Trans Twins

By Bruce Turner

Published on Nov 9, 2022


Trans Twins

Chapter Twenty-One

"WHAT HAVE YOU DONE TO OUR SON?" Golard's Mother was on her feet as soon as she saw her son in his brilliant Fairy form following behind Tristan on a silver leash attached to a hot red halter-collar around his neck and chest showing off his greased pecs. The entire family had seen Golard and each other in their naked Fairy forms however they were known to be from a subset of Fairies that were supposedly darker than any other, far from the bright shine he was now displaying. To them he looked like a member of the royal Fairies.

"Farrier Williams, you knew when you sold him to the royal household that he would be used by whomever he was assigned to as he or she felt proper. I gave him to my Quean because it was obvious on that first day that I would be kept too busy to keep him sexually satisfied. We are not quite sure why but after the first time your son was fucked by my Quean he shined brighter than any fairy I've ever seen. Since then he has been giving his new master gold, daily. (He told the family that to let them know his true worth to the household.)

"From what my Quean has told me and what I've seen, your son was waiting for a man to take over his education. He still has a long way to go to become a talented cocksucker but Tristan has enjoyed his ass very much. Maybe as much as Golard has enjoyed having my Quean piss on him." For a few minutes no one spoke. Tristan used the leash to have Golard drop to his knees beside him across from the slave's youngest sister. The slightly older sister was sitting beside Tristan and leaning over whispered a question to Golard.

"Big Brother, do you really let him piss on you?" The custom in their home was for none of them to touch another after they went to their private bathrooms until they had seen them wash their hands in` the sterilizer.

"And drink it if he wants me to." The sister moved to the other side of the table. Golard's family sat quietly, it was awkward for Tristan since there were family members between the King and he. He had gone to the dinner prepared to treat Golard as a member of the royal family but after the way his family greeted him and responded to what the King had told them, changed his mind and treated him like the pet Terry had told him he could.

It seemed to Tristan that Golard was showing off his willingness to do everything his new master wanted. If Golard's family wanted to get away from the human that was treating their son like a Canod they were restrained by the fact the King was sitting at the end of the table talking as if there was nothing that could have upset the family that had sold their youngest son into sexual slavery. Every ten minutes or so Tristan would have Golard do something that showed off his glow and his asshole if he could think of it. The longer the meal lasted the angrier he was getting at the parents of his slave, desert had been served when he decided that Golard should show his parents just how willing he was to obey him. He pushed back from the table, had Golard kneel on the chair his sister had left vacant and poured the sticky fruit mass on his right foot before telling Golard to lick it up. The slave's sisters turned away so they couldn't see their brother licking the Quean's foot, only the Father watched his son peering hard at his ass spread wide to expose his asshole.

"Sire, tell me how much you want to sell my son back." The Farrier had as much as he could take, he had raised his son to be a proud member of the community not a degraded Fairy that licked the dirt from anyone's foot. Tristan didn't appreciate the idea that Golard's Father wanted to take him away. He stuck his finger in the saucer used to wash their hands and after telling Golard to turn around forced his finger in the slave's asshole, Golard didn't complain rather he moaned in pleasure at the invasion and shook his ass to let the family know he was willing if that was what the Quean wanted. .

"Sir, the King gave me your son as a welcoming present to the palace. I will not permit him to sell golard back. I have not mistreated the boy any more than he has wanted to be mistreated. He is still learning how to lick out my asshole and suck my cock, he should have been raised better if you were planning to sell him. I say the same for your daughters, they need to be taught what they need to know to please the men that take them for their wives or their slaves. Golard had told Tristan that he had been told from the time he was very young that his family would be selling him to anyone that would give them enough money to keep the forge supplied with the hardwood they needed to import to create hot enough fire for the metals they worked.

Golard's Father couldn't take any more. He told the family it was time to leave. As they turned towards the exit they all got a look at their brother with Tristan's foot halfway into his mouth with his tongue pressed against the sole. The girls were shocked to see the Quean's finger stuck in the boy's asshole sliding in and out and Golard's stick thin prick sticking out, fully erect.

