Trans Twins

By Bruce Turner

Published on May 9, 2022


Trans Twins

Chapter Ten

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The morning arrived with both of Grinix's suns blasting down heat on the planet, Tristan hadn't woken to a bright sun in the time since he had been searching for mutants. The heat reminded him of tracking down Alep. Once he stood he felt the reminder of having the Major mounting him the previous evening, he didn't think the Major had scratching him with his cock barbs but he was not feeling quite normal and thought it may have happened without him knowing. He went from the cabin which was larger than his mothers' house to the house where they had eaten dinner 14 hours earlier.

"Tristan I don't usually have breakfast like you may be used to having on Earth. The Phrotine will bring you a pot of coffee from the beans I brought with me if you wish. The cook doesn't work until later in the day, if you are hungry you are welcome to look through the kitchen for something you might like."

Tristan wanted the coffee more than food, he let the Major know that a pot of coffee would suffice. For a half hour they sat talking about what Tristan should do to start his investigation and when he might be able to sit with an investigator that could fill him in on what had caused the authorities to request an undercover agent from Intergalipol. He was going to be assigned an Enlil from headquarters that could tell if the beings they were inspecting were actual humans or Enlils or beings that had been transitioned to appear as them.

Tristan appreciated the assistant, Griffin paws were still awkward for him to use in examining other beings. They were flying to the headquarters when Tristan began to feel the Griffin need for sex. He discussed it with the Major letting him know that he had thought the desire had somewhat faded after he fucked the thug and considered whether he might have impregnated the young Griffin. He had some of his other questions answered also, he hoped he knew enough going into the slave market that morning to ask intelligent questions.

Tristan was waiting in the Major's headquarters when a Kelly green, young Enlil entered bowing to the Major. They were introduced, the Enlil was passing with an Earth name, Alex. They discussed what the Enlil would need to do to be able to differentiate the real from phony slaves. While they talked Tristan was given the idea that Alex enjoyed his job, especially when he was allowed to probe the human asses with his fingers. He told Tristan that he also enjoyed making the slaves to be to bent over and lick his balls. Even if he was using the order to lick them in trying to be sure whether they were truly human or Enlil he found making species from other planets bowing down to him exciting.

"How far are we permitted to go with the slaves? If I see one that I want to fuck will the seller allow it?" Tristan was hoping to have time to fuck Dindi. Really he wanted the boy to fuck him but knew that it would be next to impossible to get him off and alone where they would be able to force the elephantine cock in his ass. After three days caged in the chastity device Dindi would have as great a need to fuck as the Griffin.

"That will depend on the seller and how many slaves he has to sell, generally the more slaves he needs to sell the more willing he will be to allow you to do more than just have me run my fingers in and out of them." Tristan hadn't expected it from the Enlil but Alex had pressed up against his side and was running his hand down trying to reach his cock and balls. Tristan wondered if Alex could tell that he was a human.

"I'd like to feel what you are like inside."

"That sounds wonderful but we need to be careful, we might be seen." They were almost to the entrance to the Temple where the slave market was held. Although they were too early to enter there were already hundreds of beings walking around the outside of the building where over night there had been built many more of the glassed in pens.

"This is the most slave pens I have ever seen at a market. The Major is going to have his paws full trying to maintain control of the crowd," Looking around Tristan hadn't seen any indication of the crowd getting out of control but it was still very early. Alex pointed out three young Griffin that he knew had been arrested less than a month earlier for attacking an alien leaving the space port. They had been charged with abuse and robbery although the Neanine had been unable to prove that he had been carrying anything or worth with him when he was attacked.

Tristan told Alex about the scene he had seen down the street from Law Enforcement headquarters the previous afternoon. The Enlil told him even more powerfully than the Major had told him that the young Griffins enjoyed forcing aliens to drink their piss. He admitted that when he first arrived on Grinix he had been attacked by close to a dozen thugs and was forced to drink piss from all of their cocks before they left him battered at the entrance to the pyramid where he now worked. Tristan couldn't help himself, he had to ask the Enlil what Griffin piss tasted like in comparison to that of his own men and humans.

