Tramp in Scotland

By Homer's Odyssey

Published on May 3, 2004


Well dudes, I'm back with the latest on the tramp in Scotland. The usual caveats apply! Don't read this Male to Male sex story if it is illegal for you to do so. This story is true but the names an places may have been changed to protect the guilty. There is no mention of protected sex, but it goes without saying, that in these days of Aids and other sexually transmitted disease it is imperative that dudes protect themselves and their partners.

There is no copy right so if you want to plagiarize or copy go ahead. Who in hell would want to copy right this anyway? Editors and publishers are welcome to contact me if you like my writing and maybe we can do a deal with some hot sex on the side!

If you have comments or suggestions feel free to E-Mail me at "Homer's Odyssey" . I don't open attachments and I am not the smartest bear in the forest so I can't send pictures. Be assured that if you take the time to write I will answer!

There are some dudes out there whom I do want to thank and mention. Norman, thanks for your expertise and technical help about Scotland. Joel and Lance, I haven't heard from you in a while but thanks for getting me started. Jason, captain of the Argo what can I say? Graduate and find a great job in New York City.

So, lets have at it.

We were waiting on the steps of the Barracks at Fort George, when two 30ish soldiers drove up in a military lorrry. The Colonel had sent them to give us a ride to Aberdeen. They had some military supplies to pick up there and we were along for the ride. Keith, the taller blond dude was a hunk and wore a commando patch on his uniform. Tim was slightly shorter, slimmer and maybe a bit under 30. Both were hot looking dudes and had wide smiles. They were easy talkers with some sexual innuendo in there talk. Keith seemed very interested in Han's and my relationship. He asked if we had girl friends and when we both said no, there was a wide grin on both his and Tim's faces. He asked us if we did girls and how we were making out on our tramp. Hans said yes he did girls but we hadn't had any luck for over a week. I just kept my mouth shut, but noticed Keith's and Tim's grins getting wider.

When we had gone about 16 kilometers we came to a fair size town called Nairn. (Uncut Dudes, I shit you not, I haven't a clue as to what Nairn means; except that it is the name of a town on the east coast of Scotland.)

On the outskirts of town Keith stopped at a Wimpeys for coffee. (For uncut dudes, Wimpey was a cartoon character in the Popeye comic strip. He ate hamburgers by the dozens. There were an Olive Oyl and Swee'pea characters too. But, there are no Popeye, Olive Oyl or Swee'pea restaurants that I know of.) We all went in and stretched our legs and had a terrible cup of coffee as only the Europeans (or Wimpeys) can brew. When we returned to the lorry, I was rewarded for my bad thoughts on the coffee, by the lorry not starting. Keith kept trying the starter until the battery gave out. So there we were, about half an hour from Fort George and the wheels had broken down. (Wheels, uncut dudes, are vehicles meant to be driven, such as autos, pick ups and lorries.) Keith went back into the Wimpeys and called the Motor Transport office at Fort George. They told him they would send a mechanic and repair vehicle as soon as possible.

Hans and I talked it over and decided to stay with the lorry, until help arrived. Keith gave the Wimpey phone number to the Fort George Motor Transport office and they told us that things were very busy and not to expect them until late afternoon. Keith said that was bad news, and in his experience that mint it could be next morning before help arrived. There is no Automobile Club towing service for the British Army in Scotland. Of course there isn't!

So, we agreed to stay with Keith and Tim. We had our sleeping bags and there was food, such as it was, nearby at Wimpeys. Just after noon Keith suggested that Hans and I accompany him on a walk to the center of Nairn and Tim would stay with the lorry in case the Fort George mechanic would show up. It sounded good and we were soon walking near a public camping beach. Hans and I talked it over and decided that when Keith and Tim left for Aberdeen we would camp at the beach instead of going on with them.

On the way back to Wimpeys Keith picked up 8 bottles of ale and some sandwiches from a store on the way. There had been no one from Fort George and Tim was taking a snooze. We pushed the lorry over to where there were some trees and we started making a camp site. Keith and Tim had no sleeping gear so Hans and I said we would share, much to the grinning appreciation of our hot soldier mates. There was a grassy edge of the parking lot and we spread our sleeping bags there and covered them with our blankets. The lorry had a covered back area so we had a place to go in case of rain.