"What did they think was going to happen to their son and Brother when they sold him into slavery?" The King and Quean were sitting at the table while the servants removed everything that had been left.

"Perhaps you should ask the boy."

"Golard, what would your parents have thought would happen to you once you became a slave? Didn't they expect you to be used sexually?" Tristan wished he had been crude enough to make the boy suck his cock in front of his family but the tutor had warned him that sex was not permitted in the King's hall until after he and Terry were crowned the following day.

"Tristan, that is going to cost you allies at court. Everything you did in front of Golard's parents will be heard of by all the rural members of the court. They are the most conservative members, there were three of them that always caused my Mother problems for having the King's bastard children. I've been warned they will be trying to cause you those same problems for being human not Tezan. The farrier is not a member of the royal court but he is employed by at least two of the rural members so they are sure to hear his complaints.

"I can barely imagine what they will be saying about you before the evening is over. There are expectations of the royalty and how we treat our slaves. I should have had the tutor teach you about that before this dinner. You are going to have much to learn before the coronation tomorrow, Golard will be at your back but in his guard uniform with the only weapon allowed in the palace. Even I am not permitted weapons at the ceremony."

Tristan hadn't seen any weapons in the palace, he noted that he would have to check it out the following day before they headed to the celebration. He didn't want to go through with being formally named the Quean of Tepocah, but not having made proper plans to escape felt he had no option but to be crowned in front of everyone that would fit into the palace. He had been measured and fitted for the robe the Prince demanded he wear for the ceremony. Even with all of that he hadn't actually seen what the robe would be like other than the material that had resembled that of the servers at Annabella's Place. He didn't think the Prince would really wish that all of his body was on display for the country yet he hadn't seen anything that would convince him otherwise.

"Tristan, tonight Golard can't kneel by the bed while we sleep. If you need to use him for your waste, do it now before his fellow guards come for him," The Prince had removed his robe and was kneeling on one corner of the bed. They had both drank enough at the dinner that there was no doubt that Golard was going to be filled with piss before he left.

"Slave, shift back to a Tezan before your master and I use your mouth." Tristan was surprised that the Prince was going to join him in filling the slave's mouth. He didn't know if that would change Golard's Tezan form, he had no idea what it might do but was desperate to piss. "Put on your uniform, slave."

Tristan didn't want to hear the Prince giving orders when he was in bed. He had been completely submissive the previous night so he felt the Prince should have waited for him to give his slave orders. Unsure how to make the Prince know about his displeasure he grabbed him by his balls and pulled him off the bed to stand in front of Golard. He was getting more desperate, a couple drops of piss had already reached the tip of his cock. He knew that the Prince did not want to be humiliated in front of the slave, still he told him to lick the drops of piss off his cock. Terry hesitated to obey the order but when Tristan put a hand on his neck bent over to where he could take the tip of his cock in his mouth, Tristan gave in and shot one stream of piss in the Prince before telling Golard to get on the floor and open his mouth for their waste water.

Golard had been hoping that he would be allowed to suck both of their cocks but having two streams of piss fill his mouth and wet his uniform struggled to swallow all he could before Tristan walked away. The Quean knew that his slave would like to lick out his asshole before being dismissed for the night, he chose to wait until the Prince was on his back to have a tongue slide in his chute that wanted a cock as much as a tongue.

"Once you lick our feet you may join the guard waiting for you outside the door."

"Terry, I never wanted to own a slave. However that was the best present you could have ever given me. I say that as long as you are willing to fuck me." Tristan had laid over one corner of the bed with his asshole fully exposed for the Prince. Terry hadn't fucked him since they arrived on the planet claiming to be too tired. If he didn't fuck the human or open his own ass to him Tristan had decided he wouldn't go though with his portion of the coronation the next day. Let them do whatever they wanted with him.

