Tramp in Scotland

By Homer's Odyssey

Published on Feb 21, 2004


Wallace Monument and Fort George

Hey Dudes,

Just a couple of things. I've received a lot of mail about this series. Thanks for all of your kind thoughts. If you want to keep in touch it's "Homer's Odyssey"

One thing though, I do not open attachments and the Unicode binary thing doesn't work on my computer. I do appreciate comments and when they are plain E-Mails, I always answer them.

There are some dudes out there who have helped me write this story. Thanks Lance, Joel and Jason. My Scottish editor deserves special thanks; Norman, I couldn't do it without you! Also, all of you uncut dudes deserve mention. Thanks, to all!

This Chapter has some hot parts that are with some fictitious Scottish soldiers. I don't think there are more gay Scottish soldiers than there are percentage wise in the U.K. or any other country; but this story portrays some heavy MxM sex in an un-named Scottish Regiment. Don't try to figure it out. I've changed names places and all of that. So, dream on, sit back, unzip and enjoy.

Here goes!

Our last day with Hal and Jules was pretty calm as they were busy breaking in the new staff, and I do mean breaking in. There was party time after the dinner things had been put away. We dropped in and watched Hal go down on one of the guys and Jules got his butt fucked by an English teenager with one of the biggest cocks I'd seen in a long time. The other two guys were 69ing on the floor. Hans and I got invited to get into the action, but Hans gave a definite no. He did get me down on one of the couches and sucked my cock. I still had my jeans around my ankles and I could see that Hans was getting hot too, so when,

he took me by the hand, I pulled up my jeans and there was no protest from me when we went up to our room.

We kissed a lot and Hans rubbed our cocks together until we both came. After we cleaned up, we spooned with Hans in front my cock pressed against the crack of his butt.

Next morning, a bleary eyed "staff" served breakfast and it wasn't long before Hal had the station wagon out and we headed for Fort George. I was anxious to get there as there was a celebration for one of the Artillery Regiments on Friday, Saturday and Sunday. My Grand Da (that's Grandfather to you Uncut dudes) had been attached to the Regiment during World War II and the celebration was in honor of those in the Regiment who had been killed during some battle or other.

I had written to the Colonel in Charge of the Regiment, telling him about my Grand Da, and he had replied telling me too present myself in time for the World War II celebration. The Colonel said that he was a Lieutenant with my Grandfather and wanted to have me shown around the Fort and stay there during the celebration.

Hal drove us on the A9 to Inverness and then on the A96 to Fort George. When we got there, Hal parked in a large parking lot behind the row of Barracks and next to some store shops and a museum. Hal had to leave right away, but it was a cool thing that he did driving us to Fort George. After we had unloaded our back packs, Hal hugged us and gave us each a long kiss and pinched my ass before he drove away.

We checked in at the Commandant's Office and were introduced to the Governor and Colonel. The Colonel repeated that he had known my Grandfather and wanted to do anything he could for me. That included enlisting me into the Regiment if possible. (Uncut dudes, I almost shit my jeans! Of course the benefits of all those gorgeous soldiers in kilts made me think twice!) But, I kept my head (that's the one on my shoulders, uncut dudes, not the one on my cock) and promised myself not to sign any thing while I was at the Fort.

Hey, uncut dudes, do you know that the Gordon Highlanders Regiment is called the Gay Gordon's? It's because they prefer peat (Pete,) to Heather Most likely it's the Pete, Peters. Does that make any sense at all? Forgive me, I am only a hot 6 1/2 inch cut cutie. Let's get back to the fucking story.

The Colonel sid that, because of the celebration, bedroom space was short, but we could share sleeping accommodations with our assigned guides for the weekend. Two very proper soldiers in kilts were standing at attention at one side. The Colonel introduced us to Malcolm and Andrew. Both were wearing the Regimental plaid for their kilts. Share accommodations! Woe, just what I needed with a jealous Hans turning green whenever I looked at another guy!

