Trans Twins

By Bruce Turner

Published on Aug 27, 2022


Trans Twins

Chapter Nineteen

Apologies to those that have been following this story. I've again had computer troubles causing me to lose track of where I was while writing. I hope that I am able to pick up the story without repeating myself too much. The difficulty there is that I have lost a chapter on the old computer, what I remember that may have been from earlier chapters not the lost one? Please bare with me as I proceed into the unknown, Tristan is even more desperate to get fucked nearly forgetting how it feels to have Pierre pounding him into their mattress.

"Tristan, thank you for talking to my Uncle. I wouldn't have wanted to show up at the farm without having his personal invitation. Uncle Chiron values the privacy he gives his patients, I had heard a rumor that Pegasus was healing there so I knew better than to just show up on your invitation. When he told me that Annabella was also recuperating I was doubly glad that I hadn't taken you up on your invitation, he will need too warn her that I will be going to be there. She thinks I am betraying the family by teaching this class and any of the others I have taught about our history, especially when she learned that there are members of the classes that are not Centaurs."

"Why would she feel that way about you teaching Centaur history when she is a unicorn?"

"Unicorns and Centaurs have been members of the same families for millennium.. I would suppose that is enough reason. Or possibly it is that she has a son that she is afraid will be a Centaur not a Unicorn and her species will end with her with no one that will want to learn about the many years they have lived here and on Earth."

"Is Aioles her only son?"

"Yes, she has two unitaur children. Unfortunately that means she will never have unicorn grandchildren."

"How is it that she is so calm about her son being attracted to me both orally and anally? I would think she would be more upset that he wants to suck my cock every time we are together, whether there is one of his parents around or not." Tristan wasn't proud of himself telling Aioles' cousin about how greedily the young colt sucked his cock however if he was going to visit he wouldn't want the professor to be shocked at seeing Aioles running after his cock every time the buzzer sounded which would probably be shortly after he arrived.

"Please settle down, the lecture today will take most of our time together so I need to get started. Any of you that sit during class please move to the rear of the room and find a seat on the raised portion of the floor. All centaurs please move forward to the main portion of the room so that those sitting are able to see over your heads," Tristan wasn't pleased that the centaurs wouldn't be close to him for the class, generally he had been using the times in the lectures that he found boring or he already knew to view the few equine cocks that would accidentally slide out of their sheaths.


"On Earth giants and titans have taken a place in mythology. Only the Flovians know the true story of the migrations the Titans and Giants took from their home planet. They were one of the first species to develop as sentient beings following the Flovians. We claim this only as being true in this arm of the galaxy. History of sentient beings will be rewritten when the portal to the Scutum-Centarus arm of the galaxy is finished allowing two way travel to planets that claim to have been populated for millions of years longer than any in the Perseus arm.

"When the pre-titans first began communicating with the Flovians is not documented on either planet. What has been documented is suspect since the beings that were first exiled to Earth have made claims of their godliness while what was written about them on their own planet calls them violent criminals. At the time of the first exile Earth was uninhabited by more than single cell amoeba. The land was barren, the continents were combined in ways that seem impossible when we look at Earth now. Even the atmosphere on the planet was incapable of supporting advanced life forms such as currently populate the land.

"The first two pre-titans that were transported to Earth by the Flovians were Gaia and Uranus. There is much controversy about the pair, whether they were mother and son, husband and wife, brother and sister or some other variety of relations is not known. Gaia was from the very beginning a Mother to the land while Uranus although male gave birth to the mother of the sea. They created plants and animals to populate the Earth often finding themselves at odds and needing to destroy what the other had created.

"There were millions of years during which they were transported to other planets in the same solar systems as Earth during which they had little to no success. Approximately four million years ago Gaia conceived twelve children, they were known as the Titans. As they grew and joined their parents, development of Earth rapidly proceeded.

"It is thought that was when Gaia and Uranus choose to remain on Earth permanently. The oldest written description of the pair says that they were close to a mile tall and weighed many tons. The description calls Gaia matronly not beautiful like the Phrotines who were created later by the Flovian scientists that were seeing what they could do with the genes of different species. We think they were working with the genes of Tezan Fairies and Enlil females. Back to the Titans.

