Training Toby

By Robert Louis / Robert Halstead

Published on Oct 30, 2023



At 7pm Derek chooses something for Toby to wear and they head down to the cafeteria for supper. They both have unlimited meal plans so they fill up their trays and when they go to sit down Derek's friend Pierce comes by and Derek invites him to sit with them.

"It's funny to see you with clothes on," Pierce says to Toby. "How's the training going?" he asks Derek. "So far so good. He's sucking my cock all the time now." Pierce looks at the slave with an approving look. "How long will it be before you make it service your friends?" asks Pierce.

"Not sure, but you'll be the first one, I promise," says Derek. "For now, I want it concentrating on my cock and no other one. I know a few guys in the dorm who are interested in fucking its face as well, but I'm determined to keep a slow pace to its subjugation so each new development has time to settle into its consciousness. This whole process is a lot more than physical sex acts, you know."

"Ah yes, says Pierce. "the mind and the heart have to be conditioned and developed. Sexual service is easy to demand, but it's all the more powerful when the boy realizes it was meant to be a servant to men in every aspect of its being." Pierce has obviously read a lot about this and is a good buddy to Derek who supports and inspires his efforts to turn Toby into a fully conscious slave, not just some faggot hot for his cock.

"Hey I've got an idea for another way to train this slave and break its pride," he suggests. "What's that?" asks Derek. "I have to be out of my room at 7 am every morning for a special improv session I signed up for. It would be a great help if you would send your slave over to make my bed and straighten out my sink and toiletries." Toby's eyes grow wide as the words "slave labor" pop into its head unbidden. "That's a great idea!" says Derek. "I usually get up around 7:30. If you leave your door unlocked, I'll send the slave over at, say, 6:45 to serve as a sort of nude houseboy. After it's done, it can leave the room and lock the door behind it. How's that sound?" "Perfect," answers Pierce, That's usually the time I head out, so I'll have a chance to give the slave any special orders for the day."

Derek turns to Toby. "Got that, boy? Set your clock for 6:40, take a piss and then head right over there and do whatever Pierce tells you to do. Then when you get back to the room you can wake me up by sucking my toes. I won't need a clock. It shouldn't take you more than 45 minutes to do your chores."

"Yes, Master, Toby says, eyes lowered and looking at its food, too shy to look at Pierce. "I expect you to do a good job. If Pierce has any complaints you'll be whipped after classes with Pierce looking on. Do you understand?"

"Yes, Master."

"Good boy. Now look Pierce in the eyes so he can explore you for a bit. Consider yourself as his slave houseboy every morning." As toby looks into Pierce's eyes, the guy's acting ability makes it possible for him to stare at Toby as if he were a slavemaster choosing to purchase this faggot's services. This breakfast humiliation isn't over yet. Pierce says to Derek, "I noticed that you both have unlimited meal plans. Maybe next semester you could just purchase one for yourself and then feed the slave off your own tray. No need for it to have its own card." With that, Pierce takes off for class.

Derek orders the slave to look into his eyes. "Every day, little one, we discover a new layer of humiliation for you to keep you aware of your total lack of control over your own life. And by the way, I never thought of it before but now I think it will be a good idea for you to make my bed as well every day." "Yes, Master," replies the slave, further humbled. Derek looks at his watch. It's 7:45. Time to head back to the room and wait for Orson to come by.

Once they're in the room again Toby quickly strips off its clothing and goes to make Derek's bed. Just as he's finishing there's a knock on the door. Derek sends him to answer the door and Orson walks in. Derek sits on his bed, his back against the wall. He orders the slave to kneel and sit back, legs open between Derek's legs facing into the room. Meanwhile, Derek takes the whip made of laces and wraps it around Toby's neck so he can use them as a collar and, if he desires, restrict Toby's breathing while he and Orson are chatting. Derek pulls on the laces forcing the slave to sit upright, realizing how restricted it is because it's in the presence of another superior man.

"That looks hot, the way you're holding the boy's neck. So how long has this been going on?" he asks. "Actually," answers Derek, since the first day we arrived here. It was clear right from the beginning that I was going to enjoy being superior to my sweet roomy, so I made a few suggestions, the boy responded, and we were off and running. A lot's developed since then, for sure, and finally we both realized that we're becoming Master and slave. This is what Toby is meant to be and as far as I'm concerned, I'm really getting turned on by every aspect of this."

"Matt and I were surprised when we walked into the showers. Toby had obviously been broken down much more than before the break. That collar is hot, especially since others can see it as a nice necklace if they don't know the truth. The cage blew our minds, but at that point Matt got a little turned off and lost all interest."

"That's to be expected with a lot of guys," Derek admitted. "No surprise to me. But I decided after we got back that I'm not going to hide what we're doing as some kind of dirty secret. It means too much to both of us to have to live that way." "I respect you for that," says Orson, "but I have one suggestion to make." "What's that?" "I don't think you should send the boy alone to the showers any longer without someone to look out for it in case someone gets belligerent." Toby knows he's not allowed to speak, but he nods his head. Derek meanwhile pulls the laces tighter and

Toby's breath is restricted. It's obvious he has to work harder to breathe. "Concentrate on not passing out, slave," says Derek. "Keep your mind on that and stop eavesdropping on our conversation. We're not talking to you. We're talking about you. You're my possession. Nothing more, nothing less." He swats Toby on the back of the head but Toby doesn't have enough air to cry out. Orson continues, "I'd be happy to help out when I can if you want." Derek thanks him for the offer.

