Training the Military Studs

By Master Primus

Published on Dec 7, 2020


His chapter is gonna really amazing so enjoy yourself and do tell me if you wet your pants.

Donate to nifty to keep yourself enjoying.

Chapter 6

"No way. I won't do that", Alex called Mark to come over and handed him the same box as he gave one to Greg containing the collar in form of a chain that fixed around the neck. There was a round locket fitted to the chain engraved with letter "A". When Alex summarised what it was for and what he was to Alex now, Mark got mad at him. "Fuck no. I'm not a slave. Yes I like being your bottom but I have my own authority on myself. I can't give my complete control to anyone", Mark explained and he tried to remain as calm as he could. He really loved being fucked by him. Alex had transformed him from a top to a verse. He fucked his office colleagues and other men as well he was not a complete bottom.

"So you are refusing me?", Alex asked.

"Who gave you this stupid idea?", Mark asked him and looked at Greg who chuckled and looked away clumsily as Mark glanced over him.

"It was you Greg. Don't you?", Mark growled at him.

"I didn't do anything. I just wanted to be with him and I told him that I could go to any extreme to accomplish that", Greg explained innocently. Mark was not satisfied with his explanation. Greg had totally fall for Alex and similar things began happening with him as well. He loved Alex's sensual and arousing touch and his delicate kissing taking his soul out of him. He never felt such strange comfort and satisfaction with anyone as with Alex.

"Alex", Mark advanced towards him and placed his hands over Alex's shoulders. He was, for unknown reason, enticed by Alex's innocent looks and there was a weird sadness that would surround him if Alex was resented or angry with him.

"Just wear it Mark", Alex gave him a stern look. Mark just stared at him in disbelief. He thought, of all Alex would be the one to understand him.

"Alex listen to me", Mark tried to make terms with him.

"I have a reputation in my office. Wearing this chain would damage it.", Mark told him the true reason.

"I already gave it a thought and came up with the design of a chain instead of a real collar Mark. I would never put your personal or professional life on stake. So believe in me and wear it. Show me that I own you", Alex said politely staring in his eyes. Mark was silent. He did his best to convince Alex but failed.

"Alex I.....", Mark said looking into his eyes.

"I...can..cannot wear it. Sorry", Mark stepped back. He hoped that Alex would understand him.

"Then you can leave", Alex said in a cold tone turning his back.

"What?", Mark was shocked and his all hopes shattered.

"I said just go away. I need obedient men to serve me.", Alex didn't turn back.

"Alex you are making a big mistake",

"I won't...actually it is you who ll regret.", Alex didn't like Mark's attitude. Mark stepped towards the exit door slamming it behind him. Greg knew Alex was hurt from inside.

"I didn't expect it from him", Alex hugged Greg who patted his back to buckle him up.

"Cheer up...he ll realise soon what he did", Greg couldn't see him upset. Alex looked up and pulled Greg down in a delicate, passionate kiss.

Alex was sad about what happened between him and Mark. He felt he really went overboard but he did what Greg told him. He was a master and his motto was to enslave every man around him. Mark was one attractive guy he ever met. He was handsome, muscular and housed a nice, firm fuck able ass. He always enjoyed fucking him more than Greg. Unlike Greg he was not a slut, he didn't fall in love with him. He realised he needed a cock in his ass and only Alex could give him the real feeling of being filled by a dick. He was one stubborn stud which always made Alex fuck him even more and with passion. Alex had to come up with different ideas to take that muscle stud down and make him vulnerable to his cock. But now he was gone and Alex was regretting it. He thought like Greg, Mark would have been enchanted by the way he fucked guys but he overestimated his prowess. Greg had gone to the hospital as it was night shift. Alex never understood when did he get so attached to Greg. He was handsome and his curly blond hair would always drive him crazy. Alex gulped down the glass of Champaign and took his laptop. He was surfing on the dark web to know about the activities there but nothing caught his interest. He closed it and texted Greg.