"Gaia ruled Earth for millions of years. She was described as being both motherly and cruel. Incest was the only way her children had to express themselves sexually. As we know that is problematic in that there are often mutations when brothers and sisters have children. The first mutation that showed itself was that not all the females bore more titans, rather they bore children that were smaller, the Earth Giants.

"It was with one of the giants that she gave birth to Chronos and Zeus. Zeus led a war against his Mother/grandmother until she finally accepted him as the supreme god for Earth. He then lead a war against the remaining Titans wiping them from the face of Earth. With his Grandmother Zeus created the humans that now live on Earth. The giants scattered from Olympus afraid that Zeus would next start warring on them. That would have been close to fifty or sixty thousand years ago. They caused many problems for both the humans and the Olympian gods.

"Not everything the giants did was evil or destructive. In many parts of the planet they would band with the humans to create wonderful monuments to both their leaders and powerful humans. They had not been created to work so helping the humans in this way eliminated many thousands of them. During that time they also began breeding with other species, not just human. The interbreeding was nearly the end of the giants on Earth. There were reports of huge half human, half human beings on every continent by every civilization.

"We fought alongside humans in both the area around Greece and Egypt. The Sphinx fought alongside the humans over most of what is now Asia, both on land and in the air. In the Americas the Griffin transformed themselves into the prehistoric Pterodactyls to chase the beings into the mountains where they took to great caves to survive the wars.

"Giants from fifteen to twenty five feet in height survived and in some places coexisted with the natives, in others they fought for hundreds of years leaving mostly only descendants that are seldom seen. They are neither as tall or intelligent as their ancestors, still they have survived for thousands of years without humans being able to capture or eliminate them from Earth. Humans are unable to prove their existence since there are at least three subspecies, there is a nearly pure white species living in the tallest mountains of Earth very seldom seen, called the Yeti. The other two sub-species are mostly congregating in the northern continent in the west, the larger of the two is nearly fifteen feet tall and close to weighing a ton they are usually a shiny black that allows them to fade into the shadows. The other sub-species is seen over the entire continent, they are seldom more than eight feet tall weighing three to four hundred pounds. That last sub-species is completely covered in a brownish red hair, some scientists think they are descended from the red-haired giants that fought the natives for control of the continent for more than ten thousand years."

The class interrupted Rodrigo with more scientific questions than he was prepared to answer. A few of the students had heard stories of Gaia giving birth to gods and beings that inhabited Earth when the human population was only beginning to grow beyond what could live in the tribal villages. Tristan was amazed at the stories of Gaia that were already known to the young centaurs, the Pesky Prince was the student that knew the least about Earth and the history of the giants among humans. Between amazement and curiosity he asked Rodrigo more questions than all of the other students combined. While listening to the answers he moved his seat closer to Tristan seeking verification of the professor's tales of the giants.

"Tristan, will you go out to dinner with me?" Tristan was shocked that the Tezan was forward enough to ask him out even though they had already had sex. The thought of getting Terry's hot tongue back in his asshole almost made him collapse in the hallway. There was no way he was not going to answer the Prince in the affirmative. If only he hadn't left the lecture to get Aex to empty his balls in the restroom, he would have felt more as his cock stood straight out lifting his kilt and offered it to Terry before they left the building.

"I will pick you up at Chiron's farm." How he knew where Tristan was living was more than he could understand, they had not spoken enough that Tristan would have given him that information.

"Shall I dress casual or do you plan on being more formal and royal?"

"You can wear the kilt and jewelry that you wore to class the first day. That is formal enough for any place in this city."

Tristan had not eaten anywhere away from Chiron''s other than at the basic street vendors. He lay out his clothing then went to find Chiron XX to learn where the Prince might be taking him that he would not be out of place wearing the royal kilt and necklace. The Centaur told him about the only two places where he would be appropriately dressed in the wealth of the early Egyptians. One of the places was a new spot recently opened by a Phrotine priestess the other belonged to Annabella, it had been the only restaurant that had catered to the wealthy and royal visitors.

