Training the Trainer - Installment

By moc.loa@potgnipor

Published on Aug 11, 2023


NOTE: This story makes occasional reference to Superman and Clark Kent. There is absolutely no connection to be drawn between the story and those characters. It's all coincidental.

Andrew worked as a personal trainer at one of the more elite gyms in the city. He had applied himself to his job from his very first day: as a junior trainer at one of the local Y's. As he learned more and got better at his job, he moved up to better gyms, and to one of the elite trainers in NYC. He was all of 31 years old.

You'd be hard pressed to guess what Andrew did for a living. There weren't many Asian Americans who worked as trainers to begin with. Also, Andrew didn't have the hyper muscularity you frequently see with trainers. You'd be tempted to say he had a swimmer's build, but that wasn't right. Nor was it right to say he had a runner's build, or that he was solid. The best you could say is that he was as fit and as strong as a 5'7" man could be. His facial features, and his glasses, were reminiscent of Clark Kent: the haircut, the glasses, the almost shy demeanor.

His clients liked him because he projected a sense that "you can do this." One client described him as a physically fit geek. When Andrew heard that, he laughed. "It's a point of honor to be a nerd or a geek in my family. If people think of me that way, well, I guess I didn't disappoint anyone."

One member at Andrew's gym had taken a very strong interest in him. You may remember Dr. Gabe: Gabriel Stein. Yes, Dr. Gabe had come back, and had re-established his practice as "pediatrician to the stars" or, more correctly, to the children of the stars. He was a member of the gym and worked out with another trainer. Gabe had always paid very careful attention to his physical fitness. Like Andrew, it wasn't immediately clear that, as one boyfriend had said "Gabe is a Daddy hunk." Gabe knew it. He kept his physique as hidden as he could with very carefully tailored clothing, but when he walked through the gym to get to a session with Blake, his trainer, or to a piece of equipment, there was always at least one man and one woman who stopped and stared. Gabe was used to it: he was 46 and felt as if he were in his prime.

Just recently, Gabe had ended a relationship with his boyfriend/sub, Darius. It was time: he and Darius had made a deal: Gabe would bankroll Darius' graduate school studies, provide housing (Darius lived with Gabe), and pay for all of his expenses. In return, Darius would become Gabe's sexual sub. It had taken Darius a while to accept this, but the financial offer was too good, Gabe was wicked handsome and smart, and he agreed to it.

"Never again!" he told his best friend, Alex. "That man was a voracious animal! And the kink! I don't think there was anything he wouldn't try." (Darius always left out that he had been a willing participant in all of those "kinks," and when Gabe had asked him and Darius gave him a list of "nos", Gabe had followed them to the letter). Gabe was the first one to admit that he was possessive. Darius was HIS, and there was to be NO straying outside of Gabe's sexual rules. Darius' biggest gripes, it seemed, had been when he had violated one of Gabe's rules, or when Gabe's sexual appetite was more than Darius could handle. When the contract ended, Darius had no intention of continuing the relationship.

What he didn't know was that Gabe had no intention of continuing it either. He had begun attending Andrew's gym a year before his relationship with Darius ended, and as he had said to a fellow doctor, also into his BDSM scene "I can't wait to sink my teeth into that boy." The friend had pointed out that Gabe had no idea whether Andrew was gay or not, and Gabe just laughed: "Darius said he wasn't gay either. Wanna estimate how many times he took my dick?"

In fact, while you couldn't call it a "crisis," Andrew was unsure of his own sexuality. He had had a girlfriend, Stephanie, for three years. The relationship had ended when Andrew realized that Stephanie was a beautiful woman who took great care of her body, but who hadn't read more than a magazine article in three years. Basically, he outclassed her. When he broke up the relationship (he caught her cheating on him), he began to notice the men at the gym. He didn't linger when he looked, but he did look. He looked at the women, too. He didn't know what he wanted and, like so many people, he just spent time with himself, masturbating almost every night, usually thinking about men, but not always.

