Training Toby

By Robert Louis / Robert Halstead

Published on Oct 16, 2023



Fate intervened. Toby was rescued from that awful priest-infested school that caused him so much pain, inside and out. His father received a lucrative promotion requiring him to move his family several states away, and so it happened. That's the only thing Toby kept thinking about the whole even: "I'm free!!!" He didn't even regret not having Mikey in his life any longer; to be honest, lately Mikey had started making him very uncomfortable with all the talk of jerking off and Mikey's big dick which he was hinting that Toby could hold in his hand. He certain didn't regret the constant fear that Brother would take out the strap again. No more bullies. No more upsetting lectures from the priests to make them afraid of God.

Toby's older brother Greg decided not to move with the family because he had a good job and could afford to take care of himself. Their father was very proud of Greg, and as a "going-away gift," he bought him a new jeep because he knew that Greg had always wanted one. And, as it turned out, his mother would now live only about forty-five minutes away from her favorite Aunt May. They were also pretty close to Toby's Uncle Harry, and he came by frequently. Once he caught Toby with his shirt off on a very hot day and he asked Toby to hold his hands behind his head to he could see the boy's armpits. Uncle Harry remarked that it was strange to see a 15-year-old boy with hairless pits, but reassured the embarrassed nephew that things would soon change and he would finally grow some hair. To be sure, all the family had reason to rejoice as they left the town they had always known and headed off for new and hopefully better circumstances. When the new school year began (Toby's 11th) Toby found himself in public school for the very first time. It was like leaving hell and going to heaven. Everyone was so nice. Classmates welcomed him and wanted to get to know him. There were girls around and some of them were very catty, but it didn't mean they were scorning him. And get this: the gym had private showers for the students!. No more fear of being ridiculed. No more being called "baby boy." No more being hated because he was so smart.

Say what you want about the public schools, but Toby's entire demeanor was changing almost like overnight. He was lighter, happier, more at ease. He smiled more. He wasn't always looking over his shoulder for something bad to happen to him. . He had two woman teachers, one of whom he immediately crushed on. The first week or so he tried to pretend that he was kind of dumb, he handed in sloppy work, but then he realized that the kids in the school who were known as the "smart kids" were never teased or disliked because of it. So Toby decided it would okay to "Come out." From then on, his work was meticulous as usual and the teachers started talking about him. He was even moved to a class which would give him college credit. There were 15 other students in the class and they were all pretty smart and they had some interesting conversations, even about religion when the teacher didn't redirect it. Of course, the minute the word "religion" came up, Toby felt his gut tightening and he found it hard to breathe until one of the girls in the class raised her hand and said, "My father doesn't take us to church, but he told us that the whole aim of religion was to make us able to receive love."

"Wow, he thought to himself. The whole aim of the religion I was taught was to make us afraid of punishment, and that's the way those brothers and priests were living." He asked the girl, whose name was Nancy, if they could talk more about this after school and she happily agreed. "My father is picking me up. You can come with us and even stay for supper and we'll bring you back home afterwards." Toby worried about how he could contact his mother for permission. Nancy brought him to the guidance counselors' office and explained the situation. One of the counselors who knew Nancy well readily agreed and dialed in an outside line before giving the phone to Toby.

His mother was quite surprised. Never before was Toby invited to some social time with students other than Mikey. And by a girl—how nice! And a generous offer of transportation. How could she not agree? She was happy for him and hoped he'd have a nice time.

Nancy was very interested in Toby's Catholic School experience and this broke another obstacle: Toby had never been able to talk about this with anyone before. he sure did have a lot to say. It felt good to get some of the bad feelings out.

Dinner was lovely. Nancy's Mom was a great cook, and her Dad was easy to talk to. Nancy told him about what she said in school that day. That pleased him, and also how generous Nancy was being to him—something he had made it an effort to teach over the years—not even hesitating to offer hospitality. Toby didn't realize this, but Nancy's Dad was a psychologist and was mainly involved in working with abused children, and I'm sure the reader can make a guess as to what he was learning about Toby just by watching and listening to him. His heart went out to the boy.

The conversation was delightful and once it was over Toby felt more at peace than he had ever been before, and on the way back to his house he sat in the front seat next to Nancy's Dad while she sat in the back. Dad, whose name was Ned, spoke quietly to Toby and told him that if he ever had questions that troubled him, or for any reason at all, he was welcome to call. Anytime.

So Toby had two years in that wonderful school and graduated top of his class, which made him a kind of hero to his classmates who were so proud of him. But you know what? Despite all this, Toby still felt that he deserved to be punished and his masturbation fantasies became darker and darker, and he often felt he was back at Saint Jerome's again. His experiences there obviously had left their mark on him in the worst possible way. He even decided to stop jerking off, but found he couldn't get to sleep if he didn't get it out of his system, so he gave in and just hoped that hell wouldn't hurt too much. Once he imagined that when he went to hell he would be locked in a room with Bruce and his bullying friends and they would torture him for all eternity and keep him naked and shaved bare all the time.

