Trans Twins

By Bruce Turner

Published on Nov 29, 2022


Trans Twins

Chapter Twenty-two

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Tristan was happy to see that his plan, showing the Phrotine his cock grown as large as a Ganeshus' was distracting the man. He attacked him as the man stood staring at the enormous cock, Tristan grappled with the Phrotine pulling his slighter body against the immense cock. He did his best to force the man into sexual positions that proved to the audience that he could dominate him any way he wished.

Tristan hated that he would have to kill the man without ever getting to enjoy any of the training the Phrotine had been given in how to please a man. He was able to rub his balls on the man's lips and the tip of his cock against the Phrotine's asshole. Those watching began to yell at the pair in the pit, Tristan heard chants for him to kill the man mixed with chants wanting him to fuck his opponent. There were also chants from other Phrotines that wanted their champion to turn the tables and kill him.

The Phrotine fell to his knees the second or third time that he had been forced to rub his lips on Tristan's balls. Tristan grabbed him by the hair and in one hard thrust forced the entire eighteen inches of Ganeshus cock into his throat. He held his cock in the man's throat while he gurgled, attempting to catch his breath; yanking his cock out of the man's throat he shoved him to the floor of the pit, he untangled the Death Rod from its last victims before kneeling on his opponent's back.

Poking at the man's hard butt cheeks with the sharp end of the rod Tristan told the man to push his balls between his widely spread legs. Before eating the testicles in the earlier trial he would never have thought to do what he planned. He reached down and pulled the man's testicles up where everyone watching the battle could see them, the Phrotine screamed as Tristan pulled them hard. The blood-lust had swept over him again, part of him wanted to tear the man's balls from his body another part just wanted to torture the man more then bite them off his body.

Stretching the sac as far as possible Tristan squeezed the balls together and pierced them with the Death Rod before lifting the screaming man from the floor. The Phrotine's erection had receded, after showing the Kebob of balls around the pit Tristan pierced the hanging cock with the rod.

The Phrotine's scream woke Tristan from his blood-lust. He looked at what he was doing and shook his head in disbelief. A moment later he twisted the rod around so that he was able to insert the tip in the Phrotine's asshole, he raised the man on the rod so that the attendees were given the view of a man's last dying gasps and the blood flowing from his body as he died. Golard and the other Tezans that had acted as his dressers circled him in the pit, they forcefully removed the Death Rod from his hands and lead him from the Death Pit through a doorway that had secretly been opened during the last death match.

"Golard, I need you to find Chiron XX, he was not far from the edge of the pit." Tristan permitted the others to hold him under another of the liquid showers although all he wanted was to lay down and allow the kit to claw their way out of his stomach. He did appreciate the hands washing away the blood and giving him a light massage, the other dressers refrained from touching his cock in respect of Golard..

Chiron and Theo galloped into the space where Tristan had been taken. After one look at the man and around the room Charon XX took charge before the shower was complete. He was glad to have his brother there to assist him. Golard was the only Tezan to remain in the room, he refused to leave his Quean alone with the Centaurs. The doctors had hoped that Tristan would have the time to transition into the female he had practiced being. Tristan was too exhausted and in too much pain to transition.

By the time the King had been informed of what was happening there were three kit playing in the make-shift nursery. Tristan did not have any maternal feelings toward the kit, on the other hand the kit wanted to be with him, to feed from him and sleep at his side. Al-though he did lactate it was not enough to feed even one of the kit so the nurse maid that had come with the Sphinx and Griffin from Anubi was immediately needed to keep the boys fed.

"Golard, you look as if you need to find a place to sleep. Surely one of your fellow guards will stay at my side while you catch up on your sleep."

"The King will return shortly, he ordered me to stay at your side until he returns. You need to be functioning fully before you are trusted to anyone else." He lay his head on Tristan's leg hoping the King would be back soon. They both fell asleep again.

"He is doing well. It will take some time for him to be ready to leave the bed to do much more than walk. I had heard that he was supposed to do a trip around the Empire, you will need to put that off for at least six weeks, maybe more. Chiron XX had fully examined Tristan and replaced the bandaging which was holding the long incision tightly edge to edge.

The King had insisted on spending time with his Quean before entering into the negotiation with the Sphinx and Griffin. Tristan had told him that the kit could be shipped to Earth or back to Anubi once they were free of his body. The King had been warned that it was possible that he would change his feelings once he held the kit to his chest, he did not wish to go against Tristan's wishes in the negotiations. He did not wish to have the reminder that his Quean had been chosen by the Sphinx prior to being his dominatrix constantly running around the palace.

