Training the Trainer - Installment

By moc.loa@potgnipor

Published on Aug 27, 2023


Andrew was still trying to adjust to the nipple clamps when Gabe ran the hitachi vibrator along his foot. He began to squeal. When he pulled his leg back, Gabe grabbed his ankle and smiled.

"Maybe I should lock up your feet, too. Then you can't get away." Andrew vigorously shook his head no, and Gabe began to chuckle. Soon, both of Andrew's ankles were secure.

"I realized I don't need your legs to move today andy boy." He turned off the vibrator and ran his hand up and down Andrew's torso. He dropped his voice "You like how it feels to be tied up, sweet cakes?"

"mmmph," was Andrew's answer. It wasn't a real answer because he was trying to figure out how he DID feel. He was getting used to the clamps: they didn't hurt anymore, and he was trying to synchronize his breathing with the blood pulses he felt in his pecs. When Gabe tickled him, though, that whole system went awry. He was VERY ticklish, and so far, Gabe had gotten the obvious places. If he found some of the others...

"Know what I think is going to be fun, boy, heh heh. Let me take that gag off. I have something else in mind. " When he released Andrew's gag, his bound boy took a deep breath. "Thank you, Sir," he gasped. "Oh, don't thank me yet. Trust me, andy, you may very well wish the gag were still there."

"OWWWWWWWWWWWWWW!" Andrew screamed when Gabe picked the chain of the clamps up. "Open your mouth boy. Take the chain and pull on it." Gabe saw the absolute fear in Andrew's eyes. He knew all of this was the first time for his soon to be sub. He loved training beginners. His hand went down to Andrew's balls and rolled them. "Open up." Andrew sighed. "Yes sir." He closed his mouth on the chain and when he did, he was painfully aware of the cage.

Gabe began to shuck his clothes. Every time Andrew saw Gabe naked, he felt a jolt go through his body, and this time was no exception. His cock hurt even more.

As Gabe lowered himself onto Andrew's body, he whispered: "clamps come off if I get access to your mouth. I want my tongue down deeper than it's been. OK."

Andrew had figured out that moving his head too much pulled the chain and so he moved it as little as he could. "Good boy," said Gabe. "You don't get many choices in this room, and you took the right one. But now, you're gonna learn that the worst part of nipple clamps is what happens afterward. Andrew felt what Gabe had said immediately. The blood began rushing back to his tits, and then, when Gabe twisted them.

"AAAAAAAAAAAAGGGGGGGGGGGGGGH. OH MY GOD." Gabe was laughing "I haven't had so much fun in a while," he thought. He had this young, slightly nerdy muscular guy in his play bed, experiencing this stuff for the first time: learning to be an obedient bottom and then, a sub. He lie down on top of Andrew, who moaned at the pressure. "Open up, says the dentist." Andrew felt feisty and turned away. He regretted that choice immediately, as Gabe pressed his knee into his hard, locked dick and nuzzled his chin into Andrew's neck.

"Should I mark you, Andy? I wonder how your clients are going to react. What are they gonna think? Hmmmm." He rubbed his chin back and forth. The sensation was overwhelming for Andrew who begged.

"NO, SIR, PLEASE. No markings. NO. I'm sorry. I'll open my mouth."

"Not yet, stud muffin. GRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRR" Gabe reduced the intensity of the scruffing, but he scruffed Andrew's neck really thoroughly. "Now, turn that head. Take my tongue. Take your top man's tongue. " Andrew did so immediately, and he felt Andrew Frenching him. He LOVED that feeling. No one had ever kissed him like this before Gabe and it was overwhelming. When Gabe left his mouth and headed down to his nips, still sore from the earlier play, Andrew began to buck on the bed. He was pulling at the chains and moaning and groaning.


"Well, let's see, boy. I had planned to leave it on until after dinner, but you want early release, huh?"


"I have an idea. I'm not gonna tell you what it is though." Gabe unlocked the cage and put it to the side. "It goes back on after you shoot. No argument with that, boy." Then he unlocked Andrew's ankle restraints and Andrew gulped. He began to sweat when Gabe pushed his legs in the air. He told himself "I'm ready. I can do this," as he felt Gabe's cock head against his hole. He closed his eyes, bracing for what he thought was going to be Gabe's cock ramming into him. Instead, he felt Gabe's dick head just sort of playing around with his hole. It felt good. He wondered what more would feel like.

