Training the Trainer - Installment

By moc.loa@potgnipor

Published on Sep 9, 2023


When Andrew woke up the next morning, he was lying on Gabe's chest. Gabe's left arm had curled around his shoulders. Gabe was already awake, staring at Andrew, smiling.

"You're adorable when you sleep, Andy boy. Maybe even more adorable than when you're awake,'s a hard call." He laughed a little as he pressed his lips to Andrew. "Speaking of hard," he joked, moving one of Andrew's hands down to his cock. "How'd you sleep, babe?

Andrew responded honestly. "Much better than I thought I would. I thought I'd, well..."

"Have nightmares about the snake that slid inside of you?" Andrew blushed, and then he joked. "Well, it didn't really SLIDE into me, more like, uh, RAMMED into me." He tried to move his hand from Gabe's dick, but Gabe grabbed his wrist and held it there.

"Are you hurting?" He looked serious. "Do you have any pain?" Again, Andrew tried to joke. "Well, doctor, it doesn't feel like `PAIN', but more like I feel after a good workout." Gabe's lips curled into a smile. "You mean that?" Andrew realized he did. "Yeah, I do. I don't feel the way I thought I would." Then, mischievously, he slid his hand back and forth on Gabe's dick. Gabe responded by growling and rolling on top of Andrew. "You were great, baby cakes, but I think you need more practice." He began pushing Andrew's legs apart with his. Andrew reacted by pushing back on Gabe's hands, which pinned his wrists to the bed.

"But I need to get my run in, Gabe," he protested, pushing, and beginning to move Gabe's wrists up.

"You're a strong fucker. I didn't anticipate that." Andrew had pushed Gabe's wrists up a few inches, but now he couldn't go any further. When Gabe rubbed his knee against Andrew's balls, Andrew moaned and gave up. "I'm serious. I can usually keep my guys pinned down as long as I like with no trouble, but I can see you're gonna be feist. I guess I'll need my secret weapon." Andrew squirmed. He felt his own erection growing.

"What secret weapon? Don't you have enough ways to keep me under control?" Gabe laughed. "Way more than you know, but this...this is a good one." He stretched one arm to keep Andrew pinned and then moved his free hand down to the right side of Andrew's rib cage. Andrew felt two of Gabe's knuckles press a spot right below his lowest rib, right before all resistance melted out of his body.

"HOLY SHIT GABE. What did you do? OWWWWWWWWWW" Gabe was twisting his knuckles. "Just want to show you: I know how to get what I want, and I get it. " He laughed when he saw the look on Andrew's face. "Not used to this are ya, sweetie?"

"NO. None of it. Especially..." then he stopped. There were so many "especiallies."

"You know, andy, there was one time with one of my boys where he had to be persuaded to take my cock. Persuaded hard. And as punishment, I plugged up his ass afterward, so he was carrying my jizz for most of the day." Andrew's eyes widened. "You're just a beginner though, so I tell you what. I'll let you up for a run, I'll even go with you, BUT...when we get back, when I saw `I want you,' you let me have what I want." Andrew thought for a minute. Yes, he was sore -- just like after a workout as he said -- but his cock was still hard, and he felt like something was turning in him.

"Yeah, it's a deal, Gabe." Gabe smiled. "So, what if I told you now that I wanted to mark you: give you a love bite on your neck so everyone knows you're sleeping with someone?" Andrew began to squirm harder.

"NO. PLEASE NO. C'MON GABE. I HAVE CLIENTS. AND FRIENDS. AND FAMILY." He felt Gabe's scruff at the side of his neck. The rubbing was getting him even more aroused. "Ha, ha, andy. Told you. I get what I want." He pulled up from Andrew. "For now, I don't want to mark you. But if I do, I will. You understand me?"

"Yes, Sir," Andrew answered, and he felt his balls churn. Colin had said that to Max a few times when they were out, and he assumed he'd have to learn to say it if things moved forward with Gabe. He thought he'd feel strange. He didn't.

"I like the sound of that, andy boy. SIR. Now let's get ready for the run."

