Trans Twins

By Bruce Turner

Published on Mar 21, 2022


Trans Twins

Chapter One thrives only when you help with your donations. Please help when you are able with all that you can.

This is not a story of a transgendered human in the normal sense of the idea. It is a fantasy about a group of people that are taught their shape shifting abilities when they turn twenty-one. Sex in this story may have no normal boundaries so please be aware of this before reading the story. If any coupling of beings distresses you I suggest that you may want to move on to another story.

April 2055

My Brother and I have waited for this month anxiously since we learned that our life would change, ten years ago, from the boring normal suburban life we were living outside of Houston, Texas. On April Fool's Day we turned twenty-one, when we woke that morning we were taken to a specialty clinic that had been built a half mile into the Gulf of Mexico by the United Nations. Reynod and I felt different, it wasn't apparent if you looked at us but we were about to be taught how to control our shape-shifting abilities, abilities I had learned how to use a little and he not at all.

Neither of our Mothers were pleased when they learned about the ability and how we would be asked to live our lives. They had often told us how they had chosen our future starting with our looks from the many possibilities the cloning labs had available. We are six feet two inches tall, one hundred and ninety-five pounds with bright blue eyes. Don't let the term cloning lab mislead you, we are not clones of another living human, we have parts of a past body and the brain of another and the facial features of a third or fourth. Our Mothers had chosen for us to be gay.

There is one difference between Reynod and I, he is totally submissive and I have never allowed myself to be dominated by another preferring to be the man that does the fucking. Our Mothers have brought us up to have one differentiating aspect to our appearance so they were able to know who was who. Reynod keeps his nearly white hair cut above his ears and I have allowed my hair to grow since I was a child, it hangs to the middle of my back when not tied up. On our birthday I had to leave my hair flow freely, part of the instructions we had received when we were given our instructions to report to the clinic. Neither of us was too pleased that once we arrived at the clinic we would not be allowed to wear our clothing, I think I was less pleased than Reynod since I had never been one to run around naked unless there was the possibility of sex and he liked going to nudist beaches.

The clinic was the largest building that I had ever seen. It dwarfed the skyscrapers in downtown Houston by two. As we drove up the causeway to the parking lot/landing pad the building seemed even larger. We approached from the rear of the building, there were no windows and only extra large garage style doors. Our Mothers wound our way around the building until we were between the building and the Gulf. About forty feet from a door that was topped with the name of the clinic we were halted by four heavily armed guards. They checked our papers that had arrived with the instructions, they allowed Reynod and I to get out of the vehicle. Once our Mothers had driven away two of the guards helped us with our baggage which wasn't that much but we appreciated that they were pulling the larger of our two bags.

Neither Reynod nor I had been to the Gulf although it was less than an hour's drive from where we had lived all our life. We both stopped in front of the main door and looked out over the Gulf amazed at the expanse of water. There were large ships passing by the building towards the canal that lead to Houston and what we both assumed were pleasure craft, powered and sailing, going in all directions. The shore was nothing like what I had seen in pictures on our computer, the water was up to the road with no beach to walk on. We did see some dolphins and some large fish jumping out of the water but no people in the water.

The guards gave us a few minutes to gather our bearings and look out on the Gulf before herding us through the door. The near silence of the Gulf changed to a cacophony of sounds that we found indecipherable that morning although by the time we had been there for three days we were able to start separating them from each other. Reynod was more sensitive to the noise than I was, he walked into the open area covering his ears, dropping his bag to let the guard pull it, too.

You could have called it a zoo but there aren't any zoos that hold all the creatures in front of us, there was everything from a lap dog to a Brontosaurus that was peering into windows that were fifteen stories high. I was more excited than my twin, he had never been too fond of large animals although I could tell that he was checking out all the animals that were around the one hundred pound mark. I thought he would have been happy if he had been allowed to run in among the dogs to see if they would mount him although he had never told me that he had indulged in bestiality.

Off to one side there were a gathering of giants. What a strange word, some of them were no more than nine feet tall, the tallest I saw that morning must have been at least twenty feet tall nearly able to knock a regular sized man over with his heavy swinging dick. Why would anyone tranform into a being with that large of cock? There couldn't be anyone that could take it, unless there was another giant I didn't see? Were the giants actually humans that had transitioned into the larger creatures for some reason?

The guards lead us to an elevator that took us down through the water. The control panel said minus fourteen floors. They took us to two rooms side by side that we were told would be ours for the foreseeable future. It was going to be the first time that Reynod and I would not be sleeping in the same room other than if one of us had slept with a new sexual partner. We seldom had stayed away from home more than one night at a time, we missed being around our twin too much. I may miss holding him against my chest more than he misses being held since some of his partners would have held him.

"Tristan and Reynod, you will have a general introductory meeting in an hour. Do not wander around too much, there are no maps of the clinic posted, to help if you get lost. In your info packet it says that neither of you has been to the Gulf or an Ocean, if you would like to take a look at what it is like underwater there is a viewing gallery on the seventh floor." The rooms vibrated from the announcement broadcast specifically to us.