"Could you push it in a little, Sir?" He asked. "I could, but I won't. Not yet. " He smiled, and stopped moving his cock head around, keeping it straight against Andrew's ass.

"I want you to be my boy. You into that?" Andrew gulped again. He had been thinking about that since he was studying yesterday. He wasn't sure, but he answered "Yes, Sir."

"Good. You're the boy. That means I make the rules. You follow them."

"Yes, Sir. I understand." Gabe smiled. "We'll see. For now though, I wanna see you cum. I want you to jerk off for me. " He released the wrist restraints and then sat Andrew up. He fit in behind him, dropping his arms around Andrew, and shoving his tongue into his ear.

"C'mon boy. Gimme a show. Give your man a show. Big spurts. Big ones. You thinking of me as you stroke?" Andrew felt Gabe's breath on his ear, and his pecks of kisses along his neck. His hand stroked Andrew's chest and belly, as Andrew began to pull at his cock.

"You're doing it for your man. You wanna show off andy. Show your man what you'd do to someone else if you weren't with him." Andrew didn't understand why, but that comment struck a nerve, and he began to moan. Gabe heard it, and felt it, and continued.

"Such a handsome stud. Handsome and cute. Kind of guy Doctor Gabe wants to just have in his bed 24/7, underneath him, making him moan. That's what you are, andy. Yeah. That's what you are. The perfect boy toy. MMMMM." Andrew was pumping faster and faster, but he hadn't climaxed yet. Gabe whispered one more thing: "this is the tongue that went up your butt, andy. Think about that . It's in your ear now. It's gonna be back in your hole, later."

"NNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNN!" The touch of Gabe's warm tongue sent Andrew over the edge. He convulsed, and the juice he had been collecting since Gabe put his dick in the cage started coming out. He was young, and there was a LOT of it. His emotions were getting the best of him, and he was crying from...something. Gabe tightened his grip around Andrew's middle.

"It's okay, andy boy, it's ok. Gabe's got ya. And I'm not letting you go." Andrew settled back into Gabe, and he whispered. "Can you kiss me, Sir? Just on the cheek, or the lips, or something? Please?" He felt Gabe's strong hand on his neck, turning his head around. Gabe met Andrew's lips with his. Just before he kissed, he said "this isn't play, kid. This is the real thing." The kissing went on for a while. When it was over, Andrew looked at Gabe and he asked "What's happening to me? What are you doing to me?" Gabe knew that the way he answered was important. "I'm not doing anything to you, Andrew. Did you feel forced by anything I did to you?"

Andrew thought for a minute "No, Sir." Gabe smiled. "Then what's happening is, you're discovering your true self. You study, you work, but you know what? You haven't faced up to how you feel about sex or love or anything like that. Or you did and you didn't like what you saw. Well, now you're seeing it. And you like it. Now, the next stage: you have to admit you like it. "

Gabe told Andrew to get dressed in the vest and shorts. They left the "playroom," but before they did, Gabe grabbed a large book from a shelf. He led Andrew to his study, where there was a plush love seat. "I want you to see something. Sit next to me." He put his arm around Andrew' shoulders and put the book on their laps. "This, andy boy, is a scrap book of some of my men. My favorites. Now, at the start, there's Dave. " Andrew saw a chunky and muscular blond, short, blue eyes. As far from him, physically as he could imagine. "I met him in school. I was his teaching assistant. GOD I was so hot for him. Then we separated and when we got back together again," he winced. "I sort of got him on the rebound. " He paused. "If I could do something wrong in a relationship, I did it in that one." Andrew paged through photos: Dave tied up and gagged, one of him naked, but also pictures of the two of them together: must have been the fall because they were in sweaters. Gabe was standing behind a sitting Dave, his arms around his shoulders. "We had the best sex after that photo." That set was followed by pictures with an Asian man. Older, maybe even older than Gabe. "Tok. What an interesting character. When we hooked up, I was part of a network of Doms and subs. Tok was sort of a traveling sub. He didn't want to bond with anyone, but he wanted to sub for everyone. Hot guy." Andrew agreed. Tok was hairy, with big lips and pierced nipples. "Maybe too submissive for me. Don't you go that way. I like some feistiness." Andrew didn't say anything. He was still trying to figure out and process all this information.

