Training Toby

By Robert Louis / Robert Halstead

Published on Dec 27, 2023



Eric licked and sucked its new Master's cock and balls, pushing itself to do so without showing any signs of boredom, but this is a constant problem for the slave because it hasn't yet learned to lose itself completely in serving the Master. Shortly after ten minutes has gone by, the slave lets itself get distracted wondering how much longer it must keep sucking and it's quickly obvious that it is no longer totally focused on giving pleasure to the Master who has rescued it from the club after it was left hanging there. Harry smacks the back of the slave's head and orders it to stop.

"You've made some progress, boy, but fell short of the 12 minutes I assigned you. You still need to control your mind. You owe me all your attention, slave, when serving me. You were trained brutally before, but not trained intelligently. What you experienced from him was not domination but brutality as that man was in the process of going insane.

What you haven't yet experienced is what a safe, sane, consensual D/s scene. I'm giving you a taste of it now, Eric, and I'm not going easy on you so you can realize the types of things I'll be doing to you and with you. You have got to make a conscious deliberate decision that you are eager to have this experience—all of it. And for you that obviously means some work with your mind, with the ways you were thinking about things because it was a question of your survival. So try to understand what I'm telling you. The way the rules go, boy, you have to learn understand—and accept--that the only thing that matters is your service to my pleasure. I think you probably need some zen training in meditation. I'll start with that tomorrow perhaps. Meanwhile, I'll use the usual method of training a slave: corporal punishment. Get up and bend over the back of that chair and hold on tightly. Six strokes, as I promised. If you let go of the chair while I'm punishing you, that stroke will not be counted. Now get up and get ready, slaveboy."

Eric has never been caned before, and so it's afraid of what's to come. It tries begging. "I'm sorry, Master, I promise I'll do better when I serve you. Please be patient with this slave."

"Begging never works with me, boy. You have a safe word but you can't use it when I'm punishing you. Take what you deserve. With each stroke, promise yourself that you will devote ALL of your attention to serving your Master at all times. Yes, boy, this will hurt. A lot. But not nearly as much as it would hurt if I whipped you as hard as I'm capable." Harry picks up the cane and swishes it through the air a couple times. This only increases the slave's fear, and tears are already forming in its eyes before the first stroke of the cane connects with its hairless smooth ass.

THWACK! Eric gasps. The bite is like nothing else it has ever experienced. Harry doesn't continue the beating right away. He stands over the slave and watches as the mark of the cane becomes visible across the slave's flesh. Time for another. THWACK! Eric cries out this time, feeling the fire spreading with this second welt. THWACK! The third brings a scream and the tears begin. Harry is good at this. He's creating parallel marks across the slave's ass, one below the other, and his aim is quite impressive, to him at least. THWACK! The slave's entire ass is on fire now but once again there is a line of agony penetrating right to the slave's spirit, and it realizes just how much of an expert this Master is. What it doesn't know is that if the Master chose to lay a stroke across the ones already starting to glisten, he'd most likely draw blood. Of course it's his right to make a slave bleed, but like so many other experienced Masters, he generally avoids making it happen. Not worth the mess or the trouble. THWACK! The tears are flowing and its nose is running and all it knows is that it has never felt so much pain from any thrashing before, and it realizes that the pain of this punishment will be long-lasting. TWACK! Harry dramatically throws the cane to the floor and stands back to watch the final line appear right near the bottom of the slave's ass. Sitting will be a constant reminder for at least the next two days, he figures.

"Hold your position, Eric. You did well, boy, taking your whipping without letting go. Just stay there and suck up the pain. Let it teach you. Let it show you how much of a slave you have become, and what your Master has the power to do to you when you fail to measure up to his expectations." Harry waits a few minutes then goes to sit in the chair he was occupying before.

About 5 minutes—which seemed like an hour to Toby—Derek gives a command. "Get yourself over here, slave. Lick my balls and suck my cock and give all your attention to thanking the man who just caned your ass. Do not lose focus." Eric quickly falls to the floor and crawls over to the Master and begins serving once again, as it learns that it seems easier to focus on serving while its ass is on fire from the beating it just received. Harry doesn't say anything about time. He decides that he wants to cum. "Jerk my cock off with your mouth. Quickly. Suck hard. Soon you'll milk the cum out of me and swallow it all down, faggot. Go for it. Show me how hungry you are for a superior man's cum!"

