Trans Twins

By Bruce Turner

Published on May 29, 2022


Trans Twins

Chapter Fourteen

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Tristan was accompanied to the signing celebration by Horus back in his shape as a Sphinx, they didn't speak much going down the ramp to the room where he had watched the Council meeting. When they arrived there were Sphinx and Griffins from all over Grinix mixing and speaking about the moment. As soon as he entered the room Alex was by his side adjusting his neck piece so that the rubies were directly on his nipples and the skirt so that it wasn't riding too high up his legs and showing the head of his cock. Tristan was thinking about the last of Khynm's instructions, he wasn't to allow anyone fuck him for the next couple months, sure he could be satisfied just fucking others and getting his cock sucked but he was going to miss having Pierre making love to him.

He wondered what the man was going to think about him carrying two fetuses inside him, he was just getting adjusted to being with a man rather than women like he had been with for twenty-one years. Well at least as long as he had been interested in sex. He had acknowledged the fact that Tristan would be having sex once he arrived on Grinix but allowing himself to become pregnant? Pierre had been with him when asking the Major how a man was to avoid becoming pregnant by a Griffin, they had tried practicing what the Major had explained was the only known way, together.

Tristan wasn't as social as he should have been considering he was the guest of honor. When Horus made the announcement that Alex was being sent to the clinic as a law enforcement liaison he offered to take him on the yacht with he and his twin. The shine Alex had been displaying since they left the house that morning was fading, that reminded Alex that the Enlil needed refreshed, as soon as he was able he pulled Alex aside and suggested they find a spot where he could have a drink. Alex hadn't paid any attention to the fact the shine had been fading until Tristan suggested they go somewhere private, he had been too excited by the announcement that he would be heading to Earth.

"Tristan, we could leave. I won't have that much I'll want to take to Earth with me but I will still need to pack uniforms and casual clothing. I suppose I need to take personal hygiene items. Will I need to take home goods? How about reading material? A gift for the Admiral? Smaller items for the members of your class?"

"Alex, you have today and tomorrow to think about what you need to take with you. I suggest you speak with the Admiral when I let her know I will be stopping to speak with the Centaurs. She can tell you where you will be living and if you need anything for that. If you need a special piece of furniture or bedding I would suggest you take that since there will not be any of the places to buy them that you used either here or on Anki."

"You don't think I'll be living with you?"

"I don't know what Pierre will think about it but I hope that you can stay with us some nights. If you can't I'm going to miss what you do for me more than you can imagine, especially when you let that tongue all the way out of your mouth." Tristan was so hooked on the way Alex had gotten into eating his ass that he knew that there was nothing Pierre could do that would make him feel that good especially now that he wasn't to be fucked for a couple months.

"Tristan, while you are discussing heading back to Earth I should tell you that Khynm is arranging for one of his disciples on Earth to move to the clinic where he/she will be able to be your personal doctor for the next fifteen months. He doesn't think the Earth doctors will be able to monitor the growth of the kit and your health properly.

"I hope you took him seriously when he told you that you should find a woman that has given birth to at least one preferably more children. That way you will give birth naturally not have the kit cut out of you. Would you like to have his other instructions written down for you, I know today has been full and wouldn't want you to forget one of the instructions he gave you. After all we want my children to be healthy." Tristan was almost knocked over when the Great Golden Sphinx rubbed his head against his skirt. That was the first time that Tristan thought about the possibility that the kit would be anything other than healthy and happy, the Sphinx rubbing against him had raised his cock to its full height sliding between the front fold of the skirt.

"Come with me, we need to get you more properly covered." Horus had stepped in front of Tristan so that there was no one that would be able to see what had happened. Alex saw the pair moving towards the rear of the platform and followed them. He didn't know if it was that he wanted the human to be safe or if he was jealous but he wanted to do what Tristan had suggested earlier.

"Alex, Tatuhkep and I watched you pleasing Tristan at the Major's. Now that we know that he is carrying two of my kit there are going to be restrictions on how you may please him for the next few months. Khynm has instructed Tristan to not have anyone fuck him. He certainly enjoyed the way you used your tongue on his asshole but you need to speak with Khynm to see if he thinks you may continue doing it until he is allowed to be fucked again."