Gabe flashed through a bunch of other photos. For each man, Andrew saw there were a few naked photos, a few of the guy tied up, and then some very affectionate ones, akin to the one of Gabe and Dave in their sweaters.

"AH, Darius. He was before you. " He shook his head. "I'm not a good gambler. Darius needed a sugar daddy, but only for a little while. He's a top -- yeah, he's still around, but he lives out West now. He couldn't find a guy who was willing to support him when he went to school and bottom. There was "something" about him -- maybe the thrill of having a top man of color, I don't know, but I said I'd support him through school and then, if we hit it off, he could stay on as my sub. " Andrew thought he saw Gabe brush away a tear. "WE is the operative word. I hit it off with him, but I guess it wasn't reciprocated." He laughed. "Maybe I should've let him top his old boyfriend once in a while. They had played rugby together." He closed the book and looked at Andrew "I'm hoping that your photos will be the last ones in the book, andy."

Andrew blushed. They weren't in the playroom, so he didn't use "Sir."

"Gabe, all those guys: they're so much bigger than I am. More muscular. More like Brent." Gabe shrugged his shoulders. "Don't ask me to explain andy. You know, I was there in the gym the day you started. You looked so scared. I remember asking Brent if they had hired Clark Kent or if he was just casing the joint for villains. He laughed. Told me no one knew a whole lot about you. And every time I asked, he described you as a clam. I remember I joked and said "Well, clams can be pried open." "And I remember, Brent folded his arms and said "Well, you're good at that. It's clear you've got the hots for him. Get cracking." "It wasn't until he said it that I realized it was true. I wanted you, and I still do."

"I don't know what to say," Andrew responded. "Say you'll give it a try. You seem to be enjoying it." Andrew laughed. "I guess certain body parts don't like.

"No, they don't. Now if you'll see, one of mine isn't lying, and I think you know how to take care of it."

"I do. Sir." Andrew got on his knees and parted Gabe's robe. He got his mouth around his cock and began sucking. Even though it hadn't been long since he had emptied his balls, Andrew was getting roused again.

"You planning to get studying done this afternoon, andy?" Gabe was sitting back, smiling, after Andrew had sucked him off.

"Yes, Sir. At least for a few hours."

"Ok, go and get your work done. I'll come looking for you when it's time to get ready for dinner. We're meeting some friends tonight. Max and colin. I think you and colin are going to hit it off. He used to play Olympic level basketball, albeit for a team that never went anywhere. Still sort of jockish." Then he smiled. "Colin is Max's sub. Has been for about a year. At some point, you two can talk about it, but for now, I just want to make sure you have someone to talk to about what I have in mind for you."

"What about what I have in mind for me?" floated through Andrew's head, but he didn't say anything. He had enjoyed sucking Gabe, and he didn't want to spoil anything. Instead, he said "I hope it's nowhere fancy. I didn't bring any clothes that aren't really casual. I guess I could wear the white one again." Gabe shook his head.

"Nope. Don't worry about that. Remember when I went out shopping? Brought you back some stuff. And more is coming. So...." He looked at his watch. "You only have about 90 minutes, so, study fast."

"Yes sir."

Andrew didn't get much studying done at all. He had so much to think about that he thought his brain was going to explode. "Better make a note to look up this dom/sub stuff" he thought. He understood bottoming, and he kept on thinking about what was going to happen. Every time he did, his glutes tightened, but his balls churned. And then he thought about all the things he saw in Gabe's playroom. And he remembered how he felt when Gabe cuffed him, and when he restrained him on the bed. "Hot," was what kept on repeating.

"Now, now, andy. I can't have that." Gabe was at the door to the study. Andrew had dozed off, and he was clearly having an erotic dream: his hand was kneading his crotch. He reddened and moved it away.

"I hope it was us you were dreaming about andy." Andrew looked at Gabe, who had clearly changed: he had on truly fine dark blue shirt and flannel trousers. Before they left, he grabbed a sports jacket too.

"I was, Sir."

"Well, good, but I think that until you learn some more self-control, the cage is going back on."