After the run and after his shower, Andrew saw the clothes that Gabe had laid out for him. He gulped when he saw the thong that Jewel had made him bring. There was also a pair of black jeans, and a blue oxford shirt, almost identical to the other one Gabe had given him.

"You want me to get dressed, Gabe?" he called into the bathroom where Gabe was cleaning up.

"Yeah. I wanna see how you look. And I always like to undress my boys. Just a thing with me. But when you're dressed, go look at yourself in the mirror. With and without your glasses."

Andrew had never paid too much attention to his appearance. He did play the game that all trainers play: he wore a uniform that was a size too small, but beyond that, he didn't think much of things. Now, though, wearing the high-quality clothes, feeling the fabric against his skin, he began to think "I AM good looking."

"You're a hottie, for sure, andy boy" he saw Gabe come into the frame of the mirror, shirtless, in tight jeans, and he felt Gabe take his biceps and begin to pull them behind his back. "Today, sweet boy, we're gonna do something that you're gonna have to get used to. It's one of my favorite things." He whispered into Andrew's ear: "I'm tying you up. And I'm gonna get you REALLY roused before I split those cheeks of yours again." As Andrew felt his wrists being pulled toward each other, he murmured "I had no idea you were so strong, Sir." He felt a rope going around one wrist, then the other.

"I'm strong, andy, but you bring out the animal in me." He tied Andrew's other wrist. "Now let's go. Don't think that calling me SIR out of the playroom gets you a pass. IF you can call me anything." Gabe took Andrew by the arm and growled. "DAMN your ass is so fucking hot. Why no one got there before me, I don't know."

He sat Andrew in a chair in the playroom and told him to separate his legs. "Yes Sir," Andrew replied. "LOOK AT THAT BULGE. I'm not the only person in this room who's excited." Gabe began to twist a large handkerchief between his hands. "Going into your mouth andy boy. Open up."

"HUH? No, WAIT. A gag?" Gabe laughed. "You didn't forget about arguing with me already, did you boy?" Andrew gulped. "No, Sir, but..." Gabe stepped behind him. "Open your mouth." He pinched Andrew's nostrils and when Andrew opened his mouth, he shoved the cloth in, tying it behind Andrew's head. "Now, remember how my knuckles felt, andy boy? Here's a reminder." He pushed them into the spot he had found that morning and Andrew let out a muffled cry: "MMMMMMMMMMPH!" Gabe stopped pushing his fingers, but he held them at that spot. "You see, sweetie, when I do that, your cute little titties jut out, just the way I like them. But of course, you can keep them pointed out yourself, can't you?" "MMMMMPH" was how Andrew responded, in a higher pitched moan. "Good. Let's see you do it." Andrew shifted a bit and stuck out his chest.

"FUCK YES. This is JUST the way I like my boys. Exposed: crotch and nips, and everything else." Gabe came very close, and his knee rubbed up against Andrew's balls again, and his fingers began rubbing the cloth over Andrew's nipples. Andrew began to experience yet more sensations he had never felt before. Gabe's fingers back and forth on his nipples made him feel like the knuckles at his ribs did, but without any pain. He wanted more: he tried to push his chest forward so that Gabe could get more of them in his fingers. Gabe knew exactly what Andrew was trying to do, and he just smiled.

"If I wanted to mark your neck, I could, couldn't I, andy?" Andy gulped and shook his head yes. "In fact, I could do ANYTHING I wanted to you now, couldn't I?" Andrew felt a little scared, and he shook his head again. "Well, I'm gonna have some fun with these nipples, and these balls, and when I'm ready, I'm taking that gag off because rather than me getting you wet today, boy, you're getting ME wet." He pulled Andrew's head back by grapping his bangs. "You're gonna SUCK my dick, Andrew. And let me tell you, once you do this, you're gonna talk to colin about how to do it better because, however good you are at sucking, colin is the expert."

"So colin's sucked his dick? MY Man's dick?" Andrew thought, and then realized what had just gone through his head.

"MMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMPH." Gabe had taken more of his nipples in his fingers. "If you knew how many ways there are to torture tits, andy, you'd be shocked. I doubt if I'll get to do all of them to you, but I'll try. Now, you think you're ready for some dick sucking." Andrew wasn't sure, but he shook his head yes.