"Horus that may be one step too far. Alex will be allowed to lick my ass whether Khynm says it is okay or not. I will not deprive myself of that pleasure just to make you a Father." Tristan was surprised that he stood up to the Great Sphinx that emphatically. From the moment he had been called to the Council Head's office he had been subservient and willing to do what the gods had asked of him but not now.

"Fine but it will be up to Khynm to approve Alex inserting all of that green tongue inside of you, we don't want to take a chance you will lose my kit. Alex you are going to Earth under my orders not Tristan's, you will be given a copy of what he is allowed and not after you speak with Khynm." Horus had seemed to agree to Tristan's demand but he was not really ready to allow Alex to excite the human too much.

They had stopped in the hallway to the Patra Siprat's office. Alex went to straighten out the skirt but Tristan stopped him before telling him to kneel and open his mouth. No matter what the doctor said he could see no reason he would not be allowed to continue pissing in the Enlil's mouth and possibly his ass. Horus thought Alex was going to suck the man's cock but when he saw the piss begin to flow from Tristan's cock stood transfixed in awe at what the Enlil was willing to do for the human he had chosen for such an important mission.

"I don't care which of you does it but I need to have my cock sucked." After standing up to the Sphinx once he wasn't timid at all about the need to get his balls emptied. Hadn't the doctor told him that he was expected to keep his balls as empty as possible for the next fifteen months? Was it possible that was why Alex had been assigned to Earth? He didn't think about it much longer as the Sphinx pushed the Enlil out of the way and took Tristan's entire cock in one gulp. He wouldn't have done it where anyone at the celebration could have seen them but he had learned he liked the taste of man cum while performing the ceremony of mating.

Back in the main room Tristan told the Major that he wanted to leave and that Alex should be excused to clear out his living quarters. Major Mangrel grinned, he had seen how close Alex had been getting to the human and suspected that they wanted to leave for more than Tristan had said.

"Alex, Khynm is waiting for you in my office. Head up the ramp, he will have two written copies of the instructions he gave Tristan. Be sure to ask about what Tristan wants from you, if you can't agree to the restrictions please come back here and tell Major Mangrel, he will find someone else to accompany my kit." Alex had thought he was there to actually give his advice to the training and to accompany Tristan not be a baby sitter for the unborn kit of the Great Sphinx. For a moment he thought about refusing to go with Tristan but the taste of his ass was too much for him to deny himself now that he had learned to enjoy it. Besides, going to Earth had been his desire since he had been just a sapling listening to the stories his elders told about it.

The royal chariot was waiting for Tristan at the bottom of the stairs that no longer held the Griffins in the honor guard that had greeted him. Much of the crowd had disappeared but there was enough there to raise a thunderous greeting as he stepped out the great doors. The two Griffin that had placed the headdress and necklace on him were waiting in position. He was looking at the crowd wondering how much of what had happened in the last day they knew. Was the ceremony that had the two Sphinx fucking and sucking him known to the general population? Would have they been told that he was successfully bearing the kit of the Great Golden Sphinx?

Before he made his way to the top step the two Griffin stopped him. Ra and Toth stepped to his sides. Speaking in a language that his translator was unable to decipher for him the two god strapped two jeweled armbands on each of his upper arms. With the necklace and the armbands showing so many beautiful jewels he felt like a woman that had been crowned queen and given access to the royal treasury. Before entering the clinic the only jewelry he had ever worn was a silver band on his forefinger's first joint that he and Reynod had bought on a trip they took with their Mothers to a Renaissance Faire that celebrated the European Middle Ages of the previous Era. They had purchased the two bands promising that they would always be as close as they were that day.

The chariot ride back to the Major's compound was much quicker than getting to the Capital Building had been that morning. Tristan had wished he had the time to transition into a Griffin, the Sphinx being beyond the size Khynm had suggested he permit himself to shift into. Walking into the compound he was alone for the first time in days. Although he didn't know what the time would be in Galveston he decided he needed to speak to Pierre, the inter-galactic communication would cost more than he could have afforded but he had been given permission to communicate with Earth once a week while on Grinix that Intergalipol would cover.

