Training Toby

By Robert Louis / Robert Halstead

Published on Nov 25, 2023



Time heals all wounds, they say, and so does love. Derek and his parents Mack and City pour a kind of love into Toby's psyche that he has never known before. Total acceptance, admiration, joy, and delight in who this "boy" was. They could see the way the boy's visage gets brighter and brighter each day. Obviously they don't know that a lot of this brightness came from the twice or thrice daily injections of its Master's seed down its throat or up its ass, or one time even, simply shot all over the slave's face, making it wear it all for days on end until Derek notices the awful scene of overly ripe cum.

Certainly, there was tiny twitch of sorrow from the way its Master casted it off emotionally, psychologically, and definitely sexually, from a former love turned cruel and absolute. Its Master asked for it to share those bouts of sadness with him, and Toby obeys as best it can. By the end of the vacation, however, such episodes were few and far between. Settling into a new family, a new home, and a new way of life gave the slave just what it needed to experience a true rebirth after a time of darkness, which continually receded in the slave's mind and heart.

Derek and Toby were each beginning to form opposite sides of the same question. Derek asks himself what the next step can be to further subjugate his slave. The slave wonders what else it could do to show the Master the depths of its submission. Derek invites his parents (by now we could simply think of them as "their parents") to supper one night and the slave is ordered to do everything to serve this way, including a trip to the market (now dressed in a tight collar in additional to the decorative one), clean, cook, serve, sit with the family and then refuse any help clearing the table and getting the dishes started in the dishwasher before bringing out the desert along with a carafe of decaf coffee.

Once, when Toby is in the kitchen, Cindy remarks to Mack and Derek how radiant Toby is looking and how it apparently give him so much pleasure serving Derek's every need. She surprises the hell out of Derek when she says, "a true submissive," while looking Derek right in the eye. What could he do but nod?

"How do you regulate it, um, make sure you don't press too hard?" Cindy asks him. "A lot of non-verbal communication takes place, to be honest. I always seem to know how much he (he almost said `it') needs something to obey . . um . . .when I need to be taking care of his needs."

"Interesting way of putting things," she replies. "I shouldn't have expected any less from you, dear. I'm always so proud of you. I'm so happy for the both of you and I don't give a hoot about what anyone else would have to say about it." That was the way Derek's awesome mother was able to acknowledge not only their homosexuality but also the Dom/sub nature of their relationship while Derek had to say very little at all. Would that all families could deal with these issues the same way. When Mack and Cincy left to go home, when Cindy embraced Toby she whispered in his ear, "you're a good boy, Toby; take good care of Derek," and Toby knew right away that a new understanding had developed among all of them and that Toby was loved and appreciated all the more because he had chosen to become Derek's beloved slave in all things.

On the way home, Mack suggested to Cindy the it might be good to introduce the boys to their friends Darius and Kip, a local M/s couple who've opened their home to a number of homeless gay boys and girls, being funded from an anonymous benefactor on a regular basis. (No, the benefactor isn't Mack, although that would have been a nice coincidence.) Cindy also decides the give their housekeeper three days off with pay, planning to turn the housekeeping duties over to Derek's slave.

The housekeeper provided a list of what needed to be done over the next three days. Cindy also worked it out for Derek to be the one to suggest to Toby that it would please him for Toby to serve as housekeeper while the usual one was on holiday. Needless to say, Toby was kept pretty busy for the last three days of their school break. It worked its ass off all day completing the list of tasks and Derek fucked its ass off at night as was his right. He continually praised the slave for being such a good houseboy. "It's too bad you can't work naked," he whispers to Toby one night, giving Toby a whole new line of fantasies to explore when he had a chance.

Little did Toby know that he would be fulfilling that role in the second semester. First, it was morning work making beds and making the rooms neater for five the residents of a local frat house, Delt Tau Omega. Two mornings a week at 8 am. Only one of the guys was gay but he convinced the others to try out the slave. They all agreed it wouldn't matter to them to have a naked houseboy from time to time. Early morning was good for all of them. Toby's first class wasn't until 9:30, so he had plenty of time to get the work done. They even gave the slave a private walk-in closet where it could strip before going to work and then put clothes back on when it was time to leave.

