Trans Twins

By Bruce Turner

Published on May 16, 2022


Trans Twins

Chapter Eleven needs your donations to thrive. If your enjoy what you find on the site please donate what you can when you can.

Tristan wanted to check on his twin so they headed towards the temple, he had heard that two other sellers had been whisked away while they were showing one of their slaves to a supposed buyer. It was one of the times he felt it should have been him with the slaves instead of Reynod, he was much more capable of defending himself.

Through his communicator Alex was trying to let the Major know that nearly every pen being operated by a Neanine was selling humans or Enlils that were transitioned beings from another planet. Neither he nor Tristan had been able to determine what type of beings they had been other than the one that had already started to grow his cock back after being castrated. He was told that the Major would be joining them in the temple to discuss the next step. While shutting down the market would protect those beings it would also most likely start a riot that could cost the lives of Griffins and visitors to the planet ruining the chance of ever having another successful slave market, the slave market was a huge draw to the planet so the Major was tasked with keeping it safe.

They arrived at the pen that Reynod was supposedly operating as a slave selling market with the four slaves all seeming well. Reynod had not had what looked to be any major problems, he was still pacing the exterior of the pen talking with prospective bidders occasionally allowing a prosperous looking buyer the chance to run their hands over the smooth skin of the Earthlings or finger one of the four boys. Tristan was glad he hadn't been one of boys selected to be inside the pen, he couldn't imagine what they felt like having strangers being so free with their bodies, especially Andy and Dindi who were almost constantly being exposed to buyers to have their elephantine cocks stroked. Alep had collapsed at the back of the pen with a blank look on his face

While a Canod was sniffing and licking at Andy's butt Reynod was not paying attention to his surroundings and in seconds he was collared and pulled away from the pen. That was when Tristan and Alex turned to see him being dragged through the crowd. His instincts as a law enforcement person kicked in and he rushed to his Brother's aid, the extra strength gifted him by the Centaur was all needed as he fought the four large Canod that had snatched Reynod. The fight didn't last long, he had them all on the ground beaten and bloody when some of the Major's force, he had brought in case he decided to shut the market, showed up to haul them off.

Not thinking about anything other than how stupid he thought his Brother had been to allow the Canods to snatch him without yelling to him for help he dragged Reynod back to the pen and shoved him inside. After he shut the gate he warned his Brother to stay quiet or he would be the next one exposed to the buyers, tied rear end facing out of the cage.

"That might have exposed you as more than just a regular Griffin looking for a new slave. I was hoping that we could keep going until tomorrow before the auction and take the Neanines one by one. Catching the Canods like that has warned them that there is law enforcement in the market and they need to be careful with their slaves.

"The officers are going to do a hard quick interrogation of the Canods to see what they know about the Neanines. I'm going to have a quick conversation with the head of all Law Enforcement on the planet to see if he wants all the Neanines shut down or if we should try shifting their slaves back to their natural states and sell those that the government says are willing slaves."

"Major, I don't know how to tell, but I think the art sale in the festival side may also be selling stolen or fake items. I know that sale is to get going in about an hour but I thought I should warn you in case there are complaints made by Earth governments about stolen art work ending up on Grinix or being sold here."

"Surely, you don't think they would try to sell that much stolen art."

"No, I think only a few pieces are stolen or phony. I'm not an art critic nor have I ever worked art crimes but if you have anyone that is knowledgeable about art I would send them into the building to check it out." Tristan was certain that one painting was either a copy or had been stolen and secretly shipped off Earth.

"I was in there before lunch time. Admiral Brougton was with me, she didn't say anything about there being any stolen paintings there. Are you sure this isn't revenge for them bringing three pieces of art that show your body to the galaxy?"

"Major, six months ago I might not have been willing to have everyone looking at my naked body, but when I posed for those statues and paintings I lost any modesty I ever had. You should know by now that I'm willing to allow Griffins and humans look at me or fuck. The works featuring me are not the phony pieces I mentioned, there are two paintings and a small statue that if they are real have been stolen from a museum."