"Just as you having your guard at the spa make me fill your asshole with my tongue was the absolute best that you could have ever done for me." Admitting how much it had meant to him the day they met at the spa to work the full length of his tongue into Tristan the Prince methodically licked and entered his Quean. He didn't understand Tristan, the human was dominating him in sex most of the time but nearly begged to have him fill his asshole with his cock and cum. For more than a half hour he drove his tongue and cock into the man he had chosen to be his Quean. Twice he had pleased Tristan enough that he shot massive loads of cum far enough that it splattered on his own face where the Prince licked it up.

"May I call the slave in? I need to piss this morning."

"No Last night you gave me a small taste of your piss, I am going to drink every drop this morning. Your King will share your piss with your slave every day."

Tristan didn't quite understand the King's desire to drink his piss but he was glad to give him as much as he would be able to drink. Still he would prefer that the slave would be the first to lick out his asshole that morning, he didn't like the idea that the King would be swallowing his own cum although he didn't know why.

The Prince pushed Tristan back on the bed once he finished licking the last drops of piss off the tip of his cock. Neither of them had mentioned what was to happen next but it seemed like the next few minutes had been choreographed by a sex video director. Tristan smoothly rested his legs on the Prince's shoulders spreading his ass so that the Tezan cock, nearly as thick as a Fairy's fist slid into his asshole, slid into him as pleasantly as the Tezan's tongue.

Wishing to stay in bed tightly against each other the pair only separated when the Tezan cock had receded to its flaccid state. Tristan didn't know why but with the cock fading in his ass he wished that the Prince would fill him with his piss. He had never asked anyone to fill him with piss so he refrained from asking for the Prince's piss although the kit were making a fuss that he should. Later that morning the Prince's dressers and Golard woke the pair to prepare them for the coronation.

Rather than using the sonic cleanser they were rushed into the liquid shower. Tristan had not figured out what the liquid was used in the shower but it was pleasant enough to leave his skin feeling the air drying him as if one of the Tezans was licking the liquid off of him. Golard was waiting for the pair as they stepped from the dryer, he turned them both so he was able to lick the crack of their asses dry. Tristan and the Prince looked at each other as Golard did his best to force his tongue through their anal openings to clean them inside as well they had been cleaned on the outside. The dressers watched the slave care for his master and the Prince, all of them responding with a visible erection.

Before the dressers pulled them apart to begin the long process of having them look appropriate the Prince leaned over and kissed Tristan for the first time. Tristan didn't have time to think about what that meant to the Prince, three royal attendants and Golard gently ushered him to a well appointed room off to the side of the main bedroom that he hadn't seen until then. Satiated and pleased with all that had happened since the dinner the previous night Tristan compliantly followed the four that were to prepare him for the coronation.

Although he had been around many homosexual cross dressers when on Earth he had never had any make up on his face or body, in fact he had never had another being do anything other than dry his body or rub in sunning lotion. He followed their instructions although he wasn't certain that he wanted to have them manipulating him. Two of the dressers placed his hands on a metal rack where they were able to give him a basic manicure and paint his nails lava orange. While he was being manicured the third dresser was putting a wave in his long straight hair. While this was happening Golard was on his knees spraying his crotch and asscrack with a dipilatory before sinking to the floor and giving him a pedicure while his pubic hair died. Golard wiped the depilatory off with a cloth so smooth Tristan thought it must be velvet.

The two men that had done his hands moved to his face. They had seen his face get washed only moments earlier still they used a special treatment that was meant to remove any remaining grease or dirt. His face tingled from the treatment, he wanted to rub it but his hand had been restrained so he didn't make a mess of the paint. One of the dressers used the same cream on his arms and feet then helped Golard paint Tristan's toes with the same lava orange as they had used on his finger nails. Golard knelt when they were finished to blow warm air over the places that had been treated with the depilatory making Tristan shiver.

He had been willing to go along with the process but Tristan was beginning to think the dressers and Golard were treating him like they would an actual feminine Queen. He wasn't pleased, especially when he watched his arms and lower legs turning a few shades darker than they had been. He hadn't been able to see what the one dresser had been doing to his face but he had seen that his hands moved away from his face with his fingers covered in colors.