We sat around the lorry eating Wimpey burgers and the sandwiches Keith had bought in town. We sipped the ale and told stories of our travels and both Keith and Tim told of being in Bosnia and the fighting there. As it grew darker, we sort of paired off, Hans and Tim, Keith and me. It was after 9 PM when it got completely dark. The lights at Wimpeys gave a little light but at 10 PM the Wimpys' lights went off and it got dark enough so no one could see us. Keith had put his arm around my shoulder and was gently stroking my right thigh. Every time he stroked up, he came closer to my hard cock and balls. I lay back into his arm and let him unzip the fly of my shorts. He pulled the shorts down and off. Then he worked on my french thong and I was naked from the waist down. He began playing with my cock and cupping my balls and gently squeezing them. Uncut dudes, I was hot, and horney. I shucked my shirt and T shirt and helped Keith take off his camouflage uniform and then his boxer shorts. We had taken off our shoes and socks when it got dark so now we both were completely bare ass. Keith rolled me onto my side and lay down beside me in the grass in a 69 position. I quickly found his hard uncut cock and began licking the shaft and gently sucking the uncovered tip. Keith was groaning and deep throating my hard throbbing cock. When I thought I couldn't take it any more without coming he pulled away and reversed our position so he could kiss and tongue my mouth. We ground our bods together rubbing our still hard cocks together. Keith started fingering my ass and rubbing up and down the crack. Then, I almost came when he inserted two of his fingers into my ass hole. He whispered "I am going to fuck that sweet ass and then you are going to fuck me!!!" I whispered back "Yes, oh yes! Just don't let Hans know what you are doing!!! Oh God! Do it now, before I come." He pulled my legs onto his shoulders and again whispered "I want to see and kiss your face when I do it!! Oh, mate you are so sweet and tender." He spat on his hand and lubricated his already pre cum wet cock. When he slipped it in it was big and juicy. His strokes were slow at first and as he pressed past my prostate I almost shot with each of his strokes. The feeling i was having could only be imagined like when you are scratching and find a spot where it gets feeling better and better. Although his cock was a tight fit, I had never been fucked so completely and deeply. Ordinarily, i wasn't a bottom but this Scottish artilleryman knew how to use his cannon. It was so good, but eventually his fuck pace quickened and he spasamed as he shot load after load of cum up my tight ass. I squeezed his cock with my ass muscles and he groaned and moaned with the pleasure of it. We lay together with his cock dripping cum from my ass and finally he pulled out and whispered "God, that was good! Now it's your turn!" He got on his hands and knees and wanted me to do it doggie style. I used some of his cum from my ass and lubed my 6 1/2 inch cut cock. ( That's a gay eight for you uncut dudes.) I was hard and ready but I'd never fucked an ass like Keith's. His ass muscles squeezed when I pulled almost out and then as I pushed in, his ass felt like it was sucking me in. I grabbed his waist and stroked his hardening cock. When i could hold on no longer I shot and shot and shot. He was coming in my hand and we were both panting and groaning loud enough to stop the traffic on the roadway out front of Wimpey's. My Artillery mate continued to squeeze and suck my cock into his ass until I was squeezed dry and was limp and draped over his bubble ass.

We lay close together and stroked and caressed each other while we sucked face and pressed our cocks together. We heard Hans and Tim on their blanket on the grass making slurping and moaning noises.

Now, Hans was sitting and straddling Tim and rubbing their cocks together. I remembered the fantastic feeling of Hans' big hand squeezing and fondling our cocks together. Tim was almost shouting "Oh Jeez! That's it! Your cock feels so good pressed against mine!" Oh, come here and kiss me! I want to feel your whole body against me!" Hans rolled off of Tim onto his back and pulled Tim on to him and took Tim's throbbing cock between his thighs and let Tim dry fuck him. Tim was wild and the friction of his cock between Hans' thighs soon had him jerking and moaning. "I'm coming, I'm coming!" he moaned; "Oh, it feels so good! So good!" His moans were cut off when he pressed his face an lips onto Hans' mouth. After a bit they broke apart and Tim went down on Hans' cock. Tim must have been an ace cock sucker. He soon had Hans on the brink. Hans' cock was big but Tim was able to take it all, and soon his rhythm was set to deep throating and withdrawing to where just the tip and foreskin were in his mouth. Hans was gripping Tim's head as he came closer and closer to an orgasm. Then he exploded and cum was dripping from Tim's mouth. Tim continued to suck and finally Hans got soft and Tim moved up and they clasped each other and pulled up the blanket.

