Tramp in Scotland

By Homer's Odyssey

Published on May 30, 2004


Well Dudes,

This is a hot one but first let's go through the usual bullshit about not reading this, if it is not legal for you to do so. Also, this is a true story about Male to Male sex and some names and places have been changed to protect the guilty. There is no mention of protected sex in the story. In this day of Aids and other Sexually transmitted diseases, be advised and be safe as you can. Condoms and no body fluid exchanges


There is no copyright so go ahead copy or plagiarize if you want. Who in hell would want to copy right this, anyway?

If you like the story or want to give me a cheap thrill you can E-Mail me "Homer's Odyssey" . I do not open attachments and being almost computer illiterate I don't know how to send pictures. Some dudes do manage to send pictures but not as attachments.

There are some dudes out there, who I would like to thank and appreciate. Norman, my Scottish technical editor, you make it all worth while. Joel and Dave thanks for your encouragement and Jason you are great. Ken, you're crazy!

So here goes.

Hans and I were camping at a beach side camp in Nairn. We had camped

overnight and were set to take a job the next day at a swank old fashioned beach side hotel. We were expected at 9 AM and so had a bite at a fast food cafe at the end of the beach on the north side of Nairn and were on our way to the hotel.

When we got there the manager took us to the concierge desk and put us under the charge of Jimmy, a cute kid hardly any older than we were. He was the resident gofer, and had his fingers in most everything that happened in the hotel. Jimmy was a thin straw blond kid with the features of an angel and the character of a pimp. After we had been introduced he took us up to a large dormitory room where the summer help lived. We each were assigned a bed and a wall locker, called an armoire and we had a dresser between us. we went to a utility closet where we were given bedding and were issued waiters' duds. There was some trouble with fitting Hans but they finally found something that did alright. It fit real tight in the ass and if it hadn't been for the white waiter's jacket covering his crotch Hans' cock bulging the trousers would have set off a riot. If the ass was tight the crotch showed everything, cock balls and all were well defined for all to see. The white waiters' jacket came below the crotch, so if Hans didn't lean backwards, he was decently covered. Jimmy did a lot of ass patting and he was getting off on Hans. Hans just glared, and Jimmy turned his attention on me. Once when no one was looking he groped me hard and said in a low voice "you'll do! Oh yes, you'll do just fine!"

We had our experience waiting on tables at the hotel at the foot of the Wallace Monument Tower near Stirling. (Remember that! Uncut Dudes! The Wallace tower with its balcony around the tip looks like an erect uncut cock! It's really a secret monument to all you Uncut Dudes!) Anyway, we had enough experience from the hotel there that we could do a creditible job at the Nairn beachside Hotel. I'm not naming place names but, I did tell you in Chapter 7, that there was a golf course right next door.

We met some of our fellow summer help dudes and got to know them a little before we did our waiter gig. There were some cute ones and several girls, but the girls had another dormitory where they slept and hung out.

Hans and I were assigned to the Ocean View Grill and our shift was 6 to 10 in the evening and 11 to 2 at noon. We had room clean up between 9 and 11 in the morning and 3 to 6 in the afternoon. Jimmy was on our asses to get the cleanup done quickly, and I do mean he was on and around my ass. He didn't let up patting my ass and whenever he could he groped me. Hans was getting pissed, but I told him that it wasn't so bad and we were drawing the heavy bread and the tips were good too. We were each clearing over 50 pounds a day and our meals in the kitchen were yum good. We did sneak over to the golf course late at night and get some caressing and sucking to keep us sane and stop us from jumping the guests.

We had been there three days, when in the afternoon Jimmy sidled up to me and said that there was a special party that night after dinner and I had been requested to be there. He said I would be paid 150 pounds for the night. 50 from the Hotel and 100 from the guests throwing the party. He said it was a stag bachelor party and there were three guests and there would be three staff there. The guests had two suites and we would be expected to stay up there all night if the guests wanted us to. Our clean up duties would be suspended next morning.

Jimmy was honest about the whole thing. He said he knew I was a swinger and that I could have some fun with him and the other one of the waiters at the party while getting to know the bachelor party gents. At first I was shy and inclined to say no! But Jimmy kept saying "Think about the money, mate; and these gents are primo! They are all under 30, clean and very horny. They are all Public School gents and are Commissioned in the Guards". (Uncut dudes, Public Schools in Scotland and England are like Private high schools in the U.S., and the Guards are a Regiment of soldiers who are specially chosen for their good looks and horsemanship. I'll bet someone checks their cocks too. No one gets in without a gay 8. Uncut Dudes, a gay 8 is really a 6 1/2 incher for us cut dudes).

I asked Jimmy what about Hans and he said that Hans had not been invited. They only wanted Jimmy, me and a dude called Peter. Peter was a dark haired cream skinned dude who couldn't have been more than 16 or 17 years old. He must have worked out because when I saw his bod later, it was beautiful. Great pecs and a washboard abdomen. He was uncut with about a 6 inch when hard cock. (Uncut Dudes, I did get to check that equipment later and it was slim and could get hard as a rock).

I didn't know what to do about Hans, but he was surprisingly easy about it. I think he had connected with a big German fraulein and had something going there that he didn't want me to know about.

