Training Toby

By Robert Louis / Robert Halstead

Published on Nov 4, 2023



Toby's afraid to send the email. He worries over how the professor will see his email and what she might think of them. He lies on his bed, mentally, physically and emotionally exhausted and has another cry over everything that's happening. Eventually, he falls asleep until Derek gets back.

When Derek opens the door, he's humming a tune that they must have been practicing. Toby wakes up and is so happy to see him he scampers out of the bed and goes to kiss Derek's boots. "Hey, hey, baby, none of that tonight. I just want to hold you," he says as he helps Toby stand. He looks into his face and can tell that the boy had been crying. He kisses his face under each of his eyes. "What's happening, Toby? Why were you crying? Are you okay now?"

"I've just been feeling overwhelmed with everything and having to process so much of it by myself since I haven't seen you since we were in the field. Tired, Derek, me tired. And please don't give me another lecture about feeling sorry for myself because that's what's happening. I'm feeling sorry for myself. Just too much to handle with Orson being mean and writing Dr. Sullivan my secrets and trying to understand that I'm losing a lot of rights and have to rethink so many things. And I really have to pee right now, Derek. Please?"

Derek takes him by the hand and walks into the bathroom with him and stands guard while Toby does what he has to do. On the way back to the room, Derek walks right in front of Toby to cut back on anyone seeing the cage. When they get back to the room, Derek takes a bottle of water from his backpack and goes to pour some of it into the bowl but Toby stops him. "Please, please, Derek, don't make me drink that way," and he starts crying again. Derek sits them both back down and holds him, stroking his hair and massaging his scalp with his fingertips. "I'll tell you what, baby. We'll leave the bowl there and change the water every day, but it's just waiting for you. You don't have to use it if you're not ready to embrace the idea. I don't care how long it takes, so don't feel guilty if you avoid it for a while. Okay?" Toby sniffles and nods his head. Derek takes out his handkerchief and wipes Toby's eyes and nose. "Did you already send the email to Dr. Sullivan?"

"I wrote it but didn't send it, Sir," he replies. "I was afraid to send it. Afraid of what she might think." Derek goes over to Toby's laptop, enters the password, and there is the letter right there on the screen, unsent. Derek reads it and then rereads it, then clicks something on the keyboard.

Toby looks worried. "Did you sent it to her?" he asks nervously. "No. I deleted it," was Derek's reply. "You did an excellent job with it but I realize it wasn't that good an idea. So it's gone. You bared your soul to her, Toby. Somehow we've got to figure out how naked you have to be with various different people in your life. I'm glad you never sent it. But now I see why you're so tired. I'm sorry for pushing too hard there, Toby. Tell me, sweet child, is there anything else you need us to revisit, anything at all? Is there anything causing a lot of stress for you? Anything I can to do help you?" And Toby falls in love with him even more.

"May I have some water?" Toby asks. Derek picks up the bottle. "Here. I'll feed it to you, just like when we kiss." He takes a mouthful of water and puts his lips to Toby's and slowly lets the water dribble from his mouth into Toby's. "More, please?" asks Toby, totally enchanted with this new way of drinking. Derek does it again, but this time, once Toby's taken all the water, he starts giving the slave tongue and spit, then holds Toby by the neck and cuts off his breath for a bit and then they play this way for a while, Derek controlling when Toby can breathe (but very mildly this time), and when he takes his hands off Toby's neck, he lowers them to his nipples and starts rolling them between his fingers and Toby starts to breathe more deeply and purr. "You really like that, don't you, baby?" asks Derek. "Yes, yes, yes," says Toby, on the way into outer space. "How rough can I get?" "Dunno, Sir. Just try." And so, while still kissing his boyfriend, he continues working the nipples until he senses that Toby's reacting to some pain. With that he stops and kisses each of them and lies back on the bed smiling at his naked sub. It's easy to tell that Derek is aroused by what they're doing and Toby goes to open his pants but Derek stops him. "Let me do a strip tease for you, okay?" Toby smiles and claps his hands a bit.

Derek gets up and puts on quite a show. Poor Toby keeps grabbing his cage wishing he could stroke himself while Derek is stripping. Once Derek is completely naked he walks over to Toby who goes to put Derek's cock in his mouth, but Derek says, "no. Use your hands. Both of them. Explore me."