Malcolm was 22 and was a great looking black Scott, black hair, pale skin with ruddy cheeks. He was about 5 foot, 8 inches tall. Andrew was 21, about my height, 5 foot, 10 inches tall. He was blond with a smooth ivory face. They were gorgeous in their uniforms and when we were close they smelled of heather and male musk

We left the Colonel's office and went with the two kilted guides to one of the Barracks where they lived. As we walked Andrew told us that there would be about two thousand Highland Soldiers there for the Celebration. Since Fort George was primarily an Artillery barracks, we should be prepared for a lot of blank gunfire. (That's canons going off without projectiles. Uncut dudes that's like shooting your wad without the wad. You make noises but no juice!)

Hans was, as usual, nervous and boisterous. Suddenly he got behind Andrew, lifted his kilt to see what Andrew was wearing under it. Both he and Andrew got very red and Hans said loudly that Andrew was, bare ass under the kilt! I tried to apologize, but Malcolm said. not to worry, and he lifted his own kilt to show a great uncut cock and a pair of hanging balls. Andrew and Malcolm said they had seen us kissing the guy who brought us, so they figured that we all were going to get along together just fine.

We climbed a flight of stairs with our gear and Hans kept lifting Andrew's kilt saying "He's bare ass! He's bare ass!" We were going to share a room with 5 single beds. Andrew and Malcolm pushed two sets of the beds together and Andrew said "It's more fun when the beds are next to each other, and its a signal that we don't want company!" Well, I wondered, how was this going to sort out? I would have to talk to Hans about who was going to sleep with whom. After all, Hans and I were guests and the guides should have the say as to where we all slept! Oh, Boy! I thought. "I'm about to be unfaithful! It really doesn't count, though, as Hans had been unfaithful to me the night before last. Here I was, making plans and maybe the guys weren't even into it. But, Andrew did have a tent in the front of his kilt and he was holding the kilt down whenever Hans tried to pull it up. Malcolm was sitting on one of the pushed together beds saying "I want the big one! I want the big one with the big cock!"

The guys showed us around the Fort and the artillery museum. There were a lot of cannons and artillery pieces. Some dudes were standing around in costumes that portrayed old time artillery men. These guys answered questions and showed how some of the equipment worked. (It would have been a bore to you uncut dudes. All of the cannons had clear muzzles, just like cut cocks. Most of the muzzles had a ring around the tip and looked just like they were cut cocks.) Some of the dudes who were explaining about the cannons would look around once in a while and when it was just us, they would talk about how far they could shoot and we could have a demonstration if we wanted. Andrew and Malcolm were always right there, and would say "sorry mate, these two are taken!" Sometimes the dudes in kilts would flip the front of their kilt and show us that they had no underwear and did have hardons. it was all very discreet and very horny. I was getting hard and Andrew was enjoying brushing up against my ass and groping my crotch. When we left the museum, I was ready to pull Andrew into one of the alcoves and go at it right then.

As it was, Andrew and Malcolm took us to the Governor's mansion, and showed us the bedrooms where the big shots were going to stay on Friday and Saturday nights. The bedrooms were pretty plush, but not as cozy as the one that Hans and I were going to share with Andrew and Malcolm. Our room had a little kitchen,small toilet and shower in a separate alcove.

The big shots included a General, a couple of Lords and their Ladies, and the Fort Commandant, my friend the Colonel and his wife. The fancy rooms all had their own bathrooms, and there was a system for ringing the soldier on duty if any of the big shots wanted anything. There were kilted soldiers everywhere. There was a big banquet hall and ball room. (Uncut dudes, a ball room is for dancing not for playing with your balls)

Malcolm had a little car and after our tour, he took me out to get some fish and chips along with eight bottles of ale. 16 oz. bottles, they were. While we were driving back to the barracks, Malcolm asked me, if Hans and I were really gay! He said Andrew had the hots for me, and he, Malcolm wanted to get it on with Hans, if we were gay. Malcolm said he really wanted to get fucked by a big stud like Hans. I assured him that we were gay, but, that there was a problem of Hans being very possessive

of me. Malcolm thought he could handle that, and not to worry. He said that about half of the soldiers who would participate in the celebration were gay and he thought he could keep Hans busy fucking him. Then he groped me and said "That's for Andrew!". I lifted his kilt and stroked his hard uncut cock until I felt precum on my hand. (Hey uncut dudes, there is a sort of purse hanging in front when a kilt is worn. Its called a sporran and the Scots have a dance called the Sporran dance. Stiff Prick Or Rigid Rod And Nude. When the Sporran dances, it is the uncut cocks that are hard and dancing.