So, I went to Jimmy and told him I would do it and asked for more details. He said, all we had to do was to make ourselves agreeable and the gents would take it from there. he thought the three of us could do a short strip tease to get things going, and he had some burlesque music on tape for us to listen to, while we "took it off." It sounded cool and then there was the 150 pounds with maybe an extra tip if things really got hot.

I hadn't really noticed Jimmy's "gents" in the Sea View Grill but from what he described, they would be young and horny. I spent the rest of the afternoon and evening thinking about what was going to happen! I had to adjust my equipment every time I thought what was going to happen that night. I was afraid some precum would show a stain on my black waiters trousers, but managed to get through without that happening.

Hans and I split at about 10:30 and Peter and Jimmy found me and Jimmy said we should all take a good shower before we went up to see the gents. The shower room was big enough for the three of us and there was some grab ass and three hard cocks. (Uncut Dudes, Grab ass is playing with each other's bods and "grabbing bubble asses!") We didn't let it go too far, but Jimmy did shag both Peter's and my asses for a couple of seconds. We were hot, horny and ready when we presented ourselves at the suite. i was wearing a pair of walking shorts and the only decent shirt I had. Peter and Jimmy were duded up a bit and looked cool. none of us was wearing under clothing and we were a bit damp from the shower.

When we knocked at the suite door, it was opened by a good looking guy in a sort of silk dressing gown. (That's a silk bathrobe, Uncut Dudes!) He said to come in and his name was Collin. He was the Best Man for the Wedding and he sort of took charge of the party. He introduced us to Geoff and Trevor. Geoff was the Bride groom and Trevor was the head Usher for the wedding.

Collin was a dream. He had reddish blond hair, stood about six foot and was built like a male model. He flashed a white smile and just about every time he moved he showed some cock and balls from the opening in the front of the dressing gown. Geoff, the bride groom was wearing a striped pajama top and peeking out underneath was a brief French thong that showed off his tantalizing bulge. The pajama tops were unbuttoned and showed his brown thin treasure trail down to the thongs. His Eyes were hazel and his features were strong and very handsome. His bod was well developed and he was a little on the thin side. He looked to be my height, 5 ft. 10 inches. He was lithe and looked beautiful. Trevor was a 6 foot Greek god. He was wearing striped pajama bottoms that were tented and showing a tremendous hard on.

There were two ice buckets with Dom Perignon Champagne in them. Collin poured us a flute of Champagne and refilled the other glasses of his two companions. (Here we go again,uncut dudes. Dom Perignon is a very expensive Champaign and fluted glasses are tall cone shaped glasses for drinking Champagne.) I think we all knew that the Champagne was just an Ice breaker and we didn't want to spoil the action by getting drunk.

Geoff asked me to come over to the couch and sit by him. Collin seemed mesmerized by Peter and Jimmy took the plunge and sat in Trevor's lap. Jimmy said that we had a little skit if they wanted to see it, and of course they said they wanted to see every thing we had to offer.

Jimmy got off of Trevor's lap and turned the tape recorder on to the burlesque music. Jimmy did the first strip and he was good, showing Peter and me how to do it. he kicked off his shoes and socks and then began slowly to unbutton his shirt and slip it off over his bare chest in time to the raunchy music. It was sensual and slow: and when he started unbuckling his pant belt and then unbuttoning his pants we were all stroking our crotches and Trevor was moaning and stroking himself through the silk pajama bottoms. When Jimmy was naked he went back to Trevor and opened the pajama draw string and pulled the pajamas down and off of Trevor. Then he sat down on Trevor's lap, facing him, placing both of their cocks together and stroking them.

Watching them, I got really hot and decided it was my turn to do the strip tease. I had already taken off my shoes and socks, so when I got up all I had to do was to slip off my shirt and then slowly take off my walking shorts over my raging hard on. It had dribbled precum onto my shorts and when the shorts came off, I was rampant and ready. The raunchy burlesque music drove me a bit wild and I hardly noticed, but when I was swinging my ass to the music; Geoff came up behind me and he was naked. He pressed his own rock hard cock against the crack of my ass and started gyrating to the rhythm of my ass movements. He reached around and cupped my balls and alternately stroked my cock. His own cock was nestled length side up between the cheeks of my ass. He leaned into the back of my bod and whispered in my ear, "I want you for tonight! Is that alright with you?" I turned around and pressing my full bod into his, I groaned "Oh yes! Yes, I want you in every way! I want to love you as your wedding present! I want you to remember this night as one continuous time of pleasure and love. No fucking bride will ever be able to give you the pleasure and thrills I will give you this night!" We were pressing our bods hard against each other and he started kissing and sucking my face.

Finally, we broke apart and he took my hand and led me to one of the bedrooms that looked out over the water. It was a moonlit night and there was enough light filtering through the curtains for us to see each other's bods and to examine and kiss every part of them. He lay spread eagle with his cut, thin cock standing straight up from his pubes. His cock was cut and the mushroom head was like a golden helmet waiting to be loved and sucked. I went down on it and started licking and sucking it all; cock, shaft, head and balls. It tasted like lavender, but then there was the musky odor of rampant man. He told me to turn around and then he took my cock in his mouth and started giving me sweet, sweet head. i was on top of him on my elbows and knees and was shivering all over in the ecstasy of the pleasure. About 10 minutes into our 69, he said that he was getting ready to come but he didn't want to do it right away. I rolled off and found his mouth with my lips and we grappled and hugged for a while in order for him to come down from the brink.