Eric gives the Master all its attention and as it works on the Master's cock, its tears and snot dribble down and all of that is used to lubricate the Master. Finally he hears the Master shout "Good cocksucker!" and shoot a large load into its mouth. It swallows quickly and then backs off.

"that was much better, slave. So now I know that you perform better if I whip your ass. Now kneel up, slave, and open your mouth. You'll take one mouthful of piss at a time, swallow it, then beg me for more and open your mouth again." August used Eric as his urinal all the time, and actually it turns the slave on, but this way of making the slave take Harry's piss is even more humiliating than any other way. Each time the slave has to beg for piss. It can't just keep swallowing and gulping without paying attention to the taste. This is going to really make the slave feel like a pig.

Fuck! Each time it has to beg for the Master's piss and open its mouth gets harder to do. Each time hits home that it is actually begging to be the Master's pig. And all the while, its caned ass is throbbing and the heat does not seem to go away. It takes seven mouthfuls before the Master finally says, "Okay,piss-drinker. Just put my cock in your mouth and gulp down what's left. Suck it all out of me."

The worst thing about the entire ordeal, and the one thing that really hits home to Eric that it's really subjugated and humiliated, is that the Master does not allow the slave to clean its mouth or brush its teeth after it's finished taking all his piss. Harry has the slave crawl to the other end of the dungeon, and there it sees a cage with thick bars about 4 feet tall with an open door. "Crawl in there Eric!" Eric has never been locked in a cage like this before and it begins sobbing and begging the Master not to have to do this. "One more word out of you and you'll get more of the cane. Now shut up and obey me!" Harry says sternly. Eric has no choice but to crawl into the cage and then lie on its side as Harry shuts and locks the door. It is not possible for the slave to spread its legs all the way out.

Harry walks away, fills something up with water and sets it on the cage attached to a nozzle. "There's water to drink. I'd piss in it but I didn't save any for this. This is the way you'll sleep when you've been punished. Lie there in your pain and think over how much better your attitude and behavior will be when at last I let you out." There's a white button in the corner. It's an intercom, in case you panic. You'd be well advised not to use it, but to simply realize that as my slave you are also my prisoner." And with that, Harry turns out the lights and leaves the dungeon. closing the door and leaving the whipped debauched slave to lie in its pain and misery. Eric suddenly realizes that he still has to make a choice. Is he really Derek's slave and just received a severe punishment then got locked up. OR, it's just Derek and him playing a game, but the stakes of the game are very high. Either way, his ass still hurts like hell.

What the slave doesn't know is that the Master has a camera and microphone focused on the cage and so can make sure the slave doesn't freak out, especially since it's the first time it's ever been locked up this way. But Harry has some more important things to do and doesn't want the distraction.

The slave discovers, much to its chagrin, that being locked in a cage this way is somewhat settling. The idea of being imprisoned is not what's foremost on its mind, but rather, the slave realizes it is under the total control of its Master and, almost like an object, can be "put away" when the Master has other things on his mind. Before long, the slave falls asleep despite the painful condition of its freshly whipped ass. "This is right for me," it says to itself. "I have been conquered by this Master and I definitely want to remain this way even when things are painful and difficult. I'd never be able to find anyone else who could give me the type of experience Derek is giving me. Master is perfect for me."

All is well until about 3 am when the slave wakes up and doesn't realize where it is and begins to panic, rattling the bars of the cage. Immediately Harry wakes up and rushes downstairs. As soon as he puts the lights on, Eric starts to cry. "Please, please, let me out of here," it cries out in its panic. Harry unlocks the door and reaches inside to touch the slave. "I'm here, boy, and everything will be fine. Come to me." The slave struggles to leave the cage and Harry helps by grabbing its legs and gently pulls it out and into his arms. Eric wraps himself around Harry like a toddler and continues to cry into his chest.

