Training Toby

By Robert Louis / Robert Halstead

Published on Nov 7, 2023



Mack and Cindy provided the boys with a veritable cornucopia of gifts: pots and pans and dishes and cutlery and sheets and pillow cases and everything else they would need to set up their new home. In addition to all of this, they provided Toby with an entirely new wardrobe and at last he would be able to wear the same black boxer briefs that his Master wore. He was overwhelmed with all of it.

Derek also had special gifts for Toby, things which he would appreciate in time even if they seemed a bit extreme at the moment. In essence, what he gave Toby was all the makings of a well-equipped bdsm dungeon, including several disciplinary implements that Toby was eager to try all at once; as usual, however, Derek reminded his young slave that patience would pay off and that he was the one who would decide what it was time to use at any given point in their relationship.

The manacles for wrists and ankles were the most fun for both of them. Derek experimented with several different ways to bind his boy, all of which left his "hole" (as Derek wanted to call it) open and available for his Master's penetration. Toby would end up becoming a well-fucked slaveboy.

In addition to that, Derek gradually kept adding additional boot laces to the homemade whip he had made until all six were part of the package and, obviously, there was no longer any reason to have to hide the marks he left on his slave's body. Toby grew to love that whip more than any of the other implements and Derek began using it simply for what he called "maintenance" discipline as to be distinguished from corporal punishment. The boy was whipped regularly just to help it realize how much he was under Derek's complete ownership. Despite the tears and sobs that whip pulled out of him, especially when it was used on some of the more tender parts of his body, Toby would continually fall to the ground and show Derek how grateful he was for the way he was being trained by his beloved Master.

Derek's new BDSM friends invited them to a special New Year's party and they got to meet seven other M/s couples and a few random unattached Doms and subs from the local leather community. They were really excited to finally meet Toby and to find out how the two are doing as they explore their M/s identities.

After lunch on New Year's Eve, Derek took Toby out on a walk in a nearby wooded area. "Is there anything special you'd like to see happen on New Year's Eve?" Derek asked the slave. Toby chuckled. "Lots and lots of sex and you trying out things on me you've never tried before and maybe even showing me off to those guys you met over Thanksgiving break."

"Interesting you should say that, boy, because actually we've been invited to a party they're throwing—all M/s couples and some singles, all very much into the scene. I'm trying to decide whether or not you'd be able to handle it, but from what you just said to me, it seems that you are very ready, sweet faggot."

"But very nervous about it. They're probably all far beyond us and we'll seem like beginners." "True, but how do you think they got all their supposedly advance experience? From being at events when they were beginners. They've all been there, Toby, and they are looking forward to seeing where we are and offering advice and mentoring. If it wasn't New Year's Eve, I'd just tie you up here and go by myself to see what ideas I could get. But no. If you're uncomfortable with the idea we just won't go. Of course you'll be punished several times and I'm going to fuck you through the countdown and then drown you in my spit."

"Damn. Now there are two good options," Toby jokes. "But okay, Sir. Take me where You want, but please let us have some ground rules."

"Such as?"

"No one touches me but you?" "Agreed" "if I ask for us to leave you'll take me out of there." "That will depend on a lot of things, but basically yes it will come down to that if you're really overwhelmed. What else?" "I'll wear the hood you got me with my eyes uncovered but my mouth covered until you want it." "I'll do better than that. You'll wear a mask over your eyes, but I'm going to bring a couple gags to try on you." "then if I'm gagged, I need some kind of non-verbal signal as a safe word." "Certainly. In fact, two different ones. Just in case." Derek shows Toby what they'll be. One involves stamping his foot three times. The other is an unusual shoulder gesture. Just in case.

Derek has another question to ask. "What about bondage?" "As long as everyone knows that no one touches me but you." "They have a special collar for that. Don't worry. Anyone who looks at you will know you're exclusive property of your Master." Toby gets so turned on by the way Derek phrased it that he throws his arms around Derek's waist and kisses him. "Exclusive property of my Master, huh?" "You got it, faggot." "Will it always be that way, Sir?" "Only if we both are ready to open it up. Maybe never." "I love the way you think, Sir. That's why I'm able to give myself to you and trust you with everything." Now it's Derek's turn to kiss Toby.