"Will you come soon?", Alex asked.

"No...I'm in emergency so can't come. Sorry", Greg replied.

"'s ok..take your time", Alex dismissed and went to sleep.

"Are you done with the file Mark?", Shawn came in to confirm as boss needed it. "'s about to complete. Ok done. Take it and give it to boss", Mark gave the file and took out his mobile. Greg's messages were there. He wanted him to realise his mistake and apologise to Alex which made him real mad. Alex was wrong and instead asking him to make terms he was asking me to apologise.

"Hey Gary come in my office", Mark said and without even listening to his response he dismissed the call. A few moments later someone knocked at the door and Mark let him in.

"You called me?", Gary asked.

"Yes...give me a blow job I'm really tired", Mark opened his legs wide and looked at Gary who was a bit reluctant.

"What are you waiting for Jarhead?", Mark shouted. Gary quickly knelt down and took his cock out and put his head over servicing it. Mark placed his hand over Gary's head and complimented him.

"Yes Gary. You are amazing like always. You never ceases to surprise me with your expertise", Gary was a lean new comer who was fortunate or unfortunate to work under Mark. It was actually his good luck that Mark was his supervisor as he was the best one can gain experience and knowledge from but it was his bad luck that he had to give him a blowjob regularly. It was not like that he was blackmailed by his superior, Gary was himself gay and loved to please his alpha boss but he was now tired, he could not refuse him now.

Mark exploded his juice in his mouth which Gary gulped down with hunger as he loved drinking man juice. He expected Mark to say him the usual term "good boy" but he looked disoriented today.

"You can leave now", Mark said and he left the room. Mark's hole was twitching and wanted Alex to fill him with his cum. It had been three days that he had not bottomed for anyone. He was a verse and knew some guys who he can call receive a fuck but he had used to be fucked by only Alex's dick for months. His hole gets satisfied only when Alex's dick invades it. It was like lock and key model he read in biology class when he was in high school. Alex's dick was the perfectly shaped key for his lock in the ass. He believes that Alex always uses some magic spell that nobody can resist his fuck he gives like his dick knows which man wants what kind of fuck.

"I'm not a slave Alex", he uttered the words and texted someone.

"Hello Mark", a large, buff, muscular dude in a tank top and trousers who was smoking weed greeted him. Mark had come to a small house whose walls and doors had cracks making the location more of a meeting place than something to live in. The area was also not densely populated. Rarely anyone could be seen around.

"You texted me so here I'm waiting for you for hours now", the man threw the weed and the smoke fleeted in air.

"It has been a year I popped your cherry", the large man placed his hand on the hunk's firm ass. Mark didn't like his touching his sexual parts. He couldn't resist his anal cravings longer and texted Scott to give him the relief. Scott squeezed his ass hard and brought him closer.

"Are you ready for another ride stud?", He asked cockily to which Mark didn't react to. He set himself free and opened a door where a bed was placed. He signaled Scott in who gladly obliged and slammed the door behind him. Mark came closer to Scott who towered him with his height. Scott had long hair and mixed odor of smoke, weed and sweat was emanating from his body that excited Mark. He was about 6'5 and had a well built body just the type Mark would like to give his ass to but all that changed when Alex fucked him. Alex made him realised that anybody could fuck him if he had got the skill to fuck him. It was not the size that mattered, it was the stamina and method to satisfy his sexual needs and Alex got both. Nevertheless, Scott came near and started unbuttoning his shirt. Mark the whole time was staring at Scott emotionless like he was observing something. Scott also realised Mark was not as excited as he expected but he didn't care. He was getting on e tight ass after a long time and he didn't want to waste this opportunity. Scott threw his shirt on the bed and also took his tank top off. Both shirtless hunks were looking hot. Scott stoop down and unbuckled his pants and lowered down his boxers to reveal his cock.