"One more thing," says Orson. "Same thing goes for it being in the laundry room alone nude." "good point," says Derek. "For now on, when the slave is down there it will wear underpants and flipflops. I've noticed how dirty its feet get after being down there. This will solve two problems at once. I was turned on like crazy when the slave agreed to be there naked, but now that things will be more out in the open I'll make those changes for its own good."

"When did you begin whipping the boy?" asks Orson. "Just today for the first time. Look at the laces on the desk. I had the slave buy six of them—long boot laces, rawhide. I'm trying them out a little at a time to learn the slave's tolerances. So far, I'm using three doubled over. They mark the skin, but notice that most of the marks are gone now—stand up, slave, and turn your back to Orson so he can see your back and ass." Toby obeys. Orson comes closer. "May I touch?" "Sure. Go ahead." Orson reaches out and runs his fingers lightly over the faint marks. "Impressive." "So anyway, I started with one lace at a time and eventually got to three. The three cause enough pain to get the slave's attention and arouse its desires, and they mark the skin enough to last for several hours but nothing worse. I'm going to stay there for now unless I have good reason to punish the boy for misbehavior or a bad attitude. In that case, I'll add another lace. That should provide ample pain to be a true punishment."

Damn, you're really going about this intelligently," says Orson. "I've read a lot of bdsm porn, both straight and gay, but it's always so damn violent. I guess it takes a real masochist to be able to act in that stuff, and well paid." "Probably," says Derek, thinking whether or not he might investigate having Toby do some "acting" for the pornographers once it's better conditioned to pain.

"What else have you trained the slave to do so far?" asks Orson. "This was the first time it sucked my cock and that will be every day at least once from now on. It's already been trained to lick my feet and suck my toes, and when we make out I have it suck up all the saliva and juices I can make in my mouth. it also spends a lot of time groveling. Show Orson how your grovel for me, slave." Toby gets up again and takes the position. Whenever it does this, its dick tries to get hard in its cage. This is the best position of all. "I leave it there for long periods of time, especially when its emotions get the better of it and it needs time to calm down and center. it works great and it's a hot sight to look at." "I'll say," says Orson.

Then he gets another idea. "What about licking your ass?" Orson asks. "Not yet," is all Derek has to say about that. He's completely unsure about that. He's always heard how unhealthy it can be. He doesn't want to make the kid get sick. But he decides not to open this for discussion at the moment.

"One more question," says Orson. "Will you make the slave service other guys in the dorm? I know when I was at summer camp there were a couple fags who used to suck a lot of us off on a regular basis. In return for that, we'd protect them from any bullying." "I've already promised its services to one guy, a friend of mine." "would you put me on that list as well, when Matt isn't around. I'm sure he'd freak out if he ever walked into the room and say your faggot on its knees sucking my cock." "Hey," answers Derek, "if it happens it happens as long as you keep the boy safe. And I'll add you to the list. You're #2. No guarantee when or if this will happen. Definitively not this semester."

"Any plans for break? I bet it will be tough for Toby to go home and be away from you for a whole month." "No problem," answers Derek. "I've worked it out. It's spending the entire break with me at my parents' place. Sure to be an interesting break although we'll have to pretend we're just good buddies for my parents' sake. I don't want them knowing about this part of our relationship. And I've never really come out to them yet."

"That's going to be interesting. I can see it now. Well, thanks for the chat, Derek. Like I said, I'll be happy to protect it if you have to send it out of the room without you being present." "thanks again, Orson. Have a good night, dude." Derek stands up and they both shake hands and give one of those half-hugs guys often give one another. Orson leaves the room.

Derek immediately picks toby up and wraps the slave in his arms. "You see, boy? There are people around more than willing to keep you safe now that they know how vulnerable you are." Toby remains silent as he loses himself in Derek's arms, the best place in the whole world to be. A few minutes go by.

"Toby, you're afraid to tell me something. Speak to me, boy." "choking. too tight. need more freedom to breathe." "Okay," responds the Master. "We'll practice it this week when we're alone so I know how much pressure to apply when I want you to work for it. You didn't safeword it, so I know it's just a question of technique. I bet it turned you on, though." "Yes, Master, a big turned on to be controlled that way, but it's very risky."

"Okay. I'll do some research on it. Check with the Doms back home." "thank you, Master." "Anything else?" "No, Master. Just thank you." With that, Derek kisses the boy and they hold it there until Derek is drained dry.

"On the bed, boy. I want you to sleep with me. Put your blankets and pillows on the floor next to my bed in case I push you off the bed in the middle of the night and you can stay there sleeping on the floor next to me. I have practice until 9 tomorrow night. Call Pierce or Orson if you need to use the bathroom. Oh wait: Pierce will be at practice with me. I'll let Orson know you might call for protection if you decide to leave the room before I get home. I'll have supper sent to you. If someone knocks on the door, make sure you open it good and wide so they can see you naked."

"Yes, Master, but I don't have Orson's number." "I'll give them to you tomorrow and I'll let him know you might call. Now give me a nice blow job, slave, and then we'll get some sleep. Try to swallow me all the way so I can hear you choke. That's the way you let me how hot you are for cock, baby."

Thanks for all the emails. Some have asked me what they should call me. My name is rob and I think of myself as a slave without a Master. So call me whatever you want.

Please keep writing me. Emails are my reward for writing.

Other Stories of Mine: The Alex Chronicles Sweet Subjugation Tommy Loves His Sub

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Next: Chapter 13

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