Training the Trainer - Installment

By moc.loa@potgnipor

Published on Jan 5, 2024


It was 7:15 and Andrew was walking briskly back to Gabe's apartment. A class had run a few minutes late, and that would make dinner late (Gabe had decided that andy should be responsible for dinner a few nights a week). As he hurried, he thought about the last few days.

Darius had left two days previously. He had been in town for about a week and a half -- ten days to be exact. During those ten days, Gabe had fucked Darius every single night. Andy had to be satisfied with giving Gabe morning blow jobs, because Gabe never stopped sleeping with andy during Darius' visit. Generally, Darius would come over in late afternoon or early evening, Gabe would spend some time role playing with him, and then taking his ass. Most of the time, he tied up andy so he would have no choice but to watch the sex. Watching Master Gabe work over someone else got andy very hot, but he never got permission to jerk off, and so he didn't. Until the last day. THAT day stood out in his mind, for good reason.

The night before, after Gabe had had his way with Darius, and Darius was getting ready to leave, he said to the still bound andy and to Darius: "tomorrow's your last day, Dar. I want it to be special. Both of you make sure you're on time, and make sure you dress the way I tell you to dress. NO ifs ands or buts." For andy, that was black jeans, and the blue and white striped shirt that Gabe liked on him so much. For Darius, it was a tight-fitting gray shirt with a white collar, and blue business slacks. Neither one of them had any idea what Gabe had in mind, but andy had resigned himself to being even hornier. Having Gabe wrap his arms around him at night (they now slept as two spoons, and andy was still able to get whiffs of Gabe's musky odor), was just not enough. Even the goodnight kiss, soft, on andy's ear, followed by "good night sexy boy" didn't help.

When andy got home for the special night, he heard sounds coming from the playroom. They were grunts, and moans. "I don't even get to see it tonight," he thought dejectedly, assuming that Gabe was already screwing Darius. He put down his books, and resignedly went to the playroom. He was stunned by what he saw.

Gabe and darius weren't in bed. Instead, darius was bound up the way andy had been for the last week. He was gagged, and andy could tell that the tape was tight. "IF YOU DON'T POINT OUT THAT FUCKING CHEST I'M GETTING THE CLAMPS, BITCH BOY!" Andy heard Gabe yell at darius, and then he heard a huge moan come out of the bound man, as Gabe tightened his fingers on his nipples. Andy could see that Gabe had his knee pushed into darius' groin, and he thought, from the shape, that darius was caged. Gabe looked up and saw andy.

"Get on the bed. Don't get undressed. Lay on your back, boy. NOW."

"YESSIR!" andy answered. Was Gabe going to fuck him at long last? And...was he going to fuck him the way andy preferred: on his back? (Gabe liked taking andy from behind. He almost always did. Andy, on the other hand, loved seeing Gabe's teeth grit, the sweat form on his face, and Gabe's scruff, imagining where it would wind up on him.

"I SWEAR DARIUS. IF THOSE TITS DON'T STAY OUT, THE BIG CLAMPS ARE COMING." A huge "mmmmmmmmmph" came out of darius, and Gabe smiled as he said "On second thought, I think they're coming out anyway. You still better keep them pointed." Andy could see Gabe take out a pair of clamps he had never used on him yet. They were black, heavy, and scary looking. He saw darius meekly look up at Gabe, point out his chest, and then try to scream as Gabe attached them. "Gonna be there a while, bitch. Such is life." Then he turned to andy. "You thought I forgot you boy, didn't you?" Andy whimpered "Yes, sir."

Gabe took each of andy's wrists gently but firmly and restrained them.

His slacks were tight enough that andy could see his hard erection.

"Who's my boy?" Gabe whispered, and andy whimpered "I am, Sir," before he felt Gabe's lips touch his. Andy tried to open his mouth for Gabe's tongue, but Gabe teased him, pressing on his mouth so he couldn't open it. When andy began squirming, Gabe laughed and released the pressure. His tongue shot in.