"Nice like always", Scott grabbed it in his hands and swallow it. Mark who was just watching all this responded a little to all this. Alex was not like Scott at all. He would always start by kissing him and in the beginning when Scott unbuttoned he wanted to kiss him as well but he knew Scott was not into kissing. Alex would prepare him sensually, arousing him and making his dick hard and longing. He would response back eagerly. Mark's dick was getting hard not by the service Scott was giving but due to the erotic moments with Alex. Was he regretting not complying to his actions that night?

Scott sucked him well and he was hard himself. He signaled mark to get naked and he took his pants off. Scott also got naked. Both naked men stared at each other. Scott had one big dick. It was about eight inches in length but not very thick so Mark was relieved about the pain a fat cock could give but it didn't mean he won't experience pain as Scott was a rough fucker like Alex. Scott grabbed Mark's hand and slammed him against the wall pinning it against his back. Mark's heart raced high as it was about time to receive a dick. Scott took the lube from the drawer beside him and applied it on his rock hard dick.

"Why don't you become my permanent bitch mark?", Scott adjusted his hard dick against Mark ass crack and glued himself to Mark's back grabbing his dick from one hand giving it light jerking.

"Shut up Scott. I ain't anyone's bitch your thing", Mark said ignoring his bull shit. Alex asked him the same question and he refused him as well.

"You should become my bitch mark. I promise I ll take care of you like my wife. Your ass is the best one among the men and women I fucked. So don't resist Mark", Scott pressed his dickhead against his hole pushing it in. Mark contorted his face feeling the pain.

"Just shut up Scott....", Mark stopped.

"You love it don't you Mark?", Scott asked pushing his cock further and jerking Mark's cock faster. Mark didn't answer.

"I don't know about you but I love fucking you", Scott pushed his cock with force giving Mark intense pain.

"Ahhhhhh", Mark hissed. Scott pushed few inches more. "Ahhhhhh", Mark moaned.

"Oh my God yes it is almost in", Scott gave one forceful thrust and he was all eight inches in. Mark was breathing hard on feeling the cock in his hole.

"I'm gonna fuck you now Mark", Scott left his cock and grabbed Mark's other arm pinning him against the wall. He actually pinned both of his arms on the wall and took his cock half out preparing for forceful fucks Mark knew he would give and it happened. Scott rammed his cock in with full force.

"Ahhh", Mark moaned out lightly feeling the hot rod popping his cherry.

"Oh gosh Mark you have one tight ass. Scott was plummeting Mark's tight ass like a screwdriver and Mark was enduring it all. Despite so many difference between Scott and Alex, both had one thing in common that both liked being rough and Mark like it taking rough and harder. Alex would always get harder and rougher after giving him slow intimate passionate fucks. Whereas Scott was rough from the start. Alex was more physical than sexual, he would care about Mark's pleasure alongside his own but Scott, he was only interested in getting himself satisfied not caring about his bottom. Mark was comparing both tops. Both tops were far different from each other. But why was he thinking about Alex at this time, the time when he was getting fucked?

"Ahhh...yeah....fuck me....ahhhh", Mark assumed the role of a slutty bottom like with Alex. He wanted to live this moment instead of thinking about Alex. It was Scott who was his top at the moment not Alex. But still it felt Alex was still here watching him not letting him enjoy the fuck. Scott left his arm and grabbed his waist fucking him as hard as he could.

"I'm gonna ruin your hole mark. You are my bitch. I ll fill your pussy with my cum", Scott was getting verbal that Mark didn't like at all. Alex would get verbal only if they had a roleplay. Mark was not anyone's bitch neither Alex's nor Scott's. Scott was getting really hard alongside. Mark loves hard fucking and sometimes pain but Scott should consider what a bottom feels at different moments when he is being fucked.