They continued talking about different types of sex kinks that were popular on the different planets. Tristan found it hard to believe that Earth was the only planet where the native species licked the ass of their own kind or even other species. He tried to talk the Enlil into licking his asshole. He finally got Alex to admit that when he was attacked by the gang they had made him eat their shit. After that it didn't take him long to get the Enlil to agree to lick his ass but only where no other Griffin or Enlil would possibly see them. Tristan had not had a tongue in his ass since the last time that Dindi fucked him, his asshole was twitching at the idea of the beautiful green being having his tongue in it.

When they were allowed into the temple Tristan lead Alex to the pen where his twin had the supposed slaves on exhibit. Andy was in the offshoot when they arrived, Tristan explained that the nearly matching pair were Brothers from Ganeshus that were voluntarily allowing themselves to be sold to get money for their parents that were beyond broke. He asked his Brother to allow the Enlil to feel Andy's ass, he wanted to prime the young Enlil to have his senses on target when he was finding the slaves in the market that were not what they appeared but beings that had been shifted by either a shape shifter or magic.

He was the first of the beings roaming the market to feel Andy's butt or push his fingers into his asshole. The slaves had slept through the night without touching each other. It was the first time that Andy had gone so long without anyone being interested enough in fucking him that they hadn't fingered him so when Alex slid a finger in his asshole he grabbed at the finger with his muscles. Alex wasn't used to any of the slaves in the market responding to being probed so he nearly fell on his butt in shock. Tristan managed to get behind the Enlil and stop his fall, at that moment he wished he was in his human body so he could run his hands over and into the young Enlil.

"Haven't you ever had your fingers in a Ganeshus?" Tristan wasn't aware that the green man had never had a slave respond to him. With Alex still holding onto his body he pointed to Dindi and let the Enlil know that if the sale of the other slaves were profitable enough he was going to buy the boy for his lover and himself. When asked why he had Reynod bring Dindi to the offshoot and had Alex run his hand over the cock sock while he explained that he enjoyed the huge cock in his ass as much as he enjoyed fucking the boy.

"Dindi, get on your knees and show Alex how nice your mouth feels. Then you can suck my cock for a few minutes." He knew the boy would be eager to suck his cock but didn't know if he would be the same when he saw the green cock. He showed them both how well he could suck cock, while he was still on his knees Tristan ordered him to lick their assholes, giving Alex a treat he had never had.

"That is why you are going to buy him?"

"What? Because he'll lick my ass? No. We hid his cock in a chastity device before we left our transport. He has about twice as much as you or I, in length and even more in thickness. He can fuck an ass for hours and dump a huge load of cum in an ass. I'll buy him to do that for me and Pierre. Although licking our assholes will be a part of his life as our slave. He drank Griffin piss the last night we were on our way here, that will be a part of his life, too, although once I leave here I will transition back into a human.

"He will be happy to have me feeding him piss as a man. Would you like that better than drinking my piss as a Griffin?" He really didn't expect Alex to answer the question, he hadn't succeeded in getting him to say he would drink Griffin piss. He was trying to think what else the green man would like from him.

"Can you transition back to a man that easily?"

"Sure, if you come with me when we're done in here this afternoon I'll do a quick transition back to my natural state and gladly have any sex that you what. I shouldn't stay in my human form too long, the mission requires me to be a Griffin when ever anyone else sees me but I would break cover for you." Alex could have explained the secret of the glassed in pens at that point but he wasn't sure that he wanted Tristan to force him into the enclosed space that would be invisible to those walking around the slave market. At some point the builders of the pens had created a way to wall a space off in the pens that made a private space often where the seller would be able to sleep so he wasn't with his slaves. Other sellers would rent the space to prospective buyers to try out the slaves as sex toys for their homes or to be used in a public sex inn, much like a whore house from the past.

