Training the Trainer - Installment

By moc.loa@potgnipor

Published on Dec 4, 2023


Andrew tried to get to the gym before his first client, so that he could get in a workout. He felt lucky when he arrived at the gym and checked his phone: "DUDE. SORRY. Too much drinking tonight. My head'll explode if I put down a weight. Later."

"Someone's looking after me," andrew thought. He had been out late the night before too and, well, he was sore that morning. VERY sore. And has he thought about the night, he felt himself getting hard.

Gabe had been talking about the event for about a month: the black-tie fundraiser he attended every year. "I don't have a tux, Sir," Andrew had told Gabe after Gabe told him he was going. Gabe laughed. "If you did, you think I'd let you wear it? You need to look GOOD when you're with me, andy boy. Your wardrobe needs a REAL upgrade, and it starts, now. We're getting your tux fitted." Andrew had never had clothing custom made before, and he couldn't remember the last time he wore a tux: maybe senior prom? He had to admit, he enjoyed the process, as the tailor draped one silky piece of fabric after another over him. "Tighter. It needs to be snug. Once he closes the button, no room. None." Gabe was instructing the tailor. "I want him to feel like he's a captive in his suit."

"I understand, Dr. Gabe," the tailor responded. "Let's take in just about a dart's worth on each side of the shirt. Then we'll work on the jacket." They were there for about three or four hours before Gabe was satisfied with how things looked on andrew. "How much time do you need, Sergio?"

"Let me have a week, Sir. I'll let you know when it's ready. " Then he smiled. "Dr. Gabe, I don't guarantee I can remove stains. Especially body fluids." Andrew was confused. Did they expect him, well, to pee or to cum in that beautiful garment. Gabe saw his face.

"Sergi knows that I go a little wild when I see a hot man in a tuxedo. He's worried that I'm gonna ravage you in it." He paused. "Well, I am. But I have to control myself until the event."

The night of the benefit, Gabe got dressed first. "I don't know how often I've put on this thing. I should spring for another one, don't you think, boy?" Andrew looked at Gabe and no, he did NOT think his DOM should get a new one. It fit him like skin, and Andrew thought "I AM gonna cum in that tux if...." He thought and wondered if Gabe were going to cage him that night.

When Andrew got dressed completely, with a little help from Gabe on his bow tie and his cufflinks, Gabe whispered. "OH GOD, boy. You are gonna make every single man there twist in his skivvies. Sexy, cute, hot...." He whispered into Andrew's ear: "you have no idea how hard I am, or how hard I'm working not to just throw you on the bed and..."

Then he stopped. "I forgot something. Open those trousers."

"Yes Sir," andrew answered, and his cock, stiff and hard came out. "Well, glad to know I'm not the only horny one around here," Gabe chuckled. He had the chastity cage in one hand, and he used his other hand to twist andrew's balls until the hard-on receded. Then he locked him up. "Let's go, stud." As they hit the street, and people started turning their heads, Gabe grabbed Andrew's hand.

"You're not in your old neighborhood now, boy. No need to be afraid of someone you know seeing you. And if they did, well..." They walked about half a block before andrew felt Gabe's hand on his ass cheek. "Oh, sweet boy. You better not plan on squats tomorrow, because you are gonna HURT."

The benefit was one for doctors and their spouses and partners. Andrew looked around and saw one or two other male couples, but they were both guys of about the same age and size. Andrew was the youngest one by far. Except for the doctor who had brough his family. His son was about Andrew's age, dirty blond hair, a look of privilege -- he didn't wear a tie, and his tuxedo shirt was open, three buttons down. It was also blood red.

"Evan." Gabe whispered. "You keep your eyes off the other men, period, and the one you do NOT check out is Evan." He almost spat. "I'm not quite sure why his father hasn't disowned that little bastard. Know what he does in his spare time? And he has plenty of it."

