Training the Military Studs

By Master Primus

Published on Jul 28, 2020


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Chapter 2: Greg's downfall

My mobile was ringing but I was taking shower. I came out and dried my hair. I took my mobile and laid down in bed in my towel. I saw missed calls. It was an unknown number. I called myself. After few seconds, it was taken. "Hello. Who's there?", I uttered but nonresponse.

"Helloooo....will anybody speak?", I asked again but no response.

"Fuck off then", I disconnected and switched on the TV. I was thinking about Jason the hot stud. I was gonna fuck him in one or two days. My towel expressed a tent. I smiled at my hard cock. Jason had such a personality that he could make me hard any time. He had masculine features and acted like a real man. All the traits were present in him that I liked in my men. Most of the guys think I like sissies but I hate them. I'm I to men, the masculine hot and muscular men not sissies or girly looking.

"Beep beep", my mobile rang again. It was the same number.

"What the fuck...", I was cut off by a voice this time.

"Hi..", the voice said.

"Who's there?", I asked annoyed.

"I'm really sorry for my silent response before", the voice was so manly and attractive. I calmed down.

"Ok....who are you?", I asked him.

"Hmm....I'm Greg. We met in the hospital yesterday. Remember.", The voice sated. I remembered and recall I mess up with a nurse in Henry's room.

"Oh...the nurse who I fuck...", I said cheekily. I could hear him paused for few moments. He must be embarrassed. I was smiling deviously and waited for what he would say.

"Oh...about are you?", He said.

"I'm fine. Watching TV in my towel squeezing my member.", I said cockily. I wanted him to remain in his embarrassing and confused state. Mam I was loving this, making hot studs confused and embarrassed.

"Oh..I see....", He said and then paused.

"You can see it in real as well.", I smiled and could hear his fake sound of chukle. I knew he was embarrassed as he could not believe how a guy like me could pop his cherry.

"Oh.....", He paused. I knew why he called me. I wanted him to say it.

"Why did u call me Greg?", I at last asked.

"I....just wanted to say you hi I guess....we couldn't introduce ourselves to each other yesterday so I thought to know each other...", he said. I was annoyed as hell.

"My name is Alex.", I said removing my towel and picking up my shorts.

"Greg...don't stretch it and come to the tell me why did you call me?", I sounded dead serious. He must have anticipated what I expected him to say next.

" gave me your number to ....see you.....", He said.

"So u wanted to see me then?", I asked.

"Yes...", He finally said.

"But why do u wanna see me?", I asked him the reason.

"I....I ...I don't know.", He replied.

"You know Greg. You are just hesitating. Spit it out Greg. Why do u want to meet me?", I emphasized.

"I want to see you....and I want to feel it again....", Greg was trying hard to say it. Of course it was embarrassing for him to say in proper words.

"What do u want to feel Greg?", I asked him amusing.

"You know that.", He said. He was annoyed

"I wanna hear in proper words. What do u want to feel again Greg?", I asked sternly.

"Don't make me say it....please", Greg felt his vulnerability.

"You can say it Greg. I know u can say it. ", I encouraged him a bit.

"I can't. I just can't. I'm a top.", Greg pleaded.

"You are not and you know that. Street number....", I told him my address.

"It is my address and I want you at my doorfront at exactly by 6 pm with your answer and if you couldn't come up with the answer don't bother to show yourself again.", I said in a cold tone. I wanted to break his limits. I was the limit breaker.

"Ok.....", He replied and we disconnected. Now I was lost in thoughts of Greg. His tanned smooth muscular skin, blond hair and masculine face. He was the perfect example of guy I'm into. I couldn't see his body properly yesterday and I knew I was gonna see him naked tonight.

******* Greg:

"Why the hell did I call him?", Greg was in his room nude thinking about the yesterday's events. He was a top stud. He took his middle finger and inserted in his tight hole. After feeling some pain he took it out quickly.

