Training the Military Studs

By Master Primus

Published on Dec 23, 2020


Ok so after receiving emails I manage to spare some time and write it down for you guys. Email me to motivate me otherwise I might stop writing them. My apologies for mistakes as I don't proofread them. If someone can help me with writing on my directions do tell me.


Colt tried to break free from the ropes. He was a strong man. After putting a lot of struggle he got free at last. He ran down the stairs and found his gun, he came out of the house but none was there. "Darn it", he cursed and went into his house.

Mark didn't know what to do. Should he stay with Alex or leave? After he denied his proposal they were not at good terms but he now regret that. He cannot run from the reality. He want Alex to satisfy his sexual needs. He was dependent on him for his primal needs which actually makes him his slave so why was it difficult to become an official one. That collar doesn't even look like a collar more of a chain. He came out if his car and unlocked the door, he grabbed Alex in his strong arms and put him on his bed. He was sound asleep. He texted Greg if he would come tonight but he said he was busy as it was his night shift. He couldn't leave Alex there so he slept outside in lounge.

My head was swinging when I woke up. I remembered that I was talking with a man and he seized me and everything was blurred. I could also recall the presence of Mark but nothing was clear. I came out if my room and went straight into the kitchen, made myself a cup of coffee and came out. As I sat in the sofa I yelped to see someone sleeping on the sofa. I couldn't see who he was as his face and body was covered with blanket. That man woke up with my yell and I was shock to see Mark there.

"So you woke up ?", He asked me yawning.

"Yes it's my house. What are you doing here?", I asked.

"So you don't remember anything don't you?", Mark asked smiling. I was confused and I nodded my head in negative. He took his mobile out and shows me a video. My eyes popped out to watch it.

"What the hell it is?", I cried a loud.

"It is you being kidnapped and almost raped by a cop", Mark smiled.

"What the fuck?", I was infuriated. Now things were becoming clear.

"So you bring me here?", I asked.

"Of course", Mark said. ", And you should be thanking me now", I didn't respond.

"But why did you help me?", Now it was Mark who had no answer.

"I'm waiting", I asked again.

"I don't know. We are friends and friends help each other", he said but I was not satisfied with his statement.

"Ok thank you and see ya", I stood up. He was not gonna tell me and I won't force him to tell me. I want not his master or had any right on him.

"Why do you have to act like a jerk?", Mark seemed annoyed. I turned towards him and advanced towards him annoyed myself.

"I'm a jerk? You are a jerk.", I shouted we both were clenching teeth's when Mark did something I didn't expect. He took my face in his hands and kissed me. I was in a shock but responded to his kiss. It has been days since I had any intimacy with him. He broke the kiss and we both continue to stare at each other.

"Don't be so cruel Alex. I don't wanna leave you. You know these days have been so difficult for me. I missed you a lot and when that bastard took you away I was so worried. Loosing you is not what I want", Mark expressed himself and I was in shock. It seems today I'm going to have a shocking day.

"Then why don't you do as is at?", I complaint.

"What do you want?", Mark asked. "You want this to wear", Mark reached into his pocket and brought out the collar-chain. "Where did you get that from?", I asked him. I saw it lying under the table. Mark wore the collar chain. "Happy now?", He asked. "So you are willing to be my slave?", I wanted to confirm.

"Yes boss. You own me from now on", Mark sighed and answered me. I was so happy that I hugged him excitedly and we both fell on the sofa.

"What's this? Hey....are you ...hard?", He asked surprised. "Morning wood....and as you have agreed to be my slave.....I think it is right time to...serve me ", I asked hesitantly to which Mark responded with a smile and pushed me on my back and pulled down my boxers to reveal my member and took it in his mouth.

****** "So what do you wanna do about that cop?", Mark asked me. We were having breakfast.

"You told him about me?", I asked to which he nodded his head.

"I have a wonderful idea", I gave a cunning smile.

****** Colt was having his breakfast when his wife came and handed him a parcel.

"Here is a tape in it", his wife said. Colt read the name but it is anonymous.

"Bring me a cup of tea honey till then I ll watch the video", he told her and began tow arch the video but as soon as video started he knew what was it about. He quickly closed the video as his wife was about to come. He was sweating profusely.

"Those bastards are now blackmailing me", Colt clenched his teeth.

"Honey what is the video about?', his wife asked and he panicked.

" is evidence.", He lied. If his wife finds about his little secret his life would be ruined. Officer Colt had a reputation of a cocky and confident cop due to his buff stature and rude attitude but he was afraid if his wife as if they divorce each other then he would have to pay a handsome amount as penalty. And if police station came to know about this he would be suspended. He took his hand in his hands in frustration and anger.