"One of the guards that lead you to your rooms will be coming by to bring you to the introductory meeting so please be waiting for them fifteen minutes before the meeting."

There had been a ten page questionnaire that we had spent most of a day filling out but there had been a few questions that we didn't have an answer for and had been debating since the day we submitted the form. The question we fought over most was if we wanted to be linked and shift as one or if we would prefer to shift separately leaving our twin as he would normally be seen? I love my Brother but after twenty-one years I was ready to explore the Galaxy on my own not as one of a pair of what ever shape we shifted into. Reynod being more submissive didn't want us to begin a new life as anything other than the twins we had always been. We had been sent a DM that we would have to make that decision on the first day of training, we had tried to convince each other of our way of thinking on the drive there.

We decided to take the tour of underwater beings. While the oceans had been depleted of many species the United Nations had located as many as possible to populate the area around the clinic. It soon became evident to us why, we would need to have an appreciation of a being that we would wish to shift into, there were others like us that had never seen the great waters or the beings that lived under them, it was our first glimpse of the group we would be with for the rest of our lives. I was not as enamored of the water beings as I had been of the beings we had first seen on entering the clinic, some of the others were pressed against the glass peering into the water at the strange beings.

"I will be your instructor for the first three weeks and possibly a private tutor to any of you that need to excel in those subjects. We are aware that some of you have no idea how to shift while there are others of you that have learned some of what we will be teaching here, please be patient and learn the ideas the way we are trying to teach them. What you learn every week will build on what we have already taught you." Mr. Downing as the instructor wished to be called was a nearly seven foot tall woman with the complexion of a Native North American.

"Before I start trying to teach you anything I would like you to introduce yourselves. Give us your name, where you are from, any special training or education and what you know of shape shifting. We'll start with Mr. Anil."

Reynod and I had the same problem every time we were asked to introduce ourselves. We would stand as if connected and start to speak at the same time no matter who tried to allow the other to go first. Mr. Downing interrupted us before we had given our names.

"Tristan Anil, you may go first."

"You have heard my name, my brother and I grew up outside of Houston, Texas. I am one of a set of triplets, the third is a girl that I have never met. She was sent to be raised by our grandparents in Alaska. I have gone through four years of training at the College of Justice and a year at the FBI academy. Eight months ago I was placed in the Houston Office of the FBI as a trainee. I have been shape shifting from male to female since I was in diapers. I have never shifted outside of my family home."

The rest of the class stood to introduce themselves with similar short statements although there were only two others that had experienced shape shifting and none for as long as I had been doing it. There were four females in the class, one each from China, Australia, the Philippines and South America. The other two males were from Africa and Western Europe.

"Tristan Anil, come stand by me." It wasn't usual that I felt dwarfed standing in front of a woman but that day was different. Mr. Downing looked me up and down before speaking again.

"Go behind that door and come out as your favorite female transition."

I took one step to the side, bent over to push my underwear down and standing up presented the class with my best Marilyn Monroe. I was proud of myself, I had worked on transitioning into her since the first time I had seen her photo on a computer site showing sex symbols through the last three thousand years.

"Mr. Anil, that is a good transition but you didn't do as I instructed. Now go behind the door and come back as a different woman."

Through school and law enforcement training I had always resented instructors that didn't accept an answer that was determined in a way they hadn't wanted. I didn't say anything to Mr. Downing, I went behind the door and returned as my favorite popular singer. The change didn't take me more than a few seconds and I went back to the class nearly as tall as Mr. Downing with all the curves the Native North American woman had enhanced.

"Very good. Would you explain to the group why you dropped your underwear before transitioning into Marilyn Monroe?" He made the order sound like he hadn't thought it necessary to unclothe before transitioning.

"Yes, sir." Saying that to the female form in front of me felt strange. "Marilyn has a larger bottom than I do, I didn't want to be that tightly bound or rip the underwear. The second reason is that I have not mastered transitioning fully dressed."

"What do you mean when you say you have not completely mastered shifting fully dressed?"

"I am able to appear dressed but when I do it I have not been capable of having the entire body appear, too. Most of the time I have not had all of my hand shift at the same time as the clothing."

"Class you will learn that the problem Mr. Anil is describing is common. By the time you have gone through my training you will have overcome that obstacle. Mr. Anil, would you show your fellow students what you look like when you try forming clothing?" I hadn't been ashamed to stand in front of the group without any clothing but to show them a transition without part of a hand was another story since it made me admit to being a failure at shifting.

"This time come back through the door resembling me as closely as you can."

Walking behind the door I tried to recall exactly what Mr. Downing was wearing. Shifting into the same body was no big deal but the clothing he was wearing was much more complicated, it was many colors and different materials. It took me two tries behind the door to be satisfied with my appearance, I didn't think the clothing was totally correct but it was the best I could do. Because of the complications I walked back to the groups through the door not only without part of a hand but completely missing the lower portion of my right arm and hand.

"Mr. Anil, you have given it a good try but you are going to have to work on transitioning clothing seriously this week. Can you change the woman's skin coloration while standing here?"