He started telling me that he had never fucked a woman and he was afraid of his wedding night. His bride to be, her name was Margaret, was a man eater and he didn't think he could live the rest of his life with her. All the time he was speaking he was caressing my bod and then he stopped talking, leaned over and started sucking my cock and balls again. I wanted to do him, but he pushed me back and put his beautiful head down between my thighs again. Then he motioned for me to turn over and he started rimming my ass and licking my ass hole. It was driving me crazy, his long tongue would get about an inch up my ass hole and then

he would wiggle it around. When he did that, I just about pushed through the mattress and dribbled more pre cum onto the sheets. He gently inserted two slender fingers up my well rimmed ass hole and whispered "Do you want me to fuck you now?" If he didn't do it right now I would have attacked him and impaled myself on his cock in a frenzy. I groaned "Yes! Yes! I want it now! Please! I want you to fuck me, you beautiful Dude!" He slipped his slender cock with it's golden head into my sweet pink hole and I felt it pop in and rub against my sphincter muscle as it pushed further and further in. Then it brushed my love nut and I almost fainted with the pleasure of it. He tried to fuck gently but I was going to give him the ride of his life! When he shoved in I relaxed my ass, when he pulled a little out I squeezed his cock and felt it grow even harder. His balls would press against the cheeks of my ass when he was full thrust in, and then he would pull almost out before thrusting in again and slapping his balls against my ass. His balls were getting almost as hard as his cock and were drawing into their nest at their resting place at the bottom of his pubes. I'd never been fucked like that before and I kept urging him to fuck me faster and harder. I was so hot that all I could think of was his smooth shaft and golden cock head becoming a part of my bod.

It couldn't last, and as I was about to come myself, he arched and began pumping load after load of his cum into my sucking ass. He lay on top of me for a long time and then slowly, pulled his softening cock from it's nest in my ass. The sheets were wet with my own cum, but neither of us paid any attention and just pressed and hugged our bods together while we kissed and tongued each others mouths.

We hadn't heard much from the next room, but when I got up to take a post orgasm piss, I glance in and saw Collin sucking Peter's cock while he was getting fucked by Jimmy. jimmy was getting the full hard attention of Trevor's large cock. The four of them were connected by their hard cocks in each others asses and in Collin's mouth. Peter was on his back and Collin was on his hands and knees giving him deep head. Jimmy's thin cock would almost come out of Collin's ass and then Jimmy would thrust heavily into Collin. Trevor was grunting with every stroke of his cock into Jimmy's ass. Later I found that Jimmy's ass hole was well broken in and he could accommodate almost any size cock. Trevor's cock was enveloped like a glove and he was in delirious pleasure. All four of them were moaning with hot sex pleasure. Jimmy was fucking like a rabbit and at the same time was telling Trevor to go deeper and faster. I could smell the male musk and raw sex odour coming from them. I had a hard time pissing after watching them, but I did and then made my way back to Geoff with a semi hard cock. Geoff had moved to the other bed in the room and murmured appreciatively when I used a damp wash cloth from the bathroom to clean his cock, balls and pubes. I had cleaned up in the bathroom when I went in so we both felt new and smooth when I crawled in bed with him. He took hold of my entire bod and pressed tightly into me. We started kissing again and talking quietly. He wanted me to come live with him in London and be his pussy boy. He said we could pretend that I was his valet and live that way even if he was married! I buried myself into his bod and said nothing. It sounded so great to have this beautiful man want to keep me, but I knew it would never happen.

As we lay there he said "I want you to fuck me this time. I want to feel you deep inside me and make me come. I want to feel your balls slap my buns and make me feel like a part of your cock and balls. I want to face you when you do it and I want you to play with my cock while you are in me!" He rolled onto his back and lifted his legs to my shoulders. I quickly straddled him and started feeding my cock into his ass hole. He was surprisingly easy to penetrate and I was soon in up to my balls. He was soon saying "Oh! Do it! I want it so bad! I want us to go on forever! Oh, lover, shove it into me and shove it hard!" I was on auto pilot and just kept pumping as hard as I could. When I was about to come, I slowed a little and he kept moaning for more and harder.

As I almost came to a complete stop, I felt someone climb up behind me and I felt a cock trying to fine my ass hole. It was Jimmy and I soon felt the tip and then his whole uncut cock slip into my ass hole. While I had stopped fucking Geoff, Jimmy was fucking me for all he was worth. He was tremendous in his expertise in giving pleasure while he was receiving it. I started responding by fucking Geoff again, and when Jimmy shoved into the hilt I felt my cock was becoming an extension of Jimmy's cock. The sensations were starting at my ass and transferring down my thrusting cock into Geoff's sweet ass hole. I'd never felt anything like it before. Geoff had his eyes closed and I don't know if he realized Jimmy was fucking me at the same time I was doing him. I was stroking Geoff's cock and Jimmy had reached down to cup and play with my balls. Then he cupped both Geoff's and my balls together, rolling them and lightly squeezing them, and both Geoff and I let out groans and sighs of sexual pleasure! I felt my cock begin to engorge and Geoff's cock started spurting in my hand. Jimmy was creaming my ass with his white jiz and we all were moaning and groaning enough to bring the house down. Geoff was saying "Oh!, yes! That's the greatest! Oh, shoot your load into me. Do it hard! Make me a part of you baby!" Jimmy was panting hard but he was almost screaming "Bloody hell! Your hot Yankee ass is better than any cunt on the British Isles! Oh, I am going to fuck you forever! Fuck, shit piss fuck ass. Where did you get those sweet Yankee bubble buns!" Geoff tried to get his legs around both Jimmy and me and squeezed the three of us together. I had pulled out and now Geoff's and my cock were pushed together in Geoff's pubes and Jimmy's long cock was still deep inside my Yankee ass. Then Jimmy exploded in my ass and the cum cream filled me and started to come out of my ass and around Jimmy's cock.