The King was examining pictures of the battles and the Quean's dead opponents . He smirked at the thought of his advisors predicting Tristan's death in the pit. The One on One Death Challenge that had been a forgotten part of a King and his Quean claiming the right to rule in the Empire had been more than he could have hoped. Had Tristan lost a battle the Empire may have fallen to pieces should the represented planets wished to go independent, reigniting the war that had killed his Father and half-Brothers..

"Why is there so much noise in here? Golard do what you can about getting silence so our Quean can rest."

"Sire there is sound proofing coming. The Canods brought their young with them, they are fighting in the pit over who gets to eat what part of the dead."

"Have the guards throw them out of the palace!"

"We have tried. The young Canods managed to kill or repel the guards. Their parents have only been able to hold them back when there was only the smell of death and blood filling the hall. Once the Quean pierced the Phrotine's balls the scent of food over whelmed any of the representatives that have eaten the luscious meat of the Phrotines.

Tristan was pleased to hear he wasn't the only one desiring to eat the Phrotine's balls.

"At least six of the young Canods jumped into the pit and tore the beautiful body from the rod that our Quean had stuck in the rump of the Pegasus to stand as a reminder that he had won every battle. The last look I got before closing the door was of a pair of the teens tearing testicles from the Pegasus while others had begun to devour the Phrotine."

The King thought he should take a look into the pit to see what was happening but before he reached the door a dozen servants dragged in thick padding that fit tightly against the wall, wedged between floor and ceiling. The bustle of the servants woke the Quean who was still groggy from the medication Chiron XX had injected him with before slicing him open far enough to pull the kit from his abdomen.

"Have I finished the trials, my Prince?"

"You have. You will be crowned when you are able to stand in front of the family." He ignored Tristan calling him a Prince rather than King, later he would remind his Quean of the slight.

"Was I expected to eat my opponents? Or fuck the pretty Phrotine?"

"No, my Quean. You did fine. Did you want to eat the Phrotine?" If the Canod were in a frenzy it was probable the human had been affected, too. He wasn't sure it was the time to tell his Quean that years before when he had gone through the trials to be announced as a member of the royal line of succession that he had willingly eaten a Phrotine's testicles as one of the meals he had been forced to eat."

"My King, I hate to admit that. As the scent of his pierced testicle rose from the floor not only did I want to eat them, the kit harassed me to do so. Does that disqualify me from being your Quean?" They spoke for a few minutes before Tristan fell back to sleep, still drowsy from the operation and what medicines the Chiron XX had administered.

"Was I dreaming or was Reynod talking to me?"

"Your Brother was here for a few minutes. Chiron XX wouldn't allow him to remain here after he held each of the kit and made sure you are alive..

"I've been thinking that since he looks so much like you that we should have him take the tour of the Empire while you are laid up in bed. We could have him fitted with a wig and have the tutor teach him what he already taught you. Golard can explain every thing that happened in the Death Pit, we could send the slave with your Twin."

"Are you going to take his place drinking piss and licking out my asshole?"

"We can find you another slave, one that has more experience in the palace.

"That young colt that sucked your cock in the hall has been outside waiting to see you. "Do you feel well enough to have a visitor?"

"Sure, has his Father said it is okay for him to come in?"

"His Father?"

"Chiron XX is his Father, is he still here? I thought I heard him last night?"

"He was here with Reynod."

"Has he said how long I will be stuck in bed?"

"No, but he did say it will be at least a month before you can exercise.'

Tristan wondered if his Brother would be interested and willing to do his planetary tour. He knew if he had been the one being asked he would jump at the chance to be the first Human on some of the planets. Although the last time they spoke Reynod had complained about being home sick. Tristan had kidded him about being a Momma's boy, Reynod hadn't cared. He wanted to go back to Earth and see their mothers and friends.

"King Therod the Forty-First, you are needed in the courtroom."

"Tristan, I'll send the young colt in if his Father approves." He really wasn't ready for sex, he hadn't been erect once since the operation that he knew about, still having Aioles at

least nuzzling between his legs would be nice.

It hadn't been that long since the King and he had left the centaurs in rebellion, he thought it was less than a month. Aioles was definitely changing like his Mother had told Tristan that she expected. The colt was growing fast,he was at least two feet taller and two hundred pounds heavier than he had been when Tristan first saw him prancing behind Chiron's stable and meadow.