He thought about undressing before calling his lover but then thought he wanted Pierre to see how his day had gone. It would be easier for him to explain being pregnant if Pierre saw the royal treatment that came with the honor. Would he tell Pierre that it was an honor? He would have to see how the conversation went. Video communicating was slower than just audio but he missed Pierre so much that he was willing to suffer the decrease in speed that would cause their conversation seem to be disjointed.

"That alone makes this worthwhile." Pierre had just stepped out of the wind chamber, his hair was going every direction but he wasn't about to care. He was more intent on stroking his erection in front of the bathroom mirror that stretched from floor to ceiling across it then down the other side.

"Finally. I have been waiting for this call everyday. I had to have Mr. Downing ask the Admiral if you were not injured. I must have bothered everyone here for information about your mission so much that I have not been allowed in class for two days.

"What is that you are wearing? A costume for a masquerade party?"

"You are looking at real items that would have been used in one of the earliest Dynasties of Egypt by a Pharaoh. There are so many jewels on this necklace that it must weigh at least five pounds. The headdress is not quite as heavy but a few pounds, too.

"I have been wearing them since early this morning when I entered the Capital building for a meeting of the Tailcoat Council of Elders. I thought at the time I was being dressed to be proper in front of the elders but it turned out that I was being honored with gifts.

"I am going to have to go around with the Intergalipol authorities again to be permitted to kept the gifts but fortunately they were given to me before Grinix actually joined the agency. I'm not that crazy about jewels but I would hate to have to give any of these up. Especially the necklace or the jewels on the skirt, I have become attached to those two items more than the crown or armbands."

"That seems like a overly generous gift to honor you for breaking up a ring of slave importers. Are slaves sold for that much on Grinix?"

"They are very expensive, especially humans and the Ganeshus. However these gifts are not just for that."

"What else have you done?" Pierre sounded worried that Tristan may have done something that would keep them separated forever.

"I hope this won't make you too angry. As part of getting Grinix to join Intergalipol I was convinced to allow two Great Golden Sphinx to impregnate me." He waited for Pierre to respond, the man didn't look like he was sure that Tristan was telling him the truth.

"What does that mean for us? Didn't Major Mangrel say that no one was allowed to leave Grinix if they were pregnant?"

"He did but this is a special, and I mean very special case.

"I was impregnated during a special ceremony meant to give Horus two kit that will return to Earth. I am carrying the kit of the gods so there is not anyone that could stop me from leaving Grinix if they wanted." It was out now he would have to try to minimize the problems it caused for them.

Even more upsetting to Pierre than the fact his lover was carrying the children of another being was the idea that he would be carrying them for fifteen months. The notice that the call was to be over buzzed, Tristan told Pierre he loved him before they were disconnected. He lay down in the courtyard after removing the honorary garb and jewelry. It had been a long time since he had been able to lay in the sun to get his skin toned.

Reynod was glad to be out of the slave market although he had enjoyed looking at the different species of beings that wandered by the pen holding Soul, Dindi, Andy and Atep. Unlike his twin he was not that crazy about the extra long erection that Dindi waved in his face nearly every evening after the crowds thinned. Still he wanted the young man to remain prepared for his twin with a fresh load of the thick cum he shot every time Tristan would come by the pen and allow him to fuck his ass.

Back on the 'Equality' waiting for Tristan to wrap up the mission he missed Andy and Dindi although Atep and Aoul more than willing to use his mouth three times a day and the Flovian pilot almost as often. Tristan hadn't contacted the 'Equality' since his twin had left Grinix, Reynod was worried about him but the Admiral had sent a message telling the 'Equality' that all was well, they should be ready for Tristan to board the ship in three days. She didn't say anything about him being pregnant or that Alex would be along with him.

The time he spent without his twin was nearly as sexual as the orgy that the Major held without the extra species wanting his mouth or ass. He didn't know that he should be thinking about the possibility that his brother would board the 'Equality' bearing two kit that had been fathered by the Great Golden Sphinx with the intent to once again rule Earth. If Reynod had known what was happening he would have tried extremely hard to talk his twin out of allowing it.

Reynod missed Pierre almost as much as Tristan, they weren't really lovers but he had been invited to join their love making so often it had that feeling. He especially missed sleeping three in Tristan's bed where he could have his brother's cock against his butt or in his hand, it wasn't as often that he slept next to Pierre but when he did the man was determined to fuck him whether he was willing or not. He had learned to start enjoying having a cock in his ass and would not object when either Pierre or Tristan entered him during the night.

