Training the Trainer - Installment

By moc.loa@potgnipor

Published on Oct 1, 2023


It was Wednesday morning, and Andrew was getting ready to go over to Gabe's after work. He and Colin had had lunch together on Monday, and then he sat with Jewel on Tuesday. Lots was going through his head.

Colin had told him some of the details of his relationship with Max: how they had gotten together, how things had developed, and when Colin had finally accepted his role as Max's sub. He laughed when Andrew asked about his punishment: the punishment he was getting for not finishing up his work at home. "Oh, it wasn't too bad. Max..." and he lowered his voice in the restaurant "Don't let anyone know I didn't call him Sir' or Master Max.' That'll mean more severe punishment. But anyway, because I was talking to you, and I told him I was trying to help bring you and Gabe together, he only made me wear my cage one extra day, and he tickled me for fifteen minutes extra." Colin blushed when he finished saying that. "I'm not sure if Max knows how much I LIKE it when he tickles me, so if that's punishment, I'll take it." He had a big grin. "The cage? Well, I guess I deserved it."

"The cage?" Andrew asked. "Does he lock you up?" Colin laughed again. "He locks up PART of me. My cock. See, I try to keep it under control, but I'm a really horny guy, especially after the gym. I know better than to fool around with anyone, but I think about it, and jerk. In the minds of most of these DOMs, that's a no-no and, well, Max has caught me a couple of times. That's when he started caging me two or three days a week. So this week it'll be four."

"So THAT'S what he meant when he said he could keep me from masturbating," Andrew thought. "Is it painful?" he asked tentatively.

"Nah. It's just uncomfortable. Sometimes Max has me kneel with my hands behind my back for an hour, or two hours, before he fucks my face. That's much more painful than a day of caging." Andrew was quiet for a minute.

"Gabe wants me to be his sub. Like you and Max."

"DUH!" answered Colin. "You must be the only person who didn't notice that." He saw Andrew begin to look angry, and he squeezed his new friend's hand. "Listen, mate. Everyone starts at ground zero. I had no idea what this whole Dom/sub thing was until Max started calling me "bitch," or "slave", and smacked me when I didn't call him Sir. And I really didn't think I wanted it."

"So you want it now?" Andrew asked, and Colin hesitated. "Yeah. I guess I do. I mean, I screwed chicks before I met Max, and I enjoyed it but, well, I like this better. There are parts of it I REALLY like and, you know, it's hard to explain, but I think these DOMS have a really good way of finding the sub streak in guys. " He smiled at Andrew. "You come across as passive, Andy, but not submissive."

"I'm not," Andrew answered, and Colin laughed again.

"You mean you haven't called Gabe `Sir' yet?"

"Well, I have but, it's during play."

"Andy, mate, that's not play. You're being trained. Trust me, guy, he's finding out if he's right. And let me tell you, Gabe always is."

"How do you mean?" Andrew asked.

"Have you seen his album?" Andrew nodded. "Did any of those guys look like they were submissive? And by the way, Andrew, don't think for a minute that submissive means weak physically, or weak mentally."

Andrew thought for a minute. He recalled the photos of Darius, Tok, and Steve. They all looked pretty masculine and not like his thought of a wimpy submissive guy. Colin went on. "Gabe likes guys that are a challenge. He likes you. He'd been talking about you for about a month before he took you out." Andrew had on his glasses and his eyebrows arched over them.

"REALLY?" Colin shook his head. "Yeah, he wasn't sure what to do because you're smaller than all the other guys he's dominated. He was looking for a challenge. When Darius left, he was totally devastated and, well, if you remember Darius' picture, you're about as far from him as can be." Max told me he asked his trainer tons of questions, and caught a few looks at you when you were changing before he..."

"Before he asked me out." Colin laughed again.

"Andy, I'd bet he didn't ask you so much as tell you that you were going out with him. Gabe doesn't really ask for what he wants. He just goes and gets it." Andrew was beginning to feel very warm, and he was getting horny himself. Gabe was a very attractive man, and he controlled Andrew so easily. Andrew wasn't used to that: he had gone into training largely so that HE could be the one who was in charge but now, he found himself really liking it. He tried to change the subject.