When we got to the barracks room Hans and Andrew were sitting on opposite beds, just looking at each other. We all ate except Hans who was guzzling the ale. He finished five bottles, so Malcolm and I went out for more. This time Malcolm unzipped my jeans and stroked me all the way to the store and back. I was holding on to his cock that was exposed in the front of his Kilt. When we got to the parking lot of the barracks,

we clinched and held a deep kiss, for a long time. He was one hot Scottish soldier. If he went to Hans tonight, Hans was one lucky dude.

However, when we got up to the room, there was Hans passed out cold and Andrew sitting on a bed looking disgusted. Andrew and Hans were completely naked. We tried waking Hans, but he just wasn't going to come around. Malcolm and I got naked in a hurry and joined Andrew on the bed.

They asked me what turned me on, and I said I was game for anything they liked to do. Andrew said we should start with a sucking daisy chain. His cock was hard and ready. He was 7 inches and uncut. I licked the underside of his cock and the head pressed out of the sheath. He tasted

like male sweat and bath soap. (For fuck sake, uncut dudes, not Irish Spring! It was some sort of heather smelling soap). Malcolm took my cock and licked and sucked it. Andrew buried his head in Malcolm's crotch and began to deep throat Malcolm. Andrew mumbled that the first one who came was going to have to take him up their ass. Both Andrew's and Malcolm's cocks were uncut, and working the foreskins with my tongue was wild. As we sucked we began to have precum and smelled of male sweat! I tasted the cheese beneath Andrew's foreskin. As Malcolm started sucking faster and faster, I felt my cock get slippery with his saliva. With each lick and suck I gave Andrew, he seemed to suck harder on Malcolm. I felt Malcolm's bod stiffen and then he shouted "Oh shit, Oh shit! I'm coming! I'm coming!" I managed to hold my load for a while longer before Andrew pumped into my mouth. What a feeling and then I shot my own load. Almost all of the cum was swallowed and then we started hugging buts and smelling and rimming ass holes.

It took a while, but we were soon at it again. Andrew said that he should fuck Malcolm first and at the same time I should fuck him. He laughed, saying that they fucked each other every night, before going to sleep. Sometimes they had guests, but they both liked fucking each other, the best. They were "Mates"!

Andrew had me lie on my back while he rode my cock. At the same time Malcolm got on top of me resting on his hands and knees and pointed his ass hole at Andrew's cock. Andrew pushed forward and put his cock up Malcolm's exposed ass. Andrew was partially on his knees, so he levered up and down on my cock, while he pushed in and out of Malcolm. it was a three way to beat all three ways. While Andrew was riding my hard cock, and pumping Malcolm, he was stroking Malcolm's cock and foreskin. We were all three connected and the pleasure was from cock to ass hole, on to cock and ass hole and then to cock. It got wild and the rhythm got faster and faster. Andrew was moaning and I was saying "Oh yeah! Oh yeah! Ride me Dude! Ride me baby!" The cum started shooting out of Malcolm's cock onto my chest and neck. My cum was leaking out of Andrew's ass, and his cum was leaking out of Malcolm's ass onto my pubes. He was shooting cum deep into Malcolm's ass. Malcolm leaned over and started sucking face with me and using his tongue to get at my tonsils. It was so Good! I wanted it to go on forever!

It took a while for us to come down from the fucking high, but when we did, I thought, what a shit I was. Hans was still out on another bed and I had just had wild sex with two other hot Scottish dudes. The sex was fantastic, but I felt guilty as hell. I could hardly believe that I had encouraged and let it happen. I had a lot of self justification, but when it came right down to it, I loved it and had encouraged it to happen.