Now it was time to deal with Liam. I asked him to come to the club tonight and I went there with Greg. Although I'm a Dom Top myself but I knew transforming Liam was not a one man's job. I discussed it with Greg who assured me of his every support I needed. Then we kissed and I fucked him. I don't know why I always feel a new rush of desire to fuck him despite the fact I don't feel sexual arousal for the men who gives in so easily. Still I was always rock hard to fuck him. Nevertheless, we reached the club and waited for Liam. After sometime I saw the handsome stud in his denim jeans and jacket. If he were an actor he would perhaps be the most handsome man on earth. It's a wild guess as I have not met many men but he was the eye candy among all I had met. Liam greeted and I introduced both Liam and Greg to each other. Liam reached his hand out to shake and Greg grabbed his hand firmly to give Liam the impression of his strength. Liam was impressed by his good looks and strength. Greg might look most innocent one in my stable but he was not dumb at all. "Let me bring you a drink", I said and disappeared from the scene letting Greg do his work.

"Alex told that you are in military", Greg started the conversation giving Liam the lecherous look which he also noticed and smiled.

"Yes you heard right", Liam said in a polite way showing off his manners. Normally one cannot expect such sweet attitude from a military guy but Liam was eloquent and sophisticated dude.

"They don't get enough opportunities for other sort of "things". Is it right?", Greg asked with a grin. Liam understood what he meant.

"Yeah but we have other guys who can provide the best thing than their other counterpart.", Liam winked. Greg was leaving a good impression on him.

"You said right", Greg laughed.

"So what do you do?", Liam asked. I also returned and gave him the drink. I was relaxed to see everything was going good.

"I'm a hospital nurse. You know it is a hectic job, dealing with the patients during day and night. The night shift is the most tiring one, stops me from spending time with my mates", Greg put his hand on my shoulders pulling me towards himself which made Liam a bit jealous but he didn't show that.

"Of course, even in the military we people don't find enough time.", Liam took a sip.

"Hey it's my favourite song", Greg grooved a bit over the song and I was surprised as Greg was a reserved sort of person. He was going really overboard.

"Come on Alex let's hit the floor", Greg grabbed my hand without even hearing my response.

"Wanna join us Liam?", Greg asked and Liam refused the offer politely.

"Ok....let's go Alex", we both were among the crowd and I was constantly looking at Liam who was smiling and motivating me. I knew he was jealous.

"Why can't you act within the script?", I shouted as the sound was hammering my ears.

"Hey, just read Alex. Don't you want to lay that dude?", he asked moving around.

"Yes I want but...", I was confused. How was Greg gonna do that making Liam mad.

"Than just chill and have faith in me", Greg showed his dance moves and took my face in his hands and kissed me which came as a surprise to me. Liam was shocked as well. He didn't expect Greg to be bold enough to do that in front of him.

We both returned to Liam who was sipping the drink.

"You two had fun", Liam said and Greg nodded his head. Greg signaled me to disappear again and I went to have another drink.

"I and Alex are really close. We are more than friends you know", Greg said and Liam listened with full attention. Alex likes tall muscular handsome men and we both posses all traits.

"But I'm a bit taller than you", Liam smiled.

"We both are taller than Alex", Greg smiled. Liam came closer to Greg and put his hand on his lap that was slowly crawling towards his crotch. Greg was looking at me when he quickly turned to Liam's touch.

"Just relax.", Liam strengthen his grip over his crotch.

"You are one hot and handsome man. How does it feel when you are with Alex?", He asked him. Liam didn't know that Greg was a bottom. He still thought Alex would be the one getting shots after shots of cum in his ass.

"It is amazing", Greg said and it was not an act. His words reflected his feelings.

"He has the power to satisfy anyone through sex", Greg said. Liam was rubbing his crotch and Greg was getting hard. It was not in the plan.

"Just relax Greg", Liam came closer and whisper in his ears. Liam was one handsome guy and his beauty was enchanting Greg as well. Liam's words and his rubbing action was relaxing him. His cock was rock hard now.

"Fuck", Liam suddenly squeezed his manhood hard that yelped him and he look at him. Liam was smiling and left his manhood as he saw me coming towards them.

"So you both bonded well?", I asked.

"Yeah...well we were about to "bond" and you came", Liam smirked that made Greg ashamed.

"Did I interrupt?" I asked.

" was joking.", Liam said with his stunning smile.

"the thing is I have to leave so you two have fun", Liam said.

"Why now?", I asked.

"Alex I have to wake up early as the entrance exam is near. You should also pay attention to that", he advised me but my preparation was good.

"I'm doing good about it. The physical part is difficult",

"It ll be alright", Liam said and left the bar smiling at Greg.

"What happened when I was gone?" I asked hurriedly.

"He is one bastard you know", Greg was annoyed.

"Man he ll give you a tough competition Alex", Greg said.

