Training the Trainer - Installment

By moc.loa@potgnipor

Published on Aug 15, 2023


"Hey, how about grabbing some lunch with me tomorrow? We can talk about this weekend." Andrew listened to Gabe's voice on his phone. It was ALMOST as sexy as his voice in person. He could feel his cock getting hard, and he turned away so no one could see.

"Gabe? How did you get my number?"

"Well...," Gabe teased. "I can be very persuasive. Receptionist. And then I backed it up with Brent. You guys all have each other's numbers. Not important. When do you quit work tomorrow? I'll meet you then."

"Gabe, I don't know if I can. I have classes, and..."

"When do classes start? Couple hours after you finish?"

"Well, yeah, but..."

"I'll make it quick. I'll meet you outside the gym. What time? One, two? One thirty?"

"Uh, one thirty."

"See you then. Got to go back to colicky kids." Gabe's voice died away, and Andrew realized he was almost ready to gasp for breath. His hard-on was going down, but slowly. Then he realized: "THIS weekend?" Gabe had talked about a weekend, but not WHICH one. Andrew also realized that Gabe's question at the start wasn't really a question. What was he getting himself into?

He asked around. There weren't a lot of people at the gym who knew Gabe, and when he spoke with Brent, Brent almost laughed.

"Ah, Gabe. He's really my favorite client. Goes after what he wants. Kind of relentless." He looked at Andrew and smiled. "He really likes you."

"He just asked me out to lunch." Now, Brent began to laugh.

"You probably mean he told you that the two of you were having lunch. Gabe doesn't really ask for anything. Just get used to that if you're seeing him." Andrew blushed.

"ANDREW, FOR HEAVEN'S SAKES. DON'T LET ME BE A NOSY MOMMA. He's a rich doctor, he likes you, and you haven't been on a date in over a year."

"How do you know that?"

"Andrew, you bitch about how horny you are all the time." Andrew blushed. It was sort of true.

"Think of it as a compliment, young man. I've met some of Gabe's prior guys. All educated, built, hot. Hmmm. Maybe his standards have gone down."

"Or maybe they've gone up!" Andrew shot back.

"A possibility. I'm teasing you, Andy. Just a word of advice. I was serious when I said Gabe doesn't ask for anything. If he wants something, he takes it. And he's picky."

"I'll keep that in mind," Andrew said, secretly feeling very flattered.

Gabe was standing outside the gym when Andrew finished work. He had clearly been working that morning because he was still wearing his tie, his custom shirt, and slacks. Andrew immediately felt underdressed in his white T-shirt and jeans. Gabe smiled at him.

"You look even better than you do in uniform." His stare was strong. Andrew began to sweat.

"Am I underdressed for lunch?" Gabe laughed. "NAH, I just ran late with clients, and I didn't have a chance to get casual. No big deal. There's that place that thinks it's a restaurant but is really a diner. Let's go there.

Ten minutes later they were sitting opposite each other at a small table. Gabe had ordered seafood salad with extra vinegar; Andrew was having a turkey wrap. As they sat, Andrew felt Gabe's foot begin slowly pushing his left sneaker off. He let out a squeak and some of the other customers noticed. Gabe just smiled and started running his foot along Andrew's.

"GABE! STOP! You're embarrassing me!"

"Maybe, but I'm also getting you hot. Not as hot as I am, but hot." Andrew reddened again. "You know, I don't know if anyone has ever told you this, Andy boy, but you are so fucking cute it's hard to comprehend." Gabe paused. "And if the rest of your body is as ticklish as your foot is, you're gonna be in a lot of trouble this weekend."

"Uh, Gabe, about that. I didn't think you meant so soon. I don't think I can." The waitress brought over their food. "You have plans? Dating someone besides me?"

"I didn't even think I was dating YOU," Andrew thought, but he kept it to himself. He wanted this to work, and he felt that saying something like that would spoil things. He didn't have anything on his weekend agenda but studying. Still, he thought he'd get very little studying done over a weekend with Gabe. Also, since that night when they had made out, Andrew had been thinking "Gabe is going to pop my cherry."

"Well, no, but I have classes to prepare for." Andrew didn't see Gabe's arm stretch out until it was "too late," and he had Andrew's hand.

"I'll make a deal with you. You give me the morning and the evening, and you can spend as much time studying during the afternoon as you like. I'll even leave the apartment if you think I'm disturbing you."