Notes for the tops: Sometimes a bottom might not like the hard pounding (even if he is into it) and sometimes they want to be fucked mercilessly like there will be no other time for it. Right now Mark was in a state of mind where he wanted to be fucked slowly and passionately, he wanted to be patted like Alex would do, he wanted to be cared like Alex does.

Alex was someone who would somehow understand Mark's state of mind and would know what his bottom want. Alex always cared about him and Greg during sex like if they felt pain, etc.

"Why I'm still thinking about Alex?", Mark thought feeling the hardcore sex

"Go slow Scott it hurts", Mark pleaded.

"Shut up bitch and take my cock", Scott spanked his ass hard.

"Ahhhh...fuck...I'm close", Scott roared and he exploded juice after juice of his cum in Mark's hole. Mark felt the juices hitting his gut. The pain was hell but he endured after all it was his decision to come and get fucked by him. After dumping his load in his hole Scott left his hole. Mark was not satisfied as he didn't get the chance to cum even his cock was hard but Scott pulled it out earlier.

"Man I'm sorry I couldn't jerk you off as I was so lost in fucking you. You have one amazing hole you know that.", Scott was dressing himself up and Mark sat in bed silently. He still felt emptiness. His hole rejected Scott's cock. He was recalling the lock and key model and the key to his hole was owned by only Alex.

"If you want another round then do call me. Thanks for your amazing time", he bade him farewell and left the room. Mark was not happy with all this. He needed to explode as well. He grabbed his cock and began to jerk faster and harder.

"Ahhhh...I'm cumming....ALEX...ahhhhhhhh", Mark exploded his juice all over his abdomen.

"Why did I call his name?", Mark was embarrassed.

Alex ordered drink after drink sitting nonchalantly in the bar. Today he was getting a bit tipsy as he was not used to drinking that much. He was still mad at Mark who rejected him like he meant nothing to him. Alex don't like being rejected. He took it as an insult to his character, to his prowess and dominating demeanor. He came to his usual bar. Liam might not be there as he had to take care of the preparation for the upcoming admission.

Alex didn't notice someone sitting next to him. He was focused on drinking and thinking about Mark. Physically that man was large and buff not overly muscular but a bear. He must be around forty about 6'5 tall and was handsome. His gorgeous face was adorned with trimmed thick beard and had a military style hair cut. He himself ordered a drink and continued looking at Alex with a cunning smile. Alex suddenly looked at the man when he ordered the drink and turned away. He had seen him many times and had his eyes on him and today he got the opportunity. He was into innocent and cute twinks and Alex was both innocent and cut.

"You seem frustrated boy", the man said. Alex looked at him again thinking why would he care to ask that.

"Yes sometimes one doesn't feel well", Alex gave a quick glance over the man's body. Although he was not the type Alex liked but his large physique was quite a catch. Fucking this gigantic man would be so dominating, he thought.

"Let me give you some fun", the man came closer and put his hand on Alex's ass squeezing it a bit. Alex understood he was one of those jarheads who was thinking him to be a bottom but he didn't care as he look like one.

"By the way I'm Colt", the man told his name.

Alex turned to him, both their faces were few centimeters away, Colt's black eyes piercing through him. Alex smiled and said, "I'm a top and you can't handle me", Alex thought this will annoy him as whenever he had told others about his role either they would leave or would try to convince him but in the end the cocky top would always be the one getting his cherry popped by Alex.

"Daddy can handle everything boy. It makes daddy more excited, fucking a naughty top son makes me hard ", Alex was taken a back at his words. Colt had an over confident stature that made Alex surprised as other guys would try to list him the characteristics of their dicks and how their bottoms couldn't resist them but this man was something. Colt licked Alex's face which made him cringe. Alex was not feeling in right state otherwise he would teach him a life long lesson but he still wanted to give a try. He removed his hand from his butt and kissed him.

"So you are in boy?", Colt asked.