The day Tristan learned that Alex would be accompanying him to Earth he spoke to his Brother and the Flovian to let them know it was time to leave. Reynod hadn't known that Tristan had aslready spoken to the Flovian about stopping on the journey home to visit the Centaurs. Reynod had been hoping that since the mission had taken so much less timed than scheduled that they would have time when they reached Earth to visit their Mothers. He was much more a Mama's boy than Tristan and was homesick from the time he left Earth's orbit headed to Mars.

Reynod hadn't told his twin but he was debating with himself about leaving Intergalipol so he wouldn't need to take any more of the extended trips away. When he had first signed on there had been a contract that he hadn't completely read, he didn't know the penalty for not fulfilling the three year time period he had signed on for. The training had been expensive so the agency was only protecting its assets when it had that written into the contract.

The only reason he hadn't already decided to leave was all the men that were so willing to have sex with each other. He had never been in a situation where there were so many willing partners, he and his twin had not been extremely social so he had never had the opportunity to go to any of the mass parties in Houston that were held primarily for gay men to meet others from all corners of the continent. They had heard about the gatherings but neither of them felt the need to see that many gay men since their attractiveness drew all the attention they wanted or needed every normal day.

Laying under the two suns by himself Tristan felt the need to speak to his twin. Reaching the 'Equality' meant he needed to be sure it was overhead, not on the other side of the planet. When he was able to connect with his Brother Reynod laughed at him, saying that he had been thinking about him and was using the scope that allowed him to him to home in on the Major's compound. He suggested it would be good to see Tristan masturbating. They kidded each other about all the sex they were having, Reynod was just a bit jealous of his Brother having been at a Griffin orgy with at least six other species of beings from the galaxy joining in.

"Haven't you been getting enough sex? Enlil never masturbate after they start having sex with another Enlil." Alex had been stunned to see Tristan laying in the center of the courtyard stroking his cock without anyone there to take his sperm.

"Reynod is overhead looking at me, he has missed seeing my cock. Would you like to show him how you suck me?" Tristan and Alex had put off the sex that Tristan wanted since Horus sent Alex to talk with the the medical god, Khynm. Tristan would have loved to have Alex show his twin how he was able to slide his tongue deep inside him but didn't know what Khynm had told Alex in private. Ev en though Reynod had never been that eager to be fucked he would be jealous to see the long tongue sliding into his Twin's asshole.

"Who is that with you?"

"This Alex, I thought you met him during the slave market when he was showing me around and trying to explain the different sexual practices of the different species that were attempting to buy the slaves. He will be coming to Earth with us, he has been assigned to the clinic by the authorities here on Grinix. We can talk about all the ways he is keeping my sex drive down while I'm away from Pierre, he is also supposed to watch over me for the next fifteen months."

"I saw him while I was there but he seems to be shining now not the matte green he was when I last saw him." The difference in brilliance was why Reynod had trouble recognizing the Enlil, Tristan wasn't sure he would like hearing him explaining to his twin the reason he was shiny now. He thought he should ask but it was his twin he was talking to, he had never kept a secret from Reynod even one as personal as this.

"Since I have been with him I have learned he has the ability to change color from his natural Kelly green to a pastel green that is almost colorless and from the flat skin tone to the shiny tone you are seeing right now. All the changes have to do with his body's ability to absorb sperm or piss, what you are seeing is the way he looks a few hours after drinking my piss."

"He is doing that willingly?"

"You know I have never forced anyone to anything sexual, consenting partners are much more fun." Tristan had never thought about raping anyone or forcing them to drink his piss when he knew he would sooner or later be able to convince them verbally.

"I don't know how you are always able to find the partners that will do anything you want. You must be a better fucker than I'm a sucker."

"Making an ass happy does much more to a being than satisfying his cock. I don't think I am going to have a happy asshole for a couple months, so I'm glad that Alex will be with Pierre and I to keep my other desires satisfied." He was getting close to cumming, Alex hadn't started to suck his cock but he was between his legs licking at his balls and the skin between them and his asshole. Tristan really didn't know how he would survive three months without having his asshole satisfied.