After Jimmy came he rolled off of me and went to the bathroom where he got some damp wash cloths to clean the three of us from the dripping cum. Jimmy was tender with the cloths but every once in a while he would bend over to lick a bit of cum from Geoff or me. When he had us relatively clean he took Geoff and me by the hands and led us to one of the two remaining unused bedrooms. We climbed into a clean bed. I was in the middle and was rubbing my cock against Geoff's cock while Jimmy had his cock laying in the tight crack of my ass.

As we had gone through the sitting room of the suite we had seen Collin, Trevor and Peter in a 69 daisy chain. Collin was sucking Trevor, peter was sucking Collin's hard cock and Trevor was sucking and licking Peter's cock. All three of them were fingering and inserting fingers in their 69 partner's ass hole.

Just before dawn the next day, Jimmy gently shook me and the three of us, Jimmy, Peter and I slipped quietly out of the musky sweat and cum smelling room. Jimmy told me to be sure I was with Peter to clean the room that afternoon.

At lunch that day, Geoff came to one of the tables I was waiting on and sat down and in between ordering and chatting, he told me that Collin and Trevor had gone to London and he was staying on at the hotel until the end of the week, and then he would go to London for the final preparations for the wedding. He said he wanted to talk to me and would I come up to his room after dinner that night. I readily agreed and gave him his order of egg and oyster omelet with white wine.

When Peter and I cleaned the suites no one was around so we got to work on the mess we had made the night before. Peter kept smelling the musky bathroom wash cloths and finally when we had the place clean, came over to me and undid my pants, pulled them down with my French briefs and knelt down and began sucking me. I thrust my hips forward so he could take all of it and I held his head so I could push deeper and deeper into his velvet mouth. He was good at covering his teeth with his lips and at the same time guiding my cock in until the cock root and my balls were touching the lips of his sucking mouth. About 5 minutes of this fantastic pleasure was all I could take before I was shooting and pumping my load into his eager mouth. He swallowed it all and went on sucking until I was soft and clean. I wanted to return pleasure to him, but he wouldn't let me. He said he had a date with the big German Dude that night and he wanted to save his cum for that night. I was shocked, but then I realized that Hans was going out on his own and I really had no justification to complain. I had been without him the night before and hadn't thought of him once.

Hans was evasive while we waited tables that evening and when dinner was over he quickly split and left me alone to go up to Geoff's room. Geoff had kept one of the suites from last night and I headed for it like a shot. I knocked and when he opened the door I fell into his arms and kicked the door closed.

All Geoff had on was his French thong and as we clung together he began to quickly undress me. I was helping him with the buttons and pulled my boxer briefs down over my raging throbbing cock. Geoff pulled off his thong and took me by the hand to the bedroom. There we collapsed onto the bed and grabbed each other tightly and began grinding our cocks and balls together. We couldn't get enough of each others bods. Geoff's cock slipped between my thighs and he began pumping there. I felt his hard cock rub in and out as he dry fucked me. He was moaning and telling me how much he wanted me and loved me. He didn't last long and soon was shooting his cum between my thighs and into the mattress. When he stopped shooting he said "I want you to fuck me. Please do it and do it deep!" He rolled over and his cum had lubricated my cock enough for me to slip into his ass in one smooth motion. It felt so good and I almost came when the smooth head of my cock passed over his prostate nib. I was frantic and went in as deep as I could. My balls were slapping into the crack of his ass and he would squeeze my cock when I pulled up and then his spincter muscle would relax as I pushed in again. The cushiony velvet of his ass hole enveloped my raging cock and we were one, clasped tightly together and in a bliss of sexual pleasure.

Of course, it had to end, but I stayed in him until my cock got so soft that it just slipped out. We talked a lot about him wanting me to come to London and be with him all of the time. We talked about his wedding and how he was going to cope with having to fuck a woman for the first time. With our cocks pressed against each other I thought I could never get pleasure from a woman like I could get from Geoff or a man. We slept and I got up early to keep up appearances and crept up to the dormitory. Hans was in his bed with a shit eating grin on his sleeping face. Score another one again for Peter.

For the next three days, I went up to Geoff's suite each night after dinner and we made love like a pair of rabbits. I couldn't get enough of his cock and he wanted me to fuck and fuck him. Most of the time he tried to talk me into going to London with him, but I told him I was half way through my University time and wanted to get my degree. On the day Geoff left, I went up to his room with tears in my eyes, to help with the luggage and we kissed deeply and promised we would write and keep in touch. We tore ourselves apart and he was gone. How i would miss him, and we never saw each other again.

