Training Toby

By Robert Louis / Robert Halstead

Published on Dec 13, 2023



When Galvin arrived Derek was surprised to see cane welts across tonyboy's ass that looked pretty recent. "Yes," explains Galvin, as they were making their way to the dungeon, "I caned the slave before leaving the house to make the ride here more painful. I'm pretty sure the slave is ready to experience a flogging as pleasurable.

Don't you be disappointed if you can't get there with Toby yet. Sometimes it takes while for a faggot to get to that point. It has to be able to take a lot of real pain first. But these floggers never cause a lot of pain."

The boys were bound side by side on a platform all stretched out. Derek took a strap and gave Toby a good thrashing, not stopping until the boy was sobbing. Galvin looked on approvingly but tonyboy looked bored. Galvin decided a couple lashes of the strap over its caned ass would wake up its enthusiasm for what was going to be happening here. "I'm sorry, Master," the slave cried out after each of the two excruciating blows from the strap. Toby looked at Galvin nervously, just realizing how much it must have hurt for a well-built big guy like tonyboy to be brought to tears and sobs.

What he found out later was that while tonyboy was treated like chattel most of the time and sometimes had to work extra shifts at the warehouse where it was employed, corporal punishment of any kind was the thing the slave feared the most (and disliked the most!) and its Master rarely used it as part of the slave's regular training regimen. Every boy discovers what would be the best combination of "activities" that would best keep it conscious of being a slave. For tonyboy, hard work, heavy restriction, humiliation rituals and the like kept the slave in its place. And apparently, affection was not on the menu; the relationship between Master and slave was cold, efficient and damaging more than any kind of efforts at seeing the relationship as any kind of romance or emotional devotion.

So different for Toby. But just look at the boy. Most men, if given the opportunity, would be driven to hold Toby in his arms and kiss those nicely puckered lips. Toby naked and collared and caged was a sight to behold. Galvin and a couple other Doms had been encouraging Derek to put Toby on display as much as possible. This was one of the reasons why Derek had decided to pay for their room in the dorm so Toby could constantly be on display when they were there. Now that its state as Derek's slave was out in the open, other Doms on campus were coming out of the woodwork; Orson was definitely heading that way and they also got to meet Stan, Louis, Matty and Vic from the upperclassman dorm. Derek was looking forward to having them over now that they had the cottage. Of course, this was raising an issue that Derek had deliberately avoided last semester: would he have his slave service other guys, and under what circumstances? As far as sucking cock went, this wasn't a big issue because Toby had been sucking cock long before he ever met Derek. He'd been especially active at summer camp the summer before coming to Gordon.

Just the other night Derek told Toby, "it's time for me to make your mouth and throat available to the world. We'll start with guys who asked for you: Pierce and Orson. I expect it to happen this week so make sure they know you're available. Both of them. It would be hot if I could be there, but that doesn't matter. Offer yourself to them the first time you see them once we get back this week. I want you to be the faggot cocksucker you were meant to be."

As he lay there tied down, waiting to be flogged alongside tonyboy, Toby was wondering if he'd be offered to Galvin tonight. Galvin turns him on like crazy being older, more experienced and obviously mentally powerful enough to be able to rule over a big hunk like tonyboy and even beat the shit out of it. Was Derek going to make it subject to discipline by others as well? That made Toby nervous, mostly because he was afraid it would create more distance between the slave and its Master it loved so much. "Trust, trust, trust," the slave kept saying to itself. "Trust Derek." "Even if Derek pushed harder, still trust." As usual the most important thing in Toby's life was the joy it got from knowing it had somehow pleased its Master. And, of course, Derek never forgot to praise the slave when it made progress in its submission.

Galvin started to flog his slave's back and ass and told Derek to match his style as he began to flog Toby the same way. It was true! Toby quickly realized that every lash from the flogger felt pleasurable, and he groaned deeply and hoped that Derek would keep it up for a good long time. The boy tried to raise its body to meet the flogger. Derek could tell from its body language that the slave was getting hooked on the pleasurable sensations the flogger was causing and so he continued "caressing" the slave's body with this new implement not to discipline it but as an act of affection and love and Toby started murmuring, "thank you, thank you, thank you."

. . .

As all this was taking place, Galvin's little brother Elliot was sitting naked on the floor between Adrian's legs in the midst of a chat whose purpose was to re-design the boy's life for the next chunk of time in ways it never could have expected.

"You are mine. I own you and I intend to possess you 24/7. Do you understand what that means?"

"I think so, Sir. But school starts this week so I'll be busy."

"Let me repeat myself. I own you and I want to possess you 24/7. And to that I will add the word NOW. Be a good boy and think over what that means."

"So I can't go to school this week, Sir?"

"Naturally. That will be impossible if I possess you 24/7. Am I crossing a line here? Am I breaking through a limit? Am I proposing something that can't happen even though I own you?"

"No, Sir. I just barely made it through last semester. I have a 2.1 now. You can take me, Sir, however you want."

"Then you will not be returning to school this week. Tomorrow we'll drive to your dorm and pack up everything. I'll decide what you can keep and what you'll leave behind. You'll live here with me, boy. You're doing well now." Adrian reaches out and taps Elliot under his chin and, as he raises his face, Adrian says "Open your mouth, boy," and when he does, Adrian spits into his mouth several times. "Drink down your Master, boy." Elliot thinks he should call his brother to make sure this is okay. He's not sure what to do about this.

"You're getting lost in your head there, boy. What's on your mind?"

"Maybe I should check with my brother to make sure this is okay with him."