"What am I doing?", Greg could feel the pain in his hole from all that rough fucking and despite he don't take a dick up his ass he was fighting with his emotions because he liked the feeling of something in his hole.

"No way....fuck", he was confused and took his head in hands.

I was set in cardiology ward and went to see the patient. As he entered the room he saw a boy absorbed into his phone. I was writing the patient's info when he stood up and came to me. I smiled as I noticed him looking at my ass AND Unusually get noticed with my muscular physique and handsome looks, everyone always took a sight of me and I always enjoyed it when men gave me hungry looks. My gaydar activated and looked at that cute looking bottom boy to fuck as I had been very busy and was horny since last night, I couldn't cum in my bottom's ass because I received a call from emergency ward and I had to rush with horny and hard dick. After being whole night in the hospital I struck a jackpot to release my load.

I usually get hard by seeing such college young boys and with first glance at him I knew I was gonna laid him. When he went for the first move, I was surprised as I'm the one who always takes first step but I didn't care as I was so horny and getting hard so I let him make the move until I received another shock when he started squeezing my bubble butt and whispered in my ears. I felt something weird when he squeezed my dick. I tried to push him back but he squeezed my balls tightly giving me the pain. I was getting shock after shock at this cocky bastard. My cock started to drip and I fell weak. He was licking my neck, my earlobes and whispering sensually in my ears. I couldn't grasp what was happening as he didn't stop squeezing my cock. I was already hard and horny. I'm a heavy cummer so I fell for his sensual touch and returned to my senses when he lowered my trousers down and bent me on bed's railing. I told him that I was a top and I assumed he would leave and stop stimulating me but I was wrong. He took my hands up and grabbed them tightly and started fingering my hole. My hole is really sensitive and I usually get carried away when my bottom's give me a rimjob so I purposefully avoid getting one so that I don't get carried away. But this cocky bastard was something else. He continued assaulting my sensitive hole and made my dick leaking volumes of precum. I was feeling pain but then after he inserted second finger I was in a bliss. I had been fingered many years back and I realised I didnt like the pain it gave so I never let anyone touch my hole. But I was wrong may be I was running away from this humiliating pleasure. I was broken cuz I needed to cum badly. I lowered down my all resistance and let him do what he was doing as I never felt such painful pleasure before. The after effect of a ruined orgasm from last night was affecting me.

He then slammed me against the door and I received the most unimaginable thing in my hole that no one could ever expect a top like me to take it. I was horny, you need to understand I was leaking my juice and needed a release. I thought that this kid can pull me out of my sexual frustration and I let things go. I could have stopped him but my body was not in my favour. I don't know I'm confused. I could have stopped that humiliation but why I didn't instead I put failing struggles. Was I anticipating to how much extent that fucker could go? Was my mind liking the fake struggles I made? It was so humiliating. I felt his cock fucking my chute and I just received it closing my eyes moaning. He was ruining my hole and I was for some weird reason liking all that stuff. I liked how he dominated me, how he seduced me and how he fucked me, brought the slutty side out of me. I cannot believe I let that happen. The worst thing was I let him give me a facial with his cum and force me to taste it.

I always thought and observed my bottom's face expressions when I fucked them. I was curious about how they take cocks in their asses and love them. And I felt the same way today. I felt how my bottom's would go crazy in pleasure when I gave them a facial and force them taste my juice, how much they loved it. I felt the same. And now I was calling him because my body wanted it again, it wanted to feel the same pleasure again. But I still consider myself a top, I cannot go to his place to be fucked again. Then why I felt satisfied after taking his address. Was I going to his place in evening? I thought.

"Fuck....", I stood up and get myself ready for the hospital. I will think about it later. It was a mistake I made. I was not gonna go to his place.

****** I was surfing dark web again wanted to know about the academy's secrets again. But there was a threat that didn't let me in. I didn't know what to do cuz on little mistake it could cause damage to my pc. I thought to ask my friend to help me. I called him

"Man I'm in trouble with this threat that isn't letting me in.", I said.