We showered and I told the guys that I had better get in the bed with Hans so when he woke, I would be with him. Malcolm and Andrew agreed and got into bed together and spooned it. I felt lonely hearing them make slow easy love in their pushed together beds. I snuggled up to Hans and smelled the fumes of the ale he had poured into himself. I felt sorry for myself. Why? Then, I drifted off to the moans and groans of Malcolm and Andrew.

Just before dawn in the morning, I felt Hans stir and then he crawled out of bed to take a piss. I did the same and we both went back to bed, where Hans started caressing me. I moaned and he started rubbing our cocks together. His cock was very hard and when he was ready, he came all over us. I didn't come at first, I don't know why, but I didn't. Hans asked me why, and he redoubled his efforts and began to suck me. That did it, and I came into his mouth. He was so good at licking and sucking that there was never any doubt of him getting me off.

Malcolm and Andrew were showering again and putting on their kilt uniforms. There was no talk of the night before and Hans not only looked hung over but sheepish as well. But, he said nothing about his drinking and passing out.

The celebration included a tattoo. It was modeled on the famous tattoo at the Castle in Edinburgh. the Edinburgh tattoo is held during the Edinburgh Festival in October.

Malcolm was to act as an usher for the parade of bagpipes and bagpipe playing, that afternoon. Andrew actually played a bagpipe in the Regimental parade. There were over a hundred pipers and another hundred fife and drum players. That evening the guys were to serve at the fancy banquet for the mucky mucks. (That's big shots, for you uncut dudes.)

The afternoon parade and cannon salutes were awesome! Every time the Bagpipes would begin a march, It would send shivers down my spine. The music did things to me that made me want to cry. The tramping of boots and the pipe music must have called to all of the Scots over the world wherever they are.

That evening Hans and I got to peek into the dining hall and watched the serving and heard the Regimental band play flute and trumpet music for the dinner. The dinner was late, starting at about 9 PM and going on long after midnight. There was a different wine with each food course and most courses were piped into the hall. Andrew piped the main course all by himself. How my beautiful Scot strutted his ass! There was a Grilled Salmon course,a ceremonial Haggis, Roast Beef (that's the one Andrew piped in), Rack of Lamb, Baked Potatoes Stuffed with Cheese and chopped Bacon, a Mixed Vegetable Compote, Flaming Brandied Plum pudding. Malcolm was one of four servers for the Haggis and the four servers did a sword dance after the serving. I swear I got a glimpse of some cock when Malcolm twirled around the swords. There were heaps of food and there were eight large Haggis.

Hans and I were not able to stay for the whole dinner, but we gawked at the amount of food and wine. Most of the men wore uniforms with kilts. The women wore long dresses with sashes draped over one shoulder. The men and some of the women wore small medals on their left breasts. This was Friday and things were going to get a lot more formal on Saturday. In the afternoon there was to be a Fort parade of two Highland Regiments, some Highland games, and an evening gun salute with fireworks. An evening tattoo was to close out the celebration. After the tattoo there was to be a buffet for the fort George officers and their guests from the night before.

While we were peeking at the sit down dinner on Friday, Malcolm noticed us and got Hans and me large plates of roast beef sandwiches. There was cheese on the plate and he found an almost full bottle of wine for us. We took the food back to our bed room and devoured it.