Alex had lived on Grinix long enough that he was able to explain to Tristan why the sellers had castrated almost all of the slaves. The few that hadn't been castrated were either too immature to bother the Griffins or intended for sale to one of the other species that might care if their slaves had a working cock. Generally the slave were bought to be used as a recipient of another species' desire to fuck.

"Alex, do you know how many planets allow their citizen to own slaves?" He hadn't kept track but he was sure he had seen at least ten species of aliens wandering through the slave market.

"I really don't know. Before I came to Grinix I thought there were only a couple but since then I have seen at least two dozen species buying slaves. Whether it will be legal when they return to their planet I have never learned. As I said before many of the boys bought here will be placed in houses where they will be rented to the species of that planet that are not able to buy them or only want a sex slave on occasion."

"Do you know if Anki permits slavery?"

"Families of Anki are permitted to own one slave and are required to provide for him until he dies a natural death before they are allowed to replace him. The other limitation is that they are not permitted to own slaves that have been captured through war, they must provide the slave's family with what he might earn on Anki in four years of freedom on his home planet. That is why your Ganeshus should hope that an Enlil purchases them, their family will get most of the selling price and the four year stipulation." Tristan thought hard about what that would mean to him if he was able to purchase Dindi. Slavery wasn't legal on Earth so he would be spending an immense amount of money with the only assurance being that Dindi wanted to stay with him.

"Do the Enlil use their own species as their slaves?"

"Never! All sleaves on Anki are either Neanins or Phrotines. It would humiliate the extended family should an Enlil allow himself to be sold into slavery. If one was forced into a situation where he thought he was to be sold as a slave he would be expected to commit suicide to save face for the family."

That Tristan understood. His family would feel much the same should either he or his twin be captured and sold as a slave. His Mothers would never see them performing as slaves yet there might be a member of the extended family that would learn about it as they traveled with the North American Space Force. He couldn't imagine being owned by anyone although in some ways Intergalipol owned him for the next twenty years.

"We need to come back to this pen. I think the slaves have been transitioned from Ganeshus to humans. If you look close to where they were castrated you can see that their cocks have what looks like the beginnings of new growth, Ganeshus are the only beings in the planet that I know of that can grow an extremity back after being removed."

"That is something that I wasn't taught by the Ganeshus that came to the clinic." He must have been talking too loud, three of the buyers wandering through the aisle ahead of them turned to get a good look at who had been talking. The Enlil warned him that it would be better if they didn't say anything else.

They were almost all the way down one side of the market. They had already found five sellers with beings that weren't what they were trying to sell. All of the sellers were Neanines, their pens were the only ones where you could see marks of abuse on the slaves. Tristan didn't know what they had used on the slaves but the Neanines had left welts and bruises on legs and upper torsos. The sellers had been careful not to mar their slaves butts, that would have dropped their value radically.

"Alex, its time to eat. Should we leave the market and head towards the Law Enforcement pyramid where I saw places to eat yesterday?"

"There should be food stands around the outdoor pens. We can watch what is happening from there. You wouldn't want to miss out on anything that will help with your mission." Alex was more worried that if they left the market that Tristan was going to take him somewhere he would be able to mount him without anyone to help if he screamed for help.

Outside the market they watched more Neanines marching slaves toward the pens along the side of the temple. It was the first time Tristan had actually seen one of the Neanines abusing a slave, he was using what looked like a power rod on the slaves' backs making them go in the direction he wanted. That batch of slaves were not transitioned, nor had they been castrated. The Ganeshus were chained and collared before they were registered and forced into the shock collars provided. Tristan wondered if the seller had a different market in mind, most of the Ganesus's cock were weighted down so they stretched beyond the normal eighteen or more inches and their balls had been colored with a bright blue that set them off against the natural skin. He was disgusted when Alex told him that at some markets in the past he had seen sellers demonstrating how they castrated the slaves generally with the idea that the buyers would know what they were buying.