Keith and I were mesmerized and were soon hard again watching them get it off. We continued to suck face and fondle and caress each others bods. When we were hard again, Keith whispered, "Put it in me again, Mate. I want to go to sleep with your hot cock in my ass!" I quickly slid my cum soaked cock into his sweet ass and that is how we drifted off to sleep.

The next morning, we woke early and got things sorted before the traffic at Wimpeys got really started. We went over to Wimpeys and cleaned ourselves as best we could in the rest room and had cups of their horrible coffee with buns and sausage. At our booth Keith groped me under the table and I am sure Hans was getting the same treatment from Tim. When I tented, Keith laughed and grabbed my arm and said "O.K. , mates lets go and see what is with the lorry." I really stuck out but there

was no help for it and I walked as close to Keith's ass as I could to shield what I thought everyone in the place was looking to see. Keith and Tim were chuckling all the way to the lorry.

At about 9 AM rescue arrived and the lorry was attached for towing back to Fort George. The dudes from the rescue party had some thermoses of hot tea and some sweet rolls that they shared. Keith talked them out of a plastic tarp that he gave to Hans and me for a tent or cover in case of rain. He joked "You can get under it and no one will know what you are doing! Just think of Tim and me when you are doing it." Everyone laughed even the rescue dudes from Gort George. I was beginning to think that all of the young good looking Artillery men from Fort George must be gay!!! (Uncut dudes, remember, names and places have been changed to protect the guilty and Fort George really isn't Fort George and Artillery men could be Commandos or otherwise. It happened, but the where and with whom, is for you to figure out. I promise from here on there will be no shilly shally about where and with whom we get it on.)

After hugs and exchanging addresses Keith and Tim rode off with the rescue team an Hans and I headed for the beach area we had seen yesterday.

We stopped at a small restaurant and ate some fish and chips for lunch. Hans asked me what I thought of Keith and we both agreed that Keith and Tim were a pair of hot dudes. We had forgotten to ask, but we wondered if they were a "couple" back at Fort George. It seemed right if they were.

At the beach campsite we asked an older couple at the next place if they would watch our stuff while we walked along the shore. We had walked to the beach and rented a space near the water for 5 pounds. The

older couple next to us agreed to watch our gear while we walked up a paved path along the seawall. The path went along in front of some water front houses and by a fancy hotel and then by a cool golf course. I think it might have been called Links or something, but I don't really know the difference between a golf course and golf links. (uncut dudes, I must confess that your author was never really well off enough to play golf or to ski for that matter either! Who can afford $300 for golf fees or for lift tickets and room at the ski lodge?)

Speaking of high finance, we were running short of cash so we went into the hotel and asked if they needed any waiters or dish washers, and if they did we were available. We got the job on the spot and they told us to report at 9 AM the next morning. It was a swank place and when we told them that we didn't have any working clothes, they said not to worry, they could fit us out.

We walked back along the sea wall path in high spirits and when we were almost at the beach camping ground there was a small fast food cafe

where we got a meal before going back to our campsite. The older couple had taken care of our gear and we pitched the camp by spreading out our zipped together sleeping bags and covering them with the plastic tarp. We sat with the older couple and talked until after dark. Then we got into our sleeping bag nest and spooned. My cock was comfortably laying in the crack of Hans' ass and we drifted off to sleep without getting it on, or off whichever you care to think. We had sexed it up for most of the night before and had walked a long way up and down the seawall path, so we drifted off in each others arms.

Dudes this has gone on a lot longer than I expected and there is a lot I want to tell you about what happened at the hotel. I'll stop for now, but be sure I am beginning Chapter 8 as you read this. Take it easy and where ever you can get it! Blind Homer.

Next: Chapter 9

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