Training the Trainer - Installment

By moc.loa@potgnipor

Published on Aug 19, 2023


Andrew began to wake up. He had fallen asleep with his head on Gabe's chest, but now he was spooned into Gabe. He felt Gabe's big meaty arm around him. It didn't seem relaxed and that was going to be a problem, he thought, because it was time to get up for his run. Whatever else happened, Andrew ran for at least five miles every day. Sometimes if he weren't busy, he'd go for fifteen, but it was usually 5-7 miles. He also had to get to his schoolwork, so not being able to get out of Gabe's grip was, well, inconvenient.

It wasn't helping that he was pulled so close to Gabe's body. He could smell Gabe, and feel his stubble against his face, as well as Gabe's rhythmic breathing in his ear. Andrew wanted to either get up, or grab his cock and jerk off, but he couldn't do either. He was nervous, but he squirmed around as best as he could, so he could almost face Gabe. He spoke in a very low voice.

"Gabe, can you let me up to go running?" Gabe didn't move or change at all. "I'll regret this," Andrew thought, as he reached down and took Gabe's dick in his hand. "Stud, you wanna come running with me?" He saw Gabe's eyes open just as he felt his thick fingers dig into his ribs. He screamed.

"ACCCCCCCCCCCK! YOU WERE AWAKE. " As Gabe's fingers got to work, he began laughing. "STOP! STOP! HAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAAHAHAHAHAHAHAHA. AAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAGHGGGG!" Andrew squirmed but he was laughing too hard, and Gabe rolled on top of him, grabbing his wrists and holding them over Andrew's head. He stopped tickling. He looked at Andrew: "Morning, handsome. You remember how to kiss?"

"I think so. You may need to show me again."

"Oh, I'll show you. Open up." If Gabe had been gentle with his kisses before, this time he was rough. He thrust his whole tongue in, all at once. "MMMMMMMMMMM" responded Andrew. He felt Gabe's leg pushing his own apart, and he felt Gabe's knee pressing softly against his balls.

"Know something andy boy? You're cute dressed up, but when you're naked, you are FUCKING HOT." Andrew didn't know how to respond. He was feeling Gabe's weight on him and getting more and more aroused. Gabe began nuzzling his neck and through rapid breaths Andrew whispered hoarsely "You smell so good, Gabe." Gabe laughed.

"You like my funk, huh? " He kept Andrew's wrists pinned with one hand and moved his other arm pit over Andrew's neck. "Inhale, boy. Get the smell." He pushed a little bit more with his knee and he got the reaction he wanted: Andrew was getting harder. "He's getting riper and riper for the picking," he thought. "I didn't think it would be this weekend, but yeah, it will be." He moved his arm away from Andrew's face. "You're exactly where you should be, Andrew. Underneath me. You like being underneath me?"

"OH FUCK YES" Andrew smiled. He did. Gabe released his wrists and straddled Andrew's chest. "You had a little experience yesterday, but you can do better, Andy." Gabe began toying with Andrew's nipples. "Take all of my cock. ALL of it, not just the head." Andrew gulped. "I, I don't think I'm ready."

"I am, handsome. I'm also ready to tickle you for as long as I was gonna have you blow me, so it's your choice." He chuckled. "Actually, it's not. You'll blow me and then, if I feel like it, I'll tickle you anyway. Get to work, boy." Andrew sighed a little, but answered "Ok," and moved his lips over Gabe's cockhead. He planned to move slowly, taking Gabe's dick little by little, but Gabe had other plans, and Andrew had to fight not to choke.

"GOOD BOY! See, the way you took my tongue I knew, you've got an eager throat."

"Good boy," ran through Andrew's mind. He didn't know why, but every time Gabe called him "boy," or "Andy boy," he got excited. With the smell of Gabe's dick and the growing hardness in his mouth, he began to moan. Slowly, Gabe pulled out of his mouth.

"I wanna save me for later, boy. " He looked at Andrew's hard-on. "You able to control yourself?"

"I don't know. I'm trying." Without saying a word, Gabe took Andrew's balls in his hand. He began squeezing, causing enough pain for Andrew's erection to begin receding. He twisted them slightly. "OUCH! OH SHIT, GABE, THAT HURTS."

"Hurts so good, huh boy? I've been easy on you for the first day, but you need to start learning: pleasure can turn to pain REAL fast." Andrew saw Gabe's face and knew that this man would have no problem in causing pain. "So, are we going running, Flash?" Andrew smiled.