"I have to come to yours to see it.", He said.

"Then come right now.", I commanded. "I'm busy in my own stuff......will come at night.", He said.

"No....then come tomorrow instead...I'm busy evening", I lied.

"Busy or fucking someone .....who is this time?", He asked jocking.

"Bastard....there is someone", I said smiling trying to solve issue myself.

"Hey...I guess I need to come...see ya later.", I was feeling proud of myself. I disconnected without hearing his response.

I entered the room as a bot.

" what are you fags are talking about.", I started reading the details.

"Magical water...drugs....etc. what was that all about? Was this academy involve in drug trafficking?", I thought. There were four people online. I tried to hack one of em. It was gonna be difficult cuz on dark web most of the people use fake accounts with fake info and all.

"Titus pth", was one of the users. I clicked his name and a window opened. My anti malware software responded. So they have attached a malware to the window. The software handled that malware. I tried to get to his location and IP.

"Got it.", I jumped. I break into his account. As expected there was nothing that could lead me to the user. But now I knew his IP. It indicated San Fransisco. I searched more and found out the exact location. It was showing the map of the academy. It means that person was using the site from inside of academy.

"Damn it. No progress at all.", I was disappointed. I had to enter academy then. I closed the laptop.

****** My bell rang at exact 6 pm. I knew who will be on door. I opened the door and yes there was that handsome nurse in his tight fitting blue Nike t-shirt and dark maroon grand showing off his thick tattooed biceps, well defined and pumped up pecs. I was looking him from head to toe. He had cut his curly blond hair short and shaven his face. His strong jawline was prominent. His masculine features were highlighted by his crystal blue eyes. Man he was looking appealing to be devoured by me.

"Hi Alex. I'm Greg.", Greg greeted me. We shook hands. I signalled him in . He looked nervous.

We sat in my sofa and I opened the bottle of Champaign. I handed over him the glass. He took it nervously.

"Feel yourself at home Greg.", He nodded his head and looked around. I was in my shorts and wife beater shirt.

"Nice house.", He said. I smiled at his nervousness. A day before he was so confident and cocky and now he looked scared like a mice strangled in cat's paw.

"So did u come up with your answer?", I asked him.

"Yes but I don't know I should say it or not.", He said. I came closer to him. He saw me and I could feel he took a deep breath as I put my hand on his. He was wearing Vortic watch.

"You will say it Greg.", I said fixing my eyes in his. He couldn't stand my stare and rotated his eyes. I smiled at his cute act of anxiousness.

"I just don't understand this attraction I'm feeling for you. I have never felt anything for anyone before. I was a top stud but you instilled something weird in me yesterday that I liked it.", He was saying looking at the Champaign glass feeling me caressing his large hand. I moved my hand and caressed his meaty thigh. I had to be the one to make first move and be bold. I know he understands what I'm doing as he had been the one who always made the first move before but the tables had turned on him. I came closer and closer. Our arms kissed and heads were centimetres apart. He looked at me and was surprised as I was so close to his face. We were staring at each other.

"And ....what did you feel Greg"?", I asked him. The warmth of my breadth would be hitting him. My hand was continuously rubbing his thigh and other hand was holding his hand. I reached his groin region and placed my hand over hi crotch. I could feel the sensations developing in his pants. His tool jumped. His heart was racing high.

"I enjoyed what you did to me the other day Alex. I had been a top till you topped me.", He closed his eyes and inhaled my warmth.

"When I saw you there and I knew who you were Greg. It had been long time for you hiding in shadows and pretending something you are not.", My own eyes were closed. Our foreheads joined together and my hand squeezed his gigantic rock hard member.