Doing what he asked was not that difficult. I had been working on doing it since I graduated High School. He hadn't asked me to change any of the features that would sell the color change but it was a part of what I had learned made people believe what they were seeing. Without even turning away from the group I shifted the skin coloration and facial features to that of a stunning black woman that I had seen herding dogs that morning.

"Please have a seat." I would have preferred to shift back to the male I had entered the room as but since he hadn't given that direction I sat in the seat next to Reynod and tried to pay attention to what Mr. Downing was doing. Unlike me he was transitioning his body one part at a time to what I first assumed was his real body. He started to explain to the group exactly what was going on in his mind as his body shifted. He easily had the uniform he had been wearing switch to an outfit that would have gotten him admitted to a black tie dinner.

I examined him as closely as I could from my seat. I wondered if he was missing part of his body but wasn't able to see any defect in the shift. Once he had explained the complete transition to the group he moved onto giving us a run down on what we could expect for the rest of the day. I thought it seemed like they were going to feed us too much, I really don't like gaining weight. He calmly told all of the group that they were expected to eat as much red meat and pork as they could, our brains needed the extra fat to work at the level shifting demands.

He had us lead to a separate dining room from the employees. I had expected that we would need to go through a buffet line, that had been the way we were fed at the law enforcement academy and anywhere I had been that didn't allow you to order your meals. We were shown to two tables, one for the females and one for the males although I hadn't shifted back to male I was seated with the other males. I was uncomfortable seating there in feminine clothing while the other males were in only underwear. My whole life I had presented myself to my contemporaries as male and would have preferred to dominate with my masculine personality and body.

There wasn't much talking until everyone had eaten at least half of what had been presented. I was still eating the beef tips when my Brother started to tease me about changing places with him and being the submissive twin. I had never seen him in drag but he gave me some hints on the way I was dressed and the makeup on my face. Pierre, the boy from Africa, tried flirting with me. It seemed like he didn't mind that I was biologically a male, he liked the female sitting at the lunch table and wanted to do more than just talk. I didn't mind that he was attempting to see if I was willing to have sex with him, although a dark tan he was extremely attractive.

We were served beef tips, heavy on the beef. I was full by the time I had eaten half of the meal,

I was glad that the desert was only a small cup of banana pudding. I had barely swallowed the first bite when Mr. Downing came back into the room and told us to rush, the fifteen minutes we were to have to ourselves had been canceled.

Back in the training room we were told to stay quiet. As soon as everyone had taken a seat the screen at the end of the room came to life.

"I am Admiral Broughton. I am in charge of the Intergalipol. I am not one of you but I may know more about you and what you will be asked to do than anyone else on Earth. I was not expecting to have the time to address you until graduation, I am glad to have you join us in the mission we have undertaken to control crime throughout the Milky Way.

"I have designed the training course to prepare you to go undercover on all the populated planets out of the solar system. The trainers have all been living as transitional beings for the last ten years, take the opportunity to learn everything they are trying to teach you, it may mean the difference between staying alive and getting stranded in a foreign land with no way home. The galaxy will be divided into regions, you will be assigned a partner that will be in charge of the program in your region which will be determined by the Arms of the Galaxy.

"There are many matters that you have not been advised about. We have been waiting for you to be here, being trained to tell you what is expected. The training Mr. Downing is to give you the first three weeks will be the most important of all your training. If you have not exceeded his expectations you will not proceed through the remaining training. These three weeks will require you to study and practice all day long so don't expect any time on your own other than one day at the end of the second week. Assume nothing, what you know now is not enough to get you through the first week. Those of you that have gone through law enforcement training on your continent will have an advantage over those that have not but at this point I plan to be pairing them up with you.

"At the end of the second week you will be moved from your private room to a double that will have your future partner rooming with you. As you saw this morning your natural gender will not be of a concern to me other than we plan to pair together people who do not know each other. I know that a good portion of the class is gay, the plan is for you all to experience bi-sexuality before you are finished learning about human transitions. The classes in sex will not be lead by Mr. Downing, the only natural male currently working off Earth will be coming here to train you.

"Whatever moral stance you currently have needs to be reconsidered when you get to the point where you are studying the laws and customs of the other planets. Most of the other beings populating the galaxy think of us as backwater bumpkins when it comes to sex and couplings, perhaps we are since we generally are binary while many other planets consider that selfish.

"I am not going to take any more of your time. Do as your instructors tell you. In six weeks I hope to be standing in front of eight shape shifters capable of all that our mission will require of you. If there is one part of the training that is not psychologically possible please tell Mr. Downing before the first week is out. We will match up your request with the information sheets we have on you and your recommendations.

"Now I have a meeting with the leaders of four other planets that have already put in requests for your services. We will put them off unless there is a fit with what you already are capable of doing and their need. Working undercover is a full day job, here twenty-four hours a day elsewhere that may differ but you will not be off duty once you are sent to another planet and are able to return successfully. I wish you all well.

"Back to work."

