Tramp in Scotland

By Homer's Odyssey

Published on Jul 7, 2004



This is about Hans' and my continuing trip from Nairn to Wick, both on the east coast of Scotland. The story is true with only minor changes to protect the guilty! The story contains male to male sex activities, so if you are underage for reading such material please leave. Come back when you are legal and can unzip and enjoy.

There is no copy right so feel free to copy or plagiarize the story if you want. Who in hell would want to copyright this, anyway? The story does not include protected sex in the sex scenes, but in these days of Aids and other sexually transmitted diseases It should go without saying that you dudes out there should protect yourselves with condoms and not exchanging body fluids.

I want to say thanks to Norman my Scottish editor. Without his help I would still be lost in the Scottish Highlands. Jason, my captain of the Argo, have a great graduation at the Greek Theater. Thanks Dave and Bill. Ken, where are you?

One quickie; Chapter 8 got away from me and it runs twice. If you like good writing read it twice. Otherwise, when it starts repeating just forgive me and go to the next chapter or hot story in Nifty.

Dudes, if you like this story or have any thoughts or comments about it, I sure would appreciate hearing from you at "Homers Odyssey" . It really makes my day when I get feedback from readers. I answer every one, the good and the bad!

We sure had a hot time with the dudes at the hotel but after Geoff left for London, Hans and I stayed on to finish our second week and then were off again, tramping along the east coast of northern Scotland.

Before we left, though, we had a final fling with Jimmy and Peter. Jimmy was the Hotel gofer with the face of an angel and the morals of a pimp. Peter was a fellow waiter in the Sea View Grill of the Hotel. Both Jimmy and Peter were hot and horny most of the time and had been with me when we entertained the bachelor party the week before.

On the very last night, Jimmy got the keys to an empty room and after doing our last waiter gig, the four of us went to the room. Jimmy brought a bottle of very good Scotch whisky and we sat around sipping it for a while. Then, Jimmy said "Well, mates, this is our last night, so lets make the most of it!" He began undressing and soon we all stripped to our undershorts. Hans kept looking at Peter and soon he was completely naked and showing his big hardon. Peter got up, took off his own briefs and went to kneel in front of Hans and took Hans' cock into his mouth. For such a small dude, he was able to take all of Hans' cock down his throat.

Jimmy and I dropped our briefs and Jimmy got onto one of the double beds and said to me, "come here, you sweet bubble ass Yank! I want you to fuck me and bury your tool deep, in my ass. Jimmy had some KY lube so when I straddled him he spread some on my hard cock and into his ass hole. His legs were on my shoulders and his pink hole beckoned my cock like a magnet. Jimmy had one great ass and as I slipped in it seemed to suck my cock in deeper and deeper. The sensations of his squeezing when I almost pulled all the way out and then sucking my cock in when I pushed in, drove me wild. The sensation from the tip of my cock to my cock root was pure sexual pleasure! And when my balls touched the cheeks of his ass it was like the connecting of our bodies externally. The slapping of my balls against his ass cheeks was adding to Jimmy's pleasure too. He groaned "Stay with me, here at the hotel, mate, I can make every night a sex dream you will never forget. Oh, God! You fuck so sweet! Oh, fuck me, fuck me!" I was learning to hold on to my jiz so I fucked him until I felt his cock and balls stiffen just before he came against my belly. Then I shot, and shot into his warm gripping ass. It lasted so long that I felt like every drop of cum in my balls was pouring into his ass. We lay together until he dropped his legs from my shoulders and my cock slipped out of his ass. Then we clung to each other with our soft cocks pressed together.

Hans and Peter were sucking each other's cocks on the other double bed. They had been at it for a while, and as I watched, Peter stiffened and started bucking his pelvis into Hans' face. Hans moaned "Aach", and started thrusting strongly into Peter's hot mouth. Their butts thrust at each other and their hands gripped the backs of their heads as they tried to bury their stiff cocks deeper into each other's mouth. I thought I could see cum dribbling from Peter's mouth.

Next morning we woke early and cleaned the room quickly and went back to the dormitory where we had been staying and started putting our backpacks together. After a great breakfast in the kitchen we found the manager and told him we were about to leave and thanked him for the job. He gave each of us 500 pounds and told us that if we changed our minds or came back that way during the summer, our jobs would be there for us.