"Good. Let's get that gag out of your mouth and get you on your knees. DAMN I'm gonna have to be careful because I want your ass in the worst way." When he positioned Andrew in front of him, Gabe unzipped his pants. His dick jutted out in front of Andrew. He paused. "Remember, babe. I understand you're new to this, and that's all a-ok. Just don't let me feel any teeth. That wouldn't be good. Can you do that?"

Andrew was about to say, "I'll try," but he changed it to "Yes, Sir," and opened his mouth. Gabe put the tip of his dick in and stopped. "Take a minute to get used to it, andy. The taste, the feel, the texture. More is coming. Make sure you can breathe." Gabe had more than average endowment, and he knew he'd be challenging Andrew with this, but he thought "this boy wants the challenge. I like that." He slid in further. An experienced top dom like Gabe knew when the gag reflex was about to start, and he stopped. He just held his cock there, half in and half out of Andrew's mouth.

"Have enough, boy?" he asked, and he was surprised when Andrew shook his head no. "You sure?" he asked, and Andrew responded with a yes. "Easy does it boy, easy does it." Gabe slid in a few more inches but didn't go all the way. "FUCK you're a natural. I have a feeling you looked up something about tongue technique. OOOOOOOOOOOOOOOH." Gabe wanted to slide his dick back and forth and shoot in Andrew's mouth, but he needed to stop.

"Today, I'm taking you from the backdoor. Know what that means, andy?"

"I can figure it out, Sir." Gabe helped him up from his knees. "Sir, does the saliva stay moist long enough to, well, you know?"

"Nah, not really boy. But you know how I get you nice and lubed. I like to fuck my boys with their shirts on. So just get the jeans off. Leave on the thong. I'll have plenty of room." Do a plank on the bed.

"Yes, Sir." Andrew slipped out of his pants after Gabe had untied him, and then he got in position. He felt Gabe's thumb probing, and he felt the thong move to the side.

"MMMMM. I LOVE the taste of your ass, sweet pea." Gabe growled and then Andrew felt his tongue enter him, even deeper than the first time. He heard an almost munching sound as Gabe moved his tongue around. "You like that, don't you boy?"

"OH GOD, YES SIR, I DO." Gabe pulled Andrew's cheeks apart. "Well, that's great but you're gonna have to get your head around something: your role is to make sure I feel pleasure. If pleasure comes to you along the way, great. But your pleasure has to come from the idea of serving boy. Serving. Now, speaking of serving, I'm gonna serve up my dick."

Andrew gasped as Gabe entered him. He thought it would be easier the second time, but it wasn't, partly because Gabe was entering him faster, and harder than he did the first time. "C'mon stud muffin, you're a pro at this now." It began to feel good, and Andrew was panting. "Know when I last heard that kinda panting, andy? When my friend's bitch dog was in heat. You in heat, andy bitch?"

"OH GOD YES SIR. I'm in rut. FULLY." No one had ever called Andrew a bitch and it turned him on the way everything else Gabe was doing to him was. He didn't think he could handle anymore, and then he felt Gabe's hand on his cock.

"My sweet boy is gonna explode, like a big ripe peach, right boy?"

"NNNNNNNNNNNNN. YES SIR. YES SIR. " Gabe held his cock inside Andrew and stopped stroking him. "My boys need my permission to cum. Get used to that."

"Please, Sir, may I shoot? May I ? Please. AAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAH" Gabe had just shoved his dick all the way inside Andrew.

"Now you can, boy. Always wait for your Master to be all the way in you."

"THANK YOU, SIR, THANK YOU." Gabe squeezed Andrew's cock and shot inside him just as the first drops began spilling out of Andrew. He moaned, and moaned some more before he began to cry a little.

"I hope your boy pleased you, Sir. I do."

"Hell, yeah," was Gabe's reply.

"Sir, can I?" Andrew asked timidly. Gabe knew exactly what Andrew wanted, but he teased. "I don't know, can you?" He squeezed Andrew's balls until he got a gasp. "I'm sorry, Sir, I meant, may I?" "May you what, andy?"