"I know that's why I need your help. He will forget who he was once he accepts his true side. I know he is not what he shows. Once he learns to accept his real side everything ll come out just like you and Mark.", I said firmly. Liam was one of those specific men who act cocky and dominant u til and unless someone dominates them and they realise they were delusional.

For you pretending Doms out there there is a classification of Dom. First class which I called the S class or elite class is the one who is represented by true Doms like myself. They don't have to act cocky or go overboard to show their dominance. They didn't have to build their bodies like wrestlers as well. True dominance resides in a person's nature. It is "a part" of all attributes of a Dom not his "entire nature" is dominant. Second is class X comprising of pseduo or false Doms. They dominate and fuck others until and unless someone more dominant than them, which is a real Dom of course, comes and hit their dominance. They take time to realise their real role during sex. If they bottom they still can top. You can say they become versatile. Liam and Mark belongs to this class. With right guidance, he ll learn really soon it is not the real him. Third category is not a category in itself so I named it as non-dom class with small "d" cuz they are not Doms by nature. They live in a delusion of being dominants acting all cocky focusing more on building their bodies misguiding others to assume them as doms. Actually they are just tops who had never been toped before. Both class A and this class need an expert dominant to teach and guide them properly. Greg belongs to this class (and I guess Mark as well but I ll put him in both classes as he has the shades of both categories). Once they feel a cock inside them they crave for it and assume the role of a bottom more than a top. It has been months since Greg has topped anyone. He has completely assumed his role as a bottom and now there would be a rare chance in future of him fucking someone.

Greg talked with Liam on chat for some days, he even sent him his nudes making Liam ready to want him and Liam was having the effect. Even I couldn't resist this cute handsome stud when I fucked him in the hospital for the first time. So I called Liam and told him that I want to do with him now. We both have been meeting for many days now. Liam sounded like he was ready to do it. He agreed excitedly but I also told him that it would be a threesome and Greg wants to come as well. I told him he was willing to be fucked by him. Surprisingly Liam had not issue with it. We decided to come to his place on this Saturday. I was so happy that my plan was working. The downfall of mighty military stud is gonna begin.

****** Liam:

I was not at all happy to see that jerk Greg with Alex dancing and kissing him. And that kiss, what the fuck was that? He kissed him in front of me that night. How could he? I had to teach him a lesson and made my way. I knew he was all talking and as I started seducing him he fell for me, everyone did except for Alex who is one stubborn dude. Of course I get attracted to him as he reminds me of my younger brother who died but also I love to be with two my dudes like him. I have fucked a lot of men of different ages but fucking those who are younger than me arouses me the most. When I saw Greg getting dizzy with Alex I was burned cuz he is my prey not his. So I had to do something about him first but when Alex called me I got the opportunity to teach that bastard a lesson of his life and to make Alex mine. Fucking that a shithouse of muscle will be fun.

Alex possess an aura that attracts others to him just like me. He doesn't look like a regular bottom. He searches for a dom top who can handle his cocky attitude and I will be the one who is gonna satisfy his search. I'm anxiously waiting for the weekend now.

****** "So how did it go?", Mark visited me in the evening after his return from office. It was a busy week for him as he had to do my task along with his office work but hell it would have been exciting for him as I gave him the tons of opportunities to fuck this week.

"Yeah and despite of my busy schedule I'm doing what you told.", Mark thrashed on the sofa and loosened his tie. He was looking hot. I handed him over a glass of bear.

"I hope it didn't distract you from me?", I gulped my drink down and he quickly stared at me.

"No way Alex. It's been a week I have been fucked. I have been a top entire week and my ass is yours to use", he came and sat near to me. I smiled at kissed him. I want my men to crave for me just like this.

So what happened between I and Colt that night mad me mad, I still hadn't forgotten about it, I thought of a new idea to deal with that cop and teach him a lesson. I could have done many things as I had a proof that could destroy his married life and kick him of his job but I wanna go easy on him. Mark had taught him a good lesson that night and warned him about me so I decided live few days in fear about me. I definitely wanted to pay him a visit, expose hi in front of his wife and destroy his life but then I recalled his physical appearance. He was a daddy, I'm usually into muscular and in shape dudes. Colt had a huge buff muscular built, not overly muscular, he was 6'5, had huge biceps and handsome looks, had a beard and short hair almost bald that I actually prefer and one fuck able firm, round butt he also had a wwide hairy chest actually he was hairy, there were hair on his back, underarms, crotch and everywhere. But that was not a problem as he would cut them down. The problem is he lacks six pack abs. But overall he looked an ogre and his little chubby abdomen suited him. His personality has authority and he was a cop which was strawberry on cake. Another attribute of attraction is he's straight. He had a thing for little boys and girls, kinda pedophile but he was not gay. All the info was provided by Mark and I couldn't resist make him my sub daddy cuz he was handsome and buff and I love buff dudes. He could also help me avoid in real life if I need the help from police.