The Major had Reynod let him use the back room. The twins had one of their normal spats with Tristan letting Reynod know that he had almost been taken by the Canods to be sold on the auction block. By the time the Major returned Tristan had uncollared his brother and left him out of the cage to go back to talking with the buyers.

"Admiral Broughton had already passed the information about phony art work to the highest level. They are going to allow Intergalipol to arrest the humans running the art show. She has requested your assistance back in your human body, you are to report to her in front of the "Foreplay' statue.

"When the announcement is made that the auction of slaves is to begin and all buyers are requested to move to the area in front of the stage where the slaves will be presented there will be a squad of Griffin law enforcement agents sweep in from behind the stage to take all Neanines into custody. There will be two agents that are supposedly capable of releasing any beings that are held in another species body. It will take hours to get to all the slaves so when you and the Admiral are finished I would appreciate you coming back here to help us."

"Major, two of the boys in our cage have volunteered to be sold to help their family on Ganesh. I had hoped to have earned enough selling the other brother to be able to buy Dindi but since we won't have earned anything by then you can have Reynod take them to the stage while proceeding to raid the Neanines." Tristan hated the idea of Dindi being sold to some one that might want less than he did, Alex had already told him that there was a interplanetary doctor waiting outside the temple to castrate any slave that a buyer wanted altered. The thought of Dindi losing his perfect balls or that huge cock was unimaginable for Tristan.

He and Reynod hadn't taken much clothing to Grinix so he proudly walked to the Festival to meet with the Admiral wearing only a skirt trimmed in blue jewels that he had been given by Alex when they first met as a welcome to Grinix present. He didn't know that being clad in the special skirt would set him off from any other being at the festival, it was a historical remnant of the last non-griffin government that had ruled Grinix. The Griffins believed that only the gods and demi gods had worn that particular skirt. The griffins and species that didn't know Grinix mythology stayed back so he was able to walk through the festival in less than half the time it had taken he and Alex to go to the Temple of slaves.

Admiral Broughton was standing, where he was to meet her, speaking with the two substitute teachers that were guiding everyone through the building. As she had suspected the two were hired by a Huitzil that had been touring Earth. The Huitzil had been suspected of robbing an art gallery in Paris and possibly the London Museum of Art. The small statue was supposedly from an early Egyptian dynasty and had attracted much Griffin attention.

There were more than just the three pieces that Tristan had suspected should not be there, the Admiral had been able to send images of the works being sold and it turned out that there were three pieces of bronze and three paintings that had been illegally removed from Earth. The Huitzil didn't show up until the announcements of the winners from the bidding were to be announced. He was quickly arrested and removed so that those bidding on the pieces of art were able to win the bidding and take their prizes that evening.

The Admiral and Blindi efficiently had the man taken to the Yacht that the other beings from Earth were using. He was the first being to experience the cells that had been created for the Intergalipol to transport criminals, he would be taken to Earth to stand trial for the suspected robberies. Tristan easily convinced the Admiral to allow him to return to work with the Major after all that was the initial reason for him to be on Grinix.

Tristan's ability to shift the slaves that had been transitioned into humans and Enlils was limited to helping those that could say where they actually had come from. The three agents that the Major had recalled from his headquarters were able to shift the slaves back to their natural state without their aid. Originally Alex had told them that most of the transitioned slaves had been male prisoners of war, it turned out that he was incorrect. There were at least three pens of Enlils that had originally been Herans, a species that Tristan had not been in contact with during his training.

Many of the slaves had originally been Canods or Huitzils. The two planets where they were from had been raided by the Neanine pirates over the period since the last slave market. Switching the slaves back to their original state took most of the rest of the day. Ambassadors from the three planets took charge of the reborn citizens of their planets, they all promised more aid to the newly formed Intergalipol. There were a few of the slaves that had been captured when their space ships had been attacked by those pirates, they represented nearly every civilized planet in the Perseus arm of the galaxy; the only one not represented was Xibab.