"No", Alex smiled and stood up. He was loosing it so he stopped drinking walked towards the exit, his eyes were getting blurred so he rubbed them. He was about to fall when he came out of the bar but was supported by someone's shoulder. It was Colt who put his hand on his shoulder and took him to his car.

"You know I had my eyes over you for quite some time now. I would saw you with other guys and get jealous but tonight is my moment boy....", Alex could hear what Colt was saying but was struggling to understand them. Alcohol was taking his effect.

"Leave me you perv...", Alex mumbled.

"I'm not a pervert my son, daddy is gonna take care of his boy", Colt smirked deviously and thrash Alex in the front seat while Alex could do nothing against this huge man of a beast. Colt took the driving seat and locked the car from inside. Alex was his hands and legs but it was of no use.

"Daddy will take care of you", Colt gave a cunning chuckle and went off.

Mark was wandering about the streets in his car. He was really missing Alex now, his touch, his smile, his talk, his cock and his body. Mark sped up the car, every sexual intercourse that happened with Alex was playing like a film in his head. He applied the break suddenly and car stopped with a helping squeak. He came out if the car and crossed his arms around his chest. He looked around to feel the serenity of the abandoned road. He was feeling vulnerable and captivated by Alex charm. His hole twitched and cock throbbed thinking about him taking control over his body.

"Alex is the real top stud...", Mark pulled out a cigarette and ignited it.

"He dominates like a real top, acts like one and fucks like one..", Mark released the smoke in air.

"And I want to submit to him...just like..", he inhaled deeply.

"Just I want to become his slave just like him?", Mark exhaled the smoke again.

"I'm confused", Mark thought. Out of no where he saw a white car coming. It was running on average speed. As the car passed by he saw a familiar figure hitting the man who was driving. Mark recognized the figure, it was Alex. Mark understood the situation and quickly sat in his car and drove off.

Mark was really worried, he was sweating and constantly thinking about Alex. Someone had kidnapped him and he lost the chase of his car. He was driving rashly to get its clue but all his efforts were not working.

"Where the fuck did it vanished?", Mark shouted.

Colt grabbed the intoxicated Alex by arm and threw him over his shoulders.

"Ll....leave", Alex speech slurred. He was hitting his back but he only smiled at Alex's failed attempts. Colt entered his house and locked it. The ground floor of the house was presently organised which absolutely didn't match the wild persona of the beast. It seemed that he lived with someone. Colt walked up the stairs and unlocked a room. He threw the intoxicated Alex on the bed and himself came down. He took off his shirt and fetched a can of bear from the refrigerator. He uncanned it and gulped down his throat. Some streaked down his mouth to his bulging chest and abdomen. He had a nice solid body. His melons were meaty and abdomen was a solid pile of fat and protein. He was a hairy bear but not chubby or fat. He grabbed another can and went upstairs.

Mark after roaming about for fifteen minutes at last found the car parked outside a house. He quickly parked it behind the car and ran towards the house. He tried to open it but it was locked.

"Fuck...that asshole", Mark could not make any hasty move so he thought of different ways to break into his house without him knowing. He took a circle around the house and there was not a single point to break in. He saw light radiating out of a room above. He looked around and saw a metal pipe aligned with the periphery. He knew what he had to do. He tried to climb up the metal pipe and in doing that he cut his hand as well but he couldn't stop now.

Meanwhile, Colt had entered the room and was surprised to see Alex sitting on the bed. He was tipsy but he managed to sit up. Colt took off his pants with a cunning smile and opened the can again. He drank some and hold the tipsy Alex and attached the opening of can to hit his mouth. He forced Alex to drink it that Alex couldn't do.

"Boy I'm gonna have so much fun. You have made me so excited. Look at my cock it's throbbing. You are the first one who is resisting me otherwise every twink like you gets desperate to be fucked by my daddy cock", Colt jerked his eight inches python that was ready to fuck Alex. Colt stood him up using power of his strong muscles. With one hand he supported Alex and from other hand he strip his shirt off and threw it. It was an easy job for the mighty man like him. Colt pulled off his pants as well leaving Alex only in his boxers. Alex knew there was bad going on so he pushed his legs and kicked Colt on his thigh which was painful. Colt got aggressive and furious and slapped Alex again.