"I wondered whether Lionel was going to be at the market this year. He is the only slave seller that purposely displays his slaves' cocks. The last time I saw him he only had Pakabans. He must be afraid of mixing his slaves. Every time I have seen his slaves they have been painted like these although it may be both cock and balls like he brought the Pakabans last year. I thought that was to differentiate them from the free Pakabans that pull the city's chariots but I guess its his signature, letting everyone know whose slaves they are seeing when they take the podium to be sold."

"That is interesting but they don't appear to have been transitioned unless the one doing the shifting is a master and can do just one part of his victim. I can do one part of myself but I don't know if I would be able to do one part of another."

"You can transition some one other than yourself?"

"Yes that is part of the training I had to pass before being sent on a mission. I am limited to doing that from my human form although the other can be any species." They had been sitting on the outer edge of the tables set up for dining. He gently rested a paw between the Enlil's legs before telling Alex that if he wanted he could transition his cock as long as the Ganeshus or his ass deep and wide enough to take the largest of the ones they had seen swinging in front of a slave.

Alex didn't know what to say to Tristan, he had always wanted to have a cock like the Ganeshus but wasn't sure he would be able to find a partner if he was shifted. Even thinking that way his cock had gotten hard and was pushing his skirt away from his body so anyone that looked at him could tell sex was on his mind. Tristan saw that the boy enjoyed being teased so he asked if he was ready for a drink to finish off his meal.

"Back inside or are you willing to walk around the pens out here?"

""You should show Reynod and I that special covering that is supplied for the back of his pen, once in there I could shift for you and give you my ass to lick. After that I might give you a good drink of piss."

"I have been thinking what it would be like to fuck a human. I've never been to Earth. I saw my first human when I was leaving home to come here but I was too shy to approach him although I thought at the time that his butt was one of the nicest I had seen."

"You think you would like to fuck mine because you saw a nice butt on some stranger years ago? Do you have any idea what my butt will be like?" Tristan knew if he shifted back to his natural state that it was likely that the man would still want to fuck him, having been fucked by the Major twice the night before he wasn't desperate to get the Enlil's cock in him although the longer they talked about fucking the more he wanted to give him a try as long as Alex tried licking his ass first.

"Not just that. The Major told me when he first got back that the twins that had been recruited for the mission had the best butts he had seen during his journey through the Galaxy. I hope he had a chance to fuck you."

"We fucked as Griffins last night. He hasn't had a chance to fuck the human, me. The only fucking I did with a Griffin while still on Earth was with his assistant, she seemed pleased with the way I fucked her. After that it was all business." Alex was quick to break into his comments.

"If we're going to do it we need to get moving." Alex turned towards an entrance they had just passed flipping up the back of his skirt so Tristan understood that he was going to give his ass to either the Griffin or human.

Rather than trusting the coverings that were supposed to make the back of the pen private Tristan stepped in front of the Enlil and suggested they go to the Major's house where they were guaranteed to be alone. He didn't know how loud Alex might be when his asshole was first pierced but he would rather not risk blowing his cover for sex although he would have liked to invite Dindi into the back to fuck him, too.

"Alex, this is going to be the first time I have tried this so hang on tightly." He had already talked the Enlil into flying with him to the Major's house. When Alex crawled under him and wrapped his arms around Tristan's neck the Griffin was surprised at how light he was, he told him to wrap his legs around his body. While getting into position Alex had rubbed against the barbed cock that was more than half way out of the sheath. If they had been in private Tristan would have rammed his cock into Alex where they stood, he had liked the feel of the hairless green body sliding against his cock. Surprising himself his only thought other than getting to the Major's was making the Enlil pregnant.