"If the Prince told you that the Egyptian kilt and necklace will be formal enough, he plans on taking you to one of those restaurants. There have been rumblings of riots tonight, if you have the choice try to have him take you to Annabella's Place, it is more secure plus there is a private area that will allow you to fly away if the restaurant is compromised by the rioting." Chiron XX assumed he would shirt into eithe a Griffin or Sphinx.

Tristan wished the schedule would have allowed him to wait for the Prince, he badly longed to have the Tezan impale him on his burning hot tongue. He wasn't completely upset that he was on a farm and Aioles had come running as soon as he heard the outdoor shower begin running. The young Centaur/Unicorn pressed Tristan against the outer wall of the house where he was able to hold him as he dove onto the human's cock. Alex had heard the buzzer also, he found the pair wet and engaged, like Aioles he enjoyed getting Tristan in the shower. He had been waiting for next time his charge was to need his balls emptied, unhappy that Aioles had gotten to Tristan's cock first he slid under the pair to get at the balls he knew Tristan enjoyed having him worship.

Being in a shower had generally slowed his need to cum with the youth and the Enlil greedily working to make him cum and thinking about the possibility of having Terry probing his ass with his long, thick and hot tongue he hadn't noticed that Aioles had been pushed out of the way by his Father until he reached down to stroke his face. It had been at least the second time that Chiron had pushed his son away from Tristan's cock, they both wondered what was happening, was the older Centaur becoming addicted to cum? Or was it Tristan that he was addicted to, he hadn't pushed the idea but he wanted to fuck the young human again.

Aioles nipped at his Father's rear flank and ran off to join his cousins that had just arrived at the barn.

Alex and Tristan were drying each other off when Chiron started to leave. At the corner of the house he warned them that there had been at least two families join the farm and more would be there before the evening was over. The extended family was planning on making its stand on the farm, he didn't think the young Centaurs planning to riot would go that far out of the city but that the family would be prepared should they.

Once in the room they were using Alex dropped to his knees after understanding that Chiron had not completely emptied the cum from Tristan's balls. He spent five minutes draining the last of what he thought was the best treat until Tristan warned him that if he kept it up he would be getting his second load of piss that day. Alex was jealous that Tristan would be leaving the farm with the Prince, the warning had him look at Tristan and letting him know that he was ready for the hot drink. Tristan was pleased that Alex was willing to take his second load of piss that day, not only did he enjoy spraying his piss in the Enlil's mouth, he also enjoyed seeing Alex shine after swallowing every drop Tristan gave him to drink.

Alex always wanted Tristan to look well attended, whether it was going to his class or meeting with an official in the city. The royal Egyptian kilt was kept clean, Alex would be certain to press the linen as smooth as possible before he would wrap Tristan in the bejeweled cloth. The diamonds were always shiny, every time he wrapped Tristan with the cloth he would need to spend a half hour polishing the lapiz to a high shine so he was proud of the way his charge appeared.

Alex spent time between wearings keeping the jeweled necklace and armbands gleaming as bright as they were supposed to be. Then properly placing them around Tristan's neck and arms taking his time to be certain they were not tangled. He would smooth out the three pieces then carefully wipe away any trace of his fingerprints. The process of getting dressed by another was so unlike the way he grew up and spent his years at school that he imagined that he was being treated the way the actual royal Egyptians had. Before he was fully dressed Alex would have one of Phrotine maids brush his hair, he never wore his hair tied back when in the royal attire, instead his hair would flow freely over his shoulders and back.

He would have preferred not to wear shoes or sandals, Alex insisted on tying the ancient leather sandals up his calves. Tristan found them extremely uncomfortable but didn't complain seeing that he would be in a restaurant that evening. For the final touch before he declared Tristan fully prepared to meet his date Alex used the optic razor to clear his legs of any stray hair all the way from his feet to his asshole, knowing well that his charge would do what he could to get the bastard Prince's tongue servicing him in and out; Tristan had gloated about the hot tongue that had worked his asshole that day in the spa and more since.

Other than his nearly white hair and lack of makeup Tristan appeared to actually be a royal Egyptian. He thought it had been wise of him to attempt getting his skin tanned, he didn't know if the Egyptians in the ancient days were as dark as they were when he was there during his one trip through the Middle East. What he did know was the tan showed off his hair and the white kilt to their maximum. Rodrigo and his Uncle Theo had arrived at the farm to hunker down for the length of the riots, they both commented upon the royal attire and laughed that he should be wearing a crown. Tristan let them know that the Great Sphinx had presented him with a crown but just because he was going on a date with a Prince wasn't a good reason to wear it. He wouldn't want his date thinking he was higher on the royalty scale.