"Yeah, we are. Think you can keep up?"

"Maybe I won't, just so I can watch your ass."

"DAMN," thought Andrew. Just the thought of this man staring at his ass was getting him excited again. "Let's get dressed. Gonna keep it to five miles for the big guy?"

"You can quit after five, Gabe. I may keep going?" Andrew smiled.

"If you think I'm letting you run away from me, you're not so smart. Remember, if I tackle you, you're doomed." Andrew knew that was right.

"Hey. You know anything about cosplay, Andrew?" Gabe asked as he was pulling on a tank top. Andrew had one of his t-shirts, and Gabe was admiring his arms again.

"I know a little about it, not much. Why?"

"I'm just thinking: I called you `Flash,' and I'm thinking you'd look really hot in a costume that was sort of like that: something with a lightning bolt over your chest." Andrew sassed him back. "You'd need a hammer. But in the shape of a cock." Gabe threw his head back and roared. "GOOD IDEA. We'd make a great costume team." They finished tying their shoelaces and headed out.

Andrew thought he'd sprint to begin to impress Gabe, but Gabe kept up with him. "So, I figured that I'd let you have 1-6 for studying, then I come back into your life? That sound good?" Gabe asked. Andrew was a little disappointed: he thought Gabe would want MORE of his time. "That's fine. I should get everything I need to get done finished." Gabe made a sound by clicking his teeth together. "I'm not gonna answer that, but ok. Just remember: after 6, you're mine." Andrew smiled. "Unless I run away," and he sprinted again. This time, Gabe didn't try to keep up with him. He just fell back a little and Andrew, remembering what Gabe had said about watching his ass, didn't try to get too far ahead. He really liked the idea of his ass being stared at.

"You losing steam, andy boy?" Andrew heard Gabe right beside him. He was panting a little, but so was Andrew. Usually, Andrew wouldn't be getting winded so soon, but his head was elsewhere. He thought about sucking Gabe that morning, and out of the blue, he remembered the handcuffs he had seen very briefly, and wondered what it would be like to wear them AND suck Gabe's dick? He had other thoughts too, and each time a "PING" went to his groin, he lost a little momentum.

"You gonna give me a prize if I beat ya, Andy?" Gabe sneered. "Don't have to worry about it, because I'm gonna beat YOU."

"OH, I'll give you a prize if you win, boy, and let me tell you, it will NOT be anything you expected." That was the momentum Andrew needed. He stopped thinking about sex with Gabe as much as he could, and focused. He began to pull ahead. Gabe didn't stop running or give up, but he knew what he had just done. And he knew what Andrew's prize was going to be -- something he didn't expect.

"He's planning to fuck me when we get back. I know it. Maybe I should lose. But then HIS prize is going to be my ass." Andrew was overthinking things, and he knew it. He took a deep lungful of air and began to kick forward.

"You have such tiny feet, kiddo," Gabe laughed. I could hold them both under my arm easily and take a tickling brush to them."

"OH SHIT. DON'T LISTEN" Andrew told himself. They were at 4.5 miles and now, he accelerated. He could hear Gabe's not so small feet coming up behind him. "If I catch ya, boy, I'm pulling you into the woods to do TERRIBLE things to you, HAW HAW" Gabe teased, and Andrew took off. He won by about 200 yards. He was winded. More winded than Gabe was.

"I thought you were planning on another two miles. Letting this old man go home and lick his wounds." Andrew was gasping for breath. "You really challenged me. I didn't think you had that kind of stamina."

"OOOOOOOOOOOH. You shouldn't have said that andy boy. When you talk to the guys I had before you, you'll find out what stamina I have."

"I meant at running," Andrew answered, while he thought "I'm looking forward to it."

"C'mon, let's head back, bud." They had run a 2.5-mile loop, so they were very close to the apartment. It was still early so they didn't encounter anyone but the doorman. When they were in the elevator, Gabe snuck behind Andrew and pinned his wrists behind his back. "Remember those handcuffs? Well, there's a first time for everything, boy. You get into the bedroom and get them from the counter."

"Is that my prize?" Andrew smiled, and Gabe answered "It's one part of it. It's not the best part."

When he felt the second shackle close on his wrists, Andrew felt a mixture of panic and also lust. Gabe had an arm around his neck, holding him gently. His other hand was feeling up Andrew's ass, as he whispered into the young man's ear: "now I can do anything I want to you. And you know what? We're both nice and sweaty. Mother nature's own lube. " He paused, breathing heavily. "Get into the bedroom. Lay on your belly."