While we were eating, Hans opened up and told me that he didn't know why, but he had known that he was drinking too much the night before. He said, he got nervous around other good looking guys. He thought, that maybe it made him drink to cover the nervousness. I told him that I loved him and he was the best looking dude in the Fort. I was feeling guilty as hell, but, he kept telling me he wasn't worthy of me. He kept going on about how he didn't deserve me and he thought he should go back to Germany. I got a bit pissed and asked him if I was still his lover boy. I told him that if he went back to Germany I sure could find someone else to tramp with. I even said that I didn't have to look very far to find hot dudes to have sex with. And, maybe I could find a cute Scottish soldier I could fuck. I certainly wasn't getting any fucking, not even a hot bottom. He started to cry and then I started in also. He said, he was so, sorry and he didn't want to go back to Germany, but he thought he wasn't prepared to have a love affair with another guy. He said, he wanted to have kids someday and he didn't want to mess up his chances by getting AIDS or some other venereal disease. All I could think to do was pull him close and start caressing him while I slowly undressed him. We started kissing and I told him that I didn't want him to go back to Germany, and we had a couple of weeks before we both had to go home.

He pulled our naked bods together and whispered in my ear, that he would let me fuck him if I wanted. Then I really felt guilty. I told him. I wanted him and needed him whether we fucked or not. He positioned me so that my cock rubbed between his thick sturdy thighs. Guilty or not, I got off on it, and pumped cum between his thighs. After I had finished I told him to fuck me, but he only put his big hard cock between my thighs and dry fucked me that way. We were face to face and Hans was supporting his beautiful naked body slightly on his hands and knees. When I had rubbed between his thighs I was pressed against his back and ass. When he did it to me we were face to face and kissing deeply. When he came he rolled over and pulled us together on our sides, where we slept. I heard the guys come in later. They were quiet, but I heard them getting it on, and the last thing I heard, was Malcolm saying, "fuck me deeper, Andrew!"

Next morning Andrew and Malcolm surprised us, with a kilt and jacket for each of us. They had borrowed a complete outfit for both of us. We had boots, stockings.and khaki caps to go with the kilts. (Yes, uncut dudes, No underwear, though). The Colonel had put them up to it and I thought it was great. They had to look for a large kilt for Hans, and they had found one that had fit pretty well. It was a little large and I kept threatening to pull it down or lift it up to expose Hans' cock and balls. "Now we'll see who is bare ass!" I said. Malcolm and Andrew got into the spirit and the three of us chased Hans around the grounds, trying to pull up his kilt or pull it off of him. Before it was over, about 20 kilted soldiers had Hans cornered in some woods that screened us from view. Hans gave up his kilt and the guys took turns stroking his rampant cock. He didn't struggle too much and while he was getting stroked by a hot young soldier in a kilt, the others formed a circle, Jacking one another and shooting and coming all over Hans. As they shot they shouted "Welcome to the Regiment!" and "Scotland Forever!" Hans shot a load that was awesome and the young soldier who had been jacking him, went down on Hans and took Hans' cum in his mouth. There was a water faucet nearby and everyone rinsed off, especially Hans.

The afternoon started with a formation parade. There were about 500 Artillery soldiers and they marched with the bagpipes, fifes and drums. The parade lasted about an hour and then they had the Highland games. There were: wrestling, throwing the stone, tossing the caber (uncut dudes, that's a large pole like a telephone pole that a dude picks up by one end and tosses it as far as he can.) and various foot races. there were team races to see who could put an artillery piece into action the vastest. Malcolm and Andrew got Hans to try tossing the caber and throwing the stone. He did not do well, but he blamed it on not wearing underwear! That got a big laugh. There was a sort of picnic banquet at dusk for everyone and then the final parade began.

The bagpipes were skirling and the drums were beating. Andrew had his hand up my borrowed kilt and was gently playing with my cock and balls in the dark. Torches were lit around the parade field and the soldiers marched to a formation where the General presented trophies and medals for the games. Finally, like in Edinburgh, a lone piper played from the main tower of the Fort. Andrew and I drifted back into the darkness where we found a niche in the Fort wall and pressed our bods together, lifting our kilts to press our naked cocks and balls together. We were sucking face like there was no tomorrow. and tears were streaming down our faces. We disregarded the fireworks except to see by their light quite a few soldiers 69ing and fucking on the grass. Andrew wanted to be fucked standing up and surprised me by taking some lube out of his Sporran and spreading it on my cock. I felt my shaft enter him and began a slow thrusting and pulling away from his hot ass hole. When I was about to come I got him to shift around and do me. It felt so fucking good. I almost wanted to enlist if I could stay with Andrew, fucking like this every night. He kept sliding over my prostate and I was dripping precum into his hand that was jacking me. We sank to the grass and got into a 69 position where we shot wad after wad.