"Sshh, sshh," says Harry as he calms Eric down. "I'm here and I have you. You did really well for your first time in the cage and I'm proud of you. But come with me now. Come upstairs and I'll hold you in my arms for the rest of the night." Gradually the boy calms down. Harry helps it up the stairs and into his bedroom. He gets into bed and pulls the slave to himself. Eric wraps his arms and legs around Harry and gradually stops weeping. "You're my good boy and I am very pleased with you. You did really well for your first time in the cage. Even better than I expected."

"It felt good at first, Master, and I fell asleep. But when I woke up I couldn't figure out where I was, and when my legs hit the bars of the cage I got so frightened and confused."

"That was to be expected, Eric. It takes time. But remember this: at first you felt very good. It felt right for you to be locked up for me. It will keep getting easier and the good feelings will last longer and longer."

"The worst part, Master, was being alone down there in the dark."

Harry stays silent, thinking things over. "Hmmm, tomorrow we'll move the cage up here and put it next to my bed. Then you won't feel so alone. It will make it easier for you to accept being locked up."

"But Master, what if you have to go away? Would you leave me alone locked up like that? What if something happened like a fire?"

"Baby, I'd never leave you locked up alone here. I'll always be near. You will always be safe. But no more talk for now. Go back to sleep, right here in my arms. You're going to be the best slave I've ever owned, I promise you. Sleep now, my good boy. Sleep with your Master." It doesn't take long before Eric falls fast asleep again. Harry soon follows.

. . . . .

Derek and Toby are on the couch, Derek sitting and Toby on his back, head in Derek's lap. A movie's playing but they usually have to watch it several times before knowing what was happening since it's so easy for Derek to distract them both. He's like a little boy. He always has to have something to play with! And these days, the only things to play with were sensitive parts of his slave's body. Tonight he's trying something new. Something that Galvin had told him about. He has his index finger in Toby's mouth and Toby was sucking on it. And while that was happening, Derek started pushing the finger more deeply into the slave's mouth, down its throat actually. Toby would gag a little, and Derek kept playing around at that same point, controlling the amount and length of the slave's gagging. Derek is even taking charge of that now, and Toby is swimming in submissive delight even as he tries to fight off Derek's finger going any farther.

So Derek takes his finger out of Toby's mouth but holds it open. He spits right into the slave's mouth. "Remember what you are, faggot," he says in his "Alpha Voice," which was what Toby named it in his own mind. "Now open that fucking throat for your Master." Now he puts two fingers in the boy's mouth and lets the boy clean them nicely before taking another plunge without making the boy gag. Slowly, he fucks the slave's mouth with his two fingers. The slave knows what's going to happen and is trying to get mentally ready for the penetration to come. "Slave, slave, slave," it says to itself as it does so often when it needs the encouragement and dose of reality. Derek moves ahead and Toby begins gagging again. "Make sure you last longer than last time," he advises the slave as he begins exploring the slave's gag reflex for longer periods of time, and sometimes even gets the slave choking a couple times. "That's a good boy," he praises the boy as it chokes. He takes out the fingers again and begins slapping the slave's face with reasonably mild slaps and he drools over the slave's face after he's done slapping it.

"You look so fucking hot like that, baby, your face spit on, your eyes glowing, and you know you're the fucking luckiest slave in the state being spoiled the way I spoil you. Doing all this humiliating stuff to you because I know that's the way to your heart."

"You own my heart, Derek. And that means everything."

"Then be a good boyf or me and hustle into the kitchen. I'd like a bottle of water. You can walk."

Derek helps Toby off the couch and the slave runs into the kitchen and bounces right back with a bottle. The slave kneels at the side of the couch and offers it up to Derek. Derek takes it. "Good boy. Now get back up here."

Toby positions himself and looks up at the Master drinking from the bottle. Derek takes a finger and opens Toby's mouth, then dribbles a mouthful of water into it. "Thank you, Master. Thank you for giving me a drink."

"Always from my mouth, boy. That's the way it should be almost all the time. Understand?"

"Everything good comes from you, Derek. Before nothing was as good as something coming from your body." Derek feeds the boy more water then caresses its neck to feel it swallowing the water.

