Training the Trainer - Installment

By moc.loa@potgnipor

Published on Mar 8, 2024


So, we move forward a few weeks. Andy did leave his job as a personal trainer, and became, for lack of a better term, Gabe's "house boy." He went to classes full-time, but when he wasn't in class, Gabe expected him to keep busy around the apartment, doing things that he felt were more appropriate for a sub boy than a housekeeper. One of those tasks was keeping Gabe's shoes clean and well-polished. One of Gabe's many idiosyncrasies was his shoes: he had at least 12 pairs of dress shoes, and he never wore the same pair two days in a row. It was andy's job to find wherever Gabe had left his shoes when he came home, get the proper color polish, and rag, and get them ready for the next time Gabe wore them. In all the time andy had been with Gabe, Gabe had never worn the same pair of shoes two days in a row. Except for earlier in the week. Gabe had worn a pair of black shoes on a Monday, and when he got dressed the next morning, he pulled out those shoes and they hadn't been cleaned. Andy had forgotten. He had been distracted by something else, which Gabe didn't know. Gabe brought it up at breakfast.

"Boy, what happened with these shoes?" He showed them to andy, who blushed as red as a beet.

"OH, FUCK SIR! I'm so sorry, I just wasn't thinking. I'll take care of them now." He saw the tight grin on Gabe's face.

"No, you won't. I need to leave for work, and I want to wear them. They're comfortable, but they're well... smudged." He fell silent and andy stood there, his hands locked behind his back, looking down.

"I disappointed you, Sir. I should have paid better attention." Then his voice dropped. "I deserve whatever punishment you decide." Gabe's face didn't change one bit.

"Well, you got that right. And yes, there will be punishment. You'll polish these after you get back from school and the gym, but your punishment will start now. First, get me your cage." Andy blushed as he answered "yes, Sir," because thinking about what Gabe might do to him was already getting him hard, and since he had to be naked at breakfast, it was evident. When he came back with the cage, Gabe looked at him. "Can't get that down, andy boy?" Andy blushed again.

"No, Sir. I tried." He felt Gabe's hand curl around his balls and squeeze. "OWWWWWWWWWWW. Thank you, Sir." The pressure pushed down his orgasm, but Gabe wasn't letting go. He was squeezing harder. Andy knew better than to complain. He winced when Gabe smacked his cock, twice, and looked away while Gabe locked the cage on him.

"Sit down. I'll be back in a minute. Public humiliation is a good way to continue." He headed off into the bathroom and he came back with a set of what he called "slut clothes." One was a tank top with very big cut aways in the sides. They were so big that andy's nipples showed when he wore it. And he had a pair of gym shorts that andy had worn in high school.

"This is your gym uniform today, boy. You'll change after you get home but this is for the whole workout." Andy swallowed, hard. Gabe had him wear this outfit at home from time to time, but he had never worn it to the gym. He now worked out at a gym that stressed bulking up and muscles, and it was working. He always got cruised, until someone who knew whispered to the cruiser that andy was "Gabe's bitch," or something similar. This outfit was going to get more stares.

What Gabe didn't know at the time was that andy's mind had been focused on something else when he should have been polishing Gabe's shoes. The old doorman for their building had retired, suddenly, and while the building looked for a suitable full-time replacement, they had a young, blond man working as a temporary. Gabe and andy had met him one night when they came back from one of Gabe's "professional" parties. "Good evening, Dr. Gabe," the man smiled, and then said "Andrew" and nodded his head. Andy knew when Gabe was intrigued by another man, and he saw the look go over his DOM'S face: the man resembled his old ex-Marine lover in many ways. "I'm Luke, and I'll be working nights here for a while." Andy had seen the big smile on Gabe's face as he shook Luke's hand, just a little bit too long. "Well, it's very glad to meet you, Luke. You'll be working nights?"

"Yes, Sir. Wednesday through Sunday. 4 to midnight. Unless I have reason to stay late or come in early."

"HE'S FLIRTING WITH GABE. RIGHT IN FRONT OF ME!" Andy wanted to smack him, and when Gabe said "Well, maybe I can find something you can do off your regular shift. "We shall see," he wanted to smack Gabe. Andy just "knew" that the big forceful French kiss Gabe gave him in the elevator, and the hard, long fuck he got when they were home was from Gabe imagining he had Luke underneath him. "I'm not going through another darius," Andy thought, before he realized that he really couldn't do anything about it. At least, he didn't think so. He was considering that point when he would have normally been getting things together to take care of Gabe's shoes, and that had led to him forgetting.