"Ahhh", he escaped a sensual moan. Our eyes opened and we were still gazing at each other lecherously. I was squeezing his dick hard and wasted no time in moving forward and attacking his mouth with mine. He took the oral assault and was bounced back with my sudden attack. My one hand was still squeezing his hard dick and other hand was now caressing and squeezing his thick bicep. I could feel he was on heat. He was horny and wanted me. I continued kissing him, taking my tongue in his mouth rolling it over his tongue. He tried to push me back by a forced kiss pressing his own tongue against mine. There was still a hope in him that he could dominate me that he could shine as a top again but it was no use. He was in hands of an ultimate top Dom.

I gave a hard squeeze to his balls and left nipple and he almost screamed but it was dissolved by my brutal oral invasion. This gave me a leverage to kiss him with more force pushing him back. He understood it was no use giving any sort of try. He had to surrender to me. Not leaving his balls and nipple and squeezing them tightly and I pushed him on his back and came over his muscular abdomen and chest.

I pushed my tongue back in his throat. He was not resisting anymore. He succumbed to my oral invasion. Our saliva mixed and he sucked my tongue. His balls were burning and dick was like steel rod aching in his underwear. I unbuckled his pants with my hand and unzipped it. He sensed what I was gonna do and tried to stop me with his hand but I took his both arms and pulled them over his head pinning them at the edge of sofa with my one hand. He didn't resist.

Now I understand he wanted me to force him do what "I" want. He didn't wan to assume me that he gave up easily. Yes there are men who think that they cannot be topped until someone force them to. But was it necessary?

I pushed his pants down and squeezed his rock hard cock through his briefs. It was already leaking precum as I could feel the wetness in his briefs. I was still kissing him roughly, biting his lower lip and sucking his mouth.

I squeezed his dick hard. "Ahhhh", and a muffled moan escaped from his mouth. He was prepared. He has his all restrictions and barriers down now. He was at my will to do what I want.

I lowered his briefs down and exposed his leaky python of a cock. Man it felt thick in girth and long in length. I was stroking it faster. I had to break him this night and made this stud my bitch. I gave a harder stroke.

"Fuck....mfff", a scream came out of his mouth but I was not gonna stop kissing him. You see I'm a great kisser. Most of the time I can seduce a man by my kiss. And even this time I was doing a good job in kissing this blond stud. His dick was fully erect and leaking volumes of precum. He seems to be a heavy cummer, another weak point of studs like him who do not like edging and this is what I was gonna do to him. I took him to the edge of his shooting and stop.

"Fuck.....", He uttered. He wanted to cum. Even yesterday I didn't let him cum. I stopped stroking him and started playing with his taut nipples through his t-shirt. Man I love this. He was calming himself down. His dick was throbbing less. He needed another round of stroking. I pulled my head over. A long steel of saliva from his mouth to mine connected us. He looked so cute. We both stared at each other.

I took his softening dick again in my hand and started rubbing and stroking it.

"Ahhhh....fuckk...", He moaned staring into my eyes. I was smiling at him. I continued to stroke his tool and it was getting hard again. His dick was not circumcised. I pushed the foreskin down exposing his sensitive glans scratching it with with my thumbnail and he cried at this move of mine. Every guy loves it when I do it to them. "Ahhh...yeah..", he moaned louder this time. I stimulated his glans and pushing his dick up and down.

"Mhhh...ahhhhhhhhh.....ahhhhh...ahhhh", he was managing and graining like a bottom slut. He forgot that he was a top stud who don't moan like a bitch but he was in hands on mine now who was gonna take care of his real needs very well. I was applying pressure on the frenulum and massaging his throbbing dick.

"Ahhhh...ahhh...yeah...fuck....I'm loving it...Alex....I love it ...never felt such pleasure before....make me cum", he was crying and screaming aloud now as I continued pressing his frenulum and pumping his shaft harder and faster.

"Oh my god....oh my god....fuck.....grhhhhhh", Greg growled in pleasure. He took his arms off my Lock and pushed himself up kissing me. I was surprised at this move. But I continued to masturbate him harder and faster. I could feel he was close. He was penetrating my mouth and hugging me, clung to me like a kid. His throbbing dick erupted sprits of precum. He was kissing me screaming out groans and moans of pleasure. But he made sure not to push his tongue deep or push me aways with his powerful body. He was learning to adopt to my demands. I was kissing him and stroking him both.