The screen went blank, Mr. Downing took over. He first gave us some background on the Admiral and then our other trainers. We were divided into pairs and sent to the corners of the room where we were to be assigned random characters to shift into. Before I was paired up he had me shift back to my natural gender, coloration and size. That was comforting, at least my partner would know who I was when we were shifting. I had expected that we would be assigned one male and one female but we were put with another of our gender, he explained he thought we would be more comfortable shifting in front of another of our gender for some of the more complex shifts.

Pierre and I were paired up. I chuckled to myself when I heard that he and I would be together for most of the next week. He may have been thinking of himself as a heterosexual but I was certain by the time the week was over he would no longer be a homosexual virgin, ahead of our sex classes. Sex had only been hinted at during our introductory session and some in the Admiral's speech so I had no idea if there was going to be time to seduce the man and if there was would he be in his male form or would I have to step out of my history and switch hit?

"Pierre, it looks like Mr. Downing is going to be talking to the other pairs as he goes around the room, leaving us to last. We have been told "they" want us to be comfortable. You said in your introduction that you have only ever had sex with a female. Truthfully, I have only ever had sex with men. Don't let that mislead you, I am not a cocksucker or a butt boy. All the sex I have experienced I have been the dominate partner, I love fucking other men in the ass." I watched his reaction closely, how far was I going to need to get him out of his comfort zone?

Saying that to my "partner" I dropped my regulation underwear. I was concerned that the chubbing I had felt would lead to a full erection by the time I was naked. Fortunately it hadn't but I was a bit longer than normal. Pierre was not shy either, he followed me almost to the point of being undressing simultaneously. He had turned away from me so the first thing I saw was that high butt being bent to allow him to remove the pants over his feet.

I wasn't sure what I would be seeing. I had undressed and put on my uniform around dozens of men of every possible ethnicity or coloration. Some had almost no dick and then there were the stereotypical black men with huge cocks. As easy as Pierre had pulled off his underwear I thought he would be in that last category but no, he doesn't have any more cock than I do. That was only a secondary thought, I really wanted a good look at his butt, sure I had seen it first but I wanted to see more than just the tight buns, how deep was the crack and was he hairy?

We both turned around fully so the other could see everything they might want to look at. I noticed that Pierre seemed more interested in looking at my balls than at anything else. That was alright with me, I love having men sucking on my balls before I fuck them. I wanted to ask him to pull his cheeks apart so I could get a look at his asshole but I thought I needed to behave myself that first day, I would have the rest of the week to see what he had hidden.

I hadn't noticed the man following Mr. Downing until they had gone through three of the pairs and were headed to our corner. Everyone else was busy on a Pad they had been given, I didn't have any idea what that was about until we were handed our Pad and told where to go. Under our names on the Pad were a list of people that we were to attempt shifting into. If we didn't know the person the following page would display an image of them to give us an example of what was expected of us. The images were displayed against a wall marked with height and width to give us more of what we needed if we didn't know the person.

My first two images were famous politicians from across the globe, I had heard their names and even seen their faces but that was all. Pierre had a female athlete and the North American ambassador to Africa. We were given instructions and a way that we were to judge our success by using the camera on the pad to scan our transition. I thought I would cheat and look beyond the first two images but the Pad refused to go any further until our scans had been graded.

Pierre asked to go first since I had already shown the group my transitions into females. He took longer than I had either time I had shifted, he did fairly well except for some minor details that caused the Pad to downgrade him to an 85 out of 100. I was surprised at how comfortable he seemed standing beside me in a sports bra and panties, he made a good looking woman that might have drawn my interest if I was not fully gay.

My first transition was to the leader of the Korean Peninsula, he couldn't have been much further from my natural state. He was shorter than I like appearing, heavier than me and an odd coloration for an Asian man. I thought I had done fairly well and while waiting for my grade asked Pierre what he thought. He had a couple minor criticisms but expected my grade to be better than his first one. I could tell he was busy thinking about his second shift so I didn't ask anything else. My grade came back in the 90's, at least eight points higher than Pierre had scored the first time.

Pierre's second shift was a severe looking Afro-American woman in her fifties, rather stout and three shades darker than him. He must not have been paying attention to the height chart behind the woman because his shift was clearly as tall as he was normally not her eight to ten inches shorter. When I scanned him the Pad rang an alarm. The man that had been with Mr. Downing came running to shut down the Pad. He carefully explained to Pierre that the Pad was giving the alarm because of his obvious misjudgment, he would be given a second attempt at the same shift but should he fail a second time he would be held after everyone else was sent to their rooms to work on his observational skills.

I didn't want to have to stay later than anyone else so I took a final look at the man I was to mimic. My first few looks at him had given me the idea of an old revolutionary that freed India from Great Britain. I was careful to examine every part of the man visible on the image before I attempted the transition. Whoever was assigning the images to us must have read the answer I had given about height on the questionnaire. The man I was to shift into was barely five feet tall, hunched over, skinny to the point of emaciation with wrinkled brown skin.

I did the shift the way Mr. Downing had been trying to get us to work, part of the body at a time not the way I was used to shifting. It took me longer than I was used to shift but I was able to come close and even shift into a dhoti. Mr. Downing second had stayed with us to be sure there was no problem with the Pad. I received the highest score out of the four scans we had made and a compliment from the man.