We walked a short way to get out of Nairn and on to the A 96 which would take us back to Fort George and then to Inverness. Our plan was to tramp about eight miles to a cut off to Culloden Battle field. We wanted to see where the famous battle was fought and then the next day we would tramp to Inverness.

Culloden is where the British Forces under the Duke of Cumberland massacred the Highland Clans, led by Sir George Murray in 1746. Culloden was about a mile off the A 96. We passed the road to Fort George and turned in on a road to the Battlefield of Culloden. There were a lot of open fields and rock cairns marking where the dead Highlanders had been thrown into pits after the battle. (Uncut Dudes, it was after this battle that the English forbade the wearing of kilts throughout Scotland. It might have been warmer on the cock and balls, wearing trousers, but it sure cut down on the groping and fooling around by the campfires.)

We checked out the visitor center and a hot looking guide in a "gay" Gordon plaid and kilt told us that if we waited around until after dusk we could probably set up our sleeping bags and tarp behind the center. We had to be quiet and on our way before 6 AM the next morning; but it was a place to stay for the night!

Hans wanted to look over the battlefield and we listened to several tour guides tell about how the battle was fought. It seems that very few of the Scots survived and it really broke the resistance of Scotland to England for a century or more to come. (Uncut Dudes, Things are changing now. Scots have been wearing the kilt again for quite a while and there is a Scottish Parliament in Edinburgh. Also, the Scots are allowed to print their own money. Scotland Forever! Scotland is rising again!!!! )

We hung around until all was clear and then went behind the visitor center and made a hasty camp. We ate the rest of the lunch that the Hotel kitchen had packed for us and drank water from a spigot outside the visitors center. We stripped and got into our zipped together sleeping bags. We had picked a soft grassy spot and covered ourselves with the plastic tarp, that our soldier friends from Fort George had given us.

We just naturally pressed into each other and kissed. We were naked so our bodies were touching all the way and we could feel each other's cocks getting hard. Hans told me how much he missed me and that when he was sucking Peter, he would always think of sucking me! I told him that we had made a lot of money by my being friendly at the bachelor party, but that I had missed him too. He asked me again if I wanted to fuck him, but I knew that he really didn't want to be fucked, so we just kissed and stroked cocks until we fell asleep in each others arms.

Next morning we were packed and out before the sun was up. We hiked out to the A 96 and set off for Inverness. At a village along the route we found a bakery where we bought sausage rolls and mugs of strong hot tea. It was another seven or eight miles to the High Street in Inverness. We found the HoHo back packers hostel that Jimmy had told us about. It was across the High Street from the Eastgate Shopping Centre, and there was a cafe called The Cleikum where we could eat. We paid about £7.50 for a decent room and the showers and toilets were down the hall. Jimmy had said that there was gay action at Nico's bar on Nessbank road on Wednesday nights and at the Sleeper Bar in the Station Hotel on Friday nights and weekends. We arrived in Inverness on Tuesday evening, so we decided to stay thru Friday before going on to the fishing village of Wick. Wick was about 100 miles from Inverness so we were going to take a bus there. We wanted to tramp along the coast and needed to go east to get to the water. We could start at Wick and go along the coast from there to John O' Groats.

We showered at the HoHo, and went out to the High Street to listen to the buskers. (Uncut Dudes, buskers are street musicians who play for money. There are pipers, fiddlers and accordionists.) Hans and I were particularly interested in the bag pipers. Their music sent shivers all through our bods. One scruffy red headed piper was very good; and, when he played most of the other musicians and passers by stopped to listen.

We found a short rock wall where we could sit and listened to the red headed piper. We must have been there for several hours when we noticed it was getting dark and most of the musicians had gone. The red headed piper also seemed to be packing up. I got up and went over to him and pressed 20 pounds into his cup. Then I impulsively asked him, "My partner and I are going to have some dinner, and would you come and be our guest? We enjoyed your piping so much, and would like to talk to you and show our appreciation!" He said, "That sounds good and just let me pack up here and then I'll come over and meet your mate!"

When he came over to where we were sitting, we introduced ourselves and he said his name was Euan, and he was from just outside of the town of Dunvegan at the foot of the Mac Leod's Tables. (Uncut Dudes, I've been to Dunvegan before and if you go back to Chapter 1, you can read all about Dunvegan Castle and the Fairy Flag!)