"Have someone take selfies of you at the gym. Leaning up against equipment. Bending over. Legs spread. Then send them to me." The text made andy blush yet again. How could he get this done? Colin didn't train at the same gym: his DOM preferred him lean and boyish. "If I don't do it, God knows," he thought, as he swallowed hard and went to one of the older men, whom he knew was a close friend of Gabe's.

"Frank, I hate to bother you, but... Mister Gabe told me to have someone take pictures of me at the gym and, well, would you mind?" Frank looked up. He saw what andy was wearing and knew the man was being punished. He smiled. "Well, SURE. First, though, I wanna ask you a question: you locked up?" Andy knew what was coming next. "Yes, Sir. I am." He saw Frank lick his lips. "Well, I'll take your pictures if you take one for me: your cock, locked up." Andy hesitated and Frank smiled. "Up to you, boy. Everyone's gonna see it eventually, may as well show me." Resignedly, andy shook his head yes. "Please don't show it to Sir Gabe." Frank gave him a leer and said "I'll take it with me wherever I go. I'll imagine I did it to you."

Gabe answered after he got the photos. "Nice. You look like a muscle slut. You feel like a muscle slut?" Andy rolled the words around in his head, and realized they were getting him aroused.

"Yes, Sir. I do."

"Heh, heh. Well, all you have to do is wear them home. You can get changed there, and then, punishment will continue. I'm not done with you."

At home, andy dressed in a tight charcoal t-shirt that he knew Gabe liked, and tight sweatpants. He covered his clothes with an apron as he polished the shoes he hadn't polished the night before. He got finished just as the elevator stopped at the entrance way. Andy was still on the floor. He didn't get up. "Good evening, Sir," he said, kneeling, in submissive position. Gabe came up to him, lifting up his head. "Finish up. Then get in the bondage chair. I'll be back. We need to discuss this. MY WAY."

"Gabe's way" involved tying andy into the chair tightly. His wrists were behind his back, and Gabe tied his ankles to the back of the legs of the chair. The effect was to push andy's chest forward, which Gabe began exploiting immediately. As he worked andy's nips, he teased. "Look at the muscle boy. Totally fucking helpless." He pushed his knee into andy's crotch. "Does bulking up make your head get soft, sub boy? I don't ask for much." He pressed his knee harder into andy's crotch. Andy responded with a combination of moans and groans of pain. He could see the bulge in Gabe's pants, and he knew he was rock hard. When Gabe pulled out a small scissor like he used at work and cut slits over each of andy's nipples, andy gave out a sigh. "OH FUCK." It slipped out. Gabe looked at him.

"Such language. You probably need to be gagged too." As Gabe reached for the duct tape, andy spoke. "Sir, I'm sorry, I don't have permission but PLEASE SIR, please hear me out. I won't take long." There was a sneer on Gabe's face. "That's going to mean more time with the clamps, but ok, speak your peace." Gabe saw the look on andy's face, and he knew this was important. He pulled back his knee.

"Thank you, Sir. I'll try to be brief. I know, you told me that as DOM, you can have any man you like, Sir. But...please...." He began to tear up a little. "Not Luke. Not anyone you meet after you met me, Sir, please. I mean, I understand you had Darius before me, and if Steve came back, or any of your other formers, I could live with that but..."he began to cry harder. "I don't want to risk losing you to someone new. " He paused. "That's all, Sir. I'm sorry I messed up on your shoes, and I'm sorry I interrupted you here. I'll shut up now." Gabe didn't say anything. He went ahead with taping andy's mouth, and he attached clamps to andy's exposed nipples. He toyed with the clamps until andy was moaning loudly. Andy noticed that Gabe wasn't smiling, but he was still hard. He got up, stepped behind andy and rested his hands on andy's shoulders. Andy felt Gabe's mouth on his ear.

"You're a good boy, andy. A REALLY good boy." He kissed andy's ear. I understand what you're asking. I'll make you a promise: I can't help looking, but I can help touching. I won't touch any other boy but you. But in return, need to really, REALLY understand that you're my sub, my slave, my bottom." He paused and then he whispered: "And honestly, the boy I've loved more than any of the others."

"mmmmmmmmmmph," andy muttered weakly. He wanted to kiss Gabe so badly. "You want my cock, andy boy?" Andy shook his head vigorously, even though Gabe was holding onto the clamps tightly, and the movement sent a wave of pain through him.