They were higher than necessary when Tristan let Alex know that he could push back on his cock if he wanted while they were still flying. Alex just grabbed onto him tighter not sure that being over the forest beyond the city was a safe place to allow the Griffin to fuck him. Even though he hadn't pushed back closer to Tristan's cock the Griffin hunched his rear a slight bit so that the cock was sitting on Alex's asshole teasing him with the idea of being entered where the city could see it.

Tristan hovered over the courtyard slowly lowering them so that Alex's back was on one of the pillows that had been used during the orgy the previous night. Alex had let go of Tristan's neck when the Griffin told him to stay where he was, to get rid of his skirt and to drop his shoes by the end of the pillow. He went to get the bottle of lube that he knew the Major had set by the door leading to his house, it was a tube that he could carry in his mouth before squeezing to lube the asshole not yet ready for his cock.

"Alex, hold your feet in the air." During their discussion of sex Alex had admitted to Tristan that he loved the feel of all the cum a Griffin shot into his ass when fucking him. He had decided that he wanted to please Alex, not only with Griffin cum but by fucking him as a human and letting the Enlil do what he wanted with his asshole, he hoped that included licking an asshole for the first time. He could understand why the Enlil had never licked a Griffin's furry asshole but hoped that getting close enough to see that he had removed human hair the Enlil would be convinced to try.

"Tristan, you need to be easy on me. I'm not a virgin but I have not been fucked that often by the griffins." Hearing what Alex said he almost laughed at him because he had let Tristan know that being fucked by a Griffin was one of the few joys he had on Grinix. He squeezed a fair amount of the slick lube over the brown-green asshole wishing that his Griffin tongue was long enough to pleasure him before they got started fucking. Without a finger to work the lube into Alex he used his beak to press what he could through the extra tight entrance. He had no doubt that he would be able to force his cock through that opening due to the extra strength the Centaur had gifted him with, thinking about Chiron XX fucking him he went rock hard.

Alex spread some of the lube on the hard cock marveling at the strength he could feel as he pressed it up or down. After only a minute he guided the tip of the cock against the hole and Tristan gave a hard lunge that drove his cock deep enough that his balls slapped against Alex's spine. The scream Alex made was so loud that Tristan worried that any neighbor that the Major had that would be home during the day might come running thinking murder was in progress. He held his cock deep in the Enlil loving the tight, almost desperate grasping of the anal ring around the base of his cock.

It was the most that Tristan had enjoyed fucking while in the body of a Griffin, he didn't know that as soon as he began to pull back to drive in again the barb on the tip of his cock were fully engaged. Alex continued to scream and Tristan began to fuck him as hard as he possible could with ten inches of Griffin cock. That the griffin balls needed to have a certain amount of excitement from slapping against the recipient was the only sexual thing that he had encountered having sex with a Griffin that was non-Earthly.

Alex had stopped screaming after ten minutes. Almost as soon as the Enlil lay his head over the edge of the pillow Tristan began to fill his ass with the hot thick cum that almost seemed to boil out of his cock. Alex started blessing all the gods that his species worshiped on Anki and more, some of which Tristan recognized from his studies involving Egypt and Sumeria. He wasn't tired from the fuck but he wanted to feel the heart beat of the man so he lay his head on his chest allowing his barbed cock to slowly fade away and slide out of the beautiful Enlil's asshole.

"How is it that you think the Enlil are so beautiful? Tristan, you are as perfect as any man I ever saw on my home planet." Staring at Alex he understood why previous lover's of the man would willing lick his asshole, it wouldn't matter if there was a taste. He was like many before him willing and eager to worship the butt waiting for his tongue and cock. Tristan had not made the man cum though he had fucked him as hard as his ass could stand as he stood examining the human with his eyes only his cock began to leak a pre-cum that was nearly the same color as his face.