"This is it, " Andrew thought. He was scared. He was even more scared when Gabe yanked off his sneakers, and then pulled off his running shorts.

"Please, Gabe. " he begged as Gabe pushed his legs apart. "I'm not ready yet."

"You're more ready than you think, bud. WAY more ready." Andrew couldn't move. He thought he'd feel Gabe's cock at his ass, but he didn't. Instead, he felt his thumb running up and down the crack in his butt, circling his hole. He began to moan. Then he moaned louder.

"Feels good, doesn't it, boy?" The word `boy' sent a jolt to Andrew's crotch and his hips pushed up.

"GOOD. Keep them there. As long as you can because what's next will feel better." Gabe pushed Andrew's arms up toward his head, and he was silent. Then, Andrew felt a bolt of pleasure shoot through him.

"OH MY GOD, GABE. IS THAT YOUR TONGUE?" Gabe didn't answer. He just pushed his tongue in, further and further, occasionally drawing it back to run it down Andrew's balls and cock.

"How's that feel, pretty boy? You like being eaten?"

"I heard about this, but... OH MY GOD." He pushed his ass back into Gabe's face, and Gabe laughed.

"Easy does it, stud. This is a reward." He stopped tonguing Andrew and went back to using his fingers, playing with his balls, and Andrew's "taint."

"Gabe, I gotta roll over or, I'll spoil the bed." While they were gone, Gabe's housekeeper had come in and had discretely cleaned up.

"Yeah, I guess you earned an orgasm. I did too." He rolled Andrew onto his back. "This time, you're gonna have to wait until I finish first. You wanna take me and swallow?"

"Yes, please. Please, Gabe. Let me show you I can make you happy."

"HappiER" Gabe answered and moved Andrew to a kneeling position on the floor. He fed him his cock. Andrew made slurping noises and Gabe smiled. He loved it when a bottom did that, and Andrew was thinking "now I found one of HIS hot spots." He dove onto Gabe's cock and slurped and pulled hard. He heard the pitch of Gabe's moans go higher and higher, and then he felt his head pushed forward. His air was cut off for a second, as Gabe began pumping cum down his throat. It was bitter, but Andrew wanted more. And still more. Gabe kept giving it to him. Andrew had a little OCD and he counted fifteen pulses.

"Sweet boy, you're much better at that than I thought you'd be. Oh, am I gonna have fun with you. Now, it's your turn." Andrew thought Gabe was going to take off the handcuffs, but he was wrong. Instead, he put Andrew in a spooning position and began slowly edging him, as he whispered. Gabe said nothing as Andrew moaned and then, just before Andrew was going to shoot, he whispered one word:

"Bottom." "YES! YES! YOUR BOTTOM. GABE'S BOTTOM. FUCK YEAH." He would up staining the bed anyway. Gabe whispered "cleaning the bed will be one of your jobs. Tonight's fine." Andrew felt the cuffs come off. "Go get cleaned up. But first, gimme a kiss. Just a little one."

"He's so fucking cute. So beautiful, too. He's gonna be a great sub," Gabe thought as Andrew washed. While he was washing, Gabe went through Andrew's bag. He liked the way the tight jeans fit him, and how the T-shirts did, but the white dress shirt was way too baggy. Yes, Andrew looked good in it, but for what Gabe had in mind for his future, he'd have to look more than cute. Other DOMS weren't jealous of cute: they were jealous of HOT, and if cute were part of the package, well, more the better. He began copying down the sizes of what he liked and as he went through the stuff, he found the thong.

"Hmmm. Seems this boy had something in mind. How could I refuse him?" Then he thought of what he needed to try. Actually, he expected he'd get some resistance, but that Andrew would yield. He went off to the room where the door was closed, and he came back with a cock cage.

Andrew came out of the shower, one of Gabe's luxurious towels around his middle. "Do you shave your chest, Andrew?"

"No, I'm just naturally hairless, " he answered. "Hair grows in slowly." Indeed, Andrew had a very smooth face, and a short haircut.

"Do you shave your face every day? Probably not," he asked. Andrew blushed. "No, more like once every three days." He grinned at Gabe. "You probably need to shave at least twice a day." Gabe stared at him. "You have a complaint about the hair, bud? Seems you've been kinda into it."

"I AM. GOD it's a turn on. I shouldn't say this, but I smell you and, I get hard." "Well, yeah, about you getting hard, you can't seem to control it."