The boy's transformation from a handsome looking colt to a young Unicorn with a human face was startling. What shocked Tristan the most was that the boy had taken on an almost mirror image of he and Reynod. He couldn't recall mating with an equine over a year earlier, how was it the colt resembled him so closely?

He didn't have time to think about the resemblance, Aioles immediately began questioning him about the hour he had struggled in the Death Pit. The boy was astounded to say the least at how easily it had looked that he was able to survive against much larger and stronger opponents. He rattled on and on about the final battle in the pit and how he had pierced the Phrotine's balls letting loose the scent that had loosened a minor orgy among the attendees.

"Both of my parents struck out at males that wanted at my rump. I had never seen either of them strike another being with their hooves so viciously. Even defending the farm they hadn't struck out against the invaders with the intent to kill."

"Your Father had promised me that I would be the one to take your virginity after I promised that I would do it with love."

"Does Annabella know that he promised you that? She has talked to me twice about not letting anyone fuck me."

"She knows, she is not pleased that your Father has agreed that I may enter your asshole. I'm not sure whether she hates male on male sex or she just thinks you should remain an anal virgin."

"She has acted disgusted when I sucked your cock, but she never tried to talk me out of doing it. Before your death matches she even seemed slightly proud that you had called for me to take your load in front of the rest of the Empire and royal attendees." Aioles looked as proud as his Mother must have, thinking back to her pleasure at having her son recognized by the Quean of the Empire.

"Let me hug you, Aioles."

The boy stepped to the side of the bed where Tristan was able to awkwardly fling his arms around the hairy neck. He hadn't realized how much he had missed the touch of another being while in and out of the deep sleep. It was so much more satisfying than having the kit laying at his side. He wanted to have Aioles suck his cock but he had only half chubbed up while holding him.

"I don't think I'm ready for sex yet, Aioles, but I would love it if you would stick your head between my legs and nuzzle my balls and maybe lick me a little." Would it still feel as good as it had when Aioles had the head of a colt? At least he wouldn't be having sex because he was on an every four or six hour schedule, it would be purely out of desire. A desire that he would never have believed if told he wanted sex with a horse before leaving Earth.

Tristan lay his head back thinking of the long tongue the young colt had, the warm nostrils and the deep throat. He felt Aioles sniff at his balls then move lower so that he could lick his nether ridge before once more falling asleep.

"Son, do you see the pink color along the stitched skin?"


"Memorize the color. Your Uncle needs me to return and help with orders from the machine shop. I will be leaving as soon as Tristan thinks he'll be okay."

"Can I stay?"

"That's why I want you to memorize the color along the stitches. As long as it stays that color you and he will be okay, if the color darkens I want you to contact me and I'll be back in the portal as quickly as I can gallop to the station."

"I am sure I can do exactly as you tell me to properly care for Tristan." Chiron XX could hear the love in his son's comment.

"Son, you will need to be careful. His body is not ready for much sex and he has been

claimed by the King in front of his entire Empire.

"I am sure Tristan has told him that he needs variety but be sure you are part of the approved side sex he is allowed."


"For at least a month he can't fuck you. Around then I will be back to get him on a recovery process. We don't want him to rip the abdominal muscles before they are fully healed." Chiron had pulled his son's head out of the human's crotch shocked at how much sucking down the human cum had transformed his face.

"You will need to start exercising your wings, soon. If you don't they won't grow to their full length and your Mother will be very. Very disappointed." He rubbed the short nubs that would soon be the boy's wings.

"I could be like you if I don't have them grow."

"You would always wonder what it is like to fly. I don't think you would be happy at seeing these nubs withered on your back. Your human will want you to be everything you can."

"Aioles, do I stink?"

"What are you talking about?"

"I've been in this bed for what? Two weeks, without a shower to clean off since the day of the death battles." Tristan was sure he was stinking although he doubted that he would be able to stand for a shower.

"You can't get out of bed, Tristan. Do you want me to give you a bath?"

Tristan chuckled, he had often seen humans giving horses baths or washing them, he couldn't remember seeing Aioles ever getting in a bath, the boy had joined him under the outdoor shower at his Father's farm. Neither of them had touched the other while in the water in fact other than his cock and balls he couldn't remember Aioles touching him any place. Would the boy really be willing to bath him or at least wipe him off with a wash cloth?

"Where are you going?"

"I need to find something to wash you with, there is nothing in this room other than medicine."

"Start with my hair." He didn't say it but he still could smell blood from those he had killed. It would be great to get rid of that smell. How was he going to move his head so that Aioles wold be able to wash his hair without soaking the bed?