There were quite a few complaints from the hundreds of beings that were visiting Grinix solely for the reason of buying human slaves. The two mutants that had been decoys spent some of the evening going through the Festival glad to be free of the cage where they had lived for two days. Alep was the happiest to be free, Aoul missed having strangers feeling his body especially running fingers in hiis asshole. He and Alep were careless, they met some males from other planets that they went with into the dark corners of the festival and allowed the strangers to fuck them. Out of the four times the two were fucked only once was their partner a Griffin.

It was quite late when Tristan went to the Major's home again. His twin had been invited to stay with the Admiral in the Sphere she was using for her trip. Alep and Aoul were shuttled to the Yacht after they returned to the temple. Flying back to the Major's home and the bed he had used the previous night Tristan was astounded that he had not been thinking of sex while he had a hand on all the slaves he had ended up transitioning back to their native state. Twice during the entire time he had thought the being he had transitioned was coming on to him and wanted to either fuck or be fucked but he had refused, looking at the mass of people waiting for his service.

Back at the Major's his host offered dinner which he had not even realized he had skipped. Alex and two of the Major's other most trusted assistants had joined them. The Griffins acted like it was a great celebration drinking the native liquor and smoking a pipe that Tristan avoided having been told that it would easily be possible for a human to become addicted to the powerful drug that the Griffin mixed in with the plant they smoked. As soon as he arrived at the compound Tristan went to the house he was using and shifted to his human form and wrapped himself in the skirt he had used earlier, he was becoming used to wearing only the skirt. He had heard of many Earth populations that had worn skirts over the centuries so there was no reason for him to feel embarrassed to be out of the uniform that he had worn since arriving at the clinic.

Like the previous evening the guests involved themselves in an orgy that included the Major's staff and shortly after starting the Major. Alex had been sitting by Tristan while they ate from a specially prepared dish. Tristan made a comment about the Griffins orgy, Alex let him know that if there was no orgy at a Griffin event that it was considered a failure. He was tired from the strenuous day, Tristan rose to head to the house he was to use but Alex stopped him.

"Tristan, you can not leave yet." With that declaration the Enlil went to his knees and stretched out his tongue the whole way to one by one lick and suck on the human's balls. Tristan thought that Alex would be embarrassed to show himself subordinate to the human but it didn't seem that he cared if any of the Griffin saw what he was doing or stopped to watch him which when he had turned Tristan around to attack his asshole most did.

Once the Enlill had six inches of his tongue in Tristan he began running it in and out before he found Tristan's prostrate and tapped the tip of his tongue on it until Tristan could be heard above all of the noise begging to be fucked. More than anything he wanted Pierre to take him and whisper words of affection to him. His lover was light years away so when the Major pushed the Enlil away and mounted him he succumbed to the barbed cock without a complaint. Tristan wanted fucked so bad that he wasn't paying attention to the fact of the barbs on the tip of the cock fucking him, allowing the Major to scratch him without screaming in pain.

Alex had changed since they first talked about sex that morning. Seeing Tristan's cock bobbing while the Major fucked him the Enlil crawled under the man and let them pound the nine inches into his mouth and throat. As his cock slid into the Enlil's throat Tristan gave out a roar that matched any of those given by the Griffin during orgasm. Tristan had been fucked hundreds of times by then but that was the first time that he orgasmed anally as well as penilely while being fucked He slid to the pillow beneath him and fell to sleep.

Tristan didn't know how much later it was when he woke. Rather than the ten or more Griffins that had been in the courtyard there were now at least thirty. The Major was standing over him pulling his head off the pillow by his hair. Once he was sure Tristan was awake he spoke to him through their communicators. 'Tristan, I need your assistance, We do not have enough females or Griffin willing to allow the others to fuck them. During your training one step was learning how to transition others, I need you to come with me and one by one transition at least eight or ten of the guests to female. Once you have, I promise to mount you in front of all my men.'