Toby was doing well, and it meant so much to the slave that Derek was finding ways for it to be used by others as well. The houseboy arrangement was particularly good because the slave discovered that doing non-sexual work for superiors turned it on in some unexpected way. More and more he began wondering what other ideas its Master might come up with. The slave resolved that it would submit without hesitation, no matter what it might end up being.

"I'm bringing the guy home who's playing my boyfriend in the play we're doing. We have to practice kissing. I want you to suck both our cocks while we're doing it—his especially. It's time for your mouth to get to know any cocks I decide you will suck."

Wild scene. The three of them naked, Master kissing an actor while Toby sucked his cock and sometimes Master's. The guy's cock was smaller than Derek's so the slave was able to take it all the way down its throat and this turned the guy on so much that he came and shot his load right down the slave's throat. Toby choked a little. As soon as the slave recovered Derek called out, "Finish me off, faggot!" and Toby quickly moved from one groin to the other and took its Master's load, which tasted so much better than the first load it had swallowed. Toby had never really given any though to the fact that different guys' loads would taste differently. A rude awakening. Meanwhile, whenever Toby saw an attractive man, it would wonder to itself what the man's load would taste like. The slave is making great progress in its understanding of what it means to be a slave. It had already admitted that it was "hungry for dick," but now it realized that it was becoming "hungry for cum" as well. Not only a cocksucker but a true cum dump.

Derek arranged for things to progress very slowly—too slowly for Toby, but a slave had no right to be wishing or expecting for things to happen. This was hard for Derek, too, don't forget; He had to give up the sense of satisfaction that his slave would only ever have access to his dick. Now its mouth was becoming "common property,"—Derek is exaggerating here—so Derek had to think about the idea for a while before he decided it would turn him on to use his slave this way.

Eventually, once a week Toby got to the frat house 20 minutes earlier so it could give Darius a wake-up blow job before its houseboy chores began. And then one time Derek had the slave kneel naked on the floor, hands bound behind its back and attached to the wall behind it, and blindfolded. The night it sucked 3 cocks and swallowed three loads, never knowing who the guys were that it gave bj's to.

Later that night before going to sleep Toby said to Derek, "You know, Master, that was a real turn-on being used like that." "Why is that?" asked Derek. "There was nothing else to distract this slave from sucking cock. It was all about cocks only. Nothing else. That must be what happens with glory holes," answers the slave. "Well those are out of the question," says Derek. "I'm the one who decides what cocks you'll suck. I'm not going to issue a general invitation to come use your mouth and throat."

Mentally the boy was doing well for the most part. Its new "activities" also helped reinforce its sense of itself as true slave. At one point at the end of the third week of school, Toby had terrible nightmares two nights in a row and woke up screaming, "Don't leave me! Please don't leave me!" Derek had trouble waking the boy up and couldn't get the boy to tell him what the nightmare was about Toby was really down again for a few days. He was feeling more keenly than ever the pain of having been cut off from his Uncle Harry so brutally and proficiently as if he were simply an object in a contract.

Derek took it upon himself to go see Professor Sullivan, who was happy to see him and invited him to sit and tell the story he had to tell without interruption. She truly felt sorry for Toby and basically said the same thing that Galvin had said: Family trumps Kink. Derek chuckles.

"Professor, my family has actually embraced the kink. My mother used Toby as a houseboy for a few days before we came back here. Then she praised the slave, calling it a "good boy." That really turns Toby on."

"Derek, we're veering off course a bit, although I'm happy to hear what you're saying. My slave has a sister who would never be able to understand what's going on, so we turn things off, so to speak, whenever she's around. And here we're talking about two women hovering around 40 years of age. It never changes. We have to be sensitive to that. "I also have a male friend who's slave insisted on laying it all on the line for his favorite cousin, and that was the end of that relationship. But back to the main issue here. Even though I don't know all the circumstances, it's surprising that the uncle would be so dogmatic about things unable to break down barriers between things which seem opposed to each other. Uncle. Master. Nephew. Slave. It's not often that these things could blend into each other. Even if they do, the standard outcome is that the whole complicated paradigm be subsumed into Uncle/nephew. That was the source of joy for both of them. It's sad to have to give that up because of some outmoded opinion. Unfortunately, however, that is the way he chose to address the issue. But Derek, that doesn't mean he won't change his mind as time goes by. I wouldn't be surprised if he doesn't begin to miss the adoring nephew at times himself. Just be patient. In the meantime, I'll be happy to talk with Toby, but please understand that if I think he needs a therapist, I'll tell him that. I can't take that upon myself. I've neither the training nor the certification."