So I told Mark to make him live with fear of my wrath and do whatever he wants to humiliate him especially in the station in his own room. Keep on reminding him what he did was wrong and he had to pay the price, keep him submit to me and fuck him as much he wants to make him realise he is gonna live life according to my terms, he was now slave and I was his master. I was hard right now when Mark told me the details that his cocky alpha attitude has been shattered and he was begging not to release that video and tell his wife. He sounded henpecked whenever Mark took his wife's name. Fear of loosing job is always a man's weakness and Colt knew that.

I would definitely see him as he knew the real deal has yet to come but I won't ve as he is expecting. I had to conquer him mentally as he looks like the perfect candidate for my next slave. After I'm done with Liam, he ll be next.

****** Clash of the two tops:

Saturday evening came and I and Greg got prepared for the show. Greg hung his arms around my shoulders and lick my earlobes. I don't like it when he do that but never stopped him either. He looked great as well. We both sat in his car and started towards Liam's. We parked our car and knocked at his door. Liam in t-shirt and shorts opened the door. His hair were messy but still he looked stunning. I was gonna fuck this handsome god.

"Hello there", Liam greeted us excitedly and welcomed us in. It was first time I came to his apartment. It was nice and comfortable with a large lounge and two rooms and an open kitchen. We sat in the sofa.

"Make yourself at home", Liam said politely and fetched a bottle of bear and glasses. He half filled three glasses and I asked him for a glass of water. He stood up and went to the kitchen and according to plan I dropped a tablet of Sildenafil in Liam's and my drinks. I want all of us horny like hell tonight. He returned with a glass of water. He sat with between us and we started drinking. With little chitchat, Liam took the start like a top would do and rubbed our thighs. We both were smiling. Liam looked more interested into Greg, perhaps he wanted to avenge him for that night. We all were getting hard. I grabbed Liam's hand and put it on my crotch, he understood and squeezed my member. "Ahhh", a moan escaped my mouth, he did the same thing with Greg as well.

"I wanna see your body Liam", Liam forgot I love to see muscular bodies. So both Liam and Greg took of their shirts. I told them to take of their pants and shorts as well which they did. Both were in their underwear. I myself took off my shirt and pants. I dropped Liam down on the sofa and came over him feeling his muscles. Liam on the other hand grabbed Greg's underwear and pulled them down, grabbing his cock in his hand. He seems to be impressed by his length. It had an impressive length and girth. He gave it a jerk while I was playing with Liam's nipples. They were medium sized and looked delicious. I lowered down and licked one of those meaty buttons. Liam moaned as his sensitive button was pressed my by tongue and wet by saliva. I squeezed his other nipple with my hand. It was dream come true. I continued to lick and nibble the hunk's meaty nipples one after other one. I was drooling saliva and sucking it. His body scent was sexually arousing. Sildenafil was taking action and I felt Liam's cock tenting out along with mine getting rock hard. All of us three were becoming more and more horny. Greg's eyes were closed as he was feeling the erotic stimulations from his cock that Liam was giving and his nipples which he was twisting hard. I had trained him and made his nipples really sensitive. He could be aroused now even by touching his own nipples.

"I have never gotten hard so early", Liam said excitedly. To distract his mind from doubts I looked into his eyes and said, "it is because you are surrounded by two hot men giving you pleasure", I said and kissed him. He has not been in a threesome before so he thought it was excitement that made him really hard and leaking. I attacked Liam's lips. Kissing is one of the best thing I love to do. I took my tongue in his mouth and rotated it still playing with his nipple. Liam didn't mind at all. I took his both arms and took them above his head. Greg's cock was free now as I didn't want him to cum soon. This gave Greg time to cool him down and prepare himself for next round. I suck his lips and felt his biceps he flexed his gorgeous muscles and made me leaking as well.

Greg on the other hand full a glass of wine and drink it. He was smiling looking at me taking Liam's charge. Liam did it deliberately as he wanted both of us to enjoy. Both of our tongues were fighting with each other and I began to rub my ass against his crotch which made his cock throb.

"Mhhhhffff", Liam moaned feeling the urge to release. Why he was so close now? He could hold himself for hours but not today. He was confused. He still thought it was his excitement and didn't doubt that there could be another reason as well. I stopped rubbing against his crotch to prevent him from cumming but his cock has leaked a lot of pre cum already that made him a weak a bit and I kissed him ferociously. Liam looked so cute helpless and he couldn't fathom what was going on.

After fifteen minutes of kissing I left him and we both smiled at each other.

"You are one amazing kisser Alex", he complemented. My hands were rested on Liam's large bulging pecs that I was squeezing and I could feel his hear racing very high. Blood rushed to his neck and he was sweating.