After the fireworks, there were volleys and volleys of cannon fire and then a trumpet fanfare, ending the day

Andrew and I went back to the banquet hall where we found Hans and Malcolm with shit eating grins spread on their faces. The four of us helped with the buffet for the mucky mucks and since we were in kilts of the Regiment, no one took notice unless we spoke. I had my American accent and Hans would come out with his German one, once in a while. The guests danced highland reels in the ball room until well after midnight. We helped the guys clean up from the buffet and after the dancing started, we watched from the big kitchen doorway. The cooks were given a round of applause and the servers were each presented with a 10 pound tip. The party wound up quickly, and after giving the place a final check our group of four were joined by four of Andrew's and Malcolm's friends. We all went to the guys bedroom. The four friends were hot dudes. Two blonds, one brown haired, and one other black Scot

like Malcolm. They ranged in size from 5 foot 8 inches to 6 feet. As we stripped they were all uncut. Trim well sculpted bods with good shoulders and bubble asses. The two blond ones Jock and Alain, got in bed with Malcolm and Andrew and the other two, Geoff and David, got on the outside of Hans and me. We were all butt naked and since the beds were narrow we pushed the 5th bed between the two other sets and had a 5 bed row all pushed together.

Hans was not pleased, but when the two of us were sandwiched in the middle of Geoff and David he calmed down a little. I was facing Hans and Geoff was poking his hard 7 inch cock in my ass crack. My boner was between Hans' thighs and Dave's cock was rubbing my boner from the other back side of Hans. We all started rubbing in and out of our squeezing thighs and I felt the naked bods of Hans and Geoff melt into my flesh. Another naked bod pressed against mine always turned me on totally. With Hans' big hard on between my thighs and Geoff shifting to the crack of my ass, it was fuck heaven. Geoff shifted his attention from the crack to my ass hole. Slowly he pushed into the tight hole opening it slowly. When he slipped over my glory nut, I jerked and almost came. He reached his left arm over me and started playing with Hans' and my balls. Dave was grunting and I could feel Hans getting hot every time Dave would stroke in and out of Hans' thighs. The other dudes were doing a four daisy chain 69. It was so great but finally we shot our wads and fell asleep in each others arms. Hans kissed me and said "Was it good for you?" The three others in our group said "Yeah, and lets do it again in the morning!"

On Sunday morning, early, we changed around with the guys on the ends, switching so that a different guy was poking me and I met my partner of last night between Hans' thighs. It was a little tight, having eight guys getting it on in 5 beds, but we were hot and we hung on to each other. There was a line up for the shower, and lots of grab ass and grabbing of cocks. Finally the 8 of us soaped the cum off of our bods and we got dressed.

Hans and I kissed Malcolm and Andrew for long passionate time. The others joined in kissing Hans and me, and told us that if we ever came back, they would be ready for action! We added all of their addresses to our address books, and said to count on our coming back.

When I went down to thank the Colonel, he asked me if Hans and I were going to enlist in the Regiment. I put him off and said maybe after our tramp I would get back to him. (Uncut dudes, there was no way that I would let myself become subject to military authority. I liked the Regiment and the hot dudes and I would miss the sex, but I liked my freedom and had places to go.) I had told the Colonel I was going on to Aberdeen for the next part of our tramp, and he had a military lorry going to Aberdeen that afternoon and they would give us a ride if we wanted. I said yes, and thanked him again for a wonderful weekend. He told me that he wished he had more time to spend with me, but he wanted Hans and me to take our kilts with us. Wow! I still have mine with me in the mountains of California. Whenever I hear the bagpipes skirling I put it on and think of joining the Regiment.

That's it for now, dudes, and I'll pick up on the way to Aberdeen!

Bind Hmer

Next: Chapter 7

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