"Hnnnnn....ahhhh...yeahh.", I knew he was about to cum. So I stopped stroking his dick.

"Fuck no....", He stopped kissing and stared at me disappointed. But I was smiling.

"What do u want Greg?", I asked.

"I wanna cum, please don't do this.", He asked me desperately. But I want him more desperate. I said nothing and again continued to stroke him slowly. His dick had become sensitive. It responded to my sensual touch and sprang up like a flower. I was going to fuck him and for that I have to prepare him mentally first. Blood flow to his cock got high and he was representing on of the best hard one I have ever seen in my small experienced life. His dick was full eight and a half inches fully erect.

"Ahhh....Alex...yes do it harder and faster...make me cum...make your man cum.....", I felt receiving orders from him. I squeezed his massive balls again and hard this time.

"Fuck....nooooo", he cried in pain.

"I just want u to moan and groan louder making pleasurable noises. And don't try to order around Greg.", I said sternly. He looked at me and nodded.

"Good boy", I continued to stroke him faster and harder.

"Moan louder boy.", I said.

"Yes...ahhh...ahhh...yeah.....yes stroke harder....sorry....I meant....ahhhhhhhh...fuckkk yeah..", he was a quick learner. I was smiling at his clumsiness.

I scratched his glans painfully this time and he screamed out louder in pleasure. He might have been sucked a lot but no one would have milked him like this before. Again he was on the verge of cumming and again I stopped. He looked at me desperately.

"Please...make me cum.", Yes this time it was the way I want my men to behave. The vulnerable expressions on my face aroused me and I was hard myself.

"Not now boy.", The embarrassment that comes and goes whenever I say him boy was so erotic to me. I kissed him and provided my tongue in that he received gladly this time. I took his shirt and pulled it over his head. I wanna inspect every inch of his muscled frame. His pecs bounced as the tight fitting shirt was pulled over. I ve no info about tattoos as I have none on my body. But his both huge arms were covered in flame rattles that looked sexy on him. He was smiling and looked stunning. His well defined six packs were just devouring.

"Stand up and get naked", I ordered and he did. He was standing in front of me naked, that beautiful body was standing in his all magnificence and might. He looked nervous standing in front of me with a hard on. I can understand. Most tops don't like to show off naked like this but he was not a top now. I pulled him by his hard dick and he felt the humiliation but didn't object. I pulled him closer and kissed him again. His arms rested on sofa's edge and I continued fucking his mouth with my tongue.

"Take my shirt off", I ordered him and he complied obediently. He was learning like an obedient cub.

"Now my shorts.", He came closer and pulled my shorts down, lifting my hips up and taking all the way down. I was resting there in my boxers. His eyes were fixed on my boner like yesterday. He was a top and I doubted he ever gave a blowjob to anyone. But tonight everything will proceed as I want. I gave my hard on a squeeze. He was enchanted how my dick was getting hard. I pulled my boxers down and brought my six and half inch thick dick out. I noticed him licking his lower lip and his eyes widened.

I stroke my dick harder giving it full erection. Greg continuously stated at me forgetting he was standing straight in front of me leaking. My own dick showed an impressive erection.

"Come here boy.", I called him and he stepped towards me in a trance.

"On your knees", I commanded and he did.

"Good boy.", I gave a jerk to my cock and he was watching it dangling in anticipation.

"You want it Greg. Don't you?", I said to him .

"So come over and lick it.", I said. He paused and was staring at my cock. I knew he was in a fix right now. As I predicted he never tried giving a blowjob before. He was thinking whether to do it or not. I knew he would do it so I didn't encourage him. His leaking cock was telling the entire story.

He moved his head closer, stuck his tongue out and licked my fully erect cock.