Andy loved French kissing. He always felt that he didn't get enough when Gabe kissed him that way. Tonight was different. Gabe just kept on kissing, with his eyes opened, and then closed. Andy was turning into a limp rag, with a hard dick. He saw darius looking at them, with a sense of helplessness and hunger. He wondered if he had had the same look over the last week.

"Sweet mouth, boy. Sweet. And pretty." Gabe moved his tongue to andy's ear, and his fingers began opening his shirt. When he had ever button opened, he changed position and began kissing andy's navel, and his flanks, before he moved up to his nipples. He chewed each one until andy's moans were loud. He stopped for a minute and turned to darius. He sneered. "You gave this up. It was your choice."

"MMMMMMMMMMMMMPH" came out of darius. "You want this big dick, andy boy?" Gabe opened his slacks and andy's eyes widened. He was used to seeing Gabe hard, but not THIS hard, and not THIS thick. He didn't dare say no, but he was worried: he doubted he could have taken a cock that size even when Gabe was fucking him daily, but NOW?

Gabe didn't wait for an answer. He got andy's pants off, and then he grabbed andy's ankles, pushing them in the air. When andy closed his eyes, Gabe ordered "NO. You watch this andy boy. Both of you watch it. I want you to know who owns this ass." Andy winced as Gabe's cock head pushed in. Gabe didn't pummel his ass, but the movement was steady and regular. Andy's concerns were valid. His mouth was open, but a scream didn't come out. He was trying to focus.

"Relax, baby boy. You're a good boy. You know how to keep your DOM happy." When Gabe bent down to kiss him, his dick went in further. Gabe's tongue in his throat forced andy to shift his attention a bit: now he had to worry about losing control and biting Gabe, while he took the enormous rod which was now pushing on his prostate. He saw a quick grin go over Gabe's face, and then he saw the chastity cage key in Gabe's hand. "You want me to use this, andy boy?" He pushed his cock in harder.


"I think you earned it, boy. Let's get it out. Let's see how long you last." When he opened the cage, Gabe ran his finger around andy's penis, and he shot, screaming "THANK YOU SIR. OH MY GOD, THANK YOU SIR." He began to cry, and then Gabe said "Now, it's my turn." He pushed into andy HARD, and he shot. Andy thought cum was going to come out of his nostrils, because it filled him so deeply. "Where is it all coming from?" andy asked himself. Gabe had climaxed with darius every night, and he had cum in andy's mouth this morning, but now...

"See what my boy does to me? He fills me all day and then he drains me." Gabe fell on top of andy. "You're my boy. I'm your DOM."

Andy half whimpered, and half wept "Yes, Sir."

"Now, go and see about rustling up something for us to eat. I'm going to talk to darius in private." Andy left after Gabe untied him. He would have killed to hear what Gabe and darius said -- he could hear Gabe but not darius, and wondered if Gabe had left the gag on when he was speaking. He heard Gabe's voice as level and even, but he really wanted to know what was said when, after a while, darius high-tailed it out of the apartment without even a goodbye.

"I found some soup, Sir. And I can't really cook, but I can make grilled cheese." Gabe smiled. "You'll learn, boy. Just give it time." Andy didn't know what that meant. All he knew was that night, as they got into bed, Gabe wasn't even semi-hard for the first time in months, and he whispered into andy's ear "You are so fucking sexy."

Darius said his goodbyes the next day. He came by the gym during andy's shift. Andy wasn't worried because Gabe had changed his schedule to go when andy wasn't there, because, in his words "I focus on you and not the workout."

"Hey, Andrew, I'm sorry to interrupt." Andy looked at him "No problem. Are you ok?" He grinned and dropped his voice low "are your nipples sore?" Darius laughed. "Sure are. Haven't been that sore in a LONG time, but I'll recover. Listen, I just wanted to come by to thank you for being a good sport about things, and, well, just to tell you that Gabe is madly into you." Embarrassed, Andrew tried to make a joke. "I guess you saw it all." Darius didn't laugh. "I mean it, Andrew. I have to be honest. When I heard that he was dating a slight, Asian guy who was a virgin, I thought it was a joke." He paused. "You guys complement each other. You're good for him." Now Andrew blushed. "I don't know what to say to that, Darius. This is all new to me." Darius was silent for a minute. "Did he give you a quit date?"