So, Dudes, it was back to Hans amd me and we left the hotel at the end of our second week. I had about 700 pounds in my pocket, so we could afford to spend a little on the rest of our way up the east coast of Scotland. Blind Homer Well Dudes,

This is a hot one but first let's go through the usual bullshit about not reading this, if it is not legal for you to do so. Also, this is a true story about Male to Male sex and some names and places have been changed to protect the guilty. There is no mention of protected sex in the story. In this day of Aids and other Sexually transmitted diseases, be advised and be safe as you can. Condoms and no body fluid exchanges


There is no copyright so go ahead copy or plagiarize if you want. Who in hell would want to copy right this, anyway?

If you like the story or want to give me a cheap thrill you can E-Mail me "Homer's Odyssey" . I do not open attachments and being almost computer illiterate I don't know how to send pictures. Some dudes do manage to send pictures but not as attachments.

There are some dudes out there, who I would like to thank and appreciate. Norman, my Scottish technical editor, you make it all worth while. Joel and Dave thanks for your encouragement and Jason you are great. Ken, you're crazy!

So here goes.

Hans and I were camping at a beach side camp in Nairn. We had camped

overnight and were set to take a job the next day at a swank old fashioned beach side hotel. We were expected at 9 AM and so had a bite at a fast food cafe at the end of the beach on the north side of Nairn and were on our way to the hotel.

When we got there the manager took us to the concierge desk and put us under the charge of Jimmy, a cute kid hardly any older than we were. He was the resident gofer, and had his fingers in most everything that happened in the hotel. Jimmy was a thin straw blond kid with the features of an angel and the character of a pimp. After we had been introduced he took us up to a large dormitory room where the summer help lived. We each were assigned a bed and a wall locker, called an armoire and we had a dresser between us. we went to a utility closet where we were given bedding and were issued waiters' duds. There was some trouble with fitting Hans but they finally found something that did alright. It fit real tight in the ass and if it hadn't been for the white waiter's jacket covering his crotch Hans' cock bulging the trousers would have set off a riot. If the ass was tight the crotch showed everything, cock balls and all were well defined for all to see. The white waiters' jacket came below the crotch, so if Hans didn't lean backwards, he was decently covered. Jimmy did a lot of ass patting and he was getting off on Hans. Hans just glared, and Jimmy turned his attention on me. Once when no one was looking he groped me hard and said in a low voice "you'll do! Oh yes, you'll do just fine!"

We had our experience waiting on tables at the hotel at the foot of the Wallace Monument Tower near Stirling. (Remember that! Uncut Dudes! The Wallace tower with its balcony around the tip looks like an erect uncut cock! It's really a secret monument to all you Uncut Dudes!) Anyway, we had enough experience from the hotel there that we could do a creditible job at the Nairn beachside Hotel. I'm not naming place names but, I did tell you in Chapter 7, that there was a golf course right next door.

We met some of our fellow summer help dudes and got to know them a little before we did our waiter gig. There were some cute ones and several girls, but the girls had another dormitory where they slept and hung out.

Hans and I were assigned to the Ocean View Grill and our shift was 6 to 10 in the evening and 11 to 2 at noon. We had room clean up between 9 and 11 in the morning and 3 to 6 in the afternoon. Jimmy was on our asses to get the cleanup done quickly, and I do mean he was on and around my ass. He didn't let up patting my ass and whenever he could he groped me. Hans was getting pissed, but I told him that it wasn't so bad and we were drawing the heavy bread and the tips were good too. We were each clearing over 50 pounds a day and our meals in the kitchen were yum good. We did sneak over to the golf course late at night and get some caressing and sucking to keep us sane and stop us from jumping the guests.

We had been there three days, when in the afternoon Jimmy sidled up to me and said that there was a special party that night after dinner and I had been requested to be there. He said I would be paid 150 pounds for the night. 50 from the Hotel and 100 from the guests throwing the party. He said it was a stag bachelor party and there were three guests and there would be three staff there. The guests had two suites and we would be expected to stay up there all night if the guests wanted us to. Our clean up duties would be suspended next morning.

Jimmy was honest about the whole thing. He said he knew I was a swinger and that I could have some fun with him and the other one of the waiters at the party while getting to know the bachelor party gents. At first I was shy and inclined to say no! But Jimmy kept saying "Think about the money, mate; and these gents are primo! They are all under 30, clean and very horny. They are all Public School gents and are Commissioned in the Guards". (Uncut dudes, Public Schools in Scotland and England are like Private high schools in the U.S., and the Guards are a Regiment of soldiers who are specially chosen for their good looks and horsemanship. I'll bet someone checks their cocks too. No one gets in without a gay 8. Uncut Dudes, a gay 8 is really a 6 1/2 incher for us cut dudes).

I asked Jimmy what about Hans and he said that Hans had not been invited. They only wanted Jimmy, me and a dude called Peter. Peter was a dark haired cream skinned dude who couldn't have been more than 16 or 17 years old. He must have worked out because when I saw his bod later, it was beautiful. Great pecs and a washboard abdomen. He was uncut with about a 6 inch when hard cock. (Uncut Dudes, I did get to check that equipment later and it was slim and could get hard as a rock).

I didn't know what to do about Hans, but he was surprisingly easy about it. I think he had connected with a big German fraulein and had something going there that he didn't want me to know about.

So, I went to Jimmy and told him I would do it and asked for more details. He said, all we had to do was to make ourselves agreeable and the gents would take it from there. he thought the three of us could do a short strip tease to get things going, and he had some burlesque music on tape for us to listen to, while we "took it off." It sounded cool and then there was the 150 pounds with maybe an extra tip if things really got hot.