He didn't know how much later it was but his head was hanging off the side of the bed facing Aioles' cock. He had seen the colt's cock numerous times, soft and mostly hard but this was the closest he had been to looking at the end of the cock. The flange had started to swell as if he had already gone through whatever the equine equivalent of puberty was.

Tristan didn't know how long it had been since he had experienced a cock, either in his asshole or mouth; being so close to Aioles cock was thrilling enough to make his own go completely erect.

"Don't worry, I'll wash your cock after I get the rest of you clean." Aioles had never had so much of Tristan's hair in his hands, he was enjoying the feel of the long, soapy hair. It was the first time he had ever felt another male's hair with his hands. Tristan wanted to tell the boy to push his head towards his cock but was afraid he would get drowned by the buckets of water flowing over his hair and face, still he took the opportunity to reach back and feel the boy's developing balls. If he could have turned his body enough he would have been happy to surprise Aioles by kissing or licking his hairless balls. Was he dreaming or were they really resting in his hands?

"Aioles, step forward." The colt was slowly rinsing a fragrant soap out of Tristan's long, long hair. With his hero laying back on the bed his hair was nearly wiping the floor. Looking in Tristan's eyes the boy couldn't help himself, his cock was released from its sheath, far from the length that Tristan had expected.

"I need to keep working on your hair. Tristan, will you want me to dry your hair?"

"For now just wrap it in a towel. That soap smells great, what is it?"

"Annabella brought it for you, it has the fragrance of a Balba bush."

"Is there enough for me to use regularly?"

"I'll see. If not I'll ask her to send you some more."

He moved to the side and washed what make up was still on Tristan's face, away. He was pleased to see the man being more natural. He called in Golard to help him turn the man back length-wise on the bed.

"Would you like my help washing him?

"No, he asked me to do it. I think I will be fine." Aioles was blushing as he looked at Tristan aware that Golard had been a sexual partner while they had been apart. It may have been jealousy as much as anything, he wanted to be the one that was going to clean Tristan's cock and his asshole. Thinking about licking Tristan's asshole while talking with Golard may have been just as much the cause of his blush.

"You need to rush. The Council has the Kyper Circus scheduled to perform in the Hall in a couple hours."

"Tristan has not been okayed to leave his bed. I don't know how he will be able to see the performance."

"Have any of the King's household been here to talk to the Quean?"


"Sir, would you like me to make arrangements for you to watch the Circus?"

"Golard, how have I told you to address me?"

"You haven't, sir." Tristan realized he was thinking about having that talk with Alex while still at Chiron's farm. He didn't say any more about the subject to Golard, as long as he still was considered part of the guard he should call his Master, 'Sire or Sir.'

"Golard, you won't need to make any arrangements." The King walked in on the trio to let them know that he expected Tristan to join him watching the entertainment.

"Has Chiron XX approved you leaving your bed? It would be nice to have you sitting by me during the show."

"Your Majesty, I was going to talk with my Father after giving the Quean his bath.

"I hope he will allow the Quean to sit for as long as the show, I found a wheelchair that will allow us to get to the alcove with no problem." The King had pushed Golard's face down onto Tristan's feet, the slave understood what he was to do and in seconds had his tongue licking the sole of Tristan's feet then began sucking his toes. Aioles finished washing Tristan's armpits, he walked to a sink dumped the soapy water and rinsed out the cloth he had been using. He spent time drawing more water, watching the King lean down and lick at the Quean's chest and balls. Unlike Golard he didn't know that the King enjoyed licking Tristan's

balls and asshole so he was slightly surprised to see what the King did.

"Is Reynod here with you?"

"No, he is visiting Pagaroma. The Herans always present royal visitors with proper escorts, Reynod has been enjoying the two men's cocks as often as they agree to drop their pants. You are going to have quite a reputation on the planet, you may not want to go there without me or your guard."

"Aren't there any Herans attending tonight's that will spread the word that I am in two places at once?"

"The palace guards are sending them through the Portal as we speak. We can't afford that to happen."

"Won't the Herans miss having you there while my brother is busy sucking cock?"

"No, they understand that I need to attend some of the festivities being held in your honor this week and next."

"My honor?"

"Yes. For being able to stand against the heroes of the Empire and survive. You are the first Quean of the Empire in about two centuries. There are men on every planet waiting to bow before your cock and drain your balls of the powerful cum."

"Is that all a Quean is to the Empire? Cock and cum"

"No, the Quean is to watch over the King and be certain he does nothing that endangers the Empire." The King licked the head of Tristan's cock once more before standing. "I need to see that all is coming along as I have ordered. I will meet you in the royal alcove."