Andrew wanted to ask: "are you planning on fucking me?", but again, he stopped.

"You win," he smiled. Gabe thought to himself "I always do," but he said "We both do. " He lowered his breath. "So, are you?"

"Am I what?"

"As ticklish over the rest of your body as you are on your foot? Better tell me because I'll find out." An image of Gabe digging his fingers into his ribs went through Andrew's mind. "Yeah, I am." Brent smiled and didn't say anything. He took a napkin and began writing on it. "Here's the address. Ninth floor. Just drop me a text when you're on your way so I can be ready, ok, cutie? By the way, you wear that T-shirt as well as your uniform shirt, but those jeans don't flatter your ass. We gotta do something about that." When they walked out of the restaurant/diner, Gabe put his hand on the back of Andrew's neck and squeezed it. "He's letting me know I'm his," Andrew thought. "I like it."

"Your boyfriend lives at THAT address?" Andrew was sitting with his friend Jewel, deciding what to pack. "You know they call that millionaire's row?" Andrew stopped. "I didn't know that. So, when he said `ninth floor' he could mean..."

"He could mean his apartment IS the night floor, babe." Andrew looked defeated. "I don't have the clothes for that kind of lifestyle. I should call and cancel." Jewel gave him a look.

"DON'T YOU DARE. You think a man like Dr. Gabe wouldn't know that? And there's this dirty five letter word you don't know, Andrew `store.' You can go shopping if you need to. No, sweetie, any man who calls you cute more than once during lunch, who pays for lunch, who makes you hard when you think about him (Andrew had told all of this to Jewel): you go to his apartment." Andrew took another deep breath.

"One thing, Jewel. He told me that my jeans didn't flatter my ass."

"He's right. At least not the ones you wear every day. Didn't you tell me you have a pair that's too tight? You never wear them."

"Well, yeah, DUH. Because they're too tight."

"You wear them when you go over. Pack the other ones. Depending on how things go, you suffer like every woman on the face of the earth has, or you get comfy. Take shorts too. Oh, and momma bought you something." She pulled a package out of her pocket. It was a gold thong.

"I'M NOT WEARING THAT!" Jewel started laughing. "From what you told me, you won't need to, but take it. Maybe you want to tease him or...reward him."

On Friday afternoon, sweating, Andrew walked up the street to Gabe's address. He had his backpack with his books, and an overnight bag. He wore a white button-down shirt ("always appropriate" Jewel had told him), and tight jeans. He got to the building and asked for Dr. Gabe. The doorman smiled and pointed to an elevator on the side. "Ninth floor. Or tenth."

"It's a joint apartment?" Andrew asked, and the doorman gave him a grin. "You could say that. The elevator is a private one. Opens right into the apartment. And thank Dr. Gabe for the dinner. "

If it were possible for something to take longer than it should and less time than it should, the ride up to Gabe's apartment was an example. Andrew was more than a little nervous as he got out of the elevator and, for the first time in his life, walked directly into an apartment hallway, painted a soft beige. He could hear soft music, and he thought he smelled something savory.

"I'll be right there, kiddo. Just come on in. " Andrew walked down the short hallway and then heard the click of Gabe's leather shoes coming toward him. There was a big smile on Gabe's face.

"You braved it out. I'm glad. Why don't you put that bag down and let me get that backpack off you." After he stepped behind Andrew, he put his tongue right up on Andrew's earlobe.

"OOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO" purred Andrew. "You like that? Hmmmm?" Andrew felt Gabe wrap his arm around his middle and pull him back. He felt that Gabe was hard as Gabe continued to wash his earlobe. "Found a hotspot, didn't I, handsome?" Andrew's eyes were closed, enjoying the feeling.

"I guess you did. I didn't know," He felt the soft kiss on his ear as Gabe whispered "Well, we'll have a scavenger hunt this weekend. Let's see how many others I can find. For now, let me show you this floor."

"This floor?" Andrew asked.

"Oh, yes. The apartment is two floors. Sixteen rooms. That's why I thought you'd be able to study. There's at least one extra library room -- I use one for office work." He took Andrew's hand. "Come on, let's go." Andrew soon got lost. "I think I just need to know where a bathroom is."

"Ha ha. You need one now?"

"No, but, the weekend, you know."