Tristan was getting prepared to complain when the four men stood back and began to examine each other's work. The first problem the three dressers had was that Golard had not removed the small amount of hair he had in his armpits. It wasn't the first time that someone had removed that hair so he was not too bothered by the care Golard took. As long as that took his slave, the others fussed with his hair.

He was surprised when one of the dressers took his nipples in his hand and tried to see if he could make them stand out from his body. Although he was able to lactate while he was pregnant his nipples were not that sensitive, they lay almost flat against his chest. Tristan wasn't expecting it when the dresser first rubbed a rouge on his chest and then white paint in a circle around his nipple that a moment later he painted a bright orange. He was going to complain then decided why, he thought that the only ones that would be seeing this would be the King and his slave.

After letting Tristan know what was to happen and how he should stand the dressers and Golard stepped out of the small room. He was soon being blow dried with a fresh warm stream of air. Not long after, the men caring for him reentered the room, Once again they examined nearly every inch of his body searching for imperfections in the makeup or hair. Not one had spoken to him other than to give him instructions so he was surprised when Golard whispered in his ear that every man at the coronation was going to want to fuck him.

He assumed that was why the Prince had chosen to have the dressers and his slave prepare him for the day's activity. He hoped that the ceremonies would be short, the pregnancy had been draining his energy. Although he had only been out of bed a short time he was beginning to feel the drain of energy the kit had on him.

Golard went to see if the Prince was being robed or planned on waiting until they were outside the coronation hall.

Moments later each of the dressers and Golard were holding a corner of the gown and lifting it so that the cloth was suspended above him like a cloud. Golard was the first to leave go of the cloth, a second later he had all of Tristan's cock in his mouth sucking hard to get him fully erect as the cloth began to slowly droop over his head and over his shoulders, the robe adhered to his body as the dressers let it drop. It was a strange feeling, Tristan felt like he was being enveloped by a snake, inch by inch as the cloth tightened around him. As the cloth had tightened to his chest he thought his erection would be pulled against his body but the tailor had arranged that the cloth would envelop his erection the way it was enveloping his body. Before he had a chance to look in a mirror he was afraid he would look like his own cock in a condom.

Tristan was amazed when he finally got the chance to look at himself, it looked as if he was naked with strands of blue jewels outlining his muscles and down the crack of his ass. His cock was covered in a swirl of red jewels he had never seen with the head fully coated in the pink rubies he had seen at Annabella's Place. His balls were encased in a tight bag of the deepest red jewels. Could the Prince think that much of his cock? He imagined on Earth that the jewels would have cost more than he and his twin would earn through their entire lives. Would it really be right to become the Quean of the planet?

"Everyone in the Coronation Hall is going to be jealous of the King. I may need to ask another guard to help protect you from the crowd that will be wanting to fuck you." Tristan had a difficult time believing that Golard believed everyone at the coronation would be feeling like that, after all they had all grown up around Fairies and he knew he was no where near as attractive as any of those he had seen. Although being an alien he would possibly be considered exotic as well as erotic.

"I thought you were going to leave his asshole exposed?" Tristan blushed at the Prince's comment. He couldn't believe his Prince honestly wanted to expose his asshole to all of his family and royal court. Didn't he feel any possessiveness? A dresser explained that royal protocol would not permit them to create a robe that exposed the Quean in that way. Terry stomped away at having a mere dresser speak like that to him.

The platforms where they stood rose a few inches from the floor. The Prince reached out for Tristan's hand, pulling the two platforms together. As soon as the imaginary clouds touched they began a slow, sinuous path through the ceremonial hall close enough to nearly all of the attendees that they could have been groped at any time they wound through the crowd. When they returned to where they had entered the hall the clouds rose, easily twenty feet,

As the platforms stopped the Prince shifted into his Fairy form. Tristan had been warned not to follow him in shifting. The platforms began circling the hall, fairies crowded around the walls of the hall doubling the number of creatures attending the ceremony. The Prince spoke to a few of the fairies but not many. It took them more than a half hour to do the two laps of the hall, one up and one down, before the platforms settled in the center of the hall. As they settled to the floor most if not all of the beings in attendance applauded them by slapping a hand against a rainbow of tambourine like instruments held in their other hand.