"Does Gabe ever wear any other colors but white and gray?" Colin smiled. "Well, you noticed that. Easy answer: NO. Crisp white shirts, business and pleasure, grey T-shirts, white T-shirts, grey gym shorts. He has said that it's a lot easier to see if his sub did a bad job with laundry with those colors."

"His sub does his laundry?" Colin shook his head no. "Not really. The household staff does it but, I do have to tell you mate, if a DOM tells you to do his laundry, you do it." Now, Andrew laughed. "I'm not very domestic I guess."

"You'll learn," Colin took a sip of coffee. "Can I ask you, Colin: why did Gabe and Darius break up?" Colin took a deep breath. "Well, let me start with how they met. Gabe is a big contributor to the gay rugby league. And there was a party for the donors. That's where he met Darius. Good player. VERY good player, going to business school, and having a really hard time paying for it. Gabe fell for him hard. And he made a deal with Darius.

"AH. That was the contract I heard about."

"The very same. Now, we all learned through the grapevine that before Gabe, Darius had been a top, and he had a regular bottom back home, who didn't come to the city." Colin paused. "But then he did. About a year and a half into the contract. Gabe was pretty certain that it wouldn't matter: that Darius would stay. I have to say, it surprised all of us that he fooled Gabe. Gabe was really good about letting him go but, well, he went into a funk for a while. Max told me though that he came back from the gym one day and said, `I think I found my new boy." Andrew blushed. "Me?"

"The one and only. At first, he called you Asian Andy, but Max told him that was probably not a good thing to say around you." Andrew laughed. "Well, he's right about that."

"Then he gave you a nickname. Since your glasses reminded him of Clark Kent, and because he saw how you flew around the machines at the gym, he started calling you superboy." Colin grinned. "Don't be surprised if at Halloween, you two go out as Lex Luthor and superboy."

When Colin said that Andrew wanted to reach down and squeeze his own cock. It sounded hot to him.

"So, are you at all interested in continuing with Gabe, even if it means becoming his sub?"

"I don't know. I like a lot of the relationship."

"What don't you like?" Colin asked and Andrew answered, "I don't know what I'm getting into." Now Colin squeezed his hand.

"Listen, mate. You won't find a better man than Gabe. He's a very strict, very demanding Master, but he takes care of his boy better than anyone. And if you come into this little community, well, I'm here to help, and you'll meet a whole bunch of other people. Subs with different perspectives." Andrew looked down at his coffee for a minute. He didn't look up. "How do I let Gabe know I'm interested. Should I just tell him?" Colin shook his head. "Know what? It'd be better if you showed it."

"How do I do that?" Colin sat back and locked his hands behind his head. "Well, I remember one time Gabe said `I bet that boy looks ridiculously edible in lavender. So, maybe a shirt that color when you go over to see him?" Colin looked down at his phone. "Excuse me." He picked up the phone. "Afternoon, Sir. Is all ok?" He was quiet for a few minutes, and then he said "Yes, Sir, I understand. Two coming over for drinks. Snappy dress. And my formal collar. Yes, Sir. I'll make sure the house is immaculate." There was a pause. "I DID polish the hand cuffs Sir." He smiled. "Ok, Sir. The seven-inch dildo too. Absolutely." He got off his phone. "I'm going to need to go, mate." He put down money on the lunch table. "You get the next one. I hope you and Gabe hit it off. I like both of you." Andrew watched as Colin left. His jeans were tight, and his white shirt clung to his body. He felt another twinge. He got up, locked himself in a stall in the bathroom and masturbated hard. Then he called Jewel to ask her if she'd help him pick out a lavender shirt and some new pants.