Pierre's second try at shifting into the Ambassador went much better. It was a higher score than his first transition so he was happy to move on.

The Pad gave us our next instructions not Mr. Downing who was walking around the room observing everyone as they shifted to and back. He asked me if I had already improved enough that I was able to transition into a character that was fully dressed. I told him that I hadn't, what I had done was skip a part of the man that wouldn't be visible so I was able to create the Dhoti with no problem. He seemed perplexed until I grabbed my crotch to show him I had basically left the old man with nothing between his legs.

I didn't expect the chewing out he gave me. I wasn't to do anything like that again, he let me know that I needed to extend my shift to a whole person and clothing. None the less we were permitted to move to the next exercise.

While we hung up our underwear I told Pierre that I thought he had a nice butt. He didn't appreciate my comment and hissed at me. I wasn't worried about his reaction, I had the rest of the week to get him used to me appreciating his butt and hopefully into his asshole.

The next exercise was shifting singular parts of our bodies to an image presented to us on the Pad. The only time I had ever tried to shift just one part of my body, well you can guess which part I enlarged, I hadn't totally succeeded in making it fully functioning. Although I think everyone was taking the exercise seriously there were outbursts of laughter from time to time. Pierre and I both had to laugh when we were to expand our hands until we could not longer hold them out in front of our bodies, it was a silly look but we both passed the grading.

"Pierre, you have been staring at my balls since we undressed the first time, I'm supposed to make them grow for this exercise. Do you want to hold them as they expand?"

"Forget that. I'll just watch." He didn't sound too insulted but I didn't press the subject, I just stepped closer to him and watched as he gulped. They almost pulled ne to the ground before I stopped and told him it was time to scan them.

I figured this would be a test of just how resistant he would be to us having sex. He was going to need to get under me between my legs to scan the rear of my balls. If he was in a good position I might swing them back far enough to hit him. He was making a comment about the fact that I don't have any hair on my balls or ass when I swung them back towards his face. Pierre fell to the floor looking straight up at my asshole. I let him look for a couple minutes before helping him stand up. The Pad didn't give me my best grade but I passed the exercise with the suggestion that I try it again after class.

We both had trouble expanding our heads. Fortunately we were allowed three attempts before the Pad had us move to the next part of our body. When I saw what it was I knew that Pierre was going to be embarrassed to show me his attempt and to scan my attempt. I couldn't understand why we would ever need to stretch our assholes out as large as we were instructed but possibly if we were going to experience bi-sexual intercourse there would be creatures in the galaxy that would demand a hole that large to receive their cocks.

I told Pierre that I would be the first to scan his natural asshole, I was on the floor between his feet seconds later looking straight up to his asshole. It wasn't that I couldn't resist, it was that I didn't want to resist, I put a hand between his wonderful buns and ran a finger through the wiry pubic hair. I told him that it would be better if he would take a moment to remove the hair around his asshole before we started the exercise. He had nearly flown across the room when my finger touched his asshole, he let me know that I was the first person to ever touch him there. When he stood over me again he slowly removed the pubic hair until I was able to clearly see the almost exactly same colored rim around his asshole.

I wanted to reach out and run my finger around his hole but held off while I let the Pad scan the area he was to enlarge. When he had enough hair pulled into his body I let him know that it was perfect. When the Pad let me know that it had finished measuring and getting the image I told him that it was time for him to see if he was able to stretch the virgin hole to the length in his instructions. Watching him attempt to shift that part of his body was like watching a virgin opening up for his first cock. I had to tell him that he was not stretching the hole but opening up like he wanted me to push my finger or cock in him.

Pierre was not pleased with what I was telling him but let his asshole close and tried again to see if he was able to do what the instructions had told him. He gradually was able to show me a growing asshole that once barely an inch long was nearly three inches long before he asked if his asshole was as large as the instructions had said. I had been stunned to lay there watching him and took a minute to answer. I suggested he continue so he would get to the size demanded of him.

"Hold still and let me run a finger down the length of your asshole." He tried to tell me not to touch him but he was too slow, I had touched my finger to the long hole and gently pressed it into him. I couldn't believe how hot he was inside, I wanted to get more than just a finger in him. I pulled my finger out and spit on two fingers before gently pushing into him again.

"Pierre, you are almost big enough for me to push my whole fist into you. Relax while I start to move my fingers around." He was having trouble holding still and when I told him, to relax.

"Don't do that." I knew he was referring to pushing my whole fist into him, he had begun to react to me moving my fingers the way most guys that wanted fucked reacted.

"Okay, we'll do it some other time." I don't know if he looked down or not but if he had he would have seen that my cock was standing at its full seven and a half inches anxious to be buried inside of him. I went back to using the Pad the way I needed to get a full scan of his asshole, it gave a weak beep letting us know that he hadn't quite managed to do as told. His buns looked like he was straining, I wanted him to enjoy what he was doing so I caressed them helping him relax.

"If we were alone I'd gladly sit up and lick your asshole." All he did was harumph and attempt to stretch further. A minute later the Pad read an 80.