Tristan had never been asked out on a date. Any time he had gone on a date on Earth he had been the one to ask the other person out. He was more nervous than he had ever been to be alone with one man. He wasn't certain whether it was because Terry is a Prince or because he didn't know what was expected of him by the Tezan. Then again it might have been that he would be going to one of the most elegant and expensive places in the city. He attempted to ask Rodrigo and Theo about the proper way to act in the classy restaurant. Neither of them had eaten there so they were unable to give him any assistance.

Chiron XX and Annabella trotted out from the stable just as The Prince arrived in a spectacular chariot pulled by six muscular Pakabans, they were the most handsome Pakabans Tristan had seen since his first encounter with the taxi haulers outside the slave market. Until then he had thought the species was all short and built like a chicken's egg, the Prince had found handsome/muscular youth to pull the royal chariot, young men that made the chariot sparkle even brighter than the highly polished silver and jewels. Tristan had never been intimidated by any of the royalty on the foreign planets but as Terry stepped out of the chariot he was left speechless.

Tristan had heard of the strange variety of diamonds and rubies that were mined on Tepocah, not only were they many times the size of the jewels found on Earth but they were found in strips of the jewel from six to twelve inches long and wider than a two carat diamond. The Prince was also in a kilt, it was the royal, Tepocahan blue, shorter than the one that Tristan wore but long enough that he didn't show anything but leg. Every couple inches there was a stripe of either a pink ruby or a clear stripe of diamond that glowed a light blue from the stunning background of the kilt. Around his neck was a matching collar about four inches high. The Prince also wore a crown of rubies and diamonds mounted in what Tristan took to be platinum.

Chiron XX greeted the Prince with a royal bow. They spoke for a few minutes before Chiron led the Prince around the chariot to properly introduce him to Tristan. Tristan almost laughed, after-all he had already agreed to go on a date with the man. Mounting the chariot, viewing the six nearly perfect butts and smooth backs he thought if the riots were on Earth protesting the wealth inequality he would more likely be joining the rioters than passing by them in such wealth. Terry tried to ease Tristan's stiffness, they had already had sex so why was the Earthling so stiff and quiet?

"Chiron convinced me to take you to Annabella's Place. He promised that we would be safer from the rioters there than anywhere else in the city. Even if the rioters broached her security he promised that we could use her personal courtyard to fly away. Can you really carry me on your back through the air?"

"Why would I need to do that? You could turn into a Fairy."

"That's true but I can't fly far in that form."

"Are you lighter as a Fairy than the way you are right now?"

"I have never checked. Why are we talking about escape when we haven't even entered the restaurant?

"Tristan, I was very shy about asking you out. Thank you for accepting without making a scene about my royalty."

"Don't you think the way we are dressed is making a scene about that? I am more a casual kilt and gold nipple piercings than diamonds and lapiz type of guy." "With nothing under the kilt, right?"

"Other than my date's head."

"Don't worry, we'll get to that point." At that point Tristan relaxed, he hadn't known how he was going to ask a member of the royalty to ligk out his asshole.

They were greeted by a formally attired human. He handed them over to a Phrotine dressed in the sheerest cloth Tristan had ever seen, fortunately she had removed all hair. They walked down an overhead walkway, looking down on more sparkle and .glitter than Tristan imagined being in one place other than a royal palace. Mostly the dining room was filled with Centaurs, there were both Phrotines and Enlils serving them. One corner of the room to the right held two tables surrounded by Griffins. As they passed over the other diners there were some curious diners that looked up, Tristan wondered whether they were curious about who was on that level or were trying to get a glimpse under their kilts or the Phrotine's gown.