"A quit date? I don't understand." Darius took a breath. "I heard him calling you his boy. Well, Gabe's boy doesn't work. Ever. And especially working in a gym like this. Gabe is very insecure. He's not going to want you around exposed male flesh too much. So just expect it."

"But I don't want to quit." Andrew said. "I like it here. I like working." Darius shook his head. "You've had the `I'm the DOM I make the decisions speech, haven't you?" Andrew looked at him "Yeah". Darius just said "keep it in mind. I gotta go. I need to catch a train." He held out his hand. "Take care, andy boy. Let me just say, telling Sir Gabe I wanted to leave, was a big mistake, and I hope I never make a mistake like that again."

"I hope I never make a mistake like that again" ran through andy's mind as he got to the apartment building. His entire sexual experience besides masturbating, was Gabe. Darius, on the other hand, had been sexually active since high school. Gabe had never really discussed Darius directly with andy, but andy had heard him talking about him with Colin's DOM. "I never thought he'd actually leave," was one line he heard a lot. Darius told him that he had made a big mistake in leaving, and had even come back, knowing full well what he'd be getting into with Gabe. And after all of that, Gabe had sent Darius packing, and andy was still here. He couldn't explain what he felt. News of the relationship had, of course, gotten around the gym, and when you cut through all the teasing and the jokes, andy could tell that a few people were very jealous. When he was in public with Gabe, and he put his arm around andy's shoulders, or wrapped arms around his waist, he felt like a king. Colin had been very helpful in getting used to the lifestyle, and Jade clearly approved. But that last thought: that Gabe never let his boy work, was gnawing at andy.

The elevator stopped at the lobby, and he could hear that Gabe was home. "Sir, I just got home" he called out.

"So you did," gabe came out from the bedroom area. "I'm in trouble," andy thought. He found Gabe an extremely handsome man, but just as Gabe liked when andy dressed certain ways, there were certain things that Gabe could do that made andy just want to get on all fours and beg for his cock. The way Gabe looked that night, was one of them. Gabe usually wore white shirts to work, but there were a few that fit him like a glove. He had one of them on: the one with French cuffs. He still had the cufflinks in, and something andy had learned, early on, was that he had a cufflink fetish. Gabe had pulled the shirt out of his pants, and he had opened enough buttons to let his chest hair show. Andy smelled his cologne, and his musky odor.

"Get over here boy" Gabe growled. "But don't walk. Crawl. I need something taken care of. Real quick." He pointed to his crotch.

"Yes, Sir." Andy put down his books, and as Gabe had ordered, he walked over on his hands and knees. When he got in front of Gabe, he got into the position he knew Gabe loved: he sat on his knees and put his hands behind him, his chest thrust out. "May I suck your cock, Sir?" He felt Gabe's hand smoothing his hair, and then running down his cheek.

"Yes. You may. Keep your glasses on. You look so sexy as a cocksucking nerd, boy." "Thank you, Sir" was all andy could answer. He moved his hands to open Gabe's fly, and Gabe pushed his head back.

"Nope. I didn't give you permission to use your hands, boy. I like you looking as if you're bound. Use your teeth. Get closer, then get to work. If I drip too much before my cock is in your mouth, things won't go well for you."

"Sorry, Sir. Right away." Andy was still learning how to open zippers with his teeth. He was jealous of Colin, who seemed very adept at it. It took time, but he got Gabe's slacks opened. "Commando" he thought. "Great. Makes it easier." He wrapped his tongue around Gabe's shaft the way he knew Gabe liked, making slurping noises as he went. He had his tongue linger on Gabe's glans, and he heard the moan. "FUCK. I taught you well." "Yes, you did, Sir." "Open your mouth. Take me, boy." Andy licked his lips so that dry skin wouldn't irritate his DOM, and then he took the cock in his mouth. He made more noise than he had to, because Gabe liked noise.