Mounting a male may not have been that culturally acceptable but the Major was willing and eager to fuck Tristan again and again. He didn't know that Tristan felt the same, being just as eager to fuck the Major in front of his men. He knew that the extra strength the Centaur had given him would make it simple to overpower the Major and mount him, he thought he might even take a moment to expand and extend his cock before entering the Major in front of his entire squad. Still the idea of having the Major fuck him sounded wonderful so he agreed to transition any beings the Major wished to have made female.

Tristan knew that a female at any of the griffin orgies were not permitted to refuse the advances of any Griffin. It wouldn't matter if they had been scratched a dozen times they were there for the pleasure of the males. By the time he was transitioning the third Griffin to a female Enlil there was a crowd around him making it difficult for him to concentrate on the form of an Enlil. Although the Major had wanted more of the blue creatures Tristan transitioned that Griffin to a female human and the next two into Phrotines, then a couple Huitzel before he was looking at Alex being fucked and created two identical Enlils. If the Major hadn't stopped him when he had created a human identical to the Admiral he might have turned the orgy in one that was completely lesbian other than he and the Major.

They had made their way to the center of the courtyard where the Major had him step on a soft platform that was soon rising six feet in the air. Many of the guests must have been at the Major's for a celebration before because as the platform rose they quieted down and turned to see what was going to happen. The Major made a short speech thanking them all and the humans from Intergalipol that had made the day a success. He had Tristan stand a step away from him for all to see then through the communicator ordered him to his knees.

"Now for our own celebration I will happily mount the human." A second later the Major had his cock pressed against Tristan's asshole. They were both eager to fuck and the Griffin cock slid into the man easily. When the crowd saw the Major's balls swing under the man and slap against his balls a cheer went up to congratulate the Major in conquering the human. Although he had wanted fucked hearing the cheer had pissed Tristan off, he waited for the Major to fill him with cum and fade so he could withdraw without his barbs scratching his insides.

As soon as the Major pulled out he roared over the crowd, they answered him with the loudest noise Tristan had ever heard. Stunned by the crowd's joy at the Major having fucked him he didn't wait. As the noise faded he stood up and grabbing the Major turned his rear to him and drove his expanded cock into him with one lunge. Again the Major roared, this time drawing the attention of the entire crowd that turned in time to see their hero being entered by the human. They silently watched as Tristan took control of the Major and fucked him for the next ten minutes before pulling back far enough to shoot his load of cum on the outside of the Griffin's asshole. He motioned to Alex that rushed to the platform knowing what he was to do, it was the first time that many of the guests had ever seen a fully extended Enlil tongue, It was also the first time that any of them had seen another being lick an asshole and a first for the Major.

Tristan wished he had the time to create a Ganeshus and a Centaur but he had been pulled into the crowd where there were dozens of beings trying what they had seen on stage. He couldn't have told anyone how many times there had been a different tongue in his asshole, he knew he had shouted at the top of his lung to get someone to fuck him but it had taken at least an hour before there was a Ganeshus that stepped up and took advantage of his sloppy wet hole. Dinner was being served before Tristan had pulled himself free of the men wanting his asshole and his cock, he could barely walk straight to the table he had been fucked that often. His balls hurt from being emptied again and again.

"So what do you think about a Griffin orgy? Is it everything you had heard rumored it would be? I wished a Sphinx or two had come to really show you what your asshole is supposed to feel, I invited a few but they all said they would rather not be where there were so many Griffins gathered for sex. I thought that odd since Sphinx find mating with a new species as wonderful as we Griffin do."

"I never imagined being in a gathering where there were so many different species together to have sex with each other. I wish I had time to shift one of your guests to a Centaur and a couple to Ganeshus, if I had there would have been a lot of your guests that would have learned how to use their assholes to please much larger cocks."