"Yes, Master," says Toby, now calm and wanting to please its Master. Actually he's never done this with Derek before, simply use his hands to pull sounds of pleasure from Derek's mouth and watching his legs tremble a bit. Meanwhile he keeps wiping the precum and sucking it off his fingers. He also begins to learn a lot more about Derek's balls than he ever realized before, how they move, what size they are, what makes Derek moan again. Toby giggles.

"From tears to giggles. Nice transition, bud," says Derek. "How about licking those balls a little for me?"

"yes, Master," says Toby eagerly as he moves his mouth into place and feels Derek's balls with his tongue. "Yeah, that's my boy, my good slaveboy, making love to my body however I want you to, because I own you and want to make you happy all the time" Derek starts to toy with his own dick while Toby keeps sucking his balls one at a time. "I'm getting ready to shoot, boy. Get your mouth over me to take it all like a good boy." Toby obeys immediately and feels Derek shoot into his mouth with his tongue. "Oh fuck, baby! I'm so glad you're mine!" yells Derek in the thrall of his orgasm. Once he's calmed down, Derek reaches out and messes with Toby's hair the way he likes. "Tell you what, boy. Let's take our showers now and then cuddle while watching some tv." "Well, we're both naked. Might as well." "Go and get two towels. You were feeling low today so I want to towel you off myself after our showers." Toby realizes that no one has ever cared if he was having a bad day in the past, and certainly no one ever made any effort to help him get over it. Belonging to Derek the way he does is turning out to be a lot better than anything he had ever hoped for.

They weren't alone in the showers. Two well-built jocks were there and when they saw Toby's cage the came close to him and sneered at him. "So you're the faggot everyone's talking about." They waved their cocks at him. "Wanna taste these, bitch? Our girlfriends won't do it but we won't mind getting off in a fag's mouth," one of them said. Immediately Derek steps up and pushes Toby behind him. "Leave the boy alone," he says menacingly. "Are you the one who locked up its dick?" asked Vito, one of the jocks. "Yes," said Derek. His uncle sent the cage and asked me to do it until the end of the semester so it can concentrate better on its studies. You might have heard of him? He's the brother of the Academic Dean. It wouldn't be wise to mess with him. This fag's my roommate and I'm supposed to look out for him."

"So he must suck your dick all the time," says Hunter, the second of the jocks. Derek doesn't answer. "Do you fuck his ass too? I know I would," adds Vito. Again, Derek doesn't answer but turns his back on them and continues taking his shower. Vito turns around and slams his hand down on Toby's ass cheek. "We'll see you around, cocksucker." He waves his dick at Toby again and the two of them leave the shower area laughing. There is a visible hand print across Toby's ass and he rubs it until Derek takes him in his arms to calm him down. Toby seems to be okay because he starts to chuckle. "What's so funny, baby?" asks Derek.

"That jerk wouldn't realize that he did me a favor. That spank was hot. I like the way my butt is glowing now." Derek's eyes grow wide. "Hmmm. So spanking turns you on?" "I guess so, Derek. That one spank made my dick try to grow." "So maybe I should take you over my knees and explore your reactions to a good hand spanking . . . " Derek looks into Toby's eyes and Toby immediately drops them. "If you want to, Master," he answers.

Showers done, they leave the area. Derek quickly dries himself off but orders Toby to stand still for a bit. Finally he takes the second towel and uses it to dry Toby's hair and then proceeds to dry every part of its body until finally he has to kneel down and finish drying the boy's legs and feet. Someone else comes in. It happens to be Pierce, who looks a bit surprised. "Are you two switching roles now? Never expected to see you on your knees before Toby." Derek shakes his head. "A good Master knows when it's important to coddle his slave a bit after it's had a hard day." He finishes up and stands again. Toby takes Derek's hands in his and kisses them. "Best remedy for a bad day is to just surrender into Derek's care," he tells Pierce.

"You guys are so sweet you're going to give BDSM a bad name," he remarks. "Or a good name," suggests Derek. "Besides, the boy is gonna get a nice warm spanking before I put it to bed tonight. All part of the way I care for it." Pierce gives him a "thumbs up" and strips off to get into the shower himself. Derek takes Toby by the hand and leads him back into their room. "Sir, I love you so much," says Toby. "You can spank me any time you want."