Pierre sat by me while his asshole contracted. He complained about the feeling of having two fingers in him but admitted that he had liked them entering and being withdrawn. I promised myself that he would like my cock entering and withdrawing even more, I was glad that his cock was as hard as mine when he sat down. I looked forward to having time to fuck him well.

"Give me the Pad. It is time for you to show me your asshole." He actually sounded like he was looking forward to seeing my asshole.

Although I had never been fucked I had shown my asshole to some of my past partners especially ones that had wanted to lick it. There was no reason for me to be shy about showing it to Pierre although I had the fear he would try doing the same as I had done and I wasn't sure he would be careful sliding his fingers into me.

"Shit, man. Your asshole looks better than the ones I have seen sitting below the cunts I've fucked. You need to spread your legs a little so I can get a good scan." He took his time scanning my asshole, I hoped he liked what he was seeing. Not that I wanted him to fuck me, I had other hopes for us. Before I ever started to stretch my hole he reached up and ran a finger down the length. His finger felt as good as any tongue I had ever felt, I wondered if he would try pushing one or more of them into me when it was larger.

Stretching my asshole was tough. My body isn't large enough to get to where the instructions had told me to go. I stopped when I was barely two inches long to expand my pelvis and hips, after that I was able to do what I had been told stretching it out to almost four inches long. Pierre hadn't said a word as he watched me stretching my asshole, when I asked if I had it large enough his answer was to press three fingers into me. I was amazed that I enjoyed having his fingers in me, I squatted further to allow him to push them in deeper.

"I think you should do the scan." Although I was enjoying his fingers I was worried that I would want to turn the tables on him and fuck his ass while everyone could see what we were doing. I gasped as he pulled his fingers out. Damn, if that is what getting fucked is like why had I always insisted on being the one to stick my cock in an asshole? And not to be fucked?

"Great, you got a 99!" I wasn't that interested in the score, I was more interested in figuring out why I had never let anyone fuck me when it felt so good with just fingers.

Mr. Downing came to our corner to check our scores. He went through them nodding approvingly until he came to the last score I had received. He looked at my butt back to its natural state and told me to repeat what I had done on the last exercise. He and Pierre stood behind me while I expanded my butt and spread my legs. I hadn't felt embarrassed or shy doing that for Pierre but with second and soon a third person watching I wasn't sure I wanted to be doing that again.

"Pierre, if you want to get under him and help any way you did the first time feel free. No one around here is worried about two men touching each other." He sent one of the men that had joined him for a tube of lotion. "Tristan, this will help you not feel the stretch when you allow your asshole return to your natural state."

A moment later I felt Pierre run his finger down the center of my asshole smearing the medication from one end to the other. I instantly knew why anyone I fucked insisted on me using some lube. I nearly grabbed Pierre's fingers with my asshole it felt that nice. Mr. Downing gave me the go ahead to begin stretching my asshole, Pierre was still putting the lotion on me; I was suddenly afraid he was going to put more than the two fingers in me as I stretched my hole for him. This time I felt the pain of my skin being stretched and possibly torn as I tried to enlarge my hole as I was being told.

"Pierre, if you like touching him like that you could rise up and kiss his asshole. You are going to be fucking it soon so you should get used to making him feel good. Don't worry, we have you using a lotion that tastes good." Mr. Downing had taken hold of Pierre's head and was helping him or pushing him, I'm not sure which, between my buns so that his mouth was soon breathing warm air on my exposed asshole. I was anxiously awaiting his lips but I was trying to do as Mr. Downing was telling me and could tell that I was stretched further than I had been the last time.

The man that had given us the Pad put his hands on my shoulders and pressed down until I was touched by the soft lips and unexpectedly a warm wet tongue. For never having been fucked I wanted Pierre to take advantage of my open asshole more than I could have imagined.

"That's right. You said you have eaten pussy go at his asshole like it is the best tasting pussy your tongue has ever found." I was having trouble staying erect, my body quivered from my toes to my eyes. If the man that had pressed me down hadn't held onto my shoulders I may have fallen on top of Pierre. It felt like he was using his tongue on and in me for an hou but I'm sure it was only a few minutes before Mr. Downing told us both that we had been doing that enough. He must have known how I felt and let me lay down beside Pierre before walking off.

"Tristan, after dinner we have the choice of a class on piloting a Flovian Sphere or reading space coordinates, which one are you planning on attending?" Pierre was leaning over me with his finger back to playing with my asshole while I tried shrinking it back to its normal size. I was feeling so good that I didn't hear his question until he repeated it.

"Pierre, unless you are really hungry we could stay here and learn more about each other's body. I am ready for you to take my virginity and you?"

"I think I would rather we wait until after dinner and one of the classes so we can go back to a room and experiment in private." He had pulled his fingers out and leaning down kissed me on the butt too far from my asshole to be exciting. Still if that was what he thought would be the most comfortable for him I had to agree. I rolled over and kissed him on the mouth.

Dinner was a traditional steak and potato. I walked into the dining room not thinking I was hungry but the scent of the steak had me salivating before the meal was served. Perhaps they knew what they were saying when they told us we would need the extra fatty meat to keep our brains working at full capacity.