"It's time for me to take the prisoners their dinner. Once a day I take the food up to them, they are always happy to see me." He wanted to tell his twin the reason they were happy wasn't that the food was that good, he made his mouth available to any of them that had the desire up to four a day.

When the prisoners were first arrested Reynod thought he would want to stay as far away from them as possible. They were rather rough looking bipeds. He learned that they were of a homo species closely related to the Neanderthals. It was only after the second day that they were in the cages that he saw one of their cocks and changed his mind. The man had thrown away the prison garb he had been given yelling at the jailer that he wouldn't wear anything that smelled like humans. He was pressed up against the transparent bars with his cock hanging out into the space between cages.

At that point Reynod had not been getting enough sex. He had enjoyed the four boys that he was supposed to be selling at the slave market but on the Equality Atep was keeping to himself only sharing his body with Aoul. He was impressed with the thick cock hanging between the bars and silently walked up to the prisoner to grab it. He wasn't worried the Neanine would reject having a man touching him, at the clinic they had been taught that the Neanine were all bi-sexual.

Squeezing the thick cock he expected it to stand out or up, unlike any other cock he had ever had in his hand or mouth the Neanine's cock not only grew thicker and longer but curved downward as it grew. Reynod thought that was perfect, not only would it fill his mouth but with enough saliva it should slide down his throat.

"Suck it, human!" Reynod lost his hold on the cock as he backed up from the deep loud voice ordering him to suck the cock. It wasn't that the cock repulsed him or that he was unwilling to take it in his mouth, he still wasn't certain that he wanted to be that close to the brute ordering him around. The prisoner yelled at him a second time, that time reaching out and pulling Reynod towards him. They were in sync at putting him to the floor. Reynod barely had time to open his lips before the Neanine had the uncut head of his cock rubbing against them. Of all the ways he had ever sucked a cock Reynod preferred to be allowed to do the work on his own, the Neanine wanted to fuck Reynod's mouth. He grabbed Reynod by his short hair and forced his cock halfway into his mouth pulled his head back and on his second lunge forced the heavy cock into his throat.

Although he was having his mouth and throat fucked Reynod sucking and licked at the cock taking the Neanies furry balls in his hand and rolling them through his fingers. Other prisoners saw what was happening and started to hoot and holler or yell that they were next or for Glut to cream in the human's throat. Soon there were fifteen hard cocks poking out of the cages, all waiting for Reynod's mouth to take them. It had been two days since the Brute had last had sex with one of his slaves, he was enjoying Reynod's mouth and throat so much that instead of the normal half hour it would have taken for him to cream the throat he blasted a thick yellow load of foreign tasting cum in Reynod's mouth. He had pulled out of his throat and held his head in one spot while he filled the human's mouth, a moment later he pulled away so that he could show his fellow Neanines the load of cum that had started to leak down the sides of Reynod's chin.

"Show them how you swallow!"

That wasn't such an odd order. Nearly every male he had ever sucked off wanted him to swallow the cum they shot in his mouth or throat. The few that had pulled completely out of his mouth and shot on their body wanted him to lick it up and swallow. There had only been one male that had wanted him to share his own cum with him, he later learned that the male was dual-sexed and sharing his own sperm that way was how his species was able to get pregnant.

Reynod didn't know what to think about his twin being pregnant with the children of a Sphinx, not that it was a Sphinx so much as it was him carrying a fetus at all. They had both laughed at guys on Earth that had said they would like to be pregnant with their lover's child but Tristan had always said that he thought it was foolish. Still he was happy that he would be with his Brother again in another day even if he was.

There wasn't much for him or the boys to do on Equality since the Flovian pilot had made certain there were enough people to staff the ship under normal circumstances. Once they started the flight home he would be required to work, it wasn't hard labor but he would need to be at the position he had been trained for twelve hours at a time. The yacht would be able to make the flight to Mars where they would leave the prisoners in under thirty-six hours and the to Earth in another twenty-four, much faster than the flight to Grinix. He was glad to be going home, how long was Tristan going to want to visit with the Centaurs? Would he take him along to their planet or was he gong to be stuck here with the prisoners?