"I wanna have some private time with you, let's first deal with your friend ", Liam said and I nodded my head. And it was actually Greg's turn now according to the plan. Till now everything was going accordingly. I stood up and before Liam could stand up I pushed him on his back, he looked at me confused, I pulled his legs and too off his briefs. Liam was surprised my bold move and before he could jump to anything I ordered Greg to give him his mouth. Liam understood the meaning and smiled at me. Greg who was looking at us and waiting for my signal lowered himself down and stared at Liam.

"What is this chain or locket?" Liam noticed the chain type collar I gave to Greg.

"It is something special to me", Greg smiled and grabbed Liam's nine inch rock hard leaking cock. Greg has been trained to give an amazing blow job now, he was a best cocksucker. He opened his mouth wide and took inch by inch in his mouth. Liam looked quite impressed by his service. According to him if Greg was a top he would hesitate to take such a large cock but he didn't. I took the wine bottle myself and pour it in a glass. Liam placed his hands over Greg's head and pushed him down on his cock harder. He assumed Greg wouldn't take his cock that deep and would gag but little did he know that I have been playing different sizes of dildos with his mouth and ass and Greg could take his cock with ease. Even if he had a ten or eleven inch long and three inches wide dick, Greg would have savour it. This is the reason why I chose Greg and not Mark. Mark is a hasten man where as Greg is more calm. Where Liam was impressed to watch Greg taking his all length with ease, he was surprised to see Greg was a versatile (he assumed).

"He wanted to give you a blowjob from the night he saw you", I came behind the sofa and whispered in Liam's ears who was lost in the pleasure his cock was having. Liam looked at me and moaned. His cock was throbbing hard and was about to cum. Liam's grip on Greg's curly hair weakened as his cock was gonna erupt soon and just before that Greg took out his mouth and Liam's orgasm was delayed again. He was annoyed at this thing and was frustrated that why he was not able to cope with his cumming. He was trained in military to hold his orgasm but his training was failing him today. Greg's drooling face galvanize Liam with the wave of pure dominance. His bottoms would always get covered in his cum and saliva when they suck him off. Greg had fully salivated his cock and it was ready to fuck any hole. So he stood up and pointed Liam's dick at his ass crack. Liam was enthralled that he was gonna fuck this willing stud. I was smiling and drinking wine. My plan was working quite well.

Greg carefully mounted over Liam's cock and slowly took it in. I knew how much Greg liked to take a cock in his hole. I was recalling the first day when I bought a large sized dildo for him to sit on and how much difficult and painful it was for him, it took him days if practicing and finally he was able to fuck himself with that dildo but still I was worried if he could take it entirely as his hole was tight but Greg surprised me when he took all the way in. He was enjoying it and I was annoyed a bit. How could he enjoy someone else's cock beside mine? Greg noticed the annoyed expression and closed his eyes. He grabbed the back of sofa with his hands tightly and travel all the girth inside his tunnel. "Ohhhhhh", Greg yelped with a painful moan when Liam pushed his cock up his hole with his full power. I feel bad for him cuz he was my slave and my responsibility. He was suffering all that just for me but I couldn't do anything. Im the only one who can inflict pain on my men not Liam or anyone else. My slaves are my property.

"How did you like that faggot?", Liam gave another powerful upward stroke, Greg's face contorted his face feeling the pain, his face flushed and muscles tensed but he sure was enjoying as well as his eight inch cock was throbbing hard up and down.

"Answer me faggot?", Liam pounded him again.

"Fuck.....yeah", Greg nodded with the closed eyes.

"I couldn't hear...say it loud bitch", Liam was excited to take his revenge on the muscular stud while he was moaning and groaning on his dick.

"Yes I like it", Greg was jumping and down with every upward and downward stroke. His body was sweating and respiration became restless. He was enjoying getting fucked. I was getting jealous.

"Now ride me bitch", Liam said and pounded him harder and harder. Liam's own cock was throbbing inside Greg. Both were lost in lust. Liam closed his eyes and focused on fucking the slutty bitch who was riding his cock senselessly. Greg was a complete whore. Greg opened his eyes, seeing Liam lost in lust he signaled me and I also came out of my lost sense. I quickly grabbed Liam's face and kissed him which I trusted his focus from cumming. Liam responded well and I began to put down wine from his face that touched our lips and we both took sips. It was so erotic when wine was drizzling down Liam's face on his bulging pecs and nipples and then down his washboard abs and collected in between Liam's and Greg's crotches. Greg was sliding up and down faster like pumping action of the motor. He grabbed Liam's face and broke our kiss. He began to kiss Liam himself madly. Liam embraced the muscle stud tightly fucking him harder and kissing passionately. Liam couldn't hold it longer.

"I'm gonna shoot...fuck..", Liam shouted.