"Do you want fucked looking at me or on your knees?" Even after all they had told each other the preference for position had not been discussed. Tristan looked at the stiff green cock for a moment before answering that he would just as soon have Enlil take him face to face. There had been cocks that had while not actually painful had been uncomfortable because of the way they stood, he wasn't afraid of Alex's because it had a bend that faced down not into his prostrate. On his back looking at the hard green cock ready to fuck him Tristan pulled his legs as close to his head as he could giving Alex a good look at his asshole that he hoped would entice the man to lick it the way they had discussed.

For a moment he thought he would need to press the Enlil's face into the crack of his ass but their discussion must have convinced the man to give it a try. He had never shifted into an Enlil so he wasn't aware that the species had a tongue that was nearly long enough for them to touch their eyebrows. Alex was tentative at first merely licking around the perineum causing Tristan to shiver with lust and anticipation. As Alex got closer to his asshole he thought the man was getting more courageous, then he ran the long tongue up and down the anal opening.

Both men gasped at the feeling. Alex ran his tongue back and forth again before pressing the pointed tip of his tongue to Tristan's asshole and inched its way in. Soon the Enlil was tongue fucking Tristan with as much joy as he had ever felt anyone lick his ass, he couldn't tell Alex anything he was groaning with pleasure so loudly. Alex couldn't believe he had waited so long to first lick an ass in and out, he didn't want to stop but he wanted to get his cock in the human so he pulled back and quickly lubed his cock and pressed it to the wet hole until he was sliding in. The man's asshole felt so good to Alex that he couldn't resist sliding all the way in without ever holding back.

Being fucked by the Griffin and then licking the strange asshole was too much for Alex, he wasn't in Tristan for more than two minutes when he started shooting all the cum in his three balls into the man. Seconds later he collapsed on top of Tristan trying to tell him how wonderful he felt but merely murmured words that Tristan couldn't understand. He gave Alex a few minutes to catch his breath then turned him onto the pillow on his stomach where he didn't wait to press his cock into the man who was soon begging for more. He was in his human form so it didn't take much of an effort for him to lengthen his cock a couple more inches and add more girth until he was nearly unable to pull back enough to make Alex feel everything he had asked for.

Unlike Alex being fucked and having his ass licked had only made Tristan able to fuck for longer wanting to give the man as much pleasure as he could. He thought he could fuck for the rest of the afternoon but soon he was feeling the Griffin cum on the head of his cock and that set him off shooting what was a good load of cum. In any other circumstance it would be that he didn't respect the man he had been fucking, but as soon as he was able to withdraw from Alex's asshole he moved up to where he could shove his cock in the man's mouth. He had told Tristan that he hadn't suck a cock since he arrived on Grinix, the way he treated Tristan's cock wouldn't have proved that. He soon had Tristan buried in his throat.

Not thinking he had any more cum for Alex and that his cock should be clean he pulled out of the Enlil sorry to leave the throat that was squeezing his cock wave after wave until Tristan had too much. All he wanted was to piss. He debated whether he should piss in Alex's throat even though the man had not agreed to drinking it.

His better moral nature won out and he pulled back until Alex only had his tongue wrapped around his cock. Tristan slowly began to shrink to his normal size unwilling to totally withdraw from Alex. As the Enlil continued to nurse his cock Tristan finally was able to ask if he was ready for a drink of piss.

Alex barely met his eyes before pulling his cock head back within the cavernous mouth and nodded. Tristan hadn't had a mouth to piss in since he left Earth, the last one to drink his waste was Pierre. He was happy to give Alex all he could not knowing if it would taste like his piss or that of the Griffin he had been for days. Whichever it was the man was not repulsed, he let the piss wash his tongue and swallowed with a smile shining in his eyes.

"Tristan, that tasted so much better than what I was made to drink when the thugs attacked me. Anytime you want I'm willing to try this again."