"He's so cute," Gabe said to a friend who went to the gym with him sometimes, as he watched Andrew with a client. "Do you think he tailored those shirts to hug his biceps that way?" His friend laughed. "I think he's absolutely oblivious, Gabe. Just like he's oblivious to you staring at him. Seriously, I think he just lucked out with the fit. " When Gabe looked unconvinced, his friend went on. "Have you ever seen him train in shorts, Gabe? Or a tank top ? COME ON. He has no idea he's turning YOU, or anyone else on. Absolutely none." Gabe just sighed.

"He doesn't need to wear shorts. Look at that ass. It's just perfect. DAMN I wish he did more squats." It WAS true that Andrew had a beautiful ass: firm, well-shaped, and like the shirts he wore, his athletic pants displayed it as well as they could.

"I'm gonna have that boy," Gabe said to his friend one day. "I want him, and I always get what I want." He just had to go about this the right way: Andrew was very reticent around the gym, almost shy. He came to work about fifteen minutes before he saw his first client, worked until about 3, and then headed off to what he called his "other" job. Andrew was studying part-time to become an EMT. Given his work, and his school, it perhaps wasn't surprising that his sex life was organized around handkerchiefs and movies.

Gabe made his first move. It was subtle. Well, not really. Andrew had finished working with a client, and was in the locker room, changing his sweaty uniform for a new one. When he bent down to tie his sneakers, he felt someone pinch his ass. He jumped and let out a small scream. There were more than ten people in the locker room, so he couldn't say "HE did it," or "HE did it," but he saw Gabe walking away with a smile on his face. Just before he left the locker room, Gabe turned around and grinned. That was the first time Andrew had noticed Gabe. And he began asking the other trainers if they knew who he was. They were stunned that Andrew was so ignorant of Gabe. "DR GABE????" one of the trainers asked. "Oh, Mr. Demanding. He's quiet about it, but that voice. When he wants something... I don't know how anyone can turn him down." "VOICE?" one of the very gay trainers added. "You focus on his VOICE? MY GOD have you seen his pecs? All that hair? I wanna get lost in that forest. By the way, has anyone ever, ahem, seen the goods.?" There were rumors, but no one would fess up to seeing them.

"Blake says he's single again. He and his partner agreed to split. He may be on the make." Allison, the one woman in the group, added "Dolls, he's ALWAYS on the make. Even when he was with that hot guy. DAMN, I'd settle for his sloppy seconds. Checks out everyone." She sighed. "I guess none of you are good enough for him." Andrew was about to say, "I think he grabbed my ass the other day," but he kept quiet. He had no evidence.

Then it happened again. This time it was on the gym floor, as Andrew was picking up some weights to put back on the rack. He bent down, and he felt the pinch. This time, there was no one around, except for Gabe, who had just gone over to one of the machines to do presses. The pinch had sent a jolt to Andrew's balls, but he tried to ignore it as he walked over to where Gabe was working out.

"Excuse me, but... did you just pinch my ass?" No points for style from Andrew, but he got the message across. Gabe smiled.

"Perhapssssssssssssss. Do you with that I did?" He smiled, and his perfect teeth showed. It wasn't the answer Andrew expected.

"Well, would you stop?" Gabe continued to smile. "You sure you want me to? I don't think you do?" Flustered, Andrew stammered out an answer. "Look, that kind of thing really isn't appropriate at the gym. It's, it's..."

"You'd rather I did it outside of the gym? Well, that could be arranged. How about meeting me for a drink some afternoon?"

"NO! That's not what I meant! Just, just, just please don't touch me, ok?" Gabe finished his reps and stood up, shrugged his shoulders. "Hokay, that's fine. Let me know if you change your mind. I guess you know my name. I'm Gabe. Dr. Gabe is how most people know me." He stretched out his arms and Andrew saw the infamous chest. Hair tufts came out of Gabe's tank top. He saw Gabe's big muscles, and his mouth went dry. "Fine. I'll do just that."