"OH YEAH. Best fucking cocksucker I've ever had. Get deeper, boy. Take it all."

"Glsgkskskskssk" came out of andy's mouth, and he moved further down Gabe's shaft until he was up to Gabe's ball sack. "Remember how you used to gag, boy? You couldn't handle much more than a head. Now look at you. Fucking Professor of Oral Studies." Gabe began to slide his cock back and forth. He held andy's head in place while he did. The sense of helplessness andy had only grew, and he felt tingling all over his body. He loved the feeling, and he loved the way Gabe was so confident about the way he took him.

"The new workouts are showing results, boy. Look at how your arms bulge. Soon we may have to get you some new shirts." Gabe closed his eyes and andy let the compliment sink in. When people had spoken about his body before, they had always talked about two things: how he had a long-distance runner's body, and how he had a great ass. The runner's body was disappearing, and he didn't miss it, and his ass, well, Gabe seemed to like it more and more. He mentioned it just before he exploded in andy's mouth. "I shoulda waited. I shoulda held off and FUCKED that hot ass of yours. I gotta learn patience. DAMN." His cock went just a little more rigid in andy's mouth as he began to spurt.

"THANK YOU, JESUS," andy thought when Gabe pulled out and gave him a facial with the last few shots. He LOVED the feel of Gabe's cum on his skin. He felt -- owned.

Gabe was smiling. "Get cleaned up, andy boy," he smiled as he pulled up his zipper. "I got us both a present today. I'll wait until you come back." Andy had seen two small white boxes on the sofa side table, and he wondered what they were. He hurried to the bathroom to wash up, and when he came back, Gabe was sitting on the sofa, with the boxes in his hands. "Over here, cutie." Andy sat down next to Gabe, who threw a leg over andy's and wrapped an arm around him. He manipulated the boxes with his free hand.

"Now first, this one is yours. Open it." "Thank you, Sir" andy answered, and opened a box that had "boy" on the cover. It was a neck chain with a lock on it. He gulped. He remembered that Colin had one, and he wore it all the time.

"I need to put that on you." Gabe took it and then put it over andy's neck. It fit comfortably, but snugly. "PERFECT You know what it means?"

"Uh, colin wears one, Sir, so I guess it means I'm a sub?" Gabe smiled. "A little more than that andy boy. It means you're a sub, and you're owned. It means that someone is wearing the chain that has the key to that lock." He moved his arm away from andy for a minute and open up the box that said "DOM". "And that someone, would be me." He handed it to andy. "Put it over my neck, boy. When you do that, you'll acknowledge: you belong to me now." Andy thought about it for a second. He knew he should be rational about it, but he couldn't. His balls were churning, his dick was hard, and Gabe looked so hot. "Yes, Sir." He put the chain around Gabe's neck, and he struggled for words. "You didn't give me permission to speak, Sir but...punish me if you need to. Thank you for taking me." Gabe's eyebrow arched. Andy wasn't very good with words, but for a minute he was. He put his arm back around andy's shoulders. "You'll start wondering about this in a while if you haven't yet. No, I never gave one to Darius. I think I always knew deep down that he'd leave some day. But yes, some of the other boys in the book you saw: they wore one. Especially my soldier boy. AH, that big blond hunk. Dave. Dave King. That was my fault: had him twice and let him get away." Andy saw Gabe's eyes wander. He realized that he really didn't even know how old Gabe was. He didn't get much chance to wonder though because Gabe turned to him.