"Shoot it in him Liam....cum inside him", I quickly went to him and whispered in his ears tweaking his nipples.

"Go shoot it stud...erupt your manjuice inside me...I love it when I feel hot liquid hitting my insides...come on stud...cum inside me...shoot your load.", Greg whispered in Liam's ears,listening to those sensual commands and feeling erotic stimulations from his nipples Liam went mad and erupt loads after loads of cum in his hole.

"Fuck....yeah ..take it bitch....take my juice..", Liam hugged him tightly and with his full might plummeted Greg's hole filling him with his own manjuice. Greg's anus pressed tightly against Liam's cock that forced his semen to erupt in him. Both the studs were lost in the aftermath of the raunchy sex. Liam was still erupting his juice and Greg was kissing him wildly. Liam thought he emptied his balls as he shot dozens of his semen fluid but when Greg unmounted his coxk he was shock to see his cock rock hard and leaking. He was a heavy Cummer but today what was happening with him was weird. Liam felt him.cumming again. He wan to fuck Greg again.

"You want more don't you?", I whispered to which chuckled.

Greg assumed all four position on the ground that made Liam's cock throb again.

"What the fuck---?" Liam thought.

"Fuck him again, you want it don't you?", I pushed him. Liam wanted to fuck him but he also wanted to save his energy for Alex as well but he couldn't resist Greg's welcoming cum filled hole. His lust overtook him again and he bent down. His dick was already slimy and Greg's hole already stretched so it didn't feel difficult for either of them to receive and to fuck respectively. Except me both of them were fully naked. I licked Liam's wide back and kissed him from neck to downwards. Liam felt the sensitive touch and moaned. I went down and came I front of his asset which was his precious virgin ass. I kissed his right but cheek and squeezed another one.

"Hey what are ya doing?", Liam asked politely hammering Greg's amazing chute.

"I wanna give you a rim job", I said taking his ass cheeks apart.

"I don't do that Alex", Liam said after a pause.

"But why? You ll feel good", I said with a sad expression.

"I just don't...fuck..I'm close again", Liam said feeling the pleasure.

"Oh fuck me....yes..harder..", Greg moaned out as well.

"You both are enjoying yourself except me..u wanna give you rim job..and that's it", I was persistent and parted his ass cheeks to expose his little purple button.

"Hey wait..", as I was about to lick he stopped me again. I mad ran annoyed expression. Liam' orgasm was again interrupting so he gave me permission partly due to delay and partly by my dad expressions.

"Ok babe but be it quick", I blossomed on hearing that and parted Liam's ass cheeks away again. I saw his tiny fecal hole. It was pink and looked really sensitive. I bring out my tongue making it wet and touched it. I couldn't see what he felt but as I protrude more I felt him moving away and a light moan escaped his mouth. I couldn't understand if it was a moan of pleasure from fucking Greg or getting his hole protrude in. I grabbed his ass and fixed it at a position and hurried my face in hitting his tight hole. It was one of the tightest things ever. I licked and sucked and tried hard to penetrate but his anal sphincters were tightly clenched, didn't let me in. It was unusually tight as fuck.

"Ahhh....leave it Alex", Liam said like whisper and I hurried my tongue with full force. I was trying to get inside at least.

"Ohhhhhh...ahhhh Alex....fuck", Liam clenched tightly and pushed forward into Greg's hole. Greg turned behind to see Liam who was moaning and his fuck action has been stopped. I was almost inside it and pushed my face in pulling his ass cheeks apart even more.

"Alex...stop it..ahhhhhh", Liam shouted and pushed me away. I looked at him annoyed and he was as well as he couldn't shoot another load when he was so close to.

"Don't do that...I request", Liam tried to remain calm and composed. His as or hole was never touched and I guess I was the one who came this far.

"Stand up faggot", he ordered Greg who stood up.

"Bent on your back on the sofa", Greg did. Liam exposed his hole taking his legs above his head. Greg had signalled me an important information. During all this we both were observing Liam's weak spot and Greg found that out. It was his hole. His sensitive hole which he didn't let me penetrate was his weak spot. His body gets shivered when his hole is touched. I was smiling cuz now Liam was mine. Liam penetrated his hole with his huge cock and lift Greg up that surprised us both.

"I'm gonna ruin your hole bitch", Liam slammed Greg against the wall and started pulverising him harder. Greg hurled his arms around Liam's wide shoulders. He was powerful enough to carry Greg's weight and wall was also supporting him. This was the opportunity I was waiting for. I pulled my boxers down and took out a lube out if my pants' pocket. I applied plethora of jelly on my cock lubing it really well. As I have known the tightness of Liam's hole I knew it would be difficult to pop his virgin hole that's why I would be needing a lot of jelly on my fuck tool. I almost emptied the entire tube. My cock was throbbing hard. I hadn't involved myself in this as I didn't want to waste my sperms, these were for Liam and only Liam tonight. I came closer to the two hunks. Liam was fucking machine and ploughing in Greg's irrigated territory. Greg was groaning louder and Liam grunting high. Their animalistic grunts were resonating in the room. I was close to Liam that he could feel my breaths and my erect cock was touching his ass crack.