"Andrew, do NOT fuck this up." Jewel had said that to Andrew after they had finished shopping and had gotten a bite to eat. He repeated that to himself as he walked the last few blocks to Gabe's building. Her voice, and his own, repeated in his head, over and over. He was trying: lavender shirt, tight black jeans, penny loafers, tortoise frame glasses, neat hair. "I think I'd fuck me," he laughed as he had gotten dressed that night. He walked in. He recognized the doorman.

"Hi Ramon. I think Dr. Gabe is expecting me." Ramon smiled. "He is, Mr. Andrew, but he's running late. He told me that you could go up and wait for him. I have an extra key to let you in." "Oh. Okay." Andrew was surprised. Gabe hadn't texted or called so, it must have been last minute. It was. When he got into the apartment, he looked at his phone.

"Andy boy, last minute emergency with a screaming four-year-old with an earache. Make yourself at home. How about letting me know you're there?" Andrew began pecking on his phone. "Hi Gabe. I'm here." Then he took a selfie to show his outfit. He got back an answer right away. "GRRRRRR. Sir is leaving the office right now. I like my boy to have two buttons opened on his shirt. Keep that in mind. I also prefer to be called SIR." Andrew gulped. He didn't know about the button thing, but he should have known better about calling Gabe Sir. That probably meant some kind of punishment. He grinned. He wondered what it would be. He went to the kitchen and poured a glass of wine. Then, he thought a minute and texted Gabe again. "Sorry, Sir. I'm negligent. I didn't ask if you'd like a drink when you get home. I'm not really good at cocktails but I'm good at following directions." When Gabe got that message, he laughed. He got the pun right away. "We'll see about that, boy. A glass of the red on the right side of the counter will be fine. Ten minutes away. Keep your hands off you know what." Andrew smiled when he saw that. He was already anticipating feeling Gabe on top of him, and it wouldn't be long.

Andrew didn't hear Gabe come in, so he was startled when he felt the strong arm encircle his middle. "GRRRRRRRR". Gabe growled into his ear. "I gotcha, boy. Not gonna get away from the great white hunter." Andrew began to giggle. "You surprised me, Sir."

"Well, I have a couple of surprises for you, but they'll wait." His hand went to Andrew's ass. "This feels very ripe. Ready for some splitting." Andrew felt Gabe release his hold, but then take his arms at the elbow and pinned them behind his back. He felt Gabe's free hand probing at his rib cage. He felt Gabe's knuckle press into the pressure point as his tongue lapped at Andrew's ear.

"I want you on your back, boy. NOW." Andrew was breathing hard as he whispered "Yes, Sir. Anything you say." Gabe released him and Andrew got into position. He looked up at Gabe, who slipped out of his jacket and then, grinning, dove on top of Andrew. Gabe held Andrew's wrists to the sides, pinning them tightly. Andrew hadn't gotten used to how strong Gabe was, and how he anticipated every move that Andrew made. He felt Gabe's chin at his neck, and he scrunched his head to his shoulder. He heard Gabe chuckle.

"Gimme what I want, boy, or..." Andrew felt Gabe's knee pressing on his crotch. He yelped. "Sir, I AM giving you what you want." Gabe laughed at that. "You're right, boy. " He rubbed the scruff he always seemed to have over Andrew's earlobe. "Ok. You win, Sir." Gabe relaxed his muscles and Gabe began rubbing scruff against his neck. "I ALWAYS win, boy. I hope Colin told you that." Andrew felt Gabe release one of his wrists and then began opening his shirt with his free hand.

"You paid attention. Good. But this one is too baggy. I have one for you. It'll be more to my liking. But now..." He began pinching Andrew's nipples, and a jolt went right to Andrew's ass.

"You want me to work faster, don't ya boy?" "Sir, I do, but I want you to do what you want more."

"Hmmm. Looks like I made a good decision. I'll tell you what it is at dinner. But for now..." He opened the button on Andrew's jeans and began sliding them down his legs. He smiled when he saw the white thong. He slipped off the loafers.