As the noise abated the Pesky Prince rose so that his feet were directly in line with Tristan's eyes. This part of the ceremony had not been fully described to him but he stood quietly waiting for what was to come. Golard stepped up to where Tristan could hear him and told him to not move. The hall settled into a reverent silence as four huge Fairies entered from doors on each side of the hall. They were tall enough to look the fairies around the top of the hall in their eyes. Tristan did not know what to think, all of the fairies he had seen up until that time had been either Pixie size or the same size as the Prince about a foot shorter than him.

The four humongous officials gently lay a hand each upon the Prince before beginning to recite what Tristan had to believe was a ceremonial rite. They turned the Prince so that he faced all directions as they spoke to the crowed hall. Once the Prince had been turned completely around so that all were given a view of his entire body, front and rear, one of the four led the attendees in what sounded suspiciously like a prayer. Finished with the prayer the four officials passed the Tezan crown to the left, each of them saying a blessing.

The last of the Fairies (a blue tinted being) to be handed the crown rose to stand with the Prince on his platform. They circled the hall while the official held the crown above the Prince's head, only lowering it onto his head once they had settled back to the floor of the hall. As soon as the official had stepped off the platform the fairies high above began singing what Tristan thought must be the most beautiful song in the universe, it was accompanied by a whistle that swept through the hall that Golard told him was the Song of the Spheres.

Tristan was completely surprised when the King stepped from his platform and knelt before him, on his knees in front of the hundreds of attendees the King bent over to kiss the tip of Tristan's cock pledging to the attendees that he intended to kept Tristan as his sole Quean for the entirety of his reign as King of Tepocah and the empire. Carefully the King removed the cloth and jewels that were encasing Tristan's prick once more kissing the tip before Tristan's platform rose into the center of the hall.

"Citizens of Tepocah, before you stands the Earthling that you have heard I want to be the next Quean of our great empire. As he stands here he is still a member of the Intergalipol, he was taken by the Great Sphinx with the intent to have him carry two royal kit back to Earth to once more take control of the young planet. Tristan is pregnant with his kit but he will not be returning to Earth with the kit, he is going to remain with me. We may negotiate with the Great Sphinx to decide the fate of his kit but he will not allow Tristan to return to Anubi or Earth.

"We have not had the time for Tristan to be put through have the trials required before he is crowned so today the four officials here in front of us will have him perform four of the trials in front of all present, the royal tutor affirms that it is not necessary for us to conduct the other trials as he has passed testing of the knowledge under his tutoring.

"Golard, you may undress your charge."

He had only known that was going to be part of his day since standing outside the grand doorway, he had become less inhibited, since his training at the Intergalipol academy in Galveston, about being naked in front of others so having his slave remove the robe that had begun to squeeze almost uncomfortably around his body especially around the kit was not that disturbing until Golard pushed him so that he was bent almost to where his hands were on the platform. He had a difficult time believing that his Prince, now the King of the planet wanted his asshole displayed to all in the coronation hall. Golard held him in that position as the platform once again made ts way through the upper and lower levels of attendees.

"Tristan, the first trial you need to pass is eating a sample food from each of the quadrants of Tepocah. My fellow officials and I have chosen four foods that we believe will be the most unlike any food on any of the planets you have visited. Three of the dishes will be those only eaten by the carnivorous among us, the fourth dish is a planet based soup that is only eaten by a wild tribe in the least active volcanic quadrant." This trial was not worrisome to Tristan, early in his Intergalipol training all of the cadets had undergone forced feeding of what the trainers had thought would be the most difficult for Earthlings to swallow. He and Reynod had been the only two of the shape-shifters that had not regurgitated at least one of the dishes. He had only told Pierre their secret, their mothers had both been horrible cooks that liked to experiment with the interplanetary cookbooks that had flooded their continent since first contact.

His only trepidation was that the kit were not used to him eating strange foods.