"I'm trying, but it's not happening," Andrew shrugged his shoulders.

"Well, it's gonna happen. Drop the towel." When Andrew did, "Now, catch," Gabe called out, tossing the cage to his soon to be sub.

"What's this?" Andrew asked.

"It's something to make sure you don't get hard without my permission. You're gonna wear it when you're studying. I'll unlock it later." Andrew looked up. "WHAT? NOOOOOOOOOOOOOO, I'm not wearing this." Gabe looked at him and Andrew heard the tone that he'd soon hear often. "You can lock it on yourself, or I can lock it on you, but one way or the other, you're wearing it this afternoon. Your choice." Andrew gulped. "If you touch my cock, it'll get hard again. I know it. "

"Well then, I guess you decided. If you have trouble, I'm right here." Shaking, Andrew finagled with the thing a bit, but got it on. "The key comes to me, boy." Sighing, Andrew handed it to him. "You'll take it off?"

"If you're good, maybe. If you're bad, definitely. Now, also, let's not say you have no body hair. You got pit hair and you've got crotch hair. At some point, we'll talk about that. My bottoms are always smooth. All the way." Andrew looked at him. "Yeah, I wanted to ask you. You called me bottom this morning. What's that mean?" Gabe began to laugh. "You think you're fooling me, Andrew? You shot just after I called you that. I said you belong underneath me, and I meant it. And let me ask you a question. Have you had any desire to take control of the relationship this weekend?" Andrew blushed. "No. But I'm new to this."

"You didn't say no to lunch, and you didn't turn down the weekend. Andrew, you're a bottom. " He came up to Andrew's face. "And you're one helluva cute, handsome, sweet one. " Instead of kissing Andrew, he nibbled at his earlobe. "I'm bragging, but I can have anyone I want. I want you. And I'm going to have you. As my bottom. You understand?" Andrew began to feel weak at his knees. He whispered back. "I understand."

"Good. So now we don't have to have any discussions about who does what to whom. You get dressed, I'll get cleaned up, and then we'll eat what Nancy the cook left for us, and you'll go to the study. I'll head out. I want to do some shopping."

After lunch, Gabe led Andrew to the extra study. It was two doors down from the room where Gabe had gotten the chastity cage. "Fully equipped, kiddo. You can thank darius for designing it for the modern-day student. If by some chance you need something that's not here, my study is open, too. Feel free to use anything, just put it back. Oh, and here..." He handed Andrew the handcuffs they had used earlier. "As a sign of good faith, lock them on your wrists at 530 this afternoon. That'll tell me everything I need to know about whether we're gonna make it as a couple or not."

After kissing goodbye, Andrew went to the study and Gabe headed out. The first thing Andrew noticed was how completely quiet the study was. The library, where he worked most of the time, was always filled with sounds of other students, noise from outside the building, etc. Now, there wasn't even a radio playing, and he didn't see one to turn on. He knew he could use the computer to provide entertainment, or even plug in his headphones, but he liked the quiet. He pulled out one of his textbooks and got to studying. He looked up again after an hour and a half. The time had flown, and he had gotten more done than he ever would have at home, or at the library.

He decided to take a break. "I need to learn how to work the coffee machine" he said out loud. "I could use a tea or something." He took a look outside the room. No sign of Gabe. The room with the closed door beckoned him. He turned the knob, and it wasn't locked. "Well, Gabe didn't tell me I couldn't go in, so..." He opened the door.

Andrew's mouth dropped. It wasn't surprising, given what he knew about Gabe, to see the high degree of organization. What WAS surprising was the collection of sex toys, leather goods, restraints, everything. He walked around the room. Shelf after shelf surrounded the simple bed in the middle, which was also fitted with restraints. Andrew recognized the gags, and of course, the collection of handcuffs ("I didn't know they came in so many types," he thought). Some of the equipment looked similar to stuff he used with clients at the gym, and he laughed at that. "Mini kettle balls, how strange," he said, when he saw a contraption that Gabe used for ball torture. Then he saw a sign: a simple paper one. It was on a hanger which also held a sleeveless leather vest. "Try me on," it said. There was something very compelling about the room: the smell, the look, everything. Andrew laughed a little. "Well, Jewel told me I'd be out of my comfort zone," and he put it on. Then he looked at himself in a mirror. His cock was in the cage, and he felt it swell and bang against the metal.