I hadn't really noticed Jimmy's "gents" in the Sea View Grill but from what he described, they would be young and horny. I spent the rest of the afternoon and evening thinking about what was going to happen! I had to adjust my equipment every time I thought what was going to happen that night. I was afraid some precum would show a stain on my black waiters trousers, but managed to get through without that happening.

Hans and I split at about 10:30 and Peter and Jimmy found me and Jimmy said we should all take a good shower before we went up to see the gents. The shower room was big enough for the three of us and there was some grab ass and three hard cocks. (Uncut Dudes, Grab ass is playing with each other's bods and "grabbing bubble asses!") We didn't let it go too far, but Jimmy did shag both Peter's and my asses for a couple of seconds. We were hot, horny and ready when we presented ourselves at the suite. i was wearing a pair of walking shorts and the only decent shirt I had. Peter and Jimmy were duded up a bit and looked cool. none of us was wearing under clothing and we were a bit damp from the shower.

When we knocked at the suite door, it was opened by a good looking guy in a sort of silk dressing gown. (That's a silk bathrobe, Uncut Dudes!) He said to come in and his name was Collin. He was the Best Man for the Wedding and he sort of took charge of the party. He introduced us to Geoff and Trevor. Geoff was the Bride groom and Trevor was the head Usher for the wedding.

Collin was a dream. He had reddish blond hair, stood about six foot and was built like a male model. He flashed a white smile and just about every time he moved he showed some cock and balls from the opening in the front of the dressing gown. Geoff, the bride groom was wearing a striped pajama top and peeking out underneath was a brief French thong that showed off his tantalizing bulge. The pajama tops were unbuttoned and showed his brown thin treasure trail down to the thongs. His Eyes were hazel and his features were strong and very handsome. His bod was well developed and he was a little on the thin side. He looked to be my height, 5 ft. 10 inches. He was lithe and looked beautiful. Trevor was a 6 foot Greek god. He was wearing striped pajama bottoms that were tented and showing a tremendous hard on.

There were two ice buckets with Dom Perignon Champagne in them. Collin poured us a flute of Champagne and refilled the other glasses of his two companions. (Here we go again,uncut dudes. Dom Perignon is a very expensive Champaign and fluted glasses are tall cone shaped glasses for drinking Champagne.) I think we all knew that the Champagne was just an Ice breaker and we didn't want to spoil the action by getting drunk.

Geoff asked me to come over to the couch and sit by him. Collin seemed mesmerized by Peter and Jimmy took the plunge and sat in Trevor's lap. Jimmy said that we had a little skit if they wanted to see it, and of course they said they wanted to see every thing we had to offer.

Jimmy got off of Trevor's lap and turned the tape recorder on to the burlesque music. Jimmy did the first strip and he was good, showing Peter and me how to do it. he kicked off his shoes and socks and then began slowly to unbutton his shirt and slip it off over his bare chest in time to the raunchy music. It was sensual and slow: and when he started unbuckling his pant belt and then unbuttoning his pants we were all stroking our crotches and Trevor was moaning and stroking himself through the silk pajama bottoms. When Jimmy was naked he went back to Trevor and opened the pajama draw string and pulled the pajamas down and off of Trevor. Then he sat down on Trevor's lap, facing him, placing both of their cocks together and stroking them.

Watching them, I got really hot and decided it was my turn to do the strip tease. I had already taken off my shoes and socks, so when I got up all I had to do was to slip off my shirt and then slowly take off my walking shorts over my raging hard on. It had dribbled precum onto my shorts and when the shorts came off, I was rampant and ready. The raunchy burlesque music drove me a bit wild and I hardly noticed, but when I was swinging my ass to the music; Geoff came up behind me and he was naked. He pressed his own rock hard cock against the crack of my ass and started gyrating to the rhythm of my ass movements. He reached around and cupped my balls and alternately stroked my cock. His own cock was nestled length side up between the cheeks of my ass. He leaned into the back of my bod and whispered in my ear, "I want you for tonight! Is that alright with you?" I turned around and pressing my full bod into his, I groaned "Oh yes! Yes, I want you in every way! I want to love you as your wedding present! I want you to remember this night as one continuous time of pleasure and love. No fucking bride will ever be able to give you the pleasure and thrills I will give you this night!" We were pressing our bods hard against each other and he started kissing and sucking my face.

Finally, we broke apart and he took my hand and led me to one of the bedrooms that looked out over the water. It was a moonlit night and there was enough light filtering through the curtains for us to see each other's bods and to examine and kiss every part of them. He lay spread eagle with his cut, thin cock standing straight up from his pubes. His cock was cut and the mushroom head was like a golden helmet waiting to be loved and sucked. I went down on it and started licking and sucking it all; cock, shaft, head and balls. It tasted like lavender, but then there was the musky odor of rampant man. He told me to turn around and then he took my cock in his mouth and started giving me sweet, sweet head. i was on top of him on my elbows and knees and was shivering all over in the ecstasy of the pleasure. About 10 minutes into our 69, he said that he was getting ready to come but he didn't want to do it right away. I rolled off and found his mouth with my lips and we grappled and hugged for a while in order for him to come down from the brink.