Andrew was about to say, "No Sir," but then he guessed. "Does he work as an escort, Sir?" Gabe laughed. "Escort is a word too fancy for him. Slut. Whore. Cum-whore. Toilet boy. Anything you like. I have a feeling he's here because his dad doesn't want to take the chance of him selling it when he's at the benefit." He snorted again. "Unless he follows Evan into the bathroom anytime he goes, chances of that are slim." Gabe put his hand on andrew's forearm. "That's why you don't leave my side tonight, andy boy. " When he saw another look of confusion on andrew's face, he explained. "All these guys, in their smug lives, their smug homes, with their trophy wives -- they'll be on their knees sucking dick before the night is over. Or having their cock sucked. It's all a matter of opportunity." He shook his head. "I HATE these fucking things. It's almost part of my job description though. Wealthy families? They expect me to be here. And they expect me to have a trophy boy on my arm." Now he smiled. "Which I do."

"It was awful, wasn't it, andy boy?" Gabe asked as they got back to the apartment, just before he pushed andrew against a wall.

"It was my first black tie event, Sir, so..." He felt Gabe's lips against his. "And from what I saw, you should be in black tie more often. " He moved andrew's hand to his cock. "That needs taking care of, don't you think?" Andrew smiled. "Yes, Sir."

"You're gonna take care of it, aren't you?"

"If you want me to, Sir."

"I do. Now, you put that jacket over a chair, and you come over here and sit next to me. Get a drink of water if you want. There may be some serious exercise coming your way."

When Andrew came back, he thought Gabe was going to kiss him, but instead, he reached for the bow tie. He began slowly loosening it. Andrew tried to embrace him, and Gabe pushed down his wrists.

"Not yet, boy. Not yet. The art of undressing a man is not appreciated. The anticipation. The waiting." He smiled as andrew's tie opened. He then opened the top button on the formal shirt. "Now, a kiss. Now that that beautiful soft neck is showing.

"MMMMMMMMMMMMM" andrew moaned as Gabe's lips took control of his mouth. He was just barely aware of Gabe methodically removing each of the stays on his shirt.

"OH SHIT SIR OH GOD" Andrew's eyes were closed, and while he felt Gabe's head move, he didn't know it was going to his nipples. Gabe kissed each one, before he rubbed them both with his facial hair, and then chewed them just hard enough for andrew to feel the littlest bit of pain.

"You smell so good, Sir," andrew got out and Gabe smiled. "My cologne? Nothing that I don't wear every day."

"No, Sir. That's not it. You, well, you smell like the cologne and, I'm embarrassed Sir, but the sweat at the gym."

"Ha ha. Well, I didn't think my delicate porcelain doll was gonna turn out to be a pit pig, but maybe he is. We'll see. Bedroom."

Andrew knew what Gabe expected. "On my back or my belly, Sir?" He asked very quietly.

"On your back. I'm taking my time...for now. And with this." He began undressing after andrew got on the bed, and when he took his shirt off, he took hold of the pit and brought it to andrew's nose. He heard the happy sigh come out of andrew before he took it away. He continued his slow strip, and when andrew saw how hard, red, and almost angry Gabe's cock looked, he began to prepare himself.

"Nice and easy first, babe," Gabe lay down next to andrew and pinned his wrists with one arm, as he slowly opened the tuxedo trousers, teasing andrew's pubes by running his fingers in and out of the opening. The yellow-orange thong andrew was wearing showed the outline of the cage. "You hard, sweetheart?" Gabe teased. He knew. He slid andrew's trousers off and then he ran his finger up and down over the outline of the cage. "Just the way I like you andy boy. In perfect position to get fucked, deep and hard." Andrew had begun to breathe more quickly. He began to moan. He wanted to beg Gabe to just take him, but he was afraid that if he showed how horny he was, Gabe would tease him even more.

Andrew felt Gabe's finger inside the thong, and it slowly being peeled away. "OH GOD," he thought as Gabe brought the thong up to his nose and sniffed it. "That's the smell of a sub bottom. REAL evident. Just like these titties, these balls, and.... Ha ha. This." He played with andrew's cage. "That's because the pee-pee inside it is MINE. Now bend your knees, boy." Andrew gulped and answered, "Yes sir." He had barely gotten into position before he felt the head of Gabe's cock penetrating his ass. He let out a long, slow moan. "You wanted that, boy, didn't you? Almost as much as I did. Maybe more."

"Yes Sir. Take me. I want all of you. Please, Sir, FUCK ME. FUCK ME HARD." When Gabe rammed in, andrew screamed "OH JESUS FUCK ALMIGHTY. YOU'RE SO BIG SIR. IT HURTS." He saw Gabe lick his lips.