"Fuck.....yeah boy....fuck.", I moaned.

"Lick it properly and make it wet.", I ordered . He collected all of his saliva and made my dick wet with it. He licked it for good ten minutes.

"I know you want to take it that u couldn't do it yesterday. So suck it boy.", I said him. He looked at me, give a pause and opening his mouth wide he took it in.

"Yes boy. Suck it....suck it is all yours Greg. Devour yourself.", I commanded and guided him.

"He took few inches of my tool and then pushes his head up and then down giving me shivers and waves of pleasure hitting my entire body.

"Fuck Greg boy. You are an amazing cocksucker. Suck like you mean it. It is all yours.", I was encouraging him and he got motivated and applied more pressures sucking it good.

I took my hands and pushed his head down slowly so that he can take more inches. I grabbed his blonde curly hair and pushed his head down deep on my dick and then pulled him up. He didn't object. I pushed him down deep again and then up. As I pushed his head more he gagged. He pulled his head and coughed up. As he went up I pushed his head down on my dick.

"Wait please....", I didn't hear his pleads and pushed his head down.

"Good boy.....take it like a bitch you are.", I know this word would have hit him harder. I pushed him down and up harder and faster. He gagged once more but I didn't let him instead continued him pushing down and pulling up on my shaft. He was taking it, struggling a bit but trying more to take my six and half inches. His cock was rock hard the entire time and was leaking precum. He was desperate to shoot his load but he knew he had to comply to all my orders first.

I pulled his head over and saw his sexy saliva covered face.

"Good boy Greg. Now stand up and turn over.", He was almost prepared mentally and now it was the time for his hole to be lubed up. He stood up and turned over.

"Nice ass..." I slapped his left ass cheek. He shivered.

"Hmm....turn around and put your hands over the sofa's edge and spread your legs.", I commanded and he did as I said. I knelt down and slap his right ass cheek, his body shivered again. His ass cheeks were smooth and shaven including his hole. He was hygienic. I loved this attribute of his. His ass was bubbly and fuckable. I parted his cheeks and exposed his pink hole.

I licked it.

"Fuck....", Greg moaned. He didn't moan like such when I was playing with his cock. It seems he was an ass man. He had enjoyed rimming before. I licked his hole again. The nerve endings at his hole were sensitive sending the shockwaves and driving him crazy. I penetrated my tongue in his tight hole.

"Ohhhh...ahhhhhh...fuck...yeah..", he screamed aloud. Yes he was an ass man. This hole was gonna be mine and I ll ruin it.

I protrude deeper but his anal sphincter didn't let me invade his cherry. He was a top and never took any thing in his hole so it was a virgin hole and needed some preparation to be invaded. I gave a tight slap to his ass cheek and he bounced forward feeling the pain.

"Fuck...", He said.

"Just be relax. And let me give u a rimjob. Calm down and relax your anal muscles.", I said and he tried to calm himself down. I grabbed his ass cheeks again and licked his hole, spit it there and then attacked his hole with my tongue. This time I didn't receive much resistance from his hole. I slapped his cheek again and he relaxed himself. I loved giving a muscle top a hard spank. I spanked him again and he relaxed himself. I was half the way in with my tongue. Man he was so tight. It was gonna be fun fucking him.

I spit three to more times and spank his ass. I took my middle finger and collected my slave that was drooling down his crack and inserted my finger in his hole.

I guess he didn't expect this so he moved away. I grabbed his ass abruptly and gave another tightslap making his cheek red.

"Please...not today. We can do it next time.", He pleaded. I stood up my finger still in his hole.

"There is never a next time boy.", Saying this I grabbed his abdomen tightly and inserted my middle finger forcefully in his tight hole.

"Fuck...noo.....ahhhhh..ahhh.ahhh..", man did he scream out. I also was surprise but excited at the same time. I kept on inserting in his hole.

"Man you have such a tight hole. Damn it.", I whispered in his ear.

"Oh fuckk.....", He exclaimed panting high.