He started telling me that he had never fucked a woman and he was afraid of his wedding night. His bride to be, her name was Margaret, was a man eater and he didn't think he could live the rest of his life with her. All the time he was speaking he was caressing my bod and then he stopped talking, leaned over and started sucking my cock and balls again. I wanted to do him, but he pushed me back and put his beautiful head down between my thighs again. Then he motioned for me to turn over and he started rimming my ass and licking my ass hole. It was driving me crazy, his long tongue would get about an inch up my ass hole and then

he would wiggle it around. When he did that, I just about pushed through the mattress and dribbled more pre cum onto the sheets. He gently inserted two slender fingers up my well rimmed ass hole and whispered "Do you want me to fuck you now?" If he didn't do it right now I would have attacked him and impaled myself on his cock in a frenzy. I groaned "Yes! Yes! I want it now! Please! I want you to fuck me, you beautiful Dude!" He slipped his slender cock with it's golden head into my sweet pink hole and I felt it pop in and rub against my sphincter muscle as it pushed further and further in. Then it brushed my love nut and I almost fainted with the pleasure of it. He tried to fuck gently but I was going to give him the ride of his life! When he shoved in I relaxed my ass, when he pulled a little out I squeezed his cock and felt it grow even harder. His balls would press against the cheeks of my ass when he was full thrust in, and then he would pull almost out before thrusting in again and slapping his balls against my ass. His balls were getting almost as hard as his cock and were drawing into their nest at their resting place at the bottom of his pubes. I'd never been fucked like that before and I kept urging him to fuck me faster and harder. I was so hot that all I could think of was his smooth shaft and golden cock head becoming a part of my bod.

It couldn't last, and as I was about to come myself, he arched and began pumping load after load of his cum into my sucking ass. He lay on top of me for a long time and then slowly, pulled his softening cock from it's nest in my ass. The sheets were wet with my own cum, but neither of us paid any attention and just pressed and hugged our bods together while we kissed and tongued each others mouths.

We hadn't heard much from the next room, but when I got up to take a post orgasm piss, I glance in and saw Collin sucking Peter's cock while he was getting fucked by Jimmy. jimmy was getting the full hard attention of Trevor's large cock. The four of them were connected by their hard cocks in each others asses and in Collin's mouth. Peter was on his back and Collin was on his hands and knees giving him deep head. Jimmy's thin cock would almost come out of Collin's ass and then Jimmy would thrust heavily into Collin. Trevor was grunting with every stroke of his cock into Jimmy's ass. Later I found that Jimmy's ass hole was well broken in and he could accommodate almost any size cock. Trevor's cock was enveloped like a glove and he was in delirious pleasure. All four of them were moaning with hot sex pleasure. Jimmy was fucking like a rabbit and at the same time was telling Trevor to go deeper and faster. I could smell the male musk and raw sex odour coming from them. I had a hard time pissing after watching them, but I did and then made my way back to Geoff with a semi hard cock. Geoff had moved to the other bed in the room and murmured appreciatively when I used a damp wash cloth from the bathroom to clean his cock, balls and pubes. I had cleaned up in the bathroom when I went in so we both felt new and smooth when I crawled in bed with him. He took hold of my entire bod and pressed tightly into me. We started kissing again and talking quietly. He wanted me to come live with him in London and be his pussy boy. He said we could pretend that I was his valet and live that way even if he was married! I buried myself into his bod and said nothing. It sounded so great to have this beautiful man want to keep me, but I knew it would never happen.

As we lay there he said "I want you to fuck me this time. I want to feel you deep inside me and make me come. I want to feel your balls slap my buns and make me feel like a part of your cock and balls. I want to face you when you do it and I want you to play with my cock while you are in me!" He rolled onto his back and lifted his legs to my shoulders. I quickly straddled him and started feeding my cock into his ass hole. He was surprisingly easy to penetrate and I was soon in up to my balls. He was soon saying "Oh! Do it! I want it so bad! I want us to go on forever! Oh, lover, shove it into me and shove it hard!" I was on auto pilot and just kept pumping as hard as I could. When I was about to come, I slowed a little and he kept moaning for more and harder.

As I almost came to a complete stop, I felt someone climb up behind me and I felt a cock trying to fine my ass hole. It was Jimmy and I soon felt the tip and then his whole uncut cock slip into my ass hole. While I had stopped fucking Geoff, Jimmy was fucking me for all he was worth. He was tremendous in his expertise in giving pleasure while he was receiving it. I started responding by fucking Geoff again, and when Jimmy shoved into the hilt I felt my cock was becoming an extension of Jimmy's cock. The sensations were starting at my ass and transferring down my thrusting cock into Geoff's sweet ass hole. I'd never felt anything like it before. Geoff had his eyes closed and I don't know if he realized Jimmy was fucking me at the same time I was doing him. I was stroking Geoff's cock and Jimmy had reached down to cup and play with my balls. Then he cupped both Geoff's and my balls together, rolling them and lightly squeezing them, and both Geoff and I let out groans and sighs of sexual pleasure! I felt my cock begin to engorge and Geoff's cock started spurting in my hand. Jimmy was creaming my ass with his white jiz and we all were moaning and groaning enough to bring the house down. Geoff was saying "Oh!, yes! That's the greatest! Oh, shoot your load into me. Do it hard! Make me a part of you baby!" Jimmy was panting hard but he was almost screaming "Bloody hell! Your hot Yankee ass is better than any cunt on the British Isles! Oh, I am going to fuck you forever! Fuck, shit piss fuck ass. Where did you get those sweet Yankee bubble buns!" Geoff tried to get his legs around both Jimmy and me and squeezed the three of us together. I had pulled out and now Geoff's and my cock were pushed together in Geoff's pubes and Jimmy's long cock was still deep inside my Yankee ass. Then Jimmy exploded in my ass and the cum cream filled me and started to come out of my ass and around Jimmy's cock.