He was beginning to differentiate between the officials by looking straight at them and determining the color of their pubic hair. The first to bring him the bowl of soup had carefully been cleaned of any pubic hair allowing Tristan to see that unlike the Fairies he had seen prior to this the officials were hung like the Ganeshus. He thought more about the official's elephantine cock and balls than he did the spicy soup that normally would have required him to drink a liquid to calm his taste buds. He was salivating at the thought of what that cock would feel like should he get the King give him permission to have the official fuck him.

The second official stepped up to his table, before looking at the food Tristan glanced at his pubic hair, it was a shiny white that looked like it had been trimmed to make his cock stand out nearly as much as the first official's. Tristan wished that the officials were erect but the extreme length and girth

made him shiver at the thought of having either of the two soft cocks he had seen rammed into his ass. Golard had warned him that there could be a test of sexuality before learning that there would only be four trials conducted before he was coronated the Quean. The first meal of meat reminded him of a lizard that he had been fed when visiting Pierre's family. He finished the dish quite a bit quicker than the Officials expected so there was a short wait for the third Official to bring his dish.

Tristan had been watching the third Official from the moment he entered through the main doorway. Although Tristan had always been attracted to the most exotic males as lovers he was struck first his by the third official so much that he wondered if there would be a way to communicate his desire as the Fairy stepped to his table and plopped his soft cock crowned with red and white striped pubic hair nearly six inches long. Tristan wanted to reach out and touch the hooded cock but the third dish of food was sat in front of him and the Fairy withdrew to watch him eat.

He didn't know what the meat was, it resembled both tube sausage and worms. He hoped that no one other than the Fairy that had served the dish saw him lick his lips and wink. Using a bare hand he picked up the shorter of the two tubes on the dish and sucked it into his mouth the way he would have been happy to treat the Fairy's huge cock. The official with the red and white pubic hair understood what Tristan was signaling. Before Tristan had sucked more than a foot of the tube into his mouth that official was showing everyone in attendance that his cock stretched out well over three feet and was as thick at the Earthling's wrist when erect.

Swallowing the tube was so much like sucking a cock into his throat that he wasn't paying attention to his plate until he noticed the Official looking at the plate, there were two oval like balls of meat still sitting there. At that moment Tristan knew why the tubes had tasted somewhat like cum they had been cocks, he couldn't tell if they were from one of the fairies or a different animal but he greedily took each of the testicles in his mouth and squeezed out any fluid he could before chewing. As long as he had been having sex he had never thought of actually eating another male's cock and balls although as he chewed the tough testicle meat he wondered why, they were delicious. He gave those watching a huge smile, if he had been hungry he would have asked for more testicles.

Knowing the Tezans were sex crazy he hoped the fourth meal wouldn't be feces, he knew he would be unable to force himself to down that. He sat quietly at the table as the fourth official approached. He brought what looked to be a covered bowl that was sitting on a heating contraption of a sort he had never seen. He braced himself for the fourth food trial.

The steam had no scent, he relaxed thinking his worst fear had not come true. The Official stepped back taking the covering with him, Tristan looked around but there were no utensils for eating with the bowl. When he looked in the bowl he was dismayed to see that the food was squirming and crawling around, as he got closer he smelled a rank spice that could have covered any scent the small beings had on their own. He remembered eating a dinner at the home of Pierre's Mother of living insects, the crawling beings in the dish were larger than they had been; he was not sure how he was to eat the meal. He wished he would have been able to kill the beings before eating but there was no knife there to do that.

He took longer to take the first bite than he had to eat each of the other meals. He had finally assumed he was to eat with his fingers. The first time he reached for one of the beings it snapped back at him barely missing the fingers he had pulled back quickly. It took him a few tries to develop a plan that allowed him to take one of the things he was to eat between his fingers without feeding them his own blood first. He managed to fish the smallest of the Gordics (there were Tezans cheering him on to eat them, calling them by their name), he held it in the air unsure whether to eat face first or from the tail.