"I entered my second finger in as well and he screamed feeling intense pain. His hole felt burning. But I know he was liking it. He could have pushed me away but he didn't .

I continued to insert second finger harder and my both fingers were in his tunnel. I put my hand on his mouth and rotated my fingers in his slutty hole. He was screaming out loud. His painful sounds were music to my ears. I pushed my fingers out am din attaining a rhythm fucking his hole as he continued to main and groan in pain. I was not gonna be easy on my prey. I fucked his hole and main out louder myself feeling the dominance over this muscle hunk. He was screaming underneath me. It was so amazing. A mighty powerful man was whimpering under me. I gave him a good fingering hitting his prostate.

With every prostatic hit his leaking dick would also bounce to and fro. By now his screams had turned into slutty moans of pleasure. I took my hand off and pressed it on his thin waist fucking my fingers hard feeling his prostate.

"Oh. .... fuck....fuck man...yeah...ahhhh...ahhhh....ah....", He was moaning like bitch. His hole was well stretched now. I took it python in my hand and started stroking it. His body feeling the sensitive stimulations to both his extremely sensitive organs couldn't process the difference between his desires and resistance and Greg surrendered himself. His cock was gonna explode soon and he wanted to shoot his juice desperately. On the other hand his hole was on fire by that hard fingering.

"Alex...ahhhh...please let me shoot my load this time....I beg u....please Alex....ahhhh fuckkk", he begged like bitch on heat.

"My boys never cum like this Greg.", I scratched his glans with my nails and he screamed out in pleasure.

"Tell me how I like to let my men cum?", I whispered in his ear. Greg was not in the situation to stretch so he gave a straight answer.

"How you like it Alex...ahhhhh.... Let me cum how you like it.", Greg uttered as he couldn't control himself more. As he was about to shoot his load I stopped stroking and fingering him.

"Fuck no....please...let me cum..", Greg begged again. We face off each other and pushed him on his back on the sofa. I kissed him and whispered in his ear.

"I like my men to cum after they take my dick in their hole", i said and pushed his muscular legs up exposing his hole. I was naked and hard and slammed my dick in his hole.

"No...please stopppppppp", I rammed my entire length in his slutty hole really hard. I didn't care about the resistance Greg was giving. I just slammed him and after breaking all the all the anal barrier I was in his tunnel.

"Holy fuckkkkkkk", Greg's eyes were watered and his body was in pain. He knew front he beginning that it was gonna end this way. The top stud has been taken down now.

I pulled my dick out and rammed it in hard again and Greg was just screaming in pain mixed with pleasure. I continued fucking him. I wanna make him feel the real pleasure which he have been running away from.

"Ah....go slow....go slow....I can't take it anymore.", Greg cried.

"No boy, you can take it harder. Just shut the fuck up and take it like a bitch you are.", I continued fucking him.

"Oh no.....ahhhhhh....ahhhhhhhhh....mhhhhh", Greg was moaning high and loud.

"Smack", I spank his tanned and smooth juicy butt of his and in response he moaned out louder.

"Yes my boy. This is what you always wanted. Don't you? Answer me.", This was the time when I ll make him accept his bottom side. I pounded him hitting his prostate. His eyes widened as his prostate was hit hard. The surge of pain that Greg was feeling was replaced by waves of pleasure and bliss.

"Grhhhhhh....answer me Greg", I pushed deeper and took his legs up slamming them against sofa's back getting more and more access. My abdomen was clung to his and we both were panting high.

"Yes.....this is what I wanted.", Greg just want to be in this feeling. I smiled and rubbed his leaking cock making it rock hard and throb like a pulsing vein. Mam this specimen was just perfect.

"Oh yeah....yeah...let me cum....this time please...", Greg said and he was about to cum when I stopped again. I wanted to break him completely.

"Please I beg you. I cannot stand edging. Please Alex...I beg you.", Greg was acting like a desperate bitch. I also felt bad for him but few more mins and then I ll gibe him what he wants. I begin to stroke his getting red cock that was aching with getting stroked again and again.