"PLEASE GABE! I hate it." He saw the scowl on Gabe's face. "Andy, better learn. These aren't suggestions or questions. The only issue is whether you lock it on yourself, or I lock it on you." Andrew knew he had to recover. He didn't want the cage, but he answered, "which one of us does it depends on what you'd like, Sir." He saw the frown turn into a smile. "THAT'S THE SPIRIT ANDY. You'll be the perfect boy before you know it. Let's go. And stop at your bag. Grab that thong that's in there." Andrew's mouth dropped. "Well, I needed to get your sizes before I went shopping andy and I saw it. I liked it."

"My best friend thought you would, Sir."

"Gay man or woman?"

"Woman, Sir."

"Good. You can keep hanging out with her. Follow her advice. And she and I will meet some day."

They went off to the main bedroom, and Andrew stripped. He saw Gabe run his tongue around his lips before he stepped behind him. "You'll be fine with this, andy boy. Keep in mind that colin wears his for up to a week." Feeling Gabe so close to him was making Andrew hornier and hornier. He whispered "Yes, Sir" as Gabe locked the cage on him. "Now get into the thong, and then dress in what I laid out for you." Andrew saw a beige colored button down, and a pair of jeans. The jeans were pale, and clearly of better quality than his stuff. So was the shirt. He got into the jeans with little room to spare, and then when he put on the shirt, he remarked "It's tight, Sir. Pretty tight."

"Yeah, it's two sizes down from the one you wore. You're about to have a new role in life, andy, and that new role as my boy requires a new wardrobe, and new behavior. You don't have to tuck it in but close it up. Just leave the top button open. Where we're going tonight, people are going to be checking you out. I don't want you leading them on. And you are SO HOT when you look a little nerdy."

Andrew laughed. One thing Jewel had told him was to NOT do the nerdy look unless Gabe wanted it. Clearly, he did.

"Know what, andy? If things go as well at dinner as they have since yesterday, I may inaugurate you tonight."

Max and colin were already at the restaurant when they got there. Max was wearing a jacket too, but not colin. Andrew only saw a few women in the place, which was packed.

"DOCTOR GABE, YOU FUCKING JERK! I thought you had become a monk." Max embraced Gabe.

"Yeah, I haven't been around much. Sort of recovering." He put his hand on Andrew's neck and rubbed it. "This boy is helping me recover. Andrew, meet Sir Max." Max held out his hand. "How do you do, Andrew? Gabe treating you well? I hope the answer's no." Andrew smiled. He was uncomfortable, and Gabe answered for him. "He's just learning the ropes so to speak. We haven't sealed anything yet."

"I see," Max answered. "You remember colin, right Gabe." Colin had very red hair, green eyes, and he was at least 6'10". "He's a bottom?" Andrew thought? He looked at Max, who was very dark and had very thick hair, but he didn't look like a match for colin.

"Andrew, it's nice to meet you." Colin held out his hand. "I'm Max's sub." Andrew shook colin's hand. "I'm not sure what I'd call myself, colin."

"You can say you're my boy, andy. That's true." He snorted. "We tend not to tell people that our boys are our bottoms. Kind of disgusts some people but, c'est la vie."

"Andrew, you can ask colin anything you like," Max said. "Gabe won't mind. He trained colin for a while when he was a little too wild for me."

"TRAINED HIM? I BROKE him for you." Andrew's eyes got bigger. "It's true," colin answered. "I was giving Sir Max so much trouble that he sent me to Sir Gabe for a while. I needed to learn my place. It's at Sir Max's feet."

"Or anywhere I tell you to be, boy."

"Sorry, Sir. That's right." Andrew realized that it had to be difficult to get colin decent looking clothes, but he was dressed well: white dress shirt, dark slacks. He had a collar around his neck with a lock on it. Colin saw Andrew looking at it.

"This tells people I'm spoken for. If Sir Gabe decides, you'll probably get one, too."

"I'm pretty much decided, colin. That's why we're out here tonight. I want andy to begin to get a look at what his new life is going to be." He rolled Andrew's earlobe between his fingers. "Like what you see here, boy?"

"It's fancy, Sir. I'm not used to it." Max started laughing. "Aren't they all like that? So refreshing at the beginning. Problem is when they get jaded." He looked at colin. "Fortunately, your training made sure colin isn't showing signs of that." Gabe smiled. "If you feel eyes on you, andy, you're not wrong. You're being checked out by 80 percent of the tops and about 100 percent of the bottoms.