"Is that right, andy boy? You mean you can't take it?" He began pulling back and andrew gasped out a desperate answer.

"No Sir. I can take it. I was just surprised. WHOOOOOOOOOOOOOOA" Gabe pushed all the way in again, and this time he didn't pull back. He kept his cock right there as he bent down and pressed his lips to andrew's.

"Everyone was jealous of me tonight, boy. That's because you're so cute, and so hot. GRRRRRRRRRR" His lips moved to andrew's neck, and he began to drill his boy. Andrew closed his eyes, and he drifted off...somewhere. He was trying to keep track of everything that had happened, so quickly. For some reason, Colin's face floated in his head: he wondered if Colin were getting as good a fucking as he was. "No squats for me tomorrow" he thought, as Gabe continued to drill him.

"LICK IT." Gabe pushed his pit into andrew's face, and andrew extended his tongue as best he could. "You're gonna wash that every night, boy. You understand?" Andrew couldn't form a word, so he gurgled a "yes sir. " This was an experience he hadn't ever considered. He loved the way Gabe smelled, but the taste... the taste of this man.

"TAKE MY CUM SUB BOY. TAKE IT!!!!" Gabe yelled as he began shooting into andrew. "More, please, Sir. MORE PLEASE. OH GOD......" Andrew stopped just short of saying "I love you." He didn't know how Gabe would take that, and he didn't want to spoil things. He could feel that Gabe's spasms were slowing down, and he could feel the jizz floating around inside him. He smiled: he knew he was making Gabe happy. That was his job.

"Gotta celebrate things tonight, boy. My andy sub is a hit at the party, he gives me a great fuck..." Andrew felt the lock turn on his cage. "You deserve some relief. What do you say?"

"THANK YOU, SIR. THANK YOU" Andrew tried to move his hand down to begin jerking himself.

"Not tonight boy. Tonight, so to speak, you're in my hands." Gabe gripped andrew's cock in one hand and as andrew gasped, he took a nip and toyed with it. "Don't even ask for permission. I'll tell you when you can. Not a second before." His teeth closed on Andrew's earlobe and shudders went through andrew. Gabe was playing with his cock head, running a finger around it, and andrew could feel the pre-cum leaving his cock. "That's ok, stud. No semen though. Not yet. Not until I get my tongue back down that boy throat of yours." He climbed on top of andrew and shoved his tongue down andrew's throat. He could feel how andrew was shaking. He thought about not giving permission, so that the threat of punishment hung over andrew, but instead, he whispered "Let it go, handsome. Let top man Gabe see his boy shoot."

"AGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGH!!!! THANK YOU, SIR. THANK YOU. OH MY GOD...." It seemed to andrew that his orgasms were getting bigger, and more powerful each time. This one was certainly not like any he had ever had.

So now, the morning after the black-tie event, and the monumental fucking he had gotten from Gabe, andrew was trying to work out. "HEY. Someone's doing more strength and less flexibility these days. Looking good on you, andy." Andrew saw Brent enter the workout area. He grunted as he pressed some more reps. "Yeah, it's because..." then he stopped.

"It's because Doc Gabe wants you a little beefier." Andrew reddened. "Andy, you know as well as I do. With the exception of a therapist, maybe, who do clients reveal more to than to their trainers?"

"I guess that's true. What's Gabe told you about us?" Brent laughed. "Oh, wouldn't you like to know THAT?" Andrew sat up on the weight bench. "I'll just say this. Gabe is a very happy man these days. I guess you know what that means."

"No. What does it mean?" Andrew was really uncertain.

"It means you won't be working with us too much longer, bud." Andrew paused. He remembered something Colin had said. "Why do you say that, Brent?" he asked.

"Well, good ole' Doc Gabe has a lot of fine qualities. And some bad ones too. Primo on the bad ones: jealousy. You think he's fine with you working around all these muscular guys, wearing almost nothing?"

"He doesn't have anything to worry about" Andrew answered, and Brent smiled.

"PLEASE. You think I don't know that? He's not here that long every day. I'm here as long as you are, and I see you getting checked out." Andrew interrupted him.