"If you shift anyone after dinner why not try making them into a Centaur? Then you could take him onto the center platform and show the other guest how a human is able to have a horse cock fuck their assholes. One of the only writings about sex we share on Grinix is about humans and their animals, what I hear discussed more than anything else if how your tiny holes could possibly take a massive cock like we have seen on your horses." He wondered while the Major talked if the writing had described humans with other animals especially dogs, now that he had taken a Canod cock he thought he might be looking for a big male dog when he moved into a house.

Tristan looked around the crowd to see if there was anyone that he would like to see as a great

Centaur. There wasn't anyone that he was interested in shifting and told the Major he might have to wait until the following day as a grand finale to the three day orgy.

The Major was not about to give up that easily. A good Griffin host interspersed entertainment throughout the three day event. Tristan was sitting back enjoying the Griffin's drug of choice when the Major left him to speak with Alex. Tristan wondered if that would be a horse of a different color, he chuckled to himself but really didn't think about it seriously since he enjoyed fucking the man and having him use his long tongue to clean cum from his asshole. Alex had change that day to an Enlil that was the most happy when he was holding the man's butt cheeks apart and running his tongue in and out of him, he hoped the Enlil would remain that way.

"Sir? The Major asked me to bring this poultice to you for you to sit on." Tristan hadn't heard the cook speak since he had been staying with the Major so the soft almost feminine voice startled him. The cook helped him get the poultice arranged so that he would get the most benefit of its healing powers that the cook had prepared. As his asshole felt the poultice easing the soreness in his muscles Tristan looked around the crowd again hoping he had missed someone that he would like to shift into a Centaur.

"Tristan, did the cook prepare the right ingredients to ease a human's soreness?"

"Yes, Major thank you for thinking of my asshole."

"How could I not? I have enjoyed fucking you as much as I have ever enjoyed fucking anyone. If I had know humans were that enjoyable I might have taken a longer stop on Earth like many of my ancestors did. Or be in the crowd to bid on my personal human sex slave.

"I was wondering how often there were kit born after an orgy like this?"

"Nearly every time there is an orgy there are kit added to the next generation. There are usually a few Sphinx added also.

"This orgy is only missing new slaves. Our raid of the slave market must have stopped my friends from buying new slaves to share. At least that is what I hope, I don't like thinking that my friends are angry that we eliminated the fake Humans and Enlil, that would be more than I can stand from my friends."

"Did you hear if Andy and Dindi were sold?"

"Yes, I did. The boys were made to put on a show by the slave manager. In front of the crowd waiting to buy them they were forced to fuck each other as if they were not related. Watching those two huge cock forced into their brother's asshole must have been as exciting as it sounds. The crowd demanded that they be sold as one.

"It was a spirited auction that lasted for fifteen minutes before it was finally down to three bidders. They were increasing the bids by hundreds of credits at each of their turns. When they slowed down the auctioneer had the boys bend over and show their assholes to the crowd. I've never heard of that happening before but the crowd loved it and the bidding was once more joined by a few more bidders. The auction ended with the boys being sold for almost twice what the highest previous high price had been, they were fortunate that they were sold to a Flovian so their parents should be out of debt when they receive the first payment and the bank promises of future payments for the following four years. Who the Flovian that purchased them is still a mystery, they were taken from the stage directly to a sphere without being introduced to anyone in the crowd. It may have been an off-planet purchase handled through a local bidder." The Major was marveling at the price the boys had brought, after all he like most Griffin wasn't that interested in having a huge cock in his home.

"I hope they are treated well, just because someone was rich enough to purchase them doesn't mean the Flovian will treat them with love and kindness."

"Flovian slave owners generally treat their slaves like one of the family, probably because they stay with the family until they die." He thought it might have to do with the fact they were rare and expensive.