"There's a lot of them who wanted Dr. Gabe to buy them from their Masters, Andrew," colin spoke. They're jealous. But they'll get used to it." The waiter came over with three menus. When Max saw the confusion on Andrew's face, he elaborated. "You haven't been taken yet, andy. It may not be true, but officially, you're still a free man. You can go whenever you want. Colin, on the other hand -- he's been taken. I order for him. Right, bright eyes?" Colin smiled. "Yes, Sir. Completely." They were sitting in a booth, and both colin and Andrew were inside, against the wall. During the evening, Andrew had two glasses of wine, which was 1.5 more than he usually did. When Gabe put his arm around him, and toyed with his nipple through the shirt, he moaned "That feels so good, Sir." Gabe leaned over. "It's tonight. I'm taking your ass when we get home."

"So, I'm going to give you colin's cell phone number. You can call him whenever you like. If he's not in the middle of doing something for Max, he'll talk to you."

"Sir, he said you trained him." Gabe laughed. "That's right. He was a VERY unruly boy. Or as he sometimes says "quite a problematic lad. Max has a heavy hand, but colin is so big and so much stronger, using it just got colin angry and then...., well, his spirit had to be broken. Unlike yours." Andrew found himself blushing again. "Sir, are you really going to..."

"Yes, I am. But I'm going to do something I almost never do, andy." They were riding in the back of a cab, and Gabe pulled Andrew close to him. "Do you want it, or do you want to wait?" Andrew felt his mouth go dry. He felt a little sick. "I want it, Sir. I want you."

When they were back home, Gabe led Andrew to the regular bedroom. "You get undressed sweety. Everything but the thong. Then lay on your back."

"Yes, Sir," Andrew answered, and got out of everything as quickly as he could. He tried to be neat in arranging his clothes. Then he laid on the bed.

"God, I've been waiting for this." Gabe began to get out of his clothes. "You're such a sexy man, Sir" slipped out of Andrew's mouth. He didn't mean to say it, but he was thinking it.

"Tonight I'll be easy on you, andy. But hereafter, I like things rough, and I'll be much more vigorous." Andrew saw how hard Gabe was. His own cock, locked up, was as hard as it could get.

"Foreplay first, sweet stuff. Things you like." Gabe got on top of Andrew and began kissing his whole body. He licked at Andrew's navel. "You're gonna like getting fucked too. I know it." Andrew felt Gabe's fingers down at his hole, and he felt his thumb press against it. He moaned.

"Open up, babe. Relax. Just try to relax. Let Sir Gabe begin to teach you all the good stuff." He got off of Andrew and slid down his body. Andrew felt Gabe's hands behind his knees bending them. He looked at Gabe who said "There's no turning back now. You sure, Andrew?"

"I'm sure, Sir. Your boy wants it." Gabe grinned and Andrew felt his cock head, just like he had before. "OOOOOOOOOOOH" he moaned when Gabe ran his fingers over his nipples. In the moment he started playing with them, Gabe slipped part of his dick into Andrew and Andrew gasped. He thought Gabe would ask if it hurt, but he didn't. He just kept on sliding in.

"Nice and easy, andy. Nice and easy. After tonight, whatever happens, you'll always belong to me. I took you first." Andrew saw Gabe's mouth tighten, and he felt the shove into him.


"SHUT UP, BOTTOM BITCH" Gabe answered. He pushed harder. "You like it this way? You like it? OH FUCK I don't care. I like it."

"MMMMMMMMMMMMM...." Andrew's head began to thrash but he didn't beg Gabe to start, not even when Gabe pulled back and shoved in again. "I've got SO MUCH to teach you andy boy, and it begins tonight."

"YES SIR. YES SIR. TRAIN ME. PLEASE. Train me to be a good boy like colin." Gabe was doing just that. He pounded Andrew for about fifteen minutes before he whispered "I'm gonna seed you andy. And that'll make it official. You're my bottom now. " Andrew felt one final push -- a big one -- and then he felt the `woosh' of Gabe's cum inside of him. He felt the pulses. He couldn't help it: he counted reps the way a trainer does. When Gabe finished, Andrew looked at him. "Thank you, Sir." Gabe was surprised by the answer, and he began to realize: he had more than sexual feelings about Andrew.

Next: Chapter 5

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