"I don't look back. EVER."

"I know you don't chick. That's not the point. Gabe probably knows it too, but you know he feels that you belong to him and..." He shrugged his shoulders. "I can't think of one boyfriend whom he allowed to keep working, even if it wasn't in a hot house like this." Andrew looked up. "You mean he wants me to take another job?"

"HE WANTS YOU TO BE HIS BOY, DUMMY. That means you stay at home, make sure his needs are satisfied, yadda yadda." Andrew paused for a minute. "What about school?"

"Oh, SCHOOL? He's cool with that. Remember that he pretty much paid for the boyfriend before you to finish school. No, he's BIG on education. He wants his sub bottoms to be smart AND attractive. " Andrew's back was to the entrance, while Brent was facing it. Andrew saw Brent's face change.

"HOLY SHIT. IF IT ISN"T DARIO HIMSELF? WHERE YOU BEEN HIDING, HANDSOME?" Andrew turned around and saw a handsome man with light brown skin and a short haircut, with a body that was so toned that the tailored suit he was wearing showed every muscle. His shirt, striped and button-down, fit him snugly "the way Gabe likes," Andrew thought, and his nipples pointed up.

"Dario." He thought. "DARIUS. Is that..." He saw Brent hugging the man and he heard him say "well, trying to avoid you, big guy. I mean, last thing I needed was you after my ass." Brent laughed. "Hey, I know that's off limits. It's been off limits for a while. Hey, I'm sorry, I didn't introduce you to someone important. Darius, this is Andrew. Gabe's new boy." Andrew blushed deep red. Gabe had told him that Darius had been a rugby player, and it showed. He was about as different physically from Andrew as you could be. He smiled as he offered his hand.

"Hey there. Darius."

"Nice to meet you. I'm Andrew."

"So, Andrew. You're the guy who's keeping the best Top in NYC happy?" Andrew didn't think he could blush anymore. He was wrong.

"Uh, I'm trying to." Darius laughed. "It's not too hard. Just do everything he wants. And don't let him catch you checking any other guy out."

"Good advice" they all heard Gabe's voice. Andrew saw the big smile on Gabe's face, and he couldn't tell if he imagined a bulge in Gabe's shorts, or if it was really there. "What in the name of God brings you here?"

"Oh, I knew enough not to bother you at work, Sir." When he heard the "Sir," Andrew winced. That was HIS word for Gabe. "I just figured I'd work out until you came in." He looked at his watch. "You haven't changed your routine one bit."

"Not one bit. Except..." He signaled for andrew to come over. "I got someone keeping me occupied these days. You already met andy?"

"I did. I was congratulating him on landing you." Gabe felt andrew tensing up, and he rubbed his neck. "Well, it wasn't quite like that, Darius. You know how I operate."

"I sure do. I shouldn't have presumed." Just then, andrew's next client came in.

"I need to go. Nice to meet you, Darius." He looked at Charlie, one of his favorite clients. "Charlie let's head over to the studio. It's crowded out here, and we'll have room to spread out.

"Spread out. One of Gabe's favorite phrases," Darius laughed as Charlie and Andrew walked off.

After he finished with his client, Andrew headed back to the locker room to get changed and get to class. He looked at the black shirt and the high-quality jeans hanging in his locker. Gabe had bought them for him. "I don't care if it's just school. MY partner dresses appropriately." Andrew had to admit that he liked being "the best dressed in school" as one classmate had called him. He didn't wear the chain Gabe had given him on the gym floor, but he put it on now, and just as he slammed the locker door shut, he thought he heard strange noises -- and Gabe's voice. He followed the sounds as they got louder. He saw them: Darius was up against a wall, in the corner. Gabe's knee was pressed into his crotch, and it looked like he was nibbling Darius' ear. He thought he heard "come by tonight. For old times sake."

Andrew held onto his school backpack. He had to get out. And he didn't know what to do. He decided to cut class. He'd wait at home for them. Surprise them.

Gabe wasn't surprised. "Don't you have class, andy?"

"Teacher cancelled" Andrew answered. Gabe knew right away he was lying.