We went into a pub down the High Street and ordered pints and a dinner of seafood, and chips. We had a couple more pints and the Pub owner prevailed on Euan to pipe some tunes. When they would let him alone, we asked Euan where he was staying. He said that he was sleeping on the grass under a tree at the foot of Inverness Castle.

Since it had looked like rain when we went into the Pub, we asked Euan if he wanted to share our room at the Hostel. His Bagpipes were covered with a sheet of plastic but if they were left outside in the rain they might get damaged. We persuaded him and when the Pub owner called "Time the three of us dashed through the rain drops back to the HoHo. (Uncut Dudes, Pubs in the British Isles are regulated as to the hours they can serve drinks. At 1 AM or so the proprietor will call "Time" and the customers will have to drink up and leave for the night!!)

Hans had drunk more than 4 pints of Ale and we just about had to drag him across the High Street to the HoHo. When we got him up to the room he flopped onto one of the beds and started gently snoring. Euan laughed and said to me, "It's you and me then, mate, or I could sleep on the floor! I'm small, though, and we both could fit on that one bed!" I said "Hell no! No one is going to sleep on the floor here this night! It may be a tight fit, but lets take these wet clothes off and get into bed."

Euan went over to his bagpipes and took off the plastic and wiped any dampness from them, only then did he take off his own clothes. He was wearing a kilt and the obligatory nothing underneath. He had taken off his tartan plaid, Glengarry military style cap, sporran and heavy khaki shirt so as soon as he took off his boots and knee length socks he was ready to crawl into the bed with me. (Uncut Dudes, a sporran is a flat leather pouch that hangs down in front of the kilt. If a scottish dude is rich enough he sometimes will carry condoms in his sporran. Otherwise, I just don't know what they keep in the damn things. All, I do know is that a sporran can get in the way of a good cock grope!)

Euan was about 5 foot 8 inches tall and weighed about 135 pounds. His bod was sort of thin and several of his ribs showed when he lay on his back. He had orange red hair under his arm pits as well as around his cock and pubes. His bod and face just wanted you to hug him! I was out of my clothes in a jiffy and slipped in beside him. He turned on his side and pulled me into him. I felt his stiff cock press against my groin and was hard against him too. He whispered in my ear, "Hoy, Mate, I've been waiting for this ever since I first saw you!" He started stroking and caressing my back, and then he pressed his lips against mine and thrust his tongue deep into my mouth. "Oh yes", I groaned, "You are beautiful and I love playing with your bod! Do you want me to suck you? I want to taste you and make love to you! I'm so hot for you. What do you want me to do? you want to fuck me?" Instead of saying anything he pulled the covers down and got into a 69 position. I eagerly took his cock into my mouth being careful to suck it in without brushing it with my teeth. But, Oh, God! When he started licking my shaft it was like I had never been licked before. He lightly ran the tip of his tongue up and down my rigid shaft. Then he would rim the head of my cock with the tip of his tongue. He was driving me crazy with desire. When he put the head of my cock gently in his mouth and licked it there I couldn't help but thrust my cock in as far as his tongue would let me. Then suddenly he sucked me all the way into his throat. What a feeling! He put his hand on my ass and pressed a finger deep into my ass hole. I couldn't help it! I shot and shot again and again. He sucked every bit of my load and it felt like he was sucking my cock right out of my bod. He wiggled his finger in my ass and I just couldn't help humping his face and loving what he was doing.

I want you to know, that I had not just been lying there passively. For the little Dude he was, he had a great cock. it was a thin 7 inches with an uncut head. When I started I worked my tongue into the tip of his cock between the foreskin and the round tip of his cock head. I must have been doing it right as he responded by groaning and murmuring "Oh, Mate, that's so good! I want you to suck it and tongue it forever. Bloody Hell! This is the way to die and go to heaven! Oh, Baby! I want to give you my juice! Oh, take it, take it!"

The next day was Wednesday and after showering and cleaning up Euan took his bagpipes and went back to the High Street. We agreed to meet at HoHo at dark, and thought we would go to Nico's bar that evening. Hans was a bit put out about missing the action last night, but as I told him, his drinking too much had caused him to miss the fun. He asked what we had done and I told him that we had just sucked cock and then fallen to sleep.