"I promise this time I ll let you cum for me Greg.", I said jerking his shaft faster.

"Thank you Alex...thank you..", he said with shine in his eyes.

"First answer my questions Greg", I stroked faster and he was breathing heavily.

"Oh yes...I ll do anything Alex. Just make me cum. I wanna cum for u", he said.

"What is your name?", I asked. Greg's eyes were closed. He can do anything to shoot his juice.

"Greg....Greg Watson ahhh...ahhhh", he said. I tingled the skin joining his balls and shaft.

"Ohhhooohhh...fuck..", Greg was enjoying it.

"What do u do Greg Watson?", I asked again squeezing his balls from one hand and stroking his shaft with other hand.

"I'm a nurse at local hospital", Greg replied.

"Good boy", I completed his submission. No for the real question.

"What I your role boy?", I asked.

"I....I am.", He was saying it.

"Yes my boy are not a top. Then what is your role.", I reminded him he was not what he was gonna say.

"I'm ...I'm a ....fuck....I'm a bottom....ahhhhh.", he said at last.

"Yes you are a bottom stud. But not a regular bottom. You are a bitch.", I hit the nail. He was close.

"Oh fuckk......I'm close.",

"What you are Greg? Answer me.", I squeezed his balls.

"Ahhhh....fuck....I'm a bitch. A fucking bottom bitch.", He said desperately waiting to cum.

"You are my bitch Greg. ", I said.

"Yes I'm your bitch Alex....ahhhhhh...hhhhh.", Greg was breathing heavily. He was close to cumming. His pecs tightened and abs got taut.

"Yes bitch you are close. Repeat all the answers in order bitch", I ordered.

" name is Greg Watson. I'm a bottom stud and I'm your bitch.....fuckk..ahhhh." I continued stammering his hole hard and stroking his dick fast.

"Yes bitch repeat these lines and cum for me Greg. I'm gonna cum inside your hole as well.", I fucked harder hitting his prostate.

"Oh name is Greg Watson. I'm a bottom close and I'm your bitch.....fuckkkk", my balls churned and dick throbbed in his hole. Greg's cock also swelled and exploded all the juice boiling in his nuts.

"My name is.....ahhhhhhhh...ahhhhh. I'm cumming....I'm cummingg.....ahhhh fuckk yeah..", Greg was shivering with pleasure exploding shots over shots of his hot junk and receiving my hot seeds in his hole.

We both were panting heavily. I fell over the wide muscular chest of this hunk. We both were under the enchant of post orgasmic bliss.

******* Greg was sitting on the sofa placing a couch over his groin. He was confused thinking about the stuff that happened. How he got fucked the second time by the same person the second day. But he came himself in the first place. So did he want to get fucked? Did he want to be a bitch like he said earlier? He was just not in normal state of mind. I came and handed him over a glass of Champaign. I was in my boxers and sat besides him.

"Thanks." , Greg said and took the glass. There was silence between both of us. I looked at him sipping the drink.

"So did you enjoy Greg?", I asked him.

"Yeah." He smiled.

"Then why it is not expressing from your face.", He asked.

"I'm just confused right now. I never did that before. You are the first one to .....fuck me." Greg was still embarrassed to use that word.

"You ll get used to it boy", I said and Greg felt embarrassed hearing me calling him boy when I was definitely the boy here. He was staring at me but who cares I was just into his hole and fucking him.

"So what are you gonna do next?", I asked as I thought he would leave now.

"I ll go to bed now. I have to wake up early in the morning for hospital", Greg smiled.

"Ok. Wanna eat something?", I offered him.

"No I d be leaving now. Thanks for your time", he said wearing his clothes.

"That is my work boy. Thank you for giving your hole to me.", I said seriously. Greg was surprised at his cockiness. He wore his clothes and left.

Next: Chapter 3

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