"I didn't want to interrupt you and the King. I see that you are feeling well enough to have your balls licked and sucked." Golard raised his head upon hearing the new voice.. "Don't stop boy, he needs to have his balls drained, it has been a few days longer than he should allow the cum to build up."

"How do you know that your son hasn't been emptying my balls?" Tristan didn't like. having anyone knowing when he shot his last load. Chiron had removed the buzzer that had

been keeping him on a regular schedule, Since the kit were born he hadn't exerted himself enough to shoot a load of cum but he was close to wanting one of the boys to suck it out of him, he wasn't sure who he would prefer.

Aioles had the last load, giving him a bath especially washing his ass had made Tristan's balls contract and his cock throb. Or had it been the tongue and mouth on his feet and between his toes?

He hoped the doctor would tell Golard that he was permitted to lick out his asshole again, he was missing the Tezan's tongue as much as he missed a cock or asshole around his own cock. He didn't have any more time to think like that. Chiron had his son and Golard help Tristan climb onto the Neutron Viewer that had been shipped to the palace to assess how the Human was healing internally, there had been complications with the Cesarean Section.

"Have you tried to shift shapes since you have been in bed?"

"I thought I might try to shift to the female form but I have been unable."

"Just as I thought. Theo tried to stitch up a nick the Griffin kit made on your pancreas but he has never been certain that he was successful. It looks like there is a scar on the exterior of the organ, I don't know if that would interfere with you shifting shapes but it is definitely possible.

"The Pineal gland and diaphragm are both in one hundred per cent shape so it is only the Pancreas that could be holding you back.

"I'll confer with a couple human doctors tomorrow to see if there is way we can remove the scar and be sure that the organ is working at one hundred percent." The old Centaur didn't sound as if he thought the humans really would be able to give him any hope or help.

"If possible have Admiral Broughton listen in on the conferences. She will need to know if I will be able to return to the Intergalipol." Tristan was not one that would normally sink into depression but he was saddened by the thought he might never again transition, his last year had been centered around his ability to mate with other species. Losing that ability would leave him feeling like half a person.

"No fucking until I tell you otherwise. Still, you can let these boys suck your cock as often as you want. I'll think about the question you want to ask, can you lay over the side of the bed and not bounce too much if you have their tongues in your asshole,?"

"They can strap me down if that is what it takes. I need their tongues in me." Still in the viewer Chiron could see how much Tristan was tensing his asshole at the thought of having a tongue in and out of him. He chuckled at the thought of how much the human loved having his ass played with. His own cock slid out of its sheath in response to what he was seeing, he intended to at least wipe the precum dripping from the tip around the rim of the man's asshole before he let him out of the viewer. He knew just how much Tristan would like him to stuff his ass but he wasn't healed enough.

"Golard, I'll need a shirt or toga to cover my upper half.. I won't need to worry about the lower half, I can keep a blanket over my legs."

"The dressers can cut the robe you wore to the coronation down the back. That would work while you're seated."

"I think I would rather have something less transparent over my cock. I know that everyone the King speaks to will have been at the coronation and seen me naked , still I would prefer to be more modest tonight."

"I'll let the dressers know what you would like."

"Didn't your Father tell you that you can suck my cock?"

"He did, he said I can as often as you would like?"

"Does that sound good to you?" Tristan wondered if the boy was starting to have as much of his cock and cum as he wanted.

"What would really sound good is that I don't have to share it with Golard and the King.

When do you think you will fuck me?"

"Is that what you want? Your Father is going to tell me when I'll be allowed later tonight, maybe you'll get my cock in your ass before I go to sleep

"You haven't been fucking anyone have you?"

"Aioles, I didn't know you were that jealous. I haven't. First, Alex is still with the Griffins, Pierre is on Earth, I haven't been given the okay since the kit were born so the King and Golard haven't gotten my cock either. He had tried to refrain from speaking about Pierre, when he did he was too sad. The idea that Aioles wanted him to take his virginity so much was an honor he had thought the boy would decide against.

"Why don't you suck my cock, now?" Looking Aioles in the face he found it hard to ask the boy to suck his cock, the more cum and piss the boy swallowed the more he was looking like him. At least he wouldn't have that problem when he started fucking the boy, his rump didn't resemble either Reynod' or his butt. Having only fucked one Centaur he was sure the boy wouldn't feel like a human either.

"Mother May!"

Next: Chapter 23

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