They were still discussing the boy that Tristan had wanted to buy for himself when they were approached by a being that Tristan had never thought possible. The Teza had come to thank the Major for eliminating all the fake human and Enlil from the auction. Although it had driven the price for all of the slaves up he had bought three young humans that looked like they would be abler to work his fields back on Tepocah. He had been in the bidding for Andy and Dindi but couldn't afford so many credits for a house toy.

"That certainly was a disgusting creature, what was it?"

"He was a Teza. The planet where he lives is extremely hot and volcanic. They have evolved that black skin covering to protect them from the heated ash that falls on the planets more than half of their year. I don't know what the creature they evolved from was like but I have heard that it was almost as fearsome looking although shorter.

"It's surprising that planet that has so little light and volcanos almost daily can supply almost all of the planets you see represented here with the starches they require. They do so well farming that they have never developed their own space traveling program, instead they buy the ships they use to transport the starches from the Flovians.

"Theirs is one of the planets that you will not be likely to visit on any of your missions. Although they are wealthy from farming they don't have much on the planet that any of the other planets need or want other than food. They don't have a military that is known about. In fact this was one of the first times I have seen a Teza at the slave market, I suppose I will have to send one of my agents to Tepocah to see how they treat their slaves."

"Do you keep track of how all the buyers treat their purchases?"

"We try. If a planet is known to have mistreated slaves in the past they are not permitted to purchase any of those sold here."

"Why don't they breed their own? Even Earth has progressed to the point that we can create humans through artificial means. Reynod and I neither have a Father , we were created to our Mothers specifications, incubated in a machine and presented to them when we were ready to leave the incubator. That way no planet would have a claim on the slaves except where they are created."

"Does that have anything to do with why you are able to transition?"

"I don't think so. The rest of our class was born naturally." Tristan had caught sight of a Gratian groping one of the humans he had transitioned from a Griffin. Although they had been the alien species to begin negotiations with humans to enter into an Intergalactic treaty he had never actually been close enough to one to touch.

"Major, why would a Gratian be here? They have plucked enough people from Earth that they shouldn't need to buy slaves."

"He was probably a seller not a buyers. Every few years we get a couple of the Gratians bring some of the humans they have snatched off of Earth or Mars. Their purpose in coming here doesn't seem like it has anything to do with the credits they can earn, I have thought they come here to spy on the other species that are here or to steal technology from the ships parked by the temple.

"Why he would be here, I don't know. Do you want to fuck him?" Tristan hadn't thought about that but hearing the question he wondered if the being would be hard to transition into a Centaur. He didn't know enough about the species to know if he could do the transition so he had the Major call him over to where they were resting so Tristan would be able to touch him.

While all the representations of the Gratians that he had seen made them appear wimpy and sexless he was shocked at the beings muscle mass and holding onto his arm, the length of cock he had hidden in his torso. They only exposed their cocks when preparing to have sex. Much of what Heppar said reminded him of Chiron XX, his species had been visiting Earth since humans were cave dwellers that worshiped them as gods when they landed. He confirmed that beings from his planet had taught mankind many things although not fire as was often supposed.

Heppar laughed when he explained to Tristan that although they looked so different that their DNA and RNA was only 2% different. During many of their early visits they mixed with the brutish humans to help advance their physical being. He had seen many 'documentaries' that attempted to show that humans had been helped by aliens over the millennium so he was pleased to have at least one of them verified but he wanted to know more so he wasn't reluctant to ask the Gratian who else may have interfered with the progress of humankind.

The Gratian told him what he knew which was only that thousands of years earlier there had been an agreement that different species would go to Earth when they felt humans were ready to learn certain matters. The Tezans were to teach humans about agriculture, the Canods were given the right to teach humans how to domesticate animals and which animals were edible, the Neanines were to start human civilization by teaching them about fire and society. He didn't know which of the planets had been granted the duty to teach humans technology or theology.