"Let me talk to Mitchell and ask for more info." Derek gets his phone and Mitchell answers. "I have to decide if the boy will be able to handle things if I bring him tonight. Do you mind answering a couple questions?"

"Absolutely, Derek. Shoot! "What about dress?"

"By 11 pm all subs and slaves must be completely naked. Before that it's your option. And don't forget that we're going to put a thin red collar around its neck which means "Hands off!"

"yes, I told the slave that. It was relieved. Drugs?" "If anyone gets out of hand he's locked up for the rest of the night. Masters as well as slaves. No smoking or injecting. Everyone knows this and it's common practice around here. Guys mostly do thc or pills. Poppers are okay, but only if a Dom holds the bottle."

"How severe is the discipline?" "No blood." "Simple enough! The boy wants to know if there's a place it could go to calm down if necessary." "If you decide that's needed, we'll lock it into one of the bedrooms and give you the key when you decide to set it free. However, it would be considered rude if the two of you used it for sex. Do each other in public, that's the rule."

"Food and drink? Should we take care of that beforehand?" Crudités circulate with hired waiters, shirtless but not necessarily into the scene. They're all "hands off," although after ten they are free to make use of any of the available subs. Some Masters like watching their subs blow hot boys who got turned on by the goings on. Some of those boys actually end up wanting to become Doms. White and red wine are available as well. All of this is for the superiors. Subs and slaves only eat what a Master gives them. In your case that would mean you alone. We do suggest that the inferiors drink wine, as much as it will take to put them in a mellow and submissive mood." "that's a good suggestion.

I'm sure my boy will benefit from it. That might be better than locking it into a calm-down room." "Well, my friend, you and you alone know what it takes to keep that boy in line and help it develop into whatever you wish it to become. Is there anything else before we conclude?"

"I think that's all, Mitchell. This information will help my slave prepare to attend without too much anxiety." "Then we all look forward to meeting the boy, especially considering the uniqueness of your relationship and how neither of you were into the scene when you first arrived on campus. You've come a long way, Derek. My hat's off to you!" "And to the slave as well."

"No, Derek, the slave never gets any credit. It's the Master who makes the slave. If it is a good slave, that is because the Master has trained it to be that way. It's one thing to throw out a few `good boys' when you wish to encourage them but as a rule, we never ever praise a slave for anything other than its ability to suck cock. Good bye for now. We'll see you some time after 7:30 tonight." "thanks again, Mitchell. Later." Derek hangs up.

"that sure was a long phone call, Sir. You asked good questions. Are you satisfied with the answers?"

"Yes. Completely satisfied. You have nothing to worry about. They don't require subs and slaves to be naked until 11, but many are naked long before that. I intend to strip you as soon as we get there because a lot of the guests are curious about you and I want them to be able to see all of you right from the beginning. As far as everything else, Mitchell's answers satisfied me that you'll be okay. That's all you need to know."

Toby is disappointed that Derek didn't give him any more information, but knew it was not his place to ask, and he's working as best he can on humility and attitude---and, of course, trust, since that's the basis of the other two. He can be completely humble because he trusts Derek so much that he can just totally let go and be ruled over as Derek thinks best.

As a sign that he's accepted the way Derek answered his question and also a sign that he will submit to Derek's direction all night, he grovels before him and begins to wash his feet with his mouth and tongue. Derek sits back and enjoys the slave's submission. He clicks on their TV to show scenes of the type of cocksucking that he wants the faggot to master. Worshipful, deep, sometime producing tears in a slave's eyes. He generally keeps these clips running all the time they're in his room.

Good conditioning for his faggot boyfriend and slave. Derek himself has never had a cock in his mouth and he has no strong desire for that to happen, although he knows that if he ever sucks a cock in the future, it will most likely be Toby's. But he won't let Toby know that now. As far as Toby is concerned, sucking cock is for faggot slaves, not for the Master. He accepts that as a further sign of how he is humiliated in this relationship.