Although he was talking to Tristan he was also busy trying to get his tongue between Tristan's cheeks and into his asshole. Tristan did his best to spread his cheeks for Alex, he felt responsible for the man enjoying the taste of an asshole after-all. If Alex was going to want to fuck him again Tristan was willing as long as he worked that Giraffe like tongue into him first. After running his tongue In and out of Tristan for a few minutes Alex lay down beside him hugging the man and telling him that it was one of the best days of his life.

Tristan looked at the man lying by his side surprised that Alex who had been Kelly green when they landed in the courtyard had faded to a soft pastel green from head to toe. When he asked Alex what had happened the Enlil explained that anytime of of his species was absorbing the sperm of another species they faded the way he had. It didn't bother Alex, he begged Tristan to fuck him again before shifting back to a Griffin and flying to the slave market, he wanted to show Tristan the festival that went along with the market.

It had been since one of the first times that he had fucked Pierre that he was attracted to a man's foot enough to reach over and take his four inch long toes in his mouth one by one sucking them and then running his tongue between them while he pounded the ass. Alex was going nuts with the feeling, he begged Tristan to never stop. That was not only impossible but unlikely since Tristan was fast getting close to filling his ass with another load of his cum. Having lived in a Griffin body for a few weeks he had almost forgotten how much he enjoyed being a human male fucking other men. He was happy that Alex hadn't asked him to add the extra inches to his cock, it felt good to have him enjoy being fucked in his natural state.

"We should get back to work. Once you get dressed you can crawl under me and cling the way you rode here." He knew it should only take the Enlil a minute to get dressed since all he had been wearing were shoes and the light skirt that had a single fastener. Tristan had turned away because the Enlil was ashamed of his cock when it wasn't hard, it didn't take any time for him to shift back into Griffin form. Alex crawled up behind him and kissed his asshole a totally unexpected move on his part but Tristan was willing to stand still to see if he wanted to do more than that. He wasn't completely pleased that Alex only kissed it a second time before taking his huge Griffin balls in his mouth one by one, licking and sucking them until he finally crawled up far enough to reach around his neck and wrap his legs around Tristan's torso tightly.

The first of the suns was setting, the pair saw a wonderful orange and pink sunset from high above the forest and then the city. When they landed not far from the landing zone Tristan saw that there were hundreds more Griffin wandering around. Alex let him know the festival always drew many Griffin that had no intention of buying a slave or even taking time to walk through the market to see the naked men.

Walking into the festival that was at the far end of the landing zone from the temple holding the slave market Tristan saw all three of the guests that had been at the Major's the previous evening. Two of them were together and the third was escorted by a Phrotine that Tristan thought demonstrated why humans called them the beauties of the galaxy.

The festival was much like any festival he had ever attended although the goods and food were different. There was music, he didn't like that at all, there were wrestling matches between Griffin that claimed the title of strongest or best, if he wasn't on duty he would have shown them how wrong they were, there were Phrotines and Enlils dancing on stages set around the festival, he thought the Griffin were modest but when he saw the dancers stripping to only a belt around their waists he had to reconsider. They had cleared almost a third of the festival when Tristan noticed an enclosure where there was a line to enter, when he asked the Enlil to read the inscription over the door he learned that there was human art for sale in the metal building. Curiosity got the best of him so they got in the line watching other festival goers passing in crowds.

They were avoiding talk about sex but they were about five couples from entering the building when Tristan remembered to thank the Enlil for the last two kisses he had given him before leaving the Major's. Alex seemed to get a little of his color back as he blushed from being reminded of what he had done. Until they were inside he didn't say another word to Tristan even when one of his co-workers asked to be introduced.

Standing at the doorway offering a guided tour were the two instructors from the clinic that had substituted for Lyla. Tristan wasn't sure what to think about them being there, was this something that had been approved by Earth authorities or had they smuggled art off world for a profit. He suggested that Alex accept the one man's offer and they started through some paintings that Tristan thought gave a good representation of what Earth was like on the different continents, then they came to at least fifty paintings of what people of Earth were like not all of them modern. Alex saw a painting of three black women with gold bands around their necks stretching them way out of proportion, he asked if that was a custom on Earth. Tristan tried explaining that the painting were of different cultures on Earth so none of them should be taken to represent all humans.