In class that night, he couldn't concentrate on the lecture. He kept on thinking about Gabe, and he caught himself reaching down to his crotch a few times. It had been months since he had gone on a date with anyone, and he was horny. One thing he had learned from the other trainers, though, was that the rumor was there were no ifs and or buts about Gabe: he was in charge. Andrew knew enough about relationships to know that in gay relationship terms, Gabe was "the top." He did the fucking. Andrew was a virgin at that. To be sure, like most guys, he had "diddled" as his mother put it, with other boys, but it had never gone further than that. He just assumed that if he went out with Gabe, it meant..."

"Why did my cock just ping like that?" he thought.

"Hey, Dr. Gabe, do you have a minute?" It took three days before Andrew and Gabe were both at the gym at the same time. Gabe smiled. "Of course. Did I leave a kettle ball on the floor?"

"Uh, no. Nothing like that. Remember you asked if I wanted to have a drink with you?"

"I sure do. " Gabe smiled and Andrew thought (this is harder than I thought it would be).

"Well, I'd like to take you up on it, but..." He hesitated, and his mouth got dry like it had previously. Gabe chuckled.

"It's a drink, Andrew. It's not an invitation to a full-fledged orgy." Andrew reddened but felt relieved. Then Gabe laughed and added "Not yet anyway." Andrew laughed nervously. He didn't know what he should do now. He could feel Gabe, who was 6'1", looking down at him. "How's about this, sailor? I know you've got school." Andrew looked perplexed, and Gabe added "You did your research, I did mine. Is Thursday your off night?"

"Uh, yeah, it is."

"Well, how about this? Would it be inconvenient for you to meet me at my office?" He gave Andrew a card with the address. "Jennifer will let me know you've arrived, and if I'm in with a patient, she'll let you know. Work for you?" A drinks date with another man was new to Andrew so he just said "Um, sure?" Gabe smiled. "OK. Great. Very casual, Andrew. Don't wear a tie. I won't." And then he added. "I want to know you better, Andrew. That's all. I don't want to make a ravaged woman out of you." He winked at Andrew. "See you Thursday."

"Hmm. Quite an address, Andy." Andrew was talking to Roland, one of the few people who got to call him Andy. They had known each other since first grade. "But drinks with a well-known gay doctor? Is there something you need to tell me?" Andrew shook his head. "I don't really have anything to tell anyone yet, Ro. I mean, he pinched my butt a couple of times and, well, I'd be lying if I said it didn't feel good. He's one of the best-looking men at the gym and, well, things have been a little dry lately.

"Oh, it sounds like Doc Gabe is making you moist, Andy." Andrew blushed. "Seriously, you've never heard of him?"

"Never. "

"Hmmm. Uncle Roland has to fill you in." Roland knew all of the gossip, and if the truth were known, he had a bit of a crush on Dr. Gabe himself. He had seen the many articles about "NY's Hottest Gay Bachelor," after the relationship with Darius ended. He teased Andrew "You know, you could be one of NYC's best kept houseboys pretty soon, Andy. I hope you won't forget me. "

"ROLAND! I'm just having a drink with him. That's all." Roland winked. "You don't want more?" Andrew protested. "NO! Well, maybe not yet. I mean, I don't know. But help me how to dress." Roland knew more than Andrew did about fashion, which truly was not a high bar to cross, so they got to work. Andrew was dubious, but Roland said "Trust me, love. It says available, but not to be had like a salted peanut. Have a good date, baby doll. I envy you."

Jumping forward to Thursday, Andrew was sitting in Dr. Gabe's waiting room. The receptionist had greeted him with a big smile. "ANDREW! I've so looked forward to meeting you. I'm Jennifer. You should feel free to call and ask for me if you're ever looking for Gabe. Can I get you a sparkling water or something?" The chair was comfortable. Andrew sipped his sparkling water. Jennifer had complimented his short sleeve oxford shirt. "That pale blue color: what would you call it? Robin's egg? Suits you. " Then she smiled. "Blue is one of Gabe's favorite colors. Blue and white." Andrew heard a door opening and then he saw Gabe, in a lab coat over a shirt and tie, and a pair of slacks that were clearly custom made. He recognized the woman who was there with a small boy.