"May I shoot, Sir?" Gabe looked at the pleading in Andrew's eyes. "Roll on your back."

"YES SIR!" Andrew moved as quickly as he could. Gabe unbuttoned the rest of Andrew's shirt and, after he gave a quick brush of his hand to Andrew's cock, began stroking his torso. Andrew's hips began to buck.

"You have such a smooth chest, andy. Do you shave?"

"No Sir. Nothing ever grows there." There was an evil grin from Gabe. "Well, you have some under your arms, and your bush is quite lush." He ran his hand down over Andrew's cock, which jumped, and spurted a bit. Gabe gripped the base of Andrew's cock.

"So, andy, I'll bring you off if you make a promise." He started stroking Andrew's cock, knowing full well it would drive the young man crazy."

"Sir, anything you ask. ANYTHING." There was a chuckle from Gabe. "I'd prefer it if you didn't masturbate unless it's with me around, and at some point, I'm going to make sure that happens. But for now... promise me that the only person you'll think of when you jerk, is me." Gabe knew that he had just made it impossible for Andrew NOT to think about other people. He was setting him up for some chastity, and Andrew made it possible when he answered: "Yes Sir. Only you. Only you." He began to squeal when Gabe began playing with his cock head. "You have to make another promise to me, Andrew. You need to call colin early this week. Have lunch with him or something. You need to know what you're getting into."

That sounded ominous to Andrew, but he couldn't focus on that while Gabe was pulling at his cock. Long strokes, then short ones, and occasional licks to his nipples, or a finger touching his still sensitive ass. When Gabe bent down and whispered, "you're such a sexy boy, andy," that was it. Andrew creamed all over himself, moaning and yelping as Gabe smiled. "No one's ever done that to you, have they, boy?"

"No, Sir. This is all new to me."

Showers followed and a quick lunch. Andrew went off to the study to try to get a few hours of schoolwork in. It was Sunday afternoon, and he had to head back home soon. To say his mind was scrambled over that would be an understatement. When Gabe showed up at the door of the studio at 4:30, in a tight polo shirt and jeans, Andrew felt his heart sink.

"Andrew, it's probably about time you got your gear together and headed back. I hope you enjoyed the weekend." Andrew got up out of his seat and went over to Gabe. "It was unlike anything I've ever done in my life, Sir. "

"But did you enjoy yourself," Gabe asked. He knew the answer because he could see Andrew tenting.

"I did, Sir. SO much." Gabe took Andrew's chin in his hand, and pushed his head up so that they were eye to eye.

"I want you to come back, Andrew. This week. Wednesday. And I want you to back up enough basic stuff to spend the weekend." Later, Andrew would realize it wasn't a question. It was a statement, just like when he told a client to do ten push ups or spoke to a grocery clerk.

"Yes, Sir. Wednesday. May I text you once I know my schedule?" Gabe smiled. "No. Arrange your schedule so you can be here no later than 7:30. Every minute later than that, young man, carries a penalty." NOW Andrew's cock REALLY caused tenting. Gabe kissed him. "Go pack up. I'll drive ya home."

"Sir, would you mind answering a question?" Andrew was sitting next to Gabe, trying not to play with himself in front of him. "Depends on the question. Ask it."

"You call me different names, Sir. Sometimes Andrew, sometimes andy, sometimes andy boy. " He giggled. "If anyone has a method behind what he does, it's you, Sir. So is there one?"

"He's got me figured out some," Gabe thought. "I love it. Like playing D/s chess."

"There is. I call you Andrew when I'm treating you as an equal. When I'm in control, you're andy. And when I want you to know that you have no choice in things, it's andy boy. Tht's clear enough, isn't it?"

"Yes Sir, thank you." "He's going to be using andy boy a whole lot, I think," Andrew thought. Then he thought "I shouldn't have taken the overshirt." His new clothes and the clothes he had brought had been, "used," so he was wearing his t-shirt, with one of Gabe's shirts on as an overshirt. It was big enough to serve that purpose: buttoned up, he'd look ridiculous. The problem was, it carried a mix of Gabe's natural odor, and his cologne, and that wasn't helping Andrew's tumescence.

