Training the Trainer - Installment

By moc.loa@potgnipor

Published on Nov 8, 2023


As he sat on the stoop of what was now his old apartment building, andy kept on looking up the street for a car that looked like it held Dr. Gabe. The changes that had happened all had occurred so quickly, and he was trying to sort them all out. What was next? Were things going to work out with Gabe? He had no idea.

He didn't see a car, but then he saw a tall, well-built man turn the corner and start coming up the street. The man wore a jacket and had his hands thrust in his pockets. Andy couldn't keep his eyes off him, and he was ashamed. "I should only be thinking about Gabe but...that guy." He felt his balls restricted by what Dr. Gabe had told him were his "submission training wheels": the chastity cage. Gabe had explained to andy "you cum when I say you can. That's how it works. Maybe once every 3 days, maybe once every 4 days, if I catch you misbehaving, longer." Andrew had gulped at that. To be sure, he didn't masturbate all that often, but the thought of not being able to do so was making him hard. His thoughts turn back to the man walking up the street.

"He's hot," he thought, and as the man got closer, he blushed. "Oh, shit! It's Gabe." It was. Gabe had surprised him by walking up the street rather than taking a car. Now he stood there, smiling at andy. "Ready to go, andy-boy?" Andrew found his throat had gone dry.

"Uh, uh, yes sir. Yes. Sorry, I'm..." Gabe laughed. "I surprised you, didn't I?"

"Yes, Sir. I, I, I was looking up the street and I saw this really handsome guy and..." He blushed. Andrew knew if he kept on speaking, he'd say the wrong thing. The next statement that was going to come out of his mouth was going to be "I thought he was as good looking as you," but he caught it in time.

"Let's go, pretty boy. Got a big day in front of you, and a whole lot to begin to get used to." Gabe put out his hands to pull andy off the steps. As he did, he slid one of andy's hands onto his crotch. They were on a public street, and andy blushed. Gabe just continued to smile and whispered "I'm eager for you to come over, as you can tell. Let's go. The car is around the corner. I wanted to surprise you."

"Welcome back, Dr. Gabe. Nice to see you again, Mr. Andrew." Ramon, the concierge greeted them. "Thank you, Ramon," Gabe answered. "Has everything arrived?"

"Oh, yes Doc. All the boxes are up in the apartment just as you said." "Good, Ramon." He reached into his pocket and andy saw him take out a small roll of bills and hand them to Ramon. "Please make sure that everyone gets his share. Do you have andy's key?"

"Yes sir. Mr. Andrew, here we go." He handed a shiny key that looked gold to andy. "I do need you to give me a finger impression, Andrew. Procedure here to make sure no one gets in who doesn't belong." He held an inked pad out in front of Andrew who was shaking a little bit. He gave the imprint, Ramon gave him a cloth to clean the ink off his fingers, and then he and Gabe headed to the elevator. As they did, Gabe put his hand on andy's ass.

"Every have sex in an elevator, andy boy?" He grinned as they started heading up to the apartment. "Uh, no Sir." Gabe laughed. "It's not all it's cracked up to be, trust me on that. I've had sex in a lot of places and elevators are one of my least favorite." Then he pressed andy into a corner of the elevator and kissed him. "But kissing? Kissing your new boy? That's a different story. MMMM. Those lips of yours. Definitely one of my favorite features." The elevator stopped in the apartment. Andy looked around and didn't see any of his possessions. "They're all put out of the way, andy. There'll be plenty of time this weekend for you to get things together. But now...remember how I showed you that I was eager to get you back here?" Andy blushed and smiled. "Yes, Sir, I do."

"Well, I think we need to do something about that. Take off your jacket." Andy had on a thin windbreaker over his long sleeve shirt. As he took it off, Gabe parked himself in a chair. "Let me look at you for a minute." "Yes, Sir," andy answered, clasping his hands behind his back the way he knew Gabe liked. He saw Gabe smile. "So, andy boy, your Top man is sitting here, fully dressed. You want him to fuck you, don't you?" Andy gulped again. "Yes, Sir."

"Well, I can't fuck you unless I'm naked. Start undressing me. Use your imagination. Do the best job you can." Andy had to think for a few minutes. This was something new. He assumed that they'd get to the apartment, Gabe would toss him on the bed, maybe tie him down, and fuck him. This command came out of the blue. And Gabe was sitting. Did he dare tell Gabe to stand up, or...

