Tramp in Scotland

By Homer's Odyssey

Published on Jan 3, 2004


A Tramp in Scotland

Glascow, Dunvegan and Fort William

Hey, Dudes, this is a true story and I lived every minute of it. I have changed the names and places to protect the guilty. This is a story of Male to Male sex, and I think all the dudes were over 18, but who really knows or cares. There are some parts of the story that do not describe protected sex, but it goes without saying that protected sex is a life or death matter these days and all sex should be protected with a condom. Go ahead and copy or plagiarize this story if you want, there is no copyright. Who in hell would want to copyright this? It is written strictly for your enjoyment, so, go ahead, unzip and get it out. If you are underage in your State or Area for reading this kind of story, what are you doing here anyway! Wait until you are legal and come back and enjoy.

Comments are appreciated and will be answered at "homer's odyssey"

I do want to acknowledge the encouragement of Lance, Joel, and especially to Jason for whom the story was written. Thanks, Dudes.

Here goes:

I had just turned 19 when the events of this story took place. I am blond, 5' 10" and good looking enough to get a second glance from both men and women.

I was in the second half of my sophomore year at U.C. Berkeley when I found my lover was cheating on me in a big way. We had been together for about a year, when one day I realized that I was the only one who got fucked and did the sucking. Then I found out that he was fucking and being sucked by most of the guys I had introduced him to. He really was a creep and I took it hard. I did finish my Sophomore year with good grades but it was a struggle. When Summer arrived I decided to take a trip to Scotland and try and forget the creep.

I didn't have a lot of money, but did have enough for the plane ticket and to buy food if I tramped it. Uncut Dudes, tramping is hiking, hitch hiking, camping and staying at hostels. (If you're uncut, I do pick on uncut dudes. Actually, I love uncut cocks, and especially if they are big and hard. So, don't tighten up when I address any comments to you glorious uncut dudes.)

With my back pack and sleeping bag I flew on BEA to Glascow, Scotland. The first week I took a bus to the Isle of Sky and walked around the island. I camped at a park at Dunvegan Castle and stayed there a couple of days and finally, I wound up in the town of Malig and took the ferry to the mainland of Scotland. There was a bag piper playing at the ferry landing and I almost creamed myself, it sounded so cool. On the main Island I took another bus to Fort William. I was pretty grungy by that time! While I was at Dunvegan I had called the hostel in Fort William and asked them to save me a place for the following night.

When I got to the Hostel in Fort William, tired wet and hungry, there was no place at the inn. I was wiggling my ass and trying to charm the witch at the check in, but no dice. Then there was a German accented voice behind me saying "I have two beds in my room and he can share with me." The witch wasn't having any of that, but then the blond giant 6 foot 1 inch, actually) moved me aside and said in a booming voice,Listen to me bitch! If my lover, here, doesn't sleep with me in my room tonight, I'll shit on the floor and piss into the wash basin." He said it right out so everyone in the lobby could hear. The witch knew when she was beaten, and gave me the book to sign in. She was looking at a giant who was threatening to desecrate her fucking hostel

Hans, that was his name, took my pack in one arm and me in the other and said in another loud voice, "come on lover boy, I've been waiting all day to fuck your ass" . God! I was so embarrassed!