"Preppy boy, too." He slipped off Andrew's jeans. "You know, I haven't played with your feet at all. And I know you're ticklish. When I get those feet, ha ha. You'll REALLY know what torture is. Now, though." He stood back to shuck his own clothes. Andrew licked his lips in anticipation. "You're so handsome, Sir." Gabe said nothing, but just slipped out of his briefs. His cock jumped out, rigid.

"I want it, Sir. Please. Can I have it? Fill me. Fuck me."

"Greedy bitch tonight, aren't you? But ask, and you'll receive." Andrew felt Gabe penetrate him. "OHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHH. OH GOD I wanted this." He felt Gabe sliding back and forth.

"You like that, boy?" "Yes, Sir. I more than like it." Gabe slid his cock in further, and as he got in deeper, Andrew began moaning, more and more. Gabe stopped. He held his cock motionless inside Andrew. He just stared at him, then began sliding in slowly. "You're hard, boy. You been keeping your hands off that toy?"

"Yes, Sir. I didn't have permission so..."

"You want it though, don't you?"

"MMMMMMMMMMM. Yes, Sir. I want it. I need it." Gabe finished pushing his cock inside Andrew's butt, and then he held it still again. "Don't think I forgot about your error this afternoon." Andrew smiled. "You'll need to punish me, Sir. Colin told me a little bit about how Sir Max punishes him."

"Well, I have my own ways of keeping my boy in line. But not letting them jizz off, is not one of them." He rammed his cock into Andrew, and it hurt a bit. Andrew bit his lip to keep from crying out for Gabe to stop.

"I like seeing my boys cum. It lets me know I'm keeping them satisfied." Gabe began sliding faster and faster. "You ever imagine this, boy? Ever think a man would just take you?"

Andrew looked at Gabe. "No, Sir. I had no idea. None." He didn't continue because Gabe gave out a yell and Andrew felt Gabe's cock explode inside of him. "DAMN YOU HAVE A HOT ASS BOY!" Gabe spasmed about 8 times, and then he kissed Andrew. He pushed the young man's mouth open so he could slide his tongue in. Andrew wanted to wrap his arms around Gabe but didn't because he hadn't asked if he could and now, with Gabe's tongue down his throat, he couldn't.

"I wanna jerk you off, boy. I wanna milk you. Nice and slow. Bring you to the edge and then keep you there." Gabe reached for the wrist cuffs and chained Andrew down. "Now I can use both hands to keep you nice and... stimulated." Gabe got off of the bed and stood at the foot of it. He put one of his big hands around Andrew's shaft and began a very slow pumping motion, back and forth along its length. Andrew was primed, pumped, or whatever word you wish to use to describe someone on the edge already. He couldn't control his hips from bucking and Gabe took his hand off the cock. Andrew gave him a look of surprise. Gabe gave him a broad grin. "Not yet, boy. I'm not CLOSE to finished with you." He then moved one hand to a nipple and the other one back to Andrew's dick. His fingers circled the nip slowly, and the combination of the stroking and the tit play was making Andrew moan constantly. He felt like he would climax at any minute. Then Gabe stopped again. Andrew's hips kept pumping and he whimpered.

"Are you my boy, andy?" Andrew had to struggle to get the words out: "Yes, Sir." Gabe moved a hand back to Andrew's cock, but his finger slid underneath, to the space between Andrew's balls and hole. "OH FUCK. OH FUCK!" Andrew's hips bucked faster. Gabe was exploiting another pressure point, and he had his boy right at the point where just a little more stimulation would send him over the edge. He got it when Gabe growled: "I wanna fuck that ass every single day." Gabe didn't change the amount of pressure, but the thought of being filled with cock every day flooded Andrew's head and then... He screamed, and Gabe grabbed his cock and squeezed, then released it, then squeezed again.

"Good boy. Good boy. Cum for your top man. Let me see your boy jizz." Andrew wanted to say something like "Thank you, Sir," but the words were garbled. He just kept on shooting. He had never had an orgasm like this when he was masturbating. He finished and then licked Gabe's fingers greedily after he had dipped them in Andrew's jizz and brought it to his mouth. "An appetizer before dinner, boy. We're going out tonight so, you need to clean up and get ready." He paused. "You can keep the pants but there's a lavender shirt in the closet. Part of the stash I got you. Wear that one."