He explained that the Gratians still visited Earth from time to time to guarantee that the DNA of humans hasn't been corrupted. They would take various humans onto their scientific exploratory ships keep them there for a limited during which they were examined externally and probed before having a medical tracking device installed that sent data to the ship for years afterwards.

During what humans referred to as the Twenty-second century Earth was visited by a ships from four planets that spent a year circling the planet deactivating the nuclear devices mankind had been foolish enough to create. It was only after all the devices were deactivated and man was once again looking to explore space that the planets that had been helping develop Earth initiated full contact with what was then known as the United Nations. The history after that Tristan already knew so he didn't ask the Gratian any questions other than if he knew what had occurred that changed the group of beings that could transition or later the mutants. The Gratian claimed not to know anything about what had caused the change in those humans, he wasn't even certain that their DNA had been subjected to a full examination but as long as humans were using the changes for good he didn't think the interplanetary group would interfere.

While having the conversation with the Gratian Tristan decided that there was no reason for him to shift a guest to a Centaur. The Gratian was able to read his thoughts and agreed that the guests at the celebration had no need to learn more about the Centaurs. He had millions of questions but the Gratian let him know that he was tired answering his questions and he should visit Greater Alki to learn what they taught their young.

"For as long as you sat here talking to the Gratian I thought you would try to fuck him. What happened?" The Major had been watching Tristan and the Gratian hoping that they would show the guests if there really was a difference in the way the ratians had sex with each other. None of the Gratians he had ever known had joined one of his orgies in the past so he was not aware of their sexual practices. That the Gratian had stretched out his arm and groped Tristan was the first indication he had that they were sexual in the least and might be willing to have sex with males although he didn't know whether the Gratian was male or female..

"He said he wanted to look around the courtyard and see what different species did to make themselves compatible with other species. He offered to show me the probing his kind was reported to have done to hundreds of humans over the years but he wanted to wait." Tristan had confirmed to the Major that the Gratian was male.

"So the probing is sexual?"

"He said it can be or it can be purely medical depending on the two involved. He promised that with me it would not be medical although he wanted to know more about my ability to transition my body and others. That's when he talked me out of transitioning any of your guests into a Centaur, he was probably right since the Centaurs can only give you one load of their cum a day." Chiron had never explained whether every Centaur was able to super power the one they fucked but he didn't think he wanted to compete with other Griffins with extra strength.

"You look like you are ready to join the orgy again. If you are why don't you take me on the center platform." Tristan couldn't believe the Major was willing to have a human show his guests how he willingly took a cock in his ass. Whether it was because they were at an orgy and anything seemed to be happening or whether the Major was loosening up his reputation and no longer cared that his agents knew he was willing to be subordinate to a human Tristan didn't care, the Major had been one of the best asses he had fucked on Grinix.

"Let's find Alex to get your asshole prepared for me.

"If you think you are ready I can enlarge my cock by a couple inches or as large as a Ganeshus's main cock. Even larger if you want."

"I would never have believed I would say this, Tristan, but I am going to let you decide if you want to be larger. Please don't go so thick that you tear my opening, I can't walk around with a cloth wound around me at my own orgy."

"And should I have barbs like you?"

"If you want. I am willing to carry your kit." It was the first time the major had expressed that willingness, even to himself. He had gone his entire life without the desire to bring forth new life, now with this human he was more than willing. He didn't say it to Tristan but he hoped the man would be able to impregnate him. He wasn't sure it would be possible since human sperm was not as powerful as Griffin sperm. He wasn't aware of the extra strength that the Centaur had given his body, even if he was he wouldn't know if the sperm had the same power.

The Major's declaration of willingness stayed with Tristan as he searched for Alex. As he looked around he spent part of his concentration on slowly extending and expanding his cock unsure of exactly how large he needed to be to send his sperm deep enough into the Griffin to fertilize the ova he would make when scratching the interior of the head of Law Enforcement in Tailcot.

Next: Chapter 12

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