When we got to the room, he said "I'm Hans and I love you". I told him my name was Jack and he continued, "You stink, lover boy, and you need a bath and a shave. Get out of those dirty clothes and I'll show you where the showers are. Don't go fooling around in there. There are some hot boys staying here and you need Hans to keep you pure." (I swear it really went like that. I've thought it over a lot and those were almost the words he spoke.) He unpacked my gear without a word, took out some French thongs I had, got a towel from the rack in the room and motioned for me to follow him. There were a couple of shower stalls in the shower room. They each had plastic shower curtains, but when I had undressed, hiding behind the towel and pulled the curtain in from of me, Hans pulled it open and Sid "Just get it clean. I want my lover boy to be extra clean". I was mortified and scared, "Who was this blond, blue eyed German Dude, anyway?" Despite my scowls and turning my back to the opening, he said "Beautiful ass, I'll have it shivering with pleasure tonight." I still had my butt pointed at Hans, but I was getting a prune skin and the water was getting definitely colder. "What the fuck", I thought. "I've shown my cock and balls before to other guys at the gym at Berkeley", so I turned around. Hans was staring at me, and he said "Good baby, nice and clean and now comes the shave." I hastily wrapped the towel around me, and we went back to our room. Hans rummaged in his back pack, and believe it or not, came out with a straight razor and a can of shaving cream. I was terrified again. "Was there going to be some sort of bloody sex ritual before he slit my throat with the razor? "So long world, and I just hope someone puts a sheet over me when I am lying there naked in a pool of blood." Hans pulled off my towel, pushed me down on the edge of one of the beds and started to lather my face. At least he wasn't lathering my pubes, cock or balls! I didn't have much of a beard then, so he went over my face with the razor quickly. He was good, let me tell you, but this was the first time for me to be given a shave, especially with a straight razor.

After the shave, Hans Sid "Get the thongs on and put on these extra clothes of mine". I did and although the clothes were baggy, I could roll up the sleeves of the shirt and the shorts would fit with a belt.

Then we went to a fish and chips place and we had a couple of pints of ale with our fish and chips. It was about 8 o'clock, but Hans said we should go back to the hostel and go to bed.

When we were in the room, he said "Which bed do we sleep in?" I gave up then. Hans was in charge, and I accepted the fact that I was going to be violated and raped. And, there was nothing I could do to avoid it. (hey, uncut dudes, do you think I really wanted to avoid anything?) We stripped and got into one of the beds together. Hanswas a big dude in every way, and when I felt his hard cock against my thigh, I realized he was even bigger in the cock and balls, than I had expected. Nothing gross, but a shapely 8 inches with billiard size balls. The 2 inch balls framed a 1 and 1/2 inch thick cock. Hans put an arm over me and pulled me over to his body, and started to kiss me. Gently he probed my mouth with his tongue and started to stroke and play with my ass. I was really turned on, but wondered what was going to happen next. I didn't have to wait long. He straddled me and put his big hand around both of our cocks and started stroking them and squeezing them together. (for you poor uncut dudes, yes, we were both cut!) The edges of our cock heads were incredibly sensitive When I felt him gently squeeze our cocks together and stroke them, I was in heaven. He rubbed the tips of our cocks together and the sensation drove me crazy. When I started groaning and moaning, Hans got the message and stopped stroking our cocks and started kissing down the treasure trail to my cock and balls. He licked around my shaft, and then he quickly covered my cock with his mouth. He took it all in easily and I was in rapture. Never, in my life, had anyone given me such head like that.

The creep in Berkeley didn't like to give me head, but he didn't hesitate to demand it when he wanted it.

Hans was enjoying deep throating me, but I wanted to give him some pleasure too. We wound up in a 69, and I found I could take all of him. When he would start licking my balls, I would lick his. But, I really loved kissing and sucking the head of his cock. With his mouth caressing my cock and balls, like he was doing, it couldn't last much longer. I suddenly felt his cock juice in my mouth, I was still able to give a long moan, that probably shook the walls, when I shot my load. I just kept shooting and shooting in his mouth. "Oh God, Hans! I'm coming! Oh, jeez! I'm coming! It feels so good! I llove it, I love you!" When our juices stopped flowing, I reversed and we just kissed and kissed. Finally, Hans got up, went over to the towel rack, and came back with a damp towel. He wiped us off and cleaned us up gently. There wasn't a lot of cleaning to do, as we had pretty well swallowed most of our cock juice.

Well Dudes, that is about it for Fort William. We spooned for the rest of the night and what happened the next day will be told in the next chapter Fort William to Glascow. It's hot!

LOL Blind Homer

Next: Chapter 2

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