They entered a room that was blocked off by what had seemed to be a transparent gauze with stripes of silver only to find themselves completely invisible to those outside. Two Enlil men guided them to their table, properly pulling out their chairs and helping them to get seated at the round table. Mere seconds later the two Enlil brought a platter covered in a brightly covered selection of vegetables and cheeses that were new to Tristan, throughout the training he had been told to try new foods so he did. He had been shocked that the waiters were wearing short togas that were utterly see through, like the Phrotine hostess/drink server they had removed what little hair they might have grown. Having spent time with Alex he knew the men would not have had much hair, but enough that would have been unacceptable to show off at the table, it would have distracted from the perfect picture their cock and balls made through the cloth.

Terry suggested that with the possibility of getting caught in the riot they should avoid any heavy liquor, they ordered some wine and promised to stay sober. Tristan was not used to wine although since entering the clinic he had been attempting to switch his dinner drink from beer to the lighter drink that seemed to be ser ved on every planet in the galaxy. Terry had pre-ordered their dinner so they wasted no time reading the dining cube, they found it easy to converse with one another speaking of everything from their class together to their mutual ability to transition forms. Tristan was forward, throwing in propositions about what he enjoyed having his sexual partner do to him.

They were nearly finished with the appetizer patter when the Enlil returned to the dining room having shed their togas. Tristan didn't know if they were on the menu although Terry didn't so much as stroke their half hard cocks as they set a Quad-o-phile in the center of the table having to bend far enough that their asses were fully on display to the pair.

"I didn't know from hearing about the overpopulation of Earth whether humans have become mainly vegetarian or if you are still omnivorous." The Quad-o-phile held two different meant dishes and two vegetable casseroles. At first Tristan thought it was a display of royal arrogance, Terry had run his hand up the Enlil's leg and buried it between the young mans butt cheeks. He thought for a moment that he would like to feel up the Enlil on his side of the table, he held off unwilling to be rude on the first date he had with the Prince. Terry dismissed the servers before speaking.

"I had to bribe the servers to remove their togas. It was an undeserved test to see if you were here solely for sex or if you wanted to be with me. I apologize for putting you in such an awkward position (Tristan hadn't felt awkward, he had been pleased to be looking straight at the server's asshole and had thought he would try to proposition him if given the opportunity) I have been taught to be careful about who I make friends with due to the title."

"I often feel the same, more now students or mutants are willing to spread their legs for me just to been seen with me. They hoped that would help them get better positions within the organization. At times I found it difficult to refuse a man with either a beautiful butt or cock, with you I couldn't resist the heat of your mouth and tongue."

"So you did accept the date just for sex?"

"Not really. I have appreciated your questions and comments in Rodrigo's class and thought I would enjoy learning more about you. Sex was just a fall back since we had both already pleasured the other, especially you with your hot tongue burrowing in my asshole."

"That was the first time that I have ever put my tongue to an asshole, at home it was considered to be below our standing in society."

"I hope you enjoyed it enough to learn that was a lie you were being taught."

"I may never tongue another man but I promise I learned that I could enjoy myself running my tongue in and out of YOUR asshole anytime we are together. I've had to battle my desire after every class we've attended."

"Is that a promise for later tonight?" Tristan was ready to drop his kilt and bend over the table for Terry as soon as the man stuck his tongue out at him. He thought he could feel the heat across the table, it caused his asshole to twitch more than ever. He hoped he was able to teach him how to please his ass with his fingers and cock just as much as he already could with the long, hot tongue.

When the servers returned to the room they had replaced their togas with a short kilt that barely covered the head of their cocks. They removed the Quad-o-phile and placed a small cup of broth in front of both diners.

"Tristan, I don't know about your preferences, but beware the broth is one of the spiciest-hottest dishes in the galaxy. Many Tezans can not swallow more than one small spoonful." He looked down at the utensil the server had placed on the platter beneath the cup. He doubted whether the spoon could hold a half teaspoonful of liquid. Terry sipped a small amount of the broth then returned his spoon to the cup while attempting to accommodate the spicy broth.

Tristan had never been boastful that he had grown up in Texas but the thought of the number of times he had bitten into Jalapenos without grimacing made him believe he would be able to take a full spoon of the broth. As soon as the liquid fire touched his mouth he knew just how wrong he was. The broth had been served with a bread that helped reduce the fire in his mouth, Terry laughed at his antics reminding him that he had been warned. He skipped the remainder of the cup, reduced to watching the Tezan Prince taking small sips of the broth for at least ten minutes until the servers returned with a green salad and remove the cups of broth. Neither of the men were salad eaters so they pushed the plates to the side talking about the few explosions they had been hearing in the distance.