He saw the front of his building. "Ok, Andrew. I guess you'll be working tomorrow. I'll see you at the gym, and don't forget Wednesday. I think on Wednesday we'll need to do some talking so, try to hook up with colin first.

"Yes, Sir. Thank you again." Andrew looked at Gabe, and Gabe began to laugh. "You want a goodbye kiss, don't you?"

"Yes, Sir."

"Me too." Tongue was involved. "Now get outta the car, andy. Let me see your ass as you walk in." As Andrew entered the apartment, Gabe laughed: he bent over to "tie his shoe," and now, Gabe began to harden. "I need to talk to Jewell," Andrew thought. He got into his apartment and got on the phone. Jewel was over in half an hour.

"WHAT?" Jewel's mouth had dropped when Andrew started telling her about the weekend, and he had just gotten to the part where Gabe tied him to the chair. "OH MY GOD, ANDREW. You're a BDSM BOTTOM!" Andrew looked puzzled. "HOLD ON. YOU DON'T EVEN KNOW WHAT I'M TALKING ABOUT?"

"I don't. I'm supposed to speak to that guy Colin I told you about and learn more.

"You better learn a LOT more, and fast." She paused and pulled off her sweater. "It's warm in here. Isn't that shirt too much?" Andrew was sweating. He blushed when he said it was. "Then why don't you take it off, dummy?" He blushed more. "It's Gabe's shirt. It, well, it reminds me of him." Jewel began to laugh.

"OH YOU GOT IT BAD, HON. I call it man fever. Or better yet, cock fever. You want DICK!"

"JEWEL! That's not right." She laughed more. "Oh, honey, I should've brought you a dildo because you're gonna have SOMETHING up that peek a boo of yours before the night is over. And I bet you name it Dr. Gabe." Andrew smiled weakly. "It's just, it's just a lot. I mean, he's a rich doctor, he's incredibly hot, he's dated guys who are much bigger and hotter than I am, so...I'm overloaded."

"Hon, let me let you in on a secret," Jewel responded. "Hearts and cocks don't have brains. He wants you. And from what I can tell, you want him."

"He's my first, Jewel. First guy who noticed me." Jewel had picked up a cup of tea and now she spat it everywhere."

"First guy who noticed you? WRONG. More like hundredth. At least based on the guys whom I know about: the ones I heard about, the ones who asked if I could set them up with you.

"How come I don't know any of this?" Andrew truly looked shocked. "BECAUSE YOU WEREN'T INTERESTED ANDREW!" She paused. "Or maybe...they just weren't aggressive enough. They didn't think they were good enough for you or, they just misread you. Didn't know you were as passive as you are."

"I'M NOT PASSIVE!" Andrew got defensive and Jewel laughed again. "OK, so how many times did you get fucked? Four?"

"TWO. Just two."

"I'm including blow jobs, darling. How many times did his cock go into a hole in your body."

"Ok. Four. "

"And how many times did YOUR cock go into one of his?" "Uh, none." Who tied who up? Who picked the clothes you wore, besides your fashion savvy friend here? Hmmm?"

"Ok, you made your point. So I'm passive."

"Listen, Andrew, you need to hear this. You give off the air of being aloof and untouchable. Know what? This Dr. Gabe didn't give a shirt. And that's what you need. I'm sure there's a word to describe him in the community, but the way I think of it is..." She began to laugh: "He saw fruit ripe for the taking, and he took it. And know what Androoooooooooooooooo? You fucking LOVE IT." She got up. "When are you seeing him again?"


"I'll be over on Tuesday to pick an outfit for you. After class. Buy some vodka." She got up, and kissed Andrew on the forehead. "Got to leave your lips alone, stud. They're someone else's now."

After she left, Andrew called Colin. He left a message. Colin texted back. "Hey. Can we talk tomorrow? I'm up to my pits in laundry and I forgot to polish one pair of Sir Max' shoes, so, there's punishment ahead for me." Andrew texted back. "Sure." He paused and then texted again. "What's the punishment?" The answer: "I don't know. I'll tell you when we meet."

Next: Chapter 6

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