Andy had an idea. He kneeled down on the floor and then he took one of Gabe's legs in his two hands. Gabe wore loafers, so it was easy to get them off. Andy took off one, then the other. Each time, he took one of the shoes up to his face and smelled it deeply. After the second one he whispered, "Master Gabe's scent." Then he took one of Gabe's feet and slowly began pulling off his shear gray sock. Gabe didn't resist. He was very surprised: this boy was more imaginative than he thought. After he got both socks off, he surprised Gabe by taking one of his feet into his mouth, sucking one, then two, then three toes on each foot. He whispered, "I'm sorry that's all my mouth can handle, Sir." >From Gabe's face, Andy assumed he was liking it. Then he realized there was very little else he could do without asking Gabe to stand. There was, however, one thing he COULD do. "May I, Sir?" Andy put his hand on Gabe's zipper, and he felt Gabe s

"Not yet, you creative, flirty boy. " Gabe stood up. "Get my jacket off me. Then, unbutton my shirt. SLOWLY." Andy took another deep breath. He stepped behind Gabe and slid his fingers under the shoulders of his jacket and slipped it off.

"For today, you can put it on the back of the chair. But going forward, you'll hang it carefully, at the back of my jackets so I don't wear the same one two days in a row. That's one of your new responsibilities andy boy."

"Yes Sir" was andy's response before he moved in front of Gabe. He saw the leer on Gabe's face: the one he always had before he fucked andy. Gabe was licking his lips and it scared andy a little. His fingers were shaking when he put his hands on the top button of Gabe's shirt. He felt Gabe's strong hands encircle his wrists.

"Am I doing something wrong, Sir?"

"You're tall enough to do that from a kneeling position." "I understand, Sir." Andy got on his knees and reached up. He looked at Gabe. "Next time ask permission, andy."

"I'm sorry, Sir. There's so much to learn and..." He felt Gabe's hand under his chin. "Don't overthink it andy boy. You're a born sub. Do what you think feels right. You'll almost always be correct and if you aren't, well, that's where discipline comes in. Now, I don't like my slacks to get stained with pre-cum, and do you see what's happening because you're making me wait?" There was a large wet spot at Gabe's crotch. "SIR, I'm sorry. Should I..." Gabe interrupted him. "Faster andy boy. I wanna play with my nips while you're sucking me. Get my shirt opened."

"Yes, Sir. Yes." Andy moved as fast as he could. He moved to Gabe's belt and opened that. Then he slowly opened Gabe's zipper.

"Colin's gonna teach you how to do that with your mouth, boy. This is ok for now." Gabe's cock shot out. "Well, what are you waiting for?" Andy moved forward to get his lips around Gabe's dick, and Gabe moved backward. "ASK, boy. You don't satisfy yourself unless the Master gives his approval." Again, andy realized how little he knew. He was going to have to ask colin a LOT of questions. "Please, Sir. Master Gabe. May I suck your cock? I want it badly and I promise, I'll make it worth your while."

Gabe liked the comment "I'll make it worth your while." It was a little slutty, but also servile. "Take it boy. Enjoy it. Savor it." Andy slipped his tongue around Gabe's penis, and he WAS savoring it. So was Gabe. "If he's never sucked a cock before mine, this kid is a natural," he was thinking. He didn't want to give away how much he was enjoying the cock sucking, but andy was doing a great job.

"When you're done, sub boy, you're gonna have to tell me how you learned to do this. FUCK. It's one of the best blowjobs I've ever had." He couldn't see the slight smile that moved across andy's lips. Jewel had given him a video, and a book, and in his typical nerdish way, he had studied them, looked up any notes, and watched as many videos as he could. He took notes. When he had sucked Gabe before, he had paid attention to what he liked: like making a gagging sound when Gabe pushed andy's head forward, all the way to his balls.

"OH YEAH. My gym boy is a real cock slut, isn't he? Aren't you andy?" Before andy could shake his head, Gabe growled "AREN'T YOU JUST A FUCKING COCKSUCKER WHO LOVES THE TASTE OF CUM?" He let out a yell, and the jizz started flowing down andy's throat. Gabe continued to pulse. He teased andy by pulling back, making his sucker struggle to get everything.

"Hope you're hungry, andy boy, cause I just gave you a REAL protein shake, and we have dinner with Sir Max and colin. Andy's lips were still around Gabe's cock. Gabe took a handful of andy's short hair and pulled him back. "Now, YOU'RE getting undressed. Maybe I'll let you cum, and maybe not. But you're gonna get a lesson in how a man undresses another man." He pulled andy to his feet. "Or, how a DOM undresses his sub." He started with andy's shirt, taking his time with each button, and each time he opened one, he moved his lips down and licked or nippled andy's nipples, or his chest. Before he started, he ordered andy to get his hands behind his back and to push his chest out. "ALWAYS. This is your rest position from now on, boy."

When he finished unbuttoning andy's shirt, Gabe walked behind him, and unbuttoned the cuffs. He slipped andy's shirt off and his hands began playing over his chest while his tongue dug into each of andy's ears. Andy began to moan.

"You like that, boy, don't you?"