"Tristan, you look different. What happened to you?" I couldn't tell my Brother what was going to happen sitting at the dining room table but let him know that he should walk with me to the piloting class and I would tell all. I knew he was going to laugh when I told him about the new feelings I had while being fingered and that I wanted him to teach me how to suck cock. I was having a hard time keeping my hand off Pierre's cock while we ate.

The spheres were so much different than any vehicle I had ever been in that I felt like I was already on one of the distant planets. We were lucky that they had been refitted to allow us to sit in the pilot's seat without falling over. A Flovian instructor sat in the copilot's seat to tell us every move we needed to make, it was much simpler than what I had expected from any movie I had seen that showed Earth space ships leaving gravity.

There were not the hundreds of gauges and levers or buttons that seemed to occupy Earth space ships. The sphere was mostly controlled by a voice controlled computer. Any fine control needed was made by slight movement of our elbows and knees, our hands and feet were left free for balance and we would learn later for control of external weapons. I had been told that the Flovians were barely four feet tall so I didn't know if we would have room to stand or walk but our instructor told us that the extra space above and around us was so that they were able to float freely in non-gravity situations.

That first evening we were allowed to take the spheres out over the Gulf only long enough to get the feel of using the computer for acceleration and ascending or descending. There was a lot to learn about the capabilities of the spheres that we were told about although not fully instructed in how to do any other than the basics. It was a thrilling evening made even more so when told after Pierre landed in the dock that the sphere would be the one that he and I would be using to patrol our arm of the galaxy.

My mind was completely removed from sex by the two hours we spent getting used to the sphere. I wished we had been able to take it for a longer trip maybe taking it out of the Earth's gravity but since we hadn't gone through the classes concerning living in space without gravity we were held to

flying under one thousand feet high. The sphere accelerated faster than race cars, we were pushed deep into the seats; I almost vomited from the pressure on my chest.

The four of us gabbed like High School kids on our way back to our rooms. We were really doing this. I had a hard time believing that I was going to be leaving Earth to continue enforcing the law, I hoped the classes explaining what laws we were expected to enforce were not as hard as many of the law enforcement classes I had in college. I was afraid we would need to learn the laws of all the planets in our quadrant of space, that could be tough since we would need to learn more about the cultures, too.

The day had been so exciting that I wasn't ready to fall asleep. Close to our rooms Pierre asked if he could join me in my room for awhile. My mind immediately went back to our discussion before dinner, I was no longer ready to lose my anal virginity. My room had changed since I went to dinner, there was no longer just a ¾ bed and desk, somehow the room had expanded to hold a very large bed, two comfortable looking couches and a small table that I almost called a breakfast table until I remembered we had been told there was to be no food in our rooms, only beverages.

Pierre stretched himself out on one of the couches like he was attending a Roman dinner party or orgy. Before sitting on the other coach I told him how good I thought he looked laid out that way. I didn't say it but I wanted him to roll on his stomach so I would be able to ogle his butt while we talked. It had been a hard day with all the shifting we had gone through and the pilot training, I found myself leaning on an arm of the couch with my legs stretched over the comfortable pillow surface. We were both yawning soon after taking a couch, I thought about moving over to the other couch and taking Pierre in my arms but before I could, I fell asleep.

I hadn't remembered setting an alarm to get me out of bed but there was an obnoxious noise coming from the bathroom to wake me. As soon as I found the way to turn off the noise there was an announcement saying it was time for a shower and a half hour til breakfast would be ready. I wasn't even paying attention to the fact that Pierre was in the main room, I didn't close the door behind me as I kicked off my underwear that were damp from sleeping in them. I was leaned over the sink brushing my teeth when Pierre joined me in the bathroom, stepping in close behind me with his cock slipping into the crack of my butt. If he hadn't taken hold of one arm I might have turned and thrown a punch, as soon as he felt me settle down he dropped my arm and let his hand grasp my cock. Usually when a man grasped my cock he was trying to guide it into his asshole, this was so different that I couldn't tell what Pierre was thinking.

"Tristan, that was not what I was thinking when I planned on sleeping with you. I had hoped to have your arms wrapped around me and our cocks worn to nubs from all the action we had given each other." I didn't tell him that it wasn't what I thought of when saying that we were going to sleep together. He hadn't let go of my cock as he talked. "Shall we shower together?"

I wasn't sure I wanted to have him shower with me. As he had wrapped his body around me I had been overwhelmed by his scent and didn't want him washing it away. I had always been turned on by the scent of men, Pierre had me so hard I was afraid if I moved into the shower with him I would be shooting cum on his hot body. About that time I felt the first pre-cum on the head of his cock, if he kept leaking he would soon be able to slip his cock in my ass.

The automated maid service had left an extra, personal connection for the power brush and two fluffy towels hanging on a towel warmer. I told Pierre to join me when he was finished cleaning his teeth, I didn't tell him I wanted to kiss him and suck his tongue. I had my hair soaped when he stepped into the shower, the smile on his face was so attractive that I could have easily been convince to turn around and bend over for him. We spent a few minutes more than we should have scrubbing each other and feeling up our bodies. And of course kissing passionately.