"You'll find one. There are six. For now though, let's go upstairs. There are two separate ones in the Master bedroom." Gabe led Andrew up a small staircase to the tenth floor. "Guest bedrooms here, and there. Also on the other side of these three rooms," Gabe explained. "This room, well, that may come later. This one is my study and this..." He opened the biggest door. "This is the Master Bedroom."

"GEEZ. It's almost as big as the sauna!" slipped out of Andrew's mouth. "Almost," Gabe answered. Andrew's eyes moved around the room, but they fixed on a set of hand cuffs that he saw on the side table. Gabe noticed the stare.


"Um, a little."

"Never tried them on?"


"Now a good time?" Gabe grinned and Andrew blushed. He said, bravely, "I don't think I have any choice in that, do I?" Gabe let out a belly laugh.

"Not just cute. Smart too. We'll use them at some point, but for now." He got quiet and moved close to Andrew. "Let me kiss those soft lips before I do some more exploring." Andrew yielded. He remembered how good Gabe's kisses made him feel, and they felt as good now. As they kissed, Gabe slipped his hands down to Andrew's ass, and he massaged the cheeks. Andrew wanted to like it, but he felt nervous.

"No, sweetie. Not this weekend. Maybe not even next weekend. Don't worry about that. You're not ready. But what you ARE ready for, is a big, hard man on top of you. GRRRRRRRRRRR" He hauled Andrew to the bed and laid him on it somewhat roughly. Then he let himself down on top of Andrew. He moved his glasses to the side. "I have been thinking about having you underneath me for a long, long time. " He nibbled at Andrew's ear and then gently pushed his head to the side so he could lick and scruff Andrew's neck. Andrew had begun to moan with the kissing and now, those moans got louder. Gabe stopped and looked down at him.

"Such a cute and sexy preppy. MMMM." He pounced on Andrew's wrists and pinned them.

"OK, trainer stud. You're the professional, I'm just the amateur. If you can't get out of the grip, well, then we'll explore some ticklish spots. Or maybe, just maybe, we'll play with those little sweet nipples you have." The minute Gabe said that Andrew was conflicted: he DID have sensitive nipples. One way he played with himself was to squeeze a nipple with one hand while he jerked with the other. Having Gabe play with them was tempting and also scary. Even scarier, though, was being tickled. The last time someone had tickled Andrew, he had gotten so excited that he had cum right on the spot. He began to push at Gabe's hold.

"DAMN. Brent was right. You ARE strong."

"I'm inspired, cutie. I wanna be in complete control of you." He lowered his voice. "Handcuffs or not."

"You're really gonna tickle me?"

"Ha ha. If you're naughty, yes. But for now... maybe I'll just get those nipples. As soon as you give up."

Andrew squirmed for about five more minutes before he sighed. "You win. I give."

"Take my tongue first, you luscious young man." Andrew was happy to comply, even though he could feel his dick dripping, and Gabe took complete control. Every few seconds, Andrew pushed against Gabe's hands, and Gabe would smile. At one point he stopped. "You're a little feisty, Andy boy. Cute, and feisty." He pulled his tongue out of William's mouth and straddled his chest.

"So, let's see: do I find out just how sensitive your nipples are, or do I tickle the shit out of you? Hmm. Or maybe do both, BWA HA HA HA HA." Andrew smiled at the fake laugh, but he knew that whatever Gabe did to him was going to push him over the edge. He could feel how close he was, and he was getting closer as Gabe began opening his shirt.

"It's so baggy. Why do you hide such a hot body under so much cloth?" His thumbs began running over Andrew's nipples. A long, low moan escaped from the man.

"AH. I guess they really ARE sensitive. Another hot spot." He stopped for a minute. "Every single way I learn to keep you under control and in line, is a good thing." Andrew tried to get up from the prone position, but Gabe just squeezed his nips harder and he fell back.

"FUCK!" escaped his mouth, and Gabe smiled. "It's gonna be so much fun training you, you hot little stud." Andrew didn't understand what "training" meant, but he didn't have much time to think, because the sensations from the nipple work were rippling through his body and he felt his hips beginning to move, as if they had their own mind. Gabe noticed too.

"Seems my boy has a VERY fast trigger. Well, we're gonna have to get that under control." Andrew gritted his teeth. "Control." "Train." And the feeling from Gabe's hands.

"I've always been quick. I can't seem to help it. " Andrew was breathing heavily. "And you're making it worse."