After Jimmy came he rolled off of me and went to the bathroom where he got some damp wash cloths to clean the three of us from the dripping cum. Jimmy was tender with the cloths but every once in a while he would bend over to lick a bit of cum from Geoff or me. When he had us relatively clean he took Geoff and me by the hands and led us to one of the two remaining unused bedrooms. We climbed into a clean bed. I was in the middle and was rubbing my cock against Geoff's cock while Jimmy had his cock laying in the tight crack of my ass.

As we had gone through the sitting room of the suite we had seen Collin, Trevor and Peter in a 69 daisy chain. Collin was sucking Trevor, peter was sucking Collin's hard cock and Trevor was sucking and licking Peter's cock. All three of them were fingering and inserting fingers in their 69 partner's ass hole.

Just before dawn the next day, Jimmy gently shook me and the three of us, Jimmy, Peter and I slipped quietly out of the musky sweat and cum smelling room. Jimmy told me to be sure I was with Peter to clean the room that afternoon.

At lunch that day, Geoff came to one of the tables I was waiting on and sat down and in between ordering and chatting, he told me that Collin and Trevor had gone to London and he was staying on at the hotel until the end of the week, and then he would go to London for the final preparations for the wedding. He said he wanted to talk to me and would I come up to his room after dinner that night. I readily agreed and gave him his order of egg and oyster omelet with white wine.

When Peter and I cleaned the suites no one was around so we got to work on the mess we had made the night before. Peter kept smelling the musky bathroom wash cloths and finally when we had the place clean, came over to me and undid my pants, pulled them down with my French briefs and knelt down and began sucking me. I thrust my hips forward so he could take all of it and I held his head so I could push deeper and deeper into his velvet mouth. He was good at covering his teeth with his lips and at the same time guiding my cock in until the cock root and my balls were touching the lips of his sucking mouth. About 5 minutes of this fantastic pleasure was all I could take before I was shooting and pumping my load into his eager mouth. He swallowed it all and went on sucking until I was soft and clean. I wanted to return pleasure to him, but he wouldn't let me. He said he had a date with the big German Dude that night and he wanted to save his cum for that night. I was shocked, but then I realized that Hans was going out on his own and I really had no justification to complain. I had been without him the night before and hadn't thought of him once.

Hans was evasive while we waited tables that evening and when dinner was over he quickly split and left me alone to go up to Geoff's room. Geoff had kept one of the suites from last night and I headed for it like a shot. I knocked and when he opened the door I fell into his arms and kicked the door closed.

All Geoff had on was his French thong and as we clung together he began to quickly undress me. I was helping him with the buttons and pulled my boxer briefs down over my raging throbbing cock. Geoff pulled off his thong and took me by the hand to the bedroom. There we collapsed onto the bed and grabbed each other tightly and began grinding our cocks and balls together. We couldn't get enough of each others bods. Geoff's cock slipped between my thighs and he began pumping there. I felt his hard cock rub in and out as he dry fucked me. He was moaning and telling me how much he wanted me and loved me. He didn't last long and soon was shooting his cum between my thighs and into the mattress. When he stopped shooting he said "I want you to fuck me. Please do it and do it deep!" He rolled over and his cum had lubricated my cock enough for me to slip into his ass in one smooth motion. It felt so good and I almost came when the smooth head of my cock passed over his prostate nib. I was frantic and went in as deep as I could. My balls were slapping into the crack of his ass and he would squeeze my cock when I pulled up and then his sphincter muscle would relax as I pushed in again. The cushiony velvet of his ass hole enveloped my raging cock and we were one, clasped tightly together and in a bliss of sexual pleasure.

Of course, it had to end, but I stayed in him until my cock got so soft that it just slipped out. We talked a lot about him wanting me to come to London and be with him all of the time. We talked about his wedding and how he was going to cope with having to fuck a woman for the first time. With our cocks pressed against each other I thought I could never get pleasure from a woman like I could get from Geoff or a man. We slept and I got up early to keep up appearances and crept up to the dormitory. Hans was in his bed with a shit eating grin on his sleeping face. Score another one again for Peter.

For the next three days, I went up to Geoff's suite each night after dinner and we made love like a pair of rabbits. I couldn't get enough of his cock and he wanted me to fuck and fuck him. Most of the time he tried to talk me into going to London with him, but I told him I was half way through my University time and wanted to get my degree. On the day Geoff left, I went up to his room with tears in my eyes, to help with the luggage and we kissed deeply and promised we would write and keep in touch. We tore ourselves apart and he was gone. How i would miss him, and we never saw each other again.

So, Dudes, it was back to Hans amd me and we left the hotel at the end of our second week. I had about 700 pounds in my pocket, so we could afford to spend a little on the rest of our way up the east coast of Scotland. Blind Homer

Next: Chapter 10

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