The chant for him to 'Eat it' didn't help. Hoping that it would not take more than one bite to kill the Gordic he popped it into his mouth all at once. He hadn't seen the small feet and claws when he was holding the Gordic, they grabbed at his tongue. He struggled to get the being to where he could bite down on it without biting his tongue. He was forced to chew the squirming Gordic for a few minutes before it stopped moving and he was able to swallow.

It would only be later when speaking with the King that he would learn that both of the last two dishes had both come from the same trees, He was shocked to learn that the food was plant based not animal. The attendees applauded as he finished eating the last meal. He hadn't realized he had been out of the King's bedroom for six hours so when the buzzer implanted in his chest let him know it was time to get his balls emptied he couldn't believe he would need to get a blow job with all of the planet's royalty and interplanetary guests watching. At first he thought about Golard who had been behind him all morning but he didn't want to embarrass the boy in front of his family's lord and lady. Looking around the hall he thought about having seen Annabella and Chiron earlier, would they have brought Aioles along?

He took a chance that they had. He tried to repeat the whistle that Chiron had taught him to use when he needed to call his son. He barely turned around the whole way looking for the colt before he felt his cold nose poke between his buns. Aioles barely had time to swallow Tristan's cock before the human was shooting stream after stream of cum in his mouth. They both glowed from the pleasure as the officials called to the planetary reps that had been sent to test his ability to transition from a human into another being

He was lead away from the platform where he had been eating to one of the gliding platforms he had ridden around the hall. It rose up about three feet. One by one the different species stood before him as he was instructed to mimic each of the beings. As he transitioned the kit bounced around in their sac, he did his best to keep them quiet but they were close to wanting out of his body and found it easy to disobey his wishes.

The line of species had started with a Flovan and ended with the representative from Cano Zeert, Tristan had no difficulty mimicking the seven species of aliens, he had practiced doing them while at the Intergalipol school training them for interplanetary work. After he showed the ability to transition into each of the species that representative was directed down a stairway into a pit that had been opened in the center of the hall. To calm the kit Tristan transitioned into the female form that would ultimately give birth to them.

"As you all know, the subject brought before you to become the Quean has one more trial.

"Tristan, you are allowed to choose one of the alien forms you have shown here today when you descend the stairs to the Death Pit. The other planets from this arm of the galaxy have sent carefully selected members of their police or armies, men that they believe can survive a one on one battle to death with the King's chosen Quean. There will only be one weapon allowed in the pit, whoever is holding it when you descend the stairway will be the first contestant attempting to kill you.

"You may attempt to take the Death rod from the representative or you can attempt to defend yourself using only your hands and feet." Tristan didn't know if the extra strength that he had been granted by Chiron XX extended to being in other bodies other than the ability to fly as a Pegasus. He looked the official in the eyes and told him that he preferred to remain as a male human. He had no interest in killing but if that was the only way he was to survive the day he would do his best to kill the seven opponents waiting for him in the Death Pit. The Prince had warned him the previous night that he would need to kill to prove his worthiness.

Golard had shown him the possible non-energy based weapons that could be used inside the palace taking a few minutes to display their use without allowing him to touch them. He was sure that the other contestants in the Death Pit had some degree of proficiency with the weapons just as he would if they were on Earth. Thinking about Earth that way made him long for his Brother, why hadn't Rey-nod arrived on Tepocah with the other officials that were in attendance?

"It is time for you to enter the Pit." He had sat long enough for the kit to settle in place. Just as he stood at the top of the stairway he asked why the seven beings in the pit had the advantage of wearing clothes when he was to battle for his life naked.

It had been so long since there had been a Death Pit event that the Officials hadn't thought of that problem. The White Official that was standing by his side went to speak with the other Fairies, passing on Tristan's concern, a few minutes after conferring the Red Fairy flew into the Death Pit and told the seven planetary representatives that they needed to shed their clothing before they decided which of them would take the weapon and stand against the human that the King of the Empire had selected to be the Quean. The representatives didn't grumble or complain, moments later they stood in a group to compete for the Death rod that had been selected as the weapon that would be available for the battle.