It didn't surprise Andrew that the shirt was significantly tighter than the one he had been wearing. As he finished up dressing, he felt Gabe behind him. "Look at how handsome my boy is. Those sweet boy muscles showing through the sleeves, your boy chest, hairless and best of all that sweet, sweet little butt of yours." His hands were all over Andrew's body, and Andrew was afraid he'd get roused again and cum unexpectedly. He stopped worrying when Gabe pulled him into a bear hug. He spoke into Andrew's ear. "There are two gifts in the living room. Go and take a look at them. One of them is for tonight. I want you to wear it." Andrew did as Gabe told him, and Gabe followed behind. One item was a large box. When Andrew opened it, he found a leather jacket. Just the smell was intoxicating. "Sir, I'm embarrassed. I can't say anything but thank you."

"That's all you need to say. Try it on." When he did, Gabe instructed him to look in the mirror. "My studly boy just got more studly," Gabe laughed. When Andrew looked, he agreed with Gabe, but didn't say anything. "I wonder what it feels like next to skin," he thought to himself. He took it off to open the second gift. It was a book: the title was "How to be a Better Sub." He leafed through it, looking at some of the photos. "Colin is going to help you with it, but you need to start studying it because, well, we'll talk about it at dinner."

They went to a place not far from Gabe's apartment. It was casual, but somewhat elegant. Andrew noticed other guys, and women, checking him out when they went to the table. He thought he heard someone say, "hot daddy and hot boy," and he blushed. "Yes, I heard it too,

andy. Get used to it."

"I'm not sure I will, Sir." Gabe laughed. "I KNEW you had the good sub attitude." It was during dinner that Gabe looked at Andrew. "I didn't think I'd want this as quickly as I do, but I want you moving in with me." Andrew gulped. He reached for his water glass, and he saw that his hand was shaking. He had wanted this after the first night he spent at Gabe's place, and he still did. But he was also afraid. All of this was so new to him. Gabe saw the hesitation.

"You'll live as my sub. But things will be more intense. I realize that you haven't done this before, and that's a good thing actually: I can mold you the way I want you. Colin knows a lot about that, and he'll help. So will the other subs. He'll start introducing you." He shrugged his shoulders. "They know I'm seeing someone and they're jealous -- at least some of them are -- but they'll get over it."

"Sir, I don't know what to say."

"Sure you do. You should say `yes, Sir. Thank you. When do you want me to move in?" By the way, the answer to that is this weekend."

"That's pretty quick, Sir."

"It is. But I know what I want." Andrew looked down. Gabe continued. "Andy, if you don't, then I think we're done. I've fallen for you hard, but I have my ways and one of them is, I'm used to getting what I want. If you don't want to answer tonight, I WILL want an answer by tomorrow night, so we can get things moving, or we can move on."

THAT surprised Andrew, but then he remembered what Colin had told him about Gabe getting what he wanted. "Let's finish our dinner, andy, then go back. Sleep on it. Think about it tomorrow. What's the name of that friend of yours? Jewel? Ask her."

There were more comments as they left, and Gabe smiled at some of the folks as if to let them know: "I've got something you want." Andrew saw the wolfish look on Gabe's face. He saw it again when they got into bed. He curled up against Gabe's hairy chest and felt Gabe's arm encircle him. He smiled as he began to pick up the aroma from Gabe's pits. "I could get used to this," he thought to himself. He was surprised when Gabe responded "So could I."

And then, three days later, Andrew was sitting on the steps outside his apartment building. He was waiting for Gabe to come by and pick him up. His stuff was packed, and a van was coming by to bring it to Gabe's apartment. "I have no idea what I'm doing," he thought. "Other than, well..." He had looked through the book Gabe gave him. Every time he looked at one of the examples of proper posture when tied up, he got excited.

Next: Chapter 7

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