"Oh, I have ways of getting your pecker under control, too, andy boy. That is, IF you don't start showing some discipline and keep him quiet. So, what about that tickling?"

"NO. PLEASE. PLEASE GABE PLEASE. DON'T. DON'T. HAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHA." The tips of Gabe's fingers were strong, and a little rough. The sensation was wildly intense, and with Gabe straddling him, Andrew couldn't do anything but writhe. He could see that there was a spot on the front of Gabe's jeans. He dug in deeper.

"PLEASE GABE, PLEASE! IT'S TOO MUCH, IT'S. AAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAA" As Andrew's body convulsed, Gabe rolled off and laid along his side. He watched the stain move across Andrew's crotch. He whispered "Go ahead, cutie. Get it all out. All of it. " The convulsions were abating, and Andrew began to catch his breath.

"I couldn't help myself. That was WAY bigger than when I'm alone."

"I'm flattered," Gabe answered. "But now, we're going to have to cover two things, before we get something to eat." He grinned. "Actually, you're going to get a snack first." Andrew gulped. He thought he knew what that meant, and he was scared. "I've never sucked a dick before, Gabe." Gabe looked at him and shook his head in mock disappointment. "Don't you tell your clients things like `baby steps?'"

"Well, yeah, but." "Baby steps for you, too. C'mon, sit up." Andrew moved slowly: all the blood seemed to be down at his crotch, and he felt a little dizzy.

"Sit on the edge of the bed," Gabe commanded. He used a tone of voice Andrew hadn't heard before. "Now." He opened his pants, and his hard-on came out: cut, and beautiful. Andrew tried to estimate how long it was. "I can't take that, Gabe." "Not yet, but you will. For tonight, just put the head in your mouth." He moved closely to Andrew, and Andrew hesitated. He felt Gabe's hand on the back of his head.

"I get what I want, andy boy, and I want your mouth on my cock head. " "OK," Andrew answered. Gabe thought "He'll learn. He's ripe for it." Andrew closed his eyes and took the tip of Gabe into his mouth. Gabe felt the soft, virgin lips and moaned. "YES, BABY YES. You know how to make your man feel good. Run your tongue around it. Slurp it. " Andrew did. The smell of Gabe's pubic area, the taste of the dick and Gabe's hand holding him in place were making him excited again. He felt Gabe stiffening, and he heard him breathing harder. He felt like he should let go of Gabe's cock, but Gabe's hand held him in place.

"First swallow is always tough, andy. It gets easier. Andrew tasted the salty, almost bitter fluid going down his throat. It seemed to just keep on coming. Gabe was making a sound that Andrew thought meant he was enjoying it. He tried to slide down on Gabe's cock, but Gabe pulled his head back.

"Baby steps. Like I said. Baby steps. Swallowing is enough for tonight, and you're doing fine. Good boy. Good boy." He released Andrew's head and pulled out his cock. "You're going to be a natural cocksucker, Andrew. You're going to be good at all of this." He paused. "I can't wait to play with your ass. Nice jeans by the way. You have more like that?"

Andrew was surprised how quickly the conversation changed. "No, just this pair. I thought they were too tight, but my friend said..." he blushed. "My friend said you'd like my ass more if I wore these."

"Your friend is very smart. We have to meet. And YOU, young man." He pushed Andrew back down on the bed. "YOU are going to get yourself a whole bunch of jeans in this size. I don't care if you wear them any other place, but you'll wear them for me." He had Andrew pinned again, and he began circling his navel, which made Andrew giggle. "Understand?"


"I think we're going to call in some food tonight. We'll go out tomorrow. You like Indian?"

"I think so. I haven't had too much of it."

"I go running in the morning, " Gabe said. "Did you bring any gym clothes." Andrew smiled. "Yeah, I did. I'll race you tomorrow. Bet I beat your ass." Gabe didn't miss a beat. "Bet I FUCK yours." He howled when Andrew blanched. "Just teasing young man, just teasing. But I'm letting you know now; I'm going to start conditioning that cute butt of yours. I'm going to claim it sooner rather than later. Now, let's get out the laptop and order some dinner. "

A few hours later, Andrew was falling asleep with his head on Gabe's chest. Gabe's fingers were massaging his head, and Andrew drifted, feeling very comfortable, and Gabe thought about what a good sub this young man was going to be.

Next: Chapter 3

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