"MMMM. Yes Sir. Yes. OOOOOOOOOOOOOH." Andy was so focused on the sensation in his ears that he didn't realize Gabe had unbuckled his jeans, and now, his hand was on andy's balls, squeezing them, scratching them, and driving andy's cock crazy.

"I bet you wanna shoot boy. I bet you're pissed as hell that I locked you up." Andy gulped. "No, Sir. I want to but my cock is at your pleasure. I shoot when you want me too." Impressed, Gabe pulled andy's body back into his. Gabe's chest hair rubbed over andy's back and added another level of stimulation.

"You're a very intuitive sub, andy. Did you sub for anyone before me? Better tell me the truth."

"No, Sir." Then he confessed. "Sometimes, if I saw a TV show with heroes and villains, I'd want to be the hero so I could be captured and broken. Turned into a slave. Have a REAL man on top of me every night." He heard Gabe laugh. "You may get some of those fantasies satisfied andy. We just have to figure out what superhero you are. For now, though, get to the bedroom. Lean on the bed arched forward, legs spread." "YES SIR" was andy's immediate answer. He could hear the key to his cage in Gabe's hand. "I'm gonna let you blow tonight. You'll have to wait four days for the next release. Understand?"

"Yes, Sir," andy responded. "Thank you, Sir." He felt the lock open, and his cock shot out. Then...he felt Gabe's finger poking at his ass. "I don't think I've found your prostate yet, andy. It's on the list for tomorrow. And once I do, you're gonna learn all about the different ways a man can stimulate his boy via the prostate." For now, though, andy was getting more than enough stimulation from Gabe's finger running up and down the sides of his hole and poking in every now and then. One of Gabe's hands moved up and took andy's cock. He began to slide back and forth. "OH GOD, THANK YOU SIR. THANK YOU." He began to moan. "Sir the days away from you were so hard. I wanted you so bad. OOOOOOOOOOOOOOOH." Gabe whispered. "Are you my boy?" Andy replied through heaving breaths: "Yes Sir. I'm your boy. I'm your bottom. Your sub. OOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOH SIR." He began to shoot. Gabe laughed. "AH, the power of the orgasm of a young man. That's why we have to keep you sweet things locked up. Go clean yourself up. Got to get you dressed for dinner." Gabe picked out what he wanted andy to wear, and when he was dressed, Gabe came up to him with a collar. "Simple, black leather." He fastened it around andy's neck and opened the second button on andy's shirt. "Freebie this time, andy boy, but you wear two buttons opened, all the time now. If you don't, it gets punished. And this collar -- it's different from the one you'll see Colin wearing. That's because he and Sir Max have been together for a while. You're still `a probationary sub' so to speak. If you measure up, you'll get the same collar colin has. Andy had put his hands behind his back and pushed out his chest. "I'll do my best, Sir. I don't want to disappoint you." Then he felt Gabe open his pants zipper. He wasn't locked. "I must have forgotten, andy, but you need to remind me. Now THAT is an infraction I cannot let pass. You WILL get punished for that, and tonight." Andy answered. "Yes, Sir, I apologize, Sir," all the while wondering what his punishment could be."

Max and colin were already at the restaurant when Gabe and andy showed up. "Sorry we're late big guy. This one's on me. I got too excited because my boy moved in, and...." Max laughed. "Say no more, stud. When colin took his collar, I think I didn't leave the house for three days." He turned to colin: "You were sore for a while, weren't you?"

"Yes, Sir," colin answered. "Do I have permission to speak to andrew, Sir?"

"You do. And I'm sure you'll have some kind of chat later in the boys' room." Colin shook Andrew's hand. "Welcome. I'm so glad you chose to do this, Andrew. I promise you won't regret it. And I'm here to help you. It's what subs do." (Indeed, andy would learn a lot from colin. For example, only DOMS could call him andy, and other DOMS could only do so with Gabe's permission. "Andy" was GABE'S name for letting him know who was in charge).

The First thing andy learned that night, was that when they sat at a booth, as they were, subs always sat inside. "Too risky to let a sub get distracted or get away." Max explained. "And easier to make sure eyes don't wander." Andy's eyes weren't wandering: he was looking at colin's collar: metal links with a lock at the end of it. Colin noticed. "Sir gave this to me on our 6-month anniversary. " Max threw his arm around colin's shoulders. "And what else did I give you on our anniversary, baby cakes?" Colin looked down. "A nipple pierce. And a tattoo on my right thigh. It says "OWNED." Max growled. "Yeah, colly is still not thrilled about either of those, but when I pull that piercing, he kinda gets excited." He dropped his voice. "Especially when he's gagged." Colin began to redden. Gabe spoke. "Both Max and I are into humiliation, andy boy. Gets us hot. You'll see." Andy was thinking to himself: "A tattoo? A piercing?" He was getting nervous.