"Then I'm gonna fuck my boy. My hot, cute, delicious andy boy." Gabe used the scissors to cut the ankle bonds, but he kept everything else in place as he led andy to the bedroom. He tossed the boy on his belly and grabbed a handful of his hair. "Long enough for me to do this means you need a hair cut boy,"

"mmmmmph," andy nodded and the pain went through his nipples again. He felt the scissors cut away the sweatpants, and then Gabe stopped. "No. I think I want to see your eyes. And I want you to see mine." He cut the wrist restraints before he rolled andy over, but then he retied them to the metal headboard. "Let's get you focused, pretty boy. I'll take these off," he removed the clamps, and as the blood ran back to his nipples, andy moaned some more. Then he pulled back the tape on his mouth. "You're lucky you're so smooth, andy. Some of my boys hated the tape coming off because it always ripped hair away." Then he pressed his lips against andy's mouth and shoved his tongue in. Andy felt a sense of bliss filling him: could he feel better with a dick inside his ass? He found out soon enough: Gabe first slipped a finger in through the hole he had cut, and circled andy's hole until andy was begging, moaning, and screaming "THANK YOU, SIR." He was so wet that when Gabe finally did push in, there was no pain at all. He could feel Gabe squeezing his quads so that he pushed in further, and he kept his cock deeply inside andy before he pulled it back out halfway and began thrusting.

"You're mine, boy. You know that?"

"OH YES SIR. YES. Absolutely. FUCK ME SIR. PLEASE. FUCK ME. " Gabe was having no problem with that. He began to get into a regular rhythm, pulling back and thrusting forward, watching andy's upper body twist and shudder.

"I'm gonna drop a load in ya, boy. Gonna breed you."

"BREED ME SIR. BREED ME. YES! YES!" He clenched Gabe's dick, and he felt the fluids shooting into him. "SIR, it feels so good.

OH GEEZ. I can't get enough of you, Sir." Gabe smiled as he kissed him. "You'll get all you want, andy."

And now we move forward about four months. Andy's in the kitchen of the apartment with colin: Gabe is giving a party to make sure that everyone knows he has a "new boy." Andy has on a new blue shirt Gabe had made for him: the workouts had bulked him to the point where his clothing had become too tight, even for Gabe, and Gabe had needed to have three new links added to andy's slave collar because he shoulders had grown so much. Still, when they wrestled in bed, Gabe beat him every time. "He works out so hard, I've got to keep up. I'm getting too old for it," he was laughing with a friend. I'm glad he's so completely submissive." His friend laughed. "Well, no one breaks them better than you do, Gabe."

In the kitchen, colin was showing andy his engagement ring. "I can't believe it finally happened. Max put it on after he fucked me and..." Andy felt happy, but also jealous. "That's amazing col. Do you have a date?"

"I think so. Sir Max is going to announce it tonight. Here." "Andy, would you be my best boy? If Sir Gabe allows it, of course?" Andy smiled and hugged his friend. "OF COURSE! Tell me when and where, and by the grace of Sir Gabe, I'll be there."

"GIRLS, YOUR MEN ARE WAITING FOR THEIR DRINKS!" Gabe yelled into the kitchen. There was a third sub with them- Georgie belonged to one of Gabe's doctor friends. "Sorry, Sir. Colin just gave me some big-time information."

"DID YOU HAVE MY PERMISSION TO TALK ABOUT IT, COLIN?" Max called in. "OOPS" Colin looked at andy.

"Sorry, Sir. Andy tortured it out of me."

"Well, maybe I'll have to torture it back into you, boy. Get those drinks out here." The subs served all of the DOMS, and then andy took his place: when they went to D/s parties, Gabe would spread his legs, leaving room for andy to sit down in between them. He'd hold onto andy's collar, sometimes slip his hand down his shirt, and he always locked his legs around him, so that if he DID try to get away, he couldn't.

"You still sending colin and andy out for Halloween?" one of the guys asked. Gabe ruffled andy's hair. "Oh yes. I told andy I could fantasize about capturing The Flash and keeping him prisoner, and that's where we're heading. Irish boy colin is going to be Aquaman." Georgie's DOM asked Max: "So, DO you have a date?" Max smiled. "Soon. I'm trying to convince my best friend here that he should get a move on: we all know he's heading toward making this boy an honest man, and a double wedding is so much hotter. Guests can play with who's doing what, and so on."

"Well, that reminds me," Gabe spoke. At that moment, he had andy's arms pinned behind his back. He let them go. "Gimme that right hand, boy." Andy's mouth dropped. Colin smiled. "YOU KNEW. YOU KNEW YOU FUCKING BITCH BOY."

"Shut up and take it, bottom," Gabe teased, as he thrust the engagement ring on andy's finger. "After Halloween. But before Christmas, because the four of us are taking a trip at Christmas as newlyweds. " As he said it, Gabe's heart skipped a beat: he had never had any desire to marry any of his boys before, but andy... yes, he was the one.

"Best boys for each other, andy," colin said. "Each other's best boys for life." Andy didn't hear it. He was looking up at Gabe. "I love you, Sir." Gabe smiled. "Back at ya, handsome."

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