"You, on the other hand, I am NOT letting get away." He grabbed andy and began to wrestle with him. Andy was holding his own until Gabe got his fingers into andy's ribs and began tickling him. He was screeching with laughter when he yelled "I'm not going away SIR. NO. HAHAHAHAHAHAAHAHAHAAHAHAHAHAHAAHA. " Gabe stopped and began kissing andy's face. "I don't do this very often, boy. Don't get used to it." Then, to andy's shock, he opened andy's jeans pulled out his cock, and began to suck it. Andy didn't last long. Gabe smiled. "Sweet. Like a cherry. Something you don't have anymore thanks to me."

Of course, Brent noticed the chain the very next day. "MMMM. Do we have to start helping you pick out a wedding trousseau, Andrew?"

Andy blushed. Marriage had not been on his mind, but he supposed the chain was a close approximation. Now EVERYONE would know that he was, well, "collared."

"Cut it out, Brent, ok?" Andy spat back at him. "It just sorta happened." Andy went off to do his workout. Brent followed him.

"So, have you given notice yet, babe?" Andy took a deep breath. "WHY IS EVERYONE CONVINCED I'M GOING TO STOP WORKING?" Brent shook his head. "I know Doc Gabe a LONG time -- WAY longer than you. It'll be soon. You wait and see." Andy couldn't concentrate at school that night. He couldn't get the idea of Gabe making him give up his job out of his head. He'd be, well, a "kept man." He needed to talk to Jade about this: he knew colin loved his role and, as he thought about it, there were parts of it that really got him excited. He and Jade met for a late breakfast the next day.

"Well, has he asked you to stop working?" Jade asked.

"No, but...everyone says he insists that all of his boys become, I don't know what to call it: house husbands?" Jade was silent for a bit.

"Know what, Andrew? I think you're afraid he's gonna drop you." Andy looked up: "HUH?" Jade continued. "Well, if he made all his other boys stop working, I think you believe he's gonna dump you." When Jade said that andy realized that there was truth to her comment. "Jade, what do I do?" She took a sip of her cappuccino. "Why don't you ask him?" Andy gulped: he was afraid of the answer. He told that to Jade and she answered: "Andrew, you deserve to know sooner or later." He looked down. "You're right. I do." He made up his mind to ask Gabe that night.

"Sir, I know this is out of the ordinary but, can I take you to dinner tonight?" andy was trembling when he called Gabe at work.

"Why andy, that's a very sweet request. There's something on your mind isn't there?" Andy gulped "Yes, Sir."

"Well, sure. Let's go to dinner." He took a deep breath. "What kind of screwy ideas did Darius put in your head?"

"It wasn't just Darius, Sir. Colin. And you. And..." Gabe had a patient waiting. "Let's talk about it tonight andy, ok? At home.

This sounds too important to discuss in public. We'll have dinner after, ok?"

"OK, Sir." When he got home (he skipped class), andy dressed in the way he thought he looked most handsome: blue oxford, tan khakis, his loafers. Gabe noticed. "GRRRRRRRRR. You planning to ask me for a car, andy?" Andy blushed. "No, Sir, nothing like that." Then he blurted out the question. Gabe didn't look surprised.

"You know, people get the facts wrong. None of my boys had jobs they liked when I started dating them. Everyone thinks I made darius give up a business career, and that's wrong. I paid for him to go to business school when he was with me. So, in a way, you could say he paid for his tuition with his ass." He paused. "I shouldn't have said that. But it's really true." He looked at andy. "You could go to school full-time, and be home at decent hours and... I could have more access to you. And if you'd feel more comfortable with me TELLING you to stop working, I will. Because having you here at home whenever I want you is one of the hottest things I can fantasize about." Andy was silent. Gabe spoke.

"Boy, I'm tired of you being around all those men. Sweating, naked, with me not having a fucking clue about what you're doing and with whom. I want you to give two weeks' notice tomorrow." Andy felt relief run through his body. "Yes Sir." Gabe smiled. "Let's go find someplace to eat. I want your melons for dessert."

Andy was sore when he sat down in his manager's office the next day, but he tendered his resignation effective in two weeks. As he walked out, he realized he had never felt so good in his life.

Next: Chapter 10

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