"Hmmm. Looking good, Andy," he told himself. "But let's try this," he said as he slipped off the vest and his T-shirt, and then put the vest back on. He checked himself out again. "Yeah, I'd take me home," he said, laughing some more. He began to take it off and then he thought, "No. I'm feeling randy again. I wonder what it'll inspire Gabe to do."

At that moment, Gabe was in fact thinking about the early evening. He had dinner reservations for he and Andrew but before that... He wanted Andrew's ass so badly, but he was concerned that taking him on the first weekend would drive him away. He thought about other things: tying up the lad, playing with him, teasing him, and now HE was getting hard.

Gabe was in his favorite store. If Andrew was going to be a part of his life, his wardrobe was going to have to improve. He had the measurements of the garments he liked on Andrew, and he was talking with Hal, who sold him most of his clothes, and all of the clothes for his subs. "Dare I say, Dr. Gabe, this one is somewhat smaller than darius?"

"He is. And you're right. I usually like a bigger man but, well, there's something so endearing about this guy. Sort of reminds me of Clark Kent. Dressed. Naked, more like the Flash. Hal gave him a grin. "And we know how you like taking a superhero down a notch or two." Gabe thought again about the costume idea he had had. If it worked, would they make it to Halloween? He ordered a bunch of things to be delivered and took three shirts and two pairs of pants back with him.

He wondered if Andrew had succumbed to the playroom.

Andrew heard the elevator open up. "I can't believe I got so much work done," he smiled, closed the book, and went down to the ninth floor to meet Gabe. He didn't realize how much he had missed him until he saw him. "Hi stud. Your boy couldn't wait until you got home." Gabe looked at Andrew, wearing his jeans, and the vest with no shirt. "Stunning," he thought. "You found my note," he went up to Andrew and put a finger under his chin, so his eyes went right into Andrew's. "That face," he thought. "That face drives me wild." Meanwhile, Andrew smelled the mix of Gabe's cologne and sweat and felt weak. When Gabe fingered his nipples, he felt weaker. "OOOOOOOOOOOO, I didn't expect that."

"Ha ha. Sure you did. Why else would you take off the T shirt?"

"I guess I don't know," Andrew replied.

"I guess you told a fib. That means punishment. You saw the room of course."

"I did."

"Did you see the leather shorts behind the vest?" Andrew reddened. He did. He had thought about putting them on too.

"Get back up there and change into them. And wait for me. And understand, when we're in that room together, I am SIR. At all times."

"I understand," Andrew answered, and added "Sir," muttering "I need practice."

Gabe put the garments away, and then went up to the room. "We're going to play with a few things today, boy. Start getting you used to what I'll be doing regularly. On the bed. Now."

"Yes, Sir," Andrew wished he wasn't in the cage. He hoped it would come off. Gabe yanked each of his wrists up to the top of the bed and restrained them. He paused for a minute. "Do I, or don't I?" "Tomorrow. Tomorrow afternoon." He pulled Andrew's legs apart, restrained his ankles and pulled off his sneakers.

"Sweaty socks make great gags, boy, remember that. For today, though...." Gabe went over to the shelves and took down a plug gag, a pair of nipple clamps, and two vibrators.

"Open your mouth, boy." "Yes Sir. MMMMPH"

"I should have kissed you before I did that. Now, sometimes I'll use a safe word, today I won't because this is the easy stuff. Very easy." He held up the nipple clamps. "This is the easy set. You'll work up to tougher ones. But first timers get a break." He saw the concern in Andrew's face. It was like food to him as he applied one clamp, then the other. He heard the loud "MMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMPH" from Andrew, and when he pulled the clamps, he got an even louder one.

"You look so sexy in those shorts, that I don't want to pull them down. Maybe I don't have to. You hard, boy?"

"MMMMMMMMMMMMPH" came back the response. "I bet you want out of the cage." Another "MMMMMMMMMMMMPH". "In a little bit. For now though, I want you to wear those shorts after we're finished playing . Until we go to dinner. Now..." He pulled them off. Then he pulled off Andrew's socks. "Vibrators are very useful toys. Most people don't know HOW useful." He began running one of them over Andrew's sole. He pulled the nip clamps, and Andrew agonized in his bondage.

"Not now, andy boy, so don't worry." He saw a look of relief over Andrew's face. "Tomorrow afternoon, though, maybe. I can't wait." He moved the vibrator to Andrew's other sole, and twisted one of the clamps.

Next: Chapter 4

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