"Now here's another thing you'll have to get used to, boy." The server came over with two menus and gave them to Max and to Gabe. "Subs don't order their own food. Their DOMS do because..." He poked andy in his ribs. "Diet is very important. No one wants a boy who farts in bed or...." Max interrupted. "Remember what happened with Bob and dan?" They were laughing . "I don't know WHO was more embarrassed." Max slid his hand down to colin's right nipple and squeezed it. "Like that boy?" A small moan came out of colin. "OH GOD YES SIR."

"You'll never do something like that, will ya boy?" "No Sir" was the answer.

Andy learned a lot that he hadn't been able to pick up when colin suggested they go to the boys' room. That's when he saw this restaurant had a "men's room," and a "boys' room," which is where they went. Andy had to pee, very badly and with the cage...Colin smiled. "It happens to all of us, bud. You're my mate so I can touch your cock. I'll show you how it's done." He slipped over to Andy, and very delicately showed him the best way to not have an accident. "Takes a little practice, but soon you'll be a pro, like me."

Andy was full of questions. "Are there more rules, colin?" "Oh, yeah, mate. You're just getting the basic ones tonight. Each DOM has his own rules, but sometimes they coincide. Max and Gabe..." he saw Andy wince and laughed. "Rules are suspended in the boy's room, but make sure you put your head down and your wrists behind you when we go back. But I saw your face. It's probably almost certain Gabe is gonna pierce you. He likes piercing on boys. Tatttoos? Not so much. He's probably pissed that you're so smooth and he can't really shave you more often, so he may come up with something else to let you know you're a boy."

"Like what?" andy asked, and colin shrugged his shoulders. "Who knows." He thought for a minute. "One thing, mate. This is important. It's REAL important. Gabe has always been a jealous DOM and, well, since Darius left him, it's gotten really bad. DON'T let him catch you looking at another guy who's a DOM or looks like one -- especially if the guy resembles Gabe. You'll get punished for staring at women too, but not as badly. " He shook his head. "Gabe has some unusual ideas too. Notice what he's eating tonight?"

"He ordered shrimp."

"Yeah. He thinks shrimp replenishes his sperm cells faster than anything else. Means you might get fucked tonight, and if you don't you definitely will tomorrow before work. And... about work."

"What about it?"

"Well, Gabe isn't really keen on his boys working. He makes more than enough money to support you. And, well, with you being a trainer and all that -- get set for him to say you have to quit.

"QUIT? But what if I don't want to?" Colin grinned. "Matey, rule number one: for subs, what you want doesn't matter. If you want this life, you're gonna have to sublimate that." He paused. "Hey, look, we've been in here a while. I'm gonna ask Max if you and I can have lunch together again. I'll fill you in some more but by now, Gabe is probably thinking there's a third boy in here and we're doing a threesome.

That was nearly the first question Gabe asked andy when they got back home that night: after he had him strip, get on the bed, and he strapped down andy's wrists and ankles. He played with andy's navel, running circles around it with his finger, driving andy crazy.

"So, sub boy. Got anything to tell me?" Andy looked at Gabe. "Uh, that I want your cock again, Sir?"

"Oh, you didn't get enough in the boys' room?"

"Sir, I didn't get ANY in the bathroom. I didn't look for it, and I didn't want it. I want YOUR cock." Gabe smiled. "I'm choosing to believe you, but just understand: I could tickle you for a good half hour or more to get the truth out of you if I think you're lying."

"I know, Sir. I'm not lying." Gabe straddled andy and played with his nipples. Then he stretched out and started nibbling on andy's lower lip. "You are just the cutest little stud I've ever seen. And you were noticed. By a LOT of people. You may see a lot of clients sign up in the near future." Andy pulled himself up just a bit. "What do you want me to do about that, Sir?" Gabe sighed. "Not too sure yet. I think that anyone who was there tonight and understands what the collar means will keep it on the professional level. BUT..." He lay down next to andy and licked his earlobe. "If anyone seems to be coming on to you, even if you suspect they are, I want to know. And if you don't tell me, Brent will tell me." Andy felt pissed off. "BRENT WON'T HAVE ANYTHING TO TELL, SIR." He pulled against the restraints until Gabe grabbed his balls and squeezed. "That's the spirit, stud muffin. These guys... they all had a crack at you, and they didn't take it. But I did. And.... " he lowered his voice. "Now I've GOT you. You're mine." Andy looked at him. "Sir, I apologize for the request but, will you kiss me? Hard?"

"If he's faking, it's a good fake," Gabe thought, but he pressed his lips against andy's and slid his tongue inside andy's mouth. He played around for a while and then spoke. "I was really hoping the shrimp would kick in more than they have. They always make me horny, but just not horny enough tonight. Tomorrow, scooter, before you go to work." He laughed. "You may not be in the mood to do any squats."

Next: Chapter 8

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