They had been walking through the building for twenty or thirty minutes when Tristan saw marble and brass statues ahead. Having posed for three sculptors he was interested in seeing the statues that were being presented to the Griffins for sale. They saw a number of small brass statues that could be shown in any house in the galaxy, turning a corner they entered a smaller room that protruded off the the back of the building they had been exploring. In the center of the room there were twenty or more beings of different species circling around a statue that once they could see Tristan recognized as the Black and White "Foreplay".

He was shocked at the way the beings were experiencing the statue of he and Pierre everyone was staring, those with hands were fondling different parts of their bodies. Some of the Griffin seemed to be rubbing their feathered heads or necks against butts exclaiming their astonishment at the perfect butts the sculptors had fashioned. Most surprising to Tristan was the beings that were running either their hands up and down the erect cocks and the few that were brave enough to try taking the stone cocks between their lips even if that would cause them to be ostracized from the other viewers. It only took Alex a minute to recognize Tristan from the rear, he fought his way to the front of the statue where a silent auction pad was standing. He took a minute looking at the pad before returning to Tristan's side.

"That is you and your lover, right?"


"Why did the sculptor name it 'Foreplay'?"

"You didn't see the black finger in the white ass and hands on both cocks? We were asked to pose that way because he thought one of us would like to have the other fucking us but that was too much for any audience he thought would buy the work."

"Did the two of you go fuck after posing that way?"

"There were quite a few days when that is exactly what we did, sometimes not even waiting to get back to our room."

"Do you enjoy having a finger as much as you like a tongue?"

"No. Pierre would usually only stick a finger in me after using his tongue to have me begging to be fucked." Tristan was missing Pierre more while looking at the replica of him than he had anytime since he arrived on Grinix.

"The sculptor should be proud of the work he did. There are ever increasing bids to purchase the piece. The buyers are not all from Grinix, either. She hasn't won but one of the highest bids was from a Phrotine. Right now the highest bid is from a Canod that wrote down how he thought those were two perfect butts.

"The highest bid on the auction pad is ten times what the item was valued at to start the bidding. I have never heard of any piece of art going for more than twice what the stating bid was. We'll have to come back later to see how much you sell for."

They continues through the room hold sculptures. When they were about to leave Tristan asked to go back to the paintings. Now that his memory had been jarred by seeing the black and white statue he thought he recalled seeing a picture that might have been done by one of the students while they had been posing.

"Tristan, wait." Alex pulled the Griffin to a far corner where there was a glassed in case hanging from the wall. Once they got close Tristan was surprised to see an image of the statue the third sculptor had been working on when he left, Pierre with his erect cock about to enter a Griffin bowing down in supplication. There was a note that the sculpture would be ready to ship in two months. Tristan wondered if the boy was waiting for him to return to the clinic before finishing the obscene work.

He may have thought it obscene and the Griffin were disgusted at the image, still there had been a few bids on the unfinished piece. The highest bid he saw was from a Neanine that had stamped a laugh in front of his bid. They quickly left when Tristan told Alex that he didn't want recognized as the Griffin in the image. Once they found the painting that Tristan thought he remembered they were shocked that there was a mass of beings standing in awe of his image. They didn't stay long enough to get to the bidding pad, Tristan was embarrassed seeing his butt on display in three places for the auction.

"I would like to purchase that painting."

"It isn't that good of a piece." Tristan hoped he discouraged the Enlil from going forward with the desire.

"It may not be a priceless piece of art but it would be a wonderful remembrance of the first human I ever had the joy of fucking and being fucked by." Tristan decided he would let the Enlil do what he thought right. If he bought it he was going to have the man show him how his giraffe like tongue could please him, again.

Next: Chapter 11

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