"And it's thanks to me that you're able to swallow, slaveboy." Derek uses both hands to choke the slave from the front of its neck. Toby struggles to breathe and turns red before Derek finally lets go. "You breathe when I let you, slaveboy." Toby starts to say "yes, Master," but Derek cuts off his air flow again and waits for a while. Next time he lets go Toby gulps in a big chest full of air before Derek closes it all of again, chuckling. "see, boy? See the power your Master has over you? See how helpless and pathetic you are?

"yes, Master. Please take care of your slave."

"By the way, tomorrow night we're having dinner with our folks. They have a couple friends they want to introduce to us. Darius and Kip are a gay M/s couple they've known for years. They thought we might hit it off."

"Or they might hit ME off? But that really sounds interesting."

"They're interesting guys. They operate a small boarding house for gay teens thrown out of their homes."

"Wow. And I just became a kind of orphan! Maybe I could stay there if I run away from you!"

Derek chuckles and slaps Toby's face again. "Don't be a brat or I'll take a wooden spoon to your inner thighs."


"I'm sure that's what you'll be saying, little faggot! In fact, go to the kitchen and get the spoon for me."

Toby slowly goes to retrieve the dreaded object. He's never felt a wooden spoon before. It will probably hurt. Oh, well. Such is the life of Derek's slave. He retrieves the spoon and brings it to Derek, kneeling. Meanwhile, Derek has managed to find a roll of duct tape.

"Sit on the couch, legs spread, slave boy," he says.

Toby gets into position. Derek takes the duct tape and manages to spread the slave's legs far apart, taping them to the sides of the couch. Now its inner thighs are exposed. They look so nice and creamy. In fact, Derek leans down and kisses all along each leg. "Mine," he says. "Yours," says the slave in a frightened voice. Derek kneels at the side of the couch and looks up into Toby's eyes. "I love you, my pretty little painpig," and starts playing with Toby's balls which gets him squirming, sighing, and even giggling. He lifts the spoon and uses it to pepper the slave's left inner thigh with hard blows, up and down, and the sighs turn into outcries.

After one round, he uses his hand to soothe and massage the area he just hit and says, "good boy." Move activity to the boy's scrotum follows, and he runs his fingertips lightly over the boy's right inner thigh. Next comes the spoon crashing down seven times and the boy cries you again and forces out the word, "yours!" over and over again. Then Derek soothes the area again, sets the boy's ankles free from the duct tape and then gathers the slaveboy into his arms and snuggles with him, allowing the slave to uses his own hands to soothe what is now appearing as black and blue areas on its body.

"That will hold you for a while, but it gave me a good idea."

"Uh-oh. Good idea? Dare I ask what?"

"I was just thinking that it might be hot to make sure you are very sore in all sorts of private areas on your body when we go to dinner with everyone. I wonder if their Dom friend will pick up on the fact that my boy's really been worked over right before we left to go there."

Toby just buries his face in Derek's neck and runs his hand down Derek's chest.

"No response to my great idea?"

"Same response as always, Sir. I'm yours. You own me. You can try doing anything you want to me."

"Not a good answer. What I want to know, sweet slaveboy, is if YOU will think it hot to be sore all over when at dinner tomorrow night with our parents and their kinky friends? I'm thinking you'd get off on the whole thing. Am I right? if I'm wrong, just tell me."

Toby kisses Derek on the cheek. "You're right, Derek. You know me. But in the meantime I can just dread what's going to happen to me. That's part of the fun too. The anticipation."

"Well then, anticipate away, because it's gonna happen, boy. We'd better make sure we have visine on hand because you'll need it for your eyes if you end up crying when I'm having my fun with you."

"That's my Master. You think of everything!" Toby slides off the couch and buries its head between Derek's legs while kneeling before him. For the slave, this is a stress-relieving position.

Thanks for all the emails and the stories you share with me.

Please keep writing me. Emails are my reward for writing.

Other Stories of Mine:

The Alex Chronicles

Sweet Subjugation

Tommy Loves His Sub

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Next: Chapter 43

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