Training Toby

By Robert Louis / Robert Halstead

Published on Dec 9, 2023



Derek wants Toby to understand more about being his slave. "Do you understand why I think it's important to keep you little dick locked up most of the time?"

Toby always feels humiliated when Derek refers to the size of his boyish dick. "Because I'm your slave and you can do whatever you want to me?"

"That's true in general. Think about why that dick is trapped in a metal cage, Toby."

"Um. . . . because it makes me realize that I don't really have a dick any longer? Is that it, Master?

"Good thinking, boy. It's true. You have no cock to hold or toy with or stroke to make yourself feel good. But it's even more than that, slave.

What does it say about the importance of my cock? What makes your life as my slave different from the way you would be with someone equal to you?" Toby thinks while staring down at the cage its Master has locked in place. "Master, there is only one cock in this relationship, only one cock that matters, only one cock I must serve and give pleasure to. There is nothing to distract me. I am a faggot. I love cocks. I love touching them and pleasing them and sucking them and paying honor to them. I am a cock-hungry faggot and there is only one cock that claims all my attention. Only one cock to serve. And I love yours most of all."

"Do you really believe that, Toby?"

"Yes, Master. I have always felt like that ever since the first time you showed it to me in the shower and told me to keep staring at it no matter what other guys there might think. It was very humiliating. I got called fag' and queer' and cocksucker' that time and you just turned to them and told them they were right. Look how mesmerized the faggot is by the sight of my prick. Look at how much the faggot wants it in its mouth,' you told them."

"How about when you were with other men that you sucked off? What about then?"

"Master, I never cared about getting off. Only once did I ever touch my cock when blowing another guy and he hit me in the face and told me to get my hand off my puny dick. After that, I never touched myself again when sucking a guy's dick. I really didn't care."

"How did that make you feel?"

"Restricted and humiliated, and I began to understand what I was. A cock whore."

"did you ever get to cum when you were with another guy, even before you began to realize you were meant to be a slave?"

"Master, I always realized I was meant to be a slave, right from the beginning. Even in summer camp, I would service other guys with my hands or later with my mouth, but never thought about taking care of myself."

"You are a natural born slave, Toby. Right from the beginning you realize that the most sexual pleasure you could have was from giving superior guys pleasure and orgasms. And every other guy in the world is superior to you since you are a faggot slave."

"Yes, Master. Thank you for claiming my rights to my own dick by locking it up. I have no rights. I can only cum when you decide you want me to. Gee, I used to jerk off at least once a day. Now, never."

"That's true, boy, and that will always be true for as long as I own you. I will never allow you to jerk yourself off. That is why I have you locked away."

"Master, may this slave ask a question?"

"Go ahead."

"What could this slave do today to show you how much it wants to be your total slave?"

"You're not going to like my answer, Toby."

"Whatever it is, Master, your slave will do."

"Okay, then. I know what I want you to do to show me how much of a slave you are for me. I want you to swallow a mouthful of my piss. I want to fill your mouth with my piss and then when I tell you, you'll swallow it like the pig you are becoming. You must have known that's what I'd want you to do for me to show me how much you want to be my slave."

Toby takes a deep breath and kneels up, opening its mouth, waiting. "Slaves drink piss." He's heard that said so many times and it's always felt inadequate because it resisted what it felt would be the total annihilation of any remaining dignity it would have left. It would be true subjugated degraded slave. Despite its fearful reaction, at the same time, the slave was grateful that the Master was only requiring one mouthful this time when it would have been perfectly justified to just insist that tonight be the night when his slave would become his urinal with no special consideration.

The wait was endless. Derek held his cock in his hand and then put the tip very close to the boy's open mouth. "Take it, faggot!" he said in a commanding voice as his piss started to flow into his slave's mouth, and he kept the piss flowing until the slave's mouth was completely full. The slave looked up at him with tears in its eyes—which was to be expected. Derek was merciful and did not make the slave keep holding it in its mouth without swallowing. Finally the command was given "Swallow it, slave! Swallow your Master's piss!" It took two complete gulps to get it all down and the slave's face was twisted in torment from the taste that remained in its mouth. Derek followed up with a hard slap to the slave's face, so hard that it sent the slave reeling and falling over, and as it lay there, Derek put his boot on the slave's neck and held it down.

"That's my good boy," he said, finally removing his foot from the slave's neck. The point was clearly made.

"There is one more thing I want you to understand, Toby."

"What is that, Master?" the boy asks from the depths of its intense humiliation.

"That any time I decide the dick between your legs can shoot an orgasm, it will be whipped immediately afterwards, just like I did the last time. But I assure you, it's not going to happen very often. You must learn that orgasms will be rare from that dick. You must consider yourself emotionally and psychologically castrated by your Master, until the day comes when it will happen for real. But do not fear: that day is years and years away, at least from me. If I give you away or sell you at some time because I am no longer interested in you, then it will be up to the new owner to decide what to do with those pitiful genitals."

This time the slave wasn't sure whether or not Derek was exaggerating the way he usually does to turn the boy on. It simply wasn't sure and decided the best thing it could do would be to simply surrender itself to the Master's will, whatever that might turn out to be.

"I have one more question to ask you, Toby."

"What is that, Sir?"

"Would you like me to set you free, to let you live like any ordinary college freshman?"

Toby sighs heavily. "Please, Master, please do not abandon your slave that way."

Derek is moved by the way the slave understood that to be set free would be to be abandoned. That says a lot about how deeply it is settling into its identity as owned s-l-a-v-e. As far as he is concerned, this has been an excellent opportunity to impress upon this boy he loves so much that it is, and always will be, a slave. His slave. And he is the one who gets to determine exactly what that will mean for the both of them. Damn! He loves this boy so much. He loves how much the boy is already beginning to worship him and look to him for his emotional as well as masochistic needs. Is it really possible, he wonders, for him to become a compassionate sadist for the boy's sake? He surely hopes so.

Derek sat back on the couch and told Toby to lie on his back with his head in Derek's lap so he could look up at his Master while they chatted. Derek kept at least one hand busy all the time, affectionately playing with the boy's hair and stroking its cheeks while occasionally teasing a nipple and making it whimper. What an adorable sound that was! Derek had never realized the kinds of things that would bring him joy since Toby came into his life.

They had both received bills from the College for their room and board. Derek opened both envelopes because he decided he would open Toby's mail from no one—the slave was not allowed to have a personal life apart from its Master. At first Derek was going to simply inform the school that they wouldn't be living in the dorm any longer, but this would mean that Toby would no longer be walking around the dorm naked—and he really liked the sight of his naked slave on display for everyone in the dorm. All of a sudden, Derek realized that what he had to do.

"I made a decision," he told the slave. "The bills for room and board came. I was just going to tell them we were moving out, but I decided not to. Since we are getting free tuition now there's a lot of money left over, so we're going to keep our places in the dorm even though we're living here. That way there will be a place to hang out between classes and also plenty of opportunity for the other guys in the class to enjoy the sight of you collared and naked all the time. I don't want to have to give that up. I think it's good for you to be exposed that way to all of them. After all, who knows what might develop as a result? I'm turning down the meal plans though. We can pay cash for meals when we're there—probably only lunch. From now on I'll make sure you always have ten dollars on you and a debit card in case you have to spend money when I'm not around, but don't go off spending it on stupid stuff. Mostly lunch only. No desert besides coffee. Understand?"

"Yes, Master. You're so clever. I was thinking I'd miss out if no one ever saw me naked unless you invited them here. This is a great solution." Toby grabs hold of Derek's hand and kisses it then begins to suck each of his fingers.

"Ah, my good boy. I think I'm also going to make arrangements for you to provide houseboy services for some of the guys. Pierce and Orson and maybe that guy Nick who saw you pissing in the bathroom before break."

"Derek, what time is Galvin coming over?"

"In about an hour. He's going to show us how to use the new flogger he had me buy."

"I don't understand. What's there to learn?"

"Well you know how sometimes when I use the shoelace whip on you, it hurts for a while but you sometimes get to the point where every lash seems pleasurable rather than painful?"

"Yes, Master. That happens a lot of times now, even sometimes when you're just hand spanking me or using a paddle."

"Galvin says that is pretty common with a true masochist. Same thing happens to his slave. He wanted me to get this flogger because it isn't nearly as severe as it looks. Says that his boy loves it when Galvin flogs him with that flogger. It's like every stroke seems to deliver pleasure, not pain. He suspects the same thing might be true for you. Anyway, we're gonna try it out tonight. We're gonna tie the two of you down and flog the both of you at the same time. Galvin says he only uses it now as a reward because his slave says it feels so good. I'm hoping the same thing happens to you. That would be cool if I could use it on you when other guys are watching without them knowing how much you're enjoying it."

Toby giggles. "I hope so, but it might actually hurt a lot first before I get to pleasure."

"So? You complaining, boy?"

"Oh no, Master. You can use it to hurt me if you want."

Derek chuckles. "I suspect that the shoelace whip will always hurt more than that."

Derek sends the slave to the kitchen to take the stew his mother had made them out of the fridge and begin to warm it up along with some bread. That's what they'll be having for supper. He'll take the portions for Toby and tonyboy and put them in a blender. It will be easier for the boys to eat the stew that way from their bowls on the floor.

Galvin graduated from Gordon six years ago. His slave did not go to college. It was originally owned by a much older man who had acquired it shortly after it graduated high school. It had served one of its high school classmates from the time it was 15 until they graduated. The teen Master, Hugh, had been given a trip to Europe as a graduation gift from his parents and then was headed off to school in CA—Stamford, I believe.

Anyway, Hugh knew that the slave wasn't planning on going to college so he kind of "trafficked" it to the older Master, earning some money for college expenses along the way. There it was, age 18, actually being sold to another Master, earning money for its teen Master. The new Master had the slave work menial jobs for a couple of years, but he was given an excellent job opportunity over in Dubai and didn't want the hassle of having the boy come with him. He knew Galvin from the clubs and they had become friends. Two years ago he outright gave the slave to Galvin lock stock and barrel.

tonyboy is what Galvin calls the slave. It still works in the warehouse where Hugh had put it to work. Perfect job for an uneducated slave, Galvin says. The only one at the warehouse who knows it's a faggot is the supervisor, who happens to be in the scene, so tonyboy has to suck his cock everyday at lunchtime. Galvin doesn't allow the slave to have lunch at work, so the boss's cum becomes its liquid lunch.

When Derek told Toby about this, he said, "Ewww. Not about sucking the boss's cock, but about not having lunch."

Derek laughs. "I know that wouldn't work for you, dear. You're already far too frail. I should have you drink milkshakes for lunch all the time to fatten you up a little."

"I will, Master, of you want me to."

"I guess that would do you more good than drinking my piss for lunch every day," Derek quips, and Toby gets grossed out! Even more fun for Derek to tease him like that.

Thanks for all the emails and the stories you share with me. Please keep writing me. Emails are my reward for writing.

Other Stories of Mine: The Alex Chronicles Sweet Subjugation Tommy Loves His Sub

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Next: Chapter 33

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