Derek goes to sit in a chair. "Well then, boy, get yourself over my knees. Let me see what might help you calm down and have a good night's sleep." Toby wastes no time getting into position. Derek begins caressing his boy's ass and Toby starts to purr like a kitten. Derek alternates between light spanks and caressing while Toby wraps his arms around one of Derek's legs and tries to raise its ass higher in the air, inviting the blows. Derek starts to spank harder and Toby squiggles and moans.

Finally Derek stops and spits on the boy's ass, then rubs it in to its bright pink flesh. "There, baby. Let's see if this helps you sleep." "I could take a lot more, Sir," Toby offers. "I could tell. But this was just to help you calm down after your bad day." "And spitting on me?" "I'm sorry. Was that too much?" Toby slides off Derek's lap onto the floor then looks up at him. "Sir, you can cover me with your spit if you want. It would help me feel like you do it to help me realize I'm under your control." "I'll keep that in mind, as long as your always remember that I cherish you and not only because I own you but because you're slipping your way into my heart and you're gorgeous and goddamn, did it turn me on to feel your ass and spank it a little." Toby kneels up and plants his face in Derek's lap, rubbing it along the length of his hard cock.

"Spanking me got you hard?" he asks. "Apparently, but I'm tired. Sleep with me tonight?" "Always, Sir" Toby says as he climbs up onto the bed and lies on his tummy. Derek moves in and strokes his ass some more then moves the boy to its side and spoons the boy in a way that helps it know how protected and how cherished it is even though it has chosen to be his slave. Somehow, the two are not supposed to go together—being in intensely adoring love and being in manacles and chains with a whip hanging on the wall and a collar around its neck.

This is one of the reasons why Derek never lets Toby look at any porn that he hasn't reviewed and chosen. Too much of it is too insensitive to matters of the heart. For the most part, the "slaves" are only highly-paid actors who have a tolerance for all sorts of awfully painful or humiliating things and are capable of going far beyond what ordinary subs can handle. Derek has noticed on a spanking site (yes, he has actually looked at that kind of stuff before he met Toby) that there is one young man who is regularly featured on it, and is pretty severely beaten either with a paddle, or strap, or crop or cane. It must take a good chunk of time for him to recover, but as soon as he does, he's right back there again for a new scenario in which he always ends up crying or screaming. In addition to that, he never gets hard from all this. Derek has often wondered what the guy's like outside the studio, is he straight, how did he realize he was such a masochist and then get steered in that direction, do any friends or family know how he's getting so much money many questions which will never get answered.

Derek knew before he met Toby that he was starting to get interested in such things, so when the two of them became roommates, it was a like a good match made by someone who knew their sexual proclivities, and it didn't take long (only fifteen chapters so far) for them to develop into the unique kind of couple that they are still in the process of becoming. Pardon the distraction, but I just want you to realize that Derek knows a lot more than you might think about this stuff and, considering the way he feels about Toby, only selects items that are not emotionally or psychologically abusive. He's never seen an example of a M/s couple in love, so the most he can do is just weed out all the stuff that could plant the idea in the slave's head that it should be scorned and treated like shit because it's a slave. One other thing happened. While Derek was trying to fall asleep he suddenly realized that he wasn't happy about the way Orson spoke to Toby or dealt with him when Toby needed to pee and that he had come up with some other way to make sure Toby is safe and protected (Derek's two favorite words lately). Unfortunately, sometimes our kinky little submissive gets into situations which never had ever been concerned about. Especially during the school day.

Thanks for all the emails. Some have asked me what they should call me. My name is rob and I think of myself as a slave without a Master. So call me whatever you want.

Please keep writing me. Emails are my reward for writing.

PICTURES, ANYONE? I am searching for just the right pictures to present representing how I think Derek and Toby should look like. Uncle Harry as well. If you'd like to offer any suggestions, be my guest. I'll announce it when the final selection is made. This might take some time.

Other Stories of Mine: The Alex Chronicles Sweet Subjugation Tommy Loves His Sub

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Next: Chapter 15

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