Toby started recovering gradually in many ways. One night he asked for a spanking—something which Derek had avoided because of what had happened. It was time for Derek to show Toby what he was doing with the basement. Toby was amazed, horrified, and turned on like crazy when he saw the area which would now be called the "Dungeon." Derek coaxed Toby to get into the stocks. He locked the boy in and then lowered the height, which forced the slave to bend at the waist. Perfect. Derek rubbed oil into the slave's buttocks then proceeded to give a brisk hand spanking which ended as soon as the boy began to cry out. "That's enough. Gonna leave you wanting for more," he told the quivering slave."

"Oh please, Master, please more."

"Okay. You asked for it, boy." Derek gets a light cane and begins the pepper the slave's ass with quick taps all over until the slave finally called out "Red!" As Derek rans his fingertips over the slave's reddened ass, Toby begins to cry. Derek made nothing of it but simply allowed the slave to express itself however it wanted. No more words were spoken that time. Toby was incredibly affectionate in a clingy sort of way after that, and this delighted Derek. He also got wonderful reactions from the slave when he'd reach down an so slightly run his fingers over the slave's bottom. After that first time, Derek decided that henceforth, as before, he would be the one to decide when the slave needed a good thrashing. He made it a point to do it more often, especially when the slave wasn't expecting anything.

Eventually, after a really intense thrashing, Toby opened up in ways he usually wouldn't. "Sometimes I really miss having an Uncle," he admitted, finally.

By the way, it didn't work out between Uncle Harry and the temporary slave he was working with. The fault was Harry's. The slave, which Harry had named "44," would have been ideal, both humble and obedient and proved it was willing to have boundaries broken at times. But 44 was the one who decided to break things off. Twice Harry had punished the slave with a thick strap in a way which disturbed the boy. "I didn't feel like you were punishing me to make me a better slave," he confessed to Harry. "I felt like you were just lashing out in anger at something that had nothing to do with me."

This was quite an admission from a very self-aware young man. Harry felt terrible because he realized just how insightful the slave's reaction was. It was too late to go back and repair things. He had ruined the bond between them himself by bringing in his frustration over what happened with Toby. Trying to assuage his guilt, Harry made it a point to present the slave to three of his friends at a little gathering. 44 was claimed by a friend Harry knew would be able to bring the slave along on its journey in a way Harry couldn't. 44 was renamed 37 as a sign that it couldn't measure up to was what expected from a 44. Subtle humiliation is sometimes the best, especially when it's symbolism will last until the end of the slave's tenure. 37's Master's name was Larry. He was a friend of August's. Small world.

Once Harry was alone and unattached to anyone, he realized he had to do something to help him work through a few things. He elected to take part in a two-week meditation retreat with an old friend of his who turned out to be a Jesuit. He was the one who ran the retreat. He was more than happy to find space for Harry despite the fact that Harry no longer had any affiliation with a church. The point of the retreat was for participants to have the silence and solitude they needed in order to clear out the clutter. He was available for consultation if necessary. And so that is where we'll leave Harry for the moment. Settled into a nice comfortable room with a journal and some books that interested him. No computer. No phone. It took guts, but Harry knew how the experience did people a lot of good. He was hoping to come to some clarity himself just like so many others had experienced.

Thanks for all the emails and the stories you share with me. Please keep writing me. Emails are my reward for writing.

I've chosen pictures of what Derek and Toby look like in my mind. I'll send them to you if you ask.

Other Stories of Mine: The Alex Chronicles Sweet Subjugation Tommy Loves His Sub

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Next: Chapter 26

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