Once I turned off the water we felt the hard gush of warm air that was meant to be the first step in drying off. I couldn't resist him any longer and pressed my mouth back to his the way I had been thinking since I finished cleaning mine, I have often had kisses that I have enjoyed but that morning the kiss between us was too much and we both shot a load of hot cum on each other at the same time. Once I had stopped shooting I thought I was going to have to start the shower again but Pierre shocked me, dropped to his knees and licked my cum off my cock and balls then his off my stomach. If a straight man could lick off my cum I could make myself do it too.

By the time I had licked Pierre clean his cock was standing again. It didn't seem right but I forced my way down on his cock and tried to suck whatever cum he had left in his balls out of the shaft.

Half dry Pierre took the time to braid my hair into a single tight braid that hung down to the middle of my back. While he did that I told him that it had been the first time I had ever had a cock in my mouth, the first time I had ever tasted another person's cum and that we would need to do what we had told each other the previous day. He took my hand and pressed it to his butt before saying that he would be ready for me to split him open, he could have pushed into me at the same time since his dripping cock was pressed between my buns against my asshole.

Was I going to be able to concentrate enough to learn our lessons for the day?

Each of the days for the next week we were paired with another of the class. By the third day I was able to shift into a female fully dressed, I mean fully-with a brassiere and panties included. I wasn't pleased to be wearing women's undergarments or dresses but I understood they would be necessary if I was to go undercover as a human female. I wasn't attracted to any of the rest of the group even when my partners shifted into Pierre's body. I decided that I had fallen for his personality as well as his body, he would try to sit by me at every meal, we learned a lot about each other.

Every evening we would go to the same training class until we had gone through the basics, after that we were separated for the more advanced classes. I had been looking forward to the first day off, Reynod and I had arranged to have the day out on the water until we were told that we would need to pass a swimming test. I hadn't thought about the possibility that we would fall into the water and need to swim back to the boards we had rented. Reynod is not a strong swimmer so we were unsure that he would be able to pass the distance trial.

The evening we were to take the test a pair of tight bikini style swimming suits were laying on the bed when we returned from dinner. I had seen men wearing that style of swim suits in old videos of Rio de Janeiro and at the World Games. That day I had been paired with Reynod for the first time so I was in a better mood than any day other than when Pierre had stayed overnight. We still hadn't fucked, other than using our hands and kissing we hadn't proceeded to explore what it would be like to be sexual with each other. Reynod had been missing me so he had planned to stay that night. I have to say that I had missed having him in my bed, too. Not that we had much sex growing up just that it felt right to have him backed up against my body.

That night my Brother was worrying about the test we would be taking the next day, I had slept with my Brother other nights he was worried about what was to come so I wasn't surprised when he crawled under the covers and took my cock in his mouth. I knew he liked using me as a pacifier when he was bothered. I had been given many blow jobs since I was in Junior High School, still I thought Reynod treated my cock the best of anyone other than a fellow FBI officer, the first Asian man I had ever met, that would suck me for a long time and then beg me to fuck him all night.

Reynod was going to fail the swimming test, I had to rescue him on the second lap. The woman that had been assigned to test us let it go. After we were finished she showed both of us how to shift into a dolphin and swim the way they do. That was almost as much fun as riding the wave boards we rented for the next day. Although we had the boards for the full day we stored them shortly after lunch and tried joining a group of dolphins that had been attracted to us creating shadows in the Gulf. At first I wasn't sure we should be swimming with the dolphins, I had heard that young male dolphins had been known to attempt raping humans that were in what they considered their territory.

We were lucky, the dolphins that swam with us were not solitary males that needed to find a sexual outlet, there were males and females some of them were fairly young and small. It was nice having them rubbing against our bodies and giving us a tow if we grabbed their dorsal fin. Reynod was a little more adventurous with the dolphins than I, we had been with the group for an hour or so when he shifted back into a human and took off his swim suit. I tried to warn him that their cocks were not like ours and could damage him if he wasn't careful. A few minutes later I heard him scream, I swam in his direction to find him fending off an amorous young female that was playing with his cock. He asked me to get his suit and help get him away from the female dolphin.

Later that evening we were in my room with Pierre and Nils relating how he had been almost raped by the female when Nil told him that he should have tried to swim to one of the males, he thought they would have defended him if not rape him themselves. That was the first time any of us discussed interspecies sex. We all thought of bestiality when we thought of the idea but Nils had a different idea since we were going to be able to shift into any of the animals or other species we met, what was the problem? Sure the corkscrew cock might have damaged his asshole but if Reynod had shifted back to a dolphin he might have enjoyed sex with one of the males.

I went to bed with the others still discussing inter species sex. The examples they were giving each other were strange and kept me from falling asleep quickly although I was exhausted from swimming. It seemed that all of the others knew more about the sexual practices of the other species we would be meeting, than I, and their anatomy. I almost fell out of bed when I heard my Brother describing the cock of our Flovian trainer, I hadn't known that he seduced the creature. I should have known, my Brother had always said he wanted to have sex with a creature from outer space..

Next: Chapter 2

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