Hans and I strolled around Inverness and checked out the Castle and the Cathedral. We found that there was a bus to Loch Ness and booked seats for Thursday. (Uncut Dudes, there was an untrue rumor that Hans had a shy relative living in the Loch. I was going to look into that on Thursday!)

We walked back to the High Street and listened to Euan play the bagpipes and as usual he had a crowd around him listening. His cup was filled with pound notes and he was having a blast. He was playing "The Bluebells of Scotland", "The Campbell's are coming, Hurrah," and he even played the U.S. Marine Corps Hymn for the American tourists. He was definitely good and picked up a lot of money from passers by and the American tourists. We found our rock wall seat and listened until almost dark. Then we helped him pack up his bagpipes and carry them to the HoHo. It was understood that he would stay the night with us again.

After a quick shower, we dressed and went to The Cleikum for dinner and then we headed for Nico's Bar. It was about the most closeted gay bar I have ever been in. Some recognizable gay types but they were in the minority. There was some male to male dancing but not the whole dance floor. Hans took me out and we touch danced but Hans was just too big to maneuver without bumping into the rest of the dancers. Euan was a much better dancer and he and I did a lot of dancing together. We were a bit conspicuous, Pressed together, as we were. I began to notice that Hans was doing his drinking thing again and he had met a German Couple with whom he was talking. When Euan told me he was tired and thought he would go up to our room in the HoHo we couldn't find Hans, so Euan and I found our way back to the Hostel. If Hans wanted to get lost without telling me, so be it. We thought maybe Hans had gone on ahead, but when we got up to the room he wasn't there.

We undressed and slipped into the bed where we had slept the night before. Euan pulled me into him and we sucked face and caressed each other. Euan wanted to suck my cock and soon got into a 69 position with me. It must have been his pipe playing, because he could suck like a vacuum and lick at the same time. His tongue would lick around the tip of my cut cock and then he would suck my whole shaft deep into his mouth and throat. He would take one of my balls into his mouth and suck on it. Then he would do the same with the other. I was panting and groaning as I tried to do for him the things he was doing to me. I don't know why, but I wanted this dude to fuck me! His cock was about seven inches when hard and it was slender up to it's uncut head. When I told him what I wanted, he quickly agreed and I got on my back and lifted my legs to rest on his shoulders. With my sucking his cock it had gotten slippery so it slid in easily. He fisted my cock while he fucked my ass and I was soon feeling sex pleasure throughout my bod. As he would thrust his cock along my prostate, it was the most fantastic feeling. As his balls would press against the cheeks of my ass, my whole bod would go into shivvers of sensation. It was like being drowned in pleasure at all my nerve endings! There was something about this skinny Scots Bagpiper that made me want to pleasure him. I could have gone on all night with his slim cock rubbing in an out of my ass. I shot my load onto our bellies and he came soon after. He pumped load after load into my ass as his thin uncut cock spasmed with his man juice. We finally grabbed towels and went into the shower room where we scrubbed each other and cleaned the cum from our bellies and bods.

"We all woke early and Hans and I got ready for the bus tour of Loch Ness. The bus took us to Drumnadrochit. There was a visitors center there and we went through a series of darkened rooms where a recording gave out a speil about the Loch Ness Monster. Hans was not amused when I kept saying in a loud voice that the monster was one of his relatives! We took a hike to Castle Urquhart, a ruined place where you could look out onto the deep dark surface of the Loch. We waited about an hour for Hans' relative to show itself but gave up and walked back to Drumnadrochit where we caught the tour bus back to Inverness.

Euan was gone when we got back and Hans and I had a late supper at the Pub on the High Street. We planned to stay in Inverness until after the action at Sleepers Bar at the Station Hotel on Friday night.

I had asked Hans where he had been the previous couple of nights and he told me that he had met a German couple with their 2 kids. He had been talking German with the father and mother and played with the kids. The closer we got to the end of our tramp, the more Hans seemed to get nostalgic about Germany and about having a German family of his own.

Well Dudes, that is it for this one! If you liked it or have any comments you want to share, the E-Mail again is "Homer's Odyssey" , Blind Homer. Don't argue with an idiot; people watching may not be able to tell the

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