"Hey...what are you doing there?", Liam asked. I hugged him my dick rubbing against his ass and kissed him.

"You are so handsome.", I whispered.

"Wait for your turn, after I dump my load it's your turn and no one will disturb us", Liam smirked. I began to rub myself against him and kissing him. I squeezed his pecs tighter playing with his nipples. Both studs moaned louder. I bent down and touched his ass again and buttoned my face in licking his hole wildly.

"Hey....what the fuck...I told you to stop--"as Liam utter his words, Greg turned his face towards himself and locked him in a kiss. I was kissing his chute from below and Greg was kissing him from above. Greg has crossed his legs across his waist and hugged him tightly locking his arms. Practically Liam was locked in Greg's strong hold and this is the primary reason I needed Greg. I could not hold this jock myself so I needed either Greg or Mark. Now Liam was trapped and I was free to do my thing. I took my middle finger and along with rimming it with my tongue I pushed his anal sphincters away with my finger. Muffled cries of Liam could be heard and he was struggling hard to break the trap but couldn't. And I tried force to penetrate my finger in, his sphincters were fighting against my penetration. Believe me I have never felt so much resistance by a hole in my life even a virgin hole doesn't provide that much resistance. It was not normal, not human. Greg pressed me with his foot to do quick and I was doing my best. I with full force penetrated my finger in and I felt like I popped something and for a moment Liam froze in his position. My finger was in and a wave of heat escaped the hole, my finger felt so much heat. Man was it a manhole or a volcano. I was leaking and forced my finger deep and felt Liam's struggles and moaning fading away. Greg was relieved that he has to put less pressure now. I tried to penetrate the second finger and same resistance was provided. I never struggle that much in stretching a hole before. I stood up and whispered into Liam's ears.

"Is this a manhole or what feels so amazing, so tight and extremely hot", I licked his neck and nibbled his earlobe along with penetrating second finger. After such a struggle I succeeded in penetrating my two fingers.

"Fuck....your hole is reminding me of someone. He gave almost similar resistance....ahhhh", I forced my fingers deeper. His tunnel was deep and I wanna discover every inch of it.

"You are amazing Liam...why did you stop me from doing this....I bet you are loving it as much as I'm", I fucked his chute with my fingers. Greg was still kissing him and was easily invading his mouth with his tongue. Liam's eyes watered with pain. I guess he never imagined his virgin hole when popped will give so much pain.

"Liam it is temporary believe in me. You ll love it. It's a guarantee. Just stay still so that it is not more painful", I whispered again but his muffled cries were radiating out. I forced my fingers in and felt the most amazing sensations. His insides were slimy and sensitive, the touch was amazing and heat was just killing me. I twisted my fingers in and out stretching and pulling it. I could hear Liam grunting out louder. His weak struggles were arousing me. I pulled my fingers out ant pointed my dick against it.

"It is time now Liam....please don't make it difficult for me. You know that you are not why you assume yourself. You want this stud so stop deceiving yourself.", I penetrated my dick but yet again it was so hard to conquer it. I pulled it out and gave it a jerk. I entered him again and this time with force. Liam's arms struggled as he felt the extreme pain, Greg held him harder and I spanked his ass hard. Liam succeeded in breaking the kiss.

"Please....stop---", I pushed his face against Greg's maintaining the kiss and pushed myself with one full stroke. Liam's eyes shut tightly feeling my girth and grunting louder. I managed to enter few inches just a few more.

"Take it in stud....ahhhhhh", I pushed the remaining inches in and my dick was completely in his chute", I hugged him tightly and Liam broke the kiss again.

" hurts....ahhhhhh fuck you...ahhhhtake it out please...take it out", Liam shouted and I tried to calm him down. I lapped his ass hard calming him down.

"Liam you know that I'm not gonna leave it. You also know that you want it. You are enjoying it. So instead of shouting and struggling making it painful just take it. I promise I ll be really slow on you.", I slowly pulled my dick half out and slowly pushed it in. My hot breaths were hitting it. Greg also started moving his hole on his dick. Both stimulations were so much for him. The pain in his ass and pleasure his cock was giving was amazing.

"Yes that's like it stud. Now feel it and pain will be gone I promise Liam. You want it Liam. Ask yourself that are you enjoying? And give me your answer", I whispered and he surprisingly took it without struggling. I was taking it out really slow that is not my style but as a Dom top I have to conquer my man. I pushed back in slowly kissing his neck.