"Is your brother your Master?"

"No, Sir, you are."

"But your brother is a Master and has a slave, correct?"

"Yes, Sir."

"Well then, your brother knows what it means to break in a slave. Does he usually call the shots for you when it comes to your submissive life?"

"No, Sir. Not at all. Never."

"Later tonight you will text your brother to let him know that you are owned now and your Master has decided you are not returning to school this semester."

Elliot sighs deeply. "Yes, Master."

"It seems to me that you're not suited for college. I'll consider what you will be doing in the future and what kind of training you might need. Perhaps a trade school. Perhaps just hard labor. What does your brother's slave do to earn its keep?"

"It works in a warehouse, Sir."

"So hard labor."

"I guess so, Sir."

"Well you're too tender for that kind of a life. It will have to be something else. In the meantime you will be my houseboy. My naked houseboy. I have friends who will help me train you because there are some things I want you to learn from others. Together we will train you to be the type of sex slave I'll want you to be. I know just the men who can do a good job breaking you in for me."

Elliot looks both shocked and disappointed.

"What's on your mind, child?"

"Why won't you train me yourself, Master? I promise I'll learn well."

"According to the information you gave me you are hungry for humiliation and degradation. My friends are straight male prostitutes who enjoy breaking in faggots from time to time. They like to rip from a faggot any trace of pride and self-will.

Elliot is considering what Adrian is telling him and he immediately understands what this will mean, how he will be remade by professionals who most likely will scorn him for being what he is. He naturally drops his eyes and lowers his head and a couple tears flow from his eyes. Can he endure what Adrian is planning? How much humiliation and punishment can he endure? Does he truly want to become a subjugated and demeaned piece of property for Adrian?

"I can tell you are beginning to understand the brilliance of my plan for you, slave. How they can break in ways more quickly than I can myself because your very nature cries out for tenderness from me. I need you to be trained not brutally, but definitely strictly and ruthlessly. The whole process moves a lot more quickly that way. I'll tell you, slaveboy, that I am impatient. There are some sexual services that I want right away from you, not six months from now if I coddle you on my own."

"Master, may I ask a question?"

"yes, Elliot. What is it?"

"would you tell about some for of service that you're eager to receive, just so that I can prepare myself to surrender."

"Sure. By this time tomorrow night you will have become my urinal. Completely. Not just drips and mouthfuls but for all of it. When I see you tomorrow night I will take out my cock and you will it put in your mouth ready to drink and gulp down everything as I empty out my bladder. Few boys your age, no matter how piggy or perverted, are able to serve a Master like that right from the beginning. You will do that for me. No limit. Nothing spilled. And after I'm finished using you that way you will fall to the ground to kiss my feet in gratitude. Picture all that, Elliot. My friend is going to turn you into a urinal tomorrow." I will enjoy watching you evolve, slave. We'll get the biggest action item out of the way first. Others will follow. It might seem gross right now, but if you are really meant to be a slave, it will be good for you. You will discover a contentment and the peace of mind that only comes to someone who has discovered what he is in life. You will become more and more adorable to me, Elliot, my baby, my slave, my precious object whose only wish in life is to please its Master."

Elliot makes the most important decision of his life. He offers Adrian his submission to everything the Master is planning. "Please, Master, please help me be the type of slave who will always please you." He bows to the floor and kisses Adrian's feet.

"Come up here and lie over my knees, faggot." Adrian reaches to pick up a black paddle he had lying on the couch. The boy gets over his knees and Adrian starts working his ass with the paddle, lightly but firmly at first, all over including the flesh below its butt cheeks. Methodically and slowly he proceeds, watching the boy's ass turn pink and then begin to get red as he increases the severity of the blows from the paddle until the boy starts to squirm. Adrian lays the paddle aside and gently caresses all the areas of the slave's flesh that he's reddened and Elliot breathes heavily. "This is good, boy. Now I want you to concentrate on one thing and one thing only. Stay where you are but loosen up all the tightness in your muscles. Make it feel like you are offering yourself to me for a much more severe beating. And listen to me, slave. I want you to please me in a special way."

"What is that way, Master? Please tell me?" Elliot is breathing heavily so it's hard to get all the words out.

"it's easy, slave. I am going to continue beating you and I do not want to see you squirm. Lie still and take what your Master wants you to have. I know you're new at this. You're doing fine. Now you just have to do more for me like a good boy."

Adrian picks a strap lying on the couch and he starts taking the strap to the slave's ass with heavy lashes. The boy tries very hard not to move but it proves impossible and he begins to panic and struggle to get away.

"You're beginning to panic, slave. Relax. Calm down. Offer yourself to me in your mind once again. I own you. I possess you. I am whipping you so you know I'm your Master."

Once again he begins, but this time the lashes from the strap no longer hurt but rather feel like touches of pleasure across the slave's ass. The slave relaxes and its sobs are turned into pleasurable moans and it starts raising its ass begging for more of this new experience.

Noting all this, Adrian realizes that he has broken the slave in the best possible way. He moves so that Elliot rolls off his knees and falls onto the floor before him. "Kneel up, faggot, and suck your Master's cock. Now!"

Quickly, Elliot moves to get the Master's cock into its mouth and with tongue and lips, showing Adrian how good it does to whip his slave hard from time to time.

Thanks for all the emails and the stories you share with me. Please keep writing me. Emails are my reward for writing.

Other Stories of Mine: The Alex Chronicles Sweet Subjugation Tommy Loves His Sub

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Next: Chapter 34

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