"Fuck....don't ..dooo", Alex shouted in his slurred voice.

"I'll tell you boy who is fag", saying it Colt strip his boxers as well and came over him forcing his mouth in his.

After struggling hard Mark made it to the back of room. Fortunately the window was not locked and he saw through the glass window Colt who slapped Alex on the face who fall down feeling the pain. Mark got infuriated but he couldn't make any foolish move. He waited for the right moment to get in. Colt jumped on the bed and came over Alex kissing him forcefully. Mark couldn't see all this. Colt's hairy ass was in his view but Mark waited more. Alex continued his struggles to push the dude away but he was no match for Colt in physical strength.

"Stop it", Alex shouted but Colt grabbed his hands taking them above his head he held them with his one hand and continued to invade his mouth with his tongue. Alex resisted but the pressure was too intense and he was not in right state of mind as well. Everything around him was becoming blur. His resistance was vanishing and Colt felt it. He lowered down the grip on his hands and invaded his mouth further. Alex couldn't resist anymore and he gave up. His hands, his legs and body seems to be paralysed. He lost hope that somehow he would escape this situation. He admitted his defeat, his body was not coping with the situation, alcohol had made him so vulnerable.

"You are so cute boy", Colt left Alex's mouth momentarily and again attacked it. He was getting hard. He grabbed Alex's balls from one hand and from other his hair.

"Ahhh", Alex moaned with pain. Mark realised how much in trouble Alex was. As he felt Colt was lost in lust he utilised this opportunity and slid the glass window lightly. The door made slight squealing sound but it was not loud enough to alert Colt. Mark took quiet steps not to get noticed and had a glance around the room to find something that could help him to fight Colt. He without making any commotion pulled the handle of drawer and his eyes bulged out to see a shotgun and metal handcuffs. Mark had a doubt but as he looked at a picture on the drawer his doubt became reality. There was Colt standing with his wife in cop uniform.

"So this asshole is a cop and his wife is not here, which means she doesn't know about his secret life", Mark's face glowed with a cunning smile. He got hold of shotgun and took out his smartphone.

"Alex I hope you can take a bit longer. I want to teach this bastard a life long lesson", Mark muttered and on his camera where the nice, firm and hairy ass of officer Colt was sliding against the crotch of a young boy. Colt was rubbing his crotch against Alex's and kissing him like a wild beast.

"Oh fuck boy, you are one amazing boy", Colt smirked and moved down and began sucking and biting Alex's nipples.

" ...ass...hoooolee...ahhh...fuckk", Alex moaned high when his nipples were bitten. Colt inserted his two fingers in Alex's gaping mouth and took behind his mouth in the throat blocking his words to utter. With other hand Colt lowered Alex's boxers down his ankles and threw them on floor. He took his one leg up.

"Ready to take daddy's huge dick son?", Colt asked Alex cunningly.

" fuck. .stop", Alex still realising he was in trouble tried his best but he knew the struggles were useless.

"It seems you are boy", and Colt took his both legs up exposing Alex's hole aligning his Rick hard cock against his ass.

"I ll use the lube after I popped your virgin ass boy", Colt who was on heat to fuck an ass felt a cold metallic object touching his back.

"Leave him officer it's over", Mark pointed the gun deep in his skin. Colt who was anticipating a fuck was left in shock. Someone was standing behind him with a gun and he didn't notice. How was that possible? He was a cop. He tried to to turn around.

"Uh..uh...don't try to outsmart me asshole otherwise you ll be dead and nobody will know about it", Mark warned him and Colt fell in a stranger's trap. It was the first time that the hunter was hunted.