"Well, that's great. This is gonna be more fun than I thought." He looked at Darius. "You know what to do." Darius whispered, "Yes sir," and went off to the bedroom. Gabe turned to Andrew. "You may be very lucky I'm not turning this into a three way, but you ARE participating. Get the bondage chair. And the gag. And the hitachi. NOW. Andrew looked at Gabe. "FUCK YOU."

Another wrong decision. Gabe advanced on Andrew. "BOY, you do what you're told." The combination of Gabe's sheer strength, and his knowledge of Andrew's pressure points had Andrew subdued in minutes. "Now, you're gonna behave, one way or the other andy. "NOT SO HARD," andrew yelled as Gabe pulled his arms behind him. "OUCH. That hurts."

"If you don't start minding your manners, it's gonna hurt more. Gabe tightened the bonds on Andrew's wrists. "You're gonna watch. You're gonna watch every bit of this.'re gonna be even more on edge than you might imagine. Open up." When Andrew didn't open his mouth, Gabe smacked his cock. It was locked up again, and the pain was enough to make andrew scream. The penis gag went in. Now, andrew was tied to a chair, which Gabe brought into the bedroom. Darius got up from the prone position he was in. "Hey, I didn't mean to..."

"SHUT UP AND LAY DOWN, BOTTOM." All three men got a bit harder at that moment. "Yes, Sir" Darius answered. "You may be a TOP now, darius. But when a Top DOM is in the room, you BOTTOM. Understand that?" Andrew saw Gabe attach the restraints to Darius that he had been using on him for the last two months. "Nice and secure. Should I tickle you too, stud?"

"NOOOOOOOOOOOOOO. Not that. Please no, Sir."

"If andy boy hadn't misbehaved, I'd have him tickle you. But I have something special for my new boy. I haven't used the hitachi when you're caged, andy. First time for everything." The hitachi had two Velcro strips attached to it, and Gabe wound them around andrew's thigh, positioning the head right at andrew's balls. "Real low. I want you suffering tonight." He turned back to Darius. "And now, I'm gonna fuck you the way I fuck that pretty boy. And you're gonna LOVE IT." Andrew squirmed. He wanted to get loose and join in. He had read about three ways, but this is the closest he'd ever come (he didn't know about the plans Gabe had for him and Colin). Squirming intensified the feeling of the hitachi, and it was driving him crazy. He didn't know that his moans were also inspiring Gabe. Andrew's moans, and Darius moaning about "he remembered how good it was." "YOU BRING OUT THE BEAST IN ME DAR!" Gabe yelled, and Andrew saw the familiar pumping action as Gabe emptied his load into an ass. "I don't want you cumming in front of andy boy. Let's finish up and then get out of here."

"Yes Sir. Thank you, Sir. See you next time when I'm in town?" Gabe smiled. "If you don't, I'll come looking for you." Darius smiled. "That sounds like fun." He looked at andrew: "don't be mad at me, Andrew. You know how good he is."

After Darius was gone, and Gabe had untied andrew, he called for andrew to sit next to him on the sofa.

"I have studying to do. SIR." Andrew answered petulantly "You didn't go to class. SIT DOWN. I think there's something about this relationship you don't understand." Andrew sighed. "Alright, SIR." He sat at the opposite end of the sofa and Gabe pointed to the seat next to him. "Right here, right now." He used a tone that brought out andrew's submissive side. "Yes, sir," he whispered. When he sat down, Gabe put his arm around his shoulders, and tossed his leg over andrew's.

"You need to understand this, andy boy. You're the sub, I'm the DOM. I get to do what I just did. I don't need your permission."

"And me, Sir?"

"With permission. Maybe. " He sighed. "I guess I should have discussed this with you before we started. Or I should have asked Colin to discuss it with you. But that's how it works. It won't happen often, but it will happen. Now, with that in mind, I'd hate to release you from your vow of submission, but if you want out, no hard feelings. "

"I think I understand, Sir. No. No hard feelings. I want to stay. Please. I misbehaved. I'm sorry about that. I forgot my role." Gabe gave him a look. "I have appropriate punishment in mind, but for now, are we good?"

"Yes, Sir," Andrew answered. "Good. Open my shirt. Get your tongue in there. And when you've done a good job, it's time for a little pubic shave."

Next: Chapter 9

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