Moments after the salad was served the Host ran into the room and shouted that they needed to leave the building. The Enlil were right behind the host, they each took one of the diners by a hand and lead them through a hidden doorway through the gauze wall covering, then through a hidden tunnel to Annabella's private courtyard where they would be able to transition without being seen.

"May we please go with you? There are hundreds of rioters battering down the doors, we are afraid they will kill all the non-centaurs in the restaurant." The Prince looked at him for an answer with a look that appealed to his empathy.

"Terry, I can shift them into Pegasus. Then you can ride on my back. Does that sound agreeable to you?" At that moment there was a message sent to the courtyard for Tristan, telling him not to return to the farm it was surrounded by the rioters, everyone was in full battle. He would have ignored the warning and joined the battle but his training in law enforcement overrode that thought, he needed to protect the Prince even if not asked.

"Do you think the place you are staying in will be attacked?"

"I doubt it. The Princess employs a full squad of Huitzil special forces to guard her palace. It is known throughout the city that she is off planet with her Father looking for the perfect husband. I think it's known I am staying there but only our fellow students know who I am." The Prince seemed fairly sure the Princess' palace would be safe for all of them. Tristan was glad he had learned the ability to transition more than one other being at a time. He wasn't sure the young Enlil would have the strength to fly as far as needed but he hoped to get them to safety, if necessary they could stop long enough for him to shift them into beings the Fairy could hold while on his back.

He had seen Fairies before that evening although none of them had shone as brightly as Terry. He was as light as a child on his back, Tristan had dozens of licentious thoughts when the Prince laid his hands alongside his neck to find a way to hold himself upright. Until then all his thought had involved the Tezan's tongue, as they flew over the city his thoughts were all of fucking the Fairy, if anyone had looked up under the trio of Pegasus they would have been shocked to see the extremely long erection bouncing under Tristan.

"Sir, do you think we could take all of your cock while we are in this form?" Tristan hadn't understood that the Enlil were not only performing because of Terry's bribe, only then did he understand that they would gladly give their bodies to the pair. He didn't want to miss the opportunity to fuck a Pegasus however he was lusting after the Fairy on his back. Perhaps there would be another opportunity while they avoided the rioters in the Princess' palace. He didn't know that the Prince hoped to monopolize his time and body. He wasn't prepared to spend more than a few of his required sexual episodes with his cock in the Prince, he was used to variety and didn't want to change afraid that he would make Pierre jealous if he thought there was another man in his life. That reminded him that he would need to try contacting his man later than evening.

The palace was the largest building he had seen since leaving the clinic. It was not nearly as tall but it had a footprint at least three times the Intergalipol's headquarters. They landed behind the center of the palace where Tristan easily shifted the three Pegasus back to their original forms. Terry had remained as a Fairy watching him transform the Enlil and himself, mesmerized by the nearly two foot long erection that was the last part of Tristan that changed to its original human form.

"You look enamored of the Pegasus' huge cock. Is that what you really like?"

"I have never held an erection that length in my hand, mouth or ass. I have no idea if I am able to receive such a blessing."

"Perhaps later we should find out." He hadn't told the Prince about his need to have his balls emptied every six hours but the time would soon come when it would be necessary. He still wasn't certain Terry wanted what he needed, he had planned on using the boys on the farm as a fall back if Terry wouldn't cooperate willingly. At least the Enlil would be willing so when the triplets communicated their joy in having ridden so far and their growing thirst he switched to thinking about which of the trio he was going to have satisfy the young Sphinx, unaware that Terry had plans of his own.

"To our left is the family quarters, we are only permitted there with a member of the family, none of them are on the premises now so please avoid going in there. I don't want to be dismissed from the palace. The portion of the Palace where we are now is the only public portion of the palace, while the Princess is in attendance we have shared this portion of the palace with her friends. There is a dining room for fifty, a master kitchen large enough to prepare food for four times that many guests, a ballroom that easily holds a few hundred dancers and various other rooms for entertainment.