"Preston, don't give your mother any trouble when she asks you to take those pills, ok? " Preston was quiet, and Gabe stared down at him smiling. Andrew heard the weak "Yes, Sir, Dr. Gabe." "GOOD BOY!" He shook Preston's hand and smiled. "You can make an appointment with Jennifer, Cecily. Three weeks is good." He looked up and flashed a big smile. "ANDREW! You didn't chicken out." He came over. Andrew put out his hand, but it was too late. Gabe had him enveloped in an embrace, and Andrew recognized right away: this was a muscled, fit man. He wondered if Gabe noticed his dick hardening.

"So you and Jennifer have met. Great. She's REALLY the one who runs this practice. Now, I've got to get out of doctor duds before we go get lubricated. Come on back. I'm just gonna change. " Andrew wasn't sure he was ready for this, but he went. He learned, in short order, that the rumors about Gabe's endowment were true. He also saw that, because Gabe was way more mesomorphic than he was, he was more muscular, all over. Gabe slipped into jeans and a casual shirt that Andrew guessed was silk. "Let's go, young man. The evening awaits us."

Three drinks later, Andrew was sitting on the couch of Gabe's enormous apartment. Gabe had just sat next to him. He smiled and didn't say anything as he took the glass of wine from Andrew's hand and put it on the table. "Don't be nervous, cutie, I don't bite on the first date." That didn't help Andrew's nerves as he felt Gabe's lips press against his. He heard Gabe whisper "open up a little, Andrew. Don't be a clam." Andrew wanted to please, and he did. He felt Gabe's tongue enter his mouth and he almost swooned.

"MMMMMMMMMMMMM," came out, inadvertently. Gabe stopped, pulled back. He stroked Andrew's ear. "You've never been kissed by a man, Andrew? Other than your family?"

"No. And..your tongue."

"You want some more?" Andrew didn't speak, but he shook his head yes. As Gabe's tongue slid inside of his mouth, he felt Gabe's hand going inside his short sleeve shirt. Earlier that evening, Gabe had complimented him on how the shirt showed off his arms. "THANK YOU, ROLAND!" he had thought, and now he thanked Roland again, this time for telling him not to tuck in the shirt. It made it easier for Gabe to get his hand on Andrew's chest. How to describe the feeling? Gabe's hands were firm, but...soft. He couldn't describe it. He felt Gabe's hands moving up his torso, as his kisses turned to regular ones. Andrew didn't know why, but he sensed that if Gabe's hands got up to his nipples, he'd, well, lose control.

"How's that feel, handsome boy?" Gabe whispered as he pinched Andrew's right nipple.

"OH. OH GOD OOPS I..." Andrew had been hard since they had sat down at the gay bar. He couldn't help himself anymore, and just kept pumping as Gabe kissed him, and kept his fingers on his nip.

"First time anxiety. It's okay, handsome. It's okay. Did you like it?" Gabe was staring into Andrew's eyes. "Uh, yeah, it was like nothing I've ever...felt. But..." Gabe laughed. Andrew had been wearing khakis and his orgasm had been so big, that the stain was evident.

"Oh, that's nothing, sweetie. We'll get you a cab and I'll lend you a sweater. Tie it around your waist, preppy fashion. No one will know. But now...." He opened Andrew's shirt. "You need to know that, when you cum on a date, courtesy says the other guy does too. Today, just on your chest. We'll move on to other things, later." Andrew dropped his pants. "Play with your tits, Andrew," he ordered, and Andrew started tweaking them. "YEAH. That's how I like it. My boy is getting himself hard for me. YEAH. Let Daddy watch. Let...Daddy...SHOOT!" Andrew watched as Gabe's substantial piece got more substantial. He felt the jizz striking his chest, and then Gabe's tongue licking him. "OH MY GOD. This is... this is AWESOME." Gabe chuckled.

"Gimme a hug, boy. And tell me we'll do something again." Andrew wanted to stay but he knew that wasn't in the cards. Gabe must have known.

"Next time. Back a weekend bag. Spend a few days. We'll get to know each other. Now, time to trundle you off home."

Next: Chapter 2

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