt you will be wearing to your wedding.".

"The dressers took it away this morning, I assume they are having it cleaned and pressed. Come along and we can chose what jewelry I should wear." Therereally wasn't much choosing to do, he would need to wear all the jewels given to him by the Sphinx and Griffin. His only choice would be which ring to wear.

"My Quean, I had a ring from the royal treasury left in our room for your to try on. If you like it and it fits consider it our proper engagement ring although there was never an engagement announced." Tristan hoped it wouldn't be too gaudy, with all the other jewels he would be wearing, too big of a ring might be what it took to make him look like a real queen. I also have a Traven being fashioned from my grandparent's wedding neck pieces.

Tristan and his Mother went off to let her see his jewelry for the first time. He wished Alex was there to assist him with putting the necklace on, he wasn't certain he could get it straight enough that the two single rubies would hang directly over his nipples the way they were supposed to.

Walking to the room he was feeling almost normal. It wouldn't be long before Chiron XX would allow him to return to normal activities. He almost tripped over his Mother's dressing gown, he wasn't thinking about walking, his mind was on the ring and what was a 'Traven'?

"Tristan, I never thought of you as a boy that had much jewelry. When did you start wearing anything other than your academy ring?"

"The griffin and Sphinx presented me with royal Egyptian jewelry the day I was pronounced pregnant with the kit. The rings I have were all made on Earth, none of them are as rich appearing or valuable as the necklace or armbands." He hoped that Golard would be able to flatten the necklace as well as Alex had done for him every time he had worn it, the ancient piece of jewelry was not that simple to wear.

"What are you doing in here?" Tristan had known that Horus and Tatunhup had been tangently involved with the negotiations that would send the kit to Earth but he hadn't seen them since they arrived on the planet other than a glimpse during the trials. They hadn't been able to force their way to the front of the audience watching him in the Death Pit but he had heard them roar when he killed the Griffin.

"We came by to let you know the negotiations were almost finished. Earthlings have become quite litigious in the last few thousand years. There will be a proper naming ceremony this evening after a Royal dinner, Major Mangrel sent you a different kilt. He wished you well and asked us to look in on his kit."

Tristan was happy to have another formal kilt. He was beginning to wonder what the Tezan royalty was thinking since they only saw him in the Egyptian kilt or the formal gown that had been made for the trials. This kilt was not as bejeweled as the Egyptian kilt he would be wearing for his wedding although it had more jewels hanging off of it than he expected the Major to afford. Alex had come along with the two Sphinx, the Major wanted him to be his son's guard while he grew up.

That was the first time his Mother had seen him in a kilt. She was amazed at how attractive he was with his chest and legs visible. He thanked the Sphinx, not telling them that he would have his twin wear this kilt when he witnessed the marriage.

Golard was able to help him with the armbands as well as Alex ever had. It turned out he had been practicing with a false set that one of the guards had. The kilt was in an Egyptian style so the armbands worked well. He hadn't been paying attention to his Mother who was by the only table in the room ogling the ring that Terry had set out for him.

"Do any of you know what a 'traven' is?" Tristan couldn't imagine any more jewelry that he would want to wear.

There were a number of soft no's around the room.

"I really don't Tristan, I thought it was a type of whip." Alex was flattening the necklace on Tristan's chest and making certain the two huge rubies covered his nipples. He was happy to have his hands on his "friend" again, even happier that Tristan was no longer swollen with the kit.

"This is a "Traven"." The King entered the room followed by an elder jeweler carrying a pillow with a mass of jewels. "Golard pull the Quean's hair back into a horse tail."

With his hair pulled back all of the jewelry he was wear was fully visible to everyone looking in his direction. He had flipped his hair back when Alex was flattening the necklace, now Golard pulled it into a resemblance of Aioles' tail gently gathering the few stray hairs into the long tail.

"Alex, you and Golard will need to assist the jeweler." It only took them a few minutes to get the "Traven" fastened to the top of the tail and begin wrapping the hair in the chain of black, red and clear diamonds. The chain reached almost to the tip of the tail leaving only a few inches of the pale blond hair visible..

Mother May was so amazed at the jewels her son was wearing that she nearly fainted, she couldn't believe the jewels that had been bestowed on her son, Before walking into that room she had never seen either red or black diamonds, both so rare on Earth that the only one that had been mined were in the treasuries of old Monarchies.

"Zachador, will you be able to switch out the blue jewels on the kilt with either red or black diamonds? The blue jewels are out of place."

"King Therold, where would I find the number of red or black diamond to replace the lapiz? I'm not sure there are that many of them on the planet."

"Bring the kit with us. You will find an answer." Zachador undid the kilt and stripped the Quean without thinking.

"Son, cover yourself." Mother May wasn't embarrassed at seeing her son naked, she simplythought it wasn't polite of him to being naked in front of the others in the room. Alex found the Quean's day to day kilt and helped himcoverup, wishing the whole time that he would be allowed to grope his cock and balls it had been weeks since he had either been fucked, sucked the cock or had Tristan piss on him.

Next: Chapter 24

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