"I have been living off to the right in the guests' wing of the palace, normally it would hold close to forty or more couples. I haven't ever counted the number of bedrooms there are at least twenty on the main floor with I presume as many on each of the other two floors. There is a theater room, a ballroom for practice that will hold at least twenty couples, a dining room for fifteen, another kitchen, balconies off every other room on the second and third floor, I haven't counted but there are at least ten gathering rooms for guests seeking the company of each other less formally than in the central portion of the palace, there are drinking rooms, card rooms and much more that you will see as I give you the tour. I hope there will be everything you might want. The only shortcoming I can think of is that the kitchen staff and maids were all sent to one of the other palaces for the month. I have been cooking for myself if I am not eating elsewhere, I won't make you suffer my food so if any of you can cook please let me know and I will give you a kitchen tour."

"Prince, I will gladly cook for the four of us but I have no clothing to protect myself in the kitchen." Tristan hadn't even thought about the fact that the Enlil had lost their clothing in the transitioning processes, he was pleased to see that the Enlil that had spoken had a longer and thicker cock than Alex although his desire too suck cock did not match the kits' desire for cum he was ready to give the young Enlil a good blow job, plus one look at his hairless butt had him sure he had found one place to empty his balls over the next few days.

"We will need to work to pay you back for the safe haven during the riots. I will pitch in and do whatever else needs done, whether that is housekeeping or serving our meals." Looking sternly at the younger Enlil he offered any part of their bodies to their host and the Earthling. Terry let them know that he expected us to use their assholes daily so he expected the boys to keep them clean both inside and out. Tristan was glad that Terry knew that Enlils would only clean themselves out if told it was expected of them, Alex had taught him that not even the most dedicated of the gay Enlils cleaned their asses unless their partners demanded it.

They left the boys examining the kitchen, pantry and dining room. It was getting close to the time for the buzzer to go off, he knew because the kits were getting restless. Terry led him into the room he had been using since the princess had allowed him to use the palace. Tristan had hoped to explain the buzzer and the triplets before they had sex but they were barely in the room when the buzzer went off. He was embarrassed at not warning Terry but quickly calmed down and pulled the Tezan Prince beside him on the bed and told him the entire story including the fact that the triplets might be a Griffin and two Sphinx.

"I wasn't going to ask you to marry me. Do the Sphinx really believe you will take their young to Earth?"

"They are of the wild opinion that humans will welcome alien rulers again. I would have thought they had been following the progress of Earth the way the Interplanetary Council had but I suppose their ego won't allow them to believe humans have progressed to where they believe they are capable of ruling themselves without the interference of aliens or gods."

"But you didn't abort the kit. Why not?"

"I had mixed feelings about that. On Earth men do not bare the children, the few times I knew of when a male carried a child were due to an interruption in a transgender transition from female to male and a couple experiments the gender clinics had performed. I had talked with my twin when we were still teenagers about the idea, he thought he would love to carry a child although he worried about the pain of childbirth. Back then I had no desire to have children growing inside me. I wished I was a le to transfer the kit into him but knew better.

"For the first few weeks I was watched over carefully by the Griffin, the Major who was allowing me to stay on his compound had chosen me to be the man the Sphinx would impregnate. Only part of that was the way I look, I think the fact I worked with/for the Intergalipol was just as important, they wanted a parent that would have the experience of dealing with all of the Perseus wing of the Galaxy. My ability to transition into a female made them believe that I would be able to give birth to the twins naturally. One of the exercises I need to do is transitioning into a mature woman that has already given birth so the birth canal will not tear apart when the time comes for the kit to be born.

"Once I arrived here I spoke with Chiron XX, he and Theo examined me and the kit determining that it was too late to attempt an abortion. I have less than five weeks to go before the expected date. That is honestly the main reason I am still here, the doctors talked me out of flying again. I hope we can reexamine that idea next week when the inter-arm portal is finished all the way to Earth." He hoped that Terry didn't think he was trying to get away, he could barely wait for the Picky Prince to pierce his asshole with his tongue again. As smoothly as he was able he rolled onto his stomach and lifted himself up on his knees and elbows.

Next: Chapter 20

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