" Yes Liam. You are doing good job", Greg was also keeping him horny by moving up and down. Greg and I were doing all the work and Liam was trying to understand the situation. He is a top stud, he fucks not gets fucked. But what was this feeling. His ass which was aching but it was amazing. It was the sweet pain that was giving an unknown sort of pleasure that he had never faced in my life.

"Ahhhhhh", Liam moaned as I pushed in deep in hole. His hole was slowly adopting to my cock. It was like his hole was waiting for a specific cock to invade it.

"Yes you are getting it Liam. Feel it. Do t ruin this moment. You always wanted it but you never realised it. You needed someone to make you realise your real desires. Doesn't it Liam answer me?", I asked.

" don't want to...take it out Alex...take it out", Liam who almost succumbed to what he wanted but again his too persona was hampering him from accepting the reality.

"Listen me carefully Liam and if you hear me out I ll leave it. Deal?", I said and he nodded his head. I continued to fuck him slowly keeping him hard and horny.

"As I told you, fucking you reminds me of a friend Jason. He is just like you", I pushed my dick deep in his tunnels and Liam endured it. He was feeling it and enjoying it slowly. His dick was about to cum he was so close.

"I helped him once and in return I asked him that I wanna fuck him but when time came and I penetrated him, he chickened out.", I was now fucking him in a slow motion and he was focusing more on the pleasure than my talking.

"I still wanted to fuck him but as I penetrated more he begged me to stop. I was confused cuz I knew he wanted it but still denied. It made me feel like I was forcing him so I stopped", Liam was close his dick was throbbing. His struggles stopped and he succumbed momentarily to the situation.

"Then I left him, his hole was so hot just like yours. It was so tight just like yours but I couldn't fuck him if he really didn't want it. But you Liam....don't stop me, don't stop me I really wanna fuck you Liam. Let me fuck you once at least.", Liam heard all this but didn't say anything.

"Ahhhh.....I'm close...fuckk", he uttered.

"Yes Liam just observe how it feels to be amazing is this feeling Liam...feel it....shoot your load again....cum for me this time Liam..", I fucked him a bit rougher and harder as I was also close to cumming.

"Yeah stud hit me with your juice again and feel for yourself how it AMAZING feels when a hot liquid of your Dom hits your hole...the best feeling of the world that you can only feel while getting fucked. So feel it stud", it was Greg. Liam was confused listening to both men. He just wanted to shoot his load and now he didn't care whether it was via fucking Greg or getting fucked by Alex.

"Alex...ahhhh...fuck....I'm close..", Liam shouted lost in lust.

"Cum for some stud....I'm close as well...I'm gonna cum inside you as well",...I whispered and we both shot loads after loads. I was hitting his prostate I'm sure of it and he was shooting his juice in Greg's hole. We all three men were making and groaning savouring the orgasm. I was so happy to fuck my man of dreams. We all were still lost in aftermath of orgasm and couldn't do anything ever after orgasmic waves subsided. My cock was still throbbing in Liam's tight hole and his in Greg's. I pulled out my cock but the sphincter muscles were tightly hugged to my cock. I somehow pulled it out which gave a painful sensation to him but he didn't respond. I guess it was too much for him. I pulled him over to the sofa and pushed him down. He looked at me with confused eyes.

"I'm not done yet Liam and I think neither are you", I pointed at his cock and he was himself shocked to see his rock hard leaking dick. He tried to move but I pushed him down again pointing my rock hard dick at his face. Greg came along and took his legs over Liam's head.

"What are you doing?", Liam panicked.

"Nothing stud just eating Alex's cum in your hole. I never waste it.", Greg said sternly and forcefully grabbed his legs up. He hurried his face in his chute and licked it. With one hand he began to jerk his huge dick that was already throbbing and begging to shoot another load.

"Ahhh...fuck...leave me", Liam struggled but the sensations were so amazing and I also came over him till his both hands up and pinned them and with other hand I started jerking my dick off. Liam was in a shock to see what was happening to him. He never expected this from both of us as to him we were bottoms but things got all messed up in a blink of eye. His body shivered as Greg sucked my sperms out of his hole and eat them. His jerking motion to Liam's cock was fainting Liam. He had shoot a lot of cum but his balls were behaving like overload factory of sperms that were not stopping to produce copious amounts of his junk. And I on other hand was jerking myself. We both were again close to cumming. Greg has sucked all the juice and after few seconds we both shot loads and loads of our nutritious cream. I hit his face and covered it all like a mask. This was nail in the coffin. Conquest of Liam was completed now. The cocky alpha top Liam was fucked and facialised by my cream. We both got up, dressed ourselves and left him in his shame and confusion.

I described few classes of Doms. So to all Dom tell me to which class of doms you belong? Send your answers to my email.

Next: Chapter 8

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