The group decided that the Tezan should be allowed the first swings of the rod at the human being tested for the prestigious position of Quean. They separated, allowing Tristan to see that he would be battling a Tezan that was nearly a foot taller than his King and easily a hundred pounds heavier. Tristan stood at the top of the stairs for a moment assessing his first opponent then took the forty steps into the Pit deciding how he planned on fighting the Tezan. His plan went to Hell the moment he took the last step off the stairway.

He survived the first lunge the Tezan took by accidentally slipping to the side. Once he was back on his feet he was easily able to wrench the rod from the Tezan's hands and using one of the sharp ends wound him on the foot. Wounded, the Tezan was a poor opponent. The first kill was not simple for Tristan but he had braced himself for that moment although he wasn't prepared for the burning hot fountain of blood that sprayed him from head to crotch.

The Tezan hadn't stopped spasming when the Canod rushed at Tristan. He appeared ready to bite into Tristan's neck but his desire for blood made him lick at the Tezan's fluid as it flowed down Tristan's chest. He hated to kill the Canod remembering the joy one had given him at the orgy at Major Mangrel's. The Death Rod was as lethal as the name had made him believe, pulling it from the Canod's heart it whipped around and sliced off the Enlil's left leg. Before he could move to kill the Enlil the being was removed from the pit, A Neanine grabbed the rod and for five minutes battled for possession of the killing weapon, they had swung the weapon wildly in their battle wounding at least two more of the opponents waiting their turn.

Even using all the extra strength granted him by Chiron, Tristan was slowly losing the battle with the Neanine. Tristan knew he was losing energy, he deliberately fell in such a way that one end of the Death rod pierced the Griffin as he turned to avoid the battle. Three down and four to go Tristan let go of the rod and swung behind the Neanine ramming him against the free end of the Death Rod. He didn't wait for the Neanine to die, hitting the floor as he dropped off the Neanine's back he rushed the Enlil that had replaced the wounded representative. Having spent time with Alex had given him knowledge of the Enlil's weaknesses, he went straight for the throat, it took two minutes but the Enlil died in his hands.

It would be good to tell you what Tristan was feeling or thinking as he was once more attacked but in reality he had long passed that point. The ancients had called his state of mind many things over the millennia, often warriors had taken substances to help them arrive at that state of mind His bloodthirst had the attendees staring in wonder as the pit became littered with the bodies of those that had been expected to kill the young human. Only a Pegasus and a Phrotine stood waiting to face Tristan one on one.

Looking at the pair still waiting to battle him Tristan was half-way brought out of his delirium, only enough that his sexual lust surfaced enough that he choose to face the Phrotine, last: that after killing the equine he could master the Phrotine and holding his face to the bloody floor he would be able to force himself on the beauty that the planet had sent to distract him.

The Pegasus after watching the other representatives killed was smart and attempted to use his wings to avoid being caught by the human, he circled the Pit much like the Fairies had the upper level of the hall. Tristan launched himself from the bottom step high enough that he was able to catch onto one wing and pull himself onto the equine. Once seated on the equine's back it didn't take him long to wrap his arms around the powerful neck and choke his victim until he was no longer breathing.

He disentangled the Death Rod from the two bodies stuck on the sharpened ends. Holding the bloody rod above his head he proudly stepped to the center of the circular pit, gently stroking his cock until it stood fully erect he peered at his next opponent smiling at the thought of the Phrotine's tight asshole massaging his entire length while in his death throes. Tristan was pleasantly surprised seeing the Phrotine becoming erect solely by watching him stroke his cock, he wondered if the Phrotine would approach him and surrender to the phallus he had allowed to enlarge to nearly twice his normal length and girth. He had learned that all Phrotines were bisexual from birth and were nearly all willing to allow a larger cock dominate them.

"If you wish to survive the Death Pit kneel in front of me with your asshole exposed to all of your fellow attendees. I would rather fuck you to death than use this rod to pierce your heart.

"Do you prefer I pierce your ass or your chest?"

It was evident to Tristan that the Phrotine was feeling his own lust looking at the enormous cock less than two feet away from him.

Next: Chapter 22

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