Shortly before graduation he got invited to a party in a big old house that belonged to the Football Captain's family. Apparently, he had a party there every six weeks or so. Most of the senior class, and some younger guys mostly, was there and someone had managed to get a couple kegs of beer, so Toby had his first experience of getting woozy, and it seemed to him that some of the guys in his class were really beautiful and they were all being very handy with each other with fraternity-like gestures and hugs and back slapping. And, of course, the most common insult words were "faggot" and "cocksucker." At one point, two of the best-looking guys went off into guest room and Toby decided to wait a little while then try to go in if they hadn't left. They had neglected to lock the door. Toby walked in and saw one guy on the bed, his pants below his knees and the other guy kneeling there and sucking his cock. Toby was transfixed, to say the least. August, the guy getting sucked, saw Toby and said, "Come closer and get a good look. Best way for you to learn how to do it yourself. You can come and practice on me anytime. Hey Eric, lick my balls for a while," he said to the one providing the service and Eric quickly obeyed. When he took August's cock out of his mouth, Toby was able to see the whole thing glistening with the saliva from Eric's mouth. What an amazing site.

August snickered. "You like my dick, baby? That's okay. A lot of guys like my dick but only Eric will agree to suck it. Maybe you'll end up sucking cock too. Think about it when you're stroking your own dick. Takes a special type of guy to be a good cocksucker. Do you have what it takes? Do you have the guts to eat and swallow cum?" "I always swallow my cum," Toby blurts out. (Don't forget that the beer was getting to him.) "Good to know," answered August. "Some day I'll let you taste some of mine. Some of Eric's too."

Toby didn't know what to make of this kind of talk. Embarrassed and even a little frightened, he turned away and left the room and had another beer. That almost did him in and he managed to get himself down on a sofa and sit there in a kind of daze until Nancy came over. "You okay, Tobey?" He mumbled something she didn't understand. "Well then, we'll just sit here and watch everyone else for a while until you're ready to stand up and leave the house." And that's what they did. And later that night, after throwing up in the bathroom and then brushing his teeth, Toby lay in bed, holding himself in his hand, wondering what it would be like to have Eric suck it and what it would be like for him to put August's awesome dick in his mouth some day. Would he become a cocksucker like Eric? Would that make him even more eligible for hell? Then he thought of how humiliating it would be for him to kneel in front of someone and put his dick in his mouth, and with that thought, he trembled and shot his load. Then while he was eating his cum, he started wondering what it would be like to taste someone else's cum. Maybe August.

Nancy got a boyfriend, a football player, so she started dragging Toby to home games so they could cheer him on. She reassured Toby that her bf would be fine with it; she'd "told Chris all about you and how you were," so Chris wasn't threatened by this situation. "Chris is my boyfriend, and boyfriends don't always stick around. But you're my soul friend," she told him, "and soul friends are forever." Toby couldn't help wondering what Nancy had told Chris that made it okay for him to come to games with her. After a while he stopped going all the time, and by the time the season had ended, he wasn't going at all. He got a little freaked when he realized one time that he was checking out the players' asses during the games.

One day Eric asked Toby if he'd like to come over after school and hang out with him and August. Toby, despite his misgivings, agreed. The three of them sat around "shooting the shit," and August lit a joint and taught Toby how to take a hit off it. time went by and they started talking about sex and about which guys in class would turn out to be gay and Toby was uncomfortable. August suggested they try an experiment and told Eric and Toby to get naked while he started stripping off. Once the three of them were naked (and Toby got hard), August had Toby stand in the center of the room while he and Eric stood against the wall a few feet away from him. "Okay, we're gonna play a little game. You're IT. You can only play around with one of us. Who will it be? Do you want to blow me or do you want Eric to blow you? Just for a little while."

Toby was almost ready to cry. What would he do? And the problem wasn't about which he preferred. No, what bothered him was that he couldn't be with the other one at the same time. By now, August was hard and Toby had trouble looking away from it, especially when he saw something drip from the head of his hard cock. August stuck out his finger and wiped away the next droplet then called Toby over and asked if he'd like to taste it. At this Toby told them he didn't want to play and started getting dressed. August and Eric piled on, trying to stop him, and at one point as they wrestled, Toby's ass was sticking out and August began spanking him, not too hard, but definitely to establish who was in charge.

Toby got hard. When August noticed, he said, "So, getting a little spanking turns you on, Toby? Good to know." Eric, seeing Toby's discomfort, suggested that instead of anything else, the three of them could jerk off together. And that was what they did. When they finished, August said to Toby, "Let me taste your cum," and he dipped his finger into the cum on Toby's hand and sucked it off his finger. Then he did the same thing with Eric, taste his cum. Eric teased Toby a little—"come on, buddy, taste come of the cum on my belly, just a tiny bit." Finally Toby did what he asked and of course, after that, he had a whole finger's worth of August's load to clean off his finger as well. And again, the sense of humiliation made him melt. At one and the same time he wanted to lick Eric's entire belly clean and have August eat all of his. "What a pig I'm becoming!" he said to himself. After that he was tempted to ask August to spank him again, but chickened out.

August and Eric ended up going to the same college, out on the coast. Toby had an academic scholarship to one of the schools he liked, not too far from home so he decided to go there. He could have commuted, his Dad insisted on paying for him to live on campus. "You'll learn more in the dorm than you will in the classrooms. I don't even remember what courses I took back in college, but I have lots of fond memories about dorm life as well as frat life."

Please let me know what you think. Emails are my reward for writing.

Other Stories of Mine: The Alex Chronicles Sweet Subjugation Tommy Loves His Sub

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Next: Chapter 3

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