"What do you want? If you want money then you can take it", Colt try to distract him. Mark threw the handcuffs at him.

"What are these?", Colt asked.

"You are a cop and you don't know what are these? What a pathetic cop you are?", Mark smirked which made Colt mad. Mark came behind him.

"Bring your both hands behind your back without looking back, and don't act smart otherwise you know...", Mark whispered in his ears pressing the gun deep. For the first time in his police career he felt his soul leaving his body. He was completely helpless right now and complied with the stranger. Mark cuffed his hands tightly.

"Go and stand against the wall face in front. Don't you dare to turn back", Colt did as he was told with clenched teeth. He wanted to see who was dating enough to make him do this.

"I'm looking at you faggot", Mark wanted to humiliate this cop and Colt was trying hard to calm himself down. He was so lost in lust that he made big mistake.

"Alex are you alright?" Mark hugged Alex tightly. He was so worried about him but thank God he was safe. He grabbed his boxers and pull over his thighs. He had never seen Alex like this before cuz usually he or Greg or any other man would be the one in such state and he actually didn't like him like this. He loves the dominant Alex.

"Hey...who are you?", Alex was still hung.

"It's me Mark", Colt was listening their conversation with open ears. Now he knew what was his name.

"Hn...Mark...", Alex tried to open his eyes and fixed his vision to recognise the face.

" this you? you soon much", Alex sounded really cute and Mark smiled at his slurred conversation.

"I missed you as well buddy", Mark was really happy to save Alex from this hideous man.

"Just stay here I ll take you with myself but first I have to talk to someone", Mark left Alex on the bed and stepped towards Colt. Colt's heart raced high with every step Mark took. Now it was time to face his match.

Mark turned Colt around and before Colt could see his hunter he received a hard punch on his face.

"What the fuck---", Colt growled and another punch.

"This is for hurting my friend", Mark growled more. Colt's mouth and nose began to bleed. Colt remained silent as he could do nothing at the moment. He felt the pain and tried to release his hands. Mark pulled a chair towards him and thrash Colt in it. He took his shirt and ripped it apart just like Colt tore Alex's shirt. He grabbed his ankles and tied them with the pieces of his own shirt.

"Now you are prepared faggot", Mark smirked. He slapped him tightly on his face like he did to Alex. He gave another slap. Colt had clenched his teeth and was struggling to free himself.

"Smack", another tight slap from muscular dude.

"Stop", it was it for Colt. But Mark was not done. He gave plethora of tight slaps to the cop whose face was red with five fingers.

"Stop it...ple..ASE", Colt had to do it and Mark stopped. He grabbed another chair and sat in front of him.

"So you are a cop and you tired to take my friend", Mark said.

"I didn't it was a willing deal", Colt shouted. Mark played a video on his phone and gave kick in Colt's balls that hurt like hell.

" mother-", Colt's eyes watered with the shear pain. Another slap on the face.

"You have a woman as well. Don't you?", Mark pointed the gun at Colt's balls. His eyes bulged out.

"Is he serious?", Colt thought and swallowed his saliva in fear.

"Answer my every question honestly and I might spare your manhood", Mark said in a dead voice.

"So tell me who is the woman in that picture?", Mark pointed at the frame over drawer.

"She wife", Colt still felt the pain in his balls.

"Any child?", Mark asked.

"A son...5 year old", he told him.

"You are married man and fathered a son and still you tried to take someone. What a shameless person you are", Mark showed his disgust.

"You are a homosexual pathetic piece of shit and I bet you wife also don't know about your dirty secret. Answer me asshole", Mark jerked the chair. Colt was so much furious that he could even murder Mark but he was powerless.

"Answer me scum", Mark shouted.

"I'm.....sorry", Colt said with clenched teeth.

"No you are not asshole. You must learn to mean an apology", Mark gave a devious grin that Colt couldn't understand and his eyes opened wide when he saw Mark's hand reaching for his pants unzipping it. Mark was smiling like a devil.