Derek orders Toby to stand up and put his hands behind his head. Derek checks him over carefully, running the backs of his fingers over the parts of the slave's flesh where hair usually grows. He decides the slave needs a good close shaving to get ready for the party. He brings the slave into the bathroom and fastens its wrists up over the bar for the shower curtain and has him stand in the bathtub. A good way to shave a slave without worrying about the slave moving its hands or arms. Derek gets things ready and starts by scraping down the slave's armpits with his razor. Little hairs came back quickly there. As he's doing this,

Derek keeps thinking about the possibility and the expense of a laser hair removal, but for now, he finds the act of shaving his slave to look like a prepubescent boy all over again is really hot and he knows the slave is feeding on the humiliation of the entire process. Finally it comes time to remove Toby's cage. He's glad he did because he can detect the odor of it being confined for so long and makes a note to remember to do this more frequently. He bathes the slave's dick and surrounding area, which of course gets the slave hard. Derek smacks it down a couple times and says, "naughty boy. Maybe I should put some ben gay on your little dick." "oh please no, Master." Derek winks up at him. "I'm only teasing. I'm not going to do that. I have sometime better planned for your dicklit. Something even more humiliating. Sometime to remind you that your cock is mine and not yours."

When he finishes bathing the area, Derek takes the cream he uses and proceeds to shave everything completely bare again, not only the pubic area and cock but also the balls and taint. He gets behind the slave and kneels down and spreads its ass cheeks just to make sure no hair has started growing there. Perfect.

It doesn't take long to shave the slave's legs. Not much has grown in. All this time, however, the slave's dick has stayed hard. Now it's time to teach it an important lesson. With a dry hand, he begins to masturbate the slave who loudly gasps at the pleasures it's been denied for weeks now. The slave trembles and shouts and tells its Master it loves him, and just when the slave feels like it will soon have its first orgasm in weeks, Derek suddenly lets go of the slave's dick, which makes it groan louder than ever. He leaves the bathroom and goes into the kitchen. When he returns he has several ice cubes folded into a wash cloth and he applies the ice to the slave's teased member until it recedes back into his little boy state. Then Derek deftly reattaches the cage and locks up the slave's dick once again.

"Some day I might decide to let you have an orgasm, but not tonight. I want all your attention fixed on other cocks than this one. And if you ever dare ask for one, I will take that cock out of its cage and flog it and your balls harder than ever before. You have absolutely no right over any of that. It all is my concern." With that, he orders the slave to take a shower and leaves it a towel to dry itself. "Crawl back inside when you're done," he commands.

Once Toby has bathed (and shed a few tears over the way Derek teased and humiliated him), he crawls back into the bedroom to hear Derek on the phone. "Oh that's wonderful! So much better than you having to get a room somewhere since you won't stay here with my family. . . . . Oh sure, I understand, Uncle Harry. Email me the address. We can be there by noon on the 4th. I'll leave the nephew completely in your hands all day and evening Saturday and then come back to pick it up on the afternoon of the 6th." Perfect. Oh, I'm sure it's going to be so happy to see you, and I'm sure it'll do all it can to make it up to you for not having you be the one to take its virginity when it turned 18."

Derek casts an ominous look at Toby but then follows it with a little kiss. "Sure thing. thanks for the great news. We'll see you in just a few days. Goodbye for now." Derek disconnects.

"Your Uncle Harry managed a rental, a winter cabin that's insulated and has two bedrooms. We'll go there on the 4th like you heard. I've also decided to let Uncle Harry have you completely on his own for an entire day so he can do whatever he had planned on doing when you came of age. It goes without saying that you owe him a lot and must completely surrender to anything he wants, even if it goes beyond what we do. If he expands one of your limits or introduces you to something new, it's all to my benefit anyway. Now stand up, baby. It's hug and cuddle time for us."

More and more often, Toby has been learning to completely empty out its head when Derek hugs it, and soaks love and peace from every pore in Derek's body. When at last Derek places them on the bed, Toby quickly falls asleep because it's in the safest place in the entire universe: in its Master's arms.

Thanks for all the emails. Some have asked me what they should call me. My name is rob and I think of myself as a slave without a Master. So call me whatever you want.

Please keep writing me. Emails are my reward for writing.

Other Stories of Mine: The Alex Chronicles Sweet Subjugation Tommy Loves His Sub

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Next: Chapter 17

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