Learning about the return of Tristan the Flovian pilot suggested that they have a party that evening. Reynod didn't know that any party the Flovian threw was much like the parties the Griffins threw, a general orgy with everyone intended to be involved. If he had known that he would have suggested they wait for his Brother. He wouldn't have wanted to compete with the Flovian for any available cock; the pilot would have naturally gone for his twins' first.

"Alex, don't you want to suck my cock? Or did the Sphinx tell you that sucking me was off limits, too? If it is he can give up on the thought that I'm going to carry his kit for fifteen months." Alex didn't answer the man, although he would have rather had his tongue in his asshole he was licking at the entrance and wasn't going to allow Tristan to interrupt him. If the human shot his load he knew that he would have time to lick it up before it cooled, he had learned while on Grinix that was one of the necessities to keep the Kelly green Tristan preferred.

"I hope being pregnant doesn't change the taste of your cum. I don't think I could live without that taste sitting on my tongue for most of the day. I will be able to start sucking your cock again the day after tomorrow. After about a week the Great Sphinx and Khynm said that you will be settled into your condition far enough that you will be able to fuck as long as you don't get too ambitious or try fucking anyone too hard. The paradox is that they want you to keep your balls emptied, so I guess doing what you were doing when I walked out here is going to have to be part of your daily routine.

Tristan was glad to hear that Alex would soon be doing more than licking the cum off his stomach and cock. He thought it wouldn't be too bad to go a week without fucking, he had done that when he was in the FBI academy. That meant he would be back on Earth before the first time he would be permitted to fuck, he hoped Pierre was ready for him. Until then Alex, Aoul and his Bother could drain his balls for him.

"Did they say anything about me swallowing sperm?"

"When I asked, Khynm said that he hoped you would, I don't now why but he seemed to think swallowing sperm would help the kit grow."

"Did he say whether it should be of a specific species?"


They spent the next half hour laying under the two suns. Alex was particularly careful to lick up every drop of Tristan's cum before moving back to his balls. After a few minutes Tristan turned onto his stomach, he had been told that the two suns could burn human skin fairly quickly and that he would need to take care if he was out during the day. He still hoped that he would be able to get his white skin some color, he had been thinking he was too pale to be attractive next to the Enlil or even the Flovian.

Tristan didn't know that laying that way with his asshole exposed was making Alex want to disobey the Sphinx. It hadn't been that long that he had been tasting the human's asshole but he was almost addicted to the taste and joy of pushing his tongue in the man. He did what Khynm had told him he was permitted even though he was fighting the desire to get inside Tristan with his whole tongue. Tristan had always enjoyed having a tongue on the outside of his asshole and just pressing the tip into the anal ring before having Alex show him how much better he would feel with a tongue actually cleaning out the inside of his ass.

"Alex, have you been feeding the pregnant one your sperm?" neither Alex nor Tristan had heard the Major come out of the house and approach them. Major Mangrel saw Alex shake his head in answer to him, he was disgusted that his assistant wasn't giving the human what Khynm had said that he would need everyday for the next fifteen months.

Without something to rub his cock against a Griffin was unable to masturbate. He did have enough control of his cock to make it hard without any physical stimulus so he was soon standing over Tristan with his cock running back and forth over his lips. There was no question about it, he would have rather been fucking the man again but he didn't dare cause Tristan to lose the kit, the Great Sphinx would have his head if he did.

"Alex, you are going to need to work my cock so I can give Tristan a full load. (he knew if he were to shoot by just running his cock back and forth on the man's lips he would shoot less than half of what was boiling in his balls.)" Alex had never had the chance to touch his boss before. Should he offer up his ass or open his mouth and allow the Griffin to fuck it until he was ready to shoot the needed sperm in Tristan's.

"Get down beside the human and open your mouth." The Major had never had two mouths on his cock at once but the idea had his balls already bouncing against Tristan's cheek. As his cock slid into the Enlil's mouth the Major was pleased to have Tristan turn his head so that his open mouth and tongue sticking out were in line with his huge balls. What would have normally been a half hour of battering his balls on the human was over in five minutes.

It was a new thrill for the Major watching the Enlil spill his sperm from his mouth into Tristan laying there with his lips puffy from the battering they had taken from his balls.

Next: Chapter 15

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