"I ....I won' that", there was fear in Colt eyes. He tried to act cool but couldn't. Mark took his own python out of the cage that sent Colt in a realm of fear. Mark then put the gun over Colt's balls.

"I'm gonna teach you how you can make apology for what you did today. You have two options. One suck my dick like a professional cocksucker, second, you can say byebye to your testes. The choice is yours officer", Mark smirked. Colt was in a fix. His manhood was on stake. He had never ever given blowjob to anyone. He was a fucker and loved to fuck weak little twinks. He was not into dicks. Mark could read Colt's scared face and the fear in his eyes. He stood up and came closer to his face. His own dick got hard and was few centimeters away form Colt's mouth then he put shotgun on his head. Colt had no other option. He smelt the manky aroma form Mark's manhood, closing his eyes he opened his mouth.

"Good DADDY", Mark smirked and pushed his cock in the welcoming mouth.

"Oh fuck your mouth is amazing", Colt doesn't know how to suck a dick and a fat long dick like Mark's was impossible. Mark was pushing in and out of his mouth moaning louder.

"What if your wife sees you like this officer?", Mark humiliated him.

"What will she think?", Mark asked.

"Oh I know push....", Mark pushed harder hitting his pharynx making Colt gag.

"She will husband is a cock lover...a faggot who wants cock", Mark hurried his balls deeper in his throat forcing his head in his crotch. Colt chocked. He couldn't inhale air just the manly aroma hitting his nostrils. His face was red and blue and he tried to push his face but Mark didn't let him. He wanted to bite and tear the cock off his fucker's crotch.

" are amazing", at last Mark left his head and took his cock out. Colt took a deep breath and cough harder. He had never done this before and it was new to him.

"You seem expert for a newb", Mark humiliated him again.

"Now for the best part. I'm gonna fuck your face and you ll comply with me officer. No teeth no nothing. Got it?", Mark didn't wait for the reply and slammed his cock into Colt's mouth harder and rougher.

"Fuck always love to get a blowjob from a beginner", Mark growled louder fucking Colt's face with his balls deep inside. Clot just went with the flow and behaved like a recurving cocksucker. He kinda liked smelling the aroma from Mark's hairy crotch. Mark did his best to fuck his throat that would give a bulge when Mark's cock enters it. Colt's face was red, eyes watered and he wanted to gag. He kinda adopt the hard fuck.

"You are a quick learner officer. Man you felt amazing. I'm close. Just stay like this and it ll be over soon.", Mark instructed him and Colt like an obedient student didn't mess up. He was sucking and tasting the precum in his mouth. It felt sweet. He knew that Mark would explode in his mouth and in corner of his mind he was preparing himself. Mark's cock throbbed in Colt's mouth.

"Yes office I'm just gonna....ahhhh...ahhh..blowwwwwww", Mark erupted load after load not leaving Colt's head and filled his mouth and throat with his manjuice. Colt was not ready for such galon of cum and coughed as a result some if Mark's cum went I to his nostrils as well. He swallowed the cum and it felt tasty.

"Good DADDY", Mark pulled his cock out. Colt's face looked priceless.

"I'm done with you for today and believe me I was so soft with you. The real fun will begin soon after Alex becomes normal and I promise even I won't be able to save you from his wrath", Mark warned him and came to Alex who was sound asleep. Mark dressed himself as his shirt was ripped off Alex remained shirtless. He grabbed Alex in his muscular arms and was about to exit when he returned.

"Oh one more thing....I'm gonna leave the key and your gun down. You are a cop and I believe you can get it and free yourself before your wife arrives. See ya", Mark smirked and left the room. He came down the staircase looking at innocent Alex and put the gun and key on sofa. He gave a last look around Colt's house and slammed the door. He carefully put Alex in the car and drove towards his home.

Next: Chapter 7

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