Training Toby

By Robert Louis / Robert Halstead

Published on Dec 7, 2023



Elliot had an oily cock, and balls and asshole last night. Ginger oil. He lay in Adrian's arms and sobbed from the pain and the humiliation. Adrian, fully dressed, of course, let him cry it out but also let him know that he was very pleased that the newbie boy sobbed so easily. It was like a built-in safe word, and Adrian really enjoyed both the sound of it as well as the fact that he was the one who had the power to make his boy---get this "his.boy"—whimper and cry and sob, and he knew a great many ways to do that. He chose to use the oil because it would last for a good long while and he wouldn't' have to be doing something else to train the boy the way he intended to.

"You will be sobbing a lot in my arms," he says gently to the boy as he's calming down. "I like it. I like that you can do that for me. I like hearing you. And I like licking the tears from your cheeks, twinklet."

Twinklet? Elliot was going out of his mind from the way Adrian was making him feel. Cared for. Ruled over. Humiliated. Spanked. Spoken to like a tender child. All of it. The mixture of sweet and sour made for a tremendous experience and he actually began hoping that maybe his wish had already come true—the wish to find a Master as nice as Derek. Adrian was making Elliot feel all of the things that he was introduced to by Derek, but much more intensely. Adrian kept telling him that "this was for keeps." Could he really believe that? Could he really trust that?"

"My goodness, boy, you sure did wet down my shirt," Adrian chided. "Why don't you be a good boy and take it off me?" Elliot sprang to obey and once he got the shirt off, Adrian bunched it up in his hand and used it to wipe Elliot's face with it and then told him to blow his nose right into the shirt, then wiped his face again. Elliot felt like a child until Adrian made the next request. "Why don't you show me how much of a faggot pig you need to become by sucking my armpits and eating the smell out of them with your mouth and tongue? Do ahead. Get that mouth on my pit and clean it out, faggot! As Elliot gingerly began to taste and smell Adrian's pit (which wasn't really too bad), Adrian cursed him and used his other hand to shove the pig's face right down into it. "there, that's the way. Treat it like a special meal I'm giving you, boy. Eat my stink. That's why I brought you here." And with that, Adrian manipulated the boy's collar, making it even tighter than it had been the first time.

"You don't need air, faggot. You need pit food. Eat me, you fucking pervert." Elliot struggled but when at last Adrian moved his face to the other pit, he dove right in, hoping that Adrian would loosen the collar before he actually began to choke. Or pass out. And with a frightening thought, he wondered if maybe Adrian gets off by making his subs pass out. "That's better, slaveboy," said Adrian who loosened the collar as a reward. "Keep at it. Earn your keep, naked suckboy."

At one point Elliot realized that his groin was no longer hurting from the oil. Finally, Adrian was satisfied with the slaveboy's service. He had it back off, then took the shirt once again and wiped its mouth and lips with a dry spot of material. He moved around so he could have the boy on its back looking up at him as he bent over it and ran his hand down the length of its torso, slapping a bit here and there, and also pinching. "Keep looking into my eyes," Adrian ordered. "Drink from them. It will make you strong." And he stepped up the way he was abusing the virgin boy's nude body, taking possession of it and providing it with some much-needed discipline. He knew what he was doing. Before he brought the slave into his house, he made the slave give assent to a list of notions and activities as well as set a hard limit where needed, for example, when the word s-h-i-t appeared. The biggest and most important items were things that Adrian had already guessed about the twink: humiliation, discipline, control, pain, training, ownership. Things such as that. The boy hadn't even set a hard limit on piss or raunch. This was a great deal as far as Adrian was concerned. All this just for the price of a sub's paltry meal at the Casa Tito. Lifelong slave. trained "under the lash," as Adrian liked to say.

He moved his hand to the boy's nipples to see if he could get any farther with them right now. Almost as soon as he touched the right one the boy tried to beg off. "Your safe word is RED. That is the only way you can stop any action. Otherwise, beg all you want. It turns me on. I like it to hear a slave beg its Master for mercy." Suddenly Elliot realized what words Adrian was using. How could this have happened so quickly? What did they really mean, it wondered. It was sure Adrian would teach it what he wanted it to know. "Surrender, bitch, surrender," the boy kept saying to itself. Adrian kept at the nipples for short bursts of time as he moved from one to the other, bringing the kid to the actual point when it was going to use its safe word. "See, baby? I know when I need to stop before you ever use your word. I can read you as easily as a child's cartoon you are so fucking transparent. Perfect!"

Elliot was starting to fall asleep although the boy kept fighting it for fear of disappointing the Master. "You have my permission to drift off, Elliot," Adrian said kindly. "A slave needs its Master's permission to sleep. Go to sleep, slave."

Adrian woke up at 5 am as he had planned. He picked up a long thin strap, went to the bed and tore the covers off Elliot's body while shouting, "Wake up, slave! Wake the fuck up!" and as soon as Elliot started getting conscious, Adrian started whipping him with the long thing strap that really was more of a shock than a real punishment. The strap did the trick. Elliot rolled off the bed and bowed down before Adrian and kissed his feet. Adrian stood there but said nothing except an occasional "lick," or "harder." Adrian stopped the slave and went to lie on the bed with his feet hanging off the end. "Crawl over here and start sucking my toes, pig boy. Make it good because it's your breakfast. Clean between them too. Show me your devotion." Elliot can't believe what he's doing. He's never done anything like this before, but when Adrian ordered him to do it, it became the most important thing of all for him to do. And he loved doing it. Adrian's feet were so smooth, and Elliot was getting hard feeling each of them with his tongue.

Before long, it was bath time. Elliot was squatting in the bath tub and Adrian was standing over him ordering him to close his eyes but keep his mouth open. "Do. not. swallow." was the last order he gave. When he started pissing, he started at the slave's head and then pissed into its mouth just a couple times and watched it fall out of the boy's mouth. Once he felt the boy had a good taste of his piss, he finished up pissing on the slave's dick which was trying to get hard. Adrian, of course, makes note of the fact that piss play will be part of this slave's life. Adrian turns on the water and using the spray, he sprays Elliot clean, washing off all the piss. Once he's finished, he orders, "Get up and out of the tub now. Kneel back and wait for me to shower. You've got all the cleaning you're gonna get, slave. When I get out, jump up and dry me off. Make it feel good."

Elliot is dazed by the pace of what's happening and how Adrian doesn't hesitate to take over the "slave's" life and decide for himself what the slave will be made to do, how it will be trained. He feels more naked than ever before, probably because he knows he is really not very clean, that he can smell piss somewhere on his body, that there are wet spots on him and spots that hadn't even been touched by water. He imagines that he is nothing more than a homeless vagabond lying in the dirt off a city street and people are passing him by and giving him derogatory looks. One person even spits at him---OOOPS! It was Adrian who's spitting at him, bringing him back to reality. "I fucking told you to dry me when I got out, faggot. Move it!" Adrian scolds and Elliot jumps up, takes the towel, and tries not to show how pissed off he is. "Surrender your right to be pissed off," Adrian tells him in a commanding voice. "All you can do is relax and obey. That is all you're here for. I fucking own you, Elliot. Act that way." When Elliot is on the ground drying Adrian's feet, Adrian forms a few large balls of spit and lets them fall onto the slave's head and drip down its back.

"Stand up and suck my pits," Adrian demands, helping Elliot recall the way he had to clean them the night before. "Learn to love my pits, slave, love to kiss and suck them and lick them clean." He leaves the slave there for a good while then pushes it down on the ground. "Put my cock in your mouth, faggot. Show my cock how hot you are for real men's dicks!" This is the first time Elliot has seen or touched the Master's cock and it quickly hardens in his mouth until at last he has to back off or else start gagging. Adrian hits him on the back of his head repeatedly. "Go on, faggot. Fucking gag on my dick. Show me how much you want all of it in you."

Adrian keeps it up, seeking to determine where the sub's limits are. To tell the truth, he is quite pleasantly surprised at this fag's desire to go as far as it possibly can. He gags the slave repeatedly until at last it seems like the slave might vomit. Then he stops and simply says, "lick my balls, slave, then hold each of them in your mouth and work them over with your tongue."

"Up again. Suck my cock, faggot." As Elliot gets back to work Adrian slaps his face from time to time in addition to spitting on him and hitting the back of his head. Finally he just grabs Elliot's head and takes charge, fucking his mouth, making him gag from time to time, and then finally with a shout, he shoots a large load into Elliot's mouth. "don't swallow yet," he commands. Once he's completely expended, Adrian orders the slave to open its mouth and show him his cum, and then finally he orders the slave to swallow it all down while he holds a hand to Elliot's throat to feel it go down into his gut.

"Clean the tip and suck out anything that's left," he orders. Once he's satisfied, he says, "Get your ass inside and make my bed, slave. No need to change the sheets." Adrian goes in to the same room and chooses what he'll be wearing and gets dressed while watching the naked slave make his bed. "You are my slave. I always prefer you naked, even when others are around. You serve me however I want. Your only goal in life is obedience. You are the lowest of the low in my world. When you finish here, crawl into the kitchen."

Adrian leaves the slave be and goes into the kitchen to make coffee. When Elliot comes in, Adrian tells him to sit in the corner with his knees up and legs spread and to stay that way. Once Elliot is in place, Adrian uses a very ordinary conversational tone and asks, "Are you a coffee drinker?"

"Yes, Sir."

"How do you take it?"

"Cream and sugar, Sir."

"I would never deny you your coffee since I'm an addict as well. You can always ask for coffee."

Adrian fixes two cups of coffee and puts them on the table. He moves a chair to where Elliot is and places it in front of him. Adrian sits there facing the slave, obviously in a superior position. He takes a cup and hands it to the slave and starts to sip his own. "thank you, Master."

"Boy, if you call me Master too often I'm going to believe that's what I am. So you'd better damn well believe you want to be my slave because nothing less than that will satisfy me. Not with you."

"Yes, Master," says Elliot, looking right into Adrian's eyes.

"That's good. We understand one another."

Adrian finishes his coffee and orders the slave to fix him another cup. While it's doing this Adrian puts the chair back at the table. "Make me three scrambled eggs and buttered toast. Put it on the table when it's ready then get under the table and feed on my feet until I'm done eating."

Elliot gets up to obey. "May I ask a question, Sir?"


"Should this slave always say "Yes, Sir," or "yes, Master" when given a command?"

"If you're able to simply obey, that's fine. But if there's a delay, then yes, you must say it. We'll discuss more after breakfast. Feel free to have more coffee. That's all I'm giving you for breakfast today."

"Yes, Sir. thank you, Sir." Adrian chuckles, noting that the slave simply surrendered without making a face or a fuss. Interesting. He's thinking that maybe he won't give the slave anything to eat until it breaks down and begs its Master for food. Yes, indeed, that is what he's going to do—with an object lesson afterwards.

Adrian sits and checks the news on his phone while Elliot fixes his breakfast, then eats as Elliot sucks his toes under the table. When he's finished, he gently pushes the slave's head away and stands up. "After you clean up this place, come inside and sit facing me between my legs so we can have a chat to get better acquainted." Elliot is really happy to hear that it's time for a good chat.

Thanks for all the emails and the stories you share with me. Please keep writing me. Emails are my reward for writing.

Other Stories of Mine: The Alex Chronicles Sweet